
发布时间:2020-05-21 06:46:23







Preface 卷首语

★I Am the Earth我是地球◎ By Jane Hyatt Yolen 译·赏析 / 朱敏琦

I am the Earth

And the Earth is me.

Each blade of grass,

Each honey tree,

Each bit of mud,

And stick and stone

Is blood and muscle,

Skin and bone.









And just as I

Need every bit

Of me to make

My body fit,

So Earth needs

Grass and stone and tree

And things that grow here










That's why we

Celebrate this day.

That's why across

The world we say:

As long as life,

As dear, as free,

I am the Earth

And the Earth is me.









赏 析

简·海厄特·约伦(Jane Hyatt Yolen,1939~),美国作家、编辑,有将近三百本著作,被美国《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)誉为“美国的安徒生”和“20世纪的伊索”。2010年,她被授予“世界奇幻奖”(World Fantasy Awards)终生成就奖。

这首小诗是她为“世界地球日”(每年4月22日)而作。全诗采用拟人化的手法,把“地球”和“我”进行类比,将地球上的花草树木比作人体的血肉与骨头,突出它们不可或缺的重要性,借此唤醒人们保护地球的意识。全诗文字浅显易懂、句式简短有力、比喻生动形象,就像一首儿歌,连儿童也能读懂,可见作者用心之良苦。★What's Hot 特别推荐★☆走近林书豪The Non Sports Fan's Guide to Jeremy Lin林书豪是谁?◎ By Emma Carmichael 译 / 赵青奇


LINSANITYis sweeping the whole world, and you're still fairly certain that that's not even a word. That's OK; it's not, really. But every now and then, a figure from the sports world emerges, words are invented, and the athlete in question very quickly becomes impossible to ignore—even for non-sports fans. In February 2012, the unavoidable sports guy is Jeremy Lin, a 23-year-old Harvard gradand NBA player.

But Jeremy Lin is so much more than that.



Oh, please. Who is Jeremy Lin?


Jeremy Shu-How Lin is the starting point guardfor the New York Knicks. Before that, he was playing the NBA Development League; before that, he was sitting on the bench with the NBA's Golden State Warriors; before that, he was the starting point guard for the Harvard University basketball team; before that, he played high school basketball in Palo Alto, Calif., where he grew up. That is basically his entire life story.


I feel like you're not telling me everything.


Hmm ... He did get an Economics degree from Harvard. Smart kid.


No, I mean, like, something else. Something noticeable.


Well, now that you mention it, it is extremely rare for a player from the Ivy League to succeed in the NBA. Geoff Petriewas great in the 1970s, and Bill Bradleyis something of a New York legend. They were both Princeton guys.


OK, really? C'mon. I mean, I'm talking about the fact that he's Asian.


Ha ha, oh right!

Jeremy Lin is also an Asian-American. This is notable because very few Asians play professional basketball in the United States! Lin's parents, Gie-Ming and Shirley, are Taiwanese immigrants; Lin and his two brothers are first-generation Americans. The Lins came to the U.S. in the 1970s to study at Purdue. Shirley adored Dr. J, and Gie-Ming taught his sons to shoot the basketball like Larry Bird. Jeremy grew to be 6-foot-3, and he helped his high school team win a state titlein California.



Cute story. So why is he suddenly the most famous guy in New York?


Lin only became a very relevant NBA player about two weeks ago, when he came out of nowhere to score 25 points against the New Jersey Nets on Feb. 4th. And by nowhere, I mean the bench: He'd only played in six of the Knicks' 19 games before that fateful day and usually only for a few minutes.

Since then, he has been kicking ass. It's almost superhuman. The NBA's very set in its franchisestars. You rarely see a player dominate games so suddenly and so completely—especially in that player's second year in the league. Lin's rise was especially unexpected: His contract with the Knicks only became guaranteed last week. Before that, his future in the NBA was so uncertain that he hadn't even found an apartment. He'd been crashingon his brother's couch on Manhattan's Lower East Side.



