
发布时间:2020-05-17 17:36:19




















在写作中,我们常常会苦恼用词单调。实际上,如果我们多多注意这些同义词就不会有这样的苦恼了。你写“如果”的时候是不是习惯性地就写出“if”,却想不出可以用“provided that”或者“providing that”?如此种种,都是我们需要提高的。



Day 1


event [ɪˈvent] n. ①事件,大事 ②比赛项目

拆分 e (加强或引申意义) + vent (来)→要来到,要发生的→事件,大事,可以具体指比赛项目

真题 Athletic merit scholarships are meant for students that excel (突出) in sports of any kind, from football to track and field events. 运动领域的奖学金是针对善于任何一种体育运动项目的学生而设,从足球到田径运动。

衍生 eventual adj. 最后的

eventually adv. 终于,最后

翻译 a great event that attracts worldwide concern


同义替换 ①occurrence; incident; episode; experience; happening ②competition


decide [dɪˈsaɪd] v. ①下决心;(使)决定 ②解决,裁决

拆分 de (加强) + cide (切)→切下去→下决心

真题 …let them decide what product lines to stock, how to display them and so on. ……让他们决定储存什么产品、如何摆放等等。

衍生 decision n. 决定,决心

翻译 decide to start their own business


同义替换 ①determine; resolve ②settle; resolve; judge

environment [ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt] n. 环境,周围状况,自然环境

拆分 en (进入……之中,包围) + viron (巡行一周,周游) + ment (名词后缀)→进入周游的状态→环境

真题 …their need to escape from their own limited environment…


衍生 environmental adj. 环境的

翻译 the importance of environmental protection


同义替换 surroundings; neighborhood; setting; vicinity

project [ˈprɒdʒekt] n. ①方案,计划 ②课题,项目,工程 vt. ①投射,发射,放映 ②使伸出 vi. 伸出,突出

拆分 pro (向前) + ject (扔)→扔向前面→投射;引申为工程项目

真题 Home and Garden Television is seen by those interested in household improvement projects. 那些对改善家居感兴趣的人可以观看家庭与园艺频道。

衍生 projected adj. 预期的,估计的

翻译 projected to take part-time jobs (决定做兼职)

同义替换 n. ①plan; intention ②subject; scheme; proposal; plot

technique [tekˈnɪiːk] n. ①(工艺或技术)技巧,能力 ②[口语]方法

拆分 techn (技术,能力) + ical (形容词后缀)→技术的

真题 a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims


衍生 technical adj. 技术的,工艺的 technician n. 技术员,技师 technology n. 技术,工艺

翻译 the technique used to shoot a film (拍电影用到的技术)

同义替换 ①method ②skill


education [ˌedjuːˈkeɪʃən] n. 教育,培养

拆分 educat ( e (出) + duc (引导,带来) + ate (动词后缀)→引出知识→教育) + ion (名词后缀) →教育

真题 Higher education has become a big and competitive business nowadays. 现今,高等教育已成为一个竞争激烈的大型行业。

衍生 educational adj. 教育的 educated adj. 受过教育的,有教养的

翻译 in order to finance my education/to finance my studies (为了挣钱供我上学)

同义替换 training; teaching; direction; schooling; instruction

paragraph [ˈpærəɡrɑːf] n. 段落,节 vt. 将……分段

拆分 para (辅助,副) + graph (画)→画或文章的一部分→段落,节

真题 We learn from Paragraph 3 that designers who undertake green fashion are gaining more and more support. 从第三段我们可以了解到环保设计师们正得到越来越多的支持。

衍生 paragraphic adj. 章节的,短评的

翻译 Each paragraph has a topic sentence.


同义替换 passage; section; chapter; piece; segment


crime [kraɪm] n. 罪行,犯罪

拆分 crim (犯罪) + e (变成复数)→犯罪

真题 It helps the police determine where a crime is committed.


衍生 criminal adj. 犯罪的,刑事的 n. 罪犯

翻译 Street crimes are clearly rising. (街头犯罪明显在增加。)

同义替换 evil; sin

criminal [krɪmɪnəl] n. 罪犯,犯人 adj. 刑事的,犯罪的

拆分 crimin (罪行) + al (人)→罪犯

真题 Hair analysis accurately identifies criminal suspects.


衍生 criminality n. 有罪,犯罪;犯罪行为

翻译 That criminal escaped from the prison yesterday.


