
发布时间:2020-05-14 14:22:33








Summer Stars夏夜的星辰

◎By Carl Sandburg译·赏析 / 辛献云

Bend low again, night of summer stars.

So near you are, sky of summer stars,

So near, a long arm man can pick off stars,

Pick off what he wants in the sky bowl,

So near you are, summer stars,

So near, strumming, strumming,

So lazy and hum-strumming.









卡尔·桑德堡(Carl Sandburg, 1878~1967),美国诗人、作家,是20世纪美国著名的文学大师,获得过三次普利策奖,被誉为“人民的诗人”。卡尔·桑德堡是美国著名的意象派诗人,在诗风上承接了伟大的浪漫主义自由体诗人沃尔特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman)的诗风,并糅合了意象派诗歌的创作手法,将美国的诗歌发展进一步向前推进,对后世作家的创作产生了深远的影响。其代表作有《芝加哥》(Chicago Poems)、《烟与铁》(Smoke and Steel)、《蜜与盐》(Honey and Salt)等。




What Is Artificial Intelligence?何为人工智能?◎By Ajay Dasgupta译 / 赵青奇


If you touch a hot metal object, you will yankyour hand away immediately.When this happens to you the first time, the sequence of events and the result (the burning of your hand) gets stored in your brain.This is what we call an experience.When you see a hot metal object next time, you will not touch it.You will use the knowledge of your previous experience and decide to not repeat it again.

This process of learning, comparing a previous experience, making a decision and acting upon it is the key to human intelligence.We can make more and more complicated decisions by learning from our past experiences.

Ever since machines were invented, scientists have dreamt of making them learn and perform intelligent tasks—like humans.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of science which is intomaking machines think like humans.These machines, or computers, can store large amounts of information and process them accurately and at an amazing speed.What they lack is an ability to learn and make "intelligent decisions".

What do we need to make an intelligent machine? A memory or a space where experiences or information can be stored, and a method of applying these experiences to new ones, comparing experiences to come to logical conclusions, like holding the hot object with a glove on.That would be an intelligent machine.

Take your ironfor example.The electric iron understands that its temperature is beyond what is required and automatically switches itself off.We could say that the electric iron is intelligent as it can react to a particular state (the iron being hot), make a decision based on it and switch itself off.However, since the iron has not learned this through experience, it is not a truly intelligent machine.

Scientists are creating new software programs which try to recreate the process of human learning in a computer, in an attempt to make them "think".These programs try to copy the functioning of the brain.One such program is called a neuralnetwork.








A Neural Network神经网络

Our brain is composed ofbillions of densely packed cells called neurons.Each neuron is like a tiny individual switch in a net of billions of such neurons.

Whenever a particular piece of information, like someone's telephone number reaches your brain, it creates a pattern of on and off switches using these neurons.

Let's use an example to understand this phenomenon.We put up garlandsof electric lights to decorate our houses during Diwali.These lights create various patterns and designs, one switch creates a series of circles, another switch a pattern of flowers and so on.

A neural network is like these garlands of lights: A particular input creates a particular pattern.Each nerve cell or neuron in our brain acts like a light bulb.It creates a particular pattern on receiving an input.

When we memorize someone's telephone number, we actually create a pattern in our brain.And when we try to remember the same number, we simply try to recreate that pattern, unlike the lights which need to be switched on or off every time that pattern needs to be created.

A neural network is a copy of the brain's functioning inside a computer, using a software program.It can be taught to recognize patterns.

In fact, when it is trained, it can classify and identify patterns in a large amount of information.It can do all this at very high speeds and sometimes faster than humans.

This throws open innumerable possibilities.Imagine computers, which can look at the past weather and climate data, match them with current conditions and tell us where it is going to rain and how much.









Turing's Test 图灵测试

In 1950, famous mathematician Alan Turing devised a method of testing a computer's intelligence.A person is kept inside a closed celland asked to speak to a hidden human being and a computer.

The person, who is also called the interrogator(one who questions), does not have any clue about who is the human being and who the machine.His task is to find out which of the two candidates is the computer, and which is the human by asking them questions.If the interrogator is unable to decide within a certain time, the machine is considered intelligent.


