
发布时间:2020-05-16 19:05:28








I. Vocabulary (20′)

Directions: Choose the one answer that best explains the underlined word or phrase in the sentence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

1.U.S. President Barack Obama announced plans to scrap the controversial missile defense program in Eastern Europe on September 18.

A. fight

B. cancel

C. push

D. conciliate【答案】B【解析】句意:9月18日,美国总统奥巴马宣布放弃颇有争议的东欧导弹防御系统的计划。scrap有“除掉,取消”之意,因此B项cancel与之表达意思相符。conciliate和解;调解;安抚。

2.Demonstrators entered their third day of a building takeover at UC Santa Cruz on Saturday in protest of a tuition increase, an undertaking that a school spokesman called futile.

A. useless

B. constructive

C. derogatory

D. negative【答案】A【解析】句意:星期六游行示威者占领加州大学圣塔克鲁斯分院大楼进入第三天,目的是抗议学费的上涨,而学校一位发言人称该举动是徒劳的。futile无益的;无用的;徒劳的。useless无用的,无效的。constructive建设性的;积极的。derogatory贬低的;贬义的。negative消极的;否定的。

3.He said Clinton met for three hours and 15 minutes with the North Korean leader but said he did not know what issues were discussed. But he said Clinton’s views on a verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula are well-known.

A. ambiguous

B. confirmable

C. imprudent

D. unreal【答案】B【解析】句意:他称克林顿与朝鲜领导人的会面持续了3小时15分钟,但表示其对谈论内容并不知情。他指出克林顿在实现朝鲜半岛真正无核化方面的观点是广为人知的。verifiable可证实的;可核实的。confirmable可以确定的。ambiguous含糊的;引起歧义的。imprudent不明智的,不谨慎的。

4.Its negotiating habit is to make promises to win concessions, and then renege on those promises.

A. miracle

B. silly image

C. loud holler

D. compromise【答案】D【解析】句意:其谈判习惯就是先承诺让对方做出让步,然后又违背诺言。concession让步,妥协。compromise妥协;损害。miracle奇迹;令人惊奇的人(或事)。holler呼叫,呼救。

5.The CDC also said 21 more deaths from H1N1 were reported in the past week, bringing the official toll of pediatric H1N1 deaths in the United States to 171.

A. clinical H1N1 deaths

C. reported H1N1 deaths

B. children H1N1 deaths

D. tallied H1N1 deaths【答案】B【解析】句意:疾病控制和预防中心也指出,上周又有21人死于H1N1,使美国官方公布的因感染H1N1而死亡的儿童人数达到171。pediatric意为“小儿科的”,C项中children与之相对应。clinical临床的;诊所的。reported据报告的,据报导的。tally计算;合计。

6.A new Michael Jackson show offers an eye-popping look at the King of pop’s extravagant lifestyle and peculiar private tastes.

A. lavish

B. liberal

C. unreasonable

D. mandatory【答案】A【解析】句意:对于迈克尔·杰克逊所用物品的新一轮展览,使人们惊讶于“流行乐之王”奢侈的生活方式和特殊的个人爱好。extravagant奢侈的;过度的。lavish铺张的;奢侈的;盛大的。liberal开明的;自由的。unreasonable不合理的;非理智的。mandatory强制的;命令的。

7.At the dawn of the G8 summit in early June that year, Putin likewise gave a stark warning on the U.S. deployment of missile interceptors in Eastern Europe.

A. predictive

B. capricious

C. blunt

D. intimidating【答案】C【解析】句意:那年六月初G8峰会召开时,普京同样就美国在东欧部署导弹拦截系统提出严正警告。stark此处指“严峻的,令人不快的”,因此C项blunt(不客气的;直言不讳的)与之表达意思相符。predictive预言性的;预测性的。capricious变化无常的;变幻莫测的。intimidating令人惊恐的;令人胆怯的。

8.We saw the stampede at a Wal-Mart store in New York last year on Black Friday that led to an employee’s death," said Burt Flickinger, managing director of consulting firm Strategic Resource Group.

