
发布时间:2020-05-19 04:15:54












本书详细介绍了52种主谓一致关系的使用情况,包括集合名词作主语时、有生命的集体名词和无生命的集体名词作主语时、单复数同形的名词作主语等一系列情况下,谓语动词的使用情况。除此之外,本书还通过一系列丰富的例句,分别介绍了名词和代词的一致、分词逻辑主语的一致、并列或平行结构中成分的一致、倒装结构中主谓语的一致、there be句型中的主谓一致关系。





常见的这类名词有army,audience,class,club,offspring,company,committee,crowd,crew,couple,family,group,mob,government,jury,party,population,staff,team,union,public,cabinet,faculty,board,band,orchestra,council,Bank of China中国银行,the Ministry of Defence国防部,the Labour Party工党,the press新闻界,the neighborhood街坊/四邻,等。参阅“名词”章节。例如:

The whole room was for the idea.全房间的人都赞成这个主意。

Room 606 want coffee.606房间的人要咖啡。

The population of the earth is increasing very fast.地球上的人口在迅速增长。

One third of the population here are workers.这里的人口中有三分之一是工人。

His offspring surprises him every day.他的子女每天都给他带来惊奇。

His offspring are now going their separate ways.他的子女现在都已各奔东西了。

By then,a new President,the opposition fears,will have begun a four year term.反对党担心,到那时,一位新总统将会开始一个四年的任期了。

The opposition are meeting quietly to organize their forces.反对派密谋组织自己的军队。

The choir sings in church every Sunday.唱诗班每个星期天都在教堂里演唱。

The choir have all studied in a college of music.这个唱诗班的成员都在音乐学院学习过。

The crew has a long service record.这条船的船员有着很长的水上生涯。

The crew are daring,though fresh.船员们虽缺乏经验,但个个都很勇敢。

The crew were all drunk.乘员全都喝醉了。

A train crew consists of 15 people.一趟列车的乘务组由15人组成。(crew可用作可数名词)

In these cities,the public travels by bus.在这些城市里,公众出门乘公交车。(某范围内的公众)

The television public is increasing rapidly.电视观众在迅速增加。(某一部分公众)

Is there a public for that kind of activity?有公众赞成那种活动吗?(从事某项活动的公众)

The public now know/knows the whole story.公众现已知道了那件事的全部真相。(泛指,谓语动词可用单、复数)

Give the public what they want/it wants.应满足公众的要求。

The public are/is requested to obey the law.公众被要求遵纪守法。

The company was set up last year.这家公司是去年成立的。

The company are mostly young men.这家公司的成员大都是年轻人。

The cavalry was assembled.骑兵被集合起来了。

The cavalry wear scarlet trousers.骑兵们穿着猩红色的裤子。

The team is well organized.这个队组织得很好。

The team are all good players.这个队的队员都是好样的。

The team are full of enthusiasm.队员们热情很高。

This hotel is at the foot of a hill.这家旅馆在一个小山脚下。

All the hotel are gathered in the hall.全旅馆的人都集中在大厅里。

The young couple/pair is happy.这对年轻夫妇很幸福。(一对)

The young couple/pair are quarrelling with each other.这对年轻夫妇在吵架。(两人)

The couple were happily married.这对恋人高高兴兴地结婚了。(两人)

Each couple was asked to complete a form.每对夫妻都要填一张表。(一对)

What a good pair they are!他们是多好的一对儿!

The litter of kittens was born last night.这窝小猫是昨天夜里生下的。

The litter of kittens are meowing.这窝小猫都在喵喵叫。

Her family is all early risers.[×]

Her family are all early risers.[√]她家的人都喜欢早起。

The family now live in Paris.那家人现在住在巴黎。

I've got it clear that my family is very poor.我已经说得很清楚,我家很穷。

The average family is a great deal smaller than it used to be.现在,一般家庭的规模比以前小多了。

There are only a few families in the village.村子里只有几户人家。(多个家庭)

Has she any family?她有子女吗?(子女)

The whole family are in trouble.全家人都遇到了麻烦。(家人)

