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随着我国社会经济的蓬勃发展,建筑业管理体制改革的不断深化,工程技术和管理模式的更新与进步,以及我国工程造价计价模式和高等职业教育人才培养模式的变化等,这些变革必然对该专业系列教材的体系构成和教学内容提出更高的要求。另外,近年来我国对建筑行业的一些规范和标准进行了修订,如《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB 50500—2008)等。为适应我国“高等职业教育工程造价专业”人才培养的需要,并以系列教材建设促进其专业发展,重庆大学出版社通过全面的信息跟踪和调查研究,在广泛征求有关院校师生和同行专家意见的基础上,决定重新改版、扩充以及修订《高等职业教育工程造价专业系列教材》。





1. 对原结构进行了调整,将全部内容划分为相对独立又相互关联的6个模块,分别为工程项目及相关工作人员、招投标、工程合同、工程项目管理、工程造价师、索赔;将原来的14个单元调整为15个单元。

2. 根据结构的调整,调整和更换了第1、2、5、9和10单元的部分文章,补充了新的内容,即增加了第15单元“合同的变更与调整”。

3. 对第5单元和第9单元的练习题进行了重新编写,对原第13和14单元的练习题进行了部分更改。

4. 对部分文章的标题进行了修改,使之与内容更加切合。

5. 纠正了少许语法、翻译等错误。







本教材一共6个模块,共15个单元,每个单元有一篇课文、一篇会话、一篇阅读,平均每个单元有2 200个单词。内容涉及工程管理基本知识、工程招标投标、工程量清单计价、工程合同管理、工程项目管理、工程索赔、工程款支付等方面,以语言训练为主并具有一定的趣味性和渐进性。书后附有投标书、协议书、投标保函、履约保函等中英文常用格式以及工程造价专业词汇和参考译文。



1. 删除13、14单元,增加造价工程师的相关内容。

2. 增加工程造价专业英语词汇、课文参考译文。

3. 对部分单元的练习做了修改。






本教材一共有14个单元,每个单元有1篇课文、1篇会话、1篇阅读,平均每个单元有2 200个词。内容涉及工程管理基本知识、工程招标投标、工程量清单计价、工程合同管理、工程项目管理、工程索赔、工程款支付等方面,以语言训练为主并具有一定的趣味性和渐进性。书后附有投标书、协议书、投标保函、履约保函等中英文常用格式以及工程造价专业词汇和参考译文。


目前,尚未见到紧密结合高等职业教育特点,适合工程造价专业的英语教材。由于编写者水平及经验有限,教材中不妥之处在所难免,恳请广大读者批评指正。编者2012年3月10日Chapter OneConstruction Project and the StaffUnit One【参考译文】TextConstruction Project

[1] Construction projects involve much time and expense, and close management control of them is required if they are to be ①completed within the established time and cost limitations.

[2] Effective management of a project requires a considerable background of general knowledge about the construction industry. So ②the purpose of this unit is to familiarize the reader with certain fundamentals of construction practice.

[3] Construction projects are intricate and time-consuming undertakings. The total development of a project normally consists of ③several phases requiring a diverse range of specialized services. In progressing from initial planning to project completion, the typical job passes through successive and distinct stages that demand inputs from such disparate directions as financial organizations, governmental agencies, engineers, architects, lawyers, insurance and ④surety companies, contractors, and building tradesmen.

[4] During the construction process itself, even a structure of modest proportions involves many skills, materials, and literally hundreds of different operations.

[5] To some degree, each construction project is unique, and no two jobs are ever quite alike. In its specifics, each structure is tailored to suit its environment, arranged to perform its own particular function, and designed to reflect personal tastes and preferences. The vagaries of the construction site and the possibilities for creative and utilitarian variation of even the most standardized building product combine to ⑤make each construction project a new and different experience.

[6] The construction process is subject to the influence of highly variable and sometimes unpredictable factors. The construction team, which includes architects, engineers, tradesmen, subcontractors, material dealers, and others, changes from one job to the next. All the complexities inherent to different construction sites such as subsoil conditions, surface topography, weather, transportation, material supply, utilities and services, local subcontractors, and labor conditions⑥ are an innate part of construction.⑦

[7] As a consequence of these circumstances, construction projects are typified by their complexity and diversity and by the non-standardized nature of their production . The use of factoryproduced modular units may diminish this individuality somewhat, but it is unlikely that field construction will ever be able to adapt itself completely to the standardized methods and product uniformity of assembly-line production.New Words and Expressions

