
发布时间:2020-05-15 12:28:50







版权信息书名:那青春的美好我们一起写下作者:章华出版社:湖南文艺出版社出版时间:2013-03-01ISBN:9787540460259本书由中南博集天卷文化传媒有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。版权所有 侵权必究The shinning and wonderful days那些青春的美好,我们一起写下

我的美丽日记My Beautiful Diary

The Misunderstandings on Beauty/你陷入美容护肤误区了吗?

1. Soap is Bad for Your SkinTraditionally, soap was a mix of animal fats and fruit or vegetable oils. This combination has a high pH and is drying to skin, particularly to aging skin. These days, however, soaps are formulated with synthetic elements that are milder than traditional soap, and therefore suitable to cleanse skin. Most soaps have emollients (moisturisers) added, so they are beneficial for the skin. If you prefer the cleansing feeling which soap provides, don’t let those purveyors of fine skincare bully you—there’s nothing wrong with using soap.2. Dry Skin Causes WrinklesAround eighty percent of lines and wrinkles are caused by the sun. The other twenty percent are the result of facial expressions such as smiling and frowning. If you smoke, the appearance of these wrinkles is accelerated. Also, as one ages the skin makes less natural oil and this makes the wrinkling more apparent. A moisturiser will help temporarily smooth away some early fine lines. Protect yourself from the sun, and you impede the development of fine lines. Remember, a tan is your skin’s reaction to an injury.3. It Can Be Too Late to Start Wearing SunscreenThe cumulative effect of the sun’s rays causes a multitude of damage to skin, but it’s never too late to start protecting skin from the sun. There is clinical evidence that once you start protecting the skin, it has the ability to repair itself. This repair is not going to happen overnight; it’s a gradual process that can take a couple years to yield significant results. Do your skin a favour and start the day with a layer of sunscreen. And remember to wear sunscreen during the winter. Just because you don’t feel the sun’s rays, doesn’t mean its harmful UVA and UVB rays are not penetrating your skin. If you can see shadows, you need to protect your skin.4. Everyone needs MoisturiserAccording to dermatologists, you only need a moisturiser if your skin experiences the following: redness, scaliness or itchiness. These symptoms are more frequently seen during the colder seasons.5. For Best Results You Should Stick to One Product LineYou may love how all the products work together, but using products from different lines won’t kill you. Every cosmetics line has products you should avoid because they contain irritating ingredients, inadequate amounts of sunscreen, or moisturisers that over—saturate the skin. Experiment and find the products that are right for you.6. Expensive Products are BetterCompletely untrue. All cosmetics contain standard cosmetic ingredients. They can’t contain anything else, as drugs do, or they would be regulated differently. The quality levels of cosmetic ingredients don’t vary that much, and every company that buys cosmetic—grade ingredients all buy the same quality.7. Eating Chocolate and Fried Foods Causes Bad SkinStudies have shown that pimples are caused from factors such as extreme stress or dead skin cells blocking pores. However, eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables does promote a healthier complexion due to their