
发布时间:2020-05-23 13:31:01







玫瑰人生路 The Rose


Envision a rose.Can you see the strong green stem laced with a few thorns that were carefully placed leading up to the blossom like a staircase or rungs on a ladder?Or how about the soft,silky,velvet petals varying in colors and sizes that gently kiss our noses or lovingly brush our cheeks as we hold them close?And who can forget the unique sweet fragrance of a healthy,well-maintained and well-groomed rose?

Like you,I started,as a seed long ago.Even a seed somehow must take shape.As each year passed I grew stronger,better rounded,and more evenly distributed,yet not ready to be planted.As a seed I have had to learn valuable lessons in the art of patience.An art,I say,that is well worth its weight in soil.As I busied myself strengthening my seed and practicing patience,knowing that at any given moment I would be planted,I grew by leaps and bounds!It is amazing what can take place in a seed over time.Without even realizing it,without a specific time to pin point and without warning,I was planted.

My seed took root in the deep dark nurturing soil,branching out and securing a base.Long and wide my roots expanded in preparation for a stem.Hurriedly,I wanted to assemble my stem because it would soon lead to my rose.Again patience reared its head,this time was a little easier for me to accept.As if reacquainted with an old and comfortable friend,I again learned how to embrace patience.As I did,I unknowingly began to grow and my stem began to rise.As my stern grew,I produced a thorn.A harsh and hard thorn grew,one that would not be dismissed or overlooked.The thorn was not only unbearable,but also seemingly grew slow in full materialization.Why?Why would I have a thorn?No good would ever come of this.It was unfair,hard,and unwarranted.I cried continuously.

I wore my emerging thorn for all to see.As time passed,I learned to divert other’s attention from the unsightly thorn to rose to come.That is where I’d set my sights and that was where I would be.My tears turned out to be blessings as my stem was always well watered.Thankfully I had worked past my thorn and my stem continued to grow.I was growing and getting closer and again had to stop,for another thorn had emerged.Again,the pain was unbearable,unjust,and seemingly unfair.But then I noticed something.The past thorn,if I stood on it at just the right angle,would position and equip me with the footing to step beyond the new thorn and I would continue grow.And so process goes-growth,thorn,another step,growth,thorn,and another step until finally I was a bud.

As a bud I was tightly closed,wanting to stop and enjoy what I had so long struggled for,but couldn’t because I was still feeling incomplete.A beautiful creation,yet not in full bloom.The tests were still there,but now of a different sort.As with anything new,once accustomed and again beaten in the match with patience,I grew.One by one my petals relaxed and unfolded.The Rose,as I envisioned it,has been recreated to capture things I had not foreseen.Today,the Rose is more beautiful than I could ever have imagined,as it had been planned from the beginning.

The Rose does not stop,and it is never at rest.For from a rose comes a seed,comes a stem,comes more thorns,comes another rose.And from that rose comes a seed,comes a stem,comes more thorns,comes yet another rose.Each year that passes,another rose is added and over time.The Rose becomes the Rose Garden that it would be!

So plant your seeds with care for YOU are the seed that forms a rose that forms a garden that forms a bouquet that will be given as a gift to another.









1.Like you,I started,as a long ago.Even a seed somehow must take.As each year passed I grew stronger,rounded,and more evenly distributed,yet not ready to be planted.As a seed I have had to valuable lessons in the art of patience.

2.My seed took root in the deep nurturing soil,branching out and securing a base.Long and my roots expanded in preparation for a stem.Hurriedly,I wanted to assemble my stem because it would soon lead to my.

3.The Rose does not,and it is never at.For from a rose comes a seed,comes a stem,comes more,comes another rose.






1.Even a seed somehow must take shape.

take shape:成行;体现;形成

2.My seed took root in the deep dark nurturing soil,branching out and securing a base.

take root in:生根;扎根

匆忙的蝴蝶 A Rushed Butterfly


A man was walking in the forest near his farm.The man loved nature.He watched birds and looked for signs of small animals.

One day,the man found the cocoon of a butterfly.It was hanging from the branch of a tree.He was excited to witness this miracle of nature as it unfolded.Anxiously,the man checked on the cocoon everyday.Several days passed with no sign of movement or life.

Finally,one day a small opening appeared in the cocoon.The man sat down on the forest floor,ready to enjoy the show.He watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.

The process was endless and the man was getting impatient.Then the creature in the cocoon seemed to stop making progress altogether.It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and as though it could go no further.

The man decided to help the butterfly.He went home and found a pair of scissors.He returned to the forest and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon.The butterfly then emerged easily but it had a swollen body and small,shriveled wings.The man sat down and continued to watch the butterfly.

He expected that,at any moment,the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body.He also supposed that the body would contract in time.Neither of these things happened.

In fact,the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings.It never was able to fly.

What the man,in his kindness and haste,did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly was necessary.As the butterfly fought to get through the tiny opening,fluid was forced from the body of the butterfly into its wings.

This way,it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives.If we were allowed to go through our lives without any obstacles,it would cripple us.











1.One day,the man the cocoon of a butterfly.It was hanging from the branch of a tree.He was to witness this miracle of nature as it unfolded.Anxiously,the man checked on the cocoon everyday.Several days passed with no of movement or life.

