
发布时间:2020-05-18 09:43:13









这次修改主要从以下几方面着手:1. 更新全书内容,提高例句质量

过去书中多少带有一些当时政治运动的痕迹,这次可说是一扫而空。绝大部分例句都是新的,都摘自原著,因此语言质量有所提高。而且例句丰富,很少语法书能与之相比。我们未做统计,但超过万句是可能的。例句多可以更好说明语法现象,可以加深对语言规律的认识。在学习语法的过程中可望提高整个语言的修养。2. 把语法与词汇糅合在一起

语法可说是躯干,词汇可说是枝叶。根深叶茂才能长成大树。在几十年的研究中深深感到语法和词汇密不可分。可说每个词汇中都有语法问题,语法体现在整个词汇之中。孤立研究语法不可能掌握语法。干巴巴的语法条文绝不代表语法,语法要在活生生的语言中体现。语法与词汇是血肉关系,这次修订就是要使语法学习有血有肉,以加深对整个语言的认识。3. 这次修订时试图抓住纲,纲举则目张

动词就是语法的纲,它基本上贯串着全书。从第7章到第13章(共7章)都讲动词。篇幅可能占全书的三分之一。而后面讲句法的各章,也都与它有关系。特别是第13章讨论动词句型,它总结了英语的主要语式,每个句型都有大量例句。这是为了确立句型观念,以后学习时可以对号入座,使语法知识条理分明。附录1列举了大量成语动词。这都是英语的难点所在,掌握动词是掌握英语的先决条件。4. 研究各家学说,吸取众人之所长

过去研究语法困难很多,主要靠国内影印的语法书。现在我身在国外,可以看到英美最新出版的各类语法书,这就提供了向各家学习的机会。这次修订也算是我这一段学习的汇报。总的看来,我国这些年来形成的语法体系基本上是站得住的。这从附录4中可以看出。从实用英语的角度来说,这样的处理是基本上合适的。希望在未来一段时间内,语法体系比较稳定,这有利于大家学好英语。* * *

回顾近三十年的工作,主要是致力于语法与词汇的研究。目的是明确的,就是要帮助读者提高语言的修养,加强语言的实用能力,适应国家发展的需要。在最近一两年中将出版一套词典系列,主要有:●《 初级英汉词典》(1,700多页,10,000词条,已出版)●《 中级英汉词典》(1,700多页,20,000词条,即出版)●《 高级英汉词典》(2,600多页,30,000词条,即出版)




第1章 概论

1.1 语法的内容

1.1.1 词法与句法

语法是研究词形变化和句子结构的科学。研究词形变化的部分称为词法(Morphology),如名词的数、格,动词的时态、语态,都属于词法范畴。研究句子结构的部分称为句法(Syntax),如句子的成分、语序、句子种类等,都属于句法范畴。这两部分虽各有不同内容,中间的关系却非常紧密。在谈词法时不可避免要涉及句法,在句法中也有很多部分与词法有关。因此我们在学习的过程中,既要注意这两者之间的差异,又要注意两者之间的联系,机械地把它们分割开对学习是不利的。1.1.2 语法与词汇


1.2 词类

1.2.1 词类

英语中的词可根据词义、句法作用和形式特征,分为十大类,称为词类(Parts of Speech),它们是:

在这十种词类中,前六种可以在句子中独立担任成分。如名词可用作主语、宾语等,动词可用作谓语等,称为实意词(Notional Words)。介词、连词、冠词都不能独立在句子中担任任何成分,称为虚词(Form Words)。感叹词一般不构成句子的成分,可以看作特殊的一类。除了这十大类之外,还有表示肯定与否定的yes和no,还有不定式前的小品词(Particle)to。实意词大多数在句子中都重读,只有助动词、情态动词和动词be以及人称代词等在某些情况下弱读,而虚词一般都不重读。1.2.2 限定词


1) 冠词a,an,the;

2) 物主代词my,your,his等;

3) 用作定语的某些不定代词,如some,any,many,little,few,both,each等;

4) 用作定语的指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词等,如this,what,whose,whatever等。

而美国语言学家不作这种区分,用作定语的代词他们干脆称为形容词,如:This is Helen's room.(代词)This room is mine.(形容词)You can have either of them.(代词)You can have either one.(形容词)

这样处理在字典中也比较方便。但从实用角度看,统统称为代词也未尝不可。代词也可用作定语,在本书中基本不作过细的区分,只在必要的地方点一点。1.2.3 分清词类至关重要


主语、宾语多由名词担任:The success of the play has been a great encouragement to him. 剧本的成功给他很大的鼓舞。(作主语)She wished him success. 她祝他成功。(作宾语)

谓语一般由动词担任:The experiment has succeeded. 试验成功了。(作谓语)

定语常由形容词担任:He is a successful writer. 他是一位成功的作家。(作定语)

状语多由副词担任:He worked successfully. 他工作很顺利。(作状语)从这些句子中可以看出,不分清词类就寸步难行。1.2.4 同一个词可用作多种词类


after可用作介词、连词、副词、形容词:It is easy to be wise after the event.(谚)做事后诸葛亮是容易的。(作介词)I will tell them the news after you leave. 你走之后我将把这消息告诉他们。(作连词)A moment after there was a knock at his door. 一会儿之后有人敲他的门。(作副词)In after years I became familiar with it. 在以后的岁月中,我对它熟悉起来。(作形容词)

double可用作形容词、动词、名词和副词:He again did double work that day. 他那天再次干了双份工作。(作形容词)The price of vegetables has been doubled because of the weather. 由于天气不好,蔬菜的价格翻了一番。(作动词)Jane and Tom won the mixed doubles. 简和汤姆赛赢了混合双打。(作名词)Many things now cost double what they did a year ago. 许多东西现在的价钱是一年前的两倍。(作副词)

round可用作形容词、介词、副词、名词和动词:In the middle was a round table. 房间中央有一张圆桌。(作形容词)She looked round her in astonishment. 她惊奇地向四周望望。(作介词)The children gathered round to hear the story. 孩子们聚集在四周听故事。(作副词)Charles was on his rounds. 查尔斯正在巡视病房。(作名词)We round our lips to say oo. 我们发“乌”音时,嘴唇要呈圆形。(作动词)1.2.5 词尾



1.3 句子

1.3.1 句子

句子(The Sentence)是表达思想的基本单位,就像家庭是社会的基本单位一样。只有完整的句子才能表达完整的思想。句子由单词组成,但组成时要遵循一定的规律,这就是语法。违反了这些规律,语言即不正确,也就不能正确地表达思想。因此,每句话都牵涉到语法。就书面语而言,每句话的第一个字母要大写,句末应有句号,若是问句,末尾应加问号。如:China is a great country. 中国是一个伟大的国家。We love our motherland. 我们热爱我们的祖国。What's your nationality?你是哪国人?

汉语也有语法,有些地方与英语是相似的,但在更多地方是不同的,在学习过程中要注意两种语法的异同。1.3.2 句子成分


1)主语(Subject)——是一句话的中心,整句话都谈它的情况:My sister is a nurse. 我姐姐是护士。Her room is on the fifth floor. 她的房间在5楼。

2)谓语(Predicate)——是主语的主要情况,可表示动作,也可表示状态:She works in a hospital. 她在一家医院工作。(动作)She knows a little English. 她懂一点英语。(状态)

3)宾语(Object)——表示动作的承受者,也可表示动作的结果:Everybody likes her. 人人都喜欢她。(动作承受者)She is writing a letter now. 她在写信。(动作的结果)

4)表语(Predicative)——和系动词一道构成谓语:She is a conscientious girl. 她是一个工作认真的姑娘。

5)定语(Attribute)——修饰名词、代词等:Her hospital isn't very big. 她的医院不大。(修饰名词)But everyone in the hospital works hard. 但医院里人人工作都很努力。(修饰代词)

6)状语(Adverbial)——修饰动词、形容词或副词:She goes to work very early. 她每天很早上班。(修饰动词,very修饰副词)She feels very happy. 她感到很快乐。(修饰形容词)

此外还有同位语(Appositive)、插入语(Parenthesis)及呼语(Vocative):This is my sister Mary. 这是我妹妹玛丽。(作my sister的同位语)Mary is a good girl,they say. 他们说玛丽是个好姑娘。(作插入语)Sit down,Mary. 玛丽,请坐。(作呼语)1.3.3 句子种类

1) 句子按说话目的可分为四类:

a. 陈述句(Statement)——陈述一个事实,或是表明一个看法等:Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。(事实)She may be right. 她可能是对的。(看法)

b. 问句(Question)——提出问题:Where are you from?你是哪个地方的人?

c. 祈使句(Imperative)——提出命令、请求等:Don't be late again. 再不要迟到了。(命令)Take a seat,please. 请坐。(请求)Take care! 保重!(叮嘱)

d. 感叹句(Exclamation)——表示赞美、惊异等情绪:What a nice view from this window! 这窗子外面景色多美!How silly you are! 你真傻!

2) 从结构上说,又可分为三类:

a. 简单句(Simple Sentences)——句子成分都由单词或短语担任,且只有一个主谓结构:We love our great motherland. 我们热爱我们的祖国。

b. 并列句(Compound Sentences)——句子成分都由单词或短语担任,但有两个或更多互不依从的主谓结构:Honey is sweet,but the bee stings.(谚)蜂蜜虽甜,但蜜蜂蜇人。Don't swear,for I dislike swearing. 别骂人,因为我讨厌骂人。

互不依从的主谓结构可称为分句,分句可由并列连词连起来,也可用逗号隔开:Hurry up,it's getting late. 赶快,时间不早了。

c. 复合句(Complex Sentences)——有一个或更多成分由从句担任:Do you see what I mean?你明白我的意思吗?(宾语由从句担任)Come again when you're free. 有空再来。(状语由从句担任)1.3.4 问句种类


1)一般问句(General Questions)通常以yes,no回答:Are you from China?——Yes,I am. 你是中国人吗?——是的,我是中国人。Do you know Chinese?——No,I don't. 你懂汉语吗?——不懂。


2)特殊问句(Special Questions)都用疑问词开始:Where have you been?你到哪里去了?How do you like the weather here?你觉得这儿的天气怎样?


3)选择问句(Alternative Questions)都提出两种可能,问哪种情况属实:Are you from the South or from the North?你是南方人还是北方人?Would you like coffee or tea?你喝咖啡还是喝茶?


4)反意问句(Disjunctive Questions),也称Tag Questions(tag指后面的简短问句)。这种问句由两部分组成,前面是陈述句,后面为简短问句,如果前面是肯定句,后面一般为否定问句(a),如果前面是否定句,则后面多为肯定问句(b):

a. This is your office,isn't it?这是你的办公室,对吧?You come from Britain,don't you?你是英国人,是吗?You were born in Beijing,weren't you?你是北京出生的,对吧?

b. Peter hasn't arrived yet,has he?——No,he hasn't. 彼得还没到,对吧?——是的,还没到。You don't speak Chinese,do you?——No,I don't. 你不会讲中文,是吧?——是的,不会讲。Your wife isn't in China now,is she?——But yes,she is. 你妻子不在中国,对吧?——不,她在。


a. 对自己的看法较肯定时,前后都用降调:Beijing is a beautiful city,isn't it?Mary speaks good Chinese,doesn't she?

b. 对自己的看法不肯定时,前面用降调,后面则用升调:He'll be back tomorrow,won't he?You're staying in a hotel,

1.4 单词、短语和从句

1.4.1 单词

担任句子成分的,在很多情况下都是单词,可作任何成分:We are proud of our country. 我们为我们的国家感到骄傲。(主语)(表语)(定语)Charles faxed the plans to us. 查尔斯把计划用传真发给了我们。(主语)(谓语) (宾语)(介词宾语)

有时可用成语动词作谓语,作用和单个动词一样:What are you looking for?你在找什么?I'll take care of it. 我来处理这事。

动词有时和助动词或情态动词一起用,构成动词短语,如上面两句中的斜体部分。1.4.2 短语


1)动词短语(Verbal Phrases):What have you been doing?你一直在干什么?We had better go there by boat. 我们最好坐船到那里。

2)不定式短语(Infinitive Phrases):It's time to go to bed. 该睡觉了。She loved to play the piano. 她喜欢弹钢琴。

3)动名词短语(Gerundial Phrases):His major interest is painting pictures. 他的主要兴趣是画画。I enjoy working with you. 我喜欢和你们一道工作。

4)分词短语(Participial Phrases):There's a freeway connecting the two cities. 有一条高速公路把两座城市连接起来。Is there anything planned for tonight?今晚安排什么活动了吗?

