跟美国学生同步学科学(彩色英文版 Grade 2)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-05-18 16:23:30


作者:(加) 韦恩·艾弗里特



跟美国学生同步学科学(彩色英文版 Grade 2)

跟美国学生同步学科学(彩色英文版 Grade 2)试读:

版权信息书名:跟美国学生同步学科学(彩色英文版 Grade 2)作者:(加) 韦恩·艾弗里特排版:KingStar出版社:天津人民出版社出版时间:2017-08-01ISBN:9787201120225本书由北京东方神鸟图书发行有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —01Animals of North America

North America has a lot of different animals. Mammals include small creatures like mice, and large creatures such as polar bears and moose. Many kinds of reptiles such as alligators, turtles, and snakes can also be found in North America. As for birds, there are large ones such as flamingos, as well as small ones such as hummingbirds and sparrows. These and many more animals may be found in North America.Word List

creatures: different kinds of animalsYou Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) What are some examples of birds that are found in North America?

2) What are some reptiles that can be found in North America?

3) What are some mammals that are found in North America?

4) What kinds of animals can be found where you live?

II. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No.

____ 1) Only large birds are found in North America.

____ 2) A sparrow is a kind of mammal.

____ 3) Alligators are not found in North America.

____ 4) A snake is a reptile.

____ 5) A polar bear is a reptile.

III. Fill in the blanks with words from the story.

1) M _ _ _ are small mammals.

2) North America has a wide v _ _ _ _ _ _ of animals.

3) A t _ _ _ _ _ is a kind of reptile.

4) M _ _ _ _ are large mammals.

5) Another word for animals is c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.02Animal and Plants Structures

Different animals have various features that help them to move, eat, hide, and hunt. For example, rattlesnakes have long, thin bodies that can bend and curve. This allows them to fit into holes and small spaces. Their teeth can inject venom into their prey. This helps keep the prey from escaping. Rattlesnakes' tails make a rattling sound that warns predators to stay away.

The grasshopper is another animal that has special features. Their green colour keeps them from being seen by predators. They also have long back legs, allowing them to jump.

Owls have a very good sense of hearing. This allows them to hear the creatures they are hunting. They are also able to fly very quietly so they can sneak up on their prey.Word List

features: special things that an animal can do

inject: to put inside an animal' s body with something sharp

venom: poison that can hurt or kill other animals

prey: animals that are being huntedYou Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) What are some special features that grasshoppers have?

2) Why are owls good at catching prey?

3) What special feature do rattlesnakes' teeth have?

4) What colour are grasshoppers?

5) If you could be a rattlesnake, grasshopper, or owl, which would you choose? Why?

II. What' s the word? Choose the correct words from the reading.

1) to move very quietly: s _ _ _ _ u _

2) to not go straight: c _ _ _ _

3) a poisonous material: v _ _ _ _

4) to not allow other animals to fi nd you: h _ _ _

III. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No for each.

____ 1) Owls are a kind of insect.

____ 2) The tail of a rattlesnake makes a sound.

____ 3) Rattlesnakes can fi t into small spaces.

____ 4) Owls fl y very noisily.

____ 5) Grasshoppers are very good at hiding.03The Life Cycle of a Frog

Female frogs lay large clumps of eggs, called spawn, in the water. After about three weeks, the embryo leaves the egg mass and turns into a tadpole.

Tadpoles have long tails and gills. They eat small plants and also use these plants as camoufl age from predators.

Tadpoles grow hind legs, and front legs come soon after. The tail then becomes smaller and the lungs develop to help it breathe on land.

The tadpole slowly becomes more frog-like. The tail becomes smaller, while the legs continue to grow. The frog has lungs that are fully developed and it lives on land most of the time. For food it eats insects and worms.Word List

clump: a large group of something

embryo: an animal that hasn' t been born yet

hind: back, behindYou Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) Where does a female frog lay eggs?

2) Why are plants useful to tadpoles?

3) When a tadpole turns into a frog, what happens to the tail?

4) What do frogs eat?

5) Where do frogs live?

II. Use information from the reading to complete the chart. Write Yes or No.

III. Fill in the missing words for each sentence.

1) An e _ _ _ _ _ has not been born yet.

2) Lungs help a frog breathe a _ _.

3) A tadpole has a long t _ _ _.

4) Tadpoles eat small p _ _ _ _ _.

5) A clump of frog eggs is called s _ _ _ _.04Real Life Science

A biologist is a kind of scientist who studies living things. Some biologists study plants and other biologists study animals. They help us learn about life in our world.

Some biologists work in labs while others work outdoors studying animals and plants. This is called fi eld work. Some biologists even help save forests or study sea animals.

