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培养人文素质 成就国际通才



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Part One Thousands of Years of the Olympic History—Review the Rise and Fall of the Olympic Games,and Enjoy the Winds and Waves of It 第一部分 千年奥运史——回眸奥运兴衰,笑看风云起落



Chapter 1 The Ancient Olympic Games—Back to Thousands of Years age,lay down the Weapons,and Rush to Olympia 第一章 古代奥运会——梦回千年,放下武器,奔赴奥林匹亚

古代奥林匹克运动会是为祭祀宙斯而定期举行的体育竞技活动。它的产生与希腊当时社会的政治、经济、文化和宗教有着密切的关系。奴隶社会的希腊,战争连年不断,为了取得胜利,各个城邦都利用体育锻炼来培养身强力壮的武士,体育运动就在这种情况下发展起来,逐渐形成了有组织的运动竞赛,为奥运会的诞生打下了基础。古代奥运会从公元前776年起,到公元394年止,历经1170年,共举行了293届。运动会举行期间,全希腊选手及附近的黎民百姓相聚于奥林匹亚这个希腊南部风景秀丽的小镇。来自希腊各地的参赛者参与角逐,目标就是最终奖赏:一个橄榄花圈和“英雄”般的返乡。除去胜利的光荣,奥林匹克本身赋予了奥运会特殊的意义:高尚竞争,把身体、意志和精神平衡地结合于一体。1. The origin:from the beautiful legend to the holy agreement 起源:从美丽传说到神圣协议

More than 2800 years ago,the human beings began to hold the Olympic Games. There are not only beautiful tales regarding to the origin of the ancient Olympic Games but also endless arguments and textual research about it.

早在2800多年前,人类便有了奥运会比赛,关于古代奥运会的产生,既有美丽的神话故事,也有历史学家们永无休止的争论和考证。●The legend of Hercules clearing away the bullshit 赫拉克勒斯扫牛粪的传说

The ancient Greece was a mythical kingdom. The graceful fairytale and outstanding folklore cast a layer of mystery on the origin of the ancient Olympic Games.

According to legend,Hercules,the son of Zeus,got the name“Titan”for his great strength. In Elis,the Greek city-state,he spent less than half a day in finishing cleaning the whole stall where was full of bullshit. Before Hercules took the heavy task of clearing away the bullshit,the king had promised to present him 300 bulls as the “wage”. But the king broke his promise. In a fit of pique,Hercules drove the king away. In order to celebrate the victory,he held a sports meeting in Olympia. It’s the first ancient Olympic Games.


相传,宙斯的儿子赫拉克勒斯,因力大无比,获得“大力神”的美称。在希腊的伊利斯城邦,他用不到半天的时间,扫干净了国王堆满牛粪的牛棚。在接手这个艰巨的任务之前,国王承诺将赠送300头牛给他作为“工资”。但国王食言了。一气之下,赫拉克勒斯赶走了国王。为了庆祝胜利,他在奥林匹亚举行了运动会,即最早的古代奥运会。●The romantic story of Pelops 佩洛普斯的浪漫故事古奥运会会场一角传说中的“大力神”赫拉克勒斯

There was another beautiful legend about the origin of the Olympic Games. In Greece,in order to choose a husband who was versed in both literature and military affairs for his daughter,the king of Elis proposed that the applicant must win him in a chariot race.

In the previous games,there were already 13 young men being killed by the king’s spear. The 14th suitor was a young man named Pelops. He was handsome and talented,and had previously met the princess. They had fallen in love with each other in Olympia. The beautiful princess got worried because 13 suitors had died in unnatural death,and Pelops was on the verge of death. She ordered a stableman to unscrew the pins on the king's chariot wheels,so that the king's chariot rolled onto the ground with a bang in the fierce fighting. The king fell down and got into a state of coma. Pelops gained his victory.

Pelops took up the unconscious king,and felt very sad. He commanded the king's servants to rescue the king quickly. After the king came back to life,he fulfilled his promise and allowed the princess to marry Pelops.

Later,Pelops held a grand wedding in Olympia,thanking to Zeus for his blessing,and then arranged for wrestling,chariot race and other athletic activities. This wedding became the first ancient Olympic Games,and Pelops became the legendary founder of the ancient Olympic Games.