Lin's played the majority of the last six games for the Knicks, and he's been a member of the starting lineup for the past five. In that stretch, the Knicks are a perfect 6-0, even without two of their best players on the floor for most of it. And in that stretch, Lin's averaged 26.8 points and 8.5 assists a game. Those are very, very good numbers for a point guard. Chris Paul of the L.A. Clippers is largely considered the NBA's best starting point, and he's currently averaging 18.5 points and 9 assists a game.


Last night's win (February 14th, 2012) was especially absurd. The Knicks played a pretty mediocregame against the Toronto Raptors, and everyone who's been fawning overLin for the past two weeks was going on Twitter to say dramatic stuff like, "The dream is over," or "Told you it couldn't last." But then the Knicks held Toronto tojust five points in the final five minutes. Lin scored eight of New York's final 14 points, including a game-winning three-pointer with 0.5 seconds to play. But let's be clear: Lin didn't just score a big basket. He toyed with his defender at the top of the key for a while, and then, cold-blooded as ever, pulled up for a three-pointer, and nailedit. The Knicks didn't even need a three-pointer for the win! But Jeremy Lin does not care, because he is Linsane in the membrane.


Wow! That is LINSANE, even if I don't really know what those numbers mean, or fully understand that new popular phrase yet. So is this guy, like, an All-Star, or whatever?


Well, not yet. There is a definite possibility that his numbers will regress a bit, and that the New York Post will find a new target for terrible puns. But he is very good, and both the NBA and the Knicks are currently revelingin their most favorable marketing opportunity since Yao Ming.


Why is there so much hype, though?


We're fairly certain that black people are physically gifted and Asian people are mentally gifted, and it's, like, so wild when those conceptions are shattered by a charming, capable young man who happens to be both! When that kind of thing happens, we're naturally compelled to tweet and write things on Facebook about it.


I guess it's only been 11 days since it started. The response to Jeremy probably hasn't gotten too stupid yet, right?

Oh, it has. It has also doubled backon itself and eaten its own tail. And it can only get dumber from here. You should just join the bandwagonnow and enjoy the Linning while you can, or close your eyes and continue to pretend it doesn't exist.


不,已有些过头了。同时“林来疯”热潮已开始回潮,并有所消退,而且只会变得更加沉寂。你所该做的,就是要么赶上这股潮流去欣赏“林时刻”,要么就干脆闭上眼睛,继续假装一切都不存在。7 Lessons Jeremy Lin Can Teach Us林书豪给我们的启示◎ By Eric Jackson 译 / 宋怡秋

Linsanityhas swept up the NBA over the last week. Now it seems like the phenomenon has gone worldwide.“林来疯”上周(编者注:本文写于2012年2月11日)横扫了NBA赛场。现在这股旋风似乎已经蔓延至全球。

Friday's 38 point performance by Harvard gradJeremy Lin for the New York Knicks against the LA Lakers was his greatest performance yet as a starter, since he burst on to the scene and propelled the team to 4 straight wins.


But there's more to this story than basketball. This isn't just a modern-day, real-life version of the Hoosiersmovie. The Jeremy Lin story is incredibly popular because we can all see a little bit of ourselves in this man's struggles and now successes.

What can all of us learn from this young man and how can we apply these same lessons to our own lives?



1. Believe in yourself when no one else does. Lin's only the 4th graduate from Harvard to make it to the NBA. He's also one of only a handful of Asian-Americans to make it. He was sent by the Knicks to play for their D-League team 3 weeks ago in Erie, PA. He'd already been cut by two other NBA teams before joining the Knicks this year. You've got to believe in yourself, even when no one else does.

