
发布时间:2020-05-18 07:15:29







版权信息书名:走进陇东南---汉英对照作者:卢蓉 侯斌排版:情缘出版社:中国文联出版社出版时间:2018-08-01ISBN:9787519037055本书由北京人文在线文化艺术有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —前 言






本书作为甘肃省教育厅项目的最终研究成果,凝聚了作者几年的心血。其中的天水部分主要由侯斌翻译完成,英语部分经过天水师范学院外国语学院外教Carolyn Alyse Reisdorff和Megan Ashley Kunkle的润色与修改,在编写翻译过程中得到了本书资助项目之一——甘肃省社科规划项目的项目组成员赵萍霞、安登贤、刘杰、周文勤和王国祥的支持与帮助。在此,对所有为本书做出贡献的诸位致以最诚挚的谢意!


Our first arrival in Tianshui City, Gansu Province was at about 4:00 am, and we were just about to get off a 17-hour train ride from Chengdu. The weather was a little colder than that of a Sichuan summer, we didn’t sleep very well on the train ride, and we were both feeling slightly nauseated – possibly from the train, possibly from the instant noodles we had eaten earlier for dinner. More memorable, however, were the smiles on the faces of our new colleagues as they greeted us coming off the platform. They introduced themselves then politely took our bags; their immediate warmth, the city’s colorful lights, and the crisp air were our first introductions to Tianshui-a city that, though we knew little of at the time, would soon become our home for the next two years.

When people around the world talk about China, their conversations typically focus on its massive population, prosperous east coast cities, and rapidly developing economy. However,China extends far beyond the skylines of Beijing and Shanghai, and its 1.4 billion people have extremely diverse and unique ways of life. Many outside of China, ourselves included, are guilty of simplifying Chinese culture, perhaps in the hopes of trying to learn more and understand it better. In this simplification, we are doing both ourselves and China a disservice. Instead, we can all benefit from broadening our views and taking a journey west.

Travel in Southeastern Gansu helps readers do just that, as Lu Rong introduces the lesser known province of Gansu. As she discusses each region and city, she gives detailed information regarding its specific scenic spots, local foods, special cultural events, and beautiful handicrafts.After reading, one is ready to experience Gansu in person. Learning more about this area of China not only helps us gain a deeper understanding of Chinese history and culture, but also makes us realize their complexities.

Gansu is a region of China now very dear to us. Since our early morning arrival in Tianshui,we’ve come to know some of the most genuine people we have ever met, tasted foods we never knew existed, and have found ourselves beyond grateful to serve as Peace Corps volunteers in this part of the country. We are privileged to know Gansu through our friends who invite us over to make dumplings together, our students whom we learn from every day, our shopkeeper friend who takes us to the best hole-in-the-wall breakfast spots, and every local who shares a part of his or her daily life with us. Through Lu Rong’s work, we have gotten to further know other cities we have not yet been to and festivals we have not yet celebrated. It has been an honor to contribute to this work and learn from Lu Rong. It is our hope that readers may also come to know our beloved Gansu, a province not to be overlooked as it continues to develop while maintaining rich and meaningful traditions.Carolyn Alyse Reisdorff & Megan Ashley KunklUnited States Peace Corps Volunteers Serving in Tianshui, Gansu Province, People's Republic of China, 2017-2019  第一章 陇东南基本概况



陇东南主要城市陇南市位于甘肃省东南部,地处秦巴山区,东连陕西,南接四川,西邻甘南藏族自治州,北依定西市和天水市。现辖武都区和成县、徽县、两当、西和、礼县、康县、文县、宕昌8个县。境内有汉、回、藏等21个民族,少数民族人口达5万多人。陇南是甘肃境内唯一的长江流域地区,气候属亚热带向暖温带过渡区,境内高山、河谷、丘陵、盆地交错,气候垂直分布,地域差异明显。陇南境内气候湿润温和,森林覆盖率高,是旅游度假的好去处。  Chapter1 A Brief Introduction of Southeastern Gansu“Long”(陇) is short for Gansu Province. Southeastern Gansu literally means southeast of Long, i.e. southeastern part of Gansu Province. In a broad sense Southeastern Gansu includes the cities Qingyang, Pingliang, Tianshui, Longnan and their 31 subsidiary 2districts and counties,with a total area of 80,759 km , accounting for 220.71% of Gansu Province (the total area of Gansu is 390,000 km). The total population in these regions is 11,150,400, which accounts for 42.43%of the total population of Gansu Province (about 26,280,000). In striving to develop the tourism innovation zone of southeastern Gansu, Dingxi is also included in Southeastern area of Gansu,which then consists of five cities: Qingyang, Pingliang, Tianshui, Longnan and Dingxi. This book will be based on the former criteria of the division and introduce the four areas: Qingyang,Pingliang, Tianshui and Longnan.