1. considerable /kən'sidərəbl/ a. 值得考虑的,相当多的

2. familiarize /fə'miliəraiz/ vt. 使熟悉,使通晓

3. intricate /'intrikət/ a. 复杂的,错综的,难懂的

4. time-consuming /'taimkən, sju:miŋ/ a. 花费大量时间的

5. undertaking /ˌʌndə'teikiŋ/ n. 所承担的工作、任务

6. diverse /dai'və:s/ a. 不一样的,多种多样的

7. specialized /'speʃəlaizd/ a. 专门的,专科的

8. initial /i'niʃəl/ a. 最初的,开始的

9. successive /sək'sesiv/ a. 连续的,接连的

10. distinct /dis'tiŋkt/ a. 独特的,明显的

11. disparate /'dispərit/ a. 不同的,全异的

12. financial /fai'nænʃəl, fi'nænʃəl/ a. 财政的,金融的

13. surety /'ʃuəti/ n. 担保,保证

14. tradesman /'treidzmən/ n. 商人,店主,手艺人

15. modest /'mɔdist/ a. 谦虚的,不过分的,中等的

16. literally /'litərəli/ ad. 逐字地,确实地

17. specific /spi'sifik/ a. 特有的,具体的;n. 特性,细节

18. preference /'prefərəns/ n. 偏爱,优先

19. vagary /'veigəri/ n. 难以预测的变化,奇想

20. utilitarian /ˌju:tili'tɛəriən/ a. 功利的,以实用为主的

21. variation /ˌvɛəri'eiʃən/ n. 差异,变化

22. dealer /'di:lə(r)/ n. 商人,贩子

23. inherent /in'hiərənt/ a. 生来的,固有的

24. topography /tə'pɔgrəfi/ n. 地形;地志;地形学

25. innate /i'neit/ a. 天生的,生来的,固有的

26. typify /'tipifai/ vt. 具有……的特征,代表

27. modular /'mɔdjulə(r)/ a. 以组件为基础的,以模组成单体为基础的

28. individuality /ˌindiˌvidʒu'æləti/ n. 单独性,个性,特性

29. uniformity /ˌju:ni'fɔ:məti/ n. 一样,一致

30. to be subject to 易于,以……为条件,可以

31. as a consequence of 由于……的(结果)

32. to adapt oneself to 适应于……,习惯于……Notes

①be to do 表示按计划进行的动作。

The established time: the fixed time.

②... to familiarize the reader with...

familiarize = familiar + ize = to make... familiar

adj. + ize = verb

Americanize = to make American standardize = to make standard

③The total development of a project normally consists of several

phases requiring a diverse range of specialized services.

consist of: be composed of; be made up of.

phase: stage.

requiring a diverse range of specialized services 是现在分词短语


④In progressing from initial planning to project completion, the

typical job ... and building tradesmen. 句中that demand inputs...

and tradesmen是定语从句修饰stages。

such... as表列举例子。

⑤The vagaries of the construction site... different experience.





⑥inherent to... labour conditions 是形容词短语作定语。

⑦as a consequence of: as a result of.ExercisesⅠ. Choose the best answer according to the text.

1. If a contractor wants to finish the project within the fixed time and cost limitations, it is necessary for him to make _____.

A. a close management control of time

B. a close management control of expense

C. a close management control of material

D. both A and B

2. According to the text, which statement is not true?

A. To manage a project effectively demands remarkable general

knowledge of the construction industry.

B. Construction projects are complicated and quick tasks.

C. In the process of a construction project, inputs from various

parties are demanded.

D. Each construction project is a different one to some extent.

3. The construction team will not include the following _____.

A. designers and engineers

B. contractors

C. government officials

D. material dealers

4. Which is not mentioned in all the complexities?

A. underground water conditions

B. utilities and services

C. transportation

D. weatherⅡ. Decide the following statements are true or false.1. During the construction process itself, even a building of ordinary

proportions includes many skills, materials, and literally hundreds

of different operations.2. To some degree each construction project is unique, and two jobs

are often quite alike.3. Planning is the first step in the process of construction time

control.4. The construction process is likely to be influenced by some

unpredictable factors.Ⅲ. Change the following words to another form and write down the Chinese meanings.

