
发布时间:2020-05-16 17:40:15




















自20世纪90年代以来,“经济全球化”被会计学界认同为支配全球性会计变革的第一环境要素,由此形成了“全球会计”(Global Accounting)的概念和建立全球性通用会计准则的意向。2008年国际金融危机爆发后,二十国集团(G20)峰会、金融稳定理事会(FSB)等重要国际机构开始意识到高质量财务报告对于提升金融市场透明度、维护全球经济和金融体系稳定的重要意义,纷纷倡议建立全球统一的高质量会计准则并严格执行以确保财务报告的高质量。因此,会计准则国际协调与趋同已经超越了会计专业领域,成为一个涉及公共受托责任的政治经济议题,成为世界各国在推进经济健康发展过程中必须予以解决的重大问题。余波博士所著的《中国会计准则国际趋同研究——基于制度演化视角》一书,就是在理论与实务的双重需求下,对新形势下会计准则国际趋同问题展开深入研究,并具有创新价值的一部论著,该著作不仅具有研究上的系统性和自主创新上的学术价值,而且在实践上具有指导性意义。《中国会计准则国际趋同研究——基于制度演化视角》一书是在系统研究会计准则国际趋同相关文献的基础上,在马克思主义经济学、新制度经济学、博弈论、演化经济学,以及会计学指导下展开研究,并以“各类会计相关知识互补与协调”为主线,从过去、现在和未来相结合的视角,通过规范分析与实证检验相结合的方法对我国会计准则国际趋同问题展开研究。全书共计7章,前3章分别为导论、会计准则国际趋同的理论基础和逻辑框架;第4章是对我国会计准则国际趋同的制度演进和现状分析;第5章和第6章分别从会计信息相关性和可靠性两个维度检验我国新会计准则国际趋同的效果;第7章提出金融危机背景下我国未来会计准则国际趋同的策略;最后是全书结论,其研究框架科学,逻辑层次分明。
















Being an international common language of business,Accounting plays a more and more important role in economic globalization,and the internationalization of accounting standards seems to have the trend of the times.Among the international organizations which devote to establish common global accounting standards,the International Accounting Standards Board(IASB)sets itself up as the global leader in the accounting system transform,stressing that set out a high-quality,understandable and convergence global accounting standards.Since 2009,in the world nearly 117 countries and regions began to use International Accounting Standards(IAS)to prepare accounting statements or claim that it is comprehensive convergence with the International Accounting Standards.Since January 1,2007,covering a basic criterion and 38 specific criteria,as well as the application guide of accounting standards system,the China’s Enterprises Accounting Standard reaches the substantiality convergence with International Accounting Standards.Because accounting is a tools to realize lease comprehensive confirmed and monitored,and a irreplaceable foundational system device to confirm,measure,assess,disclose and manage property income,countries and the companies will suffered economic interests loss by a little carelessness about accounting standards.Therefore,it’s getting more and more important to in-depth study the course of International convergence of China accounting standards,especially the effects of China new accounting standards,as well as the current financial crisis impact on the global accounting standards convergence.

Based on the above thinking,this thesis integrates the comprehensive study of Accounting,New Institutional Economics,Game Theory,Evolutionary Economics,with the methods of Normative Research and Positive Research to be combined to start study on International convergence of China accounting standards,to conduct normative theory research as the precursor and demonstrate results to further improve the perfection of normative theory.In addition to Introduction and the Conclusion which give final summing up and outlook to whole text,the papers will be divided into five chapters to start specific research.

The first chaper is introduction.This chapter gives a brief introduction about the background,basic concepts and the signcificance of this topic,review related literatures home and abroad,and explains the framework and creativities of this research.

The second chapter is the theoretical basis of international convergence of accounting standards.Based on the Marxist theory of the total production process of social insight,this chapter develops and analyzes the importance and complexity of international convergence of accounting standards.Firstly,based on the basic principles of the new institutional economics,we have explained the nature and evolution of accounting standards.Secondly,Game analysis method is used to analyze the global convergence of accounting standards.Finally from the perspective of evolutionary economics to study the issue of international convergence of accounting standards,in order to lay the foundation for post-chapter study.

The third chapter is a research framework of China’s international convergence of accounting standards.The research framework is divided into three levels:the surface is the generation and transmission of accounting information,in order to provide guidelines for last testing.In the interpretation layer,we propose the coordination and complementarities form various types of knowledge determining the effect of international convergence of accounting standards.In the grass-roots level,with the view of subjective game and mental model,we analyses the evolutionary relationships between the accounting system and social system.

