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价格:38.00元On The Three-Character a Line Chant 关于《三字经》

The Three-Character a Line Chant(The Three)contains over 1 000 characters.Every 3 characters form a line,or a sentence.It came into being approximately 700 years ago during the Song dynasty,which began in 960 and ended in 1279.Ever since it came into being,The Three has been used as an enlightenment text book,and has been very popular among children;it is easy to remember for it rhymes at the end of each line.Its rich content covers history,education,nature,ethics and morality,and so on.《三字经》有1 000多字。它三字一行,出现在700多年前的宋代。宋朝在公元960年建立,1279年灭亡。 《三字经》自从问世,就一直是一本启蒙教材,很受儿童们的欢迎。由于行行押韵,它便于记忆。其囊括了历史、教育、自然、伦理和道德等方面的内容。

We don't know who the author was.But some people believe it was Wang Yinglin (王应麟,1223-1296),who was an official in the Song dynasty.The highest position he had was a fourth ranking.After he was deposed from office,he accomplished much in his studies and produced over 20 titles with more than 600 volumes of books.It is believed that The Three was in one of them.


Its first foreign language version was in Latin,done by Michele Ruggieri (罗明坚,1543-1607) (teacher of Matteo Ricci)in 1581.As an Italian Jesuit priest,he was the founding father of the Jesuit China Missions and a co-author of the first Portuguese-Chinese dictionary;he has been regarded as the first European Sinologist.Nikita Yakovlevich Bichurin(俾丘林,1777- 1853)published a Russian-Chinese version.Nowadays you can find a copy of it in the residence of Pushkin.《三字经》最早的外文版是拉丁语版本,是利玛窦的老师罗明坚(1543—1607)于1581年翻译的,他还与别人一起编著了第一本葡汉字典。他是中国耶稣会的创始人,被认为是欧洲第一位汉学家。俾丘林(1777—1853)出版了于1829年推出《三字经》汉俄对照本。现在,在普希金的故居可以看到该版本的副本。

Its first English version was produced by Robert Morrison (马礼逊),who was born on January 5,1782 in the United Kingdom.He was an Anglo-Scottish evangelist and the first Christian Protestant missionary in China.During his 25-year stay in China,he compiled the first ever English-Chinese Dictionary.He was also the first to translate the Bible into Chinese.He set up the first Sino-West clinic in Macao.The version he produced was named as The Three-Character Classic.Its first French version was produced by Stanislas Julien (1797-1873,儒莲).It might be useful to know that after an English version was produced in Singapore,the UNESCO listed it as “Children's Series on Moral Education.”

第一个英文文本出自马礼逊之手。他于1782年1月5日出生在英国。他是盎格鲁-苏格兰的福音传教士,是基督教新教第一位到中国的传教士。在中国的25年里,他编写了第一部《华英字典》,是将《圣经》译成中文的第一人。他在澳门建立了第一个中西医的诊所。他所译的《三字经》的英文名称是“The Three-Character Classic”。 《三字经》的第一个法语文本是由儒莲(1797—1873)翻译的。你或许应该知道,在新加坡所译的英文文本问世后,联合国教科文组织将《三字经》列入“儿童道德教育系列丛书”。

By reading The Three,you would acquire “common knowledge”in China's society.For instance,the concepts of “filial duty and fraternal love are of first and foremost importance” “people are born benign-hearted” “three compositions of the world—the heaven,the earth and the men” “the three cardinal duties in Confucianism”and “Five Perpetual Virtues”,and so on.You would learn what the most important works in the Confucian school are.You would have a rough understanding of other masters such as Mozi (墨子),Laozi(老子),Zhuangzi (庄子),representatives of the Legalists and the Logicians.You would also master a trunk line of China's history.You can also find out how children in ancient China were encouraged to study.