5)介词短语(Prepositional Phrases):The boys went swimming in the river. 男孩子们到河里游泳。Who are you talking to on the phone?你在电话里和谁交谈?

6)名词短语(Noun Phrases):Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。Wait a minute. 等一会儿。1.4.3 从句


1) that引导的从句,称为that-从句(that-clause),that有时可以省略:I admitted that I'd been wrong. 我承认我错了。I'm sorry (that)I'm late. 对不起我来晚了。

2) 连接代词或副词引导的从句,可称为wh-从句(wh-clauses),因为引导的词多由wh-开头:Do you know who he is?你知道他是谁吗?He wasn't sure whether he ought to laugh or cry. 他感到啼笑皆非。

3) 关系代词型的what引导的从句(详见第5.5.3节):That's what I want to know. 这正是我想知道的。Write down what you want to say. 把你想说的话写下来。

4) 由各种连词引导的从句:Send me a postcard when you get there. 到那里时给我寄张明信片来。You may stay with us if you like. 如果你愿意可以住我们这儿。

5) 由关系代词或关系副词引导的从句,可称为关系从句,也可称为定语从句(详见第5.6.1—5.6.5节,第15.1.6节):The girl who won the prize is my cousin. 获奖的姑娘是我表妹。That's the town where I was born. 这就是我出生的城市。

随着在句中的作用不同,从句也可分为:● 主语从句(Subject Clause)● 宾语从句(Object Clause)● 表语从句(Predicative Clause)● 定语从句(Attributive Clause)● 状语从句(Adverbial Clause)● 同位语从句(Appositive Clause)

关于 句子结构,后面再作详细讨论。

第2章 构词法

2.1 概说

2.1.1 英语的主要构词法


1)转化(Conversion)——即由一个词类变为另一个词类:  water 水(名)→ water 浇水(动)

2)派生(Derivation)——通过加前缀和后缀构成另一个词:  happy → unhappy(加前缀)       happiness(加后缀)

3)合成(Compounding)——由两个或更多词构成一个词:  wood 木+ cut 刻 → woodcut 木刻  happy + go + lucky → happy-go-lucky 无忧无虑2.1.2 一些次要的构词法


1)截短法(Clipping)——即把一个词的一部分去掉,构成一个新词:bicycle → cycle

2)混合(Blending)——把两个词各取一部分,混合成一个新词:Europe + Asia → Eurasia 欧亚大陆

3)缩写(Abbreviation)——把几个词的首字母连在一起:British Broadcasting Corporation → BBC 英国广播公司

4)反转构词法(Backformation)——把带词尾的名词去掉词尾构成动词:editor 编辑(名)→ edit 编辑(动)2.1.3 掌握构词法的重要性


1) 帮助辨认词类——通过一些词尾(即后缀)或词头(即前缀)辨别某些词的词类:careful   (带形容词词尾)细心(形)carelessness(带名词词尾)粗心大意(名)belittle  (带动词词头)贬低(动)

2) 帮助了解词义——不少词头有特别意思,可以举一反三:kilogram 千克,公斤 → kilometer 公里,kilowatt 千瓦impossible 不可能 → impolite 不客气,immoral 不道德digestible 好消化 → permissible 容许的,collapsible 可折叠的

3) 帮助扩大词汇——掌握几千基础词后,通过构词法,可以比较容易地把词汇量扩大到一万以上。

4) 把有关词组合在一起,形成词群,就像单个人组成一个家庭似的,如:


5) 建立清楚的词类概念,每学一个词都要知道它的词类,并掌握与它相关的词,左引右联,很容易形成一个词汇网,这是掌握英语的第一步。

6) 建立词与词的联系,大多数词都可用于几个不同的词类,如果知道各种词类的用法,语言能力会得到更大的发展。

2.2 转化

2.2.1 动词转化为名词

1) 大量动词可转化为名词,有时意思没有太大的变化:Let me have a try. 我来试一试。We stopped there for a swim. 我们在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳。Can I have a read of your paper?我能看看你的论文吗?We heard a shout and ran to the spot. 我们听到呼叫声就跑到那里。She had a cry about the sad news. 听了这悲惨的消息她哭了一顿。We went for a stroll. 我们出去 了 。She gave the girl a kiss. 她吻了那女孩一下。Let's take a break. 咱们休息一会儿。You could make a guess at it. 你可以猜一猜。She gave a long sigh. 她长叹了一声。

2) 有些动词转化为名词时意思有些变化:They have the same build. 他们是同样身材。The catch on the door is broken. 门钩坏了。It was a clever move. 这是一着聪明棋。I bought a bag of bird feed. 我买了一包鸟饲料。The father has the final say. 父亲有最后的发言权。The game ended in a draw. 球赛打成了平局。Our team has a lead of two goals. 我们队领先两球。I'll give you leave to stay. 我将同意你留下。She passed her test at the first go. 她一下子就通过了测试。His heart beats were getting weaker. 他的心跳越来越微弱。

3) 可以转化为名词的动词很多,常见的如:2.2.2 名词转化为动词

1) 许多表示物件的名词可以转化为动词,意思也随着有些改变:She had booked three seats on the plane. 她在飞机上订了三个座位。The usher seated us in the front row. 引座员让我们在前排坐下。The committee is chaired by General Lee. 委员会由李将军任主席。He pinned the notice on the blackboard. 他把通知钉在黑板上。The expedition will map the South Pole. 探险队将绘制南极的地图。The policeman bagged the thief. 警察把小偷抓到了。How can you pocket her insults?你怎么能忍受她的侮辱?The results of the experiments are tabled at the back of the book. 实验的结果列成了表放在书后。Picture yourself in his situation. 设想你处于他的地位。

2) 表示身体某部分的名词也可用作动词:His name headed the list. 他的名字列在名单之首。He handed the glass of beer to Grandpa. 他把那杯啤酒递给了爷爷。Many of his friends backed his plan. 他的许多朋友都支持他的计划。The boy shouldered the basket of fruits. 男孩掮着那筐水果。He asked us not to finger the tomatoes. 他让我们别摸西红柿。A policeman eyed him suspiciously. 一位警察怀疑地瞧着他。I can't stomach such behavior. 我不能容忍这种行为。He elbowed his way to where we stood. 他推挤着来到我们站的地方。The puppy nosed at my arm. 小狗嗅我的手臂。We have missed the bus,so we'll have to foot it. 我们没搭上汽车,因此我们得步行去。

3) 表示一类人的名词也可用作动词:Lydia had always nursed a grievance against her cousin. 丽迪亚对她的表哥一直怀有抱怨情绪。Stop fooling about and do something useful. 不要胡混了,干点有益的事。He is paid by the police to spy on other students. 他受警方雇用来监视其他学生。He doctored the information on his passport. 他窜改了他护照上的内容。He fathered many inventions. 他发明了许多东西。It's hard to pilot a boat in rough waters. 在汹涌的水域中领航是困难的。They pioneered the Northwest Territory. 他们探察了西北地区。The older boys lord it over the younger ones. 大孩子欺压小孩子。She mothered two children and adopted a third. 她生了两个孩子,又领养了一个。

4) 一些其他实物名词也可用作动词:The library houses 600,000 books. 这个图书馆藏书60万册。He is rooming with my friend Smith. 他和我的朋友史密斯一起住。Cherry trees flower in the early spring. 樱桃树早春时开花。The boxer floored his opponent. 拳击师把对手击倒在地。They have dammed that river up. 他们在那条河上筑了一道坝。This money should bridge you over till next month. 这笔钱应当可以帮你度过困难维持到下个月。He got up and dusted his trousers. 他站起身把裤子上的尘土掸掉。She oiled herself with suntan lotion. 她在身上擦了防晒油。I was so hungry that I wolfed down my meal. 我饿得狼吞虎咽地吃饭。Don't monkey with the machinery. 不要瞎摆弄机器。

5) 甚至某些抽象名词也可用作动词:The injustice of this angered him. 这事的不公平使他气愤。I am hungering for news from you. 我渴望得到你的消息。The bomb was timed to go off at midnight. 那枚炸弹定时在午夜爆炸。He thirsted for knowledge. 他渴望获得知识。We plan to winter in Italy. 我们计划在意大利过冬。We summered by Lake Geneva. 我们在日内瓦湖畔避暑。Then we lunched at the Connaught Restaurant. 然后我们在克努餐馆吃午饭。I am going to breakfast with him tomorrow. 我明天将和他一起吃早饭。The enemy stormed the castle. 敌人猛攻城堡。The guests numbered more than a hundred. 客人有一百多。2.2.3 形容词等转化为动词

1) 有些形容词可以转化为动词:The city quieted down again. 城市又平静下来。Shelley was unable to calm her down. 雪莱没法使她平静下来。He slowed down at the crossroads. 他在十字路口慢了下来。Please warm up the cold meat. 请把冷肉热一下。In the bright sunlight she had to narrow her eyes. 在强烈的阳光下她只得眯上眼睛。They idled away two hours doing nothing. 他们浪费了两小时什么也没干。He pretends to busy himself writing. 他假装忙着写东西。Don't dirty your new dress. 不要把你的新衣服弄脏了。We must lower our expenses. 我们必须降低开支。Living conditions have bettered a great deal. 居住条件改善了许多。

2) 还有少数其他词类也可用作动词:They forwarded his mail to his new address. 他们把他的信件转寄到他的新地址。This will help to further the sciences. 这会有助于发展科学。The firm's employees have downed tools. 公司的雇员都罢工了。They upped the price of petrol. 他们提高了汽油价格。Truth will out. 真相总有大白之日。I second the nomination. 我赞成这项任命。2.2.4 一些其他转化的情况

1) 有些形容词可以转化为名词:I enjoy the quiet of the country. 我喜欢农村的恬静。Her calm in the face of disaster is amazing. 她在灾难前的冷静态度令人惊讶。The temperature reached a new high. 气温达到了新的高度。Profits have reached a new low this month. 本月的利润降到了新低点。I think you are in the right. 我认为你是对的。A single to London,please. 请给我一张去伦敦的单程票。There are about 4,000 Chinese nationals in the city. 这座城市有四千华裔居民。This was a custom among the ancients. 这是古代人的一种习俗。He failed his finals. 他决赛输了。Few whites live in West Africa. 很少白人住在西非。

2) 有些形容词可以转化为副词:The eagle flies high. 鹰飞得很高。Her head was bent low. 她头垂得低低的。She had gone dead tired. 她极其疲惫。You can live cheaper in the smaller towns. 住在小些的城市里费用低些。He sells his goods very dear. 他的货物卖得很贵。The blow struck him full in the face. 这一拳正打在他脸上。Spring draws near. 春天日益临近。Come closer so that I can see you. 走近一些,让我能看见你。How slow he drives! 他车开得真慢!Are you staying long?你会待久吗?