同义替换 adj. law-breaking; guilty; sin; vice; evil; wrongdoing


adventure [ədˈventʃə] n. 冒险活动,冒险经历,奇遇 v. 冒险

拆分 ad (表示加强) + venture (冒险)→冒险,奇遇

真题 The boys were charmed by the sailor’s adventure and refused to go to bed even though it was 10 p.m.


翻译 an exciting adventure story (一个刺激的冒险故事)

同义替换 n. risk; venture; exciting undertaking; happening; occurrence

attend [əˈtend] v. ①出席,参加(会议等),上(学等)②照料,看管,关心 ③(to)专心于,致力于

拆分 at (表强调) + tend (伸展)→伸展出去→出席

真题 “It wasn’t until I attended a diversity workshop that I realized the person we passed over was the perfect person.” Tiffany confesses.“直到参加了一个多样性研讨会,我才意识到我们错过了最佳人选。”Tiffany承认。

翻译 Who is to attend this meeting? (谁要参加这个会议?)

同义替换 ① be present; go to ②care for; serve; work for

improve [ɪmˈpruːv] v. 改进,改善

拆分 im (使……成,加强意义) + prove (显示,证明) + ment (结果)→更加明显的地方→改进

真题 An open mind about diversity not only improves organizations internally, it is profitable as well. 一个开放的思维不仅可以对内改进组织,对外也可以提高利润。

衍生 improvement n. 改进,增进; 改进处

翻译 If he can follow the doctor’s advice and keep from smoking for a month or two, his health will surely improve (他的健康一定会改善).

同义替换 develop; advance; progress; grow

inside [ɪnˈsaɪd] prep. 在……里面,在……内部,(指时间)少于 adj. 里面的,内部的 n. 里面,内部 adv. 在里面,在内部

拆分 in (在里面) + side (面, 边)→在里面;内部

真题 They used ordinary food baskets with bottoms, and the ball, of course, stayed inside. 他们用普通的带底的食物篮,球当然呆在里面。

衍生 insider n. (组织或团体)内部的人;会员;知情人;了解内幕的人;消息灵通人士;权威人士;有特殊影响的人士;[美国俚语] (衣服的)里袋;皮夹;钱夹

翻译 quite many people remained inside sleeping


同义替换 prep. in; into; within adj. interior

product [ˈprɒdʌkt] n. ①产品,产物 ②乘积

拆分 pro (向前) + duce (引导,带来)→向前引出→生产

真题 The fund-raising ability is largely a product of experience and necessity. 筹措资金的能力在很大程度上是经验和需要的产物。

衍生 production n. 生产,制作,产量;产品,作品;出示,提供 productive adj. 多产的,富饶的;富有成效的 productivity n. 生产力,生产率

翻译 the product of years of neglect (多年来忽视的结果)

同义替换 merchandise; out-put; creation; production; commodity


campus [ˈkæmpəs] n. (大学)校园

拆分 camp (田野) + us (名词后缀)→一块田野;引申为校园

真题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Creating a Green Campus.


衍生 campaign n. 战役

翻译 walking in the campus with close friends


同义替换 university; college

consumer [kənˈsjuːmə] n. 消费者,用户,消耗者

拆分 con (全部) + sum (拿,取) + er (名词后缀)→全部拿光→消费

真题 Among consumers, only 18% are even aware that ecofashion exists, up from 6% four years ago. 在消费者中,甚至只有18%知道生态时尚的存在,四年前是6%。

衍生 consumption n. 消耗量,消费量;消耗,消费

翻译 keep up with the constantly growing needs of consumers/keep pace with the constantly increasing demands of consumers


同义替换 user; buyer; purchaser; customer

convenient [kənˈvɪiːnjənt] adj. ①省力的,便利的,方便的 ②近处的

拆分 con (全部) + ven (来) + ient (形容词后缀)→全部能来没有障碍→方便

真题 We’re saying we want you to work in these places, we’re going to look the other way in terms of what our laws are, and then when it’s convenient for us, or when we can try to make a point in terms of national security, especially after Sept. 11, then you’re disposable.


衍生 conveniently adv. 便利地 convenience n. 方便,合宜;便利设施;方便的用具

翻译 It is more convenient and time-saving / less time-consuming. (它更加方便和省时。)

同义替换 handy; nearby comfortable; timely

quality [ˈkwɒlətɪ] n. ①质,质量 ②品德,品质 ③性质,特性 adj. 优良的,优质的

拆分 quali (质量) + ty (名词后缀)→质量,特性

真题 The only predictors of high scores on the test were the mother’s level of education, the quality of child care and the number of different words the father used.