Biologists need to learn how to solve problems. They want to know more about living things.Word List

lab: a special room for doing science work

fi eld work: doing science work outside of a labYou Practice

I. Complete the sentences with words from the reading.

1) A b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a scientist who studies living things.

2) Some biologists work outside. This is called f _ _ _ _ w _ _ _.

3) Some biologists work in a room called a l _ _.

4) Some biologists work to save f _ _ _ _ _ _ or study sea animals.

II. What' s the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the reading.

1) This is a place with many trees: f _ _ _ _ _

2) These can live in forests or oceans: a _ _ _ _ _ _

3) This is to learn more about something: s _ _ _ _

4) This area is not indoors: o _ _ _ _ _ _ _

III. Answer the following questions.

1) What does a biologist do?

2) Where do biologists work?

3) Would you like to be a biologist? Why or why not?05Review(Lessons 1- 4)

I. Fill in the blanks. Choose the correct words from lessons 1- 4 to complete the sentences.

1) Some scientists do f _ _ _ _ w _ _ _. They work outside.

2) An animal' s h _ _ _ legs are at the back.

3) A room where some scientists work is called a l _ _.

4) Snakes have v _ _ _ _ in their teeth.

5) A c _ _ _ _ is many things together.

II. Answer the following questions.

1) What are some creatures that you like?

2) What are some features that animals use to survive?

3) Would you like to do field work or work in a lab? Why?

4) What are some animals that are usually the prey of other animals?

5) Where can we find embryos?

III. Read each sentence carefully. Write Yes or No.

____ 1) Plants inject venom into their prey.

____ 2) A clump of things is more than three.

____ 3) People have hind legs.

____ 4) Different animals have different features.

____ 5) An embryo is very large.

IV. Draw a picture of a creature that has hind legs. What is it?

This is a ___________. It has hind legs.06Soil

Soil is the top layer of much of the Earth' s land surface. It is a mixture of broken rock, humus — bits of dead plants and animal waste — air, and water. Different kinds of soil have different sizes of rock particles and can be found in various places.

Soil is lost when it is blown by wind or carried away by rain or rivers. Mountain soil is gradually lost due to gravity if the trees that hold it are logged. This is called soil erosion. It can be prevented by keeping trees healthy.Word List

waste: material that comes out of animals after they eat

gradually: slowly

gravity: the force that pulls objects down to Earth

particles: very small pieces

logged: when trees are cut down

prevented: stoppedYou Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) What is soil made from?

2) How is soil lost?

3) How can soil erosion be prevented?

4) How is soil different in various places?

II. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No for each one.

____ 1) Cutting down trees is good for soil.

____ 2) Soil is sometimes carried away by rivers.

____ 3) There is no way to stop soil erosion.

____ 4) Soil is the bottom layer of the Earth' s surface.

____ 5) There are dead plants in soil.

III. What' s the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the reading.

1) This includes dead plants, broken rock, air, water, and animal waste:h _ _ _ _

2) This is at the top: s _ _ _ _ _ _

3) These are very small pieces: p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4) This means slowly, not quickly: g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5) This is when trees are cut down: l _ _ _ _ _07Creatures that Use Soil

The earthworm is an animal that is very important to soil. They mix up the various layers of soil and leave tunnels in the soil for air and water. They also decompose dead leaves and animal waste, leaving nutrients for plants to grow well.

Some other animals that live in soil are ants, centipedes, beetles, crickets, and snails.

These creatures that live in soil all help in a process called composting. This happens when plant and animal materials are broken down into tiny parts that become part of the soil. This happens naturally on the ground of every forest.Word List

nutrients: any materials that are good for living things

decompose: to break down into smaller partsYou Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) What are some animals that live in soil?

2) How do earthworms help the soil?

3) What is composting?

4) Where does composting happen?

II. Fill in the blanks. Complete the sentences with words from the reading.

1) A c _ _ _ _ _ _ is an example of an animal that lives in the soil.

2) Earthworms decompose dead l _ _ _ _ _

3) N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are good for living things.

4) Earthworms mix up layers of s _ _ _.

5) Composting happens in all f _ _ _ _ _ _.

III. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No.

____ 1) Centipedes live in soil.

____ 2) Sometimes there are tunnels in soil.

____ 3) All composting is done by people.

____ 4) Many different kinds of creatures live in soil.

____ 5) Most animals that live in soil are insects.08Rainforests

Rainforests are the habitat of many plants and animals. They have heavy rainfall and hot or mild temperatures.

