
发布时间:2020-05-16 04:53:33








Part Ⅰ. Structure and Vocabulary (20 points)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark you answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. We have already purchased ____ to furnish our new house.

A. many furnitures

B. some furniture

C. several furniture

D. a few furnitures【答案】B【解析】句意:我们已经为新房子买了几件家具。furniture为不可数名词,而some,several,a few都只能修饰可数名词,所以A、C、D错误。some既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。

2. ____ they are doing has never been done before.

A. Which

B. What

C. That

D. Whether【答案】B【解析】句意:他们做的事情是前所未有的。what表示“……的东西或事情”,如They’ve done what they can to help her. 他们已经尽力(做了能做的事情)帮助她。that在名词性从句中不作成分。本题的主语从句中明显缺宾语,所以不用that。

3. The newly-built factory is supplied with ____ machines.

A. plenty of

B. many a

C. a great deal of

D. a large amount of【答案】A【解析】句意:这个新建的工厂配备有大量机器。plenty of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。所以可以修饰machines。many a跟可数名词单数,表示许多……。a great deal of和a large amount of都只能修饰不可数名词。

4. If I ____ to learn more French now, I would not have bought this French-Chinese dictionary yesterday.

A. didn’t need

B. hadn’t needed

C. hasn’t needed

D. shouldn’t need【答案】B【解析】句意:如果对于我来说没有再继续学习法语的必要的话,我昨天就不可能买这本法汉词典了。本句是对过去的虚拟,从句用had done形式。

5. ____ children, most senior people find it difficult imitating sounds of a second language.

A. Not like

B. Unlike

C. Being not

D. Not as【答案】B【解析】句意:与孩子不同,大多数大人都觉得模仿外语的发音很困难。unlike不像。

6. We haven’t seen the Browns for over a week. They may ____ on a trip for the vacation.

A. be gone

B. be going

C. have gone

D. have been going【答案】C【解析】句意:我们已经有超过一周时间没有见过布朗他们一家人了。他们可能去度假了。may have done表示可能做了某事。

7. Mr. Dick has spent ____ collecting materials for his dissertation.

A. one and half months

B. half and one months

C. a month and half

D. a month and a half【答案】A【解析】句意:迪克花了一个半月时间收集论文所需材料。一个半在英语里表达为one and half,不能调换位置。凡是一个以上的数量,不论是一个半或一个零四分之一,后面名词一概都用其复数形式。

8. The time ____ you can travel freely in Europe with only one visa has finally come true.

A. in which

B. on which

C. at which

D. of which【答案】C【解析】句意:以一张签证自由在欧洲旅行的时候终于到来了。time一般与介词at搭配,故选at which。

9. The professor demanded that his students ____ the composition in 40 minutes.

A. finished writing

B. finish writing

C. must finish writing

D. wrote【答案】B【解析】句意:教授要求学生在40分钟内写完作文。表达命令、要求、建议、重要性等意义的动词所接的宾语从句一般用虚拟语气,其虚拟语气的结构为:(should)+原形动词。

10. Ships are ____ than planes that people take them mainly for pleasure.

A. so much slower

B. too much slower

C. very much slower

D. much more slower【答案】A【解析】句意:船速度比飞机慢很多,人们坐船主要是图开心。so...that...太……以至于……。much修饰比较级,加强程度。

11. _____ is the gas that forms most of the earth’s air and can be found in all living things.

A. Nitrogen

B. Oxygen

C. Hydrogen

D. Carbon【答案】B【解析】句意:氧气是地球空气中的主要成分,所有生物体内都有氧气。oxygen氧气。nitrogen氮气。hydrogen氢气。carbon碳。

12. They were waiting in _____ silence for the coming of the great scientist.

A. respected

B. respectable

C. respectful

D. respective【答案】C【解析】句意:他们安静地等着那位伟大科学家的到来,以示尊敬。respectful表示尊敬的。如respectful attitude/ smile/ distance表示尊敬的态度/微笑/距离。这里修饰silence,意思是“表示尊敬的安静”。respected受尊敬的,respectable可敬的,两个词一般用来形容人。respective各自的。