1. 相信自己,即使别人不看好你。林书豪是成功打入NBA的第四位哈佛毕业生,也是打入NBA中屈指可数的几个美国亚裔球员之一。就在三周前,他被尼克斯队派往宾夕法尼亚州伊利市参加发展联盟(译注:正式名称是美国国家篮球协会发展联盟,水平低于NBA)比赛。而在今年加入纽约尼克斯队之前,他还曾被另外两支NBA球队裁退。你一定要相信自己,即使别人不看好你。

2. Seize the opportunity when it comes up. Lin got to start for the Knicks because they had to start him. They had too many injuries. Baron Davis was gone. The other point guardswere out. Carmelo Anthony was injured. Amare Stoudemire had to leave the team because of a family death. Lin could have squanderedthe opportunity and we would have never have noticed. But he made the most of it. You never know when opportunities are going to arise in life. Often, they're when you least expect them. Make the most of them. Don't fritterthem away.

2. 当机会来临时要牢牢把握。林书豪能够作为尼克斯队的首发队员上场,是因为他们别无选择。这支球队里的伤病员太多了,拜伦·戴维斯离开了,其他的控球后卫无法上场。卡梅隆·安东尼受伤不在,阿马雷·斯塔德迈尔则因家人去世而不得不离队。林书豪本可能浪费掉这次机会,我们本可能永远不去关注他的,但是他却牢牢地把握住了这次机会。生活中你永远不知道机会何时会出现,它们常常在你最不抱希望的时候降临。牢牢把握住这些机会,不要让它们白白溜走。

3. Find the system that works for your style. Lin isn't Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant. He's not a pure scorer. He's a passerand distributor—who can also score very well. It didn't work for him in Golden State or Houston—where he was before landing at the Knicks. But Mike D'Antoni'ssystem at the Knicks has been perfect for him to show off his strengths. You've got to do your best to understand what your strengths are and then ensure that you're in a system that is a good fit for those strengths. Otherwise, people overlook the talents you bring to the table.

3. 找到适合自己风格的体制。林书豪不是迈克尔·乔丹,也不是科比·布莱恩特。他并不是一个纯粹的得分手。他是一个传球手和球权分配者,得分能力也很强。在加入尼克斯队前,他曾效力于金州勇士队和休斯敦火箭队,可是那两个队都不适合他。而在尼克斯队,迈克·德安东尼的战术体制始终非常适合他一展才技。你必须竭尽所能去了解自己有何长处,而后确保自己身处能够发挥这些长处的体制之中。否则,人们就会忽视你所展现出的天赋。

4. People will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else. You've got to be you. You can't be some second rate copy of Michael Jordan. There will never be another Michael Jordan. Just be Jeremy Lin—yourself. Whatever that is. That doesn't mean you don't work hard—it just means you find what you're good at and do it. Fans will love you for being you, just like they love Jeremy Lin. Judy Garland said it best: "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."

4. 人们会喜欢你是因为你保持本色,不要试图去模仿别人。你必须保持本色,而不是成为迈克尔·乔丹的二流复制品。世上永远不会再有第二个迈克尔·乔丹。就做林书豪——做你自己就好,无论怎样。这并不是说你不需要去努力,而是说你要发现自己的长处并将之发扬光大。球迷们会因为你保持本色而爱上你,就像他们喜爱林书豪一样。(美国著名歌手兼演员)朱迪·嘉兰说得好:“永远做一流的自己,而不是做别人的二流复制品。”

5. Stay humble. If you one day are lucky enough to have newspapers want to put you on the cover in order to sell more, don't let it get to your head. It's been remarkable watching how humble Lin remains through all this media frenzy. It makes his teammates and fans love him that much more.

5. 保持谦逊。如果某天好运降临,各大报纸都想把你的照片放在头版来增加销量,别为此而飘飘然。林书豪在所有媒体的狂热追捧中仍能保持如此谦逊的态度,实在很了不起。这让他的队友和球迷更加喜爱他。

6. When you make others around you look good, they will love you forever. I didn't know how good Tyson Chandler was, until I saw him playing with Jeremy Lin. Lin has set Chandler up many times over the last week foreasy dunksbecause he drew the defense and then passed the ball. That's partly why the Knicks are playing so well. They are all working harder to share the ball with others. And it's beautiful to watch. And when the media swarmsLin, he tells them how good his teammates are. Do the same with your peers and reports.

