
发布时间:2020-05-23 02:44:56














Tai Chi Chuan, a pearl of the traditional Chinese sports culture, has a wide range of skills, movement features and profound traditional Chinese cultural significance. It is usually used for health purposes and as a means of competition and self-defense, etc, and thus it is widely received by practitioners in China and abroad. Recently, as the cultural exchange increases, its values and elegance are highly recognized by people worldwide.

The 24-Form Tai Chi is a simplified style that was improved by the experts, at the invitation of the General Administration of Sports of China,based on the traditional Yang style. All movements are organized in a proper sequence according to the difficulty and complexity. Soon later, it became popular and played an active role in improving people's health. To promote cultural exchange between China and the western countries, and promote the 24-Form Tai ji in these countries, this “Instructions” comes out after the author's years of practice, prudential considerations, teaching and intellectual enquiries. The book is divided into four chapters. Chapter I and Chapter II are to describe the theory, including overview and introduction of 24-Form Tai Chi Chuan. Chapter III and Chapter IV are to introduce the skills, including basic skills and the whole routine of 24-Form Tai Chi Chuan.

The book has been organized with the following features. First, all-round and systematic knowledge, including 24-Form basic principles, skills and the basic theory. All this systematically introduces the notion, meaning, origin,style, moves, basic principles, and essentials of Tai Chi; moreover, it discusses its modern development, values in body-building and other scientific researches as well as the significance for the traditional Chinese culture, so as to provide the foreigners with an access, through learning Tai Chi theory and practicing Tai Chi, to the traditional Chinese culture. Second, Chinese-English instructions that teach practitioners directly through bilingual descriptions, illustrations and figures while maintaining the complete 24-Form Tai Chi as it is so to serve the teaching purpose and facilitate the grasp of Tai Chi.

In the light of these considerations, it is very useful and provides valuable references for learning, reviewing and self-studying 24-Form Tai Chi and its theory,and for improving the teachers’ foreign language skills in teaching Tai Chi.

Since the cognitive level is limited, with all the work done in the book,there might also be slips and mistakes, and I respect any criticism and corrections of this book.Shan JingyiTianjinJune 2013理论篇|Theory第一章|Chapter I太极拳运动概述|Overview of Tai Chi Chuan第一节 太极拳的概念及名称内涵Section 1 Notion and Meaning of Tai Chi Chuan


Tai Chi Chuan, generally based on both attack and defense, is moved and practiced in an arc and round-shaped way. As its name indicates, it is often associated with and interpreted by the Chinese concept of yin-yang. There are different styles of Tai Chi such as Chen, Yang, Wu, Sun and Wu style, etc. In general, many of these movements are performed gently, slowly and gracefully with smooth and even transitions between them. It is widely received as a good way of exercising, helping recover health, attacking, defending and entertaining. In this respect, it is not only a traditional Chinese sport, but an excellent sports culture playing an important role in spreading body-building nationwide and international cultural exchanges.“太极”一词源出《周易·系辞》:“易有太极,是生两仪。”“太极”有至高、至大、至极、唯一之意。古人把“太极”寓为万物之始或万物衍化的本源。由于太极拳由静止的初始状态运动起来后,演化出虚实、动静、刚柔、开合、虚实、进退、屈伸等多种矛盾,且它们彼此之间互为转化,变化无穷,故命名为“太极拳”。

The term “Tai Chi” originates from The Book of Changes: Exegesis of Divinatory Symbols (or Xici) as it says, “In the system of Change, there is the Supreme Ultimate which generates the Two Forms (yin and yang).” In the ancient times, “Tai Chi”, or the “Supreme Ultimate”, was thought as the origin of all things on earth. In fact, all Tai Chi movements contain a unity of opposites, namely yin and yang: moving and still, hard and soft, opening and closing, advancing and retreating, stretching and bending, etc. These movements are interdependent and interpenetrable, with each transforming itself into the other all the time, and are hence given the name Tai Chi Chuan.


