雅思阅读(雅思综合训练系列 3)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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雅思阅读(雅思综合训练系列 3)

雅思阅读(雅思综合训练系列 3)试读:


Dear Student,

Thank you for choosing to study for the IELTS with New Oriental.

This book is the long anticipated result of a close cooperation between New Oriental and international IELTS experts to develop our own IELTS training materials. We believe it offers a different approach, with the following features:

First of all, the language used is likely what you will encounter in a real classroom or work setting while living abroad. The setting of each dialogue is also consistent with how you might encounter English as used by native speakers in their own country.

Also, under the guidance of renowned professor Rod Ellis, our partner international research team has delivered a proven methodology for ensuring the intended acquisition of needed skills for IELTS test takers in speaking, listening, reading and writing.

And most importantly, this book incorporates ten years of IELTS training experience by the very best teachers at New Oriental, and therefore has been customized to suit the needs of Chinese students.

I sincerely hope that together with these materials New Oriental teachers can make your IELTS classroom fruitful and rewarding. Enjoy your learning time with New Oriental!周成刚新东方教育科技集团常务副总裁新东方教育科技集团雅思研究院院长


This book covers the following points:

Reading Topics and Styles

Topics which are often seen in the IELTS reading test. For example:● technology, the environment, psychology, human biology,

science, history, sport, medicine, the media, advertising.

Common styles of IELTS reading passages● Narrative, description and argument styles. Articles are written in

newspaper, journal and/or magazine style and are mostly at a

level for an educated, general audience.


Exercises to help you to recognise and learn useful vocabulary for the reading texts. Strategies for dealing with unknown vocabulary in the reading texts.

Strategies and Practice for Answering the IELTS Reading Question Types

All of the IELTS reading question types are covered in this book. The book provides:● Practice exercises for each question type● Helpful hints for approaching each question type

Practice Activities for Reading Quickly to Understand the Main Idea

This is a KEY skill for success in the IELTS reading test. Each unit provides activities to help you to understand the main ideas BEFORE you begin the IELTS style reading questions.

Practice Units

Units 5, 10, 15 and 20 of this book are practice units. In these units you will practise reading and answering questions.

There are two reading passages in each Practice Unit, and each passage has about 25 questions. In the real IELTS test, there are three reading passages and each one has about 15 questions. The total number of questions in a real IELTS test is approximately 40.

Extension Activities

These activities are designed to provide further vocabulary practice, or to help you to understand the organisation of the passage more clearly.

We hope you will enjoy using this book, and that you will learn useful language and skills to help you to pass the IELTS reading test.UNIT 1EducationWarm up - Thinking about the Topic

Look at the two pictures of classrooms in the 1900s and in the present.

1 Find at least 5 differences in the pictures. Talk about them with your partner.

2 Match these statements to each picture.【答案链接】

a. Children should be quiet and keep still while they are learning, and they should do what the teacher tells them.

b. Children need to talk and discuss together while they are learning.

c. Pictures and books help children to learn.

d. Education means learning to read and write and do maths.

e. Education means learning about the world and about how to find out information for yourself.

f. Teachers should set a good example to their students both in and out of the classroom.

g. Teachers should teach children to co-operate and to respect each other.

3 Work together with a partner to make a sentence about education in the 1890s and in the 2000s.【答案链接】

“In the 1890s... whereas in the 2000s...”Beginning to ReadSkimming - Finding the Paragraph Patterns and the Main Idea

