
发布时间:2020-05-15 22:06:08














驴子和战马The Ass and the Charger

驴子、公鸡和狮子The Ass,the Cock,and the Lion

驴子与蚱蜢The Ass and the Grasshopper

贪玩的驴子The Playful Ass

驮着雕像的驴子The Ass Carrying the Image

猴子 Monkey

驴子、狐狸和狮子The Ass,the Fox,and the Lion

野驴和狮子The Wild Ass and the Lion

披着狮子皮的驴子The Ass in the Lion’s Skin

驴子和老牧人The Ass and the Old Shepherd

驴子和他的影子The Ass and His Shadow

骡子The Mule

驴子和赶驴人The Ass and His Driver

盐商和他的驴子The Salt Merchant and His Ass

骡子和强盗The Mules and the Robbers

驴子和骡子The Ass and the Mule

驴子和买主The Ass and His Purchaser

驴子和主人The Ass and His Masters

驴子和狼The Ass and the Wolf

驴和哈巴狗The Ass and the Lapdog

磨坊主、他的儿子和驴子The Miller,His Son,and Their Ass

小鸟 Birds

乌鸦和天鹅The Raven and the Swan

小燕子和乌鸦The Swallow and the Crow

徒劳的寒鸦The Vain Jackdaw

口渴的鸽子The Thirsty Pigeon

孔雀和仙鹤The Peacock and the Crane

乌鸦和渡鸦The Crow and the Raven

狐狸和鹤The Fox and the Crane

乌鸦和水罐The Crow and the Pitcher

寒鸦和狐狸The Jackdaw and the Fox

孝顺的百灵鸟The Lark Burying Her Father

鸟兽和蝙蝠The Birds,the Beasts,and the Bat

鸽子和乌鸦The Dove and the Crow

挥霍者和燕子The Spendthrift and the Swallow

斗鸡和鹌鹑The Gamecocks and the Partridge

画眉鸟和捕鸟人The Thrush and the Fowler

百灵鸟和她的孩子们The Lark and Her Young Ones

鹌鹑和捕鸟人The Partridge and the Fowler

乌鸦和羊The Crow and the Sheep

猫头鹰和鸟The Owl and the Birds

熊 Bear

熊和狐狸The Bear and the Fox

熊和两个过路人The Bear and the Two Travelers

狮子、熊和狐狸The Lion,the Bear,and the Fox

老鹰 Eagle

老雕、鹞鹰和鸽子The Hawk,the Kite,and the Pigeons

乌龟和老鹰The Tortoise and the Eagle

病重的鹞鹰The Sick Kite

老鹰和箭头The Eagle and the Arrow

海鸥和鹞鹰The Seagull and the Kite

老鹰和寒鸦The Eagle and the Jackdaw

农夫和老鹰The Peasant and the Eagle

鹞鹰和天鹅The Kites and the Swans

寒鸦和鸽子The Jackdaw and the Doves

老鹰和狐狸The Eagle and the Fox

老鹰和猎人The Eagle and His Captor

老雕和夜莺The Hawk and the Nightingale

老鹰和鹞鹰The Eagle and the Kite

牛 Bull

公牛和青蛙The Ox and the Frog

牛和车轴The Oxen and the Axle-Trees

牛和屠夫The Oxen and the Butchers

小牛和老牛The Heifer and the Ox

老鼠和公牛The Mouse and the Bull

公牛和牛犊The Bull and the Calf

跳蚤和公牛The Flea and the Ox

公牛、母狮和猎人The Bull,the Lioness,and the Wild-Boar Hunter

狮子和三头公牛The Lion and the Three Bulls

狮子和公牛The Lion and the Bull

公牛和山羊The Bull and the Goat

骆驼 Camel

骆驼The Camel

骆驼和朱庇特The Camel and Jupiter

猴子和骆驼The Monkey and the Camel

骆驼和阿拉伯人The Camel and the Arab

猫 Cat

猫和小鸟The Cat and the Birds

猫和维纳斯The Cat and Venus

猫和公鸡The Cat and the Cock

猫和老鼠The Cat and the Mice

鹿 Deer

小鹿和妈妈The Fawn and His Mother

瞎了一只眼的鹿The One-Eyed Doe

雄鹿和葡萄藤The Hart and the Vine

母鹿和狮子The Doe and the Lion

雄鹿、狼和羊The Stag,the Wolf,and the Sheep

池塘边的雄鹿The Stag at the Pool

躲进牛栏里的雄鹿The Stag in the Ox-Stall

病鹿The Sick Stag

狗 Dog

行人和他的狗The Traveler and His Dog

狗与影子The Dog and the Shadow