vitamins and minerals.8. Frequent Trimmings Can Make Hair Grow FasterHair, whether it is cut or not, grows about half an inch per month. Hair does grow slightly faster in the summer, but that is due to hormones rather than the stylist’s scissors. A worrying trend among young Chinese girls is to rub a paste made of crushed contraceptive pill into their scalp and hair. This does not lead to stronger, glossier, faster growing hair. In fact, the hormones, while initially improving the condition of the hair, quickly lead to hair loss.P.S. You can’t repair split ends. The only way to rid of split ends is to cut them off and prevent them in the future with good hair care. A good trim will eliminate split ends, making hair look healthier and livelier.9. Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Darker and CoarserAs above. Cutting or shaving any hair on your body does not affect it growth.10. You Can Get Rid of CelluliteThe truth is, nothing can be done to permanently eliminate cellulite—not even liposuction. The removal of cellulite remains one of the holy grails of cosmetic dermatology. It doesn’t matter whether you’re fat or thin, rich or poor, luck of the gene pool determines who will and won’t get cellulite. Take heart though, you can, however, temporarily reduce its orange peel—like appearance. Specialist firming creams containing caffeine tighten and smooth the skin, while basic moisturisers will also work to hydrate and swell the skin, making cellulite a little less obvious.1. 香皂对皮肤有害从传统上来说,看香皂是动物脂肪和植物油脂的混合体。这种化合物的pH值很高,会令皮肤——尤其是老化的皮肤变得干燥。现如今的香皂在配方中加入了较传统香皂更为温和的人工合成成分,因而适合清洁皮肤。大多数香皂都添加了润肤剂(润肤霜),所以对肌肤有益。如果你更喜欢用香皂洁肤的那种感觉,那么就别让那些高档护肤品的经销商把你给唬住了——使用香皂一点儿问题都没有。2. 干燥皮肤造成皱纹约80%的细纹和皱纹是由阳光造成的。另外的20%则源于微笑和皱眉等面部表情。如果你吸烟,皱纹就长得更快。另外,随着一个人年龄的增长,皮肤分泌的天然油脂会减少,而这会令皱纹更加明显。润肤霜能暂时抚平一些早期的细纹。避免让自己受到日晒,你就能抑制细纹的发展。记住:晒黑就是你皮肤受损的反应。3. 想要开始涂防晒霜时可能为时已晚日积月累的日晒会对皮肤造成严重损害,但是什么时候开始让皮肤避免日晒都不晚。临床证明,一旦你开始保护你的皮肤,它就拥有了自我修复的能力。这种修复不会在一夜之间发生,它是一个循序渐进的过程,可能需要几年的时间才会产生显著的效果。帮帮你的皮肤吧,涂上一层防晒霜再开始一天的生活。此外,在冬天也要记得涂防晒霜。你感觉不到阳光,并不意味着UVA和UVB不会伤害到你的皮肤。只要能看到影子,就需要保护你的皮肤。4. 人人都需要润肤霜根据皮肤科医生的说法,只有在你的肌肤出现以下状况时你才需涂润肤霜:发红、多鳞或发痒。这些症状在天气寒冷时更为常见。5. 为了达到最佳效果,你应该坚持使用同一系列的产品你可能喜欢整套产品一起使用的效果,但使用不同系列的产品也不会对你有所伤害。每个化妆品系列都有你该避免使用的产品,因为它们含有刺激性成分、含量不足的防晒成分或是过度滋润肌肤的润肤剂。要在试用后找出适合自己的产品。6. 产品越贵越好完全不属实。所有化妆品都含有化妆品所需的标准成分。它们不会像药品一样含有其他物质,否则它们会受到不同的管制。化妆品成分的质量等级相差不是很大,每家化妆品公司所购原料的质量都是相同的。7. 吃巧克力和油炸食品对皮肤不好研究表明,粉刺是由过度压力或死皮细胞阻塞毛孔等因素所致。然而,多吃富含维生素和矿物质的新鲜水果和蔬菜确实对皮肤有好处。8. 经常修发会使其长得更快无论剪发与否,头发都会以每月约半英寸的速度生长。头发在夏季的确会长得稍快一些,但那要归功于激素而非发型师的剪刀。在中国的年轻女性中出现了一股令人担忧的风尚,那就是将避孕药碾成粉末弄成糊,涂到头皮和头发上。这不会使头发更加坚韧、更有光泽、长得更快。事实上,激素虽然在最初会改善发质,但转而就会导致脱发。此外,你不可能修复分叉。摆脱分叉的唯一方法就是将其剪掉并精心护理头发以防其日后再现。修剪得好就会清除分叉,令头发看上去更加健康和洒脱。9. 剃除毛发会令其长得更黑更粗糙如上所述,修剪或剃除身上的任何毛发都不会影响其生长。10. 你可以摆脱脂肪团事实上,做什么都无法永久去除脂肪团——甚至吸脂也不行。去除脂肪团至今仍是皮肤美容学上的终极目标之一。它与你的胖瘦、贫富无关,基因库的随机性决定了谁会拥有或没有脂肪团。尽管如此,还是要振作起来,你可以暂时缓解皮肤呈橘皮状的现象。含有咖啡因的专业紧肤霜会紧致和平滑肌肤,而一般的润肤霜有补水的功效,这能使脂肪团看起来不那么明显。实战提升单词注解combination [,kɔmbi'neiən] n. 结合(体);联合(体)beneficial [beni'fiəl] adj. 有益的;有利的penetrate ['penitreit] v. 穿过;刺入;透过frequently ['fri:kwəntli] adv. 频繁地,屡次地irritate ['iriteit] v. 使恼怒;使烦躁initially [i'niʃli] adv. 最初;开头temporarily ['tempərerili] adv. 暂时地;临时地实用句型&词组The plants should be protected from the cold.(保护)He can’t get rid of the cold.(摆脱)Her absence was due to the storm.(因为,由于)翻译行不行从传统上来说,香皂是动物脂肪和植物油脂的混合体。研究表明,粉刺是由过度压力或死皮细胞阻塞毛孔等因素所致。去除脂肪团至今仍是皮肤美容学上的终极目标之一。

