
发布时间:2020-05-18 03:24:19








所有奋斗在寄托路上的GTers & 所有寄托家园的建设者们……













● 词表方面——主词表继承了原书中被一批批考生检验了十年的词表。要知道,在GRE备考领域能存活这么久而且还保持着活力的资料寥寥无几。

● 释义方面——中英文释义的精确性主要体现在尽量减少记忆负担,增强考生对单词主考释义的记忆上。与居家必备但没人会背的巨型词典相比,检验考试类词汇书中释义的标准是:看书中给出的释义,是否出自权威词典且正是真题中考到的那一两条,或者是不是相对最常见的那一两条释义。在这一方面,本书绝对经得起检验。

● 例句方面——新蓝宝采用的是“双例句”(例+题)风格。覆盖了94.18%的单词的[例]选取的是相对简单且多数能够在现实生活中用到的句子,帮助考生清晰准确地了解单词的意思和用法。[题]选取的是真题例句,覆盖26.01%的单词(限于书的厚度,列不了太多)。这部分例句主要用来帮助考生在真题环境下仔细体会单词的释义和用法,因此例句中出现的蓝色核心词与主词条并非完全一致,有可能是动词的现在分词、过去式或过去分词,也有可能是名词的复数形式等。

● 扩展方面——对于新GRE考试,语文(Verbal)部分无论是阅读还是填空,想要做对题,无非三条路:用巫术、拼人品、找出信息之间的对应。至于如何提升前两种,爱莫能助。对第三种,信息对应无非是同义、反义两类,所以在背单词的过程中,如果能将对某个单词的孤立记忆扩展为通过同反义意群把单词串联起来而形成的一张大网,那么对强化第三种做题技巧会有很大好处。在具体单词的选择上,书中呈现出来的[同]和[反]都会优先选择“全G词表”(下文会介绍)中的单词或类似的词汇,目的也正是帮大家织出这张网来。

● 助记方面——关于助记的“量”,新蓝宝的单词助记覆盖率为77.67%,是草木奉献给大家的良心活。



● 主词表——3556个单词,在上面“精”的部分已经进行了详细介绍,建议考生分阶段对内容进行尽量完全和准确的记忆。

● 辅词表——又名“全G词表”,这是我对新蓝宝寄予很大期望的内容之一。市面上同类词汇书众多,而且对于GRE这种没有所谓“官方大纲词表”的考试,每本词汇书的词表都是各有不同的。那么,考生在选择词汇书的时候,即使选择了某一本,无论再怎么信任作者,都会在某种程度上怀疑自己的选择。也就是说,在背A书的时候,会担心A的内容不够用,纠结需不需要再去背B书甚至C书。这个徘徊于不同备考资料的过程,很大程度上降低了考生的备考效率,而且或多或少的重复性内容会浪费考生很多时间。作为作者,我存在的意义就是对亲们的需求提供对应的解决办法。“全G词表”就是针对这个问题的解决办法。全G词表汇总了市面上靠谱的或流行的众多词汇书中的词汇,并经过合并词性以及剔除专有名词之后获得了这8712个单词。









































































































n. 算盘(an instrument for performing calculations by sliding counters along rods or in grooves)

[记]“打”算盘是use/work an abacus。abandon


v. 抛弃,放弃(to withdraw protection, support, or help from)n. 放任,放纵(a thorough yielding to natural impulses)

[反]inhibition, salvage, deny

[近]indulge, surrender, yield

[记]abandon,desert和give up均可表示“抛弃,放弃”。abandon强调永远或完全放弃或抛弃人或物,可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的;desert主要指违背法律责任和义务,或背离个人的信仰与誓言的行为,多含非难的意味;give up侧重指因没有希望或迫于外界压力而放弃。

[例]The policy abandons the most vulnerable members of society.

[题]But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous, risky, and highly energizing impulse in favor of what was for him the fatally relaxing impulse to classify and schematize abstractly.abase


v. 降低(地位、职位、威望或尊严)(to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem)

[反]elevate, ennoble, uplift

[近]degrade, demean, humiliate, demoralize

[记]〈形近同义〉debase(v. 降低,贬低)

[例]He was unwilling to abase himself by pleading guilty to a crime that he did not commit.abash


v. 使羞愧,使窘迫(to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of)

[反]brazen, embolden

[近]confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, faze


[例]Nothing could abash him.abate


v. 减轻,减低(to reduce in degree or intensity)

[反]augment, intensify, promote

[近]lull, moderate, slacken, subside, wane


[例]For a while, in the Cold War's aftermath, the public fascination for espionage may abate, though somehow I doubt it.abbreviate


v. 缩写;缩短(to make briefer, especially to reduce to a shorter form intended to stand for the whole)