3) 还有一些其他转化情况:They asked him to give a repeat performance. 他们让他再表演一次。(动—形)She was a very forward young lady. 她是一个很大胆的年轻女子。(副—形)During the war we had to black out all our windows. 在战争期间我们得实行灯火管制。(形—动)She paled when we told her the news. 我们把消息告诉她时,她脸都白了。(形—动)He walked north. 他朝北走。(名—副)I'll drive you home. 我开车送你回家。(名—副)2.2.5 转化中语音的变化

1) 大多数词转化时语音没有变化,但有些词转化时重音有变化:


个别双音节词作两种词类时重音不变,如:comment/'kɒment/  contact/'kɒntækt/  debate/dɪ'beɪt/

2) 另外有些词转换词类时,词尾读音有变化,有时拼法也有变化:

个别词拼法有差异而读音都不变,如:practice 练习(名)    practise 练习(动)


3) 有少数词在转变成另一词类时,元音也发生变化,有的音不变但拼法变了:


2.3 派生

2.3.1 构成名词的后缀

1) 构成名词的后缀很多,常见的有下面这些:

2) 还有一些次要的构成名词的后缀:2.3.2 构成形容词的后缀

1) 构成形容词的后缀也很多,常见的有下面这些:

2) 还有一些次要的构成形容词的后缀:2.3.3 一些构成其他词类的后缀


2) 构成动词的后缀:

3) 构成数词的后缀:2.3.4 一些较为常见的前缀

1) 可用来改变词类的前缀:

a-  加在名词前构成形容词或副词:

  asleep   aboard   aside   ashore   ablaze

be-  加在名词或形容词前构成动词:

  befriend  bewitch   behead   belittle   bedim

em-  加在名词等前构成动词:

  embark   embed    embody   empower   embitter

en-  加在名词前构成动词:

  endanger  encourage  enrage   enforce   enslave

en-  加在形容词前构成动词:

  enrich   enlarge   ennoble  endear    enable

out- 加在名词或形容词前构成动词:

  outflank  outnumber  outpace  outwit    outsmart


3) 一些表示特定意思的前缀

大部分前缀都表示特定意思,较常见的有:2.3.5 一些用得较少的前缀


2.4 合成

2.4.1 合成名词

1) 合成名词数量最多,其中大多数由名词+名词构成:


3) 有些合成词由动词的-ing形式和另一词构成,如:

4) 还有些合成名词以其他方式或三个词构成:

关于合成名词还可参阅第22.2节。2.4.2 合成形容词

1) 合成形容词很多由过去分词或带-ed词尾的词构成,如:


3) 还有一些合成形容词由“形容词+名词”(a)或“名词等+形容词”(b)构成:


a. 动词+副词:broken-down 破旧不堪的built-in 嵌在墙内的(橱柜)built-up 盖满房子的(地区)cast-off 扔掉的drive-in 开车进去的(电影院)laid-back 冷静放松run-down 年久失修的see-through 透明的

b. 副词+名词:off-budget 预算外的off-campus 校园外的off-guard 失去警惕的off-hand 不经准备的off-hour 休息时间off-peak 非高峰时期out-door 户外的up-hill 上山的

c. 其他形式:all-out 全力以赴的all-round 全面的ever-victorious 常胜的face-to-face 面对面的out-and-out 彻头彻尾的ten-minute 十分钟的third-floor 三层楼上的three-hour 三小时的two-year-old 两岁大的well-off 富裕的2.4.3 合成动词及合成副词

1) 合成动词主要有下面几类:

a. 名词+动词:baby-sit 看孩子eavesdrop 偷听ghost-write 为别人代写proof-read 校对sleep-walk 梦游spoon-feed 用勺喂,灌输tape-record 用磁带录下来water-ski 滑水

b. 副词+动词:overcharge 超额收费overeat 吃得太多overhear 听见(别人说话)overthrow 推翻undergo 经历underwrite 承担,同意保证uphold 维护uplift 提起,振奋

c. 形容词或副词+动词:back-pedal 往后退缩backtrack 往回走black-list 列入黑名单cross-examine 盘问ill-treat 虐待short-change 少找钱short-circuit 发生短路white-wash 粉刷

d. 其他形式的合成动词:blow-dry 吹干court-martial 军法审判deep-fry 炸dillydally 浪费时间pooh-pooh 认为愚蠢可笑spin-dry 甩干stir-fry 翻炒tittle-tattle 闲聊

2) 合成副词为数不多,大多用作状语:She almost did all this single-handed. 这一切几乎是她单枪匹马干的。He returned home empty-handed. 他毫无所获地回家了。They ran helter-skelter down the road. 他们沿着公路慌乱地逃走了。Files were scattered higgledy-piggledy about the office. 文件档案杂乱地散落在办公室里。

2.5 一些次要的构词法

2.5.1 截短语

1) 截短语可以截去前面一部分,如:telephone——phone 电话violincello——cello 大提琴aeroplane——plane 飞机helicopter——copter 直升飞机omnibus——bus 公共汽车bicycle——cycle 自行车

2) 也可截去后面一部分:advertisement——ad 广告exposition——expo 博览会gentlemen's——gents 男厕所public house——pub 酒店professor——prof 教授stereophonic——stereo 立体声的mathematics——math 数学professional——pro 职业的co-operative——co-op 合作社preparatory——prep 预料的examination——exam 考试laboratory——lab 实验室memorandum——memo 备忘录taxicab——taxi 出租车television——telly 电视机submarine——sub 潜水艇rubber-shoes——rubbers 胶鞋zoological garden——zoo 动物园kilogram——kilo 公斤veterinary surgeon——vet 兽医

有个别词前后各截去一部分,如:refrigerator——fridge冰箱influenza——flu 流感

有时几个词合成一个词,如:a prefabricated house——prefab 预制房屋a popular song singer——pop-singer 流行歌手2.5.2 混合

混合是从两个词中各取一部分,混在一起构成一个新词:news broadcast → newscast 新闻广播parachute troops → paratroops 伞兵television broadcast → telecast 电视播送electro+execute → electrocute 上电刑处死transfer+resistor → transistor 半导体travel catalogue → travelogue 旅游影片,游记lnternational Criminal Police → Interpol 国际刑警组织motorist's hotel → motel 汽车旅馆teleprinter exchange → telex 电传breakfast and lunch → brunch 早午餐,早饭午饭一起吃American Indian → Amerind 美国印第安人medical care → medicare 美国老人医疗保险smoke and fog → smog 烟雾biographical picture → biopic 传记片psychological warfare → psywar 心理战multi-university → multiversity 综合大学2.5.3 缩写

1) 缩写词多数按字母读音:TV /'tiː'viː/ 电视TB /'tiː'biː/ 肺结核FBI 联邦调查局CIA 美国中央情报局CID 英国刑事调查部KGB 克格勃(前苏联国家安全委员会)APEC 亚太经合组织EEC 欧洲经济共同体MIT 麻省理工学院VIP 重要人物,贵宾DDT 滴滴涕杀虫剂CNN 美国有线新闻电视网CBS 美国哥伦比亚广播公司PRC 中华人民共和国U.S.A. 美国UK 联合王国,英国UN 联合国IMF 国际货币基金组织WHO 世界卫生组织WTO 世界贸易组织WB 世界银行LA 洛杉矶DC 哥伦比亚特区Ph D 博士学位M.A. 硕士学位B.A.(或B.S.)学士学位MP 英国国会议员

2) 缩写词中有少数像单词一样拼读,称为acronyms(首字母缩拼词):NATO /'neɪtəʊ/ 北约OPEC /'əʊpek/ 石油输出国组织Laser /'leɪzə/ 激光radar /'reɪdə/ 雷达UFO /'juːfəʊ/ 不明飞行物,即飞碟(亦可读作/'juːef 'əʊ/)UNESCO /jʊ'neskəʊ/ 联合国教科文组织BASIC或Basic /'beɪsɪk/ 计算机初学者通用符号指令码2.5.4 反转构词法


第3章 名词

3.1 名词的种类

3.1.1 专有名词和普通名词

名词可分为两大类:● 专有名词(Proper Nouns)● 普通名词(Common Nouns)


1) 人名:Diana,Mrs Green,President Clinton,Einstein,Gorky;

2) 地名:Beijing,West Lake,the Yellow River,Bond Street,Broadway;

3) 某类人的名称:Americans,Russians,Democrats,Jews;

4) 某些抽象事物的名称:English,Buddhism,Christianity,NATO;

5) 月份、周日名及节日名称:May,Saturday,Easter,New Year's Day;

6) 书名、电影及诗歌的名称:A Tale of Two Cities,Gone with the Wind,Ode to the West Wind(西风颂),(la)Marseillaise(马赛曲);

7) 对家人等的称呼:Mum,Dad,Auntie,Uncle Tom。


专有名词以外的名词都是普通名词,普通名词又可分为四类:● 个体名词(Individual Nouns)● 集体名词(Collective Nouns)● 物质名词(Mass Nouns或Material Nouns)● 抽象名词(Abstract Nouns)

其中个体名词和集体名词可以用数来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns),而物质名词和抽象名词一般都不能用数来计算,称为 不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。因此名词的类别可以下表表示:3.1.2 个体名词

个体名词指作为个体而存在的人或东西,可以指具体的人或物,如:He has two aunts. 他有两个姑姑。There are hundreds of high-rise apartments in the city. 这座城市有数以百计的高层公寓楼。Pandas are found in Sichuan. 熊猫出在四川。Most classrooms have computers. 多数教室里都有电脑。

也可指抽象东西,如:We've lived here for twenty years. 我们在这里住了二十年了。A new century has just begun. 一个新的世纪刚刚开始。She has read lots of fairy tales. 她看过大量的童话故事。I had a dream last night. 我昨晚做了一个梦。

个体名词有复数形式,如weeks,problems;单数形式可以和a(n)连用,如a week,a problem,an old man。3.1.3 集体名词



在不少情况下,集体名词后单复数动词都可以用,没有什么差别:The school's teaching staff is(are) excellent. 该校的师资很不错。The audience was(were)excited by the show. 观众对演出甚感激动。The local council are(is) in charge of repairing roads. 当地的政务会负责道路的维修工作。The jury are(is) about to announce the winners. 评委会将宣布优胜者名单。

有少数集体名词通常用作单数:The entire community is behind the appeal. 整个社区都支持这项呼吁。The opposition was quick to reply to the charge. 反对派迅速对指控作出回答。Our company is sending him to work in Berlin. 我们公司将派遣他去柏林工作。The gang is being hunted by the police. 这伙匪徒正受警察追捕。

个别集体名词则多作复数看待:Bacteria are often a cause of disease. 细菌常引起疾病。The police are looking for him. 警察正在找他。3.1.4 物质名词



1) 有些物质名词可用作可数名词,表示“一份”、“一杯”:Two strong black coffces,please. 请给我两份浓咖啡,不要加奶。Three beers,please. 请来三杯啤酒。A chocolate ice-cream for me. 给我一份巧克力冰淇淋。

2) 有些物质名词可作可数名词,表示“一种”:It was a special tea which tasted of orange blossoms. 这是一种特别的茶,有橘子花味。It was a delicious Californian wine. 那是一种美味的加州红酒。Stainless steels contain about 12% of chromium. 不锈钢含有约百分之十二的铬。

3) 个别物质名词可用于复数形式或有特殊意义:She forbids any vessels to enter her territorial waters. 她禁止任何船只进入其领海。It was now the time of the spring rains. 现在是春天雨季的时候。Here are the snows of last year. 这是去年的积雪。3.1.5 抽象名词


在多数情况下,这种名词常用于单数形式,不加任何冠词:Safety first! 安全第一!He's learning French for fun. 他学法语是为着好玩。He never had any education. 他从未受过教育。They had justice on their side. 正义在他们一边。I wish you luck. 我祝你好运。It's wonderful weather. 天气好极了。

但有时也加定冠词the(a),或不定冠词a或an(b):a. He works hard for the welfare of the poor. 他为穷人的福利努力工作。The oppressive weather lasted only a few days. 闷热天气只持续了几天。I shall never forget the beauty of that lake. 我永远不会忘记那座湖的秀美景色。She didn't have the courage to ask him. 她没有勇气问他。b. There's a beauty in simplicity. 朴实之中有一种美。He had always had a warm affection for me. 他对我一直有一种温馨的情感。After a brief peace,war broke out again. 经过一段短暂的和平时期,战争又爆发了。Switzerland adopted a policy of neutrality. 瑞士采取了中立政策。

关于抽象名词前冠词的用法,下面将作详细的讨论。3.1.6 可数名词与不可数名词

1) 可数名词与不可数名词的区分是英语中的一个重要问题,因为它牵涉到一个名词的形式和它前面加不加冠词以及加哪种冠词的问题。多数名词情况是比较简单的,例如桌子、椅子、房间、人,在英语及汉语中都是可数名词,使用就比较简单。但也有不少名词在英语中是不可数的,而在汉语中却是可数的,例如下面这些都是不可数名词,在使用时要小心:furniture: We haven't got much furniture. 我们的家具不多。equipment: His firm supplies kitchen equipment. 他的公司提供厨房设备。clothing: There is nothing but clothing in the cupboard. 这柜子里只有衣服。news: No news is good news.(谚)没有消息就是好消息。information: His task was to collect information. 他的任务是收集情报。machinery: How much machinery has been installed?安装了多少机器?