Using the Force of Yoga/接触瑜伽的神奇力量

As our knowledge of health and fitness increases, people are becoming more and more interested in not only taking care of themselves physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. As a result, many are turning to more complete approaches to health, including less mainstream fitness methods such as yoga.Yoga’s origins lie in Hindu philosophy, which was developed thousands of years ago in India. Today, yoga is a system of movements and meditation that emphasizes physical control and discipline as a way to achieve a state of spiritual knowledge.Yoga’s ideal state of knowledge is reached after a person has gone through eight different stages. These include aspects of self—control, religion, postures, regulation of breath, restraint of senses, steadying of the mind, meditation, and profound thought. For a practitioner of yoga, or“yogi”the progression through these stages is a movement from the physical toward a perfect mental state.There are eight major schools of yoga, each varying in its area of emphasis. The type of yoga that is taught in the West is mainly a combination of exercise and meditation called Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is said to have a number of positive effects, such as reducing weight, strengthening muscles and nerves, cleaning out the body, and generally improving health and prolonging life.Recent decades have seen yoga gain widespread acceptance as a method of staying in shape, as well as a way of handling stress. Pop singer Madonna and super model Christy Turlington are just two of the many celebrities known to be strong advocates of yoga.At present, there is a lot of speculation and uncertainty about yoga and its effects. One thing, however, is certain: In our modern world of fast—paced lifestyles, taking time out to meditate and do some relaxing exercise cannot be a bad thing!随着我们对健康与健身的知识与日俱增,人们在关心自己身体健康的同时,也越来越关注心理与精神的健康。因此,许多人转而寻求更全面的途径来增进健康,包括一些还未成为主流的健身方式,如瑜伽。瑜伽起源于印度哲学,这种哲学在印度已经发展了数千年。如今,瑜伽是一组强调身体控制与修身养性的运动和静坐,是达到“天人合一”这种境界的一个有效途径。一般要经过8个不同阶段的训练才能达到瑜伽的完美境界。这包括了自制、信仰、体位、调息、节欲、内省、冥想和三摩地。对瑜伽修习者来说,这些阶段是从身体到完美精神境界的进程。瑜伽有8大流派,每派强调的领域各有不同。西方国家传授的瑜伽名为“哈他瑜伽”(又称“运动瑜伽”),主要是运动与静坐的结合。据说“哈他瑜伽”有许多良效,如减肥、强化肌肉与神经、净化身体进而增进健康,延年益寿。近几十年来,瑜伽已广为世人接受,成为一种既能保持身材又能舒缓压力的方法。有许多知名人士极力推荐瑜伽,流行歌手麦当娜与超级名模克里斯蒂·特灵顿就是其中两位。目前,关于瑜伽及其作用有很多揣测与怀疑。然而,有一点是毋庸置疑的:在快节奏的现代生活中,花点时间静坐和做些放松身体的运动,绝不是件坏事!实战提升单词注解mainstream ['meinstri:m] n. 主流origin ['ɔridʒin] n. 起源;由来posture ['pɔstʃə] n. 姿势;姿态vary ['vεəri] v. 使不同;变化widespread ['waidspred] adj. 普遍的;广泛的effect [i'fekt] n. 效果;效力;作用实用句型&词组Please take care of the baby for me for a while, will you?(照顾)A number of people have left. (一些)He speaks Spanish as well as English.(和……一样好)翻译行不行一般要经过8个不同阶段的训练才能达到瑜伽的完美境界。对瑜伽修习者来说,这些阶段是从身体到完美精神境界的进程。有件事是毋庸置疑的:在快节奏的现代生活中,花点时间静坐和做些放松身体的运动,绝不是件坏事!