2.The process was and the man was getting impatient.Then the creature in the cocoon seemed to making progress altogether.It appeared as if it had gotten as as it could and as though it could go further.






1.It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and as though it could go no further.

as far as:至于,直到,远到;就……而言

2.If we were allowed to go through our lives without any obstacles,it would cripple us.

go through:参加;经受;仔细检查;通过

土豆和土豆不一样 There Are Potatoes and Potatoes


A young college student,reluctant that he was admitted to a wrong specialty of an undesirable college,abandoned himself to laxity-playing truant and given to drinking instead of studying.Thus he was becoming more and more demoralized.

But he was never absent from Prof.Yang’s biology class.He liked the course.Beside,Yang’s class was so vivid and interesting that he was always attentive to it regardless of other students paying attention or not in class.

Once he enclosed a note in the homework he handed in,saying,“Professor,it is said that today’s college students are cheaper than potatoes.Do you agree?”

He didn’t know why he took the action.It might be attributed to his trust to the professor,or because he did not want to carry on his depression and tried in vain to find a way out.

That day Prof.Yang sent for him after class.When he came he found the professor at the table on which were four dishes and one soup.They drank heartily over the dishes.When they became half drunk,the professor produced a small bluish potato that was sprouting and said to the young man,“Do you know how much it costs?It’s skinny and lacks flesh.Moreover,it is poisonous.Nobody will take it even if it’s given free of charge.”He tossed it into the rubbish bin.

The professor then showed him another potato that must weigh more than 500g.“This potato cultivated with organic fertilizer is not only large and fresh but also free of pollution.It costs 12-odd yuan(RMB)per kilogram.”

The young man was struck dumb by what he’d heard.The professor put the big potato into his hand and said,“Be such a potato.Don’t forget there are potatoes and potatoes!”









1.But he was absent from Prof.Yang’s biology class.He liked the.Beside,Yang’s class was so vivid and interesting that he was always attentive to regardless of other students paying attention or in class.

2.He didn’t know he took the action.It might be attributed to his to the professor,or because he did not want to carry on his depression and tried in vain to find a out.

3.The young man was struck dumb by what he’d.The professor put the big potato into his and said,“Be such a potato.Don’t forget there are potatoes potatoes!”






1.Beside,Yang’s class was so vivid and interesting that he was always attentive to it regardless of other students paying attention or not in class.

regardless of:不顾,不管

2.He didn’t know why he took the action.

take action:采取行动;提出诉讼

四月雨带来五月花 April Showers Bring May Flowers


From the golden-tipped fields of mid-west America to the ancient kingdoms of verdant Palestine,there is a happy truth to be shared with all who would take heed.In more recent times,this truth has been expressed as:April showers bring May flowers.This is a truth that promises light bursting from darkness,strength born from weakness and,if one dares to believe,life emerging from death.

Farmers all over the world know the importance and immutability of the seasons.They know that there is a season to plant and a season to harvest;everything must be done in its own time.Although the rain pours down with the utmost relentlessness,ceasing all outdoor activities,the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and smiles.Despite the inconvenience,he knows that the rain provides the nourishment his crops need to grow and flourish.The torrential rains in the month of April,give rise to the glorious flowers in the month of May.

But this ancient truth applies to more than the crops of the fields;it is an invaluable message of hope to all who experience tragedy in life.A dashed relationship with one can open up the door to a brand new friendship with another.A lost job here can provide the opportunity for a better job there.A broken dream can become the foundation of a wonderful future.

Remember this:overwhelming darkness may endure for a night,but it will never overcome the radiant light of the morning.When you are in a season of sorrow,hang in there,because a season of joy may be just around the corner……






1.In more recent,this truth has been expressed:April showers bring May flowers.This is a truth that promises light bursting from,strength born from weakness and,if one dares to,life emerging from death.

2.Despite the inconvenience,he that the rain provides the nourishment his crops need to and flourish.The torrential in the month of April,give rise to the glorious in the month of May.

3.Remember this:overwhelming darkness endure for a night,but it will never overcome the radiant of the morning.






1.Although the rain pours down with the utmost relentlessness……

pour down:(大雨)倾盆而下;倾倒;倾泻

2.The torrential rains in the month of April,give rise to the glorious flowers in the month of May.

give rise to:引起;发生;造成

竹子的启示 The Lesson of the Bamboo Trees


One of my fondest memories as a child is going by the river and sitting idly on the bank.There I would enjoy the peace and quiet,watch the water rush downstream and listen to the chirps of birds and the rustling of leaves in the trees.I would also watch the bamboo trees bend under pressure from the wind and watch them return gracefully to their original position after the wind had died down.

When I think about the bamboo tree’s ability to bounce back or return to its original position,the word“resilience”comes to mind.When used in reference to a person this word means the ability to readily recover from shock,depression or any other situation that stretches the limits of a person’s emotions.

Have you ever felt like you are about to snap?Have you ever felt like you are at your breaking point?Thankfully,you have survived the experience to live to talk about it.

During the experience you probably felt a mix of emotions that threatened your health.You felt emotionally drained,mentally exhausted and you most likely endured unpleasant physical symptoms.

Life is a mixture of good times and bad times,happy moments and unhappy moments.The next time you are experiencing one of those bad times or unhappy moments that take you close to your breaking point,bend,but don’t break.Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you.

