
发布时间:2020-05-18 14:57:13


作者:新东方烹饪教育 组编






编委会主任 金晓峰

编委会副主任 汪俊

编委 谭荣华 温杰峰 冯吉香 王海森

拍摄 吴礼洋

第1章 沙拉

凯撒沙拉Caesar Salad菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


Fresh and salty, rich in nutrition


Caesar salad is known as the king of salad. One day,the restaurant almost ran out of ingredients , Chef Caesar Cardini made Caesar salad with what he had.原料(Ingredients)

罗马生菜 Romaine Lettuce 200g

蛋黄酱 Mayonnaise 500ml

面包丁 Croutons 10g

盐 Salt适量

培根 Bacon 20g

胡椒 Pepper 适量

大蒜 Garlic 5g

醍鱼柳 Anchovy 2条

帕玛森芝士粉 Parmesan Cheese Powder 10g

鸡胸肉 Chicken breast 50g温馨提示(Kindly Reminder)

鸡胸肉可选择放,也可选择不放。(Chicken breast meat is optional.)制作过程(Method)

①将所有原料准备齐全。(Prepare all the ingredients.)

②将罗马生菜洗净,切成2cm左右的长段。在蛋黄酱中加入大蒜末、醍鱼柳碎、帕玛森芝士粉,搅拌均匀成酱汁。(Wash Romaine Lettuce and cut them into 2cm length. For preparing the salad dressing, mix mayonnaise with grind garlic, chopped anchovy and Parmesan Cheese Powder.)

③将培根放入煎锅中煎熟。(Pan-fry the bacon.)

④将鸡胸肉用基本味腌制(盐、胡椒)后煎至上色,放入烤箱(180℃,烤8分钟),取出冷却后切成片。(Marinade chicken breast , put it into oven at 180℃ for 8 minutes, take out from oven and cool it, cut them into slices.)

⑤将做好的酱汁放入色拉中搅拌均匀。(Mix the dressings with salad and stir well.)

⑥最后撒上培根片、面包丁、芝士粉,装盘即可。(Finally sprinkle with bacon slices,diced bread and cheese powder,and it is ready to serve.)希腊沙拉Greek Salad菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


A fresh and colorful salad with lots of healthy ingredients原料(Ingredients)

菲达芝士 Feta Cheese 10g

番茄 Tomato 5g

洋葱 Onion 10g

柠檬 Lemon 50g

黄瓜 Cucumber 10g

欧芹 Parsley 10g

红酒醋 Red wine vinegar 10g

生菜 Lettuce 10g

大蒜 Garlic 5g

彩椒 Pepper 3g

黑橄榄 Black olive 5g

橄榄油 Olive oil 5g

阿里根奴 Oregano 5g

盐 Salt 3g

胡椒 Pepper 5g制作过程(Method)

①将所有原料准备齐全。(Prepare all the ingredients.)

②将黄瓜、彩椒、洋葱、番茄切丁,黑橄榄切小圈。(Dice the cucumber, peppers, onion,tomato, cut black olive into small rings.)

③将菲达芝士切丁,将原料中的蔬菜(番茄、洋葱、黄瓜、生菜、彩椒)加工成型后备用。(Dice the Feta Cheese into cubes , get ready for all washed up vegetables, set aside.)

④将大蒜、欧芹切末,加入柠檬汁、红酒醋、阿里根奴、橄榄油、盐和胡椒,做成红酒醋汁。(Chop garlic and parsley , add lemon juice, red wine vinegar, Oregano, olive oil, salt and pepper to make red wine vinegar dressing.)

⑤将红酒醋汁淋在蔬菜色拉里拌匀。(Pour red wine vinegar dressing over salad , stir well.)