A. frenzied rush of panic-stricken animals

B. headlong rush or flight of a crowd of people

C. sudden action taken by a group of people

D. impulse on which people act【答案】B【解析】句意:咨询公司Strategic Resource Group的总经理表示:“我们目睹了去年黑色星期五发生在纽约一家沃尔玛分店的踩踏事件,那次事件直接导致了一名店员的死亡”。stampede此处指“人群的蜂拥”,因此B项“人群拼命前涌或仓皇奔逃”是对该词含义的正确解释。headlong头向前地;急速地。flight逃避;躲开。

9.Susan Boyle’s debut album "I Dreamed a Dream" is the most pre-ordered CD in Amazon’s history.

A. official demonstration

C. farewell to the public

B. formal presentation

D. first public appearance【答案】D【解析】句意:苏珊·鲍尔的首张专辑《我曾有梦》是亚马逊历史上预售最多的CD。debut作形容词,意为“首张的,首场的,首次的”,因此D项“首次公开亮相”符合该词的含义。

10.Reporters Without Borders said it has been outspoken in criticizing "the culture of impunity and violence in the Philippines, especially Mindanao."

A. extreme indifference

C. exception of examination

B. extreme barbarism

D. exemption from punishment【答案】D【解析】句意:无国界记者组织称其在批评“菲律宾,尤其是棉兰老岛的免责和暴力文化”方面一直很坦诚。impunity意为“不受惩罚,无罪”,因此D项“免除责罚”正确,其中exemption指“豁免;免除”。barbarism野蛮状态或行为。

11.The United States has yet to recognize China as a market economy, despite its vows to "work toward China’s market economy status in an expeditious manner" months ago, Zhou said.

A. hasty

B. sluggish

C. arrogant

D. expressive【答案】A【解析】句意:周指出,尽管数月前宣称要“尽快承认中国的市场经济地位”,但让美国承认中国为市场经济国家尚需时日。expeditious迅速而有效率的,迅速完成的。hasty仓促完成的;急忙的。sluggish行动迟缓的;不机警的;懒散的。arrogant傲慢的,自大的。expressive富于表情的;富于表现力的。

12.The derailment killed at least 26 people and injured about 100, but there was no immediate word on who or what group might have been behind the action.

A. doomed plane crash

C. misfortunate train accident

B. disastrous car crash

D. deadliest traffic accident【答案】B【解析】句意:此次火车脱轨造成至少26人死亡,约100人受伤,但还没有关于可能为该事故负责的个人或组织的消息。derailment指“火车脱轨”,因此C项“不幸的火车事故”是对该词的正确解释。

13.The Copenhagen UN summit—between 7-18 December—aims to draw up a treaty to succeed the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, although observers say this is unlikely.

A. supersede

B. continue

C. reverse

D. mandate【答案】A【解析】句意:在12月7日至18日召开的哥本哈根世界气候大会,其宗旨是商讨《京都议定书》一期承诺到期后的后续方案,虽然观察者表示这难以实现。succeed在句中指“接替;继任”,因此A项supersede(取代,接替)与之表达意思相符。reverse反转;(使)颠倒;掉换。mandate授权,委托。

14.In recent years, the bureaucratization of China’s higher education and the obsession with power among professors have increasingly concerned the public.

A. enthusiasm for

C. motivation for

B. tolerance of

D. phobia for【答案】A【解析】句意:近年来,中国高等教育的官僚化和教授们对权利的痴迷越发引起公众的担忧。obsession with指“对……的痴迷”,因此A项“对……的热爱”与之表达意思相一致。motivation动机;动力。tolerance宽容,容忍。phobia恐惧;厌恶。

15.The transportation activity, of which the passengers are a part, breaks the law. In this sense, the passengers must be held accountable.

A. legitimate for being taken into account

B. responsible for the explanation

C. responsible for the action

D. responsible for the consequence【答案】C【解析】句意:此次运输触犯了法律,而乘客作为该活动的一部分,在这一层面上,乘客们对此活动同样负有责任。accountable指“负有责任的”。responsible for the action“对行为承担责任”。这一句主要讲就违法的运输活动负责任,这两个意义相近,可互相替换。legitimate for being taken into account将其考虑在内是合理的。responsible for the explanation对解释承担责任的。responsible for the consequences对后果承担责任的。

16.The vibrant demand for cheaply priced Chinese goods has shriveled as the economic crisis discourages U.S. consumers from spending.