翻译 take people’s sleep quality into account/consideration (将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内)

同义替换 nature; character; feature; trait

research [rɪˈsəːtʃ] n. & v. 研究,调查

拆分 re (再,重新) + search (搜寻)→重新搜寻→调查,研究

真题 The researchers are unsure why the father’s speech, and not the mother’s, had an effect. 研究人员不确定为什么父亲的言语而非母亲的会产生影响。

衍生 researcher n. 研究人员

翻译 They did a lot of consumer research.


同义替换 study; search; investigation; explore; inquire


differ [ˈdɪfə] vi. ①不同,相异,有区别 ②(在意见方面)发生分歧

拆分 dif (不,否定) + fer (带来)→带来不同→不同

真题 On average, fathers spoke less than mothers did, but they did not differ in the length of utterances or proportion of questions asked.


衍生 difference n. 差别,差异;差,差额;(意见的)分歧 different adj. 有差异的,不同的 difficult adj. 困难的,难懂的;不易相处的 difficulty n. 困难,费劲;难事,难题;麻烦,困境

翻译 Each writer’s style differs from that of another.


同义替换 ①be different; vary ②be of different opinions


disease [dɪˈzɪiːz] n. ①病,疾病 ②不健全,弊端

拆分 dis (不,表示否定) + ease (轻松,舒适)→不轻松,不舒服→疾病,可以引申为不健全,有弊端

真题 “Men aren’t seeing doctors as often as they should, ” says Dr. Gullotta, “This is particularly so for the over-40s, when diseases tend to strike.” “男人看医生的次数远远不及他们应达到的次数,” Gullotta医生说。“40岁以上的男人尤其如此,这个年龄更容易生病。”

翻译 although her father got an incurable disease


同义替换 sickness; illness; unwellness

receive [rɪˈsɪiːv] vt. ①收到,得到,受到 ②接待,接见,欢迎

拆分 re (再) + ceive (拿,抓,握住)→再拿→接受

真题 It wasn’t until my boss received Mindsets’ training that she was able to understand how important inclusiveness was to customer service. 直到我的老板接受了Mindset的培训后,她才明白包容对客服工作有多重要。

衍生 receiver n. ①(电话)听筒 ②接收器

翻译 He is too excited to speak because of the news that his new book was well received. (他的新书很受欢迎)

同义替换 ①gain; get; obtain ②welcome


claim [kleɪm] vt. ①声称,断言 ②对……提出要求,索取 ③(灾难等)使失踪或死亡 ④需要,值得 n. ①要求,认领,索赔 ②声称,断言

真题 I had been abroad a couple of times, but I could hardly claim to know my way around the continent.


翻译 They claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease.


同义替换 vt.①announce②ask for; exact

n.①requirement ②assurance

individual [ɪndɪˈvɪdjuəl] adj. ①个别的,单独的,个人的 ②独特的 n. 个人,个体

拆分 in (不) + divide (分开) + ual→不能再分开了→个人

真题 It is about building better communities and organizations that enhance us as individuals and reinforce our shared humanity. 多元化就是建立更好的社区和组织,强化我们作为个体的权利,强调我们共有的人性。

衍生 individualize/individualise v. 赋予个性 individuation n. 个性化 individualism n. 个性,个人主义,利己主义

翻译 She has her own individual style of doing things.


同义替换 adj. ①single; one; personal ②special n. human

introduce [ɪntrəˈdjuːs] vt. ①介绍 ②引进,传入 ③提出(议案等)供讨论

拆分 intro (进入) + duce (bring,引导,带来)→引进,介绍

真题 Members of the city council and distinguished guests, it is my privilege to introduce to you today Mr. Robert Washington, chief of our city’s police force.


衍生 introduction n. 介绍;引进,传入;引言,导论

翻译 He is required/asked to introduce himself.


同义替换 present; bring in; propose; put forward

raise [reɪz] vt. ①举起,提高,提升;使升高 ②增加 ③筹集,征集 ④唤起,引起,激起 ⑤提出 ⑥养育,饲养,种植 n. (工资、薪金的)提升,增加

真题 Every year we have charity days to raise money for unfortunate people.