后来,佩洛普斯在奥林匹亚举行了盛大的婚礼,感谢宙斯神对他的保佑,并在其后安排了角力、战车比赛等竞技活动。这次婚礼便成了最初的古代奥运会,佩洛普斯成了古奥运会传说中的创始人。●Sports games took the place of wars 体育比赛代替战争的休战说

In fact,there were social factors about the birth of Olympic Games. There was once a place called Olympia in the ancient Greece,where had been occupied by Elis. But the Spartans also wanted to get these holy lands. Therefore,the war fighting for Olympia broke out. In order to cope with the war,all the city-states were busy training soldiers actively. In Sparta,the children were nurtured by the nation,and engaged in the sports and the military training since 7 years old. They led a military life. The war had lasted for a long time. Both the soldiers and the masses were tired of the protracted war and eager about peace.

In 884 BC,the king of Elis and the king of Sparta signed an agreement of holding a regular rally in Olympia,and also a “sacred truce treaty”. According to the treaty,during the rally,the one who carried weapons into Olympia was considered to be against God,and ought to be punished. So the rally in form of sports competition took the place of the war. But it was only embryo of the ancient Olympic Games. According to the written history,the ancient Olympic Games should be originated in 776 BC.传说中的英勇青年佩洛普斯


于是在公元前884年,伊利斯王和斯巴达国王签订了一项定期在奥林匹亚举行集会的协议,并签订《神圣休战条约》。条约规定,在举行集会期间,凡是携带武器进入奥林匹亚者,将被认为背叛了神,应当受罚。于是,以体育为竞赛方式的集会代替了战争。但这还仅是古代奥运会的雏形,从有文字记载的历史考证,古代奥运会最早产生于公元前776年。●Iphitos,the founder of the Olympics—Change religious activities into sports events 奥运鼻祖伊菲图斯——把宗教活动办成体育盛会

There was an inspirational story about the king of Elis and the king of Sparta signing the armistice agreement.

In the 9th Century BC,there was an enlightened king called Iphitos in Elis. During his reign,Greece was suffering from plague and wars. Then he went to consult a prophet who said,“If you can hold a sports meeting together with each other,and establish a sense of fair competition,God will be glad,and your country will not suffer from wars!”

Iphitos got very glad after listening this. He went to tell the king of Sparta,another powerful nation. Therefore,they came to an agreement that there would be an Olympic Games between the two countries every four years. During the period,everyone must put down their own weapons and go to Olympia to watch the Olympic Games. It showed the respect for the God.

In 776 BC,Iphitos declared a sports meeting in Olympia. So the first ancient Olympic Games was held. It can be said that Iphitos was the founder of the ancient Olympic Games.




公元前776年,伊菲图斯宣告,在奥林匹亚举行体育比赛,第一届古代奥运会就这样开始了。可以说,伊菲图斯是古代奥运会的创始人。2. The splendor of the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运的赛事盛况

The ancient Olympic Games was not only a kind of a competitive sports assembly but also a national holiday of the ancient Greeks. The first program was running,and the cruelest one was boxing. The other events included chariot race,long jump,javelin throw,and discus throw,etc.

古代奥运会不仅是一种体育竞技大会,还是古希腊人的一个全国性节日。最早的运动项目是跑步,最残酷的是拳击。其他的比赛项目还有战车比赛、跳远、掷标枪、掷铁饼等。●All kinds of races 五花八门的赛跑项目伊利斯城邦中刻有体育烙印的军事训练

At first,the Olympic Games lasted only one day,but eventually grew to five days. The Olympic Games originally contained one event:the stadion race,a short sprint measuring between 180 and 240 meters,or the length of the stadium. Runners had to pass five stakes that divided the lanes:one stake at the start,another at the finish,and three stakes in between.勇敢的斯巴达战士雕像

Later,the diaulos,was introduced in 724 BC,during the 14th Olympic games. The race was a single lap of the stadium,approximately 400 meters. All the runners approached a common post,turned,and then raced back to the starting line.

The long-distance race was introduced in 720 BC. The length of the race was 18-24 laps,or about three miles. The event was run similarly to modern marathons—the runners would begin and end their event in the stadium proper,but the race course would wind its way through the Olympic grounds. The course often would flank important shrines and statues,passing by the Nike statue by the temple of Zeus before returning to the stadium.

The last running event added to the Olympic program was the hoplitodromos,introduced in 520 BC and traditionally run as the last race of the Olympic Games. The runners would run either a single or double diaulos in full or partial armour,carrying a shield and additionally equipped either with greaves or a helmet.