A. disclosed

B. remained stable

C. soared up

D. dwindled【答案】D【解析】句意:受经济危机的影响,美国消费者对于价格低廉的中国产品的巨大需求出现了下滑。shrivel(使)枯萎;(使)干枯;(使)皱缩。dwindle减少,变小,缩小。disclose公开;揭露。remain stable保持稳定。soar up急速上涨。

17.The latest conundrum is that factories cannot find enough workers to resume full capacity as orders resurge.

A. myth

B. riddle

C. dilemma

D. puzzle【答案】C【解析】句意:最近出现的难题是随着订单的增多,工厂却无法招到足够的工人来恢复全面生产。conundrum有“谜语;难解的问题”两个含义,句中取第二个意思,因此答案选C(窘境;进退两难)。myth神话;错误的看法。riddle谜语;谜团。puzzle智力问题(或游戏、玩具);令人费解的人/事物。

18.His claims are so outrageous that they don’t deserve any response.

A. trivial

B. irritable

C. ridiculous

D. equitable【答案】C【解析】句意:他的言论太离谱了,根本不值得对其做出任何回应。outrageous离谱的;反常的。ridiculous荒谬的;荒唐的。trivial琐碎的,无价值的。irritable易怒的;过敏的。equitable公正的,公平的。

19.In April 2009, Pyongyang announced its withdrawal from the talks following the UN Security Council’s unanimous decision to condemn its alleged satellite launch.

A. confidential

B. determined

C. claimed

D. agreed【答案】C【解析】句意:2009年8月,联合国安理会一致谴责朝鲜发射卫星,随后平壤宣布退出会谈。alleged声称的;被断言的。claimed为claim“声称,断言”的过去分词形式,因此与alleged表达意思相一致。confidential秘密的;悄悄的。determined坚定的;确定的。

20.Day by day, the relentless protests have become the most serious challenge to Milosevic in nine years in power.

A. desperate

B. stressful

C. intoxicating

D. unyielding【答案】D【解析】句意:不断的抗议逐渐成为米洛舍维克掌权9年以来所面临的最严重挑战。relentless此处指“坚韧的;不屈不挠的”,与D项“不屈不挠的;坚定不移的”表达意思相一致。desperate孤注一掷的;渴望的。stressful有压力的。intoxicating醉人的;令人陶醉的;使兴奋的。

II. Grammar (10′)

Directions: In each of the following sentences there are four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the part that is grammatically incorrect. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

1.The grammatical words which play so large a part English grammar are for the most part sharply and obviously different from the lexical words

A. play so large a part

B. for the most part

C. sharply and obviously

D. different from【答案】A【解析】该画线部分之后为名词词组,因此part后应加入介词in,构成play a part in短语,意为“对…有影响,发挥作用”。

2.As humankind moves into the third millennium, it can rightful claim to have broken new ground in its age-old quest to master the environment.

A. moves into

B. rightful

C. to have broken

D. age-old【答案】B【解析】修饰动词claim(声称;断言),应当用副词rightfully,指“合适的;恰当的;应有的”。

3.There are great impediments to the general use of a standard in pronunciation comparable to those existing in spelling.

A. moves into

B. rightful

C. to have broken

D. age-old【答案】D【解析】根据句中的两个in,可知本句比较的是拼写和发音的general use of a standard,因此D项所对应的画线部分应以that来代替the general use of a standard。

4.Being equal to other things, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.

A. Being equal to other things

B. expresses himself effectively

C. more rapidly

D. whose【答案】A【解析】本句指“其他方面若都相同,善于表达自己观点的人,相比语言表达能力差的人能更快获得成功”,因此逗号前应改为独立主格结构Other things being equal。

5.Not all persons arrested and accused with a crime are guilty, and the main function of criminal courts is to determine who is guilty under the law.

A. Not all persons

B. accused with

C. and

D. under the law【答案】B【解析】be accused of为固定搭配,指“被起诉,被指控”,因此B项所对应画线部分中with应改为of。

6.Life insurance, before available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people, and even for pets.

A. Life insurance

B. before available only to young, healthy persons

C. be obtained for

D. and even for pets【答案】B【解析】本句想要表达的是“人寿保险之前只是针对年轻和健康的人,但现在老人、甚至宠物也可获得人寿保险”,B项所对应画线部分中before作介词,指“在…之前”,不符合句意,因此应把before作时间状语放在persons之后,即构成available only to young, healthy persons before。

7.As we see in relation to political and national movements, language is used as a badge or a barrier depended on which way we look at it.

