
发布时间:2020-05-16 16:35:10













Without doubt,there is highly relevance between the real estate industry and the financial system. On the one hand,the real estate industry and the financial system sustain each other. On the other hand,they further risk. In China,banks are the main means of financing for real estate market. Before2007,scholars his-torically have tended to think of systemic risk primarily in terms of financial institutions such as banks and have reached a common view that the less risky finan-cial structure should be made to resemble the financial structure of the US economy and development of financial markets so that the reliance on the banking system is reduced,which is regarded as an important means to reduce risk with real estate finance. In 2007,subprime crisis occurred,struck the economy,and caused strong repercussions around the world. The conventional view has been doubted. Certainly,we can't give up development of financial markets for this crisis,but the particular features of risk in US financial structure is undoubted to deserve an in-depth research. Unfortunately,there has been relatively little research. Meanwhile,the most particular feature of Chinese real estate market is involved with all kinds of participators such as central government,local govern ments,banks,housing developers and housing buyers(buyers for consuming and buyers for investment),and their relationship is complicated. The conventional researches are always based on the formation mechanism of banking systemic risk,which emphasize their its technologic analyses on the financial system. There are too little explorations on the formation mechanism in an interest group perspective.

Based on these backgrounds,this book tries to find the inwardness of the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance,and make that clear both in US and China. Two key issues are proposed in this paper,and from these two issues' derivation we outlined the whole research framework. The first problem is that what are the new particular features of risk in US financial structure?And the second problem is that how about the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance of China?The purpose of this paper is to see about whether marketization is a good means for reducing the risk of real estate finance of China both in the technical and the Chinese unique situation senses. In a word,the author puts the stress on the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance in China.

This book includes five chapters,which can be divided into three sections on the whole except the introduction. Section1 mainly states the theoretical basis of risk with real estate finance and derives theoretically general framework of the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance to provide facilities for the whole. This section mainly includes Chapter 2. Section 2 answers the two main problems:the new risk features in US real estate finance and the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance in China. This section mainly includes chapter3 and chapter4 and it's the core of this paper. Section3 proposes improving channels,including the common principle for both US and China,the solution mode of China and conducts a preliminary exploration on financial risk governance framework of China. This section mainly includes chapter5.

Specific contents and points are as follows:

Chapter1 is the introduction. It gives a briefing on the significance of topics and research background,the basic ideas and chapter structure,methodology and the basic assumptions used,and the innovations of this paper.

Chapter2 is the analytic framework of the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance,which mainly analyses the basic conceptions and historical development of formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance. Three parts are completed in this chapter. First,It points out that the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance can be unified in the same framework. It points out that soul of formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance is whether there is correct valuation of risk by financial system and the key factors are the information(incentive)issues,and liquidity provision. On the one hand,information incomplete and information asymmetry will incur the overvaluation of real estate assets(the undervaluation of risk)from financial system(institution or market),then the excess liquidity provision,and then the real estate bubble. On the other hand,real estate financial crises depend on the relationship between property price and liquidity provision from financial system. Abundant liquidity provision means risk sharing and insurance at any moment. There is no discount of assets to incur crisis. Second,introduce a new view to research the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance,which can clap the core virtues of aforesaid framework. In conventional point,market is better than government by informa-tion and incentive. Securitization not only brings along more participators,but also set up mechanism for supervising and balance. All the participators recognize and control the risk perfectly,and form the correct valuation of risk. Subprime crisis reflects that there are also limitations to solve information problem in securitized finance,then incur misevaluation of real estate assets,and then incur crisis involved with the effect of liquidity provision. This gives the research view for subprime crisis,from which of the information and liquidity provision to get the new features of securitized finance. Third,on the basis of particular situation in China,build an analytic framework of the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance in China,and introduce the perspective. The potential logic of the aforesaid framework doesn't tally with China's situation,which is that the miseval-uation of risk by financial system arise speculation. On one hand,interest rates are not likely to move to their market-clearing levels in funds market,and the action and function of financial system is limited. On the other hand,the real estate bubble in China is arisen for the unbalances of the demand and the supply,but not speculation. So the heart of the analytical framework real estate industry should be involved with interest group but not finance.