A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant ordeal.With hope for a better tomorrow or a better situation,things may not be as bad as they seem to be.The unpleasant ordeal may be easier to deal with if the end result is worth having.

If the going gets tough and you are at your breaking point,show resilience.Like the bamboo tree,bend,but don’t break!









1.One of my fondest as a child is going by the river and sitting idly on the.There I would enjoy the and quiet,watch the water rush downstream and to the chirps of birds and the rustling of in the trees.

2.Have you ever like you are about to snap?Have you ever felt like you are your breaking point?Thankfully,you have survived the experience to live to talk it.

3.A measure of will take you through the unpleasant ordeal.With hope for a better tomorrow a better situation,things may not be as bad as they to be.






1……watch them return gracefully to their original position after the wind had died down.

die down:逐渐消失;变弱;平息

2.Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you.

try one’s best:尽力;努力

路上的石头 The Rock in the Road


Once upon a time,there was a queen.This queen ruled a large and wealthy kingdom.She was a good and wise person and an excellent ruler.

The queen was interested in her subjects.She wanted them to be good and honest people.Every once in a while,she would hear rumblings of dissatisfaction or disapproval from the people of the kingdom.

The queen didn’t like complainers.She was a believer in taking matters into her own hands and making the best of a situation.

One day,she decided to conduct an experiment.She had some of the castle’s employees close off the main road to the castle.They also created a narrow path that led to the castle.

This narrow little path was now the only way for her subjects to reach the castle.She hid in some trees beside the path to see how people would react to the obstacle.

One man approached.He saw the rock in the road and turned around and left.A woman approached.She tried to climb over the rock but it was too big.She turned back.Another man approached.He tried to walk around it but when he got scratched by a tree branch,he also turned back.

Many people approached the rock,loudly complained about how unfair it was to have a rock in the road,and gave up.Others blamed the queen and criticized her as a ruler.

At last,an old woman approached.She tried to walk around the rock but couldn’t.She tried to climb over the rock but couldn’t.She tried digging under the rock to no avail.

She waited for another person to come so she could ask for help pushing the rock out of the way.She waited a long time but no one came.

Finally,the old woman started pushing the rock out of the way all by herself.It took her a very long time.The queen watched,fascinated.

The old woman had to take lots of breaks.Eventually,she pushed the rock out of the way enough that she could now squeeze past it.

As the old woman started to walk past the rock to get to the castle,the queen stepped forward.“I’ve been watching you,”she said to the woman,“I’m very impressed.You didn’t give up.You tried everything you could think of to get around the rock in the road.You were successful.”

“Even if you hadn’t succeeded,I still would have been impressed that you tried everything you could think of.I want to give you this as a reward for your tenacity.”

The queen handed the old woman a purse.In it were hundreds of diamonds,rubies,and emeralds.

The old woman gasped.She was rich.Her family would be rich for generations to come.
















1.The queen was interested her subjects.She wanted them to be and honest people.Every once in a while,she would rumblings of dissatisfaction or disapproval from the people of the.

2.This narrow little was now the only way for her subjects to the castle.She hid in some trees beside the path to see people would react to the obstacle.

3.“Even if you hadn’t,I still would have been impressed that you tried everything you could of.I want to give you this as a for your tenacity.”






1.Once upon a time,there was a queen.

once upon a time:从前;很久以前

2.She was a believer in taking matters into her own hands and making the best of a situation.

make the best of:充分利用,妥善处理

山丘上的靴子 Boots on the Hill


Despite the three feet of snow,we plodded our way down to the sledding hill.I discovered a few things during that short three-block walk.

First,it isn’t easy to blaze a trail through snow that deep.You have to have strong leg muscles,good lungs,and patience.

Our son,Douglas,had no problem at all.Although the snow was taller than him in some places,he plunged on.I followed more slowly.

Second,I discovered my boots had a small leak.Nothing huge,but big enough to allow snow to creep in and create a soggy,cold wet feeling.

We finally arrived at the sledding hill.My husband Marty and Douglas were off,sliding down the hill.I found a comfortable looking mound of snow to sit on so I sat down to watch.Snowflakes drifted down and settled on my coat.

My eyes settled on a strange sight.There,on top of the snow,sat a pair of children’s boots.There was no one else in sight,just these boots by themselves.They sat on top of the snow so they couldn’t have been left there very long.

Where,I pondered,was the owner of the boots?And how did he get home?

My imagination took over.I envisioned a child,eight or nine years old,sledding probably just an hour ago.He was having a great time,laughing and joking and sliding down the hill.Like me,he discovered his boots had a leak.

Trudging up the hill wasn’t so much fun anymore.Each step further drenched his socks and worsened his mood.

It got so bad,he couldn’t stand it anymore.He had to make a change.

Now,most people would go home and then take their boots off but not this child!He must have removed his boots immediately.

This may have seemed like the right thing to do at the time but I’m sure he learned a valuable lesson during his journey home in socks even soggier than before.

As I stared at the abandoned boots,something became clear to me.In my struggle to achieve all that I want to accomplish,I often act just like that boy.I behave on impulse.

I have believed that action is always better than no action.I realized that sometimes there is wisdom in not acting.In fact,a rash action can result in a situation even worse than before.

As the three of us headed home,I glanced one last time at the boots.The snow was slowly burying them.

I may never discover the answer to the mystery of the boots.But I will remember them.


