食槽中的狗The Dog in the Manger

牧羊人和狗The Shepherd and the Dog

系铃铛的狗The Mischievous Dog

两只狗The Two Dogs

狼和看家狗The Wolf and the Housedog

铜匠与狗The Brazier and His Dog

农夫与狗The Master and His Dogs

年迈的猎犬The Old Hound

母狗和她的小狗The Bitch and Her Whelps

狗群和牛皮The Dogs and the Hides

狗的房子The Dog’s House

狼群和牧羊犬The Wolves and the Sheepdogs

狗和牡蛎The Dog and the Oyster

狗群和狐狸The Dogs and the Fox

狗和厨子The Dog and the Cook

小偷和看家狗The Thief and the Housedog

鱼 Fish

螃蟹和蟹妈妈The Crab and Its Mother

狮子和海豚The Lion and the Dolphin

海豚、鲸鱼和小鲱鱼The Dolphins,the Whales,and the Sprat

猴子和海豚The Monkey and the Dolphin

螃蟹和狐狸The Crab and the Fox

渔夫和小鱼The Fisherman and the Little Fish

狐狸 Fox

狮子、老鼠和狐狸The Lion,the Mouse,and the Fox

农夫和狐狸The Farmer and the Fox

发福的狐狸The Swollen Fox

狮子、狐狸和驴子The Lion,the Fox,and the Ass

失去了尾巴的狐狸The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail

狐狸和乌鸦The Fox and the Crow

狐狸和刺猬The Fox and the Hedgehog

狐狸和伐木工The Fox and the Woodcutter

狐狸和葡萄The Fox and the Grapes

狐狸和山羊The Fox and the Goat

狐狸和豹The Fox and the Leopard

狮子、狼和狐狸The Lion,the Wolf,and the Fox

没见过狮子的狐狸The Fox and the Lion

狐狸和面具The Fox and the Mask

青蛙 Frogs

男孩和青蛙The Boys and the Frogs

老鼠、青蛙和老雕The Mouse,the Frog,and the Hawk

青蛙医生The Quack Frog

两只青蛙The Two Frogs

驴子和青蛙The Ass and the Frogs

两只青蛙The Two Frogs

青蛙对太阳的抱怨The Frogs’Complaint Against the Sun

吁求国王的青蛙The Frogs Asking for a King

天神 Gods

大力神和车夫Hercules and the Wagoner

朱庇特和猴子Jupiter and the Monkey

老头和死神The Old Man and Death

蜜蜂和朱庇特The Bee and Jupiter

人和森林之神The Man and the Satyr

赫耳墨斯和雕塑家Mercury and the Sculptor

哲学家、蚂蚁和赫耳墨斯The Philosopher,the Ants,and Mercury

赫耳墨斯和木匠The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter

孔雀和朱诺The Peacock and Juno

橡树和朱庇特The Oaks and Jupiter

众神保护的树The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods

善与恶The Goods and the Ills

行人和命运女神The Traveler and Fortune

朱庇特、尼普顿、密涅瓦和莫墨斯Jupiter,Neptune,Minerva,and Momus

乌鸦和赫耳墨斯The Crow and Mercury

狮子、朱庇特和大象The Lion,Jupiter,and the Elephant

赫耳墨斯和砍柴人Mercury and the Workmen

兔子 Hare

野兔和猎狗The Hare and the Hound

龟兔赛跑The Hare and the Tortoise

狮子和兔子The Lion and the Hare

兔子和狐狸The Hares and the Foxes

猎狗和兔子The Dog and the Hare

兔子和青蛙The Hares and the Frogs

麻雀和兔子The Sparrow and the Hare

兔子和狮子The Hares and the Lions

马 Horse

马和马夫The Horse and Groom

马和骑兵The Horse and His Rider

战马和磨坊主The Charger and the Miller

人、马、公牛和狗The Man,the Horse,the Ox,and the Dog

马和雄鹿The Horse and the Stag

驴子和马The Ass and the Horse

马和驴子The Horse and the Ass

狼和马The Wolf and the Horse

昆虫 Insect

蚊子和公牛The Gnat and the Bull

跳蚤和大力士The Flea and the Wrestler

黄蜂和蛇The Wasp and the Snake

苍蝇和赶路的骡子The Fly and the Draught-Mule

苍蝇和蜂蜜The Flies and the Honey-Pot