[反]elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract

[近]abridge, curtail, retrench, slash


[例]"United States of America" is commonly abbreviated to "USA".abdicate


v. 让位;放弃[to relinquish (as sovereign power) formally]

[反]constitute, assume, usurp

[近]discard, slough, relinquish, renounce, resign


[例]The king was forced to abdicate the throne.abdomen


n. 腹(部)(the part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis)

[例]She showed us a tiny tattoo on her abdomen, right next to her belly button.aberrant


adj. 异常的,非常规的(deviating from the usual or natural type)

[反]customary, typical, unexceptional, unextraordinary

[近]abnormal, anomalous, atypical, deviant, phenomenal


[例]Her aberrant behavior at the party shocked everyone.

[题]If such a gene occurs on a sex-determining (X or Y) chromosome, then highly aberrant sex ratios can occur.abet


v. 帮助,支持;怂恿(to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose)

[反]stymie, obstruct, thwart, impede, forestall

[近]incite, instigate, provoke, stir (up), whip (up)


[例]It is absence of abet from colleagues that leads to his failure.abeyance


n. 中止,暂缓,搁置(temporary inactivity)

[反]continuance, continuation, fulfillment

[近]doldrums, dormancy, latency, quiescence, suspension


[例]Our weekend plans were held in abeyance until we could get a weather forecast.

[题]Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so decimated Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in abeyance in the Western Hemisphere.abhor


v. 憎恶,痛恨(to regard with extreme repugnance)


[近]contemn, detest, execrate, loathe

[记]〈联想〉ab-+hor[参考:horrible(adj. 可怕的)→恨,怕]

[例]He abhors the way people leave their trash at the picnic sites in the park.abiding


adj. 长久的,持久的(lasting for a long time; enduring)

[反]ephemeral, evanescent

[近]ageless, enduring, firm, steadfast, steady

[记]由abide(v. 遵守,信守)衍生而来

[例]I have an abiding interest in animal welfare — it's not just a phase I'm going through.abject


adj. 凄惨的,绝望的;卑微的,精神不振的(sunk to or existing in a low state or condition; cast down in spirit, servile, spiritless)

[反]exciting, exultant, spirited

[近]humble, menial, servile, slavish

[记]〈形近易混〉object(v. 反对)→因为提议遭到反对,所以精神不振

[例]The time would come that no human being should be humiliated or be made abject.

[题]Read's apology to Heflin was not exactly abject and did little to resolve their decades-long quarrel, which had been as acrimonious as the academic etiquette of scholarly journals permitted.abjure


v. 发誓放弃(to renounce upon oath)

[反]adhere (to)

[近]abnegate, foreswear, repeal, repudiate, withdraw

[记]〈形近易混〉adjure(v. 命令,恳求)

[例]She abjured some long-held beliefs when she converted to another religion.ablution


n. 洗澡;洗礼[the washing of one's body or part of it (as in a religious rite) ]



v. 否定;克己(denial, especially self-denial)

[反]indulgence, self-indulgence

[近]repudiation, self-denial


[例]They discussed the abnegation of God.abolition


n. 废除,废止(the act of abolishing, the state of being abolished)


[近]cancelation, defeasance, negation, nullification


[例]She calls for the abolition of the death penalty.

[题]And Walzer advocates as the means of eliminating this tyranny and of restoring genuine equality "the abolition of the power of money outside its sphere".abominate


v. 憎恨,厌恶(to hate or loathe intensely)

[反]esteem, love, revere

[近]abhor, despise, detest, execrate, loathe


[例]He is revered by his supporters and abominated by his enemies.aboriginal


adj. 土著的(being the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region)n. 土著居民,土人(an aboriginal inhabitant, especially as contrasted with an invading or colonizing people)

[反]nonindigenous, nonnative

[近]autochthonous, domestic, indigenous

[记]〈联想〉ab-+original(adj. 原始的)→土著的

[例]For a long time, the aboriginals were not even included in the censuses, as they were viewed as part of the region's fauna.abortive


adj. 失败的,夭折的(failing to accomplish an intended objective, fruitless)

[反]effective, potent, productive, successful

[近]futile, ineffectual, otiose, unavailing, vain

[记]更常见的是这个单词的名词形式:abortion(n. 堕胎)。

[例]It is an abortive attempt to recover the sunken pirate ship.abound


v. 大量存在(to be present in large numbers or in great quantity)

[近]overflow, swarm, teem


[例]They live in a region where oil abounds.aboveboard


adj. 无欺诈的,光明正大的(free from all traces of deceit or duplicity)adv. 光明磊落地(in a straightforward manner)