13. Cheating is wrong from both a ____ and moral standpoint.

A. morale

B. natural

C. legal

D. mental【答案】C【解析】句意:欺骗这种行为不论从法律的角度还是从道德角度来看都是错误的。我们评判人的行为一般都是从法律和道德两个角度来评判的。所以选legal(法律的)。

14. With a large family of growing children to feed and clothe, my parents had difficulty in ____.

A. making the two ends meet

B. making both ends meet

C. providing enough food

D. buying enough clothes【答案】B【解析】句意:因为家里好几个孩子需要养活,父母想要勉强维持生计都很困难。make (both) ends meet为固定短语,表示“使收支相抵、勉强维持生计”。

15. George and his brother haven’t finished their work in time: in the first case because they are not qualified for it, ____ because of their laziness.

A. in second case

B. in no case

C. in any case

D. in the second case【答案】D【解析】句意:乔治和他弟弟没有按时完成工作,第一次是因为他们没有资格做,第二次是因为他们偷懒。前面有in the first case,所以该空填in the second case。

16. To start a business not only a considerable capital but also skills and experiences are ____.

A. acquired

B. required

C. inquired

D. wanted【答案】B【解析】句意:要想创业不仅需要大量资金还需要能力和经验。require需要。acquire获得,得到。inquire打听,询问。want想要。

17. He was angry with his cat because she ____ his arm with her claws.

A. bit

B. stabbed

C. scraped

D. scratched【答案】D【解析】句意:他的猫用猫爪抓伤了他的胳膊,这令他感到很生气。bit为bite过去时,意思是“咬”。stab刺,戳,捅。scrape刮坏,蹭破。scratch划破,抓破,划伤,抓伤。因为with her claws表明是用爪子,所以一定是抓伤了。

18. I’m writing, ____ my family, to express our thanks for your invitation to the concert.

A. on behalf of

B. in honor of

C. despite of

D. instead of【答案】A【解析】句意:我写信给你是为了代表我家人感谢你邀请我们去看演唱会。on behalf of代表,符合题意。in honor of为了纪念……。despite是介词,后面直接跟名词,despite等于in spite of。instead of代替。

19. Our ____ that our football team would win turned out to be wrong.

A. perception

B. impression

C. assumption

D. imagination【答案】C【解析】句意:我们预想我们的足球队能赢,但结果证明是错误的。assumption设想,假设。perception知觉,感知。impression印象。imagination想象。

20. At that time Oliver and other boys in the workhouse often ____ the bowls shining.

A. sipped

B. licked

C. sucked

D. lapped【答案】B【解析】句意:在那时,奥利弗和济贫院的其他男孩经常把碗舔得干干净净。lick舔。sip小口喝,抿。suck吮吸,吸。lap(动物)舔。

Part Ⅱ. Synonyms: (20 points)

Directions: For each of the underlined words and expressions, four choices arc given. Choose the one that best explains or defines the underlined part.

21. She is loaded with talent and energy and will surely go far.

A. equipped

B. filled

C. born

D. provided【答案】B【解析】句意:她有才能、充满活力,一定能长远发展。load有“大量给予”的意思。也就是说她充满才能和活力。所以可以用fill来替换。

22. There was no indication that she had even heard the last part of what he had said.

A. signal

B. expression

C. suggestion

D. information【答案】C【解析】句意:没有什么能表明她听到了他最后说的话。indication表明,迹象。suggestion暗示,示意,与indication意思最相近。signal信号。expression表情。information信息。

23. Even Big Mike felt very small next to the immense oak.

A. influential

B. powerful

C. huge

D. splendid【答案】C【解析】句意:甚至大个子麦克站在这庞大的橡树旁,都会感到十分渺小。immense巨大的。huge也表示巨大的。influential有影响力的。powerful有权力的,有力量的。splendid壮丽的;雄伟的。