Longdong includes two cities: Qingyang and Pingliang, with a total 2population of 4,900,000 and total area of 38,444 km. The population density is 127.46 people per square kilometer. In 2011, the GDP of Longdong was approximately 70 billion RMB. Generally Longdong refers to Qingyang City. As it lies in the eastmost of Gansu Province, Qingyang is called “Longdong.” It is situated at the convergence zone of three provinces: Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia. Known as “the Granary of Longdong,” Qingyang was once the area where the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan carried out his affairs.

The major city of Southeastern Gansu is Longnan City, situated in the southeast of Gansu Province. It lies in the Qingling-Daba Mountains and is linked to Shaanxi in the east, to Sichuan in the south, to Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu in the west, to Dingxi and Tianshui cities in the north. It has jurisdiction over Wudu District and eight counties: Chengxian County, Huixian County, Liangdang County, Xihe County, Lixian County, Kangxian County,Wenxian County and Tanchang County. In Longnan there are 21 ethnic groups, including Han,Hui, Tibetan and more. The population of minorities is over 50,000. Longnan is the only area in Gansu Province that belongs to the Yangtze River Basin. The climate is somewhat between subtropical and warm temperate zone. Scattered with high mountains, rivers, valleys, hills and basins, Longnan has a vertically distributed and regionally different climate. With a humid, mild

陇东南中心城市天水地处陕、甘、川三省交界地带和西安至兰州两大城市的中点,正好在祖国的几何中心,市区平均海拔高度为1100米。天水是中国古代文化重要的发祥地,享有“羲皇故里”的殊荣,是海内外龙的传人寻根问祖的圣地。境内文化古迹甚多:保存有大量新石器时代早期及仰韶文化珍品的大地湾遗址;国内唯一有伏羲塑像的天水伏羲庙;中国四大石窟之一、被誉为“东方雕塑馆”的麦积山石窟,荟萃了从公元4世纪末到20世纪的7730余尊塑像,组成了古丝绸之路东段的“石窟艺术走廊”。此外,天水还是陇东南经济文化物流中心,素有“陇上小江南”的美称。第一节 甘肃历史简介



1949年8月,甘肃解放以后,即成立甘肃行政公署,辖 11个分区(专区、市),73个县(区)。1950—1957年,先后成立天祝、东乡、肃北、张climate and high forest coverage, Longnan is an ideal travel destination.

Tianshui is the central city of Southeastern Gansu. It is located at the junction of Shaanxi,Gansu and Sichuan, and is right between two major cities - Xi’an and Lanzhou. Tianshui is the geometric center of China. The average altitude in the downtown area is 1100 meters. As an important cradle of Chinese ancient culture, Tianshui is known as the birthplace of Emperor Fuxi,is the holy land where the descendants of Long (龙dragon, metaphor for the Chinese nation)gather to trace their origins. In Tianshui there are many cultural relics: Dadiwan Historic Site preserving large numbers of cultural treasures of the early New Stone Age and Yangshao Culture;Fuxi Temple of Tianshui with the only statue of Fuxi in China; Maiji Mountain Grotto, one of the four largest grottoes in China and praised as “the Sculpture Gallery of the East,” boasting more than 7,730 statues that range from the late 4th century to 20th century, forming a “grotto art corridor” of the east part of the ancient Silk Road. Additionally, Tianshui is the political and cultural center of Southeastern Gansu and is called the little Jiangnan of Gansu. (Jiangnan is the region south of the Yangtze River)I. A General Outline of Gansu History

In the West Zhou period, the ancestors of Qin lived in the area surrounding modern Tianshui City, and expanded towards Guanzhong (the central Shaanxi area). After Qin unified China, Longxi Prefecture was set up and the Qin Great Wall stretching from Lintao in the west to Shaanbei in the northeast was built. During Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, wars broke out one after another on the Central Plains and wide areas centering around Hexi Corridor,including Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang, and Inner Mongolia witnessed the ups and downs of “Five Liang” regimes like Former Liang, Later Liang, Western Liang, etc. The prime of the Sinowestern commercial land “Silk Road” came in Sui and Tang dynasties, when Gansu also gained prosperity politically, militarily and culturally in its history. In Yuan Dynasty, the provincial system was constructed and ten provinces were set up in China, i.e. Lingbei, Liaoyang, Henan Jiangbei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Gansu, Yunnan, Jiangzhe, Jiangxi and Huguang. Gansu Province administered over the most part of the present Gansu Province and some areas of Qinghai,Ningxia, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia. For the first time in Chinese history, there appeared the administrative division of Gansu Province.

In Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the eastward move of national economic and cultural center and the development of sea transport, Gansu was declining in economic status and cultural development in China. About the establishment of the administrative divisions, Gongchang provincial administrative government was replaced by Gansu provincial administrative家川等一批民族自治区(后改为自治州、自治县)。1958—1965年,全面调整区划,大规模并县,直至1984年底,又进行了个别调整。1985年,经国务院批准,进行了一系列调整,全省设7个行政公署、2个自治州、5个省辖市,下设68个县(7个民族自治县)、11个市辖区、7个地辖市。第二节 陇东南行政区划




天水市下辖秦州区、麦积区两个市辖区,甘谷县、武山县、秦安县、清水县和张家川回族自治县5个县。第三节  陇东南地区气候

甘肃省气候不太均衡,河西地区比较干燥,陇东南地区却属温带半湿润气候,比较湿润,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,春季升温快,秋多连阴雨。气候温和,四季分明,日照充足,降水适中。government in the seventh year of Emperor Kangxi’s reign of Qing Dynasty (1668 AD), and the seat of the local government moved from Gongchang (now Longxi) to Lanzhou, thus laying the foundation for the present setup of Gansu Province.

After it was liberated in August, 1949, Gansu prefectural administrative office was set up,governing 11 areas (special administrative regions and cities) and 73 counties (districts). From 1950 to 1957, a group of national autonomous regions (later renamed autonomous prefectures or autonomous counties), like Tianzhu, Dongxiang, Subei, Zhangjiachuan, were established successively. From 1958 to 1965, administrative divisions were readjusted comprehensively and counties were merged on a large scale, and by the end of the year 1984, several minor changes took place. In 1985, with the approval of the State Council, Gansu Province set up 7 administrative offices, 2 autonomous prefectures, and 5 provincially administered cities,governing 68 counties (including 7 minority autonomous counties), 11 municipal districts and 7 cities.II. Administrative Divisions of Southeastern Gansu

Qingyang City has jurisdiction over one district (Xifeng District) and seven counties:Qingcheng County, Huachi County, Ningxian County, Zhenyuan County, Heshui County,Zhengning County and Huanxian County.

Pingliang City has one district (Kongtong District) and six counties: Jingchuan County,Lingtai County, Chongxin County, Huating County, Zhuanglang County and Jingning County.

Longnan City governs one district (Wudu District) and eight counties: Tanchang County,Kangxian County, Wenxian County, Liangdang County, Huixian County, Chengxian County,Lixian County, and Xihe County.

Tianshui has two districts (Qinzhou District and Maiji District) and five counties: Gangu County, Wushan County, Qin’an County, Qingshui County and Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County.III. Climate in Southeastern Gansu

The climate in Gansu is not so balanced: Hexi area is somewhat dry while Southeastern Gansu is comparatively wet, belonging to a temperate sub-humid climate. In Southeastern Gansu,winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot; in spring it gets warm fast and in autumn it is likely to rain for days. On the whole, the climate is mild, with four distinctive seasons, abundant sunshine and moderate precipitation.第四节 甘肃旅游线路推荐














兰州——陇西——武山——天水——成县——平凉——泾川——庆阳IV. Recommended Itineraries in Gansu

Route One: Going through the Silk Road in Gansu


Route Two: Travel on southern Gansu prairie with Tibetan and Hui ethnic flavor Lanzhou---Linxia---Xiahe---Hezuo---Luqu---Maqu

Route Three: Ecological tour in southeastern Gansu

Tianshui City---Lixian County---Xihe County---Chengxian County---Kangxian County---Tanchang County---Liangdang County---Wudu District

Route Four: Red tour in the east part of Gansu Lanzhou---Huining---Pingliang---Qingyang

Route Five: Tour in Dunhuang

Mogao Grottoes---Mingsha Mountain---Crescent Spring

Route Six: Tour of Grotto Art

Maijishan Grottoes---Daxiangshan Grottoes---Shuiliandong Grottoes---Lashao Temple---Muti Temple

Route Seven: Tour of Relaxation in Hot Springs

Lanzhou City---Tongwei County---Hot Springs in Wushan County---Hot Springs in Qinghsui County---Maijishan Hot Springs

Route Eight: Tour on Chinese Family Root and Pilgrimage

Lanzhou City---Longxi County---Wushan County---Tianshui City---Chengxian County---Pingliang City---Jingchuan County---Qingyang City  第二章 陇东南地区的始祖文化


甘肃始祖文化资源十分丰富:“人文始祖”伏羲生于天水山区,创八卦、婚配、渔猎、书契记事先河,形成以伏羲文化为本体的华夏民族;周王朝先祖从陇东高原崛起,以农为本,以德治国,奠定了中华民族的农耕文化以及礼仪、道德传统;秦王朝先祖从陇南山地走向兴盛,称霸西戎,依法立国,铸造了中国2000多年的封建政治、经济和文化格局;黄帝于平凉崆峒山向广成子问治国、养生之道,始有《黄帝内经》。第一节 伏羲文化

五千多年前出现的伏羲文化是中华文化与文明的源头。传说伏羲皇发明网罟,教民渔猎,创八卦,别姓氏,倡导彩陶文化、玉石文化、龙文化等中华民族的优秀文化。伏羲皇用爻片创作的“日月三爻图”是中华文字与数字的开端,也是中华易学的开端。因此,伏羲皇被历代中华儿女尊称为“人文始祖”。  Chapter 2 Ancestrial Culture in Southeastern Gansu

“Shizu” refers to the ancestors from whom people get family names, the primal ancestors that can be dated back with genealogy, or to the posthumous title of emperors given by the founding monarchs.