Is Higher SPF Better?/不畏强光,智慧防晒

There are many misconceptions with sunscreen. You have those people who think that getting the highest SPF will protect them better than a lower SPF. Then, there are those who won’t use sunscreen with a high SPF because they think they won’t get a tan.Here are the facts.Higher SPF’s aren’t always necessary. You need to look at a couple of things when you are shopping for sunscreen. First, how light is your skin tone? Those with lighter skin will usually burn faster than those with darker or olive skin. If your skin starts to turn red fast, you’ll want a higher SPF.But what does the SPF rating really mean?SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. To figure out how long you are safe from the sun (at least the UVB rays) you need to do a little math. Take the number of SPF and multiply it by 10. That is the time that if you were under perfect conditions, you’d be safe from the sun’s rays.For example: SPF 20×10=200 minutes of sun protection.Perfect conditions mean that you aren’t in water or sweating. Because you want to be safe from the sun, I’d recommend applying every 1-2 hours, no matter the SPF.对于防晒,有不少误区。很多人认为高SPF比低SPF防晒的效果更好。还有一些人认为自己不会晒黑,所以根本不需要高SPF的防晒霜。然而事实并非如此。高的SPF并非总是必需的。当你购买防晒霜时,你需要考虑以下几点。首先,你的肤色如何?亮色皮肤的人较暗色或橄榄色肌肤的人更容易晒伤。如果你的肌肤很容易变红,那你就需要高SPF的防晒霜。但是SPF到底指的是什么呢?SPF是防晒系数的意思。需要计算一下才能知道你在太阳下可以待多久而不会被晒伤(至少不被UVB射线晒伤)。将SPF系数乘以10得出来的时间就是防晒产品的保护时间。例如:SPF20的防晒产品可以保护200分钟之久。理想的条件意味着你不是在水里或是在出汗。要做到防晒,我的建议是,不管防晒系数是多少,都应每隔一两个小时涂一次防晒霜。实战提升单词注解misconception ['miskən'sepʃən] n. 误解;错误想法tan [tæn] v. 硝(皮);使晒成棕褐色multiply ['mʌltipləi] v. 乘;使繁殖recommend [rekə'mend] v. 推荐,介绍实用句型&词组I can’t figure him out.(理解)He wants you to see him in London without fail.(要,想要)No matter what happened, he would not mind.(不管)翻译行不行很多人认为高SPF比低SPF防晒的效果更好。亮色皮肤的人较暗色或橄榄色肌肤的人更容易晒伤。要做到防晒,我的建议是,不管防晒系数是多少,都应每隔一两个小时涂一次防晒霜。