奥运会添加的最后一个赛跑项目是武装赛跑,那是在公元前520年被列入传统赛跑的最后一个项目。选手需要全副武装或部分武装,手持盾牌,身着铠甲或头戴盔帽,进行一两次往返跑。●Boxing became increasingly brutal 拳击比赛越来越残酷

Over the years,more events were added:boxing,wrestling,and pankration. Pankration is one of the roots of modern day Mixed Martial Arts,as the use of mixing Boxing and Wrestling at this time is evidence of this. Boxing was an umbrella term for a variety of striking arts used by the British. For examples,Thai boxing,Chinese boxing,French boxing,Burmese boxing.

Boxing became increasingly brutal over the centuries. Initially,soft leather covered their fingers,but eventually,hard leather weighted with metal sometimes was used. The fights had no rest periods and no rules against hitting a man while he was down. Bouts continued until one man either surrendered or died.


几个世纪以来,拳击变得越来越残酷。起先,手指上还套上柔软的皮革,可是后来,带金属的硬皮革都使用过。格斗中没有休息时间,也没有规定说,当一个人倒下的时候,对方就不可以再打了,而是直到一方投降或惨死,这场比赛才结束。3. The coaches,referees and athletes—the outstanding persons 教练、裁判、运动员——非等闲之辈●The experienced coaches 经验丰富的教练员古代奥运会赛跑比赛

The coaches in the ancient Olympics were old soldiers that gave homage to the city-states and had rich experiences. Most of them ever won in large games,and had higher level in the cultural knowledge,moral cultivation,medical care,nutrient hygiene,training methods and psychology,etc. So they were respected and trusted by the people.

Many coaches helped athletes to renew strength as soon as possible after a large amount of exercise,in order to improve the quality of athletes to make brilliant achievements. The coaches also tried to develop the athletes into calm and cool ones that could be good at controlling themselves and deal with a variety of circumstances in the arena.


许多教练员帮助运动员在大运动量后尽快恢复体力,以利于提高运动员素质,创造优异成绩。教练员还要努力把运动员培养成沉着、冷静、善于控制自己的选手,以便应付竞技场上出现的各种情况。●The referees enjoyed high honors 裁判员享有崇高的荣誉

The referees in the ancient Olympic Games enjoyed high honors. They must hold a solemn oath before the Zeus statue,and assured to perform their tasks effectively and fairly without taking any bribes.

The first referee in the ancient Olympic Games was Iphitos. In the first 200 years,the Games just set up one referee. In 580 BC,there were two referees. In 480 BC,there were nine referees,one of which was the Chief Referee. They began a clear division of labor:three were responsible for the five movements,three for the chariot race,and the others for other games. In 384 BC,it was formally determined that the number of referees was ten,with no more changes.


古代奥运会上的第一个裁判员是伊菲图斯。在奥运会最初的200年间,只设一名裁判员。公元前580年,改为两名裁判员。公元前480年,裁判员增至9人,并从中选出一名裁判长,开始出现了比较明确的分工:3人负责五项竞技,3人负责车马赛,另外3人负责其他比赛。公元前384年,正式确定裁判员人数为10人,不再增减。●The athletes and winners—Struggle for olive wreaths 运动员与优胜者——争夺橄榄枝编成的花冠

Only free men who spoke Greek were allowed to participate in the Ancient Games of classical times. Additionally,participants eventually came from Greek colonies as well,extending the range of the games to far shores of the Mediterranean and of the Black Sea.古代奥运会遗址

To be in the Games,the athletes had to qualify and have their names written in the lists. It seems that only young people were allowed to participate,as the Greek writer Plutarch relates that one young man was rejected for seeming overmature,and only after his lover,who presumably vouched for his youth,interceded with the King of Sparta,was he permitted to participate. Before being able to participate,every participant had to take an oath in front of the statue of Zeus,saying that he had been in training for ten months.古代奥运会拳击比赛神圣又野蛮的古代奥运会现场

The winner of an Olympic event was awarded an olive branch and often was received with much honor throughout Greece,especially in his home town. Sculptors would create statues of Olympic victors,and poets would sing odes in their praise for money.



奥林匹克运动优胜者的奖品是橄榄枝,他们在整个希腊都享有崇高的荣誉,特别是在他们家乡。雕刻家会为奥林匹克胜者塑造雕像,诗人也会为了挣钱而为他们唱颂歌。4. The fall of the ancient Olympics—Through the dark age of body and soul apart 古代奥运的衰落——走过灵肉分开