
发布时间:2020-05-19 16:00:32











Zhou Yan, female, was born in Beijing in 1971.

She obtained her bachelor’s degree in 1994 and master’s degree in 2001 with the major of Oil Painting in the College of Fine Arts at Capital Normal University.In 2013 she received a doctor degree in the School of Design and Arts at Beijing Institute of Technology.

Dr.Zhou Yan is an associate professor, head of the Department of Plastic Arts in the School of Design and Arts at Beijing Institute of Technology, research supervisor of post-graduate students of fine arts, member of Beijing Artists Association, and member of Beijing Female Artists Sodality.







整体来看,周岩笔下的山并不十分险峻,相反倒有几分柔美,色泽沉稳,画面冷静且简洁,这跟她平时低调的性格不无关系。在她描绘的风景中,我们可以轻易地察觉到光线的角度和光线的强弱,虽然我们无法说出其光线是在什么时候由一个山头转向另一个山头的,但画面上的确存在着时间的流动性。远处的天有时候被简单地处理成轻抚过的平面,它甘愿作为远景,按照艺术家所要求的那样,成为不可及的和模糊的存在,中国传统思想中所说的“天得一以清,地得一以宁,神得一以灵”,在周岩创作的景色中似乎有所体现。火山口 布面油彩2011CraterOil Painting on Canvas



Artistic Nature Inside Mountains Depicted in Heart/Inside Inner Shan shui Zhou Yan’s Sketches

Duan Jun

Shan shui (Mountain-water) is a concept different from Feng jing (landscape).What Zhou Yan paints is closer to Shan shui, not just because her objects are mountains and water, but her works seem to be more connected with Chinese traditional Shan shui painting.

As the ancient saying goes, man of virtue loves mountains.Mountains are indispensable in Zhou Yan’s paintings, tinted with a touch of eternity rather than simply changing with time and space.Exuberant trees often appear in the painting in the near-side of the sight, making the mountain more concrete and solid.Her dense strokes leave whirling ravines among mountains, creating a non-decorative sense of order.

Tens of millions of paintings are created from China’s art academies every year, but the ones from Zhou Yan are different.For her, her paintings are not entirely aimed at the final work.In other words, painting is not prepared for production, but has its own independent value.

An ancient theory of painting says:“Minor details are not worth exploration.”Zhou Yan’s paintings are meticulous, but do not focus on the details of outer appearances.The surface of her mountains and rocks is embellished with slight whirling momentum, as if containing the energy as part of the spinning earth.The forms and colors of her mountains and rocks have the tendency towards abstractness.The apparent details seem to form a piece of melody, like the complex inter-forces inside the natural forms of the mountains and rocks.

From holistic perspective, Zhou Yan’s mountains are not steep, but rather graceful and stable in color and light.The coolness and conciseness of her painting has something to do with her low-profiled personality.The angle and strength of lights can be easily observed in her scenery.Although we cannot tell when the light moves from one mountain to another, there exists a flowing of time.Sometimes, the sky far away is depicted as a panel slightly stoked, serving as a distant background, intangible and obscure, according to the artist’s will, which seems to embody the traditional Chinese idea that“with Tao, the heaven becomes clear, the earth becomes tranquil, and man becomes enlightened.”

It can be concluded that the emotions in Zhou Yan’s paintings are those of the past or the history, conserved in a pattern of completion or eternity.The heaviness coming out of the picture does not put pressure upon viewers’ senses.The slightly naturalistic lighted effects of rocks, handled with composure by the artist, combing the neutrality of the space, give people a strong sense of the internal characters of mountains and water, upon which the lost minds may rest.

It is known that the perpetuity of nature has always been testified by geological evolution, erosion and the changing of seasons.The visual effects created and shaped by Zhou Yan through brush and ink undoubtedly come from her own perception and understanding of the natural world.It is reminiscent of the old saying:“abundant reading and traveling shed confusion off your heart, so with nature inside your mind, a piece of art can be created in no time.”