[记]〈组合词〉above(prep. 在…之上)+board(n. 板子)→放在板子上,没有下面的小动作→光明正大的

[例]The committee tried to be fair and aboveboard in its hiring.abrade


v. 磨损,擦伤(to rub or wear away especially by friction)

[近]corrade, erode, graze, wear

[记]〈联想〉一块面包(a bread)被“磨损”成了abrade。

[例]Ropes abraded by the rocks were a huge danger to the climbers.abreast


adv. 并排地,并列地,齐头并进地(beside one another with bodies in line)

[记]abreast在句中常用作表语,多见于短语be abreast of和keep abreast with中。

[例]Many people stood abreast to listen to him.abridge


v. 删节,节略;缩短(to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense; to shorten in duration or extent)

[反]amplify, elongate, prolong, protract

[近]abbreviate, condense, curtail


[例]The library's opening hours have been drastically abridged to cut costs.abrogate


v. 废除(法令等),取消(to abolish by authoritative action)

[反]institute, legislate, uphold, validate

[近]abolish, annul, invalidate, negate


[例]I want to report the loss of credit card and abrogate it.abrupt


adj. 突然的,出其不意的(characterized by or involving action or change without preparation or warning)


[记]〈词根〉rupt(破);参考:bankrupt(v. 破产),corrupt(v. 腐败),rupture(n. 破裂)

[例]There was an abrupt change in the weather.abscission


n. 切除,截去(the act or process of cutting off)





v. 逃走,潜逃(to depart secretly and hide oneself)

[近]escape, flee

[记]〈形近易混〉absent(v. 缺席)→两个动作的结果都是人没有出现在应该出现的地方

[例]Several prisoners absconded from the jail.absent-minded


adj. 心不在焉的;健忘的(lost in thought and unaware of one's surroundings or actions; likely to forget things)


[近]abstracted, distracted, preoccupied

[记]〈联想〉absent(v. 缺席)+mind(n. 心思)+-ed(形容词后缀)→心不在焉的

[例]Her absent-minded husband forgot their anniversary.absolute


adj. 无限制的,绝对的,纯粹的(having no restriction, exception, or qualification)

[反]limited, qualified

[近]complete, utter, unrestricted, unconstrained

[例]You can't predict the future with absolute certainty.

[题]Psychohistorians, convinced of the absolute rightness of their own theories, are also convinced that theirs is the "deepest" explanation of any event, that other explanations fall short of the truth.absolve


v. 赦免,宣布…无罪;免除…的责任(to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt)

[反]criminate, incriminate, inculpate, indict

[近]acquit, discharge, exempt, exonerate, vindicate

[记]〈联想〉ab-+solve(v. 解决)→问题解决→宣布…无罪

[例]No amount of remorse will absolve shoplifters who are caught, and all cases will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

[题]Though he refused any responsibility for the failure of the negotiations, Stevenson had no right to absolve himself: it was his acrimony that had caused the debacle.absorb


v. 吸收,吸纳,同化;理解,掌握(to take in and make part of an existent whole; to take in, acquire)

[反]exude, reflect

[近]imbibe, sponge

[记]〈形近易混〉absurd(adj. 荒谬的)

[例]She is good at absorbing information.

[题]By 1832 feminism was the central concern of Saint-Simonianism and entirely absorbed its adherents'energy; hence, by ignoring its feminism, European historians have misunderstood Saint-Simonianism.abstain


v. 弃权,不投票;自我克制,戒除(to choose not to vote; to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice)

[记]〈联想〉ab-(不)+stain(n. 污点)→没有污点→不争权是最好的办法→弃权

[例]Ten members voted for the proposal; six members voted against it, and two abstained.abstemious


adj.(饮食等)有节制的,适度的(marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol)


[近]abstinent, continent, self-abnegating, temperate

[例]Being abstemious diners, they avoid restaurants with all-you-can-eat buffets.abstract


v. 写…的摘要;抽取,使分离;使心不在焉(to make a summary of; to remove sth from somewhere; to draw away the attention of)



[例]Personal problems abstracted him so persistently that he struggled to keep his mind on his work.

[题]From the point of view of rhetoric, we are not merely logical-thinking machines, creatures abstracted from time and space.abstruse


adj. 深奥的,高深的(difficult to comprehend)

[反]accessible, patent, shallow, superficial

[近]arcane, esoteric, profound, recondite

[记]〈形近易混〉abstract(adj. 抽象的)→因为抽象,所以深奥

[例]You're not the only one who finds Einstein's theory of relativity abstruse.absurd


adj. 愚蠢的,荒谬的,荒唐的(ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous)

[反]rational, realistic, reasonable, sensible

[近]bizarre, insane, nonsensical, preposterous

[记]〈形近易混〉absorb(v. 吸收;吸引)→有些杂志利用其荒唐可笑的内容吸引读者

[例]The charges against him are obviously absurd.

