常春藤英语 五级·上(常春藤英语系列)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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常春藤英语 五级·上(常春藤英语系列)

常春藤英语 五级·上(常春藤英语系列)试读:



本册作者精心收录了你在习得中文时就耳熟能详的寓言故事,如:以诗歌的形式呈现的The Blind Man and the Elephant,The Lost Camel。同时当你翻开本册书时,你会觉得自己走进了一个神秘莫测的大自然,因为你能读到各种各样植物和动物的故事,如:The Story of the Morning-glory Seed,Weather Prophet Plants,The Swallow,A Faithful Dog 等等,这些神奇的植物和动物会对你说话,一直说到你的心灵深处,它们如雾霾天里一阵清新的风,让你读后会深吸一口气,滋养你的心灵;如你在黑暗中徘徊时渴望的一缕阳光,让你读后思考人生,智慧头脑。

其次,本册书还收录了英美初中生必读的篇目如:The Emperor and the Major、The Make-Believe Indian 、Wes Lematta and His Helicopters 等等,这些故事要么揭示做人的真谛,要么激发你的斗志为你的梦想奋斗。此外,本册书也为热爱自然科学的你准备了许多有趣并令你意想不到的篇章,如The Bird of Paradise,Boomerang,Superstitions of Salt 和Magic in Mathematics 等。这些篇章会从另一个视角挑战你的博学,激发你继续探索求知。



为方便教师教学和学生阅读,本书精选15 篇适合诵读的经典文章提供录音,读者可登录中国人民大学出版社外语分社网站www.crup.com.cn/wy 进行下载。

此外,为给学生提供更多的学习方便,本书还特别申请了答疑邮箱,读者可以通过以下邮箱与主编取得联系并提出疑问:cctyyz@126.com,cctyy_5_1@126.com,chengzsh@crup.com.cn。吴胜会2014 年6 月6 日于首都师范大学附属中学Lesson 1Stories of Tigers

1、SOME years ago, a number of English offi cers in India went out to hunt. On their way home after their day’s sport, they found in the jungle a little tiger kitten, not more than a fortnight old.

2、They took it with them; and when they reached their tent, the little tiger was provided with a tiny dog-collar and chain, and tied to the tent-pole, round which it played and frisked to the delight of all who saw it.

3、Just as it was growing dark, however, about two hours after the capture, the people in the tent were checked, in the midst of their mirth, by a sound that caused the bravest heart among them to quail.

4、It was the roar of a tiger! In an instant the little kitten became every inch a tiger,and strained at its chain with all its baby strength, while it replied with a loud wail to the terrible voice outside. The company in the tent were panic-struck. There was something so sudden and so wild in the roar.

5、Suddenly there leaped into the centre of the tent a huge tigress! Without noticing a single man there, she caught her kitten by the neck. She snapped, by one jerk, the chain which bound it; and, turning to the tent door, dashed off at full speed. One cannot be sorry that not a gun was levelled at the brave mother as she bore her young one off in triumph?.(243 words)


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

1. [note the fact] What did the English offi cers fi nd on their way back from hunting?

A. A tigress. B. A tiger kitten. C. A tiger.

2. [check the details] What did they do with the little tiger?

A. They set it free.

B. They took it with them and tied it to their tent-pole.

C. They killed and ate it.

3. [note the fact] What did the people hear when it was growing dark?

A. The roar of a tiger.

B. The sound of a gunshot.

C. The cry of the little tiger.

4. [evaluate the information] How did the tiger kitten change when it heard the roar of tiger?

5. [note the fact] How did the tigress save the tiger kitten?

A. She caught her kitten by the chain.

B. She dashed into the tent.

C. She caught her kitten by the neck.

6. [draw a conclusion] What is the end of the story?

A. People shot the tigress dead.

B. People were sorry because they didn’t shoot at the tigress.

C. The tigress saved her kitten.

7. [grasp the main idea] What does the story tell us?

A. Mother’s love is great.

B. Babies are always weak.

C. People are cruel.

Ⅱ. Read for words.

1. Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words.