读了《三字经》后,你会了解中国社会的常识。譬如“首孝悌” “性本善” “构成世界的三个部分:天、地、人”的概念,以及儒学中的“三纲” “五常”等。你会了解儒学中最重要的著作,会大致了解其他著名的思想家如墨子、老子、庄子以及法家和名家的代表人物等,还会掌握中国历史发展的主线。此外,你还会了解古代的中国是如何激励孩子学习的。

The writer will give a full text of The Three in its original characters,and go through it by a group of four lines at a time and show how these characters are read in Chinese phonetic alphabet.Then,a literal translation of these lines is provided,and then necessary explanations are given.At the end of the book,a translation in English by the translator in the form of sonnet will be presented.


Let's now go through the chant!

现在就让我们通读一遍经文吧!Text of The Three-Character a Line Chant 《三字经》正文

The first four lines are written in Chinese characters as:


They read in Chinese phonetic alphabet as:

其汉语拼音是:rén zhī chū,xìng běn shàn,xìng xiāng jìn,xí xiāng yuǎn。

Their meaning in English is:


The nature of people is good when they are first born.Yet,similar nature of different persons may be kept far apart by their habits.


The first two lines of The Three pose a big issue to everybody:The nature of people is good at their birth .This is one important thesis of Confucian thought. Confucius himself didn't use these words,yet this thought was adopted from such a saying of his:“Uprightness belongs to man by virtue of his birth,if he loses that,he is in peril.” (paragraph 19,chapter 6 of The Analects of Confucius)《三字经》的开头两句就向人们提出了一个很大的问题:人之初,性本善。这是儒学很重要的一个论断。孔子本人没有使用这样的字眼,但是这句话的思想出自他这样的一句话: “人之生也直,罔之生也幸而免。” (《论语》第6章第19段)

Here I wish to quote Reginald Fleming Johnston,the English teacher of China's last emperor,in the following: “The doctrine of the goodness of hum an nature was affirm ed in the fourth century B .C .by Mencius— the ‘Second Sage’ of the Confucian School— even more precisely than by Confucius himself,and it is explicitly stated in the opening words of a famous little book—The San Tzu Ching or Trim etrical Classic— which till recent years was regularly committed to memory by every little Confucian .”


There are different opinions on this issue in the west. Most popular Western thinkers hold that man's nature is evil,as Hegel said in his Logic of Hegel:“We all know the theological dogma that man's nature is evil,tainted with what is called original sin .Now while we accept the dogma,we must give up the setting of incident which represents original sin as consequent upon an accidental act of the first man .For the very notion of spirit is enough to show that man is evil by nature,and it is an error to imagine that he could ever be otherwise .” I don't know how many people would agree to the following statement by R .F .Johnston: “If it is true that the essential goodness of human nature has now been ascertained to be orthodox Christian teaching,we may find satisfaction in the thought that in this matter,as in many others,Confucianism and Christianity are absolutely at one .”

对这个问题,西方有很多不同的观点。很多深受人们喜爱的思想家都持有人性恶的观点。譬如,黑格尔在《小逻辑》中说: “我们都熟知一个神学上的信条:人的本性是恶的,即所谓的原罪。现在我们在接受这一信条的时候,必须放弃关于设置事件的说法,这个说法代表的是世界上第一个人由于偶然的行为才犯下原罪。关于精神的概念就足以说明人性恶,如果想象人性不恶那就是错误的。”我不知道有多少人会同意庄士敦如下的话: “如果人性本善的说法被确定为基督教的正统教义之事属实,那么如下的想法会给我们满意感,即在这个问题上,如同在很多其他问题上一样,儒学和基督教是一回事。”

The next four lines in Chinese characters are:


They read in Chinese phonetic alphabet as:

其汉语拼音是:gǒu bù jiào,xìng nǎi qiān,jiào zhī dào,guì yǐ zhuān。

Their meaning in English is:


A man's nature may deteriorate if he is not taught.To do a good job in education,concentration is of great importance.


Teaching here means two things: To be taught and to seek teaching .Aside from know ledge,moral standard should also be taught.Even though the nature of a man is good at birth,if the person is not taught in the course of his growth,his nature may become bad .