For IELTS reading, you need to be able to read QUICKLY to find main ideas and the structure, or organisation, of the paragraphs and the reading passage. Complete the activities below to practice how to do this. Keep to the time limit!Education over the past 100 years The education of our young people is one of the most important aspects of any community, and ideas about what and Ahow to teach reflect the accepted attitudes and unspoken beliefs of society. These ideas change as local customs and attitudes change, and these changes are reflected in the curriculum, teaching and assessment methods and the expectations of how both students and teachers should behave. Teaching in the late 1800s and early 1900s was very different from today. Rules for teachers at the time in the USA covered both Bthe teacher's duties and their conduct out of class as well. Teachers at that time were expected to set a good example to their pupils and to behave in a very virtuous and proper manner. Women teachers should not marry, nor should they‘keep company with men.’They had to wear long dresses and no bright colours and they were not permitted to dye their hair. They were not allowed to loiter downtown in an ice cream store, and women were not allowed to go out in the evenings unless to a school function, although men were allowed one evening a week to take their girlfriends out if they went to church regularly. No teachers were allowed to drink alcohol. They were allowed to read only good books such as the Bible, and they were given a pay increase of 25c a week after five years of work for the local school. As well as this long list of‘dos’and‘don'ts,’teachers had certain duties to perform each day. In country schools, teachers Cwere required to keep the coal bucket full for the classroom fire, and to bring a bucket of water each day for the children to drink. They had to make the pens for their students to write with and to sweep the floor and keep the classroom tidy. However, despite this list of duties, little was stipulated about the content of the teaching, nor about assessment methods. Teachers would have been expected to teach the three‘r’s-reading, writing and arithmetic, and to teach the children about DChristianity and read from the Bible every day. Education in those days was much simpler than it is today and covered basic literacy skills and religious education. They would almost certainly have used corporal punishment such as a stick or the strap on naughty or unruly children, and the children would have sat together in pairs in long rows in the classroom. They would have been expected to sit quietly and to do their work, copying long rows of letters or doing basic maths sums. Farming children in country areas would have had only a few years of schooling and would probably have left school at 12 or 14 years of age to join their parents in farm work. Compare this with a country school in the USA today! If you visited today, you would see the children sitting in groups round Elarge tables, or even on the floor. They would be working together on a range of different activities, and there would almost certainly be one or more computers in the classroom. Children nowadays are allowed and even expected to talk quietly to each other while they work, and they are also expected to ask their teachers questions and to actively engage in finding out information for themselves, instead of just listening to the teacher. There are no rules of conduct for teachers out of the classroom, and they are not expected to perform caretaking duties Fsuch as cleaning the classrooms or making pens, but nevertheless their jobs are much harder than they were in the 1900s. Teachers today are expected to work hard on planning their lessons, to teach creatively and to stimulate children's minds, and there are strict protocols about assessment across the whole of the USA. Corporal punishment is illegal, and any teacher who hit a child would be dismissed instantly. Another big difference is that most state schools in western countries are secular, so religious teaching is not part of the curriculum. These changes in educational methods and ideas reflect changes in our society in general. Children in western countries Gnowadays come from all parts of the globe and they bring different cultures, religions and beliefs to the classroom. It is no longer considered acceptable or appropriate for state schools to teach about religious beliefs. Ideas about the value and purpose of education have also changed and with the increasing sophistication of workplaces and life skills needed for a successful career, the curriculum has also expanded to try to prepare children for the challenges of a diverse working community. It will be interesting to see how these changes continue into the future as our society and culture grows and develops.

4 Read the first sentence ONLY of each paragraph in the reading passage. Take NO MORE THAN FIVE minutes to do this.【答案链接】

Then, put these paragraph description into the same passage as the text itself. Write the letter of the paragraph, A-G, beside each one.____ Teaching content in the past____ Teaching in the present____ Rules for teachers in the past____ The importance of educational beliefs____ Changes in teaching and in society____ Teaching duties in the past____ Rules for teachers in the present

Now, consider the overall structure of this reading. Is it a description, a comparison or an argument?

What two things are being compared here?Skimming - Summarising the Reading Passage

5 Work with a partner to complete a brief summary of this reading passage. Speak, do not write.【答案链接】

This passage is about... It compares... The main idea is that...IELTS Type Questions: Reading for Details and for Main Ideas

Now that you know the main idea and organisation of the passage, you should be able to read it quickly to find details and answer the following questions.Matching Headings to Paragraphs【答案链接】

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph, A-G, from the list of headings below. Write the letter of the paragraph beside the heading.

1) ____ Students as Classroom Researchers

2) ____ Increasing Teacher Expectations

3) ____ Teachers as School Cleaners

4) ____ Education as a Preparation for Working Life

5) ____ Teaching as a Mirror of Societal Beliefs

6) ____ Expectations of Early Teachers

7) ____ A Basic CurriculumTIP

Look at first and last sentences to do this, and watch for words with similar meanings.Multiple Choice Questions【答案链接】

Circle the correct letter. Some questions may have MORE THAN ONE correct answer, and this will be indicated in the instructions.