(1) About two hours after the capture, the people in the tent were checked, in the midst of their mirth, by a sound that caused the bravest heart among them to

quail. (Para. 3, Line 1)

A. 攻占 B. 捕获 C. 拍摄

(2) The company in the tent were panic-struck, there was something so sudden and so wild in the roar. (Para. 4, Line 3)

A. frightened B. fearful C. fearless

(3) Suddenly there leaped into the centre of the tent a huge tigress! (Para. 5, Line 1)

A. increased quickly B. walked away C. moved quickly

(4) She snapped, by one jerk, the chain which bound it. (Para. 5, Line 3)

A. jumped B. tied C. forced

2. Choose one best paraphrase for the underlined expressions.

(1) The tigress dashed off at full speed. (Para. 5, Line 3)

A. went quickly B. walked slowly C. came quickly

(2) One cannot be sorry that not a gun was leveled at the brave mother as she bore her young off in triumph. (Para. 5, Line 4)

A. dealt with something unpleasant

B. took responsibility for something

C. carried something while moving

Ⅲ. Summary writing.

In no more than 80 words, summarize the whole text according to the following questions. Do not include anything that is not in the passage.

1. What did the English officers bring back on the way back from hunting?

2. Where did they put the little tiger?

3. What did they hear two hours after the capture?

4. Who made that terrible roar?

5. How did the tigress save her little kitten?

6. Did anyone shoot at the tigress? Why was that?Lesson 2The Fox and the Stork

1、A FOX asked a stork to dinner, with the naughty purpose of playing a trick on his guest.

2、The stork came at the hour fixed, with a good appetite for her meal. But little pleased was she on finding that it consisted of mince, served up in a dish so shallow that she could scarcely, with her long slender bill, pick up enough to satisfy a sparrow! The fox lapped up the food readily enough, only stopping a moment to say, “I hope, madam, that you like your feast? Don’t you think that my mince is first-rate?”

3、The stork made no reply, but retired, hungry and much displeased, from the almost untasted meal.

4、A few days afterwards the stork returned the compliment by asking the fox to dinner.

5、Reynard hastened to the place of meeting, where the stork had made ready her meal. Great was the disgust of the fox to behold the food served up in a long-necked jar, which let in the stork’s slender bill, but into which he could not thrust even his pointed nose!

6、“I hope, sir, that you like your feast?” said the stork, who was not generous enough to return good for evil, and who wished to give Reynard a lesson. And as the hungry fox looked sadly up into her face, she added, “Those who cannot take a joke in good part should never make one. Never do to others, what you would not like them to do to yourself. ”(248words)


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

1. [note the reason] Why did the fox ask the stork to dinner?

A. To make friends with her.

B. To play a trick on her.

C. To express thanks to her.

2. [check the details] What did the fox serve in the dish?

A. A small pieces of meat.

B. Much large pieces of meat.

C. Some vegetables and fruits.

3. [evaluate the information] How did the stork feel about the dinner?

4. [note the fact] How did the stork return the compliment?

A. By sending a thank-you letter.

B. By asking the fox to dinner.

C. By sending a bunch of fl owers.

5. [check the details] Where did the stork serve the food?

A. In a big plate. B. In a long-necked jar. C. In a shallow dish.

6. [give the reason] Why did the stork return the compliment?

A. To express her thanks. B. To congratulate the fox. C. To give the fox a lesson.

7. [grasp the main idea] What does the story tell us?

A. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C. We can’t judge a book by its cover.

Ⅱ. Read for words.

1. Choose one best paraphrase for the underlined words.

(1) The stork made no reply, but retired, hungry and much displeased, from the almost untasted meal. (Para. 3, Line 1)

A. stopped working B. went off C. gave up

(2) Great was the disgust of the fox to behold the food served up in a long-necked jar. (Para. 5, Line 2)

A. hold B. hear C. see

(3) Reynard hastened to the place of meeting, where the stork had made ready hermeal. (Para. 5, Line 1)

A. went quickly B. walked slowly C. happened soon

2. Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined expressions.

(1) But little pleased was she on finding that it consisted of mince. (Para. 2, Line 2)

A. gathered up B. was made up of C. was divided into

(2) The fox lapped up the food readily enough. (Para. 2, Line 4)

A. ate up B. gave up C. put away

(3) “I hope, sir, that you like your feast?” said the stork, who was not generous enough to return good for evil, and who wished to give Reynard a lesson. (Para. 6,

Line 2)

A. 恩将仇报 B. 以德报怨 C. 以牙还牙

Ⅲ. Summary writing.

In no more than 80 words, summarize the whole text according to the following questions. Do not include anything that is not in the passage.