Tai Chi Chuan was formerly known as the “Long Fist” and “13 Postures”.During the reign of Qing Emperor Qianlong, Wang Zongyue, born in Shanxi,wrote a book named A Study of Tai Chi in which it was first given such name. As referring to it the first time in “The 13 Postures”, he described it as “the endless Yangtze River water or even sea water” and defined the 13 postures as “ward off, roll back, squeeze, press downward, pluck, split, elbow,shoulder, advance, retreat, look, gaze and remain firm and stable. Among these postures, the first four correspond to the Kan (Water), Li (Fire), Zhen(Thunder) and Dui (Lake), the middle four correspond to the Qian (Heaven),Kun (Earth), Gen (Mountain) and Xun (Wind), and the last five represent the Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, namely the five elements, in the Eight Trigrams, so called together as 13 Postures”. Why is it called the Long Fist? Tai Chi movements are always continuous in motion although they begin from stillness just as a silkworm spiting out silk in spring. And, the “13 Postures” is a comprehensive form of Tai Chi based on and interpreted by the Eight Trigrams,Five Elements and other ancient Chinese philosophies.第二节 太极拳的缘起与流派Section 2 Origin and Styles of Tai Chi Chuan


According to the research, the Chen-Style Tai Chi Chuan is the oldest form, with all the other styles of Tai Chi Chuan having derived from it either directly or indirectly. The Chen-Style Tai Chi was established by Chen Wangting in the early Qing and late Ming about 400 years ago, who is the ninth generation of Chen Family, born in Chenjia Valley, Wenxian County,He’nan Province. Years later, many styles were educed from Chen's, of which the Chen, Yang, Sun, Wu and Wu are widely-known styles of different moves.In general, Tai Chi integrates different fist techniques of the Ming Dynasty,especially Qi Jiguang's 32-Form Long Fist, with the ancient skills of breathing and inner guiding and the TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine) meridian and yin-yang theory to be basis of its practice. So, we can see that Tai Chi is a carrier of traditional Chinese culture and philosophy.第三节 太极拳的种类特点Section 3 Features of Differents Styles of Tai Chi Chuan


Tai Chi comes in different styles over time but Chen, Yang, Sun, Wu and Wu style are the most famous ones with their own different features.


Chen Style: It is a sequence of dynamic movements that combine the soft and hard forces, with fast and slow actions, in a balanced and natural way,including spiraling, twisting, exerting energy, jumping and stamping feet, while using the reverse abdominal breathing.


Yang Style: It is a simplified form that features comfortable and agreeable movements and actions, moving continuously, smoothly and flexibly at a constant speed while keeping calm and elegant.


Sun Style: It emphasizes advancing or retreating freely with quick and dexterous movements which are connected with each other either in closing or opening stances when the direction is changed, thus also it is known by the name “lively pace frame”.


Wu Style: It is known for soft movements in a relaxed and natural way and the style is compact, continuous and ingenious, never restrained.


Wu Style: It features smooth movements and strict footwork and distinguishes between substantialness and insubstantialness. The chest and abdomen are kept upright while the body is moving around. The two hands are in charge that their respective halves of the body never go farther than the foot.第四节 太极拳的运动形式Section 4 Practice Methods of Tai Chi Chuan一、单练I. Solo Form Practice(一)拳术:由个人进行演练的套路称为单练套路。由于太极拳种类不同,演练时动作规格和运动特点也不同,如陈、杨、孙、吴、武等式太极拳各具特色。新编套路一般也从属于某式太极拳的运动特点,如二十四式、四十八式太极拳具有杨式太极拳的运动特点。

1. Fist Practice: It is a solo routine for people to practice individually. Tai Chi has many different styles. Each style may have its own subtle emphasis on various principles and methods and there are also variations within each of Chen, Yang, Sun, Wu and Wu styles. New routines are always characterized by a certain style, such as 24-Form and 48-Form Tai Chi Chuan derived from Yang Style.(二)器械:除太极拳单练套路外,还有器械单练套路,如太极剑、太极刀、太极枪、太极扇等。

2. Apparatus-based Practice: Besides the fist practice, there is also the apparatus-based solo form practice, such as Tai Chi Sword, Tai Chi Saber, Tai Chi Spear, Tai Chi Fan, etc.二、对练II. Paired Practice