1.First,it isn’t to blaze a trail through snow that.You have to have strong leg muscles,good lungs,and.

2.My eyes settled on a strange.There,on top of the snow,sat a of children’s boots.There was no one else in sight,just these by themselves.They sat on top of the snow so they couldn’t have been there very long.

3.As the three of us home,I glanced one last time at the boots.The was slowly burying them.






1.There was no one else in sight,just these boots by themselves.

in sight:看得见;在望;临近

2.I behave on impulse.

on impulse:一时冲动;心血来潮

扫把上的沉思 A Meditation upon a Broom-Stick

乔纳森·斯威夫特/Jonathan Swift

This single stick,which you now behold ingloriously lying in that neglected corner,I once knew in a flourishing state in a forest.It was full of sap,full of leaves,and full of boughs,but now in vain does the busy art of man pretend to vie with nature by tying that withered bundle of twigs to its sapless trunk.It is now at best but the reverse of what it was:a tree turned upside down,the branches on the earth,and the root in the air.It is now handled by every dirty wench,condemned to do her drudgery,and by a capricious kind of fate destined to make other things clean and be nasty itself.At length,worn to the stumps in the service of the maids,it is either thrown out of doors or condemned to its last use of kindling a fire.

When I beheld this,I sighed and said within myself,surely mortal man is a broomstick:nature sent him into the world strong and lusty,in a thriving condition,wearing his own hair on his head,the proper branches of this reasoning vegetable,until the axe of intemperance has lopped off his green boughs and left him a withered trunk;he then flies to art,and puts on a periwig,valuing himself upon an unnatural bundle of hairs,all covered with powder,that never grew on his head.But now should this our broomstick pretend to enter the scene,proud of those birchen spoils it never bore,and all covered with dust,though the sweepings of the finest lady’s chamber,we should be apt to ridicule and despise its vanity,partial judges that we are of our own excellencies and other men’s defaults.

But a broomstick,perhaps,you will say,is an emblem of a tree standing on its head.And pray,what is man,but a topsy-turvy creature,his animal faculties perpetually mounted on his rational,his head where his heels should be,groveling on the earth?And yet with all his faults,he sets up to be a universal reformer and corrector of abuses,a remover of grievances;rakes into every slut’s corner of nature,bringing hidden corruption to the light;and raises a mighty dust where there was none before,sharing deeply all the while in the very same pollutions he pretends to sweep away.His last days are spent in slavery to women,and generally the least deserving,till,worn out to the stumps,like his brother bezom,he is either kicked out of doors,or made use of to kindle flames for others to warm themselves by.





1.It was full of sap,full of,and full of boughs,but now in vain does the busy art of man pretend to vie with nature by that withered bundle of twigs to its sapless trunk.It is now at best the reverse of what it was:a tree turned upside down,the branches on the earth,and the in the air.

2.But now should this our broomstick pretend to the scene,proud of those birchen spoils it never bore,and all covered with,though the sweepings of the finest lady’s chamber,we should be apt to ridicule and despise vanity,partial judges that we are our own excellencies and other men’s defaults.






1.At length,worn to the stumps in the service of the maids……

at length:最后;终于;详细地

2……or made use of to kindle flames for others to warm themselves by.

make use of:利用

拐弯处的发现 Where the Railway Bends


A young man traveled by train.As it was rumbling across a wilderness,passengers looked out of windows idly and aimlessly.

When the train approached a bend it slowed down and then an unadorned house came into view.It was so conspicuous against the desolate landscape that everybody on the train turned to“admire”it with eyes wide open.Some passengers even began a discussion about it.

The young man was also impressed by the scene.On his return he got off the train at the nearest station and found his way to the house.Its owner told him that troubled by the noise of the train he wanted to sell the house but nobody would buy it.

Soon after the young man spent thirty thousand dollars for the house,regarding it as a favorable site for advertisement.It was facing the railway bend where the train had to slow down and the weary passengers would cast their eyes at the house to refresh themselves.

He managed to get access to big companies and tried his best to convince them of the advantage of the place for advertisement.Finally the Coca Cola Company took a lease on it to put up promotion signs.The young man was paid 180 thousand for a three-year rent.

The story is absolutely true.It proves that potential discovered may lead to success.








1.When the train approached a it slowed down and then an unadorned came into view.It was so conspicuous the desolate landscape that everybody on the train turned to“admire”it with wide open.Some passengers even a discussion about it.

2.He managed to get access to big companies and his best to convince them of the advantage of the for advertisement.Finally the Coca Cola Company took a lease on it to put up promotion.The young man was paid 180 thousand a three-year rent.






1……then an unadorned house came into view.

come into view:进入视野

2.Soon after the young man spent thirty thousand dollars for the house,regarding it as a favorable site for advertisement.

regard as:把……当做……;把……视为……

哲学家与双面神 A Philosopher and the Double-Faced God


A philosopher found a statue of Double-faced God in the ruins of Rome.As it was the first time he had seen such an image he asked curiously,“What god are you?Why do you have double faces?”

The god answered,“I am Double-faced God.I look back to the past with one face to learn lessons and look forward to the future with another full of hope.”

The philosopher asked again,“What about the present-the most significant present?Have you paid any attention to it?”

“The present!”the god was taken aback,“How could I spare a minute to it since I am so busy with the past and the future?”