黄蜂、鹌鹑和农夫The Wasps,the Partridges,and the Farmer

秃子和苍蝇The Bald Man and the Fly

跳蚤和人The Flea and the Man

蚂蚁和鸽子The Ant and the Dove

蚂蚁和蚱蜢The Ants and the Grasshopper

蚊子和狮子The Gnat and the Lion

蚱蜢和猫头鹰The Grasshopper and the Owl

狮子 Lion

人和狮子The Man and the Lion

狮子和老鼠The Lion and the Mouse

狮子的王道The Kingdom of the Lion

病狮The Sick Lion

坠入爱河的狮子The Lion in Love

母狮The Lioness

狮子和野猪The Lion and the Boar

年老的狮子The Old Lion

宅院里的狮子The Lion in a Farmyard

狮子和老鹰The Lion and the Eagle

狐狸和狮子The Fox and the Lion

狮子和狐狸The Lion and the Fox

弓箭手和狮子The Bowman and Lion

狮子和牧羊人The Lion and the Shepherd

人类 Men

烧炭人与漂洗工The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller

牧人和小牛犊The Herdsman and the Lost Bull

捕蚱蜢的小男孩The Boy Hunting Locusts

农夫和儿子们The Father and His Sons

两个士兵和强盗The Two Soldiers and the Robber

吹箫的渔夫The Fisherman Piping

农夫和鹳The Farmer and the Stork

男孩和荨麻The Boy and the Nettles

男孩和榛子The Boy and the Filberts

农夫和鹤The Farmer and the Cranes

守财奴The Miser

自吹自擂的人The Boasting Traveler

卖神像的人The Seller of Images

杀人犯The Manslayer

农民和他的孩子们The Farmer and His Sons

寡妇和女仆The Widow and Her Little Maidens

一个男人和他的两个情妇The Man and His Two Sweethearts

海边的行人The Seaside Travelers

被俘的号兵The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner

天文学家The Astronomer

牧羊人和小狼The Shepherd and the Wolf

挤奶女工和她的桶The Milk-Woman and Her Pail

埃塞俄比亚人The Aethiop

被狗咬了的人The Man Bitten by a Dog

猎人和骑手The Hunter and the Horseman

渔夫和鱼网The Fisherman and His Nets

猎人和渔夫The Huntsman and the Fisherman

老妇人和酒瓶The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar

牧人和大海The Shepherd and the Sea

两个对手The Two Men Who Were Enemies

三个匠人The Three Tradesmen

胆小的猎人The Hunter and the Woodman

真理和行人Truth and the Traveler

两个过路人和斧子The Two Travelers and the Axe

秃子骑手The Bald Knight

父亲和两个女儿The Father and His Two Daughters

游泳的男孩The Boy Bathing

小偷和他的母亲The Thief and His Mother

丈夫和妻子The Man and His Wife

渔夫们The Fishermen

开始行医的鞋匠The Cobbler Turned Doctor

豹和牧羊人The Panther and the Shepherds

两个袋子The Two Bags

王子和画中的狮子The King’s Son and the Painted Lion

预言家The Prophet

老妇人和医生The Old Woman and the Physician

富翁和皮匠The Rich Man and the Tanner

小偷和旅店掌柜The Thief and the Innkeeper

小丑和农夫The Buffoon and the Countryman

姐弟俩The Brother and the Sister

遭遇海难的人和海The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea

猴子 Monkey

狐狸和猴子The Fox and the Monkey

猴子和渔夫们The Monkey and the Fishermen

猴子和他们的母亲The Monkeys and Their Mother

狼、狐狸和猿猴The Wolf,the Fox,and the Ape

跳舞的猴子The Dancing Monkeys

狐狸和猴子The Fox and the Monkey

猿猴和两个行人The Apes and the Two Travelers

老鼠 Mouse

小鼹鼠和妈妈The Mole and His Mother

蝙蝠与黄鼠狼The Bat and the Weasels

开会的老鼠The Mice in Council

老鼠和黄鼠狼The Mice and the Weasels