⑥最后,加入欧芹、黑橄榄装盘即可。(Add parsley and black olive,it is ready to serve .)温馨提示(Kindly Reminder)

酱汁不可提前放,否则生菜容易蔫掉。(Put the salad dressing at the end, otherwise the lettuces will get watery.)番茄奶酪沙拉Tomato with Mozzarella Cheese Salad菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


Rich milk flavor, soft and smooth, bright colou原料(Ingredients)

番茄 Tomato 100g

马苏里拉芝士 Mozzarella Cheese 100g

罗勒叶 Basil Leaves 5g

松子仁 Pine nuts 150ml

大蒜 Garlic 10g

帕玛森芝士粉 Parmesan Cheese powder 10g

橄榄油 Olive oil 5g

盐 Salt 4g

胡椒 Pepper 5g温馨提示(Kindly Reminder)(1)番茄和芝士切片厚薄一致。(Tomato and cheese slice should be cut into the same size and thickness.)(2)罗勒酱最好现做现打,可以保持鲜艳的绿色。(Freshly made Basil Sauce can keep bright green.)制作过程(Method):

①将所有原料准备齐全。(Prepare all the ingredients.)

②将番茄切成1厘米厚的薄片。(Cut the tomatoes into slice of 1cm thick.)

③将马苏里拉芝士切成1厘米厚的薄片。(Cut the Mozzarella Cheese into slice of 1cm thick.)

④将大蒜、罗勒叶、帕玛森芝士粉、松子仁、盐、胡椒和橄榄油混合,放入搅拌机打成罗勒酱。(Add garlic,Basil Leaves, Parmesan Cheese Powder, pine nuts,salt,pepper and oliveoilintotheblender,mixin g wellakehlauce.)asiSBttome

⑤将罗勒酱、番茄片、芝士片摆盘。(Put Basil Sauce, tomato slices, cheese slices on the plate.)

⑥撒上松子仁,配上罗勒叶装盘即可。(Sprinkle with pine nuts and serve with Basil Leaves.)华尔道夫沙拉Waldorf Salad菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


Sour and sweet, rich in nutrition


Waldorf Salad has a history of more than 100 years. The original recipe was just celery, apple and mayonnaise. Then chopped walnut had been added, it taste well with apple and celery. Too wonderful for words!原料(Ingredients)

苹果 Apple 50g

葡萄干 Raisin 10g

西芹 Celery 20g

盐 Salt 5g

核桃仁 Walnut 5g

胡椒 Pepper 5g

蛋黄酱 Mayonnaise 10g

柠檬汁 Lemon juice 4g温馨提示(Kindly Reminder)(1)西芹和苹果丁需切得大小一致。(Celery and apple diced need to be cut in the same size.)(2)西芹需要刨去外面老筋。(The celery needs to be peeled.)制作过程(Method)

①将所有原料准备齐全。(Prepare all the ingredients.)

②将西芹去筋,洗净;苹果去皮,都切成1cm大小的丁。(Trim the celery ; peel the apples and cut them into 1cm chunks.)

③将核桃仁放入烤箱,用180℃烤8分钟,掰成小块。(Place walnuts on a baking tray,bake 180℃ for 8 minutes, roughly chop into small pieces.)

④将切好的苹果丁和西芹丁混合,加入蛋黄酱、盐、胡椒、柠檬汁拌匀。(Place the diced apple and celery, drizzle over the mayonnaise,salt,pepper,lemon juice and toss well.)

⑤撒上葡萄干和核桃。(Sp rinkle over raisins and walnuts.)

⑥放入装饰物装盘即可。(Add garnishes, then serve.)厨师沙拉Chef Salad菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


A fresh and delicious salad with lots of healthy ingredients原料(Ingredients)

红圆椒 Red pepper 20g

小番茄 Cherry tomato 适量

黄圆椒 Yellow pepper 20g

西芹 Celery 10g

青圆椒 Green pepper 20g

熟鸡蛋 Boiled egg 适量

洋葱 Onion 10g

车打芝士片 Cheddar Cheese 20g

生菜 Lettuce 25g

玉米 Corn 10g

火腿 Ham 20g

小萝卜 Radish 5g温馨提示(Kindly Reminder)

可根据需要配上油醋汁或色拉酱。(You may put the vinegar dressing or mayonnaise if necessary.)制作过程(Method)

①将所有原料准备齐全并洗净。(Prepare all the ingredients and get all washed.)

②将小番茄洗净后切成三角形。(Cut cherry tomatoes into triangle shape.)