The army was ordered to launch an attack on the city at dawn.部队受命在拂晓时对该城发起进攻。

The army are helping to clear up after the floods.大水过后,部队在帮助清理灾后现场。

The committee is to deal with this matter.委员会要处理这个事件。(机构)

The committee are divided in opinion.委员们意见不一致。(委员们)

The committee differ as to who its next chairman should be.委员会对于谁应担任下届主席,意见不一。

This class consists of twenty students.这个班有20个学生。(班级)

This class are all boys.这个班的学生全是男生。(班里的学生们)

Three classes are lining up in front of the building.三个班级在大楼前排队。(多个班级)

There is no school today.今天不上学。(抽象意义,表示“上学”)

There was no school here three years ago.三年前这里没有学校。

The whole school is talking about the new library.全校师生都在谈论那个新图书馆。(全校学生)

There are schools of art,law and medicine in the town.城里有艺术学校、法律学校和医学学校。(多所学校)

The village is not far from here.那个村庄离这里不远。

The whole village are out greeting him.全村人都出来迎接他。(村民们)

All the village are for the plan.全村人都赞同这项计划。(村民们)

There are several fishing villages along the lake.湖岸上有几个小渔村。(多个村庄)

There is a crowd of lookers-on there.那里有一群旁观的人。(一群,用单数)

There are crowds of visitors in the park.公园里有一群一群的参观者。(多群,用复数)

The crowd are gone.人群都散了。(人群)

There was a large audience at the concert.音乐会上听众很多。(表示“观众,听众”,有单复数变化)

The audience are dressed in a variety of ways.观众穿戴各式各样。(总称“观众,听众”)

The audience was increasing then.观众当时正在增加。(作整体看,可用单数)

The audience was enormous.听众非常多。

The audience were/was moved by the show.观众为演出所感动。(有时用单、复数皆可)


The jury is/are about to announce the result.裁判团即将宣布结果。

The enemy is/are fleeing in utter confusion.敌人在狼狈逃窜。

The local council is/are to look into the matter.地方政府将会调查此事。

The leadership of the movement is/are divided.运动的领导层意见分歧。

The night shift is/are arriving now.夜班工人现在快到了。

The school's teaching staff is/are excellent.这个学校的教师是好样的。

The government is/are considering further tax cuts.政府正在考虑进一步减税。

The majority was/were against the proposal.大多数人反对这一提议。

The data we have collected is/are not enough to be convincing.我们所收集到的数据还不足以使人信服。

The press is/are always interested in the private lives of famous people.新闻界对于知名人士的私生活很感兴趣。【提示】

①the proletariat和the bourgeoisie通常用单数谓语动词。例如:

The proletariat is dauntless.无产阶级是无畏的。

The new bourgeoisie has taken over the power.新兴的资产阶级接管了政权。


The English alphabet is not hard to learn.英语字母不难学。

The English and French alphabets are nearly the same.英语字母与法语字母几乎相同。

The word has five letters.这个单词有五个字母。

③可以用“every one/a member of+集体名词”表示单数。例如:

Every one of the committee is for the plan.委员会的每个人都赞成这项计划。

Two members of the team are absent.队里有两人缺席。

④“the whole+集体名词”作主语时,动词用单数;“all the+集体名词”作主语时,动词用单复数均可。例如:

The whole staff has signed the petition.全体工作人员都在请愿书上签了字。

All the staff have/has signed the petition.


The help is of great value to them.这个帮助对他们极有价值。(帮助)

The help are asking for higher wages.佣人们要求更高的工资。(佣人们)


This twin is like the other.这个孪生子像另一个。

These twins are like each other.这对双胞胎很相像。


The crews of the two ships are on holiday.这两条船的船员在休假。

The population of this city is large.这座城市的人口众多。

The populations of the two cities are different.这两座城市的人口不同。

Her offspring is wealthy.她的后代很富有。(一人的后代)

Their offsprings are farmers.他们的后代都是农民。(多人的后代)