如果要表示“一件”这类概念,前面得加“a__of”这类定语:a piece of furniture 一件家具a piece of equipment 一件设备an article of clothing 一件衣裳a piece of information 一则信息an item of news 一条新闻(但a machine 一台机器)

这类定语是非常有用的,在许多不可数名词前都可以用它:a cake of soap 一块肥皂a tube of toothpaste 一管牙膏a loaf of bread 一条面包a slice of cake 一块蛋糕a can of beer 一罐啤酒a length of cloth 一段布料a sheet of paper 一张纸a jar of jam 一罐果酱a lump of sugar 一块方糖a bottle of brandy 一瓶白兰地a ball of wool 一团毛线a pot of tea 一壶茶a bar of chocolate 一大块巧克力a cube of ice 一块冰a pinch of salt 一小撮盐a grain of sand 一粒沙子a stick of candy 一根棒糖a grain of rice 一粒米a large sum of money 一大笔钱a bar of gold 一根金条a piece of thread 一根线a small amount of sugar 少量白糖an expanse of water 一片水域a stretch of land 一片土地a portion of soup 一份汤a bowl of rice 一碗米饭a blade of grass 一根草a carton of milk 一盒牛奶a fit of anger 一顿脾气a suit of clothes 一套衣服a stroke of good luck 一阵好运a burst of applause 一阵掌声a ray of hope 一线希望a shower of criticism 一阵批评

这类定语还可修饰复数名词:a packet of cigarettes 一包香烟a bunch of keys 一串钥匙a pair of pants 一条裤子a pair of spectacles 一副眼镜a set of books 一套书a series of problems 一系列问题a pack of cards 一副纸牌a host of difficulties 一大堆困难a pack of wolves 一群狼a herd of deer 一群鹿a busful of children 一车孩子a handful of sweets 一把糖果a basket of peaches 一筐桃子a dish of peanuts 一碟花生a bag of cashew nuts 一包腰果a swarm of ants 一大群蚂蚁a packet of envelopes 一沓信封a pack of lies 连篇的谎言a pride of lions 一群狮子a herd of elephants 一群大象

2) 有些名词可以兼作可数名词和不可数名词,例如:

a. 有些名词兼作物质名词和个体名词:

b. 有些抽象名词可兼作个体名词:

3) 有些个体名词可转而用作抽象名词:

4) 英语中有许多对词,一个可数,一个不可数,例如:


3.2 名词复数

3.2.1 一般名词的复数形式

1) 一般名词的复数以加-s或-es的方式构成,构成的方法如下:



但也有些这类词加词尾后读音不变:month/m nθ/——months/m nθs/length/leŋθ/——lengths/leŋθs/


2) 以-o结尾的词,许多加-es构成复数,特别是一些常用词:heroes    potatoes    tomatoes    echoes    tornadoestorpedoes   dominoes    vetoes     mosquitoes  Negroesmangoes    buffaloes    volcanoes


a. 以“元音+o”或“oo”结尾的词:videos    radios   studios    folios    oratorios    embryoszoos     bamboos   kangaroos   cuckoos    taboos

b. 一些外来词,特别是音乐方面的词:pianos    concertos   solos   sopranos   tobaccoscommandos   mottos     cellos   banjos    manifestos

c. 一些缩写词和专有名词:kilos   photos    memos   micros   Eskimos   Filipinos

有个别词加两种词尾都可以,如:archipelago(e)s   halo(e)s   cargoes(英)    cargos(美)

3) 以-f或-fe结尾的词,通常变f为v,再加-(e)s,读作/vz/:half——halves   leaf——leaves    loaf——loavesself——selves   thief——thieves   wolf——wolvesshelf——shelves   calf——calves    elf——elveswife——wives    knife——knives   life——liveshousewife——housewives

有些只加-s,读作/fs/:roofs   cliffs   proofs   beliefs   chiefs

有个别词加-s或-es都可以:scarf——scarfs或scarves   dwarf——dwarfs或dwarveswharf——wharfs或wharves   hoof——hoofs或hooveshandkerchief——handkerchiefs或handkerchieves3.2.2 不规则的复数形式

1) 有些常用名词有不规则的复数形式:man——menwoman——women/'wɪmɪn/tooth——teethfoot——feetchild——childrengoose——geesemouse——miceox——oxenlouse——lice

由man和woman构成的合成名词也有不规则的复数形式:policeman——policemen    policewoman——policewomengentleman——gentlemen    chairwoman——chairwomen

penny有两个复数形式:pennies指硬币: He had a few pennies in his pocket. 他口袋里有几个一便士的硬币。pence指钱数:The apples were 75 pence a kilo. 苹果75便士一公斤。

2)有些外来词有不规则的复数形式(也就是它们原来的复数形式):analysis——analyses/-si:z/分析basis——bases/-si:z/ 基础crisis——crises/-si:z/ 危机criterion——criteria 标准medium——media 媒体phenomenon——phenomena 现象stratum——strata 阶层thesis——theses/-si:z/ 论文


还有少数外来词已完全英语化,如albums,apparatuses,geniuses。3.2.3 一些其他复数形式

1) 合成词的复数形式:


theatre-goers   fire-engines   forget-me-nots


editors-in-chief  lookers-on    runners-up


fireman——firemen          chairwoman——chairwomen

在以man和woman修饰时,这两个词要连同主体词一起变:man-servant——men-servants     woman doctor——women doctors

2) 一些其他复数形式:

a. 年份——加-s或-'s:the 1990s(或1990's)/'naɪti:n'naɪntɪz/(二十世纪)九十年代

b. 缩写词——加-s或-'s:VIPs或VIP's(very important persons 贵宾们)MPs或MP's(members of Parliament 国会议员们)

c. 英语字母——加 's:Dot your i's and cross your t's. 记得在i上加点,在t上加横。'Committee' has two m's,two t's and two e's. committee一词中有两个m,两个t和两个e。3.2.4 单复数同形的情况

1) 英语中有少数名词,复数形式与单数形式相同:a sheep/a flock of sheep      an aircraft/ten aircrafta goldfish/a few goldfish


a. 某些动物的名称,如:bison 野牛    deer    reindeer   cod 鳕鱼salmon 鲑鱼    fish    trout 鳟鱼

b. craft及由它构成的合成词:craft    aircraft    hovercraft 气垫船     spacecraft 太空船

c.表示某国人的名词:He is a Chinese. They are all Chinese. 他是中国人。他们都是中国人。I know a Japanese(a few Japanese). 我认识一个(几个)日本人。His wife is a Swiss. Her parents are both Swiss. 他妻子是瑞士人,她的父母都是瑞士人。

d. 还有另外一些词:

species:It's a rare species of fish. 这是一种罕见的鱼种。Both species live in the lake. 两个品种都生活在这湖中。

means:It's an effective means of communication. 它是高效的通讯手段。All possible means have been tried. 各种可能的办法都尝试过了。

works(工厂):There has been an accident at the works. 这家工厂出了事故。There are some iron works near the river. 江边有几家炼铁厂。

offspring:She's the offspring of a scientist. 她是一位科学家的后代。Their offspring are all very clever. 他们的后代都很聪明。

2) 一些特殊情况:


a. hair通常用于单数形式,是头发的总称:Go and get your hair cut. 去把头发理一理。In the hair she had pinned a red rose. 她在头发上插了一朵红玫瑰。

可加-s词尾表示几根头发:There're hairs on your jacket. 你的上衣上有几根头发。He had a few white hairs. 他有几根白头发。

b. fruit通常用单数形式:He does not eat much fruit. 他不太多吃水果。Apples,oranges and bananas are fruit. 苹果、橘子和香蕉都是水果。

也可加复数词尾表示不同种类的水果:There the most common fruits are pear,apple and peach. 那儿最普通的水果是梨、苹果和桃。

用于抽象意义时,可用单数形式,也可用复数形式:I hope your hard work will bear fruit. 我希望你的努力会取得成果。We have thus defended the fruits of our victory. 就这样我们保卫了自己的胜利果实。

c. fish通常单复同形,复数后也可加-es:I caught a fish(two fish). 我捕到一条(两条)鱼。He caught three little fishes. 他抓到三条小鱼。

在表示不同种类的鱼时多加-es:We'll go and look at the fishes in the aquarium. 我们到水族馆去看(各种各样的)鱼。3.2.5 通常用于复数形式的词

1) 有些名词通常用于复数形式,其中有些由两个对等部分构成(a),有些以-ing结尾(b),还有一些其他情况(c):

a. scissors 剪刀     trousers 裤子      pants 裤子shorts 短裤      jeans 牛仔裤       briefs 三角裤compasses 两脚规    scales 天平       pliers 钳子tongs 夹钳       glasses 眼镜       spectacles 眼镜earphones 耳机     braces 背带       cords 灯芯绒裤binoculars 双筒望远镜 knickers 女内裤     sunglasses 太阳镜tights 紧身裤     overalls 工装裤     trunks 游泳衣pyjamas 睡衣裤     underpants 内裤     slacks 便装裤specs 眼镜       nail-clippers 指甲刀

b. belongings 所有物   surroundings 环境    tidings 消息winnings 赢得的钱   savings 积蓄       findings 调查结果clippings 剪下的东西  earnings 挣的钱     writings 作品sweepings 扫拢的垃圾  doings 行为       shavings 刨花

c. contents 目录     arms 武器        statistics 统计资料fireworks 烟火     remains 残余部分     assets 资产congratulations 祝贺  thanks 感谢       oil-colours 油画living-quarters 住宅区 clothes 衣服       outskirts 城郊valuables 贵重物品   ashes 灰烬        riches 财富amends 修补      annals 编年史      archives 档案室arrears(未付)尾数  bowels 肠        dregs 渣滓stairs 楼梯      guts 胆量        particulars 细节dominoes 骨牌     goods 货物        greens 青菜tropics 热带      dues 应交的费      brains 头脑armed forces 武装部队

2) 还有一些名词虽以-s结尾,却并不是复数形式,例如:

a. 某些疾病的名称:diabetes 糖尿病    measles 麻疹       mumps 腮腺炎rabies 狂犬病     rickets 佝偻病      shingles 带状疱疹syphilis 梅毒

b. 某些学科的名称:physics 物理学     linguistics 语言学    economics 经济学statistics 统计学   acoustics 声学      aeronautics 航空学electronics 电子学   genetics 遗传学     mathematics 数学logistics 后勤学    obstetrics 产科学    mechanics 力学aerodynamics 空气动力学  thermodynamics 热力学

c. 某些活动的名称:acrobatics 杂技    athletics 体育运动    cards 打纸牌billiards 台球     politics 政治活动    darts 掷镖游戏draughts 国际跳棋