An amazing variety of plants and animals live in rainforests. Most animals are found in the canopy, enjoying the seeds and fruits, and the Sun when it shines. Birds easily fly from treetop to treetop, but this layer is so dense that even flightless animals have no trouble getting around. There is almost daily rainfall in the rainforest and the large trees provide shade to the plants below. It is a struggle for smaller trees to reach the light.Word List

canopy: the level near the top of the trees

fl ightless: unable to fl y

struggle: very diffi cult

dense: many things very close togetherYou Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) Where are most animals in the rainforest found?

2) How often does the rainforest get rain?

3) What do animals in the canopy eat?

4) Why is it diffi cult for small trees to get enough light in the rainforest?

5) How can fl ightless animals get around the canopy?

II. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No.

____ 1) The temperature in all rainforests is hot.

____ 2) The canopy is the bottom layer of the forest.

____ 3) Many trees grow in the rainforest.

____ 4) All animals in the canopy are birds.

____ 5) The Sun never shines in the rainforest.

III. What' s the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the reading.

1) the place where animals live: h _ _ _ _ _ _

2) not hot: m _ _ _

3) the top of the forest: c _ _ _ _ _

4) a kind of protection from the Sun: c _ _ _ _ _

5) something that is very diffi cult: s _ _ _ _ _ _ _09Various Kinds of Plants

When new kinds of plants take over an area, they may become invasive plants because they make native plants struggle for survival.

Every time a forest or meadow is cleared for human development, some plants lose their habitat. If a plant is rare, it may be in danger of becoming extinct. There are many endangered plants in different countries. Some are protected by laws, and many conservation groups are trying to save them. They remove the invasive plants and grow more native plants in their place.Word List

invasive: plants from another country

meadow: an area with many plants, but not many trees

extinct: none left, zero

native: plants that are growing in the country they are fromYou Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) Why are invasive plants bad for native plants?

2) Why do native plants need to be protected?

3) What can cause plants to lose their habitat?

4) How do you think invasive plants come to new countries?

5) Why do you think plants are important for people?

II. Opposites—Find the opposites to these words in the reading.

1) common: r _ _ _

2) safe: d _ _ _ _ _

3) native: i _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4) remove: g _ _ _

5) few: m _ _ _

III. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No.

____ 1) If a plant is extinct, there are many of them.

____ 2) Humans sometimes take away the habitat of plants.

____ 3) Rare plants need to be protected.

____ 4) Conservation groups help to protect plants.

____ 5) Removing invasive plants can help native plants.10Review(Lessons 6-9)

I. Answer the following questions.

1) How are native and invasive plants different?

2) What are some animals that are flightless?

3) If something happens gradually, does it happen slowly or quickly?

4) Where is the canopy of the forest?

5) How is a meadow different from a forest?

II. Fill in the blanks with words from lessons 6—9.

1) There are no plants left. That kind of plant is e _ _ _ _ _ _.

2) Many trees were cut down in that forest. It was l _ _ _ _ _.

3) Some animals must s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to survive. It is very difficult.

4) There are many trees close together in that forest. It is very d _ _ _ _.

5) Part of the soil is made from animal w _ _ _ _.

III. What' s the word? Using the clues, write the correct word from lessons 6—9.

1) These things are very good for our bodies: n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2) We use this word if something was stopped: p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3) These are very small pieces: p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4) This is what pulls things back to Earth: g _ _ _ _ _ _

5) Plants do this after they die: d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

IV. Draw a picture of a flightless animal. What is it?

This is a flightless animal. It is a __________.11Friction

Friction is a force that happens when two objects rub against each other. Its direction is the opposite direction of movement.

Friction can be either good or bad for us. Sometimes we can even change the amount of friction.

When we go skating, we don' t go fast because the ice is very slippery. When you skate over the ice, the heat caused by the skate blade rubbing against the ice makes the ice melt. You are actually gliding on water, and that is what reduces the friction and makes sliding so easy.Word List

rub: when two objects slide against each other

melt: to change from ice to water

gliding: moving very easilyYou Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) How can we move quickly across ice?

2) What happens when ice melts?

3) How many objects do we need for friction?

4) What other activities can you think of where friction happens?

5) How can friction be bad for us?

II. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No.

____ 1) Friction goes in the same direction as movement.

____ 2) Friction happens only on ice.

____ 3) Friction can melt ice.

____ 4) Friction can sometimes help us.

____ 5) We need three objects for friction to happen.

III. What' s the word? Choose the correct word from the reading.

1) things: o _ _ _ _ _ _

2) This is a winter activity: s _ _ _ _ _ _

3) This means to make something less: r _ _ _ _ _

4) This happens when ice gets warmer: m _ _ _

5) This is the sharp part of a skate: b _ _ _ _12Magnets

A magnet is a piece of iron that has a special force: magnetism. This is a force that can push or pull other objects that are magnetic.