A. As

B. used as

C. depended

D. which way【答案】C【解析】本句指“语言被作为政治运动和民族运动的标识,亦或是阻碍,这取决于我们是如何看待的”,C项画线部分及之后的内容作状语,修饰整个句子,且与主句之间为主动关系,因此应把C项所对应画线部分改为depending on(这取决于,根据)。

8.Never in my life forget the impression made on me by my first visit to the late Premier Chou.

A. forget

B. made on

C. by my first visit

D. the late Premier Chou【答案】A【解析】表示否定或半否定的副词或短语放句首时,句子需要半倒装,即把助动词/be动词/情态动词放在主语之前,A项所对应画线部分前缺少助动词和主语,应改为Never in my life did I forget。

9.I would have told him the answer had it been possible, but I were so busy then.

A. would have told

B. had it been

C. but

D. I were【答案】D【解析】前半句是对过去非真实情况的假设,使用了虚拟语气,而后半句则是对过去真实情况的介绍,不需用虚拟语气,be动词am的过去式为was,因此D项有误。

10.Through the world whose advance has been made in science and technology is due to education which brings forth scientists and inventors.

A. whose

B. has been made

C. is due to

D. which【答案】A【解析】本句指“世界范围内,科技领域所取得的任何进步都是教育的成果,是教育培养出了科学家和发明家”。本句主句的主语为advance,系动词为is,A项所对应画线部分应改为whatever“无论什么;任何(事物)”。

III. Reading comprehension (40′)

Directions: Below each of the following 4 passages you will, find questions or incomplete statements about the passage. Each statement or question is followed by lettered words or expressions. Select the word or expression that most satisfactorily completes or answers each question in accordance with the meaning of the passage. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40″)


This enthusiasm surprised me, since there is virtually nothing about the the Olympics that is culturally relevant to China. Apart from judo and Tae Kwon Do, whose links to China are indirect, there are no traditional Chinese athletics in the Games. In ancient times, the Chinese nobility played cuju, a game that is remotely similar to soccer, and chuiwan, which resembles golf. The Forbidden City Museum has a painting of a Tang-dynasty emperor, Minghuang, involved in a polo-like game with the palace maidens. But the heart of the ancient Chinese athletic tradition, and the part of it that was more accessible to common people, consists of wushu, or traditional martial arts, and qigong, meditative breathing exercises. These activities are as much spiritual and aesthetic as they are physical; their goal is artistic expression and self-improvement, rather than winning. The ancient Chinese didn’t build stadiums, because their athletics were not designed to draw paying crowds. The Chinese language didn’t even have a term for “sports” until the nineteenth century, when foreigners introduced a more systematic approach to athletics.

Chinese historians draw the line between ancient and modern sports at 1840. That summer, the first full-sized British fleet arrived off Canton, accelerating the Opium War and kicking off China’s most painful historical era. The missionaries and other outsiders who arrived in the late nineteenth century introduced Western ideas of competition to Chinese athletics. In the early twentieth century, China began to take an interest in the Olympic movement, and a single Chinese sprinter competed in the 1932 Games. Four years later, at the Berlin Olympics, China sponsored a delegation of sixty-nine athletes, among them a mixed-gender wushu exhibition team that performed before Hitler. By then, the Chinese were committed to the Olympics, and they had come to see sports as a way in which the country could avenge the injustices of the past century. “There was a feeling of being the underdog and wanting to prove to the world that the Chinese were strong,” James Riordan, of the University of Surrey, who has studied sports in the former Soviet Union and China, told me when I called him.

1.When the author writes “Apart from judo and Tae Kwon Do, whose links to China are indirect...”he means

A. Judo originated in Korea

B. Tae Kwon De originated in Japan

C. Both sports were introduced into China from other countries

D. Both sports were introduced into China via a third country

2.That wushu and qigong are not considered a sport, according to the author, is because

A. They are not included in the Olympics Games

B. They are not related even remotely to soccer or golf

C. They are good to look at

D. They are not competitive

3.“A mixed gender team” most probably means that

A. The team consists of both men and women

B. The team consists of gendermares

C. The team consists of athletes of all ages

D. The team consists of atheletes from different parts of the country.

4.James Riordan believes that China sees sports as a way

A. to win medals

B. to win friends

C. to show strength of the nation

D. to win personal reputation

5.“A single Chinese sprinter competed in the 1932 Games.” Give the name of this athlete.