Chapter3 is the marktization practice overseas-survey of subprime crisis,which analyses the new features of formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance in market - oriented countries from information economy and liquidity views. First,this chapter provides an overview of the subprime mortgage securitization process and the seven key informational frictions involved with the mortgagor,the originator,the arranger,the third-parties,the servicer,the asset man-ager and the investor,discussing the ways that market participants work to minimize these frictions and speculate on how this process broke down,with emphasis on the important part of the rating process. It points out that the root of subprime crisis is information issues(adverse selection,moral hazard,and agency problem). The participators can't recognize and control risk perfectly,and can not form the correct valuation of risk. Second,it analyses three new features in secu-ritized real estate finance significantly:(1)Market participants are more dependent on market liquidity. Alongside the traditional bank - mediated liquidity,there is a second and growing component intermediaries are willing to extend to each other.(2)There is a close interaction between liquidity and valuation;new contagion channels have appeared.(3)Uncertainty has a bigger impact than before on market and funding liquidity. Finally,it analyses governance briefly,pointing that this crisis is undoubted to be an opportunity to improve the traditional ideas of framework of government policy and financial supervision. The author-ities should balance the price stability and asset price stability considerately,with emphasis on financial stability. Banking regulation needs to be designed to solve market failures rather than imposed piecemeal as a reaction to crises.

Chapter4 is thoughts in Chinese situation:interest group and the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance in China. This chapter is the most im-portant part of this book. It arms to make clear the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance of China from the view of multiparticipants and multi-markets focused on the commodity houses market,including the primary land market,funds market and supervisor. There are mainly two parts in this chapter. Part1 analyses the situation of real estate market in China,and points out that the most particular feature is the unbalance among the different participants,which made the heart of the framework of risk with real estate finance is not fi-nance but real estate industry. Part 2 is the main body of this chapter,seeking for the formation mechanism of risk with real estate finance in Chinese particular situation. There are three steps to analysis the formation mechanism based on the features of real estate market and pricing mechanism. First,it defines the monopolization of real estate market,and makes clear that the pricing mechanism is cost added with monopoly profit,pointing out that the analytical issues of real estate bubble should be cost in up-markets and monopoly profit in main market. Second,it analyses the relationship among land cost,funds cost,and housing price in up-markets and main market. Third,it analyses the strengthening of seller-biased market. In China,three factors make the real estate market an imperfect market,which are the same benefit among developers,local governments and banks,the real estate shortage involved with land shortage,the formation of effective demand(sustained by the income increasing and bank mortgage loan provision). The suppliers can transfer the cost to under-market participants easily,and gain the monopoly profit. The unbalance of the demand and the supply can incur real estate bubble easily. Then,for in-depth analysis of the mechanism,it builds an essential economic model from the two sides of the supply and the demand,to introduces the constraint conditions arisen by interest group to make it understand mcre easily. After proved that in theory,it quantifies the seller's mar-ket extent to prove the theoretical analysis. Finally,it analyses the cause of bubble burst and contagion channels.

Chapter 5 is the concluding remarks and perspective,which provides the whole frame of reference and thoughts on ways to reduce the risk. There are mainly two parts in this chapter. Part1 gives the two principles to govern the risk in China:market self -regulation and interest balancing based on the analysis and comparison on the mechanisms in U. S. and in China. On the one hand,the same principle to govern the risk in both countries is to perfect market incentive and restraint mechanism. On the other hand,there are difference in develop-ment stage and background in different countries. The economy is a market-collocation economy in U. S. This crisis just reveals the market failure and chan-nels to perfect. In China,the transition economy is a compound economy,and it is a transition stage between market system and centralization system. The formation mechanism in China is involved with interest group,and the governance is also involving interest group. Marketization is not only to define and introduce instruments,but also create and re-build the relationship of interest group. Part2 presents channels to perfect the commodity houses market,primary land market,and funds market respectively. First,the problem in the commodity houses market is the dislocation of market,and the vacancy of government. The solution way is to resume the housing guarantee system by government to balance market force as well as to perfect an efficient and healthy commodity houses market. Second,the situation depends on the environmental development,including incentive and restraint mechanism,the core of reform is not destroy interest group,but develop market step by step to help balance. Finally,introduces exploration to marketiza-tion in funds market from the finance function and interest group perspective. Develop market is also a process to re-build the relationship of interest group. An efficient real estate finance system should do the six basic functions well,but not just change of scale or form,with the establishment of the institution environment and the whole network.