衍生 raiser n. 提高者,饲养者,栽培者 raised adj. 凸起的, 浮雕的

翻译 to protect the environment


同义替换 vt.①lift②increase③collect④cause; lead to ⑤come up with; propose ⑥plant

standard [ˈstændəd] n. 标准,规格 adj. 标准的

拆分 stand (立) + ard (名词后缀)→能站得住的→标准的

真题 There is no strict control over the academic standards of the courses.


衍生 standardize v. 标准化,使合于标准 standardization n. 标准化

翻译 the standard of length in France (法国的标准长度)

同义替换 n. criterion; model; rule; norms adj. normal

stress [stres] n. ①压力,紧张 ②强调,重要性 ③应力 ④重音 vt. 强调,着重,重读

真题 The university publicly stressed that in her previous job she had overseen (监督) “a major strengthening of Yale’s financial position.” 该大学曾公开强调艾莉森之前的工作主要是监管和“加强耶鲁大学的财政地位”。

衍生 stressful adj. 紧张的,压力重的

翻译 while it is impossible to live completely free of stress (尽管没有压力地生活是不可能的)

同义替换 n. ①pressure vt. emphasize; highlight

various [ˈvεərɪəs] adj. ①不同的,各种各样的 ②多方面的

拆分 vari (变化) + ous (形容词后缀)→变化出来的→各种各样的,不同的

真题 They use various loyalty cards for business transactions. 他们在商业交易中使用各种优惠卡。

衍生 variable adj.易变的,多变的;可变的 n. 可变因素,变量 variation n. 变化,变动;变体,变种;变奏(曲) variety n. 品种,种类;变化,多样化

翻译 There are various ways to solve the problem.


同义替换 different; diverse; miscellaneous


economy [ɪˈkɒnəmɪ] n. ①节约,节省经济 ②经济情况,经济结构,经济制度

拆分 eco (环境;经济) + nomy (某一领域的知识)→经济(体)

真题 They believed strongly that democracy depended on responsibility and that a growing capitalist economy depended on the productivity of workers.


衍生 economic adj. 经济的,经济上的,经济学的 n. ①[-s]经济学 ②经济状况,经济因素,经济意义 economical adj. 节约的,省俭的,经济的

翻译 The employees of the firm practiced economy in doing everything(做任何事都厉行节约).

同义替换 saving; thrift


ability [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] n. ①能力,力量 ②智慧,才智

真题 The decline in government support has made fund-raising an increasingly necessary ability among administrators, and has hiring committees hungry for Americans. 政府支持的减少要求学校管理人员必须具备筹措资金的能力,因此学校急需从美国聘请此类人才。

衍生 disability n. 无能力,无力;残疾,伤残

翻译 strong ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively (善于与各种人员打交道)

同义替换 power; skill; capacity; talent; competence

author [ˈɔːθə] n. 著作家,作者

真题 “Our historic concentration of policy attention and resources on young people cannot meet the new needs,” says the report’s author, Professor Stephen McNair. 斯蒂芬•麦克奈尔教授,这个报告的作者,说:“我们在政策关注和资源方面对年轻人以往的关注不能满足新的需求。”

衍生 authority n. 权力,管辖权;[pl.]官方,当局;当权者,行政管理机构;权威,专家

翻译 Even as an author (尽管作为一个作家), N.M. considered himself a battler and a fighter.

同义替换 writer

culture [ˈkʌltʃə] n. ①文化 ②修养,教养,精神文明 vt. 养殖,培养,栽培

真题 I recruited people from different cultures and skill sets. 我招聘拥有不同文化背景和技能的人才。

衍生 cultural adj. 文化的 agricultural adj. 农业的 agriculture n. 农业,农学

翻译 adapt oneself to life/living in different cultures


同义替换 ①civilization ②gentility ③farming

develop [dɪˈveləp] vt. ①(使)发展;(使)发达;开发 ②制订,研制,成长 ③(逐渐)产生,(开始)患(病等) ④详尽阐述,发挥 ⑤显(影);冲洗(照片)vi. ①生长,(使)发育,形成 ②发展,扩展

真题 While enriching their imagination, books widen their outlook, develop a fact-finding attitude and train them to use leisure properly. 在丰富他们的想象力的同时,书籍拓宽了他们的视野,帮助他们建立了寻求真相的态度,并且训练他们学会运用适当的娱乐。