It is a routine practice of the pre-set movements between two practitioners, including fist and apparatus-based practice, with Tai Chi Chuan paired practice for the former, and Tai Chi Sword and Tai Chi Spear paired practice for the latter.三、集体演练III. Group Performance or Competition


It refers to a group who practice Tai Chi routine barehanded, with apparatus or both the former two. In a competition, 6 persons or more are required to perform in formation and consistency with background music.There are performances or competitions of Group Tai Chi Chuan, Tai Chi Sword, Tai Chi Fan, etc.四、推手IV. Push-Hand


Unlike Tai Chi Chuan paired practice, Tai Chi Chuan push-hand requires the practitioners to use wrists and hands to push one another and keep in physical contact, so as to practice attacking and defensing.(一)套路推手:是由多种太极拳动作和攻防方法编排好的程式化的二人推手套路。各式太极拳都有其独特的推手方法和套路。20世纪90年代初经中国武术协会、亚洲武术联合会审定推出了太极拳推手对练套路,其技术多样、特点突出、传统文化内涵丰富,集传统性、健身性、技击性、观赏性、娱乐性于一体,深为国内外太极拳练习者所喜爱。

1. Routine Push-Hand: It is a stylized routine to push hands between two practitioners combining different moves and methods to attack and defend.Each style of Tai Chi is characterized by different push-hand methods and routines. In the early 1990s, China Wushu Association and Wushu Federation of Asia have approved and released a paired practice routine. Since it serves a wide range of purposes like body-building, attacking and defensing, recreation and entertainment, it is preferred by many practitioners because of its various skills, distinctive features and rich cultural heritage.(二)实战推手:是指两人按照一定的规则,使用掤、捋、挤、按、采、挒、肘、靠等手法,双方粘连黏随,通过肌肉感觉来判断对方的用劲,然后借劲发力,将对方推出界外或使之倒地以决胜负的竞技项目。

2. Push-Hand for Actual Combat: It is a contest between two persons who follow the rules to push by using the skills like warding off, rolling back,squeezing, pressing downward, plucking, spliting, elbowing, shouldering,etc, judge the other's force through muscles, and then find the right time to transform the coming force to attack the opponent by pushing the other out of the arena or to the ground.第五节 太极拳的基本技法Section 5 Basic Principles of Tai Chi Chuan


As a simplified form of Tai Chi, 24-Form Tai Chi incorporates the above features which pose special requirements on each posture the body moves,that is, the so-called ten basic principles as follows:一、虚领顶劲I. Hold the Head Straight with Ease“虚领顶劲”是指练习太极拳时要求头顶“百会穴”处向上轻轻顶起,好像有根绳索将头轻轻向上提起似的。做到此点,头部要做到头正、顶平、项直、颏收。“顶劲”不可太过,也不可不及,要虚虚领起。过分上顶,紧收下颏,会导致颈项僵硬,动作失去灵活,只有做到“虚领顶劲”,精神才会振奋,动作才能沉稳、扎实。在运动中,头颈动作应随着身体位置和方向的变换,与躯干的旋转上下协调一致。

The top of head should be lifted up slightly like there is a string hanging on the top of head. In order to achieve this, keep the head upright, straighten the neck and hold down the chin. Hold the head straight with ease; do not use force. Otherwise, it would make the back of the neck and the movement stiff.There should be a natural and light feeling. If not, the spirit will be unable to rise up, whereupon neither movement will be steady and smooth. The head and neck should move along with the body in motion to keep the movement coordinated between the upper and lower body.二、含胸拔背II. Sink the Chest and Raise the Back“含胸”是指胸廓略向内含蓄,使胸部有宽松的感觉。“含胸”的做法是肩锁关节松沉、肩胛微向前扣、肋骨微敛、胸腔上下径放长,以便膈肌下降,这样有利于腹式呼吸。“拔背”是指在胸廓向内虚含时肩背部肌肉向下松沉,第七颈椎与第一胸椎处鼓起上提并略向后上方拉起。但注意“含胸”和“拔背”是连在一起的,避免单纯地往后拉。这样,背部肌肉就会产生一定的张力和弹力,肌肤有绷紧感。“含胸拔背”除了有促气下沉的作用外,还有助于松肩和垂肘。