24. He was still wondering what had prompted her to buy such an impractical birthday present.

A. moved

B. compelled

C. caused

D. recommended【答案】C【解析】句意:他仍然好奇,是谁让她买这么不实用的生日礼物的。prompt促使,推动。move移动。compel强迫。cause导致。recommend推荐,举荐。与prompt意思最相近的是cause。

25. I’m afraid their suspicions were not without foundation.

A. doubts

B. expectations

C. imaginations

D. predictions【答案】A【解析】句意:恐怕他们的怀疑并不是没有依据的。suspicion怀疑。doubt也表示怀疑。expectation期待。imagination想象。prediction预料。

26. Each leader had a solemn look as he signed the peace treaty.

A. grave

B. sincere

C. elastic

D. honest【答案】A【解析】句意:当他签署和平协定的时候,每位首领的表情都很严肃。solemn冷峻的,表情严肃的。grave严肃的,庄严的,表情沉重的。elastic有弹性的。honest诚实的。

27. The way she behaved at the meeting was utterly bewildering.

A. unreasonable

B. puzzling

C. ridiculous

D. particular【答案】B【解析】句意:她在会议上的表现让人十分困惑。bewildering令人困惑的。puzzling令人迷惑的。unreasonable不合理的。ridiculous可笑的。particular特别的,挑剔的。

28. When freedom of speech is restricted, it is difficult for people to express their true feeling.

A. limited

B. deprived

C. forbidden

D. ignored【答案】A【解析】句意:当人们发表自由言论的权利受到限制时,人们很难表达自己的真实感觉。restrict限制。limit也表示限制。deprive剥夺。forbid禁止。ignore忽视。

29. Rural scenes appealed to her. She found them preferable to urban subjects.

A. Wild

B. Country

C. Remote

D. Rough【答案】B【解析】句意:乡村景色吸引了她。她发现相比城市,她更喜欢乡村景色。rural乡村的。country可以表示国家,也可以表示乡村。

30. Although he had enjoyed the flight he must have welcomed the security of being home again.

A. relief

B. state

C. collision

D. safety【答案】D【解析】句意:虽然他享受这次飞行,但他一定希望能再次回到给他安全感的家。security安全。safety也表示安全,与security意思相近。relief宽慰。state状态。collision碰撞。

31. Only 22 of the 801 people who jumped the Golden Gate Bridge survived the 220-foot fall.

A. remained alive after

B. went through with difficult

C. accomplished the conquest of

D. safely returned from【答案】A【解析】句意:曾经从距离海面220英尺的金门大桥跳下去的802人只有22个人活了下来。survive在……中幸存。所以选择A项“在……之后仍然活了下来”。

32. Shoppers have a great tendency toward impulsive buying.

A. temptation

B. attraction

C. inclination

D. desire【答案】C【解析】句意:购物者往往容易冲动购物。tendency倾向。inclination也表示倾向。temptation诱惑。attraction吸引力。desire渴望。

33. I was very hostile to the idea of taking unnecessary risks.

A. critical

B. elastic

C. unfriendly

D. desperate【答案】A【解析】句意:我反对不必要的冒险。hostile在本句中意思是“反对的、不赞成的”。critical批判的。elastic有弹性的;有弹力的。unfriendly不友好的。desperate绝望的。与本句中hostile意思的只有critical。

34. It is a tradition to have turkey for Thanksgiving Day dinner in the United States.

A. history

B. custom

C. treat

D. service【答案】B【解析】句意:在美国,感恩节晚餐吃火鸡是传统习俗。tradition传统。custom风俗,习俗,与tradition意思相近。history历史。treat请客。service服务。

35. I made wild gesture with my arm, but Mike didn’t see me.

A. dash

B. push

C. movement

D. expression【答案】C【解析】句意:我用胳膊做了奇怪的动作,但是麦克并没有看到我。gesture姿势。movement动作。dash猛冲;突进;急奔。push推。expression表情。与gesture意思相近的只有movement。

