
发布时间:2020-05-13 15:47:24







版权信息书名:旅游应急口语放口袋(【口袋版】旅游英语口语大全1分钟速查速用【掌中宝】)作者:方振宇排版:KingStar出版社:海豚出版社出版时间:2013-08-01ISBN:9787511013637本书由北京振宇锐智国际文化有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —前言Preface

本书本着为出国旅行的读者朋友提供英语语言沟通上的帮助而编写,取材时尽可能地涉及出国旅行时会遇到的各种场景,再根据各个不同的场景给出相关的英语情景句、地道对话与词汇,为出国旅行之英语应急好助手!另外还涉及英国、美国、法国等多个国家的典型文化背景知识,以期帮助您做好出国旅行前最充分的语言和文化准备,让您出国旅行再无后顾之忧!本书特色◆ 外教编写,地道实用

本书全部内容由外教编写,语言纯正地道、风格时尚流行。另外,本书涉及97个具体的旅游场景,既可以学习英语语言,又可以了解国外热点旅游国家的文化,为国外旅途中不可多得的好助手!◆ 突出重点,利于学习

本书按照句子——对话——词汇的顺序进行编排,让读者朋友可以快速地找到自己想要表达的相关内容,突出实用、应急效果。且每一部分都独立成章,让您可以根据自己的实际需要进行学习。◆ 纯正美语录音,冲击完美听觉

本书都是纯正美语录音,让大家全方位感受原味英文的氛围,加深对英语的记忆和理解,培养语感,从而做到脱口而出!◆ 高科技点读功能,随意点读随心学


最后,衷心希望广大读者能从本书中学到自己需要的语言、文化知识。持之以恒,多加练习,相信您一定能够掌握一口标准流利的英语口语,畅游世界!编者振宇英语中心Chapter 1准备出发喽!Preparations and Departure1 计划旅行 Planning the Tour2 申请签证 Applying a Visa3 预订机票 Booking Tickets4 办理登机 Registering for Boarding5 在飞机上 On the Airplane6 中途转机 Transfer7 行李提取 Retrieving the Luggage8 通关检查 Security Check9 兑换外币 Exchanging Foreign CurrenciesSection 1计划旅行Planning the Tours 情 景 句最应急· Going on a vacation would be nice.1去度假会很不错。 Morning. Can I consult you for some information about traveling?2早上好。我能向您咨询一些旅游方面的信息吗? I wonder what kind of places I could travel to.3我想知道我可以去哪些地方旅游。 Could you please arrange a trip for us?4你们可以为我们安排一次旅行吗? My wife and I want to go to France for a tour.5我和我妻子想去法国旅游。 Have you decided where to go?6您决定去哪儿了吗? What places do you want to visit in particular?7您有没有什么特别想去游览的地方? How about Paris?8巴黎怎么样? I want to get your tourist brochure.9我想要你们的旅行手册。 There is a 7-day tour to these countries.10有一个到这些国家的七日游。 Were you thinking of a group tour, madam?11您是不是想参团旅游,女士? Is there any extra charge?12有没有什么额外的费用? How long will the tour last?13这次旅行会持续多久? What interesting places shall we visit?14我们会参观哪些有趣的地方? Are all meals included?15三餐都包含在内吗? 句 型最万能·Can I consult you for some information about ...?我能向您请教一些……方面的信息吗?Have you decided where to go?您决定去哪儿了吗?What places do you want to ... in particular?您有没有什么特别想……的地方?How about...? ……怎么样?Is there any extra charge?有没有什么其他的额外费用?How long will... last? ……会持续多久? 对 话最地道·Hello, sir. Can I help you?Travel Agent:您好,先生。我可以为您效劳吗?Yes. Thank you. I’m traveling to America and would like to go on some Mike: 好的,谢谢。tours.我要去美国旅游,想去参观一些地方。To which cities will you be traveling?Travel Agent:您要去哪些城市旅游呢?New York City and Philadelphia.Mike:纽约市和费城。Great! May I suggest the Statue of Liberty tour in NYC and Liberty Bell tour in Travel Agent:太好Philadelphia? 了!我能建议纽约的自由女神像和费城的独立钟之旅吗?That sounds good. Thank you. Please book those tours 听起来不for me.Mike:错。谢谢。麻烦帮我预订一下这些行程吧。OK, no problem. And for which dates should I Travel Agent:好的,book them?没问题。那我该为您预订哪天的呢?Please book the Statue of Liberty tour for next Thursday and the Liberty Bell tour for Mike:麻烦预next Sunday.订下周四参观自由女神像和下周日参观独立钟。Sure thing. I will do Travel Agent:that right now.好的。我现在就预订。Thank you very Mike:much.非常感谢。Statue of Liberty 自由女神像,被誉为“美国的象征”,1886年10月28日矗立于美国纽约市海港内自由岛的哈德逊河口附近。Liberty Bell 独立钟,指美国费城独立厅的大钟,是费城的象征,更是美国自由精神的象征。 词 汇最实用·1 plan9 explore[plæn][ɪkˈsplɔː(r)]