衍生 development n. 生长,发展,开发;事态发展,新情况;研制,培育;新社区,新建住宅区 developer n. 开发者;(城市和郊区)房地产投资开发者(或公司) developing adj. 发展中的 developed adj. 发达的

翻译 eager to develop their own nuclear weapons


同义替换 ①vt. exploit ②vi. grow; progress; advance

discover [dɪsˈkʌvə] vt. 发现,找到,发觉

拆分 dis (不,去掉) + cover (盖子)→去掉盖子,使暴露→发现

真题 “Through one of the sessions, I discovered my personal bias,” he recalls. “I learned I had not been looking at a person as a whole person, and being open to differences.” 他回忆说: “在一次课程中,我发现了自己的个人偏见。我发现我一直没有将一个人视为一个整体,也没有敞开怀抱对待分歧。”

衍生 discovery n. 被发现的事物;发现,发觉

翻译 discover that the fault was solely mine (发觉全是我的错)

同义替换 find; reveal; learn; see; detect

effect [ɪˈfekt] n. ①结果,效果 ②作用,影响 ③[pl.]个人财物 vt. 实现,使生效,引起

真题 This kind of writing is often found in art, where understanding how an artist created a certain effect is important. 这种写法经常见于艺术中,理解艺术家以此创造某个效果是很重要的。

衍生 effective adj. 有效的,生效的,起作用的; 给人印象深刻的;实际的,事实上的 efficient adj. 效率高的,有能力的 efficiency n. 效率,效能,功效

翻译 to the effect that he would manage the factory he bought(大意是他将经营他买下的那个工厂)

同义替换 n. ①result ②influence; impact ③personal belongings vt. evoke; form; inspire

increase [ɪnˈkrɪiːs] v. 增加,增长,增强 n. 增加,增长,增强

拆分 in (向内) + crease (向内增)→增加

真题 Between 1995-96 and 2003-04, institutional merit aid alone increased 212%, compared with 47% for need-based grants. 从1995年-1996年到2003年-2004年,仅仅由学校提供的绩优奖助就增长了212%, 而按需要给与的资助却只增长了47%。

衍生 increasingly adv. 日益,越来越多地

翻译 increase production by using more efficient methods


同义替换 n. enhancement; growth; gain; advance

v. improve; enlarge; mount

process [prəˈses] n. ①过程,进程 ②工序,制作法 ③(法律)程序,(诉讼)手续 vt. 加工,处理,办理

拆分 pro (向前) + cess (行走,前进)→前行→过程

真题 In some cases, students may need to be recommended by their school or a teacher as part of the qualification process. 在某些情况下,作为申请奖学金的条件之一,学生可能需要由学校或某个老师推荐。

衍生 processed adj. 处理的 procession n. 队伍,行列

翻译 the process of breaking out of the prison


同义替换 ①vt. manfacture; cope with ②n. course; approach; method

select [sɪˈlekt] vt. 选择,挑选,选拔 adj. ①精选的,挑选出来的 ②优等的,第一流的

拆分 se (分开,离开,区别开) + lect (选)→选出

真题 You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choice given in a word bank following the passage. 请从文章下面的单词表中为每空选出一个单词。

衍生 selection n. 选择,挑选;被挑选出来的人(或物),精选品;可供选择的东西

翻译 can select the time of retirement/can select when to retire (可以选择退休时间)

同义替换 vt. choose; pick adj. ①wonderful ②excellent

system [ˈsɪstəm] n. ①系统,体系 ②制度,体制 ③方法,做法 ④身体

真题 It seems we haven’t seen the right quantity of manuals to support the telephone system.


衍生 systematic adj. 有系统的,系统化的

翻译 the fifth-largest planet in our solar system


同义替换 institution; organization; scheme; means; method

Day 2


attention [əˈtenʃən] n. ①注意,关心,专心,留心 ②立正姿势,立正口令

拆分 at (表强调) + tent (伸展) + ion (名词后缀)→思维伸展出去→注意

真题 As the potential First Lady, she would have the world’s attention. 作为未来的第一夫人,她将引起世界瞩目。

衍生 attentively adj. 注意地

翻译 if she had paid close attention to the quality


同义替换 care; concern; consideration; thought

benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt] n. ①益处,好处 ②救济金,保险金 v. 有益

拆分 bene (好) + fit (做,制作)→做了有好处→有益于

真题 Studies show merit aid also tends to benefit disproportionately students who could afford to enroll without it. 研究显示学业优异奖学金往往也会使没有它也上得起学的学生大为受益。

衍生 beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的

翻译 for the benefit of the motherland (为了国家利益)

同义替换 n. ①profit; advantage ②pension

advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n. ①优点,有利条件,有利因素 ②利益,好处

拆分 advent (ad表强调) + vant (先,在前)→先进的 + age (名词后缀)→先进的东西占优势

真题 At a time when hiring qualified people is becoming more difficult, employers who can eliminate invalid biases (偏见) from the process have a distinct advantage.