36. Charles was quite upset by Jerry’s remarks.

A. stirred

B. disturbed

C. amused

D. ruined【答案】B【解析】句意:杰瑞的话让查尔斯感到十分生气。upset使烦恼;使心烦意乱。disturb有“使不安,使烦恼”的意思,与upset意思相近。stir搅动,搅拌。amuse逗笑。ruin摧毁。

37. His hands were at his mouth as if to tear out the tongue which had uttered the unutterable.

A. commented

B. said

C. betrayed

D. revealed【答案】B【解析】句意:他的手放在嘴里,好像要把那说了不该说的话的舌头给扯下来。utter说。say与其意思相近。comment评论。betray背叛。reveal透露。

38. Good food is vital to good health.

A. precious

B. valuable

C. beneficial

D. essential【答案】D【解析】句意:优质的事物对于健康至关重要。vital至关重要的。essential完全必要的,必不可少的。两者可替换。precious宝贵的。valuable有价值的。beneficial有益的。

39. He still has a keen interest in the game of tennis.

A. sharp

B. sensitive

C. strong

D. curious【答案】C【解析】句意:他仍然对网球比赛很感兴趣。keen在本句中意思是“强烈的,浓厚的”。所以选strong。

40. The islands are isolated from the mainland by a vast stretch of ocean.

A. blocked

B. split

C. divided

D. separated【答案】D【解析】句意:大片海洋将这些岛屿与大陆分隔开了。isolate(使)隔离,孤立,脱离。separate(使)分开,分离,与isolate意思相近。block阻挡;堵塞。split(使)断裂;(使)裂开。divide划分。

Part Ⅲ. Cloze (10 points)

Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices labeled A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET.

People over the age of 65 in the United States are called senior citizens. Life for these people is different from that of younger Americans. Most senior citizens (41) _____or no longer work full time. Also, it is (42) _____for people of this age to live with their children and grandchildren.

For many senior citizens, the years after sixty-five are not (43) _____. They feel that their lives lose meaning after retirement. In addition, they may feel lonely being away from their families and the (44) _____ they had in their work. Moreover, they become more (45) _____ about their health as they grow older, and (46) _____ their safety if they live in big cities. Other senior citizens (47) _____their lives. They (48) _____ free to do what they were not able to when they were working and (49) _____ families. They now have time to enjoy (50) _____and sports and travel.

41. A. retire

B. employ

C. dismiss

D. fire

42. A. normal

B. typical

C. common

D. unusual

43. A. miserable

B. excited

C. enjoyable

D. pitiful

44. A. joins

B. relations

C. contacts

D. concern

45. A. worried

B. aware

C. concern

D. careful

46. A. for

B. about

C. without

D. in

47. A. recall

B. mention

C. content

D. enjoy

48. A. charm

B. illustrate

C. feel

D. mode

49. A. growing

B. raising

C. bringing

D. caring

50. A. hobbies

B. habits

C. welfare

D. communication【答案与解析】

41. A  第一句说在美国超过65岁的人被称为老年人。所以可以推断大多数老年人应该已经退休。retire退休。

42. D  第二段中they may feel lonely being away from their families他们远离家人感到寂寞。这说明美国的老年人并不是经常与儿女和孙子孙女住在一起。所以应该选unusual,意思是“不平常的,罕见的”。

43. C  后一句说,他们感到退休后生活失去了意义。所以对于一些老年人来说,65岁以后的日子是不愉快的。

44. C  contact联系,联络。这里指老年人感到寂寞因为远离家人,也失去了和通过工作认识的人的联络。

45. A  句意:随着年龄增大,他们越来越担心自己的身体。be worried about担心。

46. B  句意:住在大城市的老年人担心自己的安全。worried还是和about搭配。

47. D  后文说到,他们感到更自由,能做自己之前工作、赚钱养家时没能去做的事。这说明其他的老年人享受老年生活。故选enjoy。

48. C  feel free to do sth意为“随便做点什么、觉得可随意做某事”。

49. B  raise抚养;养育。

50. A  hobby爱好,符合语境。老年人有时间享受自己的爱好、体育运动,有时间旅行。

Part Ⅳ. Reading Comprehension: (20 points)

Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet.Passage One

Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that one face different from another. Yet a very young child— or even an animal, such as a pigeon—can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted.

We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks, and feels that make that individual different from others.

Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a “nice face” looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing this. But if you were asked to describe a “nice person,” you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly, warm, and so forth.

There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Fordin Allport, an American psychologist found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing, his personality. Bookworms, conservatives, military types—people are described with such terms.

People have tried to “type” each other. Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villains (坏人) or the hero’s role. In fact, the words “person” and “personality” come from the Latin word persona, meaning “mask”. Today, most televisions and movie actors do not wear masks. But we can easily tell the “good guys” from the “bad guys” because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.

51. By using the examples of fingerprints, the author tells us that _____.

A. people can learn to recognize faces

B. people have different personalities

C. people have difficulty in describing the features of fingerprints

D. people differ from each other in facial features

52. According to the passage, some animals have the gift of _____.

A. telling people apart by how they behave

B. typing each other

C. telling good people from bad people

D. recognizing human faces

53. Who most possibly knows best how to describe people’s personality?

A. The ancient Greek audience

B. The movie actors

C. Psychologists

D. The modern TV audience

54. According to the passage, it is possible for us to tell one type of person from another because _____.

A. people differ in their behavior and physical characteristics

B. human fingerprints provide unique information

C. people’s behavior can be easily described in words

D. human faces have complex features

55. Which of the following is the major point of the passage?

A. Why is it necessary to identify people’s personality?

B. Why is it possible to describe people?

C. How to get to know people?

D. When is the time to describe people?【答案与解析】

51. D  本文第一句“Faces, like fingerprints, are unique.”说“像指纹一样,每个人的脸是独特的。”也就是说每个人的指纹不同,外貌也不同。

52. D  第一段倒数第二句Yet a very young child—or even an animal, such as a pigeon—can learn to recognize faces.意思是小孩、动物(如鸽子)可以辨别人脸。

53. B  根据最后一段most television and movie actors do not wear masks. But we can easily tell the “good guys” from the “bad guys” because the two types differ in appearances as well as in actions.可知,演员无须戴面具,但观众能够从他们对人物的演绎中知道他们是好人还是坏人。所以,演员一定是最能描述性格的人。

54. A  从最后一段最后一句But we can easily tell the “good guys” from the “bad guys” because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.可以得出,我们能轻易地分辨人与人的区别是因为外貌和行为的不同。也就是A项所说“人们的行为特点和身体特点不同”。

55. B  根据文章内容,作者认为人的外貌和行为是不同的,所以我们才能够对不同的人进行分类。所以B项“为什么可以描述人的特征”是文章的主要观点。Passage Two

During the early years of this century, wheat was seen as the very lifeblood of Western Canada. When the crops were good, the economy was good; when the crops failed, there was depression. People on city streets watched the yields and the price of wheat with almost as much feeling as if they were growers. The marketing of wheat became an increasingly favorite topic of conversation.

War set the stage for the most dramatic events in marketing the western crop. For years, farmers mistrusted speculative grain selling as carried on through the Winnipeg Grain Exchange. Wheat prices were generally low in the autumn, but farmers could not wait for markets to improve. It had happened too often that they sold their wheat soon after harvest when farm debts were coming due, only to see prices rising and speculators getting rich. On various occasions, producer groups asked for firmer controls, but governments had no will to become involved, at least not until wartime wheat prices threatened to run wild.

Anxious to check inflation and rising living costs, the federal government appointed a board of grain supervisors to handle deliveries from the crops of 1917 and 1918. Grain Exchange trading was suspended, and farmers sold at prices fixed by the board. To handle the crop of 1919, the government appointed the first Canadian Wheat Board with full authority to buy, sell, and set prices.

56. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To explain how wheat is marked today.