计划探险 2 tour10 route[tʊə(r)][ruːt]旅行路线 3 sightseeing11 charge[ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ][tʃɑːdʒ]观光收费 4 valid12 country[ˈvælɪd][ˈkʌntri]有效的国家 5 photograph13 city[ˈfəʊtəɡrɑːf][ˈsɪti]照片城市 6 trip14 town[trɪp][taʊn]旅行城镇 7 companion15 vacation[kəmˈpæniən]同伴[vəˈkeɪʃn] 假期 8 scenery16 consult[ˈsiːnəri][kənˈsʌlt]风景 咨询 Section 2申请签证Applying a Visa 情 景 句最应急· I want to apply for a tourist visa.1我想申请一个旅游签证。 I’m Billy Jones and I’ll be handling your application. 我是比利•琼2斯,我将负责处理你的申请。 Nice to meet you, Mr. Jack.3很高兴见到您,杰克先生。 What would you like to do in Britain?4你想去英国做什么呢? Do you have any relatives there?5你在那里有亲戚吗? When do you prepare to depart?6你准备什么时候出发? Have you ordered the ticket?7你订机票了吗? How long will it take to get the visa?8要多长时间才能拿到签证? How long do you plan to stay in Australia?9你打算在澳大利亚待多久? Who is financing your trip?10谁来负担你的旅行费用? Have you ever been to Spain?11你以前去过西班牙吗? Did you get your visa yet?12你拿到签证了吗? 句 型最万能·I want to apply for a tourist visa.我想申请一个旅游签证。What would you like to do in...?你想去……做什么呢?Do you have any relatives there?你在那里有亲戚吗?Have you ordered the ticket? 你预订机票了吗?How long will it take to...?要多长时间才能……?Did you get your visa yet? 你拿到签证了吗? 对 话最地道·A Visa to America签证去美国 I would like to apply for a visa to America.Kevin:我想申请一张去美国的签证。For what kind of visa would you Visa 你想申请哪种类型的like to apply? Officer签证呢?:A student visa.Kevin:学生签证。OK. First, please fill out these Visa forms.Officer好的。首先,请把这些表格填一下。:Will it take long?Kevin:会花很长时间吗?Visa Not long at all.Officer一点也不长。:And what’s the next step after that?Kevin:接下来做什么呢?I will review your information and Visa then set up an interview for you.Officer我会审查你的信息,然后安排你进:行面签。OK. Is the interview difficult?Kevin:好的。面签难吗?Not at all. You just need to Visa 一点也不answer some questions. Officer难。你只需要回答一些问题就行了。:Alright. I will start filling out the forms now.Kevin:好的。我现在开始填表格。Visa Good. Take your time.Officer好的。慢慢填吧。:[ˈɪntəvjuː]interview n. 面试fill out 填写(表格)[fɔːm]form n. 表格 词 汇最实用·1 visa9 purpose[ˈviːzə][ˈpɜːpəs] 签证 目的2 apply10 invitation[əˈplaɪ][ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn] 申请 邀请3 application11 depart[ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn][dɪˈpɑːt] 申 出发请12 stay4 embassy[steɪ] 逗留[ˈembəsi]13 guarantee 大使馆[ˌɡærənˈtiː] 保证5 consulate14 schedule[ˈkɒnsjələt][ˈʃedjuːl] 领事 计划,馆安排6 passport15 order[ˈpɑːspɔːt][ˈɔːdə(r)] 护照 预订7 document16 relative[ˈdɒkjumənt][ˈrelətɪv] 文 亲戚件8 material[məˈtɪəriəl] 材料TipsWe may have traveled around the world and finally find our smiles are the most beautiful scene.