The mankind long for peace.人类渴望和平。

The cattle are grazing in the field.牛在田野里吃草。

The police have not made any arrests.警方没有进行搜捕。

Many gentry have come to the party.许多绅士来参加了晚会。

The Chinese people are hardworking.中国人勤劳。

All the local clergy were invited to the ceremony.当地所有的教会人员都应邀出席了典礼。

Archaeologists use many words that the laity do not understand.考古学家的许多用语是外行人听不懂的。【提示】


The Chinese are a polite people.中国人是一个有礼貌的民族。

A people is a national group.一个民族是同族的一个人群。

There are many peoples in the world.世界上有许多不同的民族。

They met all sorts of people on the way.他们在路上遇到各种各样的人。

下面一句中的wicked people被看作一个被定义的词组,要用单数形式:

Wicked people means people who have no love.无仁爱之心的人谓之恶人。


The youth are like the rising sun.青年人就像初升的太阳。

The youth of today are fond of dancing.现在的青年很喜欢跳舞。

The youth of the country is/are ready to fight.这个国家的青年已准备好战斗。(整体看待)

The youth of today is/are better off than we used to be.今天的年轻人比我们过去的境况要好。(整体看待)

Some people say that today's youth has no sense of responsibility.有人说现在的青年缺乏责任感。(整体看待)

A youth is standing under the tree.一名青年人正站在树下。(个体)

Youth is a time when many people rebel against their parents.在青少年时期,许多人都会违抗自己的父母。

Some youths are swimming in the river.一些男青年在河里游泳。


Ten police are standing by the road.路边站着10名警察。(=ten policemen)

Her three kindred are living in England now.她的三位亲属现在住在英国。

Six hundred cattle are imported.进口了600头牛。

Five clergy are sitting in the yard.五位牧师坐在院子里。


The laity is not interested in it.俗人对此不感兴趣。


Mankind is making constant progress.人类在不断地进步。

但要说:Mankind are responsible for their behaviour.人类要对自己的行为负责。(句中有their)


gentry→gentleman,peasantry→peasant,mankind→man,police→policeman,militia→militiaman,clergy→clergyman,laity→layman,infantry→infantryman,nobility→nobleman,the English→Englishman,the Spanish→Spaniard,the Dutch→Dutchman,the British→Briton等。



The merchandise has gone through the examination.商品已经通过检查。

Much of her jewelery was missing.她的许多珠宝都丢失了。



In the storm all the craft were sunk.在风暴中,所有的船只都沉没了。

He came to a crossroads.他来到一个十字路口。

An alms was given to the old man.这件救济品给了那位老人。

These alms were given to the old man.这些救济品给了那位老人。

An amends is required.需要作出赔偿。

These amends are enough.这些赔偿费就够了。

The species of fish are numerous.鱼的种类繁多。

This species of rose is very curious.这种玫瑰花很奇特。

Every means has been tried.每种方法都试过了。

The means of communication between here and outside are interrupted.这里同外界的通信手段都中断了。

A gallows is being set up.一副绞架正在被竖起。

Some gallows are being set up.几副绞架正在被竖起。

The glass works was not far from here.那家玻璃厂离这儿不远。

The glass works were not far from here.那些玻璃厂离这儿不远。

Salmon is a good dish.鲑鱼是一道好菜。(作为食品)

Five salmon are in the basin.盆里有五条鲑鱼。

A barracks was set up in the suburbs.郊区建起了一座营房。

Two barracks outside the town were stormed.城外的两座营房遭袭。

The sheep is/are running.羊在跑。(指一只羊用is,指多只羊用are)【提示】


The swine/swines are being driven into the field.猪在被驱赶到田间去。


Her means permit her to live comfortably.财富使她能过舒适的生活。

③tidings(消息),whereabouts(下落,行踪),bona fides(诚意,善意)作主语时,谓语用单、复数皆可。例如:

The escaped prisoner's whereabouts is/are still unknown.逃犯的下落仍然不明。

The tidings is/are bad.消息不好。

His bona fides is/are unquestionable.他的诚意不容置疑。


Poultry is delicious.家禽肉味道美。(作为食品)

The poultry are drinking water.家禽在饮水。(作为活动的动物)



The Canterbury Tales is my favorite book.《坎特伯雷故事集》是我爱读的书。

Gulliver's Travels is very interesting.《格列佛游记》非常有趣。

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy.《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是一出悲剧。