黄鼠狼和老鼠The Weasel and the Mice

田鼠和家鼠The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

事物 Objects

北风和太阳The North Wind and the Sun

山震The Mountain in Labor

肚子和身体的其他成员The Belly and the Members

河流和海洋The Rivers and the Sea

油灯The Lamp

陶罐和铜罐The Two Pots

猪 Pig

老鹰、猫和野猪The Eagle,the Cat,and the Wild Sow

小猪和羊The Piglet,the Sheep,and the Goat

野猪和狐狸The Wild Boar and the Fox

家禽 Poultry

公鸡和宝石The Cock and the Jewel

争斗的公鸡和老鹰The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle

捕鸟人、鹌鹑和公鸡The Birdcatcher,the Partridge,and the Cock

下金蛋的母鸡The Hen and the Golden Eggs

妇女和母鸡The Woman and Her Hen

小偷和公鸡The Thieves and the Cock

狗、公鸡和狐狸The Dog,the Cock,and the Fox

鹅和鹤The Geese and the Cranes

母鸡和燕子The Hen and the Swallow

天鹅和鹅The Swan and the Goose

羊 Sheep

山羊和牧羊人The Goat and the Goatherd

葡萄藤和山羊The Vine and the Goat

牧羊人和羊The Shepherd and the Sheep

寡妇和羊The Widow and the Sheep

小羊和狼The Kid and the Wolf

母山羊和他们的胡须The She-Goats and Their Beards

牧羊人和野羊群The Goatherd and the Wild Goats

山羊和驴子The Goat and the Ass

小绵羊和狼The Lamb and the Wolf

狼和山羊The Wolf and the Goat

蛇 Snake

农夫和蛇The Farmer and the Snake

农夫和咬死他儿子的蛇The Laborer and the Snake

捕鸟人和毒蛇The Fowler and the Viper

燕子和蛇The Swallow,the Serpent,and the Court of Justice

乌鸦和大蛇The Crow and the Serpent

蛇和老鹰The Serpent and the Eagle

毒蛇和锉刀The Viper and the File

植物 Plants

石榴树、苹果树和荆棘The Pomegranate,Apple-Tree,and Bramble

杉树和荆棘The Fir-Tree and the Bramble

橡树和芦苇The Oak and the Reeds

狐狸和荆棘The Fox and the Bramble

橡树和伐木工The Oak and the Woodcutters

胡桃树The Walnut-Tree

玫瑰和苋菜The Rose and the Amaranth

橄榄树和无花果树The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree

行人和梧桐树The Travelers and the Plane-Tree

农民和苹果树The Peasant and the Apple-Tree

树木和斧头The Trees and the Axe

狼 Wolf

披着羊皮的狼The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

狼与小绵羊The Wolf and the Lamb

狼群和羊群The Wolves and the Sheep

狼和鹤The Wolf and the Crane

放羊娃和狼The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf

小孩和狼The Kid and the Wolf

狼和绵羊The Wolf and the Sheep

妇人和狼The Mother and the Wolf

狼和牧羊人The Wolf and the Shepherd

狼和牧人The Wolf and the Shepherds

狼和狐狸The Wolf and the Fox

盲人和狼崽The Blind Man and the Whelp

狼和狮子The Wolf and the Lion

狼和夺食的狮子The Wolf and the Lion

返回总目录驴Ass驴子和战马The Ass and the Charger



An Ass congratulated a Horse on being so ungrudgingly and carefully provided for,while he himself had scarcely enough to eat and not even that without hard work. But when war broke out,a heavily armed soldier mounted the Horse,and riding him to the charge,rushed into the very midst of the enemy. The Horse was wounded and fell dead on the battlefield. Then the Ass,seeing all these things,changed his mind,and commiserated the Horse.