3) 有些名词用于某个意义时通常用复数形式,例如:the authorities 当局see the sights 观光go to the pictures 去看电影put on airs 摆架子natural resources 自然资源personal effects 个人用品in high spirits 情绪高昂internal affairs 内部事务working conditions 工作条件good manners 有礼貌serve refreshments 用点心招待hold talks 举行谈判travel expenses 路费diplomatic relations 外交关系show one's papers 出示证件

3.3 名词所有格

3.3.1 名词所有格构成法

1) 英语中有许多名词可加's来表示所有关系,如:She's my wife's cousin. 她是我妻子的表妹。

此形式称为名词所有格(The Possessive Case of Nouns),s称为apostrophes/ə'pɒstrəfi'es/。

2) 's词尾的加法可概括如下:

a. 在单数情况下把's直接加上去:Philip's new address 菲力普的新地址her sister-in-law's mother 她嫂子的母亲the editor-in-chief's telephone number 总编辑的电话号码

b. 若名词已有复数词尾,则仅加':workers' rest homes 工人疗养院the officers' living quarters 军官住宅区the teachers' reading-room 教师阅览室

c. 如果名词是复数却不以-(e)s结尾,仍应加's:children's books 儿童读物the women's movement 妇女运动the Working People's Palace of Culture 劳动人民文化宫

d. 以-s结尾的单数名词后,可加's,也可加',但均读作/ɪz/:Engels's(或Engels')works 恩格斯的著作Burns's(或Burns')poems/'bɜːnzɪz 'pəʊɪms/ 彭斯的诗

不过以-ts结尾的名词只加',读作/ts/,如:Keats' poems/'kiːts'pəʊɪms/ 济慈的诗

3) 's的读音和名词复数词尾的读音一样(可参考第3.2.1节):3.3.2 名词所有格的用法

1) 名词所有格主要用于表示人的名词,表示“(某人)的”有时有较灵活的译法):Is this Mr. Black's office?这是布莱克先生的办公室吗?It's one of Shelley's best poems. 这是雪莱的最佳诗作之一。Old Wives' Tales is a good book. 《老妇谈》是一本好书。Did you visit St. Paul's Cathedral?你去没去看圣彼得大教堂?

2) 也可用于某些高级动物的名称或个别低级动物的名称后:From the plane we had a bird's eye view of Manhattan. 从飞机上我们可以鸟瞰曼哈顿。It is made from mare's,cow's or ewe's milk. 它是用马奶、牛奶或羊奶做的。The donkey moved at a snail's pace. 驴以蜗牛的速度慢慢行进。Here is an ants' nest. 这儿是个蚂蚁窝。

3) 也可用于一些表示无生命东西的名词后:

a. 表示时间的名词Today is yesterday's pupil.(谚)昨日是今日之师。I'll never forget that night's experience. 我永远不会忘记那天晚上的经历。We have two weeks' vacation for Christmas. 圣诞节我们有两星期的假。It was a summer's morning. 这是一个夏天的早晨。

b. 表示距离、价格等的名词:The park is a stone's throw from here. 公园离这儿很近。I bought ten dollars' worth of stamps. 我买了十美元的邮票。It's about an hour's drive from here. 开车到那里大约一小时。

c. 表示国家、城市等地方的名词:The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface. 海水覆盖地球表面近四分之三的地区。□That was the first time I had left England's shore. 这是我第一次离开英国海岸。It's the city's finest park. 它是这座城市最美的公园。She wanted him to climb in the college's little world. 她希望他在大学的小小天地里往上爬。We met at the hotel's entrance. 我们在旅馆门口相遇。

d. 表示集体或机构等的名词:What's your mission's attitude towards the problem?你们代表团对这问题态度如何?That's the majority's view,I think. 我想这是多数人的意见。We sat in the station's waiting-room until evening. 我们在车站候车室等到晚上。She teaches at Harvard's Department of Linguistics. 她在哈佛大学语言学系任教。

4) 还可用在某些固定的词组中:I'll take the risk for friendship's sake. 为了友谊我愿冒这个风险。Mrs. Howells was at her wit's end. 豪威尔夫人已黔驴技穷。Now they could sing at their heart's content. 现在他们可以尽情歌唱了。We should get the children out of harm's way. 我们必须让孩子们不受到损害。In my mind's eye I can still see my old home,with the roses over the door.在我心目中我仍能看到我的老家,门上装饰着玫瑰。We had best keep them at arm's length. 我们最好和他们保持距离。For goodness' sake,stop arguing. 看在上帝的份上,别再争论下去了。Jane got the money's worth out of that coat. 简买那件大衣很合算。3.3.3 名词所有格的一些特殊意义

1) 名词所有格除了表示“所有关系”之外,还可有一些特殊意义,例如表示:

a. 主动关系(前面名词表示后面动作的执行者):John's gift to Marry was a watch. 约翰给玛丽的礼物是一块手表。The soldier's heroic deed earned him a medal. 那士兵的英勇行为使他获得一枚奖章。He was pleased by his teacher's praise. 老师的称赞使他很高兴。

b. 被动关系(前面名词表示后面动作的承受者):The play ends with Hamlet's murder. 该剧以哈姆雷特被杀害告终。Everybody is singing the fighter's praise. 人人都赞颂这位战士。The film star's admirers crowded round her. 这位电影明星被她的崇拜者围住了。

c. 特征:The young boy has a man's voice. 这小男孩有大人的嗓音。He has a doctor's degree. 他有博士学位。He rose at cock's crow and hurried off. 他鸡叫时起身,匆匆离去。

2) 还可和of引导的短语结合使用:

a. He's a friend of Henry's. 他是亨利的一个朋友I saw a play of Shaw's. 我看了萧伯纳的一出戏剧。I have only read four books of Dickens's. 我只看过狄更斯的四本书。

b. Do you recall that poem of Byron's?你还记得拜伦的那首诗吗?Have you heard anything of this new novel of Carleton's?你听人提过卡尔顿的这本新小说吗?That wife of Mr. Brown's is constantly complaining. 布朗先生的那位太太老是抱怨个不停。

of前面的名词或有不定冠词或数词修饰(a),或有this,that等词修饰,这时表示欣赏或厌恶的口吻(b)。3.3.4 所有格所修饰词省略的情况

1) 所有格修饰的词,如刚刚提过则可以省略,以避免重复:“Whose seat is this?”“It is Mary's.”“这是谁的座位?”“是玛丽的。”This is not my dictionary,but Xiao Lin's. 这不是我的字典,是小林的。She had views quite different from her father's. 她有着和她父亲完全不同的看法。She put her arm through her brother's. 她伸手挽住她哥哥的手臂。

2) 可用来表示教堂、商店等:We visited St. Paul's(Cathedral). 我们参观了圣彼得大教堂。I've been shopping in Macy's. 我刚才在梅西百货公司买东西。He went into a stationer's to buy a ruler. 他到文具店买了把尺子。I am going to the barber's. 我去理发店。He was educated at Taylor's(School). 他上的是泰勒中学。

3) 还可用来表示某人的家:He had to go to his sister's for dinner. 他只好去他姐姐家吃晚饭。We can meet at Aunt Lucy's. 我们可以在露希姨妈家碰头。I went to Paul's,but he was at his cousin's. 我去了保罗家,但他在他表哥家里。She's staying at my Grandma's. 她住在我奶奶家。

3.4 名词的性

3.4.1 名词的阴阳性

1) 英语不像其他欧洲语言,它的名词一般不分阴阳性。但随着词义不同,有一部分名词也可以分阴阳性,表示男人或雄性动物的名词属于阳性,表示女人或雌性动物的名词属于阴性,主要的这类名词有下面这些:

a. 表示人的名词:

b. 表示动物的名词:lion 狮子lioness 母狮子tiger 老虎tigress 母老虎bull 公牛cow 母牛stallion 公马mare 母马ram 公羊ewe 母羊cock,rooster 公鸡hen 母鸡drake 公鸭duck 母鸭leopard 公豹leopardess 母豹dog 狗bitch 母狗fox 狐狸vixen 母狐狸gander 公鹅goose 母鹅boar 公野猪sow 母(野)猪stag 公鹿doe 母鹿

2) 英语大部分名词都分不出阴阳性。如果要表示一个人的性别,可以在这个名词前加man或woman,如:a man servant 男佣人a woman worker 女工a man doctor 男医生a woman wrestler 女摔跤手

也可加boy,girl这类词,如:a boy scout 男童子军a girl scout 女童子军a boy friend 男朋友a girl cousin 表姐妹a male guest 男宾a maid servant 女佣人a male baby 男婴a female child 女孩a male nurse 男护士a lady friend 女朋友a male model 男模特a female singer 女歌手

在动物前可加male,female,he,she之类的词来表示性别:a male monkey 母猴a female gorilla 母猩猩a male animal 雄性动物a female elephant 母象a he-goat 雄山羊a she-wolf 母狼

3.5 名词在句中的作用

3.5.1 名词在句中的作用


1) 作主语:Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。Where there is a will,there is a way.(谚)有志者事竟成。

2) 作表语:Smoking is my only weakness. 抽烟是我唯一的缺点。The affair remained a complete mystery. 这件事整个还是个谜。

3)作宾语(谓语或非谓语动词的宾语):Did you get my fax?你收到我的传真了吗?They agreed to fax us their proposals tomorrow. 他们同意明天把建议传真给我们。

4) 作定语:We bought a new color TV. 我们买了台新彩电。Would you like to go to the flower show tomorrow?你明天去看花展吗?

5) 作同位语:This is our department head,Dr. Owen. 这是我们的系主任欧文博士。You girls sit on this side. 你们姑娘们坐这边。

6) 作呼语:Come in,Mrs. Patterson. 请进,帕特森夫人。Morning,Helen. 海伦,早上好。

7) 作状语:Wait a minute,I'll call her. 稍等一会儿,我去叫她。We'll meet Monday. 我们星期一碰头。

8)作介词宾语:She majored in physics at Yale. 她在耶鲁大学主修物理。He was devoted to pure science. 他专心致志于纯科学。

9) 构成复合宾语(作宾语的补语):They elected James(to be)chairman. 他们推选杰姆斯作主席。He painted the door a brighter color. 他把门漆成了更鲜艳的颜色。3.5.2 名词作定语的情况

1)在英语中用名词作定语是常见的情况,如:paper flower 纸花cotton goods 棉织品orange juice 橘汁tomato sauce 番茄汁eye drops 眼药水nose drops 滴鼻剂welcome party 欢迎会welcome speech 欢迎词weather station 气象站weather forecast 天气预报seat belt 安全带forest belt 防护林带import duty 进口税income tax 所得税trade deficit 贸易逆差trade delegation 贸易代表团fire brigade 消防队fire extinguisher 灭火器emergency department 急诊部inquiry office 问讯处power plant 电力厂power politics 强权政治feature film 故事片fhorror film 恐怖电影identity card 身份证credit card 信用卡time table 时刻表time zone 时区zip code 邮政编码area code(电话)地区号family planning 计划生育family name 姓news broadcast 新闻广播news agency 新闻社press conference 记者招待会press release 新闻公报


2) 有少数名词可以复数形式作定语:goods train(火车)货车arms depot 军火库a grants committee 补助金委员会an Arts degree 文科学位machines hall 机器展览厅careers guide 就业指导parks department 园林局a two-thirds majority 三分之二多数examination board 考试委员会customs officer 海关人员sports meet 运动会courses committee 课程委员会commodities fair 商品交易会entertainments guide 娱乐指南savings bank 储蓄银行a customs house 海关大楼

3) 有不少名词,既可用名词作定语,又可用形容词作定语,意思上常有一些差别:

第4章 冠词

4.1 概说

4.1.1 定冠词和不定冠词


1)定冠词(The Definite Article)——即the;

2)不定冠词(The Indefinite Article)——即a和an。

the通常读作/ðə/,在元音前读作/ði/,特别强调或单念时读作/ðiː/:Who is the/ði/author of the/ðə/book?谁是这书的作者?He was the/ðiː/greatest poet of the/ði/age. 他是那时代最伟大的诗人。