A. Zhang Boling

B. Liu Changchun

C. Dong Shouyi

D. Yan Xiu【答案与解析】

1.C  文章首句指出“这种热情使我感到惊讶,因为奥运会上几乎没有与中国文化相关的运动”,接着第二句讲述到“除了柔道和跆拳道与中国有着间接的关联外,奥运会上没有传统的中国体育运动”。柔道和跆拳道分别源自日本和韩国,因此该句想要表达的是这两种运动是由其他国家传入中国的,即C项内容。

2.D  文章第一段倒数第三、四句指出中国古代传统体育运动的核心是武术和气功,它们是身体锻炼和精神及美学的结合,其目的是艺术表现和自我提升,而不是取胜(rather than winning),因此这就是作者不把武术和气功看作是体育运动的原因,故D项正确。

3.A  第二段倒数第三句指出,四年之后中国参加了柏林奥运会,派出了69名运动员所组成的代表团,其中就包括a mixed-gender wushu exhibition team,根据语境可知,mixed-gender指的是“男女混合的”,因此A项正确。

4.C  文章最后一句给出James Riordan所认为的中国参加奥运会的原因,即“There was a feeling of being the underdog and wanting to prove to the world that the Chinese were strong”(感觉自己是受压迫者/劣势者,想要向全世界证明中国的强大),因此C项表达的意思与之相符。

5.B  1932年中国首次参加奥运会,第十届奥运会在美国洛杉矶举行,中国只派出了一名短跑运动员刘长春。因此B项正确。


By now, both investigators had a clear vision of what had happened. Someone had poured liquid accelerant throughout the children’s room, even under their beds, then poured some more along the adjoining hallway and out the front door, creating a “fire barrier” that prevented anyone from escaping; similarly, a prosecutor later suggested, the refrigerator in the kitchen had been moved to block the back-door exit. The house, in short, had been deliberately transformed into a death trap.

The investigators collected samples of burned materials from the house and sent them to a laboratory that could detect the presence of a liquid accelerant. The lab’s chemist reported that one of the samples contained evidence of “mineral spirits,” a substance that is often found in charcoal-lighter fluid. The sample had been taken by the threshold of the front door.

The fire was now considered a triple homicide, and Todd Willingham—the only person, besides the victims, known to have been in the house at the time of the blaze—became the prime suspect.

Police and fire investigators canvassed the neighborhood, interviewing witnesses. Several, like Father Monaghan, initially portrayed Willingham as devastated by the fire. Yet, over time, an increasing number of witnesses offered damning statements. Diane Barbee said that she had not seen Willingham try to enter the house until after the authorities arrived, as if he were putting on a show. And when the children’s room exploded with flames, she added, he seemed more preoccupied with his car, which he moved down the driveway. Another neighbor reported that when Willingham cried out for his babies he “did not appear to be excited or concerned.” Even Father Monaghan wrote in a statement that, upon further reflection, “things were not as they seemed. I had the feeling that [Willingham] was in complete control.” The police began to piece together a disturbing profile of Willingham. Born in Ardmore, Oklahoma, in 1968, he had been abandoned by his mother when he was a baby. His father, Gene, who had divorced his mother, eventually raised him with his stepmother, Eugenia. Gene, a former U.S. marine, worked in a salvage yard, and the family lived in a cramped house; at night, they could hear freight trains rattling past on a nearby track. Willingham. who had what the family called the “classic Willingham look”—a handsome face. thick black hair, and dark eyes—struggled in school, and as a teen-ager began to sniff paint. When he was seventeen, Oklahoma’s Department of Human Services evaluated him, and reported, “He likes ‘girls,” music, fast cars, sharp trucks, swimming, and hunting, in that order.” Willingham dropped out of high school, and over time was arrested for, among other things, driving under the influence, stealing a bicycle, and shoplifting.

In 1988, he met Stacy, a senior in high school, who also came from a troubled background: when she was four years old, her stepfather had strangled her mother to death during a fight. Stacy and Willingham had a turbulent relationship. Willingham, who was unfaithful, drank too much ,Jack Daniel’s, and sometimes hit Stacy—even when she was pregnant. A neighbor said that he once heard Willingham yell at her, “Get up, bitch, and I’ll hit you again.”

6.Liquid accelerant most probably is_____.

A. A kind of fuel that speeds up the spread of fire

B. A kind of water that is accessible to tourist

C. A kind of fluid that makes water flow more quickly

D. A kind of fuel that makes the car move faster

7.Triple homicide is a complicated phrase each word of which consisting of many Latin affixes, such as tri- meaning three and -cide meaning killing. So we may infer that the term means_____.

A. The murder took place in three different places

B. The arsonist killed a total of three people

C. Three murderers working in collaboration killed one victim

D. Three murderers killed three victims

8.Which contradicts the eye-witnesses’ accounts of the fire?

A. Todd Willingham cares more about his car than his children in the burning house

B. Todd Willingham did nothing at all to save his endangered children

C. Todd Willingham did not tell the truth judged by his behavior at the fire scene

D. Todd Willingham did not shed tears seeing his children engulfed in the fire

9.“He likes ‘girls,’ music, fast cars, sharp trucks, swimming, and hunting, in that order” means what he likes most is_____.

A. “girls”

B. hunting

C. fast cars

D. not clear

10.Driving under the influence , or DUI for short means_____.

A. drunk driving

B. forced driving

C. driving by obeying someone’s order

D. driving to an important place【答案与解析】

6.A  文章第一段介绍到,有人在孩子们的房间里,甚至床下都泼了liquid accelerant,然后在毗连的走廊和前门外也泼了一些,从而形成"fire barrier",使得任何人都无法逃脱。可推测liquid accelerant指的是“液体助燃剂”,accelerant意为“促进剂,催化剂”。因此答案选A项。

7.B  词组triple homicide出现在第三段开头“The fire was now considered a triple homicide”,其中前缀tri-表示“三个”,-cide意为“杀,杀伤”,可知triple homicide指的是纵火犯害死了三个人,因此B项为正确答案。

8.C  题干问的是哪个选项的描述与目击者对该次火灾的陈述相矛盾。该题可用排除法来做。第四段第四句一位名叫Diane Barbee的邻居指出她看到Willingham直到相关部门到来后才试图进入房子,似乎在演戏一样,因此B项“Todd Willingham没有试图救他处于危险中的孩子”与原文内容相符。而在接下来的第五句中,她又接着说,“他似乎更关注车,他把车开下了车道”,因此,A项的“比起孩子,他更关心车”与原文内容相符。而在同一段的第六句中,他的另一个邻居举报说“当他大声呼喊他的孩子的时候,他did not appear to be excited or concerned,因此D项“当看到他的孩子被火吞没时,他没有掉眼泪”与原文内容相符。而文章中并没有提到Todd Willingham的证词,所以C项“根据他在火灾现场的表现来看,他没有讲真话”这一点毫无根据。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

9.A  题干所引用句子中in that order指“按顺序排列,依次排列”,因此可知Todd Willingham最喜欢的是A项中的"girls"。

10.A  第四段后半部分讲述了Todd Willingham的成长历程,该段最后一句指出Todd Willingham高中时辍学,之后因driving under the influence、偷自行车和商店行窃等被捕。drive under the influence为固定用法,指“醉酒驾驶”,因此对应A项。


Although a grandparent who arrives on the scene after the birth of a child is traditionally pictured cooking dinner for sleep-deprived parents or stuffing the freezer with casseroles, I can tell you that these days it’s mostly takeout. That is not simply the narrow view of a male grandparent who, admittedly, would have little to offer by way of home-cooked meals once he’d served the second dinner of meat loaf, accompanied by a salad of prewashed mesclun and a reminder of his mother’s belief that meat loaf is one of the many dishes that always taste better the next day. As I was about to leave for San Francisco last spring to inspect my daughter Abigail’s first baby, my son-in-law’s mother had just completed a similar visit, and Abigail reported to me, “We had some good sushi while Brian’s room was here.” Brian’s mother is not Japanese. Abigail was referring to takeout sushi—or





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