我们走遍了全世界,到最后才发现,自己的笑容才是最美的风景。Section 3预订机票Booking Tickets 情 景 句最应急· What date and what number of the flight do you want to book?1您想预订哪天的哪趟航班? I’d like to make a reservation for a flight from New York to Boston 2on May 15th.我想预订5月15日从纽约飞往波士顿的航班。 I’m sorry, but we are all booked up for Flight 818 on June 10. 很抱3歉,6月10日的818次航班机票已经被预订完了。 When would you like to depart?4您想什么时候起程呢? Are there seats available on the next flight?5下一趟航班还有票吗? What time does it arrive in New York?6什么时候能够到达纽约? Do you mind a stopover?7您介意中途停留吗? I want to go economy, and I prefer the afternoon.8我想订经济舱,并且我喜欢乘坐下午的航班。 I prefer first class. What’s the fare?9我要头等舱。票价是多少? Do you want a one-way ticket or round-trip ticket? 您要单程票还10是往返机票? I’d like a window seat.11我想要一个靠窗户的座位。 Please remember to confirm your flight.12请记得确认您的航班。 I want a refund for my ticket.13我想退票。 May I know your flight number, please?14请问您的航班号是多少? You are flying economy class, is that correct?15您要坐经济舱,对吗? 句 型最万能·I’d like to make a reservation for a flight from... to.... 我想预订从……到……的航班。When would you like to…? 您想什么时候……呢?What time does it arrive in…?什么时候能够到达……?What’s the fare? 票价是多少?Do you want... or...? 您要……还是……?You can connect in.... 您可以在……转机。 对 话最地道·Book a Ticket预订机票 TravAll Seasons Travel. Can I help el you?Agen四季旅行社。有什么可以帮您吗?t:Yes. I need to book a flight ticket from London to Atlanta, Georgia.Man:有。我要预订一张从伦敦到佐治亚州亚特兰大的机票。I’m sorry, sir. There aren’t any Travdirect flights from London to el 对不起,先生。没有从伦敦Atlanta.Agen直飞亚特兰大的航班。t:How about connecting flights?Man:那中途转机呢?TravYou can connect in New York City.

elAgen您可以在纽约市转机。t:And what’s the layover time?Man:那停留的时间会有多久呢?It’s two hours in NYC. Shall I help Trav 在纽约市会停you book that ticket?el 留两个小时。我要帮您预订那张机Agent:票吗?Thanks, but I will have to think 谢谢,但是我about it a little more.Man:还得再稍微考虑考虑。connecting flight 转机或联程航班,也可以说change flight或transfer flight。[ˈleɪəʊvə(r)]layover n. 短暂停留,临时滞留 词 汇最实用·1 book10 airline[bʊk[ˈeəlaɪn]] 预订航空公2 ticket司;航线[ˈtɪkɪt]11 discount 票3 flight[ˈdɪskaʊnt] 折扣[flaɪt]12 class 航班4 number[klɑːs] 舱位[ˈnʌmbə(r)]13 window 号码5 plane[ˈwɪndəʊ] 窗户[pleɪn]14 aisle 飞机6 leave[aɪl] 过道[liːv]15 confirm 离开7 return[kənˈfɜːm] 确认[rɪˈtɜːn]16 change 返回8 airport[tʃeɪndʒ] 改变[ˈeəpɔːt]17 refund 机场9 fare[ˈriːfʌnd] 退换,[feə(r)]退款 票价18 available[əˈveɪləbl] 可得到的TipsBe the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others’ lives.做自己生命的主角,而不是别人生命中的看客。Section 4办理登机Registering for Boarding 情 景 句最应急· Excuse me. Do you know where I can check in? 打扰一下。你知道1在哪里办理登机手续吗? Here is my ticket and passport.2这是我的机票和护照。 