1. public _______________

2. normal _______________

3. modern _______________

4. mechanic _______________

5. fertile _______________

6. general _______________

7. industrial _______________

8. special _______________

9. summary _______________

10. utility _______________Ⅳ. Match the words in closest meaning.1. normala. need2. fundamentalb. considerable3. diversec. regular4. requirementd. important5. completione. basic6. changef. various7. remarkableg. finish8. vitalh. variation9. diminishi. born10. innatej. decrease11. suitk. meetⅤ. Put the following English into Chinese.1. In its specifics, each structure is tailored to suit its environment,

arranged to perform its own particular function, and designed to

reflect personal tastes and preferences.2. To some degree each construction project is unique, and no two

jobs are ever quite alike.3. It is unlikely that field construction will ever be able to adapt itself

completely to the standardized methods and product uniformity of

assembly line production.Ⅵ. Put the following Chinese into English.1. 政府机构2. 承包商3. 分包商4. 建筑师5. 保险公司6. 担保公司7. 材料商8. 施工现场ConversationSettling Down

After such a long-distance international flight, the construction crew has finally arrived at the destination. Despite the jet lag and the inconvenience of their stay in the hotel, everyone is busy making preparations for the commencement of the big job, studying the technical data and specifications, discussing the construction plan, and so on.Renting a House(Mr. Zhang, assistant of the project manager, is making telephone calls, trying to rent a house for the crew.)Zhang: Hello, is Mr. Carter there?Woman: Just a minute. He's coming.Carter: Hello. Carter speaking. Who is calling, please?Zhang: My name's Zhang. I have been told that you have a house for ①rent. Is it still available?Carter: Yes. It's a two-storey building with six bed-rooms on the first ②floor and two on the ground floor. It has two bathrooms, one on each floor. There's a good kitchen where you can do some cooking. We also have a cable TV and a telephone that you can use in the house.Zhang: Perhaps it's just what we need. What's the monthly rent?Carter: How long will the lease be?Zhang: About four months.Carter: Then two thousand dollars. And the rent is due at the end of each month. You can use all the utilities, but you have to pay all the bills including the telephone service, cable TV, water, gas and electricity. By the way, you also have to pay a security deposit of one thousand dollars.Zhang: Is there any space for office work in the house?Carter: There is a big sitting room on the ground floor. I think it's where you can do your office work there.Zhang: That's fine. One more thing, are we allowed to install a fax ③machine in the house if we take it? Probably we will need one.Carter: Yes, if you like. But you have to pay all the costs for it.Zhang: Good. Would it be possible for us to go there and have a look tomorrow?Carter: Any time before four o'clock in the afternoon. You can come to my Okis Restaurant in Benque, Cayo District. It's on George Street. Benque is a small town. Everyone here knows Okis. I will wait for you there.Zhang: OK. We will go there tomorrow, around ten o’clock in the morning. Will that be all right for you?Carter: OK. See you tomorrow, sir.Zhang: Thank you, Mr. Carter. See you tomorrow morning.Subletting the Construction Camp(Mr. Yang from COCC has made an appointment by telephone with Mr. Howell, President of World Shelters, a local company which specializes in residential buildings. They are going to talk about the possibility of subletting the construction camp to World Shelters.)Receptionist: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?Yang: Good morning. I have an appointment with Mr. Howell at 9 o'clock.Receptionist: Your name, sir?④Yang: Yang, from COCC, the Hydro.Receptionist: Yes. Mr. Howell is expecting you in his office. Let me ⑤⑥show you in. This way, please.Yang: Thank you.(Entering Mr. Howell's office)Howell: Hello, Mr. Yang. Very pleased to meet you in person.Yang: Very pleased to meet you, too, Mr. Howell.Howell: Take a seat, please.Yang: Thank you.Howell: Well, how is everything going, Mr. Yang?⑦Yang: Not too bad. Just busy. we're quite new here, you know.Howell: What's your first impression of our country?Yang: It's a beautiful country with plenty of primeval forests. People here are friendly and very easy to get along with. It seems to me that most of the people here speak quite different English. It's hard to understand them sometimes.Howell: You will soon get used to it. Only officials, teachers and businessmen speak standard English.Yang: So it seems.⑧Howell: Let's get down to business, Mr. Yang. You asked me on the ⑨phone whether we would like to bid for a construction camp to accommodate eighty men. Could you put it in more details, please?Yang: As you know, the camp will mainly be for the accommodation of about eighty Chinese men who will work for the Hydro. It includes double occupancy staff units, four men occupancy units for workers and cooks, a kitchen and dining unit, shower bath units, office units, a conference room and a recreation unit.Howell: So the camp will accommodate about eighty men. Do you have any specific requirements?Yang: I would like to hear your recommendation.⑩Howell: In my opinion, there's a kind of prefabricated house which is most suitable for such a camp. It's easy and economical to transport, fast to erect and very convenient to dismantle for either relocation or disposal when the whole project is completed.Yang: Sounds fine. What's it made of?Howell: Light concrete slabs. They are often imported from a local supplier in El Salvador.Yang: Good. Would you please give us a quotation for such a camp on a turn-key basis as soon as possible?Howell: All right. Where will the camp be located?Yang: Somewhere on Arenal Road in Benque Town, Cayo District. I'll let you know right after we finalize it with the owner.Howell: Who will be responsible for leveling the ground for the camp site?Yang: We will do that. You will be responsible for the water and power supply. One more thing, this is a duty-free project. So everything imported for it is duty-free. Please take it into consideration in your quotation.Howell: In that case, our quotation will be much lower.Yang: We really appreciate that.Howell: When do you want the camp to be completed?Yang: Within sixty days, starting from our notice to commence the work.Howell: OK, Mr. Yang. I hope we can be given the opportunity to work for you and if so, we will hold ourselves responsible to you and I believe we will surely do a good job.Yang: I hope so, too.Notes