B. To justify suspension of trading on the Grain Exchange.

C. To describe the origins of the Canadian Wheat Board.

D. To argue for further reforms on the Canadian Wheat Board.

57. The author uses the term “lifeblood” (line 1) to indicate that wheal was _____.

A. difficult to produce in large quantities

B. susceptible to many parasites

C. essential to the health of the country

D. expensive to gather and transport

58. According to the passage, most farmers’ debts had to be paid _____.

A. when the autumn harvest had just been completed

B. because wheat prices were high

C. as soon as the Winnipeg Grain Exchange demanded payment

D. when crop failure caused depression

59. According to the passage, wheal prices became unmanageable because of conditions caused by_____.

A. farmers

B. supervisors

C. weather

D. war

60. According to the passage, a preliminary step in the creation of the Canadian Board was the appointment of _____.

A. the Winnipeg Grain Exchange

B. a board of supervisors

C. several producer groups

D. a new government【答案与解析】

56. C  第一段讲的是小麦是加拿大西部地区的命脉,对其经济起着关键作用。第二段讲的是小麦价格不稳定,生产者要求进行调控,但政府不愿管,直到战争期间小麦价格飞涨、难以控制。接着第三段就指出政府为了控制通货膨胀和人民生活成本提高,设立了加拿大第一个小麦管理局,来负责采购、销售小麦以及定价。所以本文讲的是小麦管理局设立的背景。

57. C  第一段第二句“When the crops were good, the economy was good; when the crops failed, there was depression.”意思是小麦收成好,经济就好,收成不好,就会出现经济萧条。由此可见当时小麦对于加拿大的经济发展是十分重要的。

58. A  第二段中“It had happened too often that they sold their wheat soon after harvest when farm debts were coming due”说明秋收时农民的农业欠款到期,所以他们就马上卖掉小麦。

59. D  A项“农民们”不合题意,因为农民们出售小麦是为了交税款,不得不在价格很低时卖掉。B项“监督管理人员”也不符合实际,他们对粮食价格和交易进行监督,他们是帮助政府对社会和价格进行调控,以便使价格稳定下来,应排除B项。C项“天气”,全文没有涉及因为天气原因欠收而造成小麦价格无法控制的内容,故C错误。D项“战争”,第二段最后一句中“wartime wheat prices threatened to run wild”说明战争期间小麦价格变得难以控制。所以D为正确答案。

60. B  由最后一段第一句“Anxious to check inflation and rising living coasts, the federal government appointed a board of grain supervisors to handle deliveries from the crops of 1917 and 1918.”可知,为了急于控制通货膨胀和过高的生活消费,联邦政府任命了一个粮食监督委员会,处理1917和1918年粮食的交易。所以在成立加拿大小麦管理局之前先是认命了一个粮食监督委员会。Passage Three

The American college town has had a character and a personality unlike other towns. Cleaner, neater than other towns, with green spaces somewhere toward the center, with white spires or Gothic towers or windowed dormitories half hid by trees, they were the little capitals of the academic states. As trading or industrial centers, their life might have been indistinguishable from, towns or cities of a like size, but in their social consciousness there was always some recognition of peculiarity. For the heart of the community was a college. Its subtle influence were as pervasive as, if less noticeable than, the quite unsubtle symbols of college life—playing fields, cafes, and collegiate clothing.

And in the early 1900s, the college town was no luncheon stop for automobiles. It was secluded, even if it was a town within a city, like the Yale section of New Haven; it knew its boundaries and kept them. It was jealous of its distinctions: if it was uneasy, it was also proud. The campus and the college buildings dominated its architecture like the temple and citadel of a Greek city-slate, a difficult relationship since there was always some doubt in the minds of the town-folk whether the college was an asset or a parasite. The town with its college was like a woman’s club committee with a celerity in tow—a credit to them but also an embarrassment and sometimes a nuisance; it was like a French village but upon a Roman camp to which tourists resort; it was like the mistress of an actors’ boarding house, pleased by the notoriety but worried by the manners, or the morals, of her boarders. It was like almost anything but a town without a college. And many a college town was like a resentful mother who expecting a quiet and manageable infant, had given birth to a Gargantua that swallowed whole streets and squares in its gigantic growing.

61. This article is mainly about the personality of _____.

A. Yale

B. American college towns of the early 1900s

C. Ivy League college towns

D. all college towns

62. According to the article, college townspeople perceived their town as _____.

A. different from other towns of a similar size

B. indistinguishable from other towns of a similar size





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