Magnets of all sizes have a north pole and a south pole. The Earth is also a kind of magnet with a north and south pole. Because of this, a magnetic compass shows us which way is north.

We can actually pick up dust from outer space with a magnet. Since tiny meteorite particles contain iron, magnets pick them up.Word List

iron: a kind of heavy metal

compass: something that shows us which way we are travelling

meteorite: a piece of rock in spaceYou Practice

I. Circle the things that are magnetic.

II. Answer the following questions.

1) What are magnets made from?

2) What can magnets do?

3) How can magnets help us?

4) How do we know that Earth is a magnet?

5) Where can we find particles that contain iron?

III. Read each sentence carefully. Write Yes or No.

____ 1) All objects are magnetic.

____ 2) Earth is magnetic.

____ 3) Meteorites contain iron.

____ 4) Some magnets are made from wood.

____ 5) The Earth has a north pole and a south pole.

IV. Draw a picture of a magnet and a magnetic object. What is it?

This is a picture of a magnet and a ____________.13Life Cycles of Plants

Different kinds of plants can have very different cycles of growth. Some plants can live for hundreds of years, while others complete their life cycle in less than a year.

It takes many years for a maple tree to grow tall and produce seeds. However, a sunflower completes its life cycle in only a few months. Both the maple tree and the sunflower grow many leaves before their fl owers and seeds grow. They also both start as small seeds, but the maple tree grows to be much larger than the sunfl ower.Word List

cycle: something that happens over and over again

seeds: the beginnings of plants and treesYou Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) How are the life cycles of various plants different?

2) How are the maple tree and the sunfl ower similar?

3) How are the maple tree and the sunflower different?

4) Would you rather be a maple tree or a sunflower? Why?

5) Do maple trees or sunflowers grow where you live?

II. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No.

____ 1) All plants and trees live for hundreds of years.

____ 2) A sunflower grows taller than a maple tree.

____ 3) Maple trees and sunflowers both grow many seeds.

____ 4) It takes many years for a sunflower to grow tall.

____ 5) The maple tree does not start as a small seed.

III. What' s the word? Write the correct words from the reading.

1) This is a kind of tree: m _ _ _ _

2) This happens over and over again: c _ _ _ _

3) These grow into plants and trees: s _ _ _ _

4) We can eat the seeds made by this plant: s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5) The sunflower lives this long: m _ _ _ _ _

IV. Draw a picture of a maple tree and a sunflower.14Penguins

Antarctica is not an easy place to live. In summer, the average temperature is about zero degrees. In winter, the temperature can drop to 100 degrees below zero! Not many creatures can live in such cold conditions!

However, penguins are okay in the cold. These birds live near Antarctica' s coast. They spend some of their time on land, but most of their time is spent in the chilly waters around Antarctica.

Penguins stay warm because they have a thick layer of blubber, which is a kind of fat.

Penguins cannot fly like most birds. Instead, they waddle around on two feet. Sometimes they slide on the ice on their stomachs.

Penguins don' t eat a lot. They often eat fi sh and tiny creatures called krill.Word List

coast: the area close to the ocean

chilly: cold

waddle: walk slowly like a duckYou Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) Why is it diffi cult for most animals to live in Antarctica?

2) Where do penguins spend most of their time?

3) How do penguins stay warm?

4) How are penguins different from most other birds?

5) What do penguins usually eat?

II. What' s the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the reading.

1) Penguins cannot do this: f _ _

2) A penguin' s fat is called: b _ _ _ _ _ _

3) Penguins live near this area of Antarctica: c _ _ _ _

4) Penguins sometimes slide on their: s _ _ _ _ _ _

5) Penguins do this instead of fl ying: w _ _ _ _ _

III. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No for each one.

____ 1) Penguins cannot live in cold places.

____ 2) Penguins eat mostly vegetables.

____ 3) Penguins live mostly in the ocean.

____ 4) Penguins are birds.

____ 5) Penguins cannot walk.

IV. Draw a picture of a penguin. What is it doing?15Review Lessons(Lessons 11- 14)

I. Fill in the blanks with words from lessons 11-14.

1) The ocean is near my house. I live on the c _ _ _ _.

2) The ice is going to m _ _ _because the temperature is getting higher.

3) A m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a rock in outer space.

4) A c _ _ _ _ _ _ tells us which direction we are going.

5) I _ _ _ is a kind of metal which is very heavy.





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