8) In the early 1900s women teachers were:

a) allowed to get married after five years

b) not allowed to read the Bible at school

c) allowed to go to school events

d) allowed to wear colourful dresses

9) In the early 1900s teachers did not have to:

a) sweep the floor and fill the coal bucket

b) ask the students to do group work

c) teach reading, writing and arithmetic

d) teach about the Bible and Christianity

10) In the early 1900s, the children:

a) sat in order and were not allowed to speak in class

b) were not smacked if they were naughty

c) stayed at school until they were at least 15

d) learned how to speak a foreign language

11) Nowadays, children:

a) must sit quietly and work by themselves

b) have access to computers

c) may not ask the teacher questions

d) must do research after school, not in school time

Circle FOUR correct letters:

12) Nowadays, teachers:

a) must plan their classes carefully

b) have strict assessment plans to follow

c) may smack naughty children

d) teach children to think for themselves

e) insist on silence in the classroom

f) may not smoke after work hours

g) may not teach about religion in state schoolsTIP

These questions usually follow the order of the reading passage.Summary Completion【答案链接】

Complete the summary of the passage using words from the box below. There are more words than there are gaps.aspectscommunityreflectattitudescustomsexpectationsfunctiondutiesloitervirtuousproperbehavepermittedregularlyconductillegalskillsperformcorporaleducation

Educational ideas and methods generally ___________13) the way people think in any society. People's attitudes to what is important can influence the expectations of teachers' behaviour in a community. For example, in the 1900's, teachers had to __________14) according to a set of strict rules, and there were many things they were not __________15) to do, such as drink alcohol. Nowadays, the __________16) of teachers outside the classroom is not considered important, because ideas have changed. In the 1900s there was a list of caretaking __________17) for teachers, but nowadays this does not happen. Ideas about discipline have also changed. __________18) punishment was a common form of discipline in the past, but this is __________19) now.TIP

Watch carefully for word endings and grammar clues to help you with this.Global Multi-Choice【答案链接】

Circle the lettle for the correct answer.

20) The writer's main idea is that:

a) education is very important for young people

b) ideas about education change all the time

c) society changes as educational ideas change

d) educational ideas change as our society changesTIP 1

You will usually find the answer to this question in the first and/or final paragraph.TIP 2

Some or all of the four choices will be ideas from the passage. Your job is to choose the main, or most important one.After You Read

This section of the reading units will include some activities to help you to understand and practise reading skills that you will need in the IELTS test.Vocabulary

The following words appear in the reading passage for this unit. Talk about them with a partner and check that you understand the meaning. Check any words you do not know with your dictionary.reflectassessmentattitudeexpectationspermittedcopybasisreligionliteracyaspectsdiversecurriculumrangeengageparticipatecreativeappropriateconsidersophistication

6 Fill in the gaps in these sentences with the words above. Be careful of word forms such as plurals! Not ALL of the words in the list are included in the sentences.【答案链接】

a. _____________ is a key part of effective education, because students and teachers need to know what has been learned and understood.

b. The best schools have high _____________ of the students' achievements. In these schools, students, teachers and parents share a similar _____________ to the importance of hard work and study, and all _____________ of education are valued.

c. Changes in lifestyle, such as bigger houses and more car ownership, _____________ the development of our economy.

d. In modern schools, _____________ activities such as free writing are encouraged, and there is a _____________ _____________ which offers a _____________ of subject choices to meet the needs and interests of each pupil. There is an increasing level of _____________ in the curriculum to meet the needs of the workplace.

e. Students who _____________ in school activities generally do better than those who are not interested.

f. In most schools, smoking is not _____________ on the grounds.

g. _____________ skills such as reading and writing are an important _____________ for success in life.

h. This IELTS reading book needs to include _____________ reading passage which are similar to those found in the reading test. Writers need to _____________ length, topic and writing style.Text Structure

This text is organised into three main parts.● Firstly, it contrasts teaching and teachers now and in the past.● Secondly, it gives examples to support the differences.● Thirdly, it gives the writer's opinion.