6. 让你身边的人大放光彩,他们便会永远喜欢你。我以前并不知道泰森·钱德勒有多出色,直到我看到他与林书豪一起打球。在过去的一周,林书豪为钱德勒创造了多次轻松灌篮的机会,因为他引开对方的防守队员后就把球传给了钱德勒。这也是尼克斯队现在球打得这么好的原因之一。队员们更加注重相互间的传球配合,这样的比赛看着才赏心悦目。当媒体记者簇拥着林书豪做采访时,他却在称赞自己的队友们表现得多么出色。在对待同伴和接受采访时你也要如此。

7. Work your butt off. Lin couldn't have seized his opportunity if he hadn't worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills. There are no short cuts to hard work. Success is a by-product of that. If you've got a Tiger Momwho's always pushed you to work hard, great. If not, let your conscience be your own Tiger Mom! Get up early; stay up late. Nobody gave Lin any free passes. Why should you get any? You can only control what you control and that means you've got to work harder than anyone else you know.

7. 努力工作。如果林书豪没有拼命地苦练球技多年,他也无法抓住这次机会。努力工作没有捷径可循,成功只是这个过程中的额外收获。如果有一位严母不断督促你要努力用功,那很好。如果没有,让你的自觉成为你的“严母”,起早贪黑努力用功吧!没人给过林书豪任何通往成功的免费入场券,你为何应该有呢?你只能掌控自己所能控制的,那就意味着你必须要比你认识的其他人都更刻苦才行。

I hope the Linsanity continues. And I hope we all can apply these lessons to our own life.

我希望“林来疯”能持续下去,也希望我们都能将这些启示用到自己的生活中去。☆快乐愚人节Top Eight April Fools' Day Jokes愚人节整蛊榜◎ From metro.co.uk 译 / 两袖清风


1. San Serriffe 圣·赛瑞弗艾岛

Back in the hazy, distant days of 1977, the annual japeryof April Fool's Day was far from a fixture in the UK's newspapers. But then The Guardian ran a seven-page feature on the remote island nation of San Serriffe, in the Indian Ocean—complete with descriptions of its two main islands, Upper Caisse and Lower Caisse, its capital Bodoni, and its ruler, General Pica. Of course, it was all an elaboratejoke, with most of the names being punning referencesto typographer'sterminology. But huge numbers of people fell forit—aided perhaps by the fact that the paper roped inmany legitimateadvertisers, including Guinness and Kodak, to play along with the gag. The Guardian's office switchboard was flooded with phone calls from gulliblepeople wanting more information on the fictitiousislands.


The San Serriffe joke is notable not only for sparking the British press's fondness for April 1st tomfoolery, but also for being the most sustained untruth ever printed by The Guardian that wasn't the result of a spelling error.


2. Google Custom Time 谷歌邮件自定义时间功能

Ever wished you could turn back time and make sure that birthday email actually arrived on the actual birthday of its much-loved recipientrather than a day late? Or maybe you just want a little advantage when replying to a first-come, first-served free ticket offer? Well thanks to Google's Custom Time feature launched on April 1st, 2008, you can. Simply select the "1 hour ago" or "6 hours ago" option when sending your mail and the very concept of late no longer exists.


3. New York City April Fool's Day Parade 纽约市愚人节大游行

When a press releasewas sent around in 2000 announcing the 15th annual New York City April Fool's Day Parade, not even the facts that a) it promised a float on which Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker would "spewracial epithetsat the crowd", b) that it came from notorious pranksterJoey Skaggs, c) that Skaggs had been issuing press-releases about the non-existent parade for a decade and a half, and d) it had the words "April Fool" in the title, were enough to dissuadeCNN from sending a film crew to cover it.