The fourth chapter examines the international convergence of accounting standards of China’s institutional context and the evolution history.We summarize the innovation of the new accounting standards,and analyze the major differences between China’s new accounting standards and International Accounting Standards.

The fifth chapter investigates the effect of the new Chinese accounting standards on the value relevance of accounting information.The new accounting standards in China basically realized the convergence with the international accounting standards.We find that value relevance of accounting information is improved after the adoption of new standard.We further analyze company size and ownership type has important impact on the accounting information.Under controlling scale and stockholder’s rights nature,earnings per share has enhanced to explain the share prices on the Chinese capital marker,but net assets per share has not incremental information to investors.Furthermore,we found earnings per share measured by fair value in non-financial enterprises does not have value relevance,while earnings per share measured by fair value in financial enterprises does not have value relevance.

The sixth chapter investigates the effect of the new Chinese accounting standards on the reliability of accounting information.In this paper,earnings management is considered a proxy variable for the reliability of accounting information.Without the control of investors’ sentiment,the listed company’s overall earnings management shows a significant increase after the implementation of new accounting standards,while with the control of investor sentiment,earnings management did not shows a significant increase after the implementation of new accounting standards.Furthermore,we found without controlling investors’ sentiment,earnings management in state-owned firms enterprises does not increase after the adoption of new standard,while that of non-stated firms have a statistically increase after the adoption of new standard.Once the companies control investors’ sentiment,earnings management in all firms enterprises have a statistically decrease after the adoption of new standard.

The seventh chapter discusses the financial crisis on the international convergence of accounting standards.Studies suggest that the nature of the sub-prime crisis can still be characterized as an inevitable consequence of a serious overproduction.The main cause of the financial crisis is not fair value accounting,but the shortcomings of accounting itself.IASB must address the authority of representation,lack of independence and other issues.We recommend that the basic attitude should be adhered to the established principles of international convergence of accounting standards.We should actively participate in the game of the global accounting standards,such as tracking the latest trends,proposing win-win program,and further improving the accounting standard-setting mechanisms and enforcement mechanisms of the basic work.This work will include conducting proactive basic theoretical research,improving the corporate governance structure.

The eighth chapter gives final summing up and outlook to whole text.

This article has some new ideas in the following aspects:

First,the article uses the game theory to analysis the historical evolution of global accounting standards deeply.By contrasting to the history research methods in the past,some scholars have been trying to use the view of the game theory to analyze this historical course.However,except the simply description with the basic philosophy of game theory,few papers has ever built a system model.On the purpose of studying the convergence strategy of international accounting standards,this article constructed various game models between developed countries and developing countries around the game among the global accounting standard-setting right.

Second,to merge the Accounting Research with the field of evolutionary economics,game theory and new institutional economics,this research has some originalities,such as classifying the accounting knowledge as explicit or tacit knowledge of individual accounting and common accounting;analyzing generation of accounting knowledge from time and space complementarities;revealing the evolution path of the accounting practices;building a theoretical framework for the research on the convergence of international Accounting Standards in our country and pointing out that the coordination and complementarities of various types of accounting knowledge are the theoretical causes for this convergence;expanding the knowing about the accounting nature from the division of knowledge and complementary perspectives.

Third,by referring to the data of the listed companies’ annual report,this article testes the effect of New Chinese Accounting Standards convergence from the relevance perspective and gets some conclusions as following:(1)further confirmed that the impact of the new guidelines by the net asset per share is higher than the that of the new guidelines from the net asset value per share;(2)it is found for the first time that the earnings per share of non-financial enterprises in accordance with fair value measurement does not have the value relevance,while that of financial enterprises does;(3)it is tested for the first time that the New Accounting Standard significantly improves the value relevance of the larger listed companies’ accounting information;(4)it is tested for the first time that the state-owned companies actually get more benefits through implementation the New Accounting Standards.

Fourth,it is the first time to test the effect on the international convergence of Chinese New Accounting Standards from earnings management perspective.(1)with the control of various factors which have effects on earnings management,this article studies the changes in earnings management before and after the New Accounting Standards implementation and promotes the relative research;(2)Through studying the relationship between the investor recognition and earnings management of listed companies and its effects to the implementation of New Accounting Standards,the article tries to strengthen the understanding on relevance between the investor awareness and earnings management;(3)For improving the research on the earnings management,the article also studies the differences in earnings management between the state-owned shares and non-state-owned shares before and after the new accounting rule change.