The main innovations of this book are as follows:

First,this book investigates the particular feature of real estate market in China based on the new political economy perspective. It points out that govern-ment and market both function in resource allocation. The risk with real estate finance is interest unbalance in special environment of China. Marketization is not just building of exterior rules,but involved with the re-building,running-in,and formation of interior rules. The arm of introducing constraint mechanism(exterior rules)in market is to balance the interest group,form some interior rule to make interest group work of itself and the market efficient.

Second,this book,which attempts to clap at the core virtues of transition phenomenon,applies principles of economics to build equilibrium model,and applies statistics techniques to prove the theory. It reveals that the formation of risk with real estate finance(the formation of real estate bubble)in China is determined by the unbalance of the supply and the demand in the markets based on the pricing mechanism in monopoly market in three steps.

Third,this book puts forward how to reduce the risk in whole and in different markets based on the analyses in U. S. and in China. On the one hand,the essential solution way is the basic impetuses made by market. On the other hand,when we explore the solution way,we must attach importance to think the special“constraint conditions”in China. The author emphasizes that the reform in funds market is not change of scales or forms,and we can't understand that just in financial perspective. It is also involved with social relationship re -building . The development of financial modes should attempt to make the financial functions work well,and change the social structure and relationship.

The limitations and follow-up study of this book are as follows:

First,the optimal path to reduce risk has not been studied in-depth in this book. Finally,because of the lack of data,some analysis has not been comprehensive. The above limitations and shortcomings of this book need to perfect.

1 导论

1.1 研究背景及选题意义



1.1.1 单一融资的现实背景→逻辑起点:资产证券化是防范风险的重要手段




1.1.2 次贷危机的国际背景→问题一:次贷危机是否对资产证券化的否定?




1.1.3 利益之争的国情现状→问题二:资产证券化就能解决中国问题吗






1.2 研究现状述评

1.2.1 国外研究综述


在此背景下,资产证券化成为促进房地产业健康发展的重要举措,以抵押贷款证券化为主的房地产金融工具设计和房地产金融工具的投资组合成为主要的研究主题,而专注于资产证券化对房地产业与金融业风险互动作用的文献却极其有限。如艾伦和戈尔(Allen and Gale,1997)提出金融体系风险分担理论,认为资产证券化提供了一种将资产的收益和风险有效识别和细分的机制,为资产运营主体根据不同的需求分散和转移风险提供了条件,这一研究成为房地产融资多元化分散风险的理论依据。也有文献开始从银行角度研究银行房地产市场风险管理,劳斯伯格(Lausberg,2001)首次将银行房地产信贷的市场风险进行分类并阐释其对银行资产负债表项目及银行股价波动的影响;斯波瑞曼和甘藤贝恩(Spremann and Gantenbein,2006)认为评估银行房地产信贷风险相当困难,必须考虑不同市场的异质性:各类房地产信贷的期限;利率结构;税收不同;每个国家居民的债务承受力也有差异。

2007年,美国次贷危机爆发,证券化的房地产金融市场是否产生新的风险开始引起关注,除少量研究涉及房地产金融资产证券化的系统风险,如,科夫和克尔耶夫(Kiff and Klyuev,2009)提出投资者因信息不充分过度信赖评级机构,而评级机构与投资者间的激励不相容使评级机构有提高次级债信用级别的利益驱动并导致房贷风险低估。布罗米尔(Brunner-meier,2009)分析了资产证券化工具风险估值与评估的困难,认为历史数据的缺失与模型计价法使市场主体承受了其未意识到的风险,信息不充分导致了风险低估。马丁和文图拉(Martin and Ventura,2010)建模指出,当住房泡沫破裂形成共同冲击,导致个体银行失败时,风险会由流动性渠道在链条式传送过程中被显著放大。文献多集中在对危机原因、影响的解析和政府“救市”的治理措施及其评价(如William Poole,2007;Purnan-andam,2008;Greenlaw等,2008;Herring,2008;Calomiris,2008;Ash-craft and Schuermann,2008;Gorton,2008),研究者基本认为次贷危机并不是对资产证券化方式的否定,但对于次贷危机的问题环节并没有达成完全一致的共识。

1.2.2 国内研究综述资产证券化







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