[题]Absurd random failures that plague automatic control systems are not merely trivial aberrations; they are a reflection of the chaos that results when design is assumed to be primarily a problem in mathematics.abundant


adj. 充裕的,富足的[marked by great plenty (as of resources)]

[反]infrequent, inadequate, rare, scanty, scarce

[近]ample, aplenty, bountiful, cornucopian, plenteous

[记]〈音近意近〉abound[əˈbaʊnd](v. 大量存在)

[例]He offers abundant evidence to prove that he is right.

[题]In prehistoric times brachiopods were one of the most abundant and diverse forms of life on Earth: more than 30,000 species of this clamlike creature have been cataloged from fossil records.abuse


v. 辱骂,抨击;虐待;滥用(to attack in words; to hurt or injure by maltreatment; to put to a wrong or improper use, to use excessively)

[近]assail, bash, lambaste, misuse, misemploy

[记]〈联想〉ab-(不)+use(v. 用)→不好好用→滥用

[例]He abused my confidence by letting this secret be known.

[题]The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest poets of his age were almost necessarily irresponsible, that the possession of great gifts engenders the propensity to abuse them.abut


v. 邻接,毗邻(to touch along a border or with a projecting part)

[近]adjoin, neighbor, verge (on)


[例]Our land abuts a nature preserve, so we see a lot of wildlife.abysmal


adj. 深不可测的;极坏的,极糟的(having immense or fathomless extension downward, backward, or inward; immeasurably low or wretched)

[反]shallow, skin-deep, superficial

[近]deep, bottomless, profound

[例]The film was so abysmal that I fell asleep.academic


adj. 学院的;学术的,理论的(of, relating to, or characteristic of a school, especially one of higher learning; theoretical, speculative)

[反]nonacademic, noneducational, unscholarly

[近]educational, intellectual, scholarly, scholastic

[例]The board set tough academic standards for graduation.

[题]For the woman who is a practitioner of feminist literary criticism, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special significance; for her, the question is not only academic, but political as well, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors.acarpous


adj. 不结果实的(producing no fruit, sterile)

[记]〈词根〉carpo(词根,=fruit,“果实”);参考:carpology(n. 果实学)accede


v. 同意,赞成(to express approval or give consent)

[反]demur, dissent

[近]assent, consent, subscribe

[记]〈词根〉ced(词根,=go,表示“走”);参考:concede(v. 让步),recede(v. 退去)

[例]We acceded to his request.accelerate


v.(使)加快,(使)加速;促进(to cause to move faster; to hasten the progress or development of)

[反]dwindle, lessen, retard, wane

[近]accumulate, escalate, proliferate, wax

[记]〈联想〉ac-(前缀,表加强)+celer[词根,=quick(快速的),参考:celerity(n. 敏捷,迅速)]+-ate(动词后缀)→加速

[例]The rate of economic growth has continued to accelerate.

[题]In order to account for such an unlikely source, some unusual factors must be invoked, because the impact needed to accelerate a fragment of rock to escape the gravitational field of a body even as small as the Moon is so great that no meteorites of lunar origin have been discovered.accentuate


v. 使突出,强调(to stress or emphasize)


[近]emphasize, highlight

[例]He likes to wear clothes that could accentuate his muscular build.

[题]Great comic artists assume that truth may bear all lights, and thus they seek to accentuate contradictions in social action, not gloss over or transcend them by appeals to extrasocial symbols of divine ends, cosmic purpose, or laws of nature.access


n. 通路,入口;使用权,接触的机会(passage; freedom or ability to obtain or make use of sth)v. 取得,获得(to get information, especially on a computer)

[反]depart, exit, leave

[近]enter, penetrate


[例]The file can be accessed by many users at the same time.

[题]Although a historical lack of access to formal Spanish-language education initially limited the opportunities of some Chicanos to hone their skills as writers of Spanish, their bilingual culture clearly fostered an exuberant and compelling oral tradition.accessible


adj. 易得到的,易接近的;可理解的(capable of being reached; capable of being understood or appreciated)

[反]abstruse, unattainable, unavailable, unobtainable

[近]attainable, obtainable

[记]〈联想〉access(v. 获得)+-ible(≈able,形容词后缀)→能得到的

[例]It is a fascinating and accessible book.

[题]Of Homer's two epic poems, the Odyssey has always been





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