7 Read carefully through the passage again, and highlight or mark:● those sentences which introduce the different topics and contrasts;● in a different colour, all the sentences which give examples of the

contrasts;● in a third colour, all the sentences which give the writer's opinion.

NB: some of these may also introduce topic or contrasts, as in

part (a) above.Note Completion

8 Complete these notes. Write KEY WORDS not sentences.【答案链接】

Education important aspect of society

ideas change as _____________ changes

changes affect - curriculum, teaching and assessment

- expectations of _____________ and ________________

Rules for teachers in 1900s - duties and _____________

Conduct - set a good _____________ to students

Examples: - Women couldn't ____________________________________

Clothes rules: ____________________________________

Social life: ____________________________________

Reading: ____________________________________

Duties - had to _______________________________________


1900s - teaching - strict and inflexible

Examples: Subjects - reading, _____________, _____________, _____________

Punishment _______________________________________

Seating arrangements: pairs, seats in _____________

Teaching style: sit _______________________________________

2000s - teaching - looser and more flexible

Examples: Seating arrangements _________________________________

Teaching style _______________________________________

Rules for teachers_____________________________________

May not teach religion

May not _____________ children


Education in the 2000s is to help children with the _____________for working life.Dealing with Unknown Vocabulary

9 Find the following words in the reading passage. Do not use a dictionary, but rather, use the words or sentences around them to help you to guess:【答案链接】● the meaning of the word - option 1, 2 or 3● the function of the word - e.g. noun, verb, adjective etc. in this

reading passage

Fill in the gaps in this table below. The first one has been done for you.UNIT 2FoodWarm up - Thinking about the Topic

Look at the two pictures below. Talk about them with your partner.

1 What type of environment do these people and these plants live in?

2 Match these descriptions to the right picture:【答案链接】

a. … look like a cactus, but are not related.

b. … grow in dry sandy or rocky areas.

c. … move around the Kalahari desert in search of food.

d. … walk long distances on the hot sand.

e. … only grow about 400 cms tall.

f. … have flowers which are 3 - 4 cms across.

g. … are traditional hunter-gatherers, who do not grow food.

3 Now, work together with a partner to make some sentences about the San people and the hoodia plant. Speak, do not write.【答案链接】

“The San .......... . Hoodia plants ...... .Beginning to ReadSkimming - Finding the Passage Structure and the Main Idea

Complete the activities below to practise how to do this. Keep to the time limit!Hoodia The San live in that part of Africa called the Kalahari Desert. Life there is hard, and nature can be harsh. There are somewhere Abetween 45,000 and 100,000 of them living in countries like Zambia and Zimbabwe. They're not rich and they don't live in expensive houses. There are no roads or schools or hospitals near them. They don't have many material possessions like cars or computers, things that people in the developed world can't do without. In fact, they have many problems such as unemployment and poverty. On top of this, they also suffer from alcoholism, drinking to forget their problems. They're the San, a tribe of traditional hunter-gatherers, who used to travel in search of food for their families instead of growing it or keeping animals. They have a culture that is 20,000 years old, but their old way of life is disappearing fast and has nearly gone forever. So yes, they're poor, and yes, their lifestyle is not attractive to outsiders, but they do have one thing that certain people in the developed world are very, very interested in and want to have, and that may make them some money. It's called hoodia. Many countries have basic, common crops that people plant for food, such as rice or potatoes. Potatoes are grown in many BEuropean countries as well as South America (They originated there!), and rice is a staple food in Asia. But not all plants are grown just for food; some of them can also be used as medicine. A few examples are garlic, which is said to help with colds or high blood pressure, ginger to help with headaches or toothache, or the magnolia tree which is used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat some forms of cancer and heart disease. Hoodia, a cactus-like plant, only grows in the area where the San live, and they know where to f ind it and the best time to use it. They have known about it for centuries and they understand how to use it, but they don't use it for food, and they don't use it to cure disease either. They use it to f ight hunger. In the old days when the San had to travel in search of food, C





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