英文原版 漫威超级英雄故事.复仇者联盟Avengers:Ms. Marvel's Fists of Fury(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-05-13 19:16:54





英文原版 漫威超级英雄故事.复仇者联盟Avengers:Ms. Marvel's Fists of Fury

英文原版 漫威超级英雄故事.复仇者联盟Avengers:Ms. Marvel's Fists of Fury试读:

The Story of Ms.Marvel

Until recently, Jersey City’s Kamala Khan didn’t think she was special. But one night not too long ago, everything changed. Kamala was caught in a mysterious mist, and when she recovered, she realized that her Inhuman powers were suddenly activated. Kamala went from being an ordinary high school student to being Ms. Marvel—a Super Hero with the power to stretch, morph, and heal.Kamala Khan was determined to keep living her life as an ordinary girl—going to school, going to her mosque, and writing Avengers fanfic on the internet. So she hid her Super Hero identity from everyone in her life. But in secret, Kamala began to fight crime as Ms. Marvel. Eventually her friend Bruno found out, and has been in on the secret ever since.As Ms. Marvel, Kamala was able to fight Super Villains and other supernatural criminals in Jersey City. She used her new powers to become large enough to punch out giant robots, and small enough to climb inside their guts. Basically, she fought a lot of giant robots. But her powers also allowed her to change her shape and to heal faster than ordinary people.The healing powers came in handy, because Kamala wasn’t the type of hero to stand back and stay safe when things got dangerous. She fought hard, and she got hurt sometimes. But being a hero meant a lot to Kamala—she was determined to help people. So she kept practicing, and kept fighting, and eventually became an unstoppable force for good. Kamala Khan finally became  


Don’t be late, don’t be late, don’t be late,” Kamala Khan chanted under her breath.She walked as fast as she could without actually running. Kamala was on her way to school, and she already had three tardies on her record for the month.“Stupid criminals, always making me late for school,” Kamala muttered. She had her hands full with her schoolwork and her family. Balancing her regular life with her life as the Super Hero Ms. Marvel was always hard. Sometimes it was more than Kamala could handle. But not today. Today was totally under control.“So far so good,” Kamala said, pausing at a streetlight and checking the time on her phone. “Seven fifty-one. I’m definitely, for sure going to get to school on time. I’m not stopping for anything short of an actual Super Villain.”RRRRRRRIIINNNNNGGG!!!The quiet morning air was shattered by a loud alarm bell.“Help!” someone yelled. “My store is being robbed!”There was a pause, then the person added:“By a Super Villain!”With a weary sigh, Kamala ducked into an alley. She hid behind a dumpster and pulled off her regular clothes, revealing her Ms. Marvel costume.“Let’s do this,” Ms. Marvel said. That Super Villain was going to regret maybe-probably making her late to school.RRRRRRRIIIIIINNNNN—CRUNCH!Ms. Marvel smashed the alarm bell with her embiggened fist. “I’ll replace that,” she told the shop owner sheepishly. “It was just making it really hard for me to concentrate.”Then Ms. Marvel stretched one arm long until she could grab the criminal by the scruff of the neck.The person she pulled out of the store was wearing a hoodie and a . . . beak?“Squawk!” she said. “Squawk, squawk!”“I wouldn’t exactly call her a Super Villain,” Ms. Marvel said to the shop owner. “SuperVillains don’t usually wear Halloween masks.”“Hey!” the bird-girl said, offended. Her eyes lit up and she zapped laser beams at Ms. Marvel, but Ms. Marvel quickly slapped a hand over the girl’s eyes.“Ow!” the girl yelped as she accidentally shot lasers at the insides of her own eyelids.“Put a tight blindfold on her, and you should be fine,” Ms. Marvel told the police, who were arriving on the scene. She handed the bird-girl over to them and hurried back to the alleyway to get her regular clothes back on.“Don’t be late, don’t be late, don’t be late,” Kamala muttered as she jogged toward her school. “Ammi and Abu would be so mad if they knew where I was!”Kamala hated disappointing her parents. The thought of having to explain another tardy on her report card was enough to make Kamala go from a jog to a sprint.She ran into the classroom as the bell was ringing and slid into her seat just in time!Later that day, she saw her friend Bruno at lunch.“Yeah, I just had a weird morning,” Kamala said. She lowered her voice. Bruno knew about Ms. Marvel, but nobody else at school did. “I foiled a robbery.”“Cool!” Bruno said. “A bank? A hotel? A jewelry store?”“No,” Kamala said. “A pet store. And the girl who was robbing it squawked at me.”“Squawked?” Bruno said.“And that’s not the weirdest part,” Kamala said. “She was wearing a bird mask.”“You’re right,” Bruno said. “That is weird. Oh—here comes Nakia!”Nakia did not know about Ms. Marvel, so Kamala and Bruno changed the subject.“Have you started studying for that big Biology test on Thursday?” Kamala asked Nakia.“Yeah,” Nakia said, “all week. But I need to study more. I can’t believe half our grade is based on this one test!”“I haven’t even started studying for it,” Kamala admitted. “I’m kind of freaking out.”Nakia stared at her. “You haven’t even started?” she said, shocked. “But it’s half our grade! What would your parents–?”“I know,” Kamala said, glaring at her friend.Nakia cocked her head. “You’ve been kind of cranky lately,” she said. “Is everything okay?”Bruno nodded. “I’ve noticed that, too,” he said. “I know you’ve been really . . . busy.” He gave Kamala a knowing look.“I’m fine,” Kamala said. The whole conversation was stressing her out, and she wanted it to be over. So she smiled brightly. “See? Fine. Hey, have you guys been playing Pork-Bun Go?”“Oh my gosh, I finally captured a wild spinach dumpling!” Bruno said, pulling up the game’s app on his phone.Nakia got out her phone. “I don’t have any spinach dumplings. But I have eleven shrimp shumais. Want to trade?”“No way,” Bruno said. “But you can have one of my pea shoots.”Kamala watched her friends with a smile firmly fixed on her face. But inside, it was all starting to get to her.Sometimes Kamala thought she just wasn’t cut out for Super Hero-ing.