以形媚道 得之象外——简评周岩的油画风景





漂流瓶时期的作品是周岩硕士毕业时拿出的一批创作,从年轻女性的角度表达了自己对个体和世界之关系的理解,现在看起来,其面貌略带青涩,但仍不乏真实地映射出当代都市女性独自面对外部世界时的漂泊不安感以及难以融入的隔膜和疏离感。那一时期的作品中,瓶中人物是她画面的主体,山野风景还只是配角。山弯弯布 面油彩2011Curve MountainsOil Painting on Canvas






纵观绘画史,架上绘画的面貌繁复多样,理智而宏观地打量古往今来中西绘画的众多“形象”,我们看到,从“极端具象”到“极端抽象”之间存在着一段“象”的宽阔领域。在这段“象”的两极之间左右试探,反复寻觅,探索“象”可能呈现的种种面貌和其表达出的微妙差异,是多数画家必经的过程。灿如星河的古今大师们在这段宽阔的领域里都找到了属于自己的位置,周岩和如她一般的年轻画家们,正站在寻找自己语汇的关键路口,相信她必然会通过对自然之“象”、内心之“象”和“象外之意”的倾心以求,最终得到对“象”的超然把握,而能与古今“以形媚道”者“会心一笑”。毫无疑问,这是值得为之终生求索的。Manifestation of Daoism through Artistic Forms, and Meditation on Essence behind ImagesA Brief Review on Zhou Yan’s Landscape Oil PaintingSun Di

“Sages manifest Daoism through spirit, which man of wisdom understands;Mountains and water demonstrate Daoism through artistic forms, which man of virtue loves,”said Zong Bing, a literati in the Southern Dynasty.As a human being, to experience and expound its relationship with nature is one of the most important part to complete his life.An artist who devotes herself to painting is special in that she chooses to understand the world through images, and then express emotions again through images, a process similar to the demonstration of“Daoism through artistic forms”described by the ancients.

The process seems especially typical of landscape painting.An artist who is confined to only depicting specific scenery without noticing the inner“Daoism”is prone to inferiority.Probably realizing this idea, in her years of artistic exploration, the young oil painter Zhou Yan has never stopped seeking the“essence”hidden behind images, through which process her demands herself to pursue“the quintessence behind images.”

The path of her pursuit can be seen from the changes of her oil painting style through the past ten years, which can be roughly divided into the period of drift bottles, the period of floating, and the period of sketches.

Works of the period of drift bottles were created when she was finishing her master degree.Expressing her own perceptions of the relationship between individuals and the world through a young woman’s eye, the paintings now seem less mature, but still vividly reflect the insecurity of drifting, isolation and alienation from the external world which contemporary urban women face alone, unable to mingle in.Theworks of that period feature bottled men as the main subjects and mountains as mere supporting roles.

In the wake of the adventure with drift bottles, Zhou Yan was suddenly struck by an impulse to break open her bottles, letting the characters out to float and wander in the wilderness and mountains.The estrangement of man and the external world melted into the mutual inclusiveness of man and nature, which in a sense may represent the“reconciliation”of Zhou Yan the painter with“herself”.This“liberation”is not only expressed in the metaphors concerning the content of her paintings, but also in the more concrete“depiction”and drawing techniques, because painting can only be most delicate in spiritual narrative when it is detached from stereotype descriptions of specific forms.As these once bottled men wandered and floated at will, Zhou Yan loosened her painting language and seemed to have vaguely felt about the path to“essence behind images”.This way, the period of drifting lasted for a short time before human figures disappeared completely from her work, and she quickly slided into the field of pure landscape painting, with which she fell in love, especially with life drawing.

According to Willem de Kooning, art is an instrument for the“understanding of life”.For Zhou Yan, then, life drawing is an instrument for the understanding of the relationship between nature and herself.

During her master study, Zhou Yan went to several places for inspiring herself to create new paintings.It includes Dunhuang and Gannan.From that moment, she has never stopped her journey ever since, travelling from the museums in European to Grand Canyon in America, from India to Indonesia, and from Southern Anhui to Shandong.In 2011 she was painting from life in Lu Village and Stone Village in Jingxing County, Heibei.She stayed in Beidaihe in the spring of 2012 and then continued her journey to Taihang Grand Canynon in Linzhou, Henan in the summer, before touring to Jiangxi and was soon heading towards Zhangbei County until 2013.The close to three years witnessed the proliferation of her landscape paintings and the gradual establishment of her style.





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