The Guide to What University Girls are Wearing/校园MM,穿衣有道

What kinds of clothes do college girls need for school? When thinking about what to buy and what to bring, here’s one word to keep in mind: practical! You can be a campus fashion icon if that makes you happy, but most students prefer to spend their time and money on other things. College life is stressful, and you’re going to want to be comfortable more often than you’ll want to be stylish.So what kinds of clothes should you bring to college? Here are a few practical fashion tips.Bring comfortable clothesYou may be the type who doesn’t mind a little discomfort in the name of fashion, and that’s fine. But there will be days when cozy clothes are a must, like during finals or the day after a nasty breakup, so make sure you have them on hand. Think T—shirts, sweats, and cozy jeans.Wear comfortable walking shoesUnless you enjoy being miserable, this is mandatory. Ladies, please don’t walk around campus in high—heeled pumps. This isn’t Sex and the City—it’s a college campus, and you’re going to be walking constantly. Save the cute heels for the weekend.Bring low maintenance clothesTime is at a premium in college. If it needs hand washing, don’t bring it. Heck, if it needs ironing, don’t bring it.Bring weather appropriate clothesKeep in mind that you’ll be walking around campus all the time, so if your school is in a cold climate, bring a heavy coat, scarf, gloves, and waterproof boots. Wear whatever you need to keep warm even if it messes up your outfit. If whomever it is you’re trying to impress likes you less with hat hair, this isn’t someone worthy of your attention.Don’t come to class half nakedSave the sexy stuff for the weekends, and come to class looking a little more professional. If you wear a micro—mini skirt, pair it with a big sweater.Bring clothes you can layerYou’re going to be coming in from the cold into overheated classrooms, and in from the heat into classrooms fit for a polar bear.大学女生应该穿什么样的衣服呢?当你想自己应该买什么和戴什么的时候,有一个原则要时刻牢记:实用!当然如果成为大学时尚达人让你觉得很幸福,你也可以朝这个方向努力。不过大多数的学生还是喜欢把自己的时间和金钱花在别的事情上。大学生活压力重重,在舒适与时尚之间,大家总会偏向前者。那大学生应该穿什么样的衣服呢?下面是一些实用的流行小贴士:穿舒适的衣服也许你可以忍受为了时尚而牺牲一下自己的舒适度,这无可厚非。但总有一天,比如在期末考试期间或者在和男朋友分手后,你会发现自己迫切需要舒适的衣服,所以务必在衣橱里备几件舒适的服装。你可以考虑T恤、毛衣和修身牛仔裤等。穿轻便的鞋子如果你不想遭罪的话,这可是一件必需品。女孩子们,请千万不要穿着高跟鞋在大学校园里走来走去。这里不是《欲望都市》——这里是大学校园,你是要在这里不停走动的。把高跟鞋留到周末穿吧。穿容易保养的衣服在大学生活中,时间就是一切。那些需要手洗和熨烫的衣物,通通不要穿。穿适合时节的衣服请你记住,你会经常在校园里走动,所以如果学校很冷的话,一定要穿戴厚实的外套、围巾、手套和防水靴。尽量穿保暖的衣物,即便这会使你的形象打点折扣。如果你心仪的那个人喜欢你穿得少一点,那么这个人绝对不值得你为之付出。不要穿暴露的衣服去上课性感的衣服还是留在周末穿吧,上课还是穿得比较正式点好。如果穿迷你裙,就搭件宽松的毛衣吧。备些易于穿脱的衣服你需要从寒冷的校园步入温暖的教室,也需要从温暖的室内切换到寒冷的户外。实战提升单词注解practical ['præktikəl] adj. 实践的;实际的cozy ['kəuzi] adj. 舒适的;惬意的campus ['kæmpəs] n. 校园;校区premium ['pri:miəm] n. 额外补贴;津贴;酬金waterproof ['wɔ:təpru:f] adj. 不透水的,防水的polar ['pəulə] adj. 北极的,南极的;极地的实用句型&词组At the moment, he preferred not to think about the future. (宁愿)He is aimless to walk around.(到处走动)She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion. (适当的;恰当的;合适的)翻译行不行大学生活压力重重,在舒适与时尚之间,大家总会偏向前者。如果你心仪的那个人喜欢你穿得少一点,那么这个人绝对不值得你为之付出。如果穿迷你裙,就搭件宽松的毛衣吧。