“The past is gone,”said the philosopher,“while the future is yet to come.What we can grasp is the present;if you ignore the present,your knowledge about the past and future will be meaningless however great it is!”

The god,suddenly awakened to the truth,burst out crying,“How correct your comment is!It was precisely because I didn’t grasp the present that the ancient city of Rome was turned into a page of history while I myself was thrown into the ruins.”







1.The god answered,“I am Double-God.I look back to the past with one face to learn and look forward to the future with another full of.”

2.“The is gone,”said the philosopher,“while the future is yet to.What we can grasp is the present;if you the present,your knowledge about the past and future will be meaningless however it is!”

3.“correct your comment is!It was precisely I didn’t grasp the present that the ancient city of Rome was turned into a page of while I myself was thrown into the ruins.”






1.I look back to the past with one face to learn lessons and look forward to the future with another full of hope.

look forward to:盼望;期待

2.Have you paid any attention to it?

pay attention to:注意;重视

与蝴蝶邂逅 Attacked by a Butterfly


Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia,I saw a water puddle ahead on the path.I angled my direction to go around it on the part of the path that wasn’t covered by water and mud.As I reached the puddle,I was suddenly attacked!Yet I did nothing for the attack was so unpredictable and from a source so totally unexpected.I was startled as well as unhurt,despite having been struck four or five times already.I backed up a foot and my attacker stopped attacking me.Instead of attacking more,he hovered in the air on graceful butterfly wings in front of me.Had I been hurt I wouldn’t have found it amusing,but I was unhurt,it was funny,and I was laughing.After all,I was being attacked by a butterfly!

Having stopped laughing,I took a step forward.My attacker rushed me again.He rammed me in the chest with his head and body,striking me over and over again with all his might,still to no avail.For a second time,I retreated a step while my attacker relented in his attack.Yet again,I tried moving forward.My attacker charged me again.I was rammed in the chest over and over again.I wasn’t sure what to do,other than to retreat a third time.After all,it’s just not everyday that one is attacked by a butterfly.This time,though,I stepped back several paces to look the situation over.My attacker moved back as well to land on the ground.That’s when I discovered why my attacker was charging me only moments earlier.He had a mate and she was dying.She was beside the puddle where he landed.

Sitting close beside her,he opened and closed his wings as if to fan her.I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his concern for his mate.He had taken it upon himself to attack me for his mate’s sake,even though she was clearly dying and I was so large.He did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life,should I have been careless enough to step on her.Now I knew why and what he was fighting for.There was really only one option left for me.I carefully made my way around the puddle to the other side of the path,though it was only inches wide and extremely muddy.His courage in attacking something thousands of times larger and heavier than himself just for his mate’s safety justified it.I couldn’t do anything other than reward him by walking on the more difficult side of the puddle.He had truly earned those moments to be with her,undisturbed.

I left them in peace for those last few moments,cleaning the mud from my boots when I later reached my car.

Since then,I’ve always tried to remember the courage of that butterfly whenever I see huge obstacles facing me.I use that butterfly’s courage as an inspiration and to remind myself that good things are worth fighting for.







1.As I reached the puddle,I was attacked!Yet I did for the attack was so unpredictable and a source so totally unexpected.I was startled as well as,despite having been struck four or five already.

2.Sitting beside her,he opened and closed his as if to fan her.I could only admire the love and of that butterfly in his concern for his mate.He had taken it himself to attack me for his mate’s sake,even though she was dying and I was so large.






1.After all,I was being attacked by a butterfly!

after all:毕竟;终究;到底

2……striking me over and over again with all his might,still to no avail.

over and over again:再三;一再;多次;反复

折翼的蜜蜂 A Wing and a Prayer

格伦·沃森/Glen Wasson

One afternoon a few summers ago,I had been clearing brush in the mountains for several hours and decided to reward myself with lunch.Sitting on a log,I unwrapped a sandwich and surveyed the rugged scenery.Two turbulent streams joined to form a clear,deep pool before roaring down a heavily wooded canyon.

My idyll would have been perfect had it not been for a persistent bee that began buzzing around me.The bee was of the common variety that plagues picnickers.Without thinking,I brushed it away.

Not the least intimidated,the bee came back and buzzed me again.Now,losing patience,I swatted the pest to the ground and crunched it into the sand with my boot.

Moments later I was startled by a minor explosion of sand at my feet.My tormentor emerged with its wings buzzing furiously.This time I took no chances.I stood up and ground the insect into the sand with all my 210 pounds.

Once more I sat down to my lunch.After several minutes I became aware of a slight movement near my feet.A broken but still living bee was feebly emerging from the sand.

Beguiled by its survival,I leaned down to survey the damage.The right wing was relatively intact,but the left was crumpled like a piece of paper.Nevertheless,the bee kept exercising the wings slowly up and down,as though assessing the damage.It also began to groom its sand-encrusted thorax and abdomen.

Next the bee turned its attention to the bent left wing,rapidly smoothing the wing by running its legs down the length.After each straightening session,the bee buzzed its wings as if to test the lift.This hopeless cripple thought it could still fly!

I got down on my hands and knees to better see these futile attempts.Closer scrutiny confirmed the bee was finished-it must be finished.As a veteran pilot,I knew a good deal about wings.

But the bee paid no attention to my superior wisdom.It seemed to be gaining strength and increasing the tempo of its repairs.The bent veins that stiffened the gossamer wing were nearly straight now.