①Is it still available? 这座房子是否还在等待出租?available在这


②on the first floor 这儿指的是“在第二层”,是英国用法。注意,


ground floor,而美国人说the first floor,“二层”英国人说the

first floor,而美国人说the second floor,依此类推。

③if we take it 如果我们租下的话,take在口语中常表示“买下”“租下”的意思。例如,在商店看好自己需要买的物品之后,就

可以说,OK, I'll take it.(好吧,这个我买下了)

④the Hydro 在这儿指的是the hydro-electric project(水电工程项


⑤Let me show you in. 让我领您进去。show sb. in意思是“领某

人进来/去”。show sb. out意思是“领某人出来/去”。

⑥This way, please. 请这边走。这是一个省略句,全句为Take

this way, please.

⑦We're quite new here. 我们到这儿没多久。

⑧Let's get down to business. 咱们谈正题吧。get down to sth意

思是“着手做某事”“开始认真对待某事”,例如:get down to


⑨bid for 为……而投标,例如:bid for an irrigation project(为一

个灌溉工程项目而投标),bid for a cement works(为一个水泥

厂项目而投标)。与该词组有相同意思的还有tender for。

⑩prefabricated house 装配式房屋,活动房屋,prefabricated



construction(装配式施工),prefabricated pile(预制桩),

prefabricated unit(预制构件)。ReadingThe Project Manager

The project manager organizes, plans, schedules, and controls the field work and is responsible for getting the project completed within the time and cost limitations. He acts as the focal point for all facets of the project and brings together the efforts of all organizations having inputs into the construction process. He coordinates matters relevant to the project and expedites project operations by dealing directly with the individuals and organizations involved. In any such situation where events progress rapidly and decisions must be consistent and informed, the specific leadership of one person is needed. Because he has the overall responsibility, the project manager must have broad authority over all elements of the project. The nature of construction is such that he must often take action quickly on his own initiative, and it is necessary that he be empowered ①to do so. To be effective he must have full control of the job and be the one voice that speaks for the project. Project management is a ②function of executive leadership and provides the cohesive force that binds together the several diverse elements into a team effort for project completion.

Large projects normally will have a full-time project manager who is a member of his firm's top management. The manager may have a project team to assist him or he may be supported by a central office functional group. When smaller contracts are involved, a single individual may act as project manager for several jobs simultaneously.

An important aspect of a project manager's position is that his duties are normally separate from those of supervision. The day-to-day direction of field operations is handled by a site supervisor or field superintendent. His duties involve working with the foremen, coordinating the subcontractors, directing construction operations, and keeping the work progressing smoothly and on schedule. The fact is that the construction project authority is a partnership effort between the project manager and the field superintendent who work very closely together. Nevertheless, centralized authority is necessary for the proper conduct of a construction project, and the project manager is the central figure.Project Manager Qualifications

To be effective the project manager must possess three essential attributes. First, he must have a considerable background of practical construction experience so that he is thoroughly familiar with the ③workings and intricacies of the construction industry. Without such a basic grounding in construction fundamentals, the project manager would be completely unprepared to carry out his responsibilities.

Second, the project manager must have, or have available to him, persons with expertise and experiences in the application of specialized management techniques to the planning, scheduling, and control of construction operations. because much of the management system is often computer based, the project manager must have access to adequate computer support services.

Third, the project manager must have the personality and insight that will enable him to work well with other people, often under very strained and trying circumstances. The manager, after all, cannot accomplish everything through his efforts alone. He must work with and through people in the performance of his duties. This requires an appreciation and understanding of the human factor. Without this, his other attributes, however commendable, will be of limited effectiveness.Notes





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