不定冠词在元音(指音,不指元音字母)前用an这个形式,读作/ən/:an island /ənˈaɪlənd/       an umbrella /ənʌmˈbrelə/an apple /ənˈæpl/         an ounce /ənˈaʊns/an eyewitness /ənˈaɪwɪtnəs/    an honest man /ənˈɒnɪstˌmæn/an honour /ənˈɒnə/        an hour /ənˈaʊə/

在其他情况下一概作a,读作/ə/:a girl/əˈˈɜːl/             a red apple /ˌˌredˌæpl/a university /əˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti/      a one-act play /ˌˌwʌnæktˌpleІ/a European city /əˌjˌərəˈpiːənˈsɪti/   a humble man /əˈhʌmblˌmˌn/4.1.2 冠词的基本意义

不定冠词a(n)与数词one同源,表示“一个”的意思,用在可数名词单数前:She is a nurse. She works in a hospital. 她是个护士,在一家医院工作。He is an Englishman,with an Irish wife. 他是一位英国人,有一个爱尔兰妻子。

定冠词the,与this和that同源,有“这(那)个”的意思,但比较弱,表示一(几)个特定的人或东西,有时可译作“这个(些)”或“那个(些)”:That's the book you want. 这就是你要的那本书。Who is the young man over there?那边那个年轻人是谁?The old woman in the middle is my grandma. 中间这位老太太是我的祖母。

但在很多情况下,“这”或“那”这类词在译文中并不出现:Put it on the table. 把它放在桌上Shut the door,please. 请把门关上。4.1.3 特指和泛指



1) 在可数名词单数前加不定冠词:It was a lovely garden. 这是一座漂亮的花园。(表示“类别”)She sent me a postcard. 她寄给我一张明信片。(表示“一个”)

2) 在可数名词复数前可不加冠词,而可加some,any这类词:These are new words. 这些是生词。(表示“类别”)She sent me some flowers. 她送给我一些花。(表示“一些”)

3) 在不可数名词前多不加什么,有时也可加some,any等:It's lovely weather. 天气真好。(表示“类别”)It's pure silk. 这是纯丝。(表示“类别”)Do you want any sugar in your tea?你茶里要放点糖吗?(表示“一些”)Give us some help. 给我们一些帮助。(表示“一些”)



4.2 冠词的基本用法

4.2.1 不定冠词的基本用法


1)“一个”(意思接近one):Rome was not built in a day.(谚)罗马不是一天建成的。There was now not a minute to lose. 现在一分钟也不能耽误。His wages were four hundred pounds a week. 他每周工资四百镑。I can only carry two at a time. 我一次只能拿两个。A thousand people attended the concert. 一千人出席了这次音乐会。A fifth of the population are young children. 五分之一的人口是儿童。She is a friend of mine. 她是我的一位朋友。

可用在大量表示数量的词组中:four times a day 一天四次half a kilo 半公斤one pound a metre 一英镑一米60 km an hour 每小时六十公里a quarter of a mile 四分之一英里a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡

2)“某一个”(=a certain,但仍可译作“一个”):A car is waiting at the gate. 有一辆车在门口等着。He was born in a small city in Hunan. 他出生于湖南的一座小城。A scholar is coming to speak to us. 一位学者将来给我们作报告。She told us an interesting story. 她给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。

3) 某类人或物(可用在表语、同位语等中):She is a Canadian(dancer). 她是加拿大人(舞蹈演员)。Is this a planer or a lathe?这是刨床还是车床?The book was written by Dr. Cooper,a geneticist. 这书是遗传学家古柏博士写的。He does not seem to be a particularly able person. 他似乎不是一个特别能干的人。We knew Moses as an authority on Wagner. 我们知道摩西是研究瓦格纳的专家。

4) 某类人或物(可作主语,表示整个这类人或东西):A child needs love. 孩子需要爱。An owl can see in the dark. 猫头鹰能在黑夜中看东西.An upright man should be honest and fair. 正直的人应当诚实公正。A rattlesnake is a poisonous American snake. 响尾蛇是美洲的一种毒蛇。

在前两种用法中,a通常译作“一个”,在把这名词变为复数时,a需换作数词或不定代词:Two fifths of the population are women. 五分之二的人是妇女。A few scholars are coming to speak to us. 几位学者将来给我们作报告。They ordered three cups of coffee. 他们要了三杯咖啡。She told us some interesting stories. 她给我们讲了几个有趣的故事。

在后两种用法中,译成汉语时常不带“一”字,在把名词变为复数时,前面常不加什么:Children need love. 孩子需要爱。They don't seem to be particularly able persons. 他们似乎不是特别能干的人。Rattlesnakes are poisonous American snakes. 响尾蛇是美洲的毒蛇。Are these planers or lathes?这些是刨床还是车床?4.2.2 定冠词的基本用法


1) 和个体名词的单数或复数连用,表示某个(些)特定的人或东西:Where is(are)the other girl(s)?另外那(几)个姑娘在哪里?Put the parcel(s) on the table. 把那个(些)包裹放在桌上。Show the guest(s) to his(their)room. 带客人去看他(们)的房间。The bus has left. We had to wait for the next bus. 车开走了,我们得等下一班车。Did you go to the opening ceremony?你参加开幕典礼了吗?


在第二次提到某样东西(甚至与它有关的东西)时,常在前面加the:He bought a TV and a video recorder,but he returned the video recorder. 他买了一台电视机和一台录像机,但把录像机退了。She bought a bicycle,but when she rode it one of the wheels came off. 她买了一辆自行车,可骑上去时一个轮子掉了。He saw a house in the country. He stood outside it for a while before going in. In the front room there was a fire burning in the fireplace. The room was clean,small and very warm. 他在乡下看到一栋房子。他站了一会儿,走了进去。前屋壁炉里生了火。房间很干净,小而暖和。

2) 也可和一个单数名词一道用,表示一类人或东西:The whale is in danger of becoming extinct. 鲸有灭绝的危险。The bluebird is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. 蓝知更鸟是我见过的最美的东西。The eighteenth century was the golden age of the novel. 十八世纪是小说的黄金时代。The aeroplane has made the world a small place. 飞机使世界变小了。The computer has changed our way of life. 电脑改变了我们的生活方式。The careful speaker should avoid it. 谨言的人应回避这种说法。The small shopkeeper is finding life increasingly difficult. 小店主发现生活越来越艰难。

3) 还可和某些名词连用表示整个民族、阶级、阶层、一家人等:The Chinese people are industrious and brave. 中国人民勤劳勇敢。The Dutch are very skilful engineers. 荷兰人是能工巧匠。They represented the interests of the bourgeoisie. 他们代表中产阶级的利益。The Goncourts were careful artists. 龚古尔兄弟是很细致的艺术家。The Thompsons arrived at 7 o'clock this evening. 汤普森一家今晚七点钟到达。

4) 还可和某些形容词连用,表示一类人(a)或某种品质(b):a. He never envied the rich their luxurious pleasures. 他从不羡慕富人们骄奢淫逸的生活。Thus the privileged numbered less than 600,000. 因此特权阶级不超过六十万人。In a week or two I'll be among the unemployed. 一两周后我将加入失业大军。These seats are for the disabled. 这些座位是留给残疾人的。b. I was weak,afraid to venture the unknown. 我很脆弱,不敢探查未知世界。She admires the mystical. 她喜欢那些神奇古怪的事。He has a strong dislike for the sentimental. 他非常讨厌多愁善感无病呻吟。Their aim was to discover the good,the beautiful and the true. 他们的目标是发掘真善美。

5) 另外还可和一些表示世上独一无二的东西的名词一道用:Do you know how big the universe is?你知道宇宙有多大吗?There was a rainbow in the sky. 天上有一道彩虹。The sun lights and warms the earth. 太阳照亮地球并供给能量。The moon had risen. 月亮已经升起。The Milky Way is a bright band of stars. 银河系是一条明亮的星带。The air was full of butterflies. 空中飞满蝴蝶。此外还有the Equator(赤道),the outer space(外层空间),the atmosphere(大气层),the solar system(太阳系),the North Pole(北极),the Tropic of Cancer(北回归线),the tropics(热带地区)等。

4.3 各类名词前的冠词用法

4.3.1 专有名词前冠词的用法


人名:Shakespeare,Jack London,Queen Elizabeth,Little Tom,Big Hugh,John Smith junior;

地名:Paris,Los Angeles,Russia,ancient Rome,East Africa,Western Europe,Southern France,North America;



1) 在某些地理名词前要加定冠词:

a. 江,河,海,洋:the Yangtze River长江,he Hudson River 哈得孙河,he Pearl River 珠江,the Red Sea 红海,the Mediterranean 地中海,the Indian Ocean 印度洋,the Pacific Ocean 太平洋,the Arctic 北冰洋。

b. 山脉,群岛:the Tian Shan Mountains 天山山脉,the Rocky Mountains 洛矶山脉,the Philippines 菲律宾群岛,the Riukiu Islands 硫球群岛,the West Indies 西印度群岛。

但: Mount Emei 峨眉山,Christmas Island 圣诞岛。

c. 海峡,海湾:the English Channel 英吉利海峡,the Taiwan Straits 台湾海峡,the Bay of Biscay比斯开湾,the Gulf of Mexico 墨西哥湾。

湖名前一般不加冠词,如:Lake Success 成功湖,Dongting Lake 洞庭湖,Lake Baikal 贝加尔湖。

但个别湖名前也有加the的,如:the Lake of Geneva 日内瓦湖,the West Lake 西湖,the Great Salt Lake大盐湖。

另外有少数地名前通常加the:the Netherlands 荷兰,the Vatican 梵蒂冈,the Balkans 巴尔干半岛各国,the Middle Esat 中东,the Hague 海牙,the Ukraine 乌克兰,the Caucasaus 高加索,the Crimea 克里米亚半岛,the Sahara 撒哈拉大沙漠,the Sudan 苏丹,the Yemen也门。

2) 由普通名词构成的专有名词很多要加the:

a. 某些国名及政治组织名称:

the People's Republic of China,the United States,the United Kingdom,the United Nations,the General Assembly,the Security Council,the People's Congress,the House of Commons,the Republican Party。(但Parliament和Congress前不加the)

b. 某些机构、学校、建筑物等的名词:the British Museum,the National Gallery,the Philadelphia Orchestra,the Victoria Chest Hospital,the Bronx Zoo,the Midland Bank,the University of Washington,the Royal College of Art,the Harlow Technical College,the Odeon Cinema,the Pentagon 五角大楼,the Hilton(Hotel),the Phoenix(Theatre),the Titanic 泰坦尼克号。(但也有一些不加冠词,如Buckingham Palace,Westminster Abbey,Brools Hotel)

c. 某些报刊杂志的名称:the New York Times 纽约时报,the Chicago Tribune 芝加哥论坛报,the Washington Post 华盛顿邮报,he Labour Monthly 劳动月刊,he Daily News 每日新闻,he Observer 观察家报,the Economist 经济学家杂志,he Times 泰晤士报。(但有些也不加,如Life 生活杂志,Newsweek 新闻周刊,Harper's 哈珀斯杂志)