At last the bee felt sufficiently confident to attempt a trial flight.With an audible buzz it released its grip on the earth-and flew into a rise in the sand not more than three incheas away.The little creature hit so hard that it tumbled.More frantic smoothing and flexing followed.

Again the bee lifted off,this time flying six inches before hitting another mound.Apparently the bee had regained the lift in its wings but had not mastered the directional controls.Like a pilot learning the peculiarities of a strange airplane,it experimented with short hops that ended ignominiously.After each crash the bee worked furiously to correct the newly discovered structural deficiencies.

Once more it took off,this time clearing the sand but heading straight toward a stump.Narrowly avoiding it,the bee rechecked its forward speed,circled and then drifted slowly over the mirrorlike surface of the pool as if to admire its own reflection.As the bee disappeared,I realized that I was still on my knees,and I remained on my knees for some time.














1.My idyll would have been had it not been for a persistent bee that buzzing around me.The bee was of the variety that plagues picnickers.Without,I brushed it away

2.Once more I sat to my lunch.After several minutes I became of a slight movement near my feet.A broken but still bee was feebly emerging from the sand.

3.Apparently the bee had regained the in its wings but had not mastered the directional controls.a pilot learning the peculiarities a strange airplane,it experimented with short hops that ignominiously.






1.I leaned down to survey the damage.

lean down:弯腰;俯下身来

2.The bee kept exercising the wings slowly up and down.

up and down:上上下下

沿路发现的东西 What We Found on the Way


If you have ever been discouraged because of failure,please read on.Far often,achieving what you set out to do is not the important thing.Let me explain.Two little girls decided to dig a deep hole behind their house.As they were working,a couple of older boys stopped by to watch.

“What are you doing?”asked one of the visitors.“We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!”one of the two sisters said with great glee.

The older boys began to laugh,telling the girls that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible.

After a long silence,one of the diggers noticed some insects that had been exposed by the digging.She ran and got a jar from the house.In it,she placed all the interesting creatures she and her sister had uncovered.

The jar was full of spiders and worms that weren’t like any they’d ever seen before.Even the two boys were impressed with the contents of the jar.She held the jar out proudly to them.She said quietly and confidently,“It doesn’t matter if it’s impossible for us to do what we hoped to accomplish.Even if we can’t dig all the way through the earth,look what we found along the way!”

Their goal was far too big for them.The girls had bit off more than they could chew.But that goal did lead them to digging.And digging had led to a great discovery anyway.

The little girls knew something that the boys did not.A goal’s job is to get us moving in the right direction.But not every goal can be achieved and not every job will end successfully.Not every relationship will endure and not every hope will be fulfilled.Not every love will last.Not every task will be completed.Not every dream will be realized but when you fall short of your aim,perhaps you can say,“Yes,but look at what I found along the way!Look at the wonderful things which have come into my life because I tried something!”








1.If you have ever been discouraged because of,please read on.Far often,achieving what you set out to do not the important thing.Let me explain.Two little girls decided to dig a deep behind their house.As they were working,a couple of older boys by to watch.

2.a long silence,one of the diggers noticed some that had been exposed by the digging.She ran and got a from the house.In it,she placed the interesting creatures she and her sister had uncovered.

3.But not every can be achieved and not every job will successfully.Not every relationship will endure and not every will be fulfilled.






1.Far often,achieving what you set out to do is not the important thing.

set out to do:着手做某事

2.Not every dream will be realized but when you fall short of your aim……

short of:少于;缺乏;不足

大石块的故事 The Story of Big Rocks


One day,an expert in time-management was speaking to a group of business students and,to drive home a point,used an illustration those students will never forget.

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered over achievers,he said,“Okay,time for a quiz.”He then pulled out a one-gallon,wide-mouth masonry jar and set it on the table in front of him.Then he produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them,one by one,into the jar.

When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside,he asked,“Is this jar full?”Everyone in the class said,“Yes.”

Then he said,“Really?”He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel.

Then he dumped some gravel in and shook the jar,causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space between the big rock.Then he asked the group once more,“Is this jar full?”By this time the class was on to him.“Probably not,”one of them answered.“Good!”he replied.

He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand.He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel.Once more he asked the question,“Is this jar full?”“No!”the class shouted.Once again,he said,“Good!”Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim.

Then the expert in time-management looked at the class and asked,“What is the point of this illustration?”One eager beaver raised his hand and said,“The point is,no matter how full your schedule is,if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it.”

“No,”the speaker replied,“that’s not the point.The truth this illustration teaches us is this:If you don’t put the big rocks in first,you’ll never get them in at all.What are the big rocks in your life?Your children?Your spouse?Your loved ones?Your friendships?Your education?Your dreams.A worthy cause?Teaching or mentoring others?Doing things that you love?Time for yourself?Your health?Remember to put these BIG ROCKS in first,or you’ll never get them in at all.If you sweat the little stuff(i.e.gravel,the sand)then you’ll fill your life with little things,you will never have the real quality time you need to spend on the big,important stuff(the big rocks)So,tonight,or in the morning,when you are reflecting on this short story,ask yourself this question:What are the“big rocks”in my life?Then put those in your jar first.









1.He pulled out a one-gallon,wide-mouth masonry jar and set it on the in front of him.Then he produced about a dozen fist-sized and carefully placed them,one by one,into the.