Concentration here also means two things: First,when one is learning he should give full attention to the subject of study,not to give up half way and not to be diverted by other interests;Second,learning is a life long course and there is no end for learning .


In term of the first sense of concentration,we may look at the story about Maria,a young girl in Poland,who was totally immersed in her studies when her elder sister was dancing and singing with others in the same room .Surprised at how concentrated Maria was,her sister's friends piled up chairs behind Maria,and if Maria moved a little bit,the chairs would fall down .The girls were again surprised,because Maria didn't even make a little move in her reading .Maria became a great scientist,a name known to almost every one in the world— Mme .Curie .


In China,there is also a similar story,which happened on Wang Chong (王充,27- 97),a great philosopher in the Eastern Han dynasty .During his youth,he used to visit book store for reading because his family was too poor to buy books.The book stores were in busy and crowded streets,but that didn't disturb him at all. He was able to memorize what he read and it was in book stores that he successfully mastered all basic classic works.


I wish to cite Cai Yuanpei (蔡元培,1868- 1940) as another example .He was a vanguard in the New Cultural Movement,an influential scholar,one of the earlier presidents of Peking University and the Minister of Education at the beginning of the 20th century .Cai said he had devoted some time to learning everyday in his sixty years without exceptions.He read books day and night when he was young,and to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes,he put his feet into water at night in summer when he was reading books.


The next four lines in Chinese characters are:


They read in Chinese phonetic alphabet as:

其汉语拼音是:xī mèng mǔ,zé lín chǔ,zǐ bù xué,duàn jī zhù。

Their meaning in English is:


The mother of Mencius took troubles to choose suitable neighboring ambience for her son.she broke the shuttle from the loom when her son didn't want to study.


We mentioned about Mencius (孟子,372 B .C.-289 B .C .) in the foregoing .He was born in the State of Zou .Michael H .Hart ranked him at the 92nd place in his book The 100 : A Ranking of The Most Influential Persons in History .Hart said: “The Chinese philosopher Mencius was the most important successor to Confucius.His teachings,as set forth in The Book of Mencius,were highly esteemed in China for many centuries.He was often referred to as ‘the Second Sage,’ that is,second in wisdom only to Confucius him self…Mencius stressed that the most important component of any state is the people,rather than their ruler…he was unquestionably an immensely influential writer.For roughly twenty-two centuries,his ideas were studied throughout a region that included over 20 percent of the world's population. Only a few philosophers anywhere have had so great an influence .”

我们前面提到过孟子(公元前372—前289年)。他出生在邹国。哈特在其《历史上最有影响的100人》中,将孟子排在第92位。哈特说: “中国哲学家孟子是孔子的重要继承人。很多世纪以来,他在《孟子》一书中的教诲,在中国备受推崇。他经常被称作‘亚圣’,亦即他的智慧仅次于孔子… …孟子强调,任何一个国家最重要的组成部分都是人民,而不是他们的统治者… …毫无疑问,他是有着巨大影响力的作者。差不多在22个世纪里,学习他思想的地区的人们,占据着世界上20 %的人口,只有少数几个哲学家能产生如此巨大的影响。”

His father died when Mencius was very young,his mother Mme .Zhang didn't marry again .Because their home was beside a graveyard,Mencius,hearing crying and watching burial procedures every day,often played funeral service with his kid friends. Seeing this,his mother frowned and decided: “This is not the place for my child to live .” She moved,this time to a spot near a market. Yet,she soon found out her child was imitating a butcher to slaughter pigs and lamb .She frowned and decided again: “This is not the place for my child to live .” She moved again,and this time to a spot near a school,where people were polite and where Mencius learned propriety .Seeing this Mme .Zhang was relieved and said:“This is where my child should be .” Since then,they had lived at that place for the rest of their lives.