Wuthering Heights is a masterpiece.《呼啸山庄》是一部杰作。

The New York Times still has a wide circulation.《纽约时报》的销路仍很广。

The Arabian Nights is a very interesting story-book.《天方夜谭》是一本非常有趣的故事书。

The Origin of Species is a monumental work.《物种起源》是一部巨著。

The United Nations is an international organization.联合国是一个世界性的组织。

Athens is the capital of Greece.雅典是希腊的首都。

The Himalayas are the roof of the world.喜马拉雅山是世界的屋脊。

The Niagara Falls are the falls on the Niagara River.尼亚加拉瀑布位于尼亚加拉河上。

The Great Lakes lie between the USA and Canada.五大湖位于美国和加拿大之间。

The Philippines lie on the southeast of China.菲律宾群岛位于中国东南方。

The Olympics are held every four years.奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次。

但:Niagara Falls is a stupendous sight.尼亚加拉瀑布是非常壮观的景象。


Making speeches is not his strong point.演讲不是他的特长。

How the book will sell depends on the author.这本书销路如何取决于作者。

To work hard is necessary.努力工作是需要的。

Whether she comes or not is of no matter.她来不来都没有关系。

Early to bed and early to rise is healthful.早睡早起身体好。

Just because I'm optimistic doesn't mean that I don't have concerns about what's going to happen to all of us.我持乐观态度并不等于我对我们大家今后面临的一切毫不担忧。“The bigger they come,the harder they fall”was one of her favorite maxims.“爬得越高,跌得越重”是她最喜欢的格言之一。“God's in His heaven,all's right with the world”is their motto.“上帝就在天堂,世界一切美好”是他们的人生格言。


Weeping and wailing does nothing towards solving the problem.哭泣无助于问题的解决。(weeping and wailing指一回事)

Reading three classical novels and making some social investigations are assignments for the students during the holiday.阅读三部古典小说,进行一些社会调查,这就是学生们假期中的作业。(指不同性质的两件事)



The eaves are dripping.屋檐在滴水。

Riches are not always dependable.财富无常。

The scales are mine.这杆秤是我的。(间或用单数scale)

The goods are to be exported to Canada.这些货物要出口到加拿大。

The sightings were reported 20 years ago.这些发现20年前就报道过。

但:The whereabouts of the princess was/were known only to the king.公主的行踪只有国王知道。

The dramatics of the performance was/were second-rate.这个表演的舞台艺术是二流的。

The odds are ten to one against your winning.你获胜的机会很少。

What's the odds?有什么关系?(相当于What does it matter?)

Good tidings are/is pouring in.好消息不断传来。

The tidings has/have come a little too late.消息来得有点儿太晚了。(tidings可作单数或复数)

The remains of an ancient city was/were found there.在那里发现了一座古城的遗迹。(表示“遗迹”可作单数或复数)

The remains of the meal was/were fed to the cats.剩下的饭菜都喂了猫。(表示“剩余物”可作单数或复数)

The late poet's remains are buried in the churchyard.已故诗人的遗体安葬在教堂墓地里。(表示“遗体”作复数)【提示】


The scissors are on the ground.这把剪刀在地上。

This pair of scissors belongs to the tailor.这把剪刀是裁缝的。

但也可说:A scissors is on the ground.一把剪刀在地上。(scissors偶尔可用单数谓语动词)

A pliers is in the box.一把钳子在盒子里。

The pliers are in the box.这把钳子在盒子里。

A cluster of grapes is on the table.一串葡萄在桌子上。

Several clusters of grapes are on the table.几串葡萄在桌子上。

Ten pair(s)of gloves are on show.展出了10副手套。


Sheep's brains is his favorite dish.羊脑是他喜爱的菜肴。

Tom was the brains of the outfit.汤姆是这帮人的军师。

He's nice,but he hasn't much brains.他为人很好,但智力不怎么样。

③5,000 dollars表示一种价值,72 degrees表示一种温度,像“多达5 000美元”和“高达72度”这样的说法,只能译为as much as 5,000 dollars和as much/high as 72 degrees,不可用as many as。






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