2.He reached under the table and out a bucket of sand.He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel.Once more he asked the.“Is this jar full?”“No!”the class shouted.Once a ain,he said,“Good!”Then he grabbed a pitcher of and began to pour it in until the jar was to the brim.






1.As he stood in front of the group of high-powered over achievers……

in front of:在……面前

2.Then he asked the group once more.

once more:再一次;又一次

盐 Salt

亨利·凡·戴克/Henry Van Dyke

“You are the salt of the earth.”Matthew 5:13.

This figure of speech is plain and pungent.Salt is savory,purifying,preservative.It is one of those superfluities which the great French wit defined as“things that are very necessary”From the very beginning of human history men have set a high value upon salt and sought for it in caves and by the seashore.The nation that had a good supply was counted rich.A bag of salt,among the barbarous tribes,was worth more than a man.The Jews prized it especially,because they lived in a warm climate where food was difficult to keep,and because their religion laid particular emphasis on cleanliness,and because salt was largely used in their sacrifices.

Christ chose an image which was familiar,when He said to His disciples,“You are the salt of the earth.”This was his conception of their mission,their influence.They were to cleanse and sweeten the world in which they lived,to keep it from decay,to give a new and more wholesome flavor to human existence.Their function was not to be passive,but active.The sphere of its action was to be this present life.There is no use in saving salt for heaven.It will not be needed there,its mission is to permeate,season,and purify things on earth.


Men of privilege without power are waste material.Men of enlightenment without influence are the poorest kind of rubbish.Men of intellectual and moral and religious culture,who are not active forces for good in society,are not worth what it costs to produce and keep them.


You college students are men of privilege.It costs ten times as much,in labor and care and money,to bring you out where you are today,as it costs to educate the average man,and a hundred times as much as it costs to raise a boy without any education.This fact brings you to face with a question:are you going to be worth your salt?“你们是人间的盐。”——《马太福音》第五章,第十三节








1.From the very of human history men have set a high value upon and sought for it in caves and by the seashore.The nation that had a good was counted rich.

2.They were to and sweeten the world in which they lived,to keep it decay,to give a new and more wholesome flavor to human existence.Their was not to be passive,but active.

3.of intellectual and moral and religious culture,who are not active forces for good in,are not worth what it to produce and keep them.






1.They were to cleanse and sweeten the world in which they lived,to keep it from decay……

keep from:隐瞒;阻止;抑制

2.It costs ten times as much,in labor and care and money,to bring you out where you are today……

bring out:出版,生产;使显示;说出

天空的奇迹 A Wonder in the Sky


The past years fled when I overheard the little child's voice.Her parents had taken her to see the holiday lights in Washington,D.C.It was a clear,crisp December evening.The child spotted a lighted star on top of a chimney.“Oh,look!”she said.“Star light,star bright,first star I see tonight,I wish I may,I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight.”There was nothing comic in her wish,and nothing was lessened by her mistaking an artificial star near at hand for a blazing orb light years away.The moment was sincere,innocent,and wrapped in wonder.

It is not by accident,I think,that a star is a symbol of light,guidance,and hope.It has inspired men and women of every age,every faith,every nation,and every era.To the ancient Egyptians,stars were the souls of the happy dead.To a modern scientist,stars are a demonstration of the great principles of a rational universe.To all,stars are a source of wonder.

Star light,Star bright……There is a beauty in a star,in that point of light which seems to wink at us,as if sharing a secret joke.It reminds us that there is hope for man,so long as we do not take ourselves too seriously.It reminds us of perspective and the importance of balance.A confrontation with a colleague,a disappointment in our investments,the frustrations of daily living seem very small compared with the immensity of the universe and those laughing stars,inviting us to share in a cosmic good humor.The beauty of a star is the beauty of a laughing child,so long as we can look with child-like eyes.

First star I see tonight……There is another wonder.Each night,we can see the stars for the f irst time.We can,if we are so minded,recapture the rapture.We can look upon the first star we see and think of our individual faiths and our relationships with the infinite.We can feel that expansion of the soul which comes when we realize,again,that we are not limited to time and space,that our body is not all there is to man,that we are far,far more than some chemical accident.There are no accidents in a universe of order.

I wish I may,I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight.Wisely are we warned,“Be careful what you wish for,you may get it.”Most of us have had the experience of wanting something to happen and,subsequently,being very glad that it did not.We will become what we think about and concentrate upon.Wishes have power because they are reflections of our focus,and that power can be used for good.To intend well is important.

So,at this season,I wish for you the child-like wonder and joy which can see a star,love its beauty,utter a wish,and make that wish come true.








1.It is by accident,I think,that a star is a symbol of,guidance,and hope.It has inspired men and women every age,every faith,every nation,and every era.To the ancient Egyptians,were the souls of the happy dead.

2.We can look the first star we see and think of our individual faiths and our relationships the infinite.We can feel that expansion of the which comes when we realize,again,that we are not limited to and space,that our body is not all there is to man,that we are far,far more some chemical accident.