Fifth,through analyzing the causes of the sub-prime crisis,this article proves that the measurement of fair value is not the main reason to trigger this financial crisis,but the shortcomings of accounting itself which cannot be easily ignored.The current amendment for the fair value measurement model cannot change the accounting development trend,except restoring market confidence in a short term.Furthermore,this article tries to answer a few questions we must handle,for example,who should be responsible for supervising the IASB and systemic risks and how to keep the IASB’s authority and independence at the same time.At last,I point out the future challenges caused by the fact that IASB leads the international accounting standards and propose some possible strategies for the convergence of accounting standards in our country.第1章导论1.1 研究意义

当今全球范围内配置资源和拓展市场的经济运行方式,业已成为世界经济的重要特征与趋势。作为国际通用的商业语言——会计对各国经济与世界经济的融合发展至关重要。在致力于建立全球性通用会计准则的国际组织中,国际会计准则理事会(IASB)以全球性会计制度变革引领者自居,强调制定一套高质量的,可理解的并具有强制性的全球性会计准则。自2005年起,全球100多个国家和地区开始采用国际会计准则(IAS)编制会计报表或宣称与国际会计准则全面趋同(convergence)。自2007年1月1日起,涵盖1个基本准则和38项具体准则以及会计准则应用指南的中国企业会计准则体系,实现与国际会计准则的实质性趋同。由于会计是实现契约全面确认与监控的工具,是产权收益确认、计量、考核、披露及管理中不可替代的基础性制度装置,会计标准稍有不慎就可能使国家和公司在经济权益方面遭受损失。因此,深入研究我国会计准则国际趋同的历程,尤其是我国新会计准则的执行效果,以及当前金融危机对全球会计准则趋同的影响便具有重要的理论与现实意义。1.1.1 学术价值


本研究拟从演化经济学、博弈论和新制度经济学的学科交叉视角,构建我国会计准则国际趋同研究的分析框架,深入分析全球会计准则制定权博弈的实质与历程,从相关性和可靠性两个维度检验我国新会计准则的国际趋同效果,从而使研究具有一定的开拓性和独创性。如创造性地将会计知识划分为显性个体会计知识、隐性个体会计知识、显性共同会计知识、隐性共同会计知识;从会计知识的时间互补性和空间互补性解析会计知识的生成;揭示了会计知识沿惯例——模仿——创新——新惯例的演进路径;指出各种类型会计知识协调与互补是决定会计准则国际趋同效果的知识经济学根源。从知识分工与互补的视角拓宽对会计本质的认识等。从演化经济学、博弈论与新制度经济学的学科交叉视角研究会计学问题,是完善会计理论的有益探索。1.1.2 现实价值



会计的公允价值计量究竟在金融危机扮演怎样的角色,成为当前经济理论中最具争议的问题之一。美国会计准则与国际财务报告准则对公允价值计量进行的火速修订似乎在某种程度上承认之前准则中公允价值应用的存在缺陷,但是,公允价值计量模式的修改是否真能起到遏制金融危机蔓延的“长效治本”功效,还是仅仅沦为任人揉捏的“橡皮泥”或“替罪羊”?会计盈余的滞后计量未来是否会导致更为严重的经济后果?这些都必须从理论上进行深入的剖析。本研究通过对次贷危机爆发及演化过程的分析,从经济学视角探寻公允价值与金融危机传导的真实关联,从会计学视角更正社会上对公允价值理解上的偏误,并由此展开对全球会计准则所面临挑战的分析,最后对我国未来会计准则后续趋同的落脚点与策略提出建议。1.2 国内外研究综述

郭道扬(1992)深刻地指出:“就会计史研究而言,要考察会计行为的起源,会计职业的兴起与发展,会计学科的建立与演进,以及论及每一历史阶段重大会计事件演化的历史动因,亦必然要从环境问题研究着手,由此方能探明其渊源,考证其原理,洞察其本质,并揭示其历史运行规律”。因此,本节拟在会计环境历史演变的基础上,简要回顾20世纪70年代以来关于会计准则协调与国际趋同的主要学术研究成果,并指出我国会计准则国际趋同的后续研究思路。1.2.1 会计标准本国化

在20世纪70年代初至90年代初,经济全球化刚刚萌芽,各国政治经济环境大相径庭,“国家至上”的理念使会计标准呈现出强烈的本国特征。此时国际会计组织亦处起步阶段,不论是1973年成立的国际会计准则委员会(International Accounting Standards Committee,简称IASC),还是其他一些跨国组织(如经济合作与发展组织、联合国、欧洲共同体)的附属会计机构,虽都开始进行国家间会计标准的比较和协调,但对各国会计标准的实际指导作用甚微。自然而然,此阶段学术研究的重点就放在不同会计标准的归类和





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