4. Pigeon Rank 鸽子排名

Google has a history of entertaining—if not remotely plausible—April 1st hoaxesand arguably the most original of these was their 2002 revelation that Google's search results were created by vast batteries of trained pigeons. This enabled them to attain speeds "superior to traditional search engines, which typically rely on birds of prey, brooding hens or slow-moving waterfowl".


5. Dutch Elm Disease荷兰榆树病

It is a 1973 prankby BBC Radio, in which supposed academic Dr. Clothier warned of the dangers of Dutch Elm Disease spreading to red-headedpeople. The fact that Dr. Clothier sounded suspiciously like Spike Milliganshould probably have given the game awayon this one.


6. Cleaning the Internet 互联网大清理

A perennialfavourite, which hit hardest in 1997, is a forwarded email warning that the internet will be shut down over April 1st so that robots can crawl along it cleaning out dead sites. This is of course false: the internet actually has a nice lady called Eleanor who comes in to dust it down every second Tuesday.

这一长盛不衰的恶作剧在1997年达到最甚。一封四处转发的电子邮件提醒说,互联网将在4月1日关闭,好让机器人借此清理停运的网站。此事自然纯属杜撰:其实是有位名叫“埃莉诺”的贴心女士会每隔一个周二来清理一次互联网。(编者注:Eleanor指美国Madame Eleanor’s Cleaners干洗公司,这里是作者的玩笑之谈。)

7. Pi 圆周率新值

The claim that the Alabama State Legislature has voted to change the value of pi (3.1415926 ...) to the more "Biblical" 3.0was in fact a joke, from the New Mexicans for Science and Reason newsletter. The fact that so many people believed it is probably a worse reflection on Alabamathan it is on them, however.“新墨西哥人科学与推理组织”在一则通讯上宣称,阿拉巴马州议会已通过投票,将圆周率π(3.1415926……)改为更合《圣经》所言的3.0。这则新闻实为玩笑,但仍有很多人信以为真,原因可能是人们虽然对圆周率的印象不好,但对阿拉巴马州的印象更为糟糕。Spotlight 缤纷前沿

Cool School with No Classrooms Or Grades


Sweden has built radical schools that have no classrooms, no preset (预先设置的) subject lessons and best of all, no grades! The schools are built with unique learning spaces in lieu of (代替) traditional classrooms. Not only that, even the curriculum (课程) is taught in a radical way—using mobile phones, computers and e-readers. Also, there is no "right" or "wrong" kind of education. Every student begins with a one-on-one session with a teacher, who helps him/her chart an education plan. From there on, armed with a school provided laptop he/she can spend the day studying individually on one of the comfortable lounges (沙发) spread through the building or work in groups with other students.


Fifth Grader Uncovers a Scientific Breakthrough


When 10-year old Clara Lazan was assigned a classroom science project, neither she nor her teacher would have guessed that her random creation would be hailed (被认可) as a scientific discovery, worthy to be published in a scientific journal. Clara used her imagination to create a rather unusual combination of oxygen, nitrogen (氮) and carbon atoms. While this accidental molecule (分子) does not occur in nature, it could potentially be synthesized (合成) in a laboratory. In fact, since it contains the same atoms as nitroglycerin (甘油三硝酸酯), the active ingredient in dynamite (达纳炸药) and rocket propellants (火箭推进剂), it could be a new way to store energy or, create large explosions!


Punished for Predicting the Wrong Weather


Weather forecasters in South Africa could face a frosty punishment if they get their predictions wrong. The new rules in South Africa's Weather Service Bill are to try to stop forecasters from causing panics (恐慌) about extreme weather. Early reports of extreme or severe weather can create a panic and cause the local economy to lose lots of money. In the future, forecasters wishing to give a severe weather warning must apply for permission from South Africa's Weather Service Bill. Fines of up to £800,000 could be issued as well





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