Could you help me find my terminal?3你能帮我找一下航站楼吗? When is the plane boarding?4什么时候登机? Your flight has been delayed due to bad weather. You can wait in 5the lounge. 您的航班因为天气不好而延误了。您可以在候机室等候。 Where should I board the plane?6我应该在哪里登机呢? Where is security located?7在哪里安检? How many bags do you have to check in?8您有几件行李要托运? Your luggage is overweight.9您的行李超重了。 Make sure your name and address are on all the bags.10请确认每件行李上都有您的名字和地址。 Could you please tell me how to fill in this form? 您可以告诉我怎么填写这份表格吗?11 Can I have an aisle seat, please?12可以给我安排一个挨着过道的座位吗? I just have my carry-on bag.13我只有一个随身的包。 Would you prefer an aisle or window seat?14您喜欢靠过道的座位还是靠窗户的座位呢? Your departure gate is 45.15您在45号登机口登机。 句 型最万能·Excuse me. Do you know where I can check in?打扰一下。你知道在哪里办理登机手续吗?Here is my.... 这是我的……。When is the plane boarding? 什么时候登机?Where should I...? 我应该在哪里……?How many bags do you have to check in?您有几件行李要托运?Your departure gate is....您在……号登机口登机。 对 话最地道·Check-in for a Flight办登机手续 I would like to check-in for my Womaflight now.n:我想现在办理登机手续。 Where are you traveling today, Airlinemadam?Worker:您今天要去哪里,女士?Washington D. C.Woma华盛顿。n:irline AI see. The 5 p.m. flight, right?Worker我知道了。下午5点的航班,是吧?:That’s right.Woma是的。n:irline ACould I see your ID, please?rWorke我可以看看您的身份证吗?:WomaHere you are.给你。n:Here is your boarding pass. I assigned you a window seat. Go to Gate 33. The flight will board 30 minutes before departure. Airline 这是您的登机Have a nice flight. Worker牌。我给您安排了一个靠窗户的座:位。请到33号登机口。这趟航班在起飞前30分钟开始登机。祝您旅途愉快。[əˈsaɪn]assign v. 分派,分配 词 汇最实用·1 flight9 destination[flaɪt][ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn] 航班,班 目机的地2 register10 delay[ˈredʒɪstə(r)][dɪˈleɪ] 登 延误,记延迟3 boarding11 departure[ˈbɔːdɪŋ][dɪˈpɑːtʃə(r)] 登机 起4 gate飞[ɡeɪt]12 lounge 登机口5 check-in[laʊndʒ] 候机厅[ˈtʃek ɪn]13 name 办理登机手续[neɪm] 名字6 trolley14 address[ˈtrɒli][əˈdres] 行李推车 地址7 suitcase15 tag[ˈsuːtkeɪs][tæɡ] 行李 标签箱16 weigh8 baggage[weɪ] 称重量[ˈbæɡɪdʒ] 行李 文 化最本土·为了保证准时、顺利登机,旅客最好至少提前两三个小时到达机场办理登机手续,尤其是乘坐国际航班的旅客。旅客在办理登机手续时会需要出示机票以及身份证、护照、签证、儿童户口本等个人有效证件,须在出发前准备好并确保已经随身带上。办理登机手续的步骤为:办理登机牌 → 安全检查 → 等候登机。Section 5在飞机上On the Airplane 情 景 句最应急· Could you show me where my seat is?1你能告诉我我的座位在哪里吗? Seat 16A is right here, madam.216A座位就在这儿,女士。 Do you mind if I trade you for the window seat?3你介意我和你换个靠窗户的座位吗? I’ll put your bag in the above compartment.4我会把您的包放在上面的行李舱。 We’re taking off now. Please be seated and fasten your seat belt.5我们现在起飞了。请坐好并系好安全带。 Will there be any food on the ride?6飞行途中有什么食物吗? Excuse me. What time is dinner served?7打扰一下。几点供应晚餐? Do you have any pillows?8你们有枕头吗? I don’t feel well. I feel like vomiting.9我觉得不舒服,想吐。 Do you have any medicine for airsickness?10你们有晕机药吗? Would you like something to drink?11您想喝点什么吗? Will you bring me an airsickness bag?12你能给我拿一个晕机呕吐袋来吗? May I have a magazine?13请给我一本杂志,好吗? How long will the plane land at the Singapore Airport? 