这个人,又称讯问者(提问的人),完全不知道对方谁是人,谁是计算机。他的任务是通过对这两者提问,辨出两者哪个是计算机,哪个是人。如果讯问者在一定时间内无法做出判定,那么就可认为那台计算机具有智能。Timeline of Artificial Intelligrence

人工智能发展史◎From livescience.com译 / 两袖清风




Alan Turing introduces the Turing test in his paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence".艾伦·图灵发表论文《计算机器与智能》,提出“图灵测试”。


Dartmouth conference launches the field of AI and coinsthe term "artificial intelligence".达特茅斯会议开创人工智能领域,首次使用“人工智能”这一术语。

1974~early 1980s

The first AI Winter, a period of reduced funding and lowered interest in the field as hypeturned to disappointment.人工智能迎来第一个寒冬,随着媒体对该话题的热炒转为失望,人们对该领域的资金投入减少,研究兴趣消退。


The second AI Winter.人工智能的第二个寒冬。


IBM's Deep Blue computer beats reigningworld chess champion Garry Kasparov.IBM公司的深蓝计算机打败当时的国际象棋世界冠军加里·卡斯帕罗夫。


①A Stanford vehicle wins the DARPA grandchallenge, driving autonomouslyacross the desert for 211 kilometers.斯坦福大学研制的一辆汽车完成了美国国防部先进研究项目局的一项重大挑战,成功在沙漠里自动行驶211公里。

DARPA是美国国防部先进研究项目局,全称为Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,是美国国防部重大科技项目的组织、协调、管理机构,主要负责高新技术的研究、开发和应用。

②Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil predicts an event he calls the Singularity will occur around 2045, when the intelligence of artificial minds exceeds that of the human brain.发明家、未来学家雷·库日韦尔预言一个重大事件——他称其为奇点——将会在2045年左右发生,届时人工智能的智力将超过人类大脑的智力。

奇点原先是宇宙学中的概念,这里指的是科技发展中的奇点(technological singularity),具体指人工智能发展到可以不断进行自我提升甚至创造出比自身更智能的机器,从而达到一个峰值,引发“人工智能大爆炸”,并超出所有人类能够控制或理解的范畴。


① IBM's Watson wins Jeopardy!, beating former champions Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings.IBM公司的沃森计算机打败前冠军布拉德·鲁特和肯·詹宁斯,成为智力问答节目《危险边缘》的冠军。《危险边缘》是哥伦比亚广播公司的一个智力问答游戏节目,参赛者不仅需要具备各方面文化知识,还得会解析隐晦含义、反讽与谜语等,而电脑并不擅长进行这类复杂思考。

② Apple introduces intelligent personal assistant Siri on the iPhone 4S.苹果公司在iPhone 4S手机中安装了智能个人助理Siri。


A Google Brain computer clustertrains itself to recognize a cat from millions of images in YouTube videos.一台“谷歌大脑”集群计算机自行训练从YouTube网站数百万张视频图像里识别一只猫。



Chatbot Eugene Goostman is said to have passed the Turing test in the University of Reading competition, launching controversy.据说聊天机器人尤金·古斯特曼在雷丁大学举办的比赛中成功通过了图灵测试,一时引发争议。


① Google's Artificial Intelligence AlphaGo beats the top Go player Lee Sedol four to one in a five-game series.谷歌公司的人工智能程序AlphaGo以4:1击败世界围棋冠军李世石,赢得本次五番棋对抗。

② Microsoft introduces a Twitter chatbot named Tay, who is programmed to learn through friendly, informal conversations on Twitter.But Twitter users teach her to be racist, so Microsoft is forced to shut down her account hours after launch.微软公司推出推特聊天机器人塔伊。按照程序设定,她可以通过推特上轻松友好的对话进行学习。然而,由于推特用户将其教成了种族主义者,微软不得不在其推出仅数小时后就关闭其账号。



Isaac Asimov publishes the influential sci-fi story collection I, Robot, in which he introduces The Three Laws of Robotic.艾萨克·阿西莫夫出版影响深远的科幻小说集《我,机器人》,在其中提出了机器人三定律。



2001: A Space Odyssey, the book by Arthur C.Clarke and film by Stanley Kubrick, features the sentientand deadly computer HAL 9000.阿瑟·C·克拉克的小说《2001太空漫游》和斯坦利·库布里克执导的同名电影里出现具有意识、有致命危险的计算机“哈尔9000”。


The original Battlestar Galactica sci-fi TV series introduces warrior robots called Cylons.原版科幻电视连续剧《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》里出现名为“赛昂人”的战斗机器人。


The first Terminator film depicts a near-future world overtakenby killing machines run by the artificial intelligence Skynet.电影《终结者》第一部描绘了这样一个世界:在不远的将来,世界被人工智能“天网”掌控的机器杀手统治。


The TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation introduces the self-aware androidLieutenant Commander Data.电视连续剧《星际迷航:下一代》里出现具有自我意识的人形机器人,即名为“数据”的少校。


Steven Spielberg releases a film about a robot boy: A.I.Artificial Intelligence.史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格推出电影《人工智能》,该片讲述一个机器人男孩的故事。


The movie Her, stars Joaquin Phoenix as a man who falls in love with his artificially intelligent computer operating system, voiced by Scarlett Johansson.在电影《她》里,华金·菲尼克斯饰演的男主角爱上由斯嘉丽·约翰逊配音的人工智能计算机操作系统。


The film Transcendence stars Johnny Depp as an AI researcher whose mind is uploaded to a computer and develops into super-intelligence.在电影《超验骇客》里,约翰尼·德普饰演的人工智能研究员将自己的精神意识上传到一台计算机,成为超级智能人。Artificial Intelligence: Friendly or Frightening?

人工智能:是福还是祸?◎By Tanya Lewis译 / 阿诺

When people think of artificial intelligence (AI)—the study of the design of intelligent systems and machines—talking computers often come to mind.But most AI researchers are focused less on producing clever conversationalists and more on developing intelligent systems that make people's lives easier—from software that can recognize objects and animals, to digital assistants that cater to, and even anticipate, their owners' needs and desires.

But several prominent thinkers, including the famed physicist Stephen Hawking and billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, warn that the development of AI should be cause for concern.



Thinking Machines 会思考的机器

Since the field of AI was officially founded in the mid-1950s, people have been predicting the rise of conscious machines.Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, refers to a point in time known as "the singularity", when machine intelligence exceeds human intelligence.Based on the exponentialgrowth of technology according to Moore's Law (which states that computing processing power doubles approximately every two years), Kurzweil has predicted the singularity will occur by 2045.

But cycles of hypeand disappointment—the so-called "winters of AI"—have characterized the history of artificial intelligence, as grandiosepredictions failed to come to fruition.

Nevertheless, a number of prominent science and technology experts have expressed worry that humanity is not doing enough to prepare for the rise of artificial general intelligence, if and whenit does occur.Recently, Hawking issued a direwarning about the threat of AI.

"The development of full artificial intelligence could spellthe end of the human race," Hawking told the BBC, in response to a question about his new voice recognition system, which uses artificial intelligence to predict intended words.(Hawking has suffered from a neurological disease, and communicates using specialized speech software.)

And Hawking isn't alone.Musk told an audience at MIT that AI is humanity's "biggest existential threat".He also once tweeted, "We need to be super careful with AI.Potentially more dangerous than nukes."

But despite the fears of high-profiletechnology leaders, the rise of conscious machines—known as "strong AI" or "general artificial intelligence"—is likely a long way off, many researchers argue.

"I don't see any reason to think that as machines become more intelligent ...which is not going to happen tomorrow—they would want to destroy us or do harm," said Charlie Ortiz, head of AI at the Burlington, Massachusetts-based software company Nuance Communications."Lots of work needs to be done before computers are anywhere near that level," he said.






Machines with Benefits 益处多多的机器

Artificial intelligence is a broad and active area of research, but it's no longer the sole provinceof academics; increasingly, companies are incorporating AI into their products.

And there's one name that keeps cropping upin the field: Google.From smartphone assistants to driverless cars, the Bay Area-based tech giant is gearing upto be a major player in the future of artificial intelligence.

Google has been a pioneer in the use of machine learning—computer systems that can learn from data, as opposed to blindly following instructions.In particular, the company uses a set of machine-learning algorithms, collectively referred to as "deep learning", that allow a computer to do things such as recognize patterns from massive amounts of data.

Today, deep learning is a part of many products at Google and at Baidu, which is sometimes referred to as "China's Google", including speech recognition, Web search and advertising, Andrew Ng, an artificial intelligence researcher at Stanford University who is now the chief scientist for the Chinese search engine Baidu, commented.

Current computers can already complete many tasks typically performed by humans.But possessing humanlike intelligence remains a long way off."I think we're still very far from the singularity.This isn't a subject that most AI researchers are working toward." Ng said.

Instead, companies like Google focus on making technology more helpful and intuitive.And nowhere is this more evident than in the smartphone market.







Artificial Intelligence in Your Pocket 口袋里的人工智能

In the 2013 movie Her, actor Joaquin Phoenix'scharacter falls in love with his computer operating system, Samantha, a computer-based personal assistant who becomes sentient.The film is obviously a product of Hollywood, but experts say that the movie gets at least one thing right: Technology will take on increasingly personal roles in people's daily lives, and will learn human habits and predict people's needs.