1……nothing was lessened by her mistaking an artificial star near at hand for a blazing orb light years away.

at hand:在手边;即将到来

2.It is not by accident,I think,that a star is a symbol of light,guidance,and hope.

by accident:偶然;无意中

赫拉克勒斯的选择 The Choice of Hercules


In his famous choice of labor over pleasure,Hercules sees a distinction far too many fail to discern.He sees that to choose labor is to choose virtue,and thereby happiness.It is important to note,however,that happiness is not his goal;it is rather a result of his dedication to labor.It’s a crucial point.Many people pursue pleasure as an end because they believe,as the personification of pleasure says in this story,that ease is the state in which“you shall not want for anything that makes life joyous”But even if you attain that kind of pleasure,something fundamental is missing-the satisfaction of the soul that comes only through human striving.We know true happiness will come to Hercules as we see him set off down the road of Virtue and Labor.

When Hercules was a fair-faced youth,and life was all before him,he went out one morning to do an errand for his stepfather.But as he walked his heart was full of bitter thoughts;and he murmured because others no better than himself were living in ease and pleasure,while for him there was naught but a life of labor and pain.

As he thought upon these things,he came to a place where two roads met;and he stopped,not certain which one to take.

The road on his right was hilly and rough.There was no beauty in it or about it,but he saw that it led straight toward the green mountains in the far distance.

The road on his left was broad and smooth,with shade trees on either side,where sang an innumerable choir of birds;and it went winding among green meadows,where bloomed countless flowers.But it ended in fog and mist long before it reached the wonderful green mountains in the distance.

While the lad stood in doubt as to these roads,he saw two fair women coming toward him,each on a different road.The one who came by the flowery way reached him first,and Hercules saw that she was as beautiful as a summer day.

Her cheeks were red,her eyes sparkled;she spoke warm,persuasive words.“O noble youth,”she said,“be no longer bowed down with labor and sore trials,but come and follow me.I will lead you into pleasant paths,where there are no storms to disturb and no troubles to annoy.You shall live in ease,with one unending round of music and mirth;and you shall not want for anything that makes life joyous-sparkling wine,or soft couches,or rich robes,or the loving eyes of beautiful maidens.Come with me,and life shall be to you a daydream of gladness.”

By this time the other fair woman had drawn near,and she now spoke to the lad.“I have nothing to promise you,”said she,“save that which you shall win with your own strength.The road upon which I would lead you is uneven and hard,and climbs many a hill,and descends into many a valley and quagmire.The views which you will sometimes get from the hilltops are grand and glorious,but the deep valleys are dark,and the ascent from them is toilsome.Nevertheless,the road leads to the green mountains of endless fame,which you see far away on the horizon.They cannot be reached without labor;in fact,there is nothing worth having that must not be won by toil.If you would have fruits and flowers,you must plant them and care for them;if you would gain the love of your fellow men,you must love them and suffer for them;if you would enjoy the favor of heaven,you must make yourself worthy of that favor;if you would have eternal fame,you must not scorn the hard road that leads to it.”

Then Hercules saw that this lady,although she was as beautiful as the other,had a countenance pure and gentle,like the sky on a balmy morning in May.

“What is your name?”he asked.

“Some call me Labor,”she answered,“but others know me as Virtue.”

Then he turned to the first lady.“And what is your name?”he asked.

“Some call me Pleasure,”she said,with bewitching smile,“but I choose to be known as the Joyous and Happy One.”

“Virtue,”said Hercules,“I will take thee as my guide!The road of labor and honest effort shall be mine,and my heart shall no longer cherish bitterness or discontent.”

And he put his hand into that of Virtue,and entered with her upon the straight and forbidding road which led to the fair green mountains on the pale and distant horizon.














1.Many people pursue as an end because they believe,as the personification of pleasure in this story,that ease is the state in which“you shall not for anything that makes life joyous.”even if you attain that kind of pleasure,something fundamental is missing-the satisfaction of the soul that only through human striving.

2.Nevertheless,the leads to the green mountains of endless fame,you see far away on the horizon.They cannot be reached without;in fact,there is nothing worth having that must not be by toil.






1.But it ended in fog and mist long before it reached the wonderful green mountains in the distance.

in the distance:在远处;远距离

2……be no longer bowed down with labor and sore trials,but come and follow me.

no longer:不再

悬崖上的顷刻 Hanging over the Abyss


A man walking in the night slipped from a rock.Afraid that he would fall down thousands of feet,because he knew that place was a very deep valley,he took hold of a branch that was hanging over the rock.In the night all he could see was a bottomless abyss.He shouted;his own shout reflected back-there was nobody to hear.

You can imagine that man and his whole night of torture.Every moment there was death;his hands were becoming cold;he was losing his grip……and as the sun came out he looked down and he laughed.There was no abyss.Just six inches down there was a rock.He could have rested the whole night,slept well-the rock was big enough-but the whole night was a nightmare.

I say to you that fear is only six inches deep.Now it is up to you whether you want to go on clinging to the branch and turn your life into a nightmare,or whether you would love to leave the branch and stand on your feet.

There is nothing to fear.






1.Afraid that he would fall down thousands of,because he knew that place was a very deep,he took hold of a branch that was hanging over the.In the night all he could was a bottomless abyss.

2.You can that man and his whole night of torture.Every moment there was;his hands were becoming cold;he was losing his grip……and as the came out he looked down and he laughed.There was no abyss.Just six inches there was a rock.

3.Now it is up to you you want to go on clinging to the branch and your life into a nightmare,or whether you would to leave the branch and stand on your feet.






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