Be content with your station.驴子、公鸡和狮子The Ass,the Cock,and the Lion



An Ass and a Cock were in a straw-yard together when a Lion,desperate from hunger,approached the spot. He was about to spring upon the Ass,when the Cock(to the sound of whose voice the Lion,it is said,has a singular aversion)crowed loudly,and the Lion fled away as fast as he could. The Ass,observing his trepidation at the mere crowing of a Cock summoned courage to attack him,and galloped after him for that purpose. He had run no long distance,when the Lion,turning about,seized him and tore him to pieces.

False confidence often leads into danger.驴子与蚱蜢The Ass and the Grasshopper



An Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping,was highly enchanted;and,desiring to possess the same charms of melody,demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied,“The dew.” The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew,and in a short time died of hunger.

Even a fool is wise-when it is too late.贪玩的驴子The Playful Ass



An Ass climbed up to the roof of a building,and frisking about there,broke in the tiling. The owner went up after him and quickly drove him down,beating him severely with a thick wooden cudgel. The Ass said,“Why,I saw the Monkey do this very thing yesterday,and you all laughed heartily,as if it afforded you very great amusement.”

People that live by example need to look closely at the example they are following.驮着雕像的驴子The Ass Carrying the Image



An Ass once carried through the streets of a city a famous wooden Image,to be placed in one of its Temples. As he passed along,the crowd made lowly prostration before the Image. The Ass,thinking that they bowed their heads in token of respect for himself,bristled up with pride,gave himself airs,and refused to move another step. The driver,seeing him thus stop,laid his whip lustily about his shoulders and said,“O you perverse dull-head! It is not yet come to this,that men pay worship to an Ass.”

They are not wise who give to themselves the credit due to others.猴子 Monkey驴子、狐狸和狮子The Ass,the Fox,and the Lion



The Ass and the Fox,having entered into partnership together for their mutual protection,went out into the forest to hunt. They had not proceeded far when they met a Lion. The Fox,seeing imminent danger,approached the Lion and promised to contrive for him the capture of the Ass if the Lion would pledge his word not to harm the Fox. Then,upon assuring the Ass that he would not be injured,the Fox led him to a deep pit and arranged that he should fall into it. The Lion,seeing that the Ass was secured,immediately clutched the Fox,and attacked the Ass at his leisure.

Never trust your enemy.野驴和狮子The Wild Ass and the Lion



A Wild Ass and a Lion entered into an alliance so that they might capture the beasts of the forest with greater ease. The Lion agreed to assist the Wild Ass with his strength,while the Wild Ass gave the Lion the benefit of his greater speed. When they had taken as many beasts as their necessities required,the Lion undertook to distribute the prey,and for this purpose divided it into three shares. “I will take the first share,” he said,“because I am King: and the second share,as a partner with you in the chase: and the third share(believe me)will be a source of great evil to you,unless you willingly resign it to me,and set off as fast as you can.”

Might makes right.披着狮子皮的驴子The Ass in the Lion’s Skin



An Ass,having put on the Lion’s skin,roamed about in the forest and amused himself by frightening all the foolish animals he met in his wanderings. At last coming upon a Fox,he tried to frighten him also,but the Fox no sooner heard the sound of his than he exclaimed,“I might possibly have been frightened myself,if I had not heard your bray.”