There is a very abundant supply of resources of ancestrial culture in Gansu Province:the first ancestor of the Chinese nation - Fuxi was born in the mountain areas of Tianshui, and created eight diagrams, marriage, fishing and hunting, and hieroglyph recording system, thus forming the Chinese nation with Fuxi culture as its core; the ancestors of Zhou dynasty rose from the Longdong Plateau and based on agriculture-oriented system and ruled the country by virtue, laying the foundation for the Chinese farming culture and etiquette and moral traditions;the ancestors of the Qin dynasty originated in the mountain areas of Longnan and headed for prosperity hereby, then dominated Xirong nationality, founded a state with law, and shaped the Chinese feudal politics, economics and culture of more than 2,000 years; the Yellow Emperor went to Kongtong Mountain of Pingliang to ask about the ways to rule the country and keep fit,and thus wrote Huangdi Neijing(the Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor).I. Fuxi Culture

Fuxi Culture, the origin of the Chinese nation and civilization, appeared some 5000 years ago. It is said that the Fuxi Emperor invented netting and taught people to fish and hunt. Besides,he also created eight diagrams and differentiated names, initiated excellent culture of the Chinese nation like painted pottery culture, jade culture, dragon culture, etc. The “sun and moon threehexagram figure” created by Fuxi with hexagram piece was the origin of Chinese characters and numbers, also of Yi-ology of China. Therefore, the Fuxi Emperor was respected by the Chinese people of all ages as “the First Ancestor of the Chinese Nation.”

Fuxi Culture is a general term referring to the Long (dragon) culture, the jade culture, the sky-watching culture, the naming culture, the fishing and hunting culture, the Taiji and Bagua(eight diagrams) culture, primeval characters and numbers. The Long (dragon) culture pioneered by Taihao Fuxi Emperor was the spiritual tie holding together all Chinese nationalities to be





作为一种文化现象,对于民族先祖的认定,是从远古的传说到有文字记载的历史,在一个相当长的历史时期中逐渐确立起来的。“三皇五帝”为中华民族的人文始祖,其世系位序的排列在春秋战国到秦汉时期已逐步确立。“三皇五帝”的世系之中,太昊伏羲氏位居“三皇之首”“百王之先”,是居神农、黄帝之前的中华民族的人文始祖。尽管伏羲的形象或事迹被传说和神话缠绕,且学术界对伏羲是人、是神以及功业等众说纷纭,但有一点是有共识的,那就是伏羲的身上蕴含着丰富的历史文化基因,具有独特的精神文化价值。untied, which has become the epitome of national tradition, national feeling and national spirit.

January sixteenth of the lunar calendar was said to be the birthday of Fuxi, and every year on that day people in Tianshui would gather together in Fuxi Temple to offer sacrifices to “Ren Zong Ye” (literally means “people’s ancestor god,” another commonly given name by the local Tianshui people) and pray for happiness, peace and good luck in the coming year.

Besides, folk sacrifice activities, a grand public sacrifice ceremony is held in every June in Tianshui.1. Fuxi’s status as the first ancestor

When seeking the root of the Chinese nation, several great names are not to be avoided,these being “the three emperors”-Fuxi, Shennong and Huangdi, among whom Fuxi came first.As Fuxi was related with many important inventions and creations like drawing eight diagrams,knotting net, starting marriage customs, creating musical instruments, etc., he became the embodiment of Chinese culture and has been respected as “the first ancestor of the Chinese nation” since ancient times. Certainly, in the modern sense the connotation of Fuxi Culture is broader and includes all things and materials that are relevant to the deeds of Fuxi, such as temples, relics, folk customs, anecdotes, stories, and historical records.

As a cultural phenomenon, the affirmation of a nation’s ancestor is gradually set up in a relatively long historical period, from the legends of the ancient times to the written history.“Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns” are the humanistic ancestors of the Chinese nation, and the order of their arrangement was gradually established in Spring and Autumn Period, Warring States Period to Qin and Han dynasties. Among “Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns,” Taihao Fuxi was recognized as the “Head of the Three Emperors” and “the Earliest King,” ranking above Shennong and Huangdi and serving as the





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