飞机还有14多久到达新加坡机场? What would you like to have for dinner, sir?15您晚餐想吃点什么,先生? 句 型最万能·Could you show me where my seat is?你能告诉我我的座位在哪里吗?Do you mind if I...? 你介意我……吗?What time is dinner served?几点供应晚餐?Do you have any…? 你们有……吗?Would you like something to drink?您想喝点什么吗?How long will the plane land at...?飞机还有多久到达……? 对 话最地道·Space for Bags放行李 Can I help you with your bags, FlightAttendamadam?:我帮您放一下行李包吧,女士?ntYes, please. It seems there is no space left for them.Woman:好的,麻烦了。看起来没地方放它们了。Give the big one to me. I will find some space for it in the Flightoverhead bin.Attenda把那个大的包给我。我会在头顶nt:上方的行李架上找个地方放它。OK. Thank you. And how about the smaller one?Woman:好的,谢谢。那这个小点儿的怎么办?You can put that one under the Flightseat in front of you.Attenda您可以把它放到您前边的座位底nt:下。Great. And could you tell me when meal service will begin?Woman:太好了。你可以告诉我几点开始供餐吗?We will start the meal and Flightbeverage service 30 minutes Attenda 我们将在起飞30分after takeoff.nt:钟后开始提供餐饮服务。That’s good. I am very hungry!Woman:很好。我很饿了![bɪn]bin n. 箱子,容器overhead bin 舱顶行李箱,行李架[ˈbevərɪdʒ]beverage n. 饮料[ˈteɪkɔːf]takeoff n. 起飞 词 汇最实用·111 belt captain[ˈkæptɪn][ 机长belt] 安全带212 button crew[kruː][ˈbʌtn] 全体机务 按钮人员13 temperature3[ˈtemprətʃə(r)] stewardess 温度[ˈstjuːədes]14 towel 空姐[ˈtaʊəl] 毛巾415 blanket steward[ˈstjuːəd][ˈblæŋkɪt] 男乘 毛毯务员16 pillow5[ˈpɪləʊ] tray 枕头[treɪ]17 托盘 trade6[treɪd] airsick 用……进[ˈeəsɪk]行交换 晕机的718 headache ride[ˈhedeɪk][raɪd] 头疼 旅程819 lavatory [ˈlævətri]compartment 卫生间[kəmˈpɑːtmənt]9行李舱 cigarette[ˌsɪɡəˈret] 香烟20 beverage10 fasten[ˈbevərɪdʒ] 饮料[ˈfɑːsn] 系牢Section 6中途转机Transfer 情 景 句最应急· Could you please check this flight for me?1您能帮我查查这趟航班吗? What time is our connecting flight?2我们转机的班次是几点? How long will we stop here?3我们会在这里停留多久? When we land, run to Gate 14.4我们一着陆,就跑到14号登机口。 Excuse me, can you tell me where to transfer, please? 打扰一下,5您能告诉我在哪里转机吗? Am I going to make it?6我能赶上吗? That’s cutting it close!7那会很赶耶! When is the next available flight?8下一趟可乘坐的航班是什么时候? Are there any duty-free shops in the waiting room? 候机室有免税9店吗? I’m in transit to London.10我要转机去伦敦。 Where can I check in?11我要在哪儿办理登机手续? What is the gate number?12在几号登机口登机? There will be a minibus waiting at the gate to take you to 13Terminal B. There shouldn’t be a problem. 会有一辆面包车在登机口等着带您到B候机楼。不会有问题的。 Do you have the boarding pass for the next flight? 您有下一趟航14班的登机牌吗?15Follow the sign and go upstairs to the flight connection counter and go through the procedures. 顺着指示牌,去楼上的转机柜台办理转机手续吧。 Follow the sign and go upstairs to the flight connection counter and go through the procedures. 顺着指示牌,去楼上的转机柜台办理转机手续吧。 Follow the sign and go upstairs to the flight connection counter and go through the procedures. 