③将彩椒切成三角形。(Cut pepper into triangle shape.)

④将熟鸡蛋、火腿、芝士切成小片,玉米煮熟后备用。(Cut boiled eggs, ham and cheese into small pieces,corn bailed and set aside.)

⑤将生菜、洋葱、小萝卜、西芹切片。(Slice the lettuce, onion,radish andcelery.)

⑥最后加入装饰物装盘即可。(Place the garnishes and it is ready to serve.)第2章 头盘烟熏三文鱼配牛油果泥Smoked Salmon with Avocado Puree菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


The palate is salty and fresh, sweet and sour, with a smoky flavor and bright colou原料(Ingredients)

烟熏三文鱼 Smoked salmon200g

牛油果 Avocado 50g

柠檬 Lemon 10g

糖 Sugar 10g

淡奶油 Cream 10g

黑橄榄 Black olive 5g

水瓜柳 Capers 5g

小萝卜 Radish 5g温馨提示(Kindly Reminder)

酸奶油可用淡奶油加柠檬汁制作而成。(Sour cream can be made of light cream and lemon juice.)制作过程(Method)

①将所有原料准备齐全。(Prepare all the ingredients.)

②将牛油果去核去皮,切成小块。(Peel the avocado skin and seeds,dice the avocado into small cubes.)

③在牛油果中加入糖和柠檬汁、水瓜柳,放入打汁机打成泥。(Put avocado into the blender, add sugar lemon juice and capers.)

④将烟熏三文鱼卷成花型,倒入牛油果泥。(Make smoked salmon roll into shape,then pour in puree.)

⑤将所有原料(如图)都加工成型备用。(Prepare all the ingredients as the picture .)

⑥最后挤上酸奶油,加入黑橄榄,装盘即可。(Place the sour cream and black olive,then serve with the dish.)鹅肝慕斯Foie Gras Mousse菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


This foie gras mousse is silky and creamy原料(Ingredients)

鹅肝 Foie gras 200g

芒果 Mango 30g

淡奶油 Cream 20g

草莓 Strawberry 10g

蓝莓 Blueberry 5g

糖 Sugar 10g

红酒 Red wine 10g

盐 Salt 5g

胡椒 Pepper 4g温馨提示(Kindly Reminder)

鹅肝必须选用新鲜的。(Fresh foie gras is necessary.)制作过程(Method)

①将所有原料准备齐全。(Prepare all ingredients.)

②将鹅肝去筋,然后用盐、胡椒及红酒腌制。(Trim the tender part of foie gras and marinate with salt, pepper and red wine.)

③将腌好的鹅肝放入真空袋,然后放入温水中煮30分钟。(Vacuum seal the foie gras in a cooking bag, place the foie gras in warm water for 30 minutes.)

④在煮熟冷却后的鹅肝中加入淡奶油,然后放入模具中,再放进冰箱冷藏一小时以上。(Add whipping cream to the foie gras, pour it in the mold and refrigerate foran hour.)

⑤将芒果和糖制成芒果酱垫底,放入鹅肝慕斯。(Place the mango jam at the bottom of foie gras mousse.)

⑥最后放上草莓、蓝莓,装盘即可。(Decoration with strawberry and blueberry, then serve.)煎金枪鱼配坚果碎Tuna with Mustard Nutty Crust菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


Such a colorful dish, it tastes crispy outside and soft inside


Tuna is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, It is a healthy food for women for beautifying, nourishing and losing weight. It has the prevention of arteriosclerosis and protection of the liver.原料(Ingredients)

金枪鱼 Tuna 150g

黑芝麻 Black Sesame 10g

开心果碎 Pistachio 10g

芥末 Mustard 50g

杏仁碎 Nutmeg 10g

浓缩黑醋 Balsamic 20g

草莓 Strawberry 10g

盐 Salt 4g

胡椒 Pepper 5g温馨提示(Kindly Reminder)(1)金枪鱼必须选用新鲜的。(Fresh tuna is necessary.)(2)坚果碎和黑芝麻也可以用烤箱烤熟。(Place the crushed nuts and Black Sesame seeds on the baking tray, and bake it until golden.)制作过程(Method)

①将所有原料准备齐全。(Prepare all the ingredients.)