在孟子很小的时候他的父亲就去世了,他的母亲张氏没有再嫁。由于他们家就住在墓地旁边,孟子每天都能听到哭泣声,看到葬礼是如何举行的,他就经常与小伙伴玩丧礼游戏。看见孟子这个样子,他的母亲皱起了眉头,并告诉自己: “这里不是我儿子应该生活的地方。”于是,他们便搬了家。这次搬到离市场很近的地方。但是,不久她发现儿子学起了屠夫,玩起杀猪宰羊了。母亲再次皱起了眉头,再次告诉自己: “这里也不是我儿子应该生活的地方。”于是,她又搬了家,搬到了一所学校附近。在这里,人们都彬彬有礼,孟子也学到了很多礼仪。看到孩子的变化,张氏松了口气,对自己说: “这才是我儿子应该住的地方。”此后,他们便一直住在了那里。

When Mencius first attended school,he was not used to it. He could not listen to his teacher and just wanted to play .One day he went back home during the class when his mother was weaving on a loom .Seeing her son playing truant again,she said nothing,but broke a shuttle .Mencius asked why she did so .The mother replied when the shuttle is broken,she was not able to continue with the weaving .She said if she did not weave,they could sell nothing to get money for their food; without food,their life could not continue.“What you are doing is just like breaking the shuttle,if you always stay away from school,how can you learn enough to be a good person?!” His mother's words dawned on Mencius.From that time,he never played truant again and finally succeeded in his studies and became a philosopher. In ancient China,very few mothers had the opportunity to go to school. But they played a big role in educating their children .Mother is the first and lifelong teacher of their children .Mother always stood by her children during their childhood,because their father was out doing business.This had been true to almost every famous person in China's history .

孟子开始上学的时候,很不适应,他坐不直,对老师的话也听不进去。有一天,还没下课,他就回家了。他母亲正在织布。看到儿子逃学,她便折断了织机上的梭子。孟子问母亲为何这样做。他母亲说: “不织布,我们就没东西可卖,就没有钱买食物;没有吃的,我们就活不下去。你今天的所作所为跟我折断梭子一样。你不去上学,如何能成为一个人才呢? ! ”母亲的话让孟子如梦初醒,他从此再没有逃过学,并在日后的学业中取得了成功,成了一位哲学家。在中国古代,母亲读过书的家庭很少。但是,在教育子女方面,母亲起到了很大的作用。母亲是子女的第一位教师,也是他们终身的教师。因为父亲往往在外面忙生意,母亲在孩子小时候就在他们身边。中国历史上名人的家庭差不多都是这个样子。

The next four lines in Chinese characters are:


They read in Chinese phonetic alphabet as:

其汉语拼音是:dòu yān shān,yǒu yì fāng,jiāo wǔ zǐ,míng jù yáng。

Their meaning in English is:


Dou Yanshan knew how to conduct family education.Each of his five sons raised family reputation thanks to his teaching.


Dou was a rich man,but he didn't treat poor people well. That might be the reason for not having any children when he was 30 .One day,he saw his father in his dream .His father asked him to correct him self,otherwise,the father said the heaven would punish him .From that time on,he changed himself.He set up private schools and admitted children from poor families without any charges.He soon had five sons,each scored high in the civil service examination and all became high ranking officials.


The next four lines in Chinese characters are:


They read in Chinese phonetic alphabet as:

其汉语拼音是:yǎng bù jiào,fù zhī guò,jiào bù yán,shī zhī duò。

Their meaning in English is:


It is the father's fault if his child is brought up without teaching.It is the teacher's laziness if teaching is not conducted in a strict manner.


In ancient China,it is the father's responsibility to ensure a proper education for his children .The father had to provide enough means to support the schooling of his children .The father had to teach his children how to carry themselves,how to treat others and how to face the world .The father was often an example for his children to follow .Zeng Guofan (曾国藩,1811- 1872),one of the important figures in the history of Qing dynasty,was reputed as the “Best Father.” He is well known for his way of educating his children .The book that collected his letters to his sons has always been a best seller.Almost every child and grand child of Zeng accomplished something in their life time .