The phrase “sink the chest” means the chest is slightly drawn inward to loosen the chest. Firstly relax and lower the acromioclavicular joint, buckle shoulder blade forward slightly, hold in the rib and then lengthen the thorax, so as to lower diaphragmatic muscle for abdominal breathing. While sinking the chest, your back will naturally rise and you will be able to pull back the seventh cervical vertebra and the first thoracic vertebra easily. However, please note that the two movements should be done at the same time, otherwise the muscles of back rise will become tense and the skining is tightened up. Sinking the chest and raising the back can help the chi to sink to the abdomen and relax the shoulders and elbows.三、松腰敛臀III. Relax the Waist and Hold in the Hips“松腰”是指放松腰椎上的肌肉群,腰部松沉,使坐身或蹲的姿势更加稳健。腰部的松而沉,又是为了与虚领顶劲、含胸拔背以及敛臀协同配合,使气下沉,以达实腹之效。其次,它对动作的进退旋转,用躯干带动四肢的活动及动作的完整性起着主导作用。“敛臀”是指在含胸拔背和松腰的基础上使臀部稍内收。“敛臀”时,可尽量放松臀部和腰部肌肉,使臀肌向外下方舒展,然后轻轻向前、向里收敛,似用臀把小腹托起。“敛臀”的主要作用是在气沉丹田的要求下使腹部充实团聚。

The phrase “relax the waist” means to relax the muscles on the waist, sink the waist to make the legs stable while sitting and squatting, and cause the chi to sink to the abdomen with the help of the above two steps. Besides, relaxing the waist can also enable the body to lead the four limbs to move, advance,retreat and spiral. Try to relax the muscles on the hips and waist when holding the hips forward and inward. It seems to lift up the lower abdomen through hips. Holding in the hips is mainly to make the abdomen full of chi.四、圆裆松胯IV. Separate the Thighs and Relax the Hips“裆”即会阴部位。裆部要求“圆裆”,做法是两胯撑开,两膝微向里扣。使两膝向外分开,而两股向里合,胯根撑开,做到圆裆。另外,会阴穴与头顶百会穴的“虚领顶劲”上下相应,是保持身法端正、气贯上下的有效方法。

Thighs are required to be separated and the two knees should be bent inward. Even if the knees face outward, the two thighs are held backward and separated. In this way, the separated thighs correspond to the top of head and make sure the body so as to form a round between the thighs moves firmly and the chi flows freely within the body.五、沉肩坠肘V. Sink the Shoulders and Elbows“沉肩坠肘”是练习太极拳对肩、肘的要求,即在松肩的前提下使肩肘向下沉坠。两臂由于肩、肘的沉坠而产生一种内劲的沉重感觉,这是上肢要得到的内在的遒劲。肘除下坠之外,还要有一些微微向里的裹劲,这样的沉肩坠肘,才能使劲力贯串到上肢手臂上。

The shoulders should relax and hang downwards, and in the meantime the elbows must relax and point downwards. As a result, the arms have inner force and you will feel a little heavy on the arms. Furthermore there is another little force while dropping the elbows. Only keeping both the shoulders and elbows down at the same time can one make the force focused at the upper arm.六、舒指坐腕VI. Spread the Fingers and Curve the Wrist“舒指坐腕”是太极拳对手掌动作的要求。“舒指”是指将掌指自然伸展。“坐腕”是指将腕关节向手背、虎口的一侧自然屈起。凡是收掌的动作,手掌要微微含蓄,但又不可软化、漂浮;当完成各种掌法时要做到“舒指”。以推掌为例,“舒指”和“坐腕”兼而有之。在没有前伸时,掌心微呈窝形,蓄而不张,这时为虚掌,在前伸过程中,逐渐舒展,由虚到实,到达推掌的终点时,掌指伸张开来,掌腕自然屈起而下坐,掌根微微含劲向前凸出,使由腰脊而发的劲力通过沉肩、坠肘、舒指、坐腕、凸掌而贯穿到掌指,这时是实掌。掌的虚实应当与整体动作的虚实相结合。“舒指坐腕”是将周身之劲力通过“其根在脚,发于腿,主宰于腰,形于手指”而达到完整一气。