顺着指示牌,去楼上的转机柜台办理转机手续吧。 Follow the sign and go upstairs to the flight connection counter and go through the procedures. 顺着指示牌,去楼上的转机柜台办理转机手续吧。 Follow the sign and go upstairs to the flight connection counter and go through the procedures. 顺着指示牌,去楼上的转机柜台办理转机手续吧。 句 型最万能·What time is our connecting flight?我们转机的班次是几点?Can you tell me where to transfer, please?您能告诉我在哪里转机吗?When is the next available flight?下一趟可乘坐的航班是什么时候?Where can I check in? 我要在哪里办理登机手续? 对 话最地道·Help Me Transfer帮助我转机  Sir, could you please help me transfer to my connecting flight? Woma先生,你可以帮我转到我要中转的n:航班吗?No problem, madam. Do you see the signs overhead that read irline Ae“Transfer”?Work没问题,女士。您看见头顶上方显r:示的“转机”标志了吗?Yes, I do.Woma是的,我看见了。n:t follow those signs and they JusAirline will lead you to your connecting eWork 就跟着那些标志走,它们会flight.r:指引您到您所要乘坐的转乘航班。OK. Thank you for your omaWassistance.n:好的。谢谢你的帮忙。irline AYou are welcome.Worke不用客气。r:[əˈsɪstəns]assistance n. 帮助 词 汇最实用·1 transfer2 hurry[ˈtrænsfɜː(r)][ˈhʌri] 转 赶紧,赶机快3 run9 reassurance[rʌn][ˌriːəˈʃʊərəns] 奔跑 安4 cant心[kænt]10 actual 手推车5 bus[ˈæktʃuəl] 实际[bʌs]的 公共汽车6 sign11 transit[saɪn][ˈtrænzɪt] 标志 过境7 catch12 connection[kætʃ][kəˈnekʃn] 赶上8 board联运交通工具[bɔːd] 上(飞13 minibus机)[ˈmɪnibʌs] 面包车14 pass[pɑːs] 通行证 文 化最本土·去国外旅游时,如果选择中途转机到达目的地,这可能会比直飞便宜不少,可以省下一笔不小的旅行费用。转机要留足时间,并且最好提前在网上查找中途转机的机场区域图,对机场的情况加以熟悉。一般来说,转机还是很方便的,行李的问题也无需担心,会由机场负责转运到最终目的地。到达转机的机场后,跟着Transfer或者Transit标志的指示路线走。一般还会经过一次安检,然后到候机厅等候,找到航班对应的登机口,准备好登机牌、护照和签证。很多大机场都有会说中文的工作人员,需要的话也可以向他们寻求帮助。Section 7行李提取Retrieving the Luggage 情 景 句最应急· Where do I have to go to pick up my luggage?1我该去哪里领取行李? Could you please tell me where I can pick up my checked bags?2你可以告诉我到哪儿领取我托运的行李吗? Excuse me. Where is the luggage claim area?3打扰一下。请问行李提取区在哪里? May I go with you to claim my luggage?4我能跟您一起去取行李吗? Which conveyor belt will my luggage be on?5我的行李会在哪条传送带上? Please present your luggage tag.6请出示您的行李牌。 Where can I find a cart?7我能在哪儿找到手推车? It’s incredible that you lost my luggage.8你们弄丢了我的行李,简直难以置信。 I can’t find my luggage. Here is my claim tag.9我找不到我的行李了。这是我的提取牌。 What should I do if my luggage is lost?10如果我的行李丢了我该怎么办? Is this where I go about lost baggage?11这里是丢失行李认领处吗? One of my bags seems to be missing.12我的一个包好像不见了。 句 型最万能·Where do I have to go to...? 我该去哪里……?Where is the luggage claim area?请问行李提取区在哪里?May I go with you to...?我可以跟您一起去……吗?Where can I find a cart? 我能在哪儿找到手推车?Here is my claim tag. 这是我的提取牌。One of my bags seems to be missing.我的一个包好像不见了。 对 话最地道·A Bright Red 亮红色行李箱 SuitcaseHello, how can I help you, Customadam?ms 您好,我可以帮您什么忙吗,女Officer:士?I need to collect my Womaluggage.n:我需要领一下我的行李。From where are you Custoreturning?ms 您从哪儿回来的呢?Officer:I just got back from WomaSwitzerland.n:我刚从瑞士回来。