Tips to Improve Your Figure/塑身小秘方,让瘦身更有趣

In a perfect world, the only thing that you would need to do to reach your fitness goals would be work out occasionally. Unfortunately, the only way to truly get the body and level of health that you want is through the combination of diet and exercise.If there is anything I have learned through my years as a personal trainer is that dieting right is the number one obstacle people face while trying to get fit. But filling your plate with healthy food doesn’t have to be a miserable experience.Here are the best strategies I have found to keep people in shape.Give Yourself Some Flexibility—If you box yourself into too strict of a diet, you are setting yourself up for failure. It’s true that for most people if you want to lose weight, it is going to have to involve cutting back a bit on how much you eat, but if you allow yourself nothing but rice cakes and unbuttered wheat toast, you turn yourself into a ticking time bomb that will go off onto the nearest piece of cheesecake. Expect that you are going to indulge a little every now and then, and accept it.Make Your Foods Easy to Make—I’ve discovered that most people eat junk food because it’s just so darn convenient. Microwaveable pizzas take three minutes to make, and there is a fast food joint on every corner who can give you a greasy pre heated burger in a matter of seconds. The only real way to counteract this is by making your healthy food just as convenient as unhealthy food.For example, you might keep some whole grain tortillas in your cupboard so that you can make a quick and easy burrito with lean chicken or beans. You might also keep some frozen vegetables in your freezer, because they can be heated fairly quickly and be ready to eat. You may also consider buying lots of canned soups, because they take little time to prepare and are often very low in calories.Find Ways to Combat Stress — Whenever someone has a relapse in their diet, it is usually during a particularly stressful time in their life. Maybe dealing with a toddler has kept them awake for much of a few nights or their new job is giving them a lot to worry about. This is when people start binging on French fries and ice cream. But if you want to conserve your waistline, you need to find other ways to combat stress.The best way to deal with this by recognizing times when you might be getting stressed and react too it. If you find the pressure building up, find some time for yourself to do something that you really enjoy. Just half an hour of“me time”can make your diet go along a lot more smoothly.Cut Out the Liquid Calories—If it has calories and comes in a liquid form, try to limit your intake of it. The reason is that stuff like soda, alcohol, and milk can add a bunch of calories to your daily diet, but they never make you feel full. So you feel hungry even as you consume far more calories than you need. Focus mostly on whole foods and use tea or water to satisfy your thirst.Fitness Expert Chris McCombs is a Personal Trainer in Hollywood California. While walking out of a burrito joint Chris discovered a radical approach to burning fat at a rapid rate which he helps people all over do today. Chris is also a personal training marketing expert and helps personal trainers and other people in the fitness industry to triple their income and cut their work hours by more than half.