Fine clothes may disguise,but silly words will disclose a fool.驴子和老牧人The Ass and the Old Shepherd



A Shepherd,watching his Ass feeding in a meadow,was alarmed all of a sudden by the cries of the enemy. He appealed to the Ass to fly with him,lest they should both be captured,but the animal lazily replied,“Why should I,pray? Do you think it likely the conqueror will place on me two sets of panniers?”“No,” rejoined the Shepherd. “Then,” said the Ass,“as long as I carry the panniers,what matters it to me whom I serve?”

In a change of government the poor change nothing beyond the name of their master.驴子和他的影子The Ass and His Shadow



A Traveler hired an Ass to convey him to a distant place. The day being intensely hot,and the sun shining in its strength,the Traveler stopped to rest,and sought shelter from the heat under the Shadow of the Ass. As this afforded only protection for one,and as the Traveler and the owner of the Ass both claimed it,a violent dispute arose between them as to which of them had the right to the Shadow. The owner maintained that he had let the Ass only,and not his Shadow. The Traveler asserted that he had,with the hire of the Ass,hired his Shadow also. The quarrel proceeded from words to blows,and while the men fought,the Ass galloped off.

In quarreling about the shadow we often lose the substance.骡子The Mule


A Mule,frolicsome from lack of work and from too much corn,galloped about in a very extravagant manner,and said to himself,“My father surely was a high-mettled racer,and I am his own child in speed and spirit.” On the next day,being driven a long journey,and feeling very wearied,he exclaimed in a disconsolate tone,“I must have made a mistake;my father,after all,could have been only an ass.”驴子和赶驴人The Ass and His Driver



An Ass,being driven along a high road,suddenly started off and bolted to the brink of a deep precipice. While he was in the act of throwing himself over,his owner seized him by the tail,endeavoring to pull him back. When the Ass persisted in his effort,the man let him go and said,“Conquer,but conquer to your cost.”

A willful beast must go his own way.盐商和他的驴子The Salt Merchant and His Ass



A Peddler drove his Ass to the seashore to buy salt. His road home lay across a stream into which his Ass,making a false step,fell by accident and rose up again with his load considerably lighter,as the water melted the sack. The Peddler retraced his steps and refilled his panniers with a larger quantity of salt than before.

When he came again to the stream,the Ass fell down on purpose in the same spot,and,regaining his feet with the weight of his load much diminished,brayed triumphantly as if he had obtained what he desired.

The Peddler saw through his trick and drove him for the third time to the coast,where he bought a cargo of sponges instead of salt. The Ass,again playing the fool,fell down on purpose when he reached the stream,but the sponges became swollen with water,greatly increasing his load. And thus his trick recoiled on him,for he now carried on his back a double burden.

You can fool someone only so many times.骡子和强盗The Mules and the Robbers



Two Mules well-laden with packs were trudging along. One carried panniers filled with money,the other sacks weighted with grain. The Mule carrying the treasure walked with head erect,as if conscious of the value of his burden,and tossed up and down the clear-toned bells fastened to his neck. His companion followed with quiet and easy step. All of a sudden Robbers rushed upon them from their hiding-places,and in the scuffle with their owners,wounded with a sword the Mule carrying the treasure,which they greedily seized while taking no notice of the grain. The Mule which had been robbed and wounded bewailed his misfortunes. The other replied,“I am indeed glad that I was thought so little of,for I have lost nothing,nor am I hurt with any wound.”

Flaunt wealth and thieves will know you have wealth.驴子和骡子The Ass and the Mule



A Muleteer set forth on a journey,driving before him an Ass and a Mule,both well laden. The Ass,as long as he traveled along the plain,carried his load with ease,but when he began to ascend the steep path of the mountain,felt his load to be more than he could bear. He entreated his companion to relieve him of a small portion,that he might carry home the rest;but the Mule paid no attention to the request. The Ass shortly afterwards fell down dead under his burden. Not knowing what else to do in so wild a region,the Muleteer placed upon the Mule the load carried by the Ass in addition to his own,and at the top of all placed the hide of the Ass,after he had skinned him. The Mule,groaning beneath his heavy burden,said to himself,“I am treated according to my deserts. If I had only been willing to assist the Ass a little in his need,I should not now be bearing,together with his burden,himself as well.”

A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cruel.





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