3) 下面这类名词前通常不加冠词:

a. 多数街名:Fleet Street 舰队街,Marston Road 玛斯登道,Riverside Avenue 滨河大道,Park Lane 派克巷,Rodeo Drive 罗狄欧路,Sunset Boulevard 日落大道。(但:the High Street)

b. 多数广场名:Russel Square 罗素广场,Berkeley Square 贝克莱广场,Times Square 时代广场,Piccadilly Circus 皮卡迪利圆形广场(但:the Red Square)。

c. 车站、机场、公园、桥梁名:Central Station 中央车站,Kennedy Airport 肯尼迪机场,Central Park 中央公园,Waterloo Bridge 滑铁卢大桥(但:the Golden Gate Bridge)。

d. 大学名:Harvard University 哈佛大学,Oxford University 牛津大学,Oregon State University 俄勒冈州立大学,Balliol College 贝里欧学院。(但:the University of East Anglia,the Institute for Contemparary Arts)

e. 节日名:National Day 国庆节,May Day 五一节,New Year's Day 新年,Christmas圣诞节,Easter 复活节,Thanksgiving Day 感恩节,St. Valentine's Day 情人节,International Women's Day国际妇女节。(但:the Mid-Autumn Festival,the Spring Festival)

f. 多数杂志名:Time 时代周刊,New Scientist 新科学家,English Language Teaching 英语教学,U.S. News and World Report 美国新闻与世界报导,Reader's Digest 读者文摘。

4) 人名前一般不加冠词,但在一些特殊情况下也可以加,如:A Mrs Green is waiting to see you. 一位格林夫人等着见你。My boss is a little Napolean. 我的老板是一个小拿破仑。I didn't know you were an ardent Romeo. 我不知道你是一个热情的罗密欧。The Smith you're looking for no longer lives here. 你找的史密斯现在不住这儿。The little Vesta was now eighteen months old. 小薇斯塔现在有十八个月大了。The theory was advanced by the great Einstein. 这理论是伟大的爱因斯坦提出的。

还可以用在某些专有名词前表示一种车、一张某人的画像等:The car was a Buick,not a Benz. 那辆车是别克,不是奔驰。He had a Van Gogh in the dining room. 他的餐厅里有一张凡高的画。What a strange London he saw! 他看到的是一个多么奇怪的伦敦!He ordered a second Martini. 他又叫了一杯马提尼酒。4.3.2 抽象名词前冠词的用法

1) 抽象名词前一般不加冠词:The music is full of life. 这音乐充满活力。Practice makes perfect.(谚)熟能生巧。I wish you joy. 祝你愉快。While there is life there is hope.(谚)有生命就有希望。

即使前面有形容词修饰,一般也不加冠词:She cared little for social life. 她对社交生活不太有兴趣。This invitation gave him particular joy. 这项邀请使他非常高兴。He has always been interested in classical music. 他一向喜欢古典音乐。You have given me fresh hope. 你给了我新的希望。

2) 若抽象名词用于特指(即指特定的内容),特别是有一个限制性定语修饰时,多加定冠词:Minor accidents can shorten the life of a car. 小事故也可能缩短车的寿命。Her children were the joy of her life. 她的孩子是她生活的乐趣。The younger generation is the hope of the nation. 年轻一代是国家的希望。He went on playing the music of Mozart. 他继续演奏莫扎特的乐曲。


限制性定语(Limiting Attributes)指of引导的定语或某些定语从句,它们限制名词的意义,使指特定的内容,和它相对的则是描绘性定语(Descriptive Attributes)(这种定语只描绘,不限定意思):

3) 抽象名词在一定的情况下可加不定冠词,用来表示:

a. 一种、一场等:She always had an affection for me. 她一向对我有感情。He had a strong dislike for cold weather. 他很讨厌寒冷的天气。She showed a certain elegance. 她表现出一种优雅的风度。He felt a great tenderness for Ruth. 他对露丝感到一种深情。It was a just war. 这是一场正义的战争。

b. 某动作的一次、一例等:Do you care for a smoke?抽支烟好吗?The report called for a public inquiry. 该报告要求进行一次公开调查。He made a careful check of the accounts. 他对账目进行了仔细检查。It made a good analysis of the situation. 它很好地分析了形势。

c. 引起某种情绪的人或事:This work has been a great joy. 这项工作使人感到很愉快。He is a shame to his family. 他使他的家人蒙羞。Seeing him so active was a great encouragement. 看他这样积极很令人鼓舞。Her son was a great disappointment to her. 她的儿子很让她失望。

d. 表示某种品质的具体行动、人或东西:Would you do me a favor?你能帮我一个忙吗?You were a great help to us. 你对我们很有帮助。In some places,white bread is a luxury. 在某些地方白面包都是奢侈品。A forced kindness deserves no thanks. 勉强的善行不值得感谢。

由于每个抽象名词情况都不一样,不清楚时最好查一本较好的词典。4.3.3 物质名词前冠词的用法

1) 物质名词前一般不加冠词:Do you like tea or would you prefer coffee?你要茶还是愿意喝咖啡?We can't live without air. 没有空气我们就不能生存。We use water for drinking and washing. 我们饮水并用水洗东西。They were digging for gold. 他们在挖找金子。We expect snow before morning. 我们预计清晨前会下雪。

即使前面有形容词,一般也不加冠词:Is that Indian tea or Chinese tea?这是印度茶还是中国茶?Cold air blew in through the open window. 冷空气从开着的窗子吹了进来。Is this fresh water?这是淡水吗?It's made of pure gold. 它是纯金打造的。Heavy snow is reported in the north. 据报导北方下大雪。

2) 物质名词特指时前面也可以加the:How do you like the tea?这茶你觉得怎样?The air was bad.(房里的)空气很不好。Someone has fallen into the water! 有人掉水里去了!The gold they found weighed two kilos. 他们找到的黄金有两公斤重。The visitor disappeared in the whirling snow. 客人消失在飞旋的雪花中。Don't stand in the rain. 别站在雨里。

3) 物质名词前间或加不定冠词,表示:

a. 一场,一阵:A heavy snow was falling. 下着一场大雪。There was a light rain falling. 下着一阵小雨。Last night there was a terrible storm. 昨晚下了一阵可怕的暴雨。

b. 一种:It was a wonderful tea. 这是一种很好的茶。The bakery makes a very fine rye bread. 那家面包房制作一种很好吃的黑麦面包。A high-grade paper is made from rushes. 有一种高档纸是灯心草做的。

c. 一份:A large coffee for me. 给我一大杯咖啡。You may as well bring me a chocolate too. 你不妨也给我一份巧克力。I want a strawberry ice-cream. 我要一份草莓冰淇淋。

4.4 不用或省略冠词的情况

4.4.1 零冠词

在不少情况下,名词前不加冠词,可以称作零冠词(Zero Article)。除上面谈到的一些不用冠词的情况,还有下面这些值得注意:

1) 当一个名词用作表语或同位语等表示一个领导职位时,前面常不加冠词(也可说省略掉冠词):In 1993 Bill Clinton became(the)President of the United States. 1993年克林顿成为美国总统。He is still head of the organization. 他仍然是这个组织的首脑。This is Professor Brockbank,head of the history department. 这是历史系主任布洛克邦教授。He succeeded his father as president of the company. 他接替他父亲担任公司董事长。This is Mr. Kirk,director of the Department of African Affairs. 这是非洲司司长科克先生。They appointed him minister to a foreign country. 他们任命他为驻外公使。

尽管指普通员工,某些职务名称前也有不加冠词的趋势:I'm coming back to take the job of foreign editor. 我将回来当外语编辑。She worked as correspondent to a local newspaper. 她担任当地一家报纸的记者。

在turn后的表语都不带冠词:He was a Conservative but he turned Socialist. 他原是保守党员后来成了社会党人。He has turned botanist(Mahammedan). 他成了植物学家(回教徒)。

在title和rank后,名词前也多不带冠词:I prefer the title of reporter. 我更喜欢记者的头衔。That officer holds the rank of captain. 那位军官的官阶为上尉。

2) 个体名词抽象化后,前面也不加冠词:He has to get ready for college. 他得准备好上大学。They decided to send their son to university. 他们决定送儿子上大学。We were at school together. 我们在一起上学。It was too early for bed. 现在睡觉还太早了一点。There's room for three more. 还可以容纳三个人。What time does church begin?什么时候开始做礼拜?You should go into hospital at once. 你应当马上去住院。The trees were all in flower. 树都开花了。The thief was sent to prison for a year. 小偷要蹲一年监狱。She went by bus(boat/plane/car). 她坐巴士(船/飞机/汽车)去。

在大量短语中的名词前不加冠词,如:from beginning to end 从头到尾from head to foot 从头到脚from day to day 日复一日from time to time 不时地year after year 年复一年in case of 在…的情况下in place of 代替on foot(holiday) 步行(度假)make fun of 拿…开玩笑make room for 给…腾地方

3) 表示季节、月份、日期的名词前一般不加冠词:Spring was at hand. 春天即将到来。She was born in April. 她是四月出生的。He is arriving on Monday. 他将于星期一到达。October 1st is our National Day. 十一是国庆节。

如果有限制性定语修饰,则应加定冠词:Nanchang Uprising took place on the 1st of August,1927. 南昌起义是1927年8月1日举行的。It happened in the summer of 1937. 这事发生在1937年夏天。

4) 在daybreak,dusk,dawn,noon,midnight,sunset,sunrise这类名词前通常不加冠词:At daybreak we started on our journey. 天亮时我们起程了。The attack came just before dawn. 拂晓前进攻开始了。At dusk the lights of the city come on. 黄昏时分城里的灯亮了。The workers ate fast food at noon. 工人们中午吃快餐。It's getting on for midnight. 快到午夜了。We left home at sunrise. 日出时我们离开了家。After sunset,the sky darkened rapidly. 太阳落山后天很快就黑了。Before daylight it started to drizzle. 天亮前开始下起毛毛雨。

偶尔前面可加定冠词:The dawn here in the mountains is beautiful. 这儿山里的黎明是美丽的。One cannot see very far in the dusk. 暮色中我们看不到很远。

5) 在呼语、家人及亲属名称后常不加冠词:Be quiet,children! 安静点,孩子们!Thank you,sir. 谢谢你,先生。Can I help you,ma'am(madam)?我能为你做点什么,夫人?Can I get you anything to drink,father?我能给你弄点什么喝的吗,爸?Mother is with Grandma. 妈和奶奶在一起。Auntie is in the kitchen. 姨在厨房里。Big sister is playing chess with uncle. 大姐在和叔叔下棋。

甚至cock,nurse这样的词有时看作家庭成员,前面也可不加冠词:Come quickly,nurse. 奶妈,快来。

6) 在一些并列名词前,常可不加冠词,如:Mother and child are doing fine. 母子平安。When host and guest appeared,they received a standing ovation. 当宾主出现时,大家长时间起立鼓掌。Father and son went to New York by a morning train. 父子两人坐早上的火车去了纽约。It has handed down from father to son for many generations. 这东西父传子已传了许多代了。He went head over heels into the water. 他倒栽葱掉进水里。I cannot make head or tail of your letter. 我看不懂你的信。

此外还有不少这类并列词组,如:shoulder to shoulder 并肩side by side 并排hand in hand 手牵手arm in arm 手挽手tit for tat 以牙还牙step by step 一步步地back to back 背靠背地Face to face 面对面地heart and soul 全心全意地heart-to-heart 推心置腹地4.4.2 冠词省略的情况


1) 新闻标题:(The)City Congress(is)to be in session Friday 市议会星期五开会(A)Hotel Fire Disaster 饭店大火成灾

2) 通知说明:(The)Lift(is)out of order. 电梯坏了。Cut along(the)dotted line. 沿虚线剪开。

3) 提纲:(The)Algerian Crisis led to(the)downfall of(the)French government in May 1958. 阿尔及利亚危机导致法国政府于1958年5月倒台。(The)Causes of World WarⅡ: massive re-armament,(the)invasion... 第二次世界大战起因:大规模重新武装,入侵捷克…

4) 剧本提示:Vossilisa(Open door quickly;to Alyushka):You here again?薇希丽莎(迅速开门;对阿留希说):你又来了?Exit into garden. 出去进入花园。

5) 书名:(An)Outline Political History of the Americas 美洲政治史纲(The)BBC English Dictionary BBC英语词典

第5章 代词

5.1 概说

5.1.1 代词的分类

代词可以分为下面几类:● 人称代词(Personal Pronouns)● 物主代词(Possessive Pronouns)● 自身代词(Self Pronouns)● 相互代词(Reciprocal Pronouns)● 指示代词(Demonstrative Pronouns)● 疑问代词(Interrogative Pronouns)● 连接代词(Conjunctive Pronouns)● 关系代词(Relative Pronouns)● 不定代词(Indefinite Pronouns)5.1.2 代词的作用


1) 主语:This is our new home. 这是我们的新家。Both are from the South. 两人都是南方人。Who is on the phone?谁在打电话?

