
发布时间:2020-05-22 04:45:06


作者:Michael A. Putlack,Stephen Poirier,Will Link






®A. Information on the TOEFL iBT®


2.TOEFL iBT■ 世界指定考场通过网络同时进行考试。®

TOEFL iBT的iBT是指网上考试,即Internet-based Test的首字母。



分钟,阅读和听力部分考试结束后有10分钟休息时间。■ 对读、听、说、写综合评价。®




部分的考题间接进行评价。■ 考试全过程允许做记录。®




连同试卷一并上交。■ 听力部分允许美式、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚式发音。®



发音担忧。■ 写作部分用电脑完成答案。®®

TOEFL iBT写作部分须用电脑完成所有答案。与TOEFL CBT考

试不同,写答案不会再用手写方式,需平时熟悉英文打字。■ 可在网上确认考试结果。®

TOEFL iBT是考试15天后网上公布成绩。申请考试时选择网上

确认成绩和邮件方式,可以收邮件成绩单。B. Information on the Listening Section®

TOEFL iBT的听力部分旨在测试考生是否听懂大学水平的英语。由2—3个对话和4—6篇讲义组成。一般情况下对话长度为3分钟,包括12—25轮问答,讲义长度为3—5分钟,由500—800个单词组成。每个对话后都有5个问题,每篇讲义后都有6个问题,也就是说考生总共需要完成34—51个问题。听力部分的时间为60—90分钟,考生务必在限定时间内完成所有的问题。

1.听力材料类型:■ 对话(Conversation)

- 学生和教授或学生和助教间的对话。

- 学生和教职工(图书管理员、宿舍管理员、校内书店店员等)

之间的对话。■ 讲义(Lecture)

- 教授单方面进行的授课。

- 上课期间有教授和一两名学生互相进行交流讨论的双向授课(授课中有时会混有英国或澳大利亚的口音)。


① Listening for Main Ideas

把握听力材料的主旨或核心问题。这类题需要考生具备在听讲义或对话的过程中提取主旨并加以整理的能力。主旨有时在开头部分明确给出,有时则需要整体把握全文才能得出。如果是后者的话,就要求考生能在听完之后对所听内容进行具体分析综合。● What problem does the man have?● What are the speakers mainly discussing?● What is the main topic of the lecture?● What is the lecture mainly about?● What aspect of X does the professor mainly discuss?

② Listening for Main Purpose

针对听力材料的背景和目的提出的问题。通过对对话或讲课所包含的目的或理由的提问来寻找主旨大意。这类问题主要出现在对话部分,通常问题的答案都能在开头部分找到。当然,也有的时候需要整体把握全文,这种情况下就需要考生对信息进行分析、综合并得出答案。● Why does the student visit the professor?● Why does the student visit the registrar's office?● Why does the professor ask to see the student?● Why does the professor explain X?

③ Listening for Major Details

分析材料细节的问题。解决这类问题需要考生对材料很好地理解并加以记忆。大部分细节问题的对象都是与主题密切相关的。例如,说明主题的例子或证明主题的补充资料都是提问对象。即使与主题没有直接的关系这种问题的对象也会是文章的重要内容。● According to the professor, what is one way that X can affect Y?● What are X?● What resulted from the invention of the X?● According to the professor, what is the main problem with the X theory?

④ Understanding the Function of What Is Said

选取对话或讲义的一部分,分析这部分被提出的原因。这类问题考察考生是否能在文章脉络中正确把握说话者的意图。因此为了解决这类问题,考生一定要很好地了解被提问的句子出现的语境并正确理解上下文语境中话者的意图,大部分情况下这类问题都会将提问的一部分听两遍再进行解答。● What does the professor imply when he says this? (replay)● What can be inferred from the professor's response to the student? (replay)● What is the purpose of the woman's response? (replay)● Why does the student say this? (replay)

⑤ Understanding the Speaker's Attitude

针对对话或讲义的主旨,或是说话者对于所谈论对象的感情、意见、确信程度的问题。由于这类问题主要考察考生是否能正确把握说话者的态度或意见,因此不仅要把握说话者的感情状态与偏好,还要把握隐藏在这种感情话态度之后的理由。大部分情况下这类问题都会将问题部分听两遍。● What can be inferred about the student?● What is the professor's attitude toward X?● What is the professor's opinion of X?● What can be inferred about the student when she says this? (replay)● What does the woman mean when she says this? (replay)

⑥ Understanding Organization

针对对话或讲义的整体结构或文章的两个部分的联系提出的问题。回答这类问题考生要很好地把握 主题的变 更、例子,以及暂时脱离主题的参考信息。这类题与对话相比主要出现在讲义,根据情况的不同,有时会出现多个答案。● How does the professor organize the information about X that he presents to the class?● How is the discussion organized?● In what order does the speaker describe the topic?● Why does the professor discuss X?● Why does the professor mention X?

⑦ Connecting Content

此题考察考生是否能以不按照对话和讲义中提示信息方式而是用其他方法将内容分类或排序。为了更好地回答这种问题,必须要把握在材料中出现的各种各样想法之间的关系。有时这种关系很明确,但大部分都要通过推论才能明白。要答这类题,要将内容分类、使其形成体系,并且按一定的顺序将一系列事件进行排列。有的时候要根据提示信息推测并导出结论。● What is the like outcome of doing procedure X before procedure Y?● What can be inferred about X?● What about the professor imply about X?

⑧ Making Inferences

这类问题需要以对话或讲义所给信息为基础,通过推论导出合理性结论。回答这类问题时,应从单纯的顺序出发,运用因果关系以及比较和对照等各种形式,进行逻辑推理,从而解决问题。● What does the professor imply about X?● What will the student probably do next?● What can be inferred about X?● What does the professor imply when he says this? (replay)C. Information on Registration■ 考试信息来源

关于考试的信息可通过ETS的托福网站(www.ets.org/toefl)了解。同样信息的韩语网站有韩美教育委员团网站(www.teflkorea.or.kr)和ETS亚洲太平洋网站(korea.etsasiapac.org)。■ 申请考试手续

首先在ETS亚洲太平洋网站(korea.etsasiapac.org)确认考试登记时间。在登记有效期间内访问该网站的注册网站(toefl-registration.ets.org/TOEFLWeb)加入会员,然后按提示注册考试申请。或者拨打韩美 教育委员团(02-3211-1233)专用电话申请注®册,或者下载ETS托福网站提供的TOEFL Ibt Registration and Information Bulletin中的注册申请表填写后邮寄。但网上申请最为简单便利。发传真或直接访问地区事务所不能注册。■ 注册费和结算方式

注册费是170美金,根据不同情况会有变动。在美国本土以外地区须用信用卡结算注册费,如在美国本土内有银行帐户,可用电子支票或美国美金支票结算。考试申请注册后要想变更应试日期须补交40美金,成绩单除了指定学校4处免费送递之外,其他地区每件加收17美元。®D. TOEFL Score Comparison Table®

以下是TOEFL iBT和CBT(Computer-based Test),还有PBT(Paper-based Test)分数的对照表。过去考过CBT或PBT的考生可以通过此表大体上测量自己的iBT分数。Test BookActual Test 01Listening Section DirectionsThis test measures your ability to understand conversations and lectures in English.The Listening section is divided into 2 separately timed parts. In each part you will listen to 1 conversation and 2 lectures. You will hear each conversation or lecture only one time.After each conversation or lecture, you will answer questions about it. The questions typically ask about the main idea and supporting details. Some questions ask about a speaker's purpose or attitude. Answer the questions based on what is stated or implied by the speakers.You may take notes while you listen. You may use your notes to help you answer the questions. Your notes will not be scored. If you need to change the volume while you listen, click on the Volume icon at the top of the screen.In some questions, you will see this icon:This means you will hear, but not see, part of the question. Some of the questions have special directions. These directions appear in a gray box on the screen.Most questions are worth 1 point. If a question is worth more than 1 point, it will have special directions that indicate how many points you can receive.You must answer each question. After you answer, click on Next. Then click on OK to confirm your answer and go on to the next question. After you click on OK, you cannot return to previous questions.A clock at the top of the screen will show you how much time is remaining. The clock will not count down while you are listening. The clock will count down only while you are answering the questions.Part 1 Lecture - American History

Lecture 1~6:Listen to part of a lecture in an American history class.Note Taking

1.What is the lecture mainly about?(A)The historical reasons for American neutrality in World War II(B)The root causes that led to the beginning of hostilities in

World War II(C)The methods America used to supply the Allies during the

war(D)The factors that caused America to involve itself in foreign


2.According to the professor, what factor was decisive in causing America to go to war in 1917?(A)The need to help the British and the French defeat Germany(B)The desires of the industrialists to make higher profits(C)The fears of the government about joining the League of

Nations(D)The threat of German submarine attacks on American


3.Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.(A)America supports the United Nations' enforcement of peace.(B)Even with America's support, the United Nations cannot

enforce peace.(C)Peace can be enforced by America with the United Nations'

help.(D)Even with support, peace cannot be enforced by

international bodies.

4.How does the professor organize the lecture?(A)By asking questions and then providing answers to them(B)By examining an event and the results of this event(C)By explaining his theory by going from the present to the past(D)By giving a possible theory and examining its merits

5.In the lecture, the professor discusses America's inter-war policies. Indicate with which policy the following aspects are connected.

Click in the correct box for each sentence.

6.Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.(A)Roosevelt might have had a hard time declaring war on

Germany.(B)The Germans were stupid for honoring their treaty with

Japan.(C)The world was lucky that Germany declared war on America.(D)Hitler's biggest mistake came in declaring war on America.Part 1 Conversation - Instructor's Office Hours

Conversation 7~11:Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor.Note Taking

7.What problem does the student have?(A)He has lost the syllabus for the class.(B)His paper was on an incorrect topic.(C)He is going to get a zero on his report.(D)He requires more time to finish his work.

8.According to the professor, what should the student's paper be on?(A)The differences between some celestial bodies(B)The characteristics of Saturn's largest moons(C)An upcoming lunar eclipse that will take place(D)The different effects of lunar eclipses on Earth

9.Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.(A)To chastise the student for trusting his friend(B)To ask the student to stop meeting that person(C)To insist that the student think about friendship(D)To advise the student not to be friends with that person

10.Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.(A)The student has an interesting way with words.(B)The student's statement is not strong enough.(C)He does not fully agree with the student.(D)The student's paper was the worst of the semester.

11.What can be inferred about the professor?(A)He does not get involved in his students' lives.(B)He likes to give unsolicited advice to students.(C)He is always willing to give extensions on projects.(D)He feels that students should not trust one another.Part 1 Lecture - Geography

Lecture 12~17:Listen to part of a lecture in a geography class.Note Taking





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