1. Why did the fox ask the stork to dinner?

2. What did he put before her?

3. What sort of dish was it in?

4. What did the fox ask the stork while he was eating?

5. How did the stork return the compliment?

6. What do you learn from the story?Lesson 3Red and Black

1、“HURRAH for the sea-side!” cried Phil; “what fun I shall have with boating and bathing, and digging away in the sand! But the fishing will be the best fun of all; many a jolly red lobster shall I drag out of the sea!”

2、“Red lobsters!” cried Bill, with a loud, rude laugh; “you will be clever to catch them! If you had ever seen a lobster, as I have seen many brought in the fishermen’s baskets, you would have known that the creatures, with their strong big claws, are pretty nearly black.”

3、“None of your nonsense for me!” cried Phil; “as if I didn’t know the look of a lobster, when my aunt has lobster-salad twenty times in the year! The shell is as red as a soldier’s coat!”

4、“As black as a sweep’s!” laughed Bill.

5、Phil was so angry at being thus contradicted, that he began to look almost as red as a lobster himself. From high words the two boys were almost coming to blows, when,hearing their loud voices, Bill’s grandfather drew near.

6、“Hello! What’s the matter?” said he.

7、“Grandfather, are not lobsters black?” cried Bill.

8、“Are they not red?” shouted his friend.

9、“Ah, my lads,” said the old man, “how often it is our own ignorance that makes us believe that no one knows the truth so well as ourselves! Neither of you, it seems, is aware that lobsters are black until boiled, and that then their colour is changed.

10、“I would give Phil a sovereign for every red lobster that he could fish out of the sea, and Bill another for every black one that he could eat at the table.”(277 words)


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

1. [note the fact] What colour did Phil say lobsters were?

A. Black. B. Red. C. Brown.

2. [note the fact] What colour did Bill say lobsters were?

A. Black. B. Red. C. Brown.

3. [check the details] Who heard their loud voices?

A. Phil’s father. B. Bill’s mother. C. Bill’s grandfather.

4. [check the details] When is the lobster black?

A. When it is not cooked. B. When it is boiled. C. When it is fried.

5. [check the details] When is the lobster red?

A. When it is caught. B. When it is cooked. C. Before it is boiled.

6. [grasp the main idea] What makes us often think that no one knows the truth so well as ourselves?

A. Our bravery. B. Our ignorance. C. Our rudeness.

Ⅱ. Read for words.

1. Choose one best paraphrase for the underlined words.

(1) Phil was so angry at being thus contradicted, that he began to look almost as red as a lobster himself. (Para. 5, Line 1)

A. spoken against B. agreed C. supported

(2) How often it is our own ignorance that makes us often believe that no one knows the truth so well as ourselves! (Para. 9, Line 1)

A. wide knowledge B. a lack of knowledge C. scientifi c knowledge

(3) I would give Phil a sovereign for every red lobster that he could fi sh out of the sea, and Bill another for every black one that he could eat at the table. (Para. 10,Line 1)

A. a beat B. the greatest power C. a gold coin

2. Choose one best paraphrase for the underlined expressions. (Para. 1, Line 1-3)

(1) Many a jolly red lobster shall I drag out of the sea!

A. One B. Many C. Few

(2) From high words the two boys were almost coming to blows ①, when, hearing their loud voices, Bill’s grandfather drew near ②. (Para. 5, Line 2-3)

① A. start fightingB. send out air from the mouth C. leave suddenly

② A. made picturesB. came nearC. attracted attention

Ⅲ. Summary writing.

In no more than 80 words, summarize the whole text according to the following questions. Do not include anything that is not in the passage.

1. What colour did Phil say lobsters were?

2. What did Bill say?

3. Who heard their loud voices?

4. What did she tell them?

5. What makes us often think that no one knows the truth so well as ourselves?Lesson 4The Blind Man and the Elephant

1、It was six men of Indostan,

2、To learning much inclined,

3、Who went to see the elephant

4、(Though all of them were blind)

5、That each by observation

6、Might satisfy his mind.

7、The first approached the elephant,

8、And, happening to fall

9、Against his broad and sturdy side,

10、At once began to bawl:

11、“Why, bless me, but the elephant

12、Is very like a wall.”

13、The second, feeling of the tusk,

14、Cried, “Ho, what have we here,

15、So very round, and smooth and sharp

16、To me ’tis very clear,

17、This wonder of an elephant

18、Is very like a spear.”