The rest of the day passed by in a blur. Kamala couldn’t stop thinking about the big Biology test.Nakia’s been studying for a week already. Kamala absentmindedly passed the basketball to someone on the other team in gym class.“Hey!” one of Kamala’s teammates yelled, but Kamala barely heard him. She was too wrapped up in her worries. I should have been studying, too. But when? I’ve been out late fighting crime every night for the last two weeks.“You’re the worst, Khan,” her teammate told Kamala.Kamala ignored him, but the boy continued, still annoyed.“You’re a total—OOMPH!”He was cut off by the basketball bouncing off his head.Kamala rolled her eyes. I have to get a grip. There are just too many things to keep track of!As Kamala shrugged on her jacket at the end of the school day, she made a decision. There would be no crime-fighting tonight. Nothing was going to distract her from studying.Kamala texted Nakia as she walked home from school.“Pardon me,” a deep voice boomed. Kamala looked up. The largest homeless person she had ever seen was standing in front of her. His tattered hat hid his hair and his long, stained coat hid the rest of him, but there was still something kind of familiar about him. She kept walking. The man walked with her.“I do not seek money,” he said in that booming voice. “I seek you. You must come with me, Ms. Marvel.”Kamala stopped short. He knew who she was, and he was obviously looking for trouble. This wasn’t good.“I must, huh?” Kamala said, her hands on her hips, glaring up at the guy.Whoever this guy was, he could get lost. Kamala was going to study tonight, not get into a fight with yet another weirdo.“Do you not wish to protect yourself?” the man asked.Was he threatening her? He was! How dare he? All the stresses of the day suddenly piled up on her.It just wasn’t fair.“Okay,” Kamala said furiously. “That’s it. Let’s go.” This guy was going to get it.“Excellent,” the man said cheerfully. “I shall lead the way!” He started walking away, clearly expecting her to follow him.“No, I shall,” Kamala said, and walked into an empty alley. She didn’t want people to see ordinary teenager Kamala Khan kicking this giant guy’s butt. But she didn’t have time to change out of her normal clothes. Luckily, the alley was deserted.“What a fine alleyway,” the man remarked pleasantly as he followed her, looking around. “But I fail to—OOMPH!” He grunted in surprise as Kamala punched him in the stomach.Kamala’s knuckles throbbed painfully. Hitting this guy was like punching a brick wall.“Okay,” Kamala said, trying to shake out her hand without looking like a big dork. Luckily, her accelerated healing meant that her hand would be fine in no time.Kamala kicked and punched, using every bit of training she had. She embiggened to the size of a car. She shrank down to the size of a cat. She was a flurry of motion, her fists flying. But soon she started to feel pretty foolish, because the big guy didn’t seem to feel her blows at all. In fact, he wasn’t even fighting back.He was just standing there, saying things like "Wait!" and "Perhaps I could have been clearer."“You were plenty clear when you threatened me!” Kamala snapped, doing her best to give the guy a black eye. But he ducked under her fist, and she knocked off his hat instead. Kamala grabbed him by the front of his coat to swing him around, but the threadbare fabric tore right down the back seam. The man’s hat and coat hit the ground.Kamala gasped and stepped back. Standing in front of her, wasIt was really Thor. Not a villain. But then why had he threatened her?Thinking back on what he actually said, Kamala realized suddenly that he had been warning her.This is the worst, she thought. I just tried to beat up Thor. I just tried to beat up an Avenger!“Forgive me if I was unclear,” Thor said. “Perhaps I should introduce myself.”“I know who you are. I have, like, four action figures of you in my room,” Kamala blurted out.Way to go, Kamala. Real cool.She made a fist and tapped it against her forehead. A little too hard. Then she gave an awkward smile. “Ah-ha-ha. I mean . . . um. Never mind.”