②将金枪鱼切成型后用盐、胡椒腌制入味,然后放入热煎锅中煎上色。(Cut the tuna in strip, marinate with salt and pepper. Heat the pan,then pan-fry until it changes dark red colour.)

③将开心果碎、杏仁碎、黑芝麻炒熟备用。(Stir-fry the pistachio,nutmeg and the Black Sesame seeds.)

④将金枪鱼外面涂上芥末,然后裹上混合的坚果碎和黑芝麻。( Coat the tuna with mustard and the mixture of crushed nuts and Black Sesame seeds.)

⑤将金枪鱼改刀成型。(Using a sharp knife, slice the tuna into squares.)

⑥最后用浓缩黑醋画出轮廓,加入草莓等装饰物,装盘即可。(Outlines with balsamic,and place the garnish, then ready to serve.)海鲜鸡尾杯Seafood Cocktail菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


Sweet and sour, slightly spicy, bright in colour原料(Ingredients)

虾 Shrimp 100g

鱿鱼 Squid 100g

番茄酱 Tomato sauce20g

白兰地 Brandy 5g

美国辣酱汁 Tabasco 3g

李派林喼汁 Worcestershire5g

柠檬 Lemon 5g

盐 Salt 3g

胡椒 Pepper 2g

生菜 Lettuce 4g温馨提示(Kindly Reminder)(1)海鲜必须选用新鲜的。(Seafood must be fresh.)(2)装盘时选用鸡尾酒杯比较合适。(Cocktail cups are appropriate for serving.)制作过程(Method)

①将所有原料准备齐全。(Prepare all the ingredients.)

②将鱿鱼进行刀工处理。(Cut all the squid in the shape you want.)

③将虾放入沸水锅中焯水至成熟。(Put the shrimp in a boiling pot and blanch until it is cooked.)

④调制鸡尾汁:将番茄酱、李派林喼汁、美国辣酱汁、柠檬汁、白兰地、盐、胡椒混合后搅拌均匀。(Cocktail sauce: Mix tomato sauce,Worcestershire, lemon juice,Tabasco,Brandy, salt, pepper well.)

⑤在海鲜中拌入鸡尾汁调制入味。(Add cocktail sauce with cooked seafood to taste.)

⑥最后装盘时配上生菜和柠檬皮末。(Place the lettuce and lemon zest over the seafood then it,s ready to serve.)煎扇贝配南瓜泥Pan Fried Scallop with Pumpkin Puree菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


The palate is salty, fresh, creamy and bright in colour原料(Ingredients)

扇贝 Scallop 200g

节瓜 Zucchini 10g

南瓜 Pumpkin 100g

黄油 Butter 10g

胡萝卜 Carrot 5g

玉米 Corn 5g

胡椒 Pepper 5g

盐 Salt 6g温馨提示(Kindly Reminder)(1)扇贝可选用冰鲜的大扇贝。(Large frozen scallop can be used.)(2)南瓜可选择烤熟,也可选择蒸熟。(The pumpkin can be roasted or steamed.)制作过程(Method)

①将所有原料准备齐全。(Prepare all the ingredients.)

②将南瓜改刀后放入烤箱,用180℃烤1小时左右,然后打成泥。(Put pumpkin into the oven and roast with 180℃ for 1 hour, then puree.)

③将节瓜、胡萝卜切成长条片,焯水待用。(Put the zucchini,carrot into strips and blanch them.)

④起一个热锅,加入黄油、盐和胡椒,将扇贝腌制后煎熟,加入节瓜、胡萝卜、玉米煎入味。(Heat up with a pan, add butter, salt and pepper.Marinatescallosand p pan-fryhendducchini,carrotit,tzaand corn.)

⑤最后装盘即可。(Place the garnish and ready to serve.)培根肠仔卷Bacon with Sausage Roll菜肴特点(Dish Characteristic)


Salty and delicious, beautiful modeling, decorative pattern is clear原料(Ingredients)

培根 Bacon 50g

烧烤酱 Barbecue sauce 20g

香肠 Sausage 100g





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