19、The third approached the animal,

20、And, happening to take

21、The squirming trunk within his hand,

22、Thus boldly up he spake:

23、“I see,” quoth he, “the elephant

24、Is very wondrous like a snake.”

25、The fourth reached out his eager hand,

26、And felt about the knee:

27、“What most this wondrous beast is like,

28、Is very plain,” quoth he:

29、“’Tis clear enough the elephant

30、Is very like a tree.”

31、The fifth who chanced to touch the ear,

32、Said, “E’en the blindest man 、

33、Can tell what this resembles most;

34、Deny the fact who can,

35、This marvel of an elephant

36、Is very like a fan.”

37、The sixth no sooner had begun

38、About the beast to grope,

39、Than seizing on the swinging tail

40、That fell within his scope,

41、“I see,” quoth he, “the elephant

42、Is very like a rope.”

43、And so these men of Indostan

44、Disputed loud and long,

45、Each in his own opinion

46、Exceeding stiff and strong;

47、Through each was partly in the right,

48、And all were in the wrong.(315 words)


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

1. [note the fact] The last man thought the elephant was like a rope because______ .

A. he touched its tail B. he touched its trunk C. he touched its knee 

2. [grasp the reason] They had a long argument because ______.

A. they were good at communicating with others 

B. they wanted to learn what the elephant was like 

C. they all wanted to make others believe they were right 

3. [see the point] Each was partly right but all were wrong because ______.

A. they could hardly see what the elephant was like B. they didn’t have a discussion to accept the others’ opinions C. they touched only one of the elephant but didn’t “see the whole picture”

Ⅱ. Read for words.

1. Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words.

(1) That each by observation (Line 5)Might satisfy his mind. (Line 5)A. 观察 B. 争论 C. 感受

(2) Can tell what this resembles most; (Line 33)A. get together B. be similar to C. feel like (3) Than seizing on the swinging tail (Line 39)

A. turning suddenly in that direction

B. changing in a sudden or extreme way

C. moving repeatedly backwards and forwards

2. Choose one best paraphrase for the underlined expressions.

(1) The fourth reached out his eager hand,And felt about the knee: (Line 25)

A. stretch hands towards something in order to touch

B. touch something in order to tell its physical quality

C. feel something with hands in order to choose one (2) And, happening to takeThe squirming trunk within his hand, (Line 20)

A. take place

B. plan to do something

C. do something by chance

Ⅲ. Writing practice.

In no more than 50 words show your opinion about whether the six men were partly right but all were wrong.Lesson 5Health of the Body — Cleanliness

1、Cleanliness—that is, keeping the whole skin of the body pure and fresh―is a great source of health. The skin, like the internal organs of the body, has work to do, and it cannot do its work unless it is kept clean.

2、The skin is one means of getting rid of impure, refuse matter from the blood.

For this purpose it is supplied with two or three millions of small tubes, called pores,through which it sweats out the superfluous moisture. These pores also regulate the temperature of the body. When the body gets over-heated, from violent exercise or exposure to fire, it is flooded with perspiration from these pores, and so is cooled down.

3、The skin, besides, is kept soft and smooth by a kind of oily matter secreted in small cells over its surface.

4、Now, if the pores and the oil-cells become blocked up with dirt, they cannot perform their functions. In that case, either the skin itself will become diseased, or the blood will be injured by being forced to retain its impurities; or, it may be, some other organ (as the kidneys) will have to do the work of the skin besides its own, and serious disease may follow.

5、Washing the skin is therefore indispensable to health. A complete bath should be taken, or at least the whole body should be well sponged, every day. The face and hands, which are most exposed, should be washed three or four times a day.

6、Sea-bathing is the healthiest kind of washing, as it combines fresh air and vigorous exercise with its other benefits. It is a safe rule never to bathe till at least two hours after a meal. It is unsafe to go into the water when cold, or to remain in it after you begin to feel chilled.(302 words)


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

1. [grasp the main idea] What is the chief function or work of the skin?

A. Keeping the body warm.

B. Getting rid of refuse matter from the body.

C. Exposing the body to the sun.

2. [check the detail] How do the pores regulate the temperature of the body?

A. By sweating. B. By opening themselves. C. By closing themselves.

3.[check the detail] How is the skin kept soft?

A. By secreting an oily matter.

B. By applying an oily matter on it.

C. By cleaning it regularly.

Ⅱ. Read for words.

1. Choose one best paraphrase for the underlined words.





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