Wow! I heard the mountains Customs there are beautiful.哇!我听说那里的山很美!Officer:WomaYes! The skiing is wonderful!是的!滑雪很棒!n:Custo sure it is. May I please I’msee your ID?ms 肯定的。我能看看您的身份证吗?Officer:maHere you go.Wo给你。n:Thank you. Please follow me this way to the baggage Custoclaim area. What color is your ms 谢谢。请跟我这边走,luggage?Officer:到行李认领区。您的行李是什么颜色的?I have a bright red suitcase.Woma我有一个亮红色的行李箱。n:OK. I will help you take it off Custothe belt.ms 好的。我会帮您把它从传送带上拿Officer:下来。WomaThat’s very kind of you.你真是太好了。n:No problem. Here comes the luggage. Oh! And I see your Custosuitcase. Here you are.ms 不用客气。行李过来了。哦!我看Officer:到您的行李箱了。给您。WomaThank you so much for your help!谢谢你的帮忙!n:CustoYou’re welcome. Goodbye!ms 不用客气。再见!Officer:Goodbye!Woma再见!n:[kəˈlekt]collect vt. 领走[ˈswɪtsələnd]Switzerland n. 瑞士 词 汇最实用·1 retrieve9 total[rɪˈtriːv][ˈtəʊtl] 取回 总共的,2 luggage全部的[ˈlʌɡɪdʒ]10 delivery 行李3 cart[dɪˈlɪvəri] 发送[kɑːt]11 elevator 手推车4 turn[ˈelɪveɪtə(r)] 电[tɜːn]梯 转向5 return12 arrange[rɪˈtɜːn][əˈreɪndʒ] 返回; 安排归还13 damage6 announce[ˈdæmɪdʒ] 损坏[əˈnaʊns]14 miss 通知7 convey[mɪs] 没找到,[kənˈveɪ]丢失 传送8 describe15 downstairs[dɪˈskraɪb][ˌdaʊnˈsteəz] 描述 楼下的16 upstairs[ˌʌpˈsteəz] 楼上的Section 8通关检查Security Check 情 景 句最应急· Please remove all metal items.1请把所有的金属物件都拿下来。 May I see your passport?2可以让我看看您的护照吗? Here is my passport. And this is the declaration form. 这是我的护3照。这个是申报表。 Do you have anything to declare?4您有什么要申报的吗? I have a few things to declare.5我有一些东西要申报。 Could you tell me what things have duty on them?你能告诉我哪些6东西需要纳税吗? I have a suitcase and a traveling bag.7我有一个手提箱和一个旅行包。 What’s in this bag?8这个袋子里装的是什么? These items are for personal use.9这些东西都是私人用品。 Could you take your shoes off, please?10请您把鞋脱一下,好吗? Please step through the metal detector ahead of you. 请走过您前11面的金属探测器。 You may retrieve your items after they’ve passed through our X-12ray machine. 等通过我们的X光机后您就可以取回您的东西了。 How much duty should I pay?13我该缴多少税? Ensure all liquids are removed from your luggage. 请确保已将所14有液体物品从行李中取出。 Have your bags been in your possession the whole time? 您的行15李一直是您自己保管的吗? I’m sorry. I forgot I had packed that.16不好意思。我忘了把那个放在行李里了。 句 型最万能·May I see your passport?可以让我看看您的护照吗?I have a few things to declare.我有一些东西要申报。These items are for personal use.这些东西是私人用品。How much duty should I pay? 我该缴多少税?Please step through the metal detector ahead of you. 请走过您前面的金属探测器。 对 话最地道·  Confiscate 没收那些化妆品Those CosmeticsMadam, I’m afraid you cannot Securitcarry those cosmetics onto the y plane.Officer女士,恐怕您不能携带那些化妆品:上飞机。Why can’t I?Woma为什么不能?n:We have a strict policy about liquids. Your bottles of cosmetics Securitexceed the allowed limit for y 我们对液态物品有严格的liquids. Officer规定。您这些化妆品超过了允许携:带的液态物品的量。Oh. I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware of Womathat policy.n:哦,对不起。