Anyone with an iPhone is probably familiar with Apple's digital assistant Siri, first introduced as a feature on the iPhone 4S in October 2011.Siri can answer simple questions, conduct Web searches and perform other basic functions.Microsoft's equivalent is Cortana, a digital assistant available on Windows phones.And Google has the Google app Google Now, available for Android phones or iPhones, which bills itself asproviding "the information you want, when you need it".

For example, Google Now can show traffic information during your daily commute, or give you shopping list reminders while you're at the store.You can ask the app questions, such as "Should I wear a sweater tomorrow?" and it will give you the weather forecast.And, perhaps a bit creepily, you can ask it to "show me all my photos of dogs" (or cats, sunsets or even a person's name), and the app will find photos that fit that description, even if you haven't labeled them as such.

While a phone that can learn your commute, answer your questions or recognize what a dog looks like may seem sophisticated, it still palesin comparison with a human being.In some areas, AI is no more advanced than a toddler.Yet, when asked, many AI researchers admit that the day when machines rival human intelligence will ultimately come.The question is, are people ready for it?


任何一个拥有iPhone手机的人大概都对苹果公司的数字助手Siri非常熟悉,Siri是在2011年10月作为iPhone 4S手机的一大特色首次推出的。Siri可以回答简单的问题,进行网络搜索并执行其他一些基本操作。微软的Windows手机上也有类似的产品,即数字助手“微软小娜”。谷歌则推出了安卓手机和iPhone手机都可使用的谷歌手机软件Google Now,它号称提供“你想要的信息,当你需要它时”。

譬如,Google Now可以在你每天上下班的路上为你显示交通状况,或是当你在商店时提醒你购物清单的内容。你可以问这款手机软件问题,比如“明天我需不需要穿毛衣?”,它就会给你提供天气预报。此外,或许有点让人感到毛骨悚然的是,当你要求它“给我看看我所有的狗狗照片”(或是猫咪、日落,甚至是某个人的照片)时,这款手机软件就会找出符合描述要求的那些照片,即使你并没有在这些照片上标注这样的标签。

虽然一部能够了解到你的上下班路线、回答你的问题或是识别出狗狗模样的手机可能看起来非常先进,但是它跟人类相比还是相形见绌。在某些方面,人工智能并不比一个学步的孩子聪明多少。可是,许多人工智能的研究者在被问到时都这样承认,终有一天,人工智能将可以与人类智力相匹敌。问题是,我们做好准备了吗?Demis Hassabis: the Man Behind AlphaGo

戴密斯·哈萨比斯:AlphaGo背后的超强大脑◎ By Tom Rowley译 / 张京晋


Tony Corfe still remembers the time he first saw Demis Hassabis play chess.He was in charge of the primary schools team in Barnet, north London, and looking for new recruitswhen one week a thin six-year-old boy turned up.

"He was brilliant," Corfe says."He was determined, and he definitely wanted to win.Of all the schools that I had contact with, he was the best player.He was top of the infants."

The boy quickly developed into a chess prodigy, winning dozens of tournamentsbefore representing England in competitions.By the age of 13, he had reached the standard of chess master.

Now, 39-year-old Hassabis is the founder and chief executive of DeepMind.In his friends' eyes, he is shy but determined."He is not a showman, and he keeps his head down," says Prof Geraint Rees, director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London (UCL), where Hassabis studied for a PhD."Nerdy is the wrong word, but he is definitely of a technical talent.His determination and drive are quite striking."

A glance at his CVwill prove that.He left school at 16, having taken his A-levels.He spent his gap yeargaining experience in computer games programming, which was to become his first career, by co-writing Theme Park, one of the most successful games of the Nineties.

After graduating with a double firstin computer science from Cambridge, he set up his own games business, Elixir Studios, which was responsible for such hitsas Evil Genius and Republic, the latter being nominated for a BAFTA award.

"He is extraordinary," says Joe McDonagh, who co-founded Elixir with Hassabis."He was only 21 when we set it up [McDonagh was 25], but he had an incredibly old head on such young shoulders." Although he credits Hassabis's intelligence, McDonagh says his more important ability was to inspire a team."He truly believes the thing you are working on will change the world and will be remembered for ever.That is incredibly inspiring.Most of us are held back by fear, but Demis takes the attitude that everything is possible."





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