“I call this one Tiny Thor,” Kamala said, making the little action figure do a funny dance. She picked up another one. “And this is Fashion Thor. I stole the butterfly hair clips from Nakia when we were, like, five years old.”“Very fierce,” Thor said seriously. He picked up another action figure of himself and examined it carefully. Kamala shook her head. Thor the Avenger was sitting on her bedroom floor, rummaging through a bin of old toys with her, asking her about her collection of . . . well, him. It was one of the weirdest things that had happened to her since she became a Super Hero. And that was really saying something.“That’s Peg Leg Thor,” Kamala said. “He lost his leg, so I had to replace it with a clothespin.”“How careless of him,” Thor said, frowning down at the one-legged action figure disapprovingly. Kamala leaped to his defense. “Not careless—brave!” she said. “He lost it in battle! It was a valiant struggle. Against a Tyrannosaurus rex.”She dug the plastic T. rex out of the bin of toys. “See?” Kamala said, showing Thor. “A formidable opponent.”“With an honorable wound to match,” Thor said, satisfied. “Kamala, I apologize for approaching you in disguise. I was trying to ‘keep a low profile,’ as Hawkeye puts it."“Don’t worry about it,” Kamala said. “It’s not your fault—I’m just super on edge lately. I’ve got a lot on my plate. Sorry I overreacted.”“You are forgiven,” Thor said.She was feeling a little starstruck. She had even more action figures of Hawkeye than of Thor. But she didn’t want to hurt Thor’s feelings, so she didn’t tell him that.“I have come to your city to investigate a string of pet-store robberies that have been committed over the last several months,” Thor said.“Yikes,” Kamala said. “That’s pretty weird. What are they stealing? Tell me it isn’t puppies.”“Birds,” Thor said, “and many of them.”“Huh,” Kamala said. “You know, the girl who was trying to rob that pet store this morning was wearing some kind of dumb bird mask. And she was making bird noises, too.”“Yes,” Thor said. “The intelligence that we have received at Avengers Headquarters has been . . .”“Disturbing?” Kamala suggested.“Silly,” Thor finished.Kamala nodded in agreement.“Regardless,” Thor continued, “I have been sent to investigate. I was not planning to include you in the investigation, even though Jersey City is your ‘turf,’ as Hawkeye puts it. I did not want to endanger you, because you are so young.”“I can handle myself!” Kamala protested.“Yes,” Thor said, “I learned that today. In any case, I overheard several of these teenage bird-people discussing their plan to target you, Ms. Marvel. And I realized I must warn you.”“So what’s next?” Kamala asked, trying to act cool—like hearing Thor himself call her by her Super Hero name wasn’t the best thing that had ever happened to her.“Obviously you must stay safely indoors while I conduct my investigation,” Thor said.Kamala frowned. “Normally I try to at least pretend to obey authority figures. You know, people like my imam. Or ancient alien Super Heroes like you.”“Very wise,” Thor agreed.“But come on,” Kamala continued. “This is Jersey. Hawkeye was right—this is my turf. If you don’t let me team up with you, I’m going to do my own investigation anyway, and then we’ll just get in each other’s way. You don’t want to be tripping over me every time you turn around, right?”Thor frowned. “It would indeed be more efficient to work together,” he said reluctantly.From downstairs, Kamala heard her father’s voice. “Kamala? Who are you talking to? Is there someone in your room?”Kamala jumped. “You have to get out of here!” she told Thor. “Quick!”“Kamala?” her father called again. “Who is in there with you?”“Out the window!” Kamala hissed, waving her arms frantically at Thor. “I’ll meet you later!”In the hallway outside his daughter’s room, Yusuf Khan paused to listen. The murmur of voices had stopped. There was a strange Jerseywhoosh, and then silence again. But Yusuf was certain he’d heard another voice inside the room. He knocked on Kamala’s door and opened it.“What on earth is going on in here?” Yusuf said, looking around. But the only person in the room was his daughter. She was sitting on the floor, surrounded by plastic toys. In one hand Kamala was holding a small plastic man with a red cape. In the other, she was holding a houseplant in a clay pot.“Oh, hi, Abu,” she said, smiling.“I thought I heard voices,” Yusuf said, looking around in confusion.“Nobody here but me and Thor,” Kamala said. She waved the small plastic toy, and its little red cape fluttered. “He’s fighting crime with a new partner.”Kamala turned back to her game. She waggled the toy as though it was talking to the plant. “IT IS I, THOR!” Kamala said in a booming, deep voice. “COME, THOU POTTED VEGETATION. THOU AND I MUST HIE UNTO ASGARD ANON. FORSOOTH AND GADZOOKS!”Yusuf shook his head and smiled. It was nice to be reminded every now and then that Kamala was still his goofy little girl.He shut the door behind him and went back downstairs to finish reading the newspaper.


That afternoon, Kamala tried—and failed—to study for her test.“Come on,” she told herself, squinting at her Biology textbook. “You aren’t meeting Thor until tonight. You have three hours of primo study time. You can do this. You have to do this.”She gripped her highlighter tight and started reading. But the words ran together on the page. Kamala stared blankly down at the book while her mind raced over the mystery of the pet-shop burglaries. Why were these bird-people stealing from pet shops? What were they after? And why was this happening in New Jersey? In Ms. Marvel’s territory?





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