衍生 advantageous adj. 有利的,有益的,便利的

翻译 that may be to your advantage (也许对你有好处)

同义替换 merit; virtue; benefit; advantage

condition [kənˈdɪʃən] n. ①状况,状态 ②[pl.]环境,形势 ③条件,前提 vt. ①训练,适应 ②调整……的状况,改善……的情况 ③对……有重要影响,决定

拆分 con (共同) + dit (give, 给予) + ion (名词后缀)→共同给出的→条件

真题 Still,there are certain conditions associated with rising crime. 仍然有与增长的犯罪有关的某些情况。

翻译 You know I am not a mean person. You can use the bicycle on condition that you return it tomorrow


同义替换 ①n. state; circumstance; situation; context; qualification ②vt. adapt; suit; conclude

consider [kənˈsɪdə] vt. ①考虑,细想 ②认为,把……看作 ③关心,考虑到 vi. 考虑,细想

拆分 con (共同) + sider (坐)→坐在一起思考→考虑

真题 The chief reason is that American schools don’t tend to seriously consider looking abroad. 最主要的原因是美国的学校往往不会认真考虑聘请国外的教育家。

衍生 considerable adj. 相当大(或多)的considerate adj. 体贴的,体谅的 consideration n. 考虑,考虑的事;体贴,关心

翻译 If you have made a bad investment decision, do consider selling the stock. (一定考虑卖掉股票。)

同义替换 vt. think; regard; concern about; expect

vi. think

fashion [ˈfæʃən] n. ①方式,样子 ②流行款式,时新式样,时装

真题 Artistic merit scholarships require that applicants excel in a given artistic area. This generally includes any creative field such as art, design, fashion, music, dance or writing. 艺术领域的奖学金要求申请者在某一特定的艺术领域表现杰出,通常包括此类具有创意的领域,如美术、设计、时尚、音乐、舞蹈或写作。

衍生 fashionable adj. 流行的,符合时尚的,时髦的

翻译 Long skirts have been out of fashion (很长时间不流行了) for a long time, but they are coming back.

同义替换 mode; style; type

imagine [ɪˈmædʒɪn] vt. ①想象,设想 ②料想,猜想

真题 You cannot imagine my satisfaction at being able to answer 45.恐怕你无法想象出,我在回答“45”时得意忘形的样子。

衍生 imaginary adj. 想象中的,假想的,虚构的 imagination n. 想象,想象力;空想,幻觉;想象出来的事物

翻译 Just imagine why our country could make such significant achievements. (试想为什么我国取得如此重大的成就。)

同义替换 ①dream ②suppose; guess; picture

similar [ˈsɪmɪlə] adj. 相似的,像,类似的

拆分 simil (类似的,一样) + ar (形容词后缀)→同样的,相似的

真题 Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa., made a similar decision three years ago. 位于宾夕法尼亚州米德维尔的阿勒格尼学院三年前也做出过同样的决策。

衍生 similarly adv. 相似地,类似地 similarity n. 相似,类似

翻译 Similar methods are being put into use.


同义替换 like; alike

social [ˈsəʊʃəl] adj. ①社会的 ②交际的,社交的

拆分 soci (同伴,引申为社会) + al (形容词后缀)→社会的,交际的

真题 Privacy economist Alessandro Acquits has run a series of tests that reveal people will surrender personal information like Social Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-off coupon (优惠券). 隐私经济学家Alessandro Acquisti进行了一系列的测试,表明人们会透露像社保卡号这样的个人信息,就只是为了能拿到微不足道的便宜50美分的优惠券。

衍生 society n. 社会;协会 socially adv. 善于交际地

socialism n. 社会主义 socialist n. 社会主义者

翻译 I have gained lots of valuable social experience.


同义替换 human; gregarious





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