2) 宾语:I have read neither of the books. 这两本书我都没看过。Take good care of yourself. 多多保重。We should help each other. 我们应互相帮助。

3) 表语:That's not mine. 那不是我的。Who is it?——It's me. 谁呀?——是我。I'm not quite myself today. 我今天不太舒服。

4) 同位语:We both live in the dormitory. 我们两人都住宿舍。You yourself are to blame. 这得怪你自己。He ate them all. 他把它们全吃了。

5) 呼语:You sit here. 你坐这儿。Get out,both of you! 你俩都滚出去!Be patient,everybody. 大家都耐心点。

偶作宾语的补语(和宾语一道构成复合宾语):What do you call it?这个你们叫作什么?

在很多情况下,代词也可用作定语,较早的语法学家仍认为它是代词,如:It's my book.(比较:It's John's book.)I'll take that shirt.(比较:I'll take the blue shirt.)

现在主要有两种说法。美国语言学家多把作定语用的这类词称作形容词,例如下面句子中的斜体部分,他们都称作形容词:There are many reasons why I moved to New York. 我搬到纽约有很多原因。Few people showed up for the party. 没几个人出席这次聚会。This watch cost $100. 这只表花了一百美元。Mary washed each piece of fruit. 玛丽把每个水果都洗了。

而英国的一些语言学家则把它们称作限定词(Determiners)。5.1.3 限定词


1)冠词(Article):Anne is in the garden. 安妮在花园里。You need a visa to go there. 你去那里需要签证。

2)指示形容词(Demonstrative Adjectives):This time last year we were in Canada. 去年这时我们在加拿大。Who owns those dogs?那些狗是谁的?

3)物主代词(Possessive Determiners):The girls are with their mother. 姑娘们和她们的母亲在一起。A tree drops its leaves in autumn. 树在秋天会落叶。

4)不定限定词(Indefinite Determiners):Did you catch any fish?你捕到鱼了吗?There are two sides to every question. 每个问题都有两方面。



5.2 人称代词和物主代词

5.2.1 人称代词

1) 英语中有下面这些人称代词:

2) 人称代词在句中可用作:

a. 主语:I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起我来晚了。Is he married?——No,he's single. 他结婚了吗?——没有,是单身。He(She) majors in English. 他(她)主修英语。We(They) are both from the south. 我俩(他俩)都是南方人。

在口语中有时用宾格,尤其是在than引导的从句中:Who found Gran's watch?——Me. 谁找到格兰的表的?——我。John is smaller than him. 约翰个子比他小。She is cleverer than me. 她比我聪明。

b. 宾语(需用宾格)或介词宾语:Tell him(her) to call back a little later. 请他(她)过一会再打电话来。You don't need to thank me(us). 你不需要谢我(们)。Put it(them) on the table,please. 请把它(们)放在桌上。She has great concern for us(me/him). 她很关心我们(我/他)。

c. 表语(在口语中常用宾格):I saw at once it was her. 我马上看出是她。If I were her(him),I'd take the job. 我要是她(他),我会接受这份工作。Don't blame Tom. It's me who broke it. 别怪汤姆,是我打破的。Did you see who it was?——Them,of course. 你看见是谁了吗?——当然是他们。

但在笔语中仍宜用主格:It's I(me). 是我。It was she who had been wrong. 是她错了。

3) she除了指“她”外,还可表示:

a. 雌性动物:I stroked the cat and she rubbed against my leg. 我抚摸猫,它蹭我的腿。The mare whined when she saw her master. 这匹母马见到主人时会嘶叫。

b. 船只,车辆:She is a fine ship. 这是条很好的船。Nice car—how much did she cost?好车——买它花了多少钱?

c. 国家:Spain is a major car manufacturer. She exports cars to the UK. 西班牙是个重要的汽车生产国,它出口汽车到英国。English has done what she promised to do. 英国已履行了它的承诺。

4) we,you两词可用来泛指一般人:We all have our weaknesses. 我们(人)都有弱点。We(You) need to consider all these factors. 我们(你)需要考虑所有这些因素。You can never tell what they will do next. 谁也说不上他们下一步会做什么。

they也可泛指一般人:They say prices are going to increase again. 据说物价又要上涨。They don't make decent furniture nowadays. 现今做不出像样的家具。

5) it可有许多用法,表示:

a. 某样东西:Where's my map?I left it on the table. 我的地图哪里去了?我(刚才)放在桌上的。Look at the bird. It always comes to my window. 瞧那只鸟,它老飞到我窗口来。

b. 抽象事物:You've saved my life. I shall never forget it. 你救过我的命,我永远不会忘记的。“I want to stay.”“Your wife won't like it.”“我想留下。”“你妻子不会赞成的。”

c. 不知性别的孩子(婴儿):Her new baby is tiny. It only weighs 2 kilos. 她刚生的婴儿个头很小,才两公斤。What a beautiful baby—is it a boy?多漂亮的宝宝呀——是男孩吗?

d. 某种感觉或情况:Does it itch much?痒得厉害吗?Where does it hurt?哪儿疼?How is it going with you?你情况怎样?

e. 是谁:Who is that(it)?——It's me. 是谁(来电话)?——是我。Is that Tom over there?——No,it's Peter. 那边是汤姆吗?——不,是彼得。

f. 时间、日期等:What time is it?——It is eight o'clock. 现在几点钟?——八点。What's the date?——It's the third of April. 今天几号?——四月三号。

g. 天气、环境等:It's raining(snowing). 天在下雨(下雪)。It's so noisy(quiet)in the room. 房间里很吵(安静)。In winter it's dark at six o'clock. 冬天六点钟天就黑了。

h. 距离等:How far is it to Chicago?——It is 800 kilometers. 这儿离芝加哥有多远?——八百公里。It's 112 miles from London to Birmingham. 从伦敦到伯明翰有112英里。it还有一些特殊用法,详见第19.2.1—19.2.5和21.3.1—21.3.3节。5.2.2 物主代词

1) 物主代词有下面这些:

2) 形容词型物主代词有些语法学家称为限定词,主要在句中用作定语:Is this your(his/her) seat?这是你的(他的/她的)座位吗?Their(My/Our) house looks on to the sea. 他们(我的/我们)的房子面临大海。What's your nationality?你(们)是哪国人?The cat's had its dinner. 猫已吃过(它的)饭了。The swimming club held its Annual General Meeting last night. 游泳俱乐部昨晚开了年度会员大会。The baby threw down its rattle. 婴儿把他的拨浪鼓扔掉了。The government has changed its(their) policy. 政府改变了它的政策。The cuckoo lays her eggs in other birds' nests. 杜鹃把蛋下在别的鸟的窝里。

3) 形容词型物主代词还可和own连用,在句中:

a. 作定语:I always write for my own people. 我总是为我自己的人民写作。Virtue is its own reward.(谚)有德便是有报。He arranged for me to study with his own children. 他安排我和他自己的孩子一道学习。She did it of her own free will. 她自愿这样做的。

b. 作表语、宾语等:My time isn't my own. 我的时间不是我自己的。It's her friend's car,not her own. 这是她朋友的车,不是她自己的车。Their views are similar to our own. 他们的看法和我们自己的看法相似。

c. 和of连用:The accident happened through no fault of her own. 事故绝非出于她自己的过错。We have no children of our own. 我们没有自己的孩子。I wish to God I had a lab of my own. 我乞求上帝让我有一个自己的实验室。

4) 名词型的物主代词可以:

a. 作表语:Is this your book or mine?这是你的书还是我的书?This suit is his. 这套衣服是他的。Is that old black cat yours?那只老黑猫是你们的吗?

b. 作主语:That isn't my car;mine is being repaired. 这不是我的车,我的车在修。Ours is the only garden in the lane. 我们的花园是这条巷子里唯一的花园。Yours is on that shelf. 你的在那个书架上。

c. 作宾语或介词宾语:We'll have to separate ours from theirs. 我们得把我们的和他们的分开。I like yours better than ours. 我喜欢你(们)的胜过我们自己的。Her daughter is rather stupid,but both of yours are very clever. 她的女儿很愚钝,可你的两个女儿都很聪明。

d. 和of连用:An old friend of mine has just had a child. 我的一位老友刚生了个孩子。I borrowed a tie of his. 我借了他一条领带。He is a great admirer of yours. 他是你的崇拜者。This girl of mine wrote to say she was coming from Paris today. 我的那个女儿来信说她今天从巴黎来。That fool of a sister of ours! 我们的那个傻妹妹!

△yours常写在信末:对陌生人可以写“yours faithfully”或“yours truly”,对见到过的人可以写“yours sincerely”,对朋友可写“yours”或“yours ever”。

5.3 自身代词和相互代词

5.3.1 自身代词

1) 自身代词也称反身代词(Reflexive Pronouns),主要有下面这些:


2) 自身代词主要用作宾语:John dressed himself in the most formal suit. 约翰穿得衣冠楚楚。They should blame themselves for the accident. 出这事应怪他们自己。This refrigerator defrosts itself. 这冰箱是自动除霜的。I hope you'll enjoy yourselves. 希望你们玩得好。Let me introduce myself. 我来介绍一下自己。To deceive oneself is very easy. 骗自己是容易的。I had a fit of rage—I could hardly control myself. 我勃然大怒——简直无法控制自己。He reproached himself for his behavior that evening. 他为他那天晚上的表现而自责。She prided herself on her cooking. 她为自己的烹调技术感到骄傲。She busied herself(in)tidying up her desk. 她忙着收拾她的写字台。


3) 自身代词也常常用作介词宾语:She looked at herself in the mirror. 她照了照镜子。Take good care of yourself. 好好保重。He ought to be ashamed of himself. 他应当感到惭愧。The three boys discussed the matter among themselves. 那三个小伙子讨论了这件事。I'm annoyed with myself. 我生我自己的气。She was speaking to herself. 她在自言自语。He didn't pay for himself. 他自己没付钱。You must learn to look after yourself. 你要学会照顾自己。

4) 自身代词有时用作主语或宾语的同位语:The president himself gave her the medal. 校长亲自给她颁发了奖章。Mary herself opened the door. 玛丽亲自开了门。I myself used to have literary ambitions. 我自己过去也有文学方面的雄心壮志。The novel itself has glaring faults. 小说本身有严重缺陷。I must begin by telling about the girls themselves. 我得先谈谈姑娘们自己的情况。I liked the diamond itself but not the setting. 我喜欢的是钻石本身,而不是它的底座。She wanted to see Tom himself. 她想见汤姆本人。

有时自身代词有强调作用,近乎状语:I'll do it myself. 这事我自己来做。She made the dress herself. 这连衣裙是她自己做的。Henry opened the safe himself. 亨利亲自打开了保险柜。You'd better go there yourselves. 你们最好自己到那里去。

5) 自身代词有时还可用作表语(a),间或还可用作主语(b):

a.I haven't been myself for weeks. 这几个星期我身体一直欠佳。Now I'm quite myself again. 现在我身体已复原了。That poor girl was myself . 那个可怜的女孩就是我自己。

b. Both my sister and myself were anxious about it. 我妹妹和我自己都很为这事着急。I hope Miss Glenn and yourself are keeping well. 我希望格林小姐和你都好。My brother is as worried as myself. 我弟弟和我自己一样发愁。

6) 自身代词还可用在一些成语中:

a. among yourselves(themselves,etc)你们(他们等)相互间:





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