The social position of teacher was very high in ancient China .Teacher was someone people show ed respect to aside from the Heaven,the Earth,the King,the parents and grand parents. Because Confucius was regarded as Pioneer Teacher and the Saint,pupils had to bow to him on the first day of school every school year.It was a normal practice for a teacher to be strict with his students,even though the student might be a prince .


The next four lines in Chinese characters are:


They read in Chinese phonetic alphabet as:

其汉语拼音是:zǐ bù xué,fēi suǒ yí,yòu bù xué,lǎo hé wéi?

Their meaning in English is:


It is not proper for a child not to study.What could an old man do if he didn't study at his young age?


There are many reasons for a child not to study .He may refuse to study or might not have the ability to study .The message from these lines is that we have to make sure every child must be sent to school,otherwise it is not proper.A famous man of letters in the Northern dynasty Yan Zhitui (颜之推,531- ? )exp lained to his children why one had to study when they asked “There are so many people who don't have to study and still enjoy their high positions and lead a good life .So why should we study? ” Yan answered: “It is true there are people like that because of their ancestors left them much for them to enjoy .You should know that when they run into problems and face a critical moment,they don't know what to do .Why? Because they don't have the know ledge and had not stud ied anything .”

一个小孩子不上学会有很多原因。他可能是自己不愿意上学,也可能是他没有能力上学。这四句话的意思是我们必须确保每个孩子都能上学,否则就是不对的。北朝有个著名的文学家颜之推(公元531— ? ),他的孩子们问他: “有很多人不上学也照样高官厚禄,过着好日子。我们为什么还要上学呢? ”颜之推回答: “的确有这样的人,他们靠着祖先留给他们的财产过好日子。但是,你们要知道,当他们遇到困难、处于紧要关头时,他们会不知所措。为什么?因为他们缺乏知识,他们没有学习过任何东西。”

The other message from these lines is that one should study at an earlier age .In ancient China,people used to begin their studies at the age of 3 .People used to memorize a lot of things in their childhood .It is believed that a person's memory is good before he turns 13 years old .Nowadays many challenge this method,they don't think children understand what they have recited and memorized.Ancient Chinese,however,believed that children would comprehend more after repeated readings and they could also understand by way of analogy .Such sayings are on the lips of Chinese even today: “One would lament at his old age for not working hard when he was young,” and “one would be hopelessly sorry when his hair turned grey for he spent his youth only in leisure .”

这几句话还有另一层意思,那就是学习要趁早。在古代中国,孩子们在3岁时就开始学习了。儿童时期孩子要背诵很多东西。人们认为一个人13岁以前的记忆力是最好的。现在很多人对这种学习方法提出挑战,他们认为孩子们对背诵的内容并不理解。古时候的中国人认为反复阅读可以增强理解,而且类比的方法也有助于理解。关于这一点,中国人有很多说法,譬如: “少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲” “莫等闲、白了少年头,空悲切”等。

The next four lines in Chinese characters are:


They read in Chinese phonetic alphabet as:

其汉语拼音是:yù bù zhuó,bù chéng qì,rén bù xué,bù zhī yì。

Their meaning in English is:


A piece of jade that has not been carved or polished is of no practical value;A person who doesn't learn things would not be able to comprehend what justice is.


There is such a saying in English: The pearl is the queen of gems.The meaning of this sentence is very close to the first two lines above .A piece of pearl is a jadestone carved and polished .In Chinese the character “器” (qì) means some kind of a ware in general terms .To make something into a ware,one has to use some tools to cut,to grind and to polish .When the process of cutting,carving,grinding and polishing is used on a person,it could mean the process of study .One could only tell what is right or wrong after he gets some sense in the course of learning .Only after one has studied,he would know what he should stand for and fight for.


The next four lines in Chinese characters are:


They read in Chinese phonetic alphabet as:

其汉语拼音是:wéi rén zǐ,fāng shào shí,qīn shī yǒu,xí lǐ yí。





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