在这样一个美好的世界里,你所需要做的一件事情就是怎样有条理地达到你的塑身目标。然而,不幸的是,为了能够真正达到你所想要的体魄和健康的标准,唯一的办法就是节食加锻炼。如果问我作为一个私人教练这么多年学到了什么的话,那就是:正确的节食是每个希望拥有好身材的人所面临的最大问题。实际上,健康的饮食并不是什么痛苦的经历。以下就是我发现的适合人们保持好身材的最佳策略。给自己一个适应的时间——如果你太克制节食的话,那注定是要失败的。的确,对大多数人来讲,为了减轻体重,就必须在原先饮食的量上有所削减。但如果除了年糕及没有奶油的烤面包你什么都不吃的话,现在的你就是颗定时炸弹,在不经意的一块乳酪蛋糕后,体重就会暴增,所有计划都会付诸东流。除非在你能接受的范围内,不时地让自己享受一下。学会制作简单的食品——我发现许多人喜欢吃剩菜剩饭,因为这很方便。把比萨放进微波炉里,三分钟就可以吃了。而且,在我们周围的每个角落都会有快餐店为你服务——提供一个有油脂并热气腾腾的汉堡牛肉饼只是几秒钟的事情。与之抗衡的唯一方法就是,让自己的健康食品的制作和快餐食品一样方便。比如说,在你的橱柜里可能会存有谷粒的玉米粉薄烙饼,你可以用这些材料做成一个由纯鸡肉或土豆泥做馅的面饼卷。你也可以在你的冰箱里储存一些冷冻的蔬菜,因为它们容易解冻,方便食用。你也可以考虑买一些罐装的汤,因为这些不用花太多的时间去准备,而且所含的卡路里也不多。找到抗压力的方法——一旦某人在他的节食计划中出现了旧病复发的状态,那么这个阶段一般是他在生活中压力最大的时段。可能为了照顾小孩,他们很多个夜晚不能好好地入睡,也有可能是他们的新工作并不能让他们安心。于是他们便开始钟情于法国炸薯条和冰激凌。然而,如果想保持身材的话,你必须找到其他的抗压力方法。最好的办法就是,你首先要清楚自己在什么时候压力最大。一旦你感受到了压力,你应该给自己一点时间做自己真正喜欢的事情。即使只是短短的“自我半小时”,都能让你的节食计划顺利地进行。拒绝液体卡路里——尽量限制以液体的形式吸收卡路里。因为,像汽水、酒精及牛奶这样的饮品会在你的日常饮食中增加热量,但你永远都不会有饱的感觉。即使你吸收的热量已经超过了你的所需,但你仍有饿的感觉。所以,要尽量食用有机食品,茶或水是解渴的首选。瘦身专家克里斯·麦克白是美国加州好莱坞的一位私人教练。他发现了一个快速燃烧脂肪的方法,他现在就是利用这个方法来帮助人们减肥。克里斯在私人训练市场方面也是个专家,他不仅是私人教练,也为健身锻炼行业的其他从业者提供帮助,让他们在减少一半的工作时间的同时收入达到原来的三倍。健身小贴士1. 锻炼前要检查身体,注意过去患的疾病及运动损伤、药物服用的情况,患有传染性疾病的人不可进行水中锻炼。2. 孕妇、发烧或体温过低者及有运动损伤,如崴脚、拉伤者不宜参加水中锻炼。运动前需要做5分钟的准备活动,让肌肉先预热一下,然后再开始运动。实战提升单词注解combination [,kɔmbi'neiʃən] n. 结合(体);联合(体)miserable ['mizərəbl] adj. 痛苦的;不幸的indulge [in'dʌldʒ] v. 沉迷于;满足counteract [,kauntə'rækt] v. 对……起反作用;对抗;抵消stressful ['stresfəl] adj. 紧张的;压力重的satisfy ['sætisfai] v.使满意;使高兴实用句型&词组The boy is still too young to go to school. (太……而不能……)He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.(以至于)He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations.(处理)翻译行不行在这样一个美好的世界里,你所需要做的一件事情就是怎样有条理地达到你的塑身目标。最好的办法就是,你首先要清楚自己在什么时候压力最大。他发现了一个快速燃烧脂肪的方法,他现在就是利用这个方法来帮助人们减肥。

The Guide to Colour—Matching/白领着装色彩指南

You are what you wear! Keeping your clothes well—pressed will keep you from looking hard—pressed.Colors and their signals:Black suggests authority and seriousness. It is a dignified choice that announces your presence, but can be intimidating if overused.Pastels are soothing colors, and promote friendliness while discouraging aggression.White symbolizes purity, cleanliness, and sophistication. It works well as a shirt. Women can pull it off as a suit, but men steer clear!Grey offers you a dignified and conservative authority. If it’s too light, you could seem passive or weak.Navy Blue clothing demands respect. It also conveys a feeling of loyalty, integrity, and dependability.Brown symbolizes reliability, and tends to make people feel comfortable. However, it can suggest a lack of authority.





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