我不知道那项规定。SecuritI’m sorry, but I am going to have y to confiscate them now.Officer很抱歉,我现在得将它们没收了。:But I spent so much money on Womathose cosmetics!n:但是我花了很多钱买那些化妆品!I’m sorry, madam, but we have Securitthese rules for your safety and y the safety of other passengers. Officer很抱歉,女士,但是我们的这些规:定是为了您和其他乘客的安全。WomaOK. I understand.好吧,我理解。n:I apologize for this Securitinconvenience. Have a good y 对于给您造成的不便我很抱flight. Officer歉。旅途愉快。:It’s OK. Thank you.Woma好的。谢谢。n:[ˈkɒnfɪskeɪt]confiscate v. 没收,充公[kɒzˈmetɪk]cosmetic n. 化妆品[ɪkˈsiːd]exceed v. 超过[ˌɪnkənˈviːniəns]inconvenience n. 不便,麻烦 词 汇最实用·1 security9 handbag[sɪˈkjʊərəti][ˈhændbæɡ] 安 手全提包2 check10 luxury[tʃek][ˈlʌkʃəri] 检查 奢侈品3 passport11 expensive[ˈpɑːspɔːt][ɪkˈspensɪv] 护照 昂4 customs贵的[ˈkʌstəmz]12 gift 海关5 personal[ɡɪft] 礼物[ˈpɜːsənl]13 contraband 个人的[ˈkɒntrəbænd] 6 wine违禁品[waɪn]14 declare 酒7 tobacco[dɪˈkleə(r)] 申报[təˈbækəʊ]15 duty 烟8 perfume[ˈdjuːti] 关税[ˈpɜːfjuːm]16 allow 香水[əˈlaʊ] 允许Section 9兑换外币Exchanging Foreign Currencies 情 景 句最应急· Can I change money here?1我可以在这儿兑换货币吗? Can you please tell me where I can exchange money? 你能告诉我2在哪儿可以兑换钱币吗? What kind of currency do you intend to change? 您想兑换哪种货3币? What are you going to convert, bank notes or traveler’s checks?4您要兑换什么,是现金还是旅行支票? I want to change all the US dollars I have into RMB. 我想把我所有5的美元都兑换成人民币。 Where can I change my dollars for pounds?6我可以在哪儿将美元兑换成英镑? I want to change five hundred dollars. What’s the exchange rate 7today, please?我要兑换500美元。请问今天的汇率是多少? Just fill out this form, please.8请填一下这个表格。 Where am I supposed to sign my name?9我该在哪里签字呢? Would you please give me 100 US dollar changes? 您能帮我换10100美元零钱吗? The rates of exchange are on the board there.11今天的汇率在那边的牌子上。 How much would you like to change?12您想要换多少? Please check the money and keep the exchange memo.13请您点一下钱,并保存好兑换水单。 Is there any service charge?14要付手续费吗? What is the service charge?15手续费是多少? 句 型最万能·Can I change money here?我可以在这儿兑换货币吗?What kind of currency do you intend to change?您想兑换哪种货币?What’s the exchange rate today, please?请问今天的汇率是多少?How much would you like to change?您想要换多少?What’s the service charge? 手续费是多少? 对 话最地道·Exchange US Dollars兑换美元 ExchaCan I help you, sir?nge 我可以为您效劳吗,先生?

:TellerYes. I would like to exchange Chinese RMB for US dollars.Man:可以。我想把人民币兑换成美元。OK. How much RMB do you Exchange want to exchange?好的。您想兑换多少人民币呢?Teller:10,000 RMB. What is the exchange rate?Man:10000元人民币。汇率是多少?It’s one US dollar for every 6.5 ExchaRMB.nge 1美元兑换6.5元人民币。Teller:OK. That sounds good. Thank you.Man:好的。听起来还不错。谢谢。Alright then. That’s about $1,540. Could I see your Exchapassport, please?nge 好的。那就是大约1540美元。请Teller:问我能看一下您的护照吗?Here you are.Man:给你。





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