It mainly refers to the palm movements. The fingers should be extended naturally and the wrist bent naturally. And the palms should be slightly extended without softening and floating. Extend the fingers naturally after completing a movement. For instance, extend the fingers and curve the wrist naturally while pushing the palms. Before pushing, the palms should look like a concavity and then the fingers should be out gradually to the largest extension during pushing. At this point, curve the wrist naturally with the root of each palm pushing downward slightly. To do so, make the force of spinal column reach the fingers through sinking the shoulders and elbows, extending the fingers, curving the wrist and pushing the palms forward. Whether the palm is pushed with force or not is closely related to the whole movements. Extending the fingers and curving the wrist can enable the force of the whole body to reach the fingers entirely from the feet, legs and waist.七、尾闾中正VII. Keeping the Coccyx Straight“尾闾中正”是指运动中须始终保持尾闾与第七颈椎成一直线,使身体处于中正状态,避免身躯歪斜,动作歪扭,失却重心。下盘重心偏斜,使下盘的劲力与躯干的劲力间断,上下劲力不整,下盘也就不能稳固。所以,“尾闾中正”是关系到身躯、动作姿态能否做到“中正安舒、支撑八面”的关键。“尾闾中正”必须和以上讲的几点统一起来,才能使上、下肢和躯干的内在劲力达到完整的地步。

It means to always keep the coccyx and the seventh cervical vertebra in a straight line and also keep the body upright from inclining which will cause a twisted motion and make the balance lost. If the body weight shifts, the forces of the upper and lower body are disconnected, resulting in the lower body to shake. Therefore, whether the coccyx is straight determines whether the body and movements are firm and stable. This step must be completed with the above ones to make the inner forces of the limbs and body a whole.八、内宜鼓荡,外示安逸VIII. Spirit up Inside and Calm down Outside“鼓荡”,是对习练者内在精神提出的要求,指精神饱满,心神专注。神宜内敛,不流于形色,从而给人一种安然自逸的感觉。

On the inside, you are energetic and concentrated, but from the outside,your practice has the appearance of being relaxed and calm.九、气沉丹田IX. Sink chi to the Dantian“气沉丹田”是对腹部的要求,是在宽胸实腹、意注丹田的态势下,用意识引导呼吸,将气徐徐深送到腹部脐下。太极拳要求呼吸深、长、细、匀,通顺自然,只有“实腹”与“宽胸”紧密相连才能做到。初学时只要求自然呼吸,动作熟练以后,可以根据个人锻炼的体会和需要,有意识地引导呼吸,使动作与呼吸更好地配合,并逐渐过渡到“拳势呼吸”。这样,既合乎生理的要求,也使动作做得更加协调、圆活、轻灵、沉稳。

Under the condition of relaxed chest and filled abdomen with concentration on the Dantian, use the mind to guide breathing and send Chi to the part below navel. It requires a deep, long, smooth and uniform breath, and it could only be succeeded when the abdomen is filled and chest is relaxed. However, as for the beginners, it is OK to breathe naturally and after becoming skilled, the practitioners may consciously guide the breath if necessary, based on the actual conditions and well integrate the movements and the breath.Such guided breath in motion satisfies the physical conditions and makes the body move harmoniously, smoothly, gently and steadily.十、运劲如抽丝,迈步如猫行X. Step Gently and Steadily and Move Smoothly and Continuously


Legs provide force to advance or retreat during practicing. So be careful with the shift of body weight as well as the position of feet and the bending degree of legs. The step must be gentle and firm and the legs must be bent to support the body in turn while moving the legs. Forces and movements must be remembered to avoid the legs carrying the whole weight. So, it is necessary to relax the thighs and knees first so as to advance and retreat easily.





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