
发布时间:2020-05-16 21:52:48








The Chinese Merganser, described as the living fossil of birds, is well-known as a national treasure along with the panda and the golden monkey. The number of existing Chinese Mergansers is less than 1,000, making it a rare and endangered species.

Mr. Jin Jihao, who is keen to protect the eco-system and endangered birds, uses his camera lens to unveil the mysterious life of the Chinese Merganser. His work has fully recorded the whole process of Chinese Merganser’s breeding and habitat at Toudaobai River on Changbai Mountain.

With the bird’s living status vividly captured, his work impresses readers with a strong visual expression. Mr. Jin wishes that, through the personification of the Chinese Merganser, such as showing its living status and habits, the process of growth and capturing its emotions, people can start to know and like this precious creature and eventually contribute to protecting it. He would like to show people how important the living environment is for birds, thereby encouraging people to become aware of their responsibilities forimprovingthe environment.

Chinese Mergansers choose Changbai Mountain as their habitat. It is a precious gift from Mother Nature to Jilin’s people, but it also means responsibility for us. According to modern ecological ethics theories, we must treat birds well, respect nature and protect the family of both human beings and birds to reach a harmonious coexistence and common prosperity.

I hope the Chinese Merganser enjoys a better life in Jilin. Personally, I look forward to the future with confidence.Wang Rulin2012, August(Governor of People’s Government of Jilin Province)翱翔往来Soar in the sky会上树的鸭子,名不虚传1.It is worthy of the name of ‘the duck in the tree’曲之进巢Songs of the nest高难度的杂技展示2.A difficult acrobatics show温馨家园Sweet Family沐浴着和熙的阳光,母鸭步出了巢窝3.Basking in the warm sunshine, the female duck steps out of the nest离巢张望Looking around away from the nest不是习惯,是环境所迫4.It is forced by circumstances rather than a habit环视左右Looking around又发现了什么蛛丝马迹?5.Find some new clues?不速之客Uninvited guest面对突如其来的造访者,巢里的母鸭伸出了利嘴6.Facing an uninvited guest, the mother duck in the nest stretches out her sharp beak闹巢Quarrel in the nest是寻访故居,还是鸠占鹊巢?两只母鸭的争吵,天晓得7.The fight between two female ducks. Is it a visit or are they fighting over the nest? God only knows春眠不觉晓Enjoy a sound sleep in spring清晨是出巢觅食的时候8.It is the time to forge in the early morning胜者王侯The winner takes it all赶走闹巢的,还要厉声诉责9.Not only expelling the invader, but also giving it a scolding离巢前的抉择Decisions before leaving the nest母鸭巡视四周,做着带领雏鸭离巢的准备10.Mother duck looks around while preparing to lead her ducklings to leave the nest初视乾坤The first view of the world外面的世界很精彩,也很无奈11.The outside world is wonderful, but the duckling is helpless眷恋摇篮Sentimentally attached to the cradle一切物种的天性12.The nature of all species踌躇满志Ready to enter nature迈出这一步,便溶进了大自然13.Take the first step, he will embrace nature走出家门第一步The first steps away from home从十几米高的巢中跳出,初生牛犊不怕虎14.Jumping down more than ten metres from the nest, the newly-born duckling doesn’t know what fear is初露锋芒Display its talent for the first time凭的是自信和遗传基因15.Relying on its confidence and genes悬心落地To be at ease看到雏鸭平安着陆,终于舒出一口气16.It is a great relief to see the duckling manage to land空中芭蕾Ballet in the air这是一次有惊无险的表演17.This is a daring performance走向河流Move towards the river离开摇篮的第一步18.The first step away from the cradle路在何方Where the future is离开母亲的日子里19.Living without mother世外桃源An idyllic land of peace面对鹰隼的攻击,这里是理想的避难所20.It is the best shelter from the attacks of hawks同舟共济Come together rain or shine同巢兄妹,彼此依赖,患难与共21.Brothers and sisters coming from the same nest rely on each other and share happiness and sadness逆流冲刺Swimming hard towards upstream与生俱来的天性22.Nature born春意两相牵Spring awakens小鸟、雏鸭,碧水、岩石,相互欣赏23.Little birds, ducklings, blue water and rocks enjoy each other母始天下It is mother who opens her babies' world母亲是子女的第一位老师24.Mother is the first teacher of children一片冰心A pure and noble character一只母鸭带领三窝不同家族的子女25.A female duck leads ducklings from three different nests上善若水The highest good is like that of water头道白河,是中华秋沙鸭的上善之水26.Toudaobai River is the best habitat of the Chinese Merganser箭波千里Swim like arrows in the water百米冲刺,依旧保持着基本队形27.Keeping in a row even with the final burst of speed辟地为亭Occupy the territory河中的小岛,理想的小憩之地28.Island in the river is the most ideal habitat择木为舟Selecting trees in which to roost杨柳岸,小憩,惬意29.A lovely rest with willows dancing in the breeze水天一色The sky and the water merge in one colour晚霞映红了如镜的水面,亦真亦幻30.A rosy sunset is mirrored in the red water. It is a mixture of reality and illusion于无声处In the silence此处无声胜有声31.The moment when silence could say much more than speech柔情似水Tender and soft as water两情相悦,佳期如梦32.Two of a kind, the happy date seems but a dream夫唱妇随Wife follows her husband幸福的家庭都是相似的33.Happy families are all alike模特表演Model show这是一种展示,更是一种自信34.This is a display, and it is also a kind of confidence形单影只Always alone光棍汉的日子,显得很孤独35.The Bachelor has a lonely life呼唤爱情Love's call展示雌性的另一面36.Show the other side of the female雄性的施放Attraction of the male是取悦佳偶的重要手段37.The most important way to please his mate形神兼备Unity of form and spirit举手投足都是情38.Love shows in every single move水中春潮Love in the water在河里交尾,是中华秋沙鸭的独特繁育方式39.Mating in the river is the unique breeding way of the Chinese Merganser踏雪飞鸿Flying birds above the pure snow春雪、春水、比翼齐飞40.In the spring snow and spring water, lovers flying side by side戏于掌股Playing on the River吃出的花样41.Joyful eating饕餮之相Greedy Eating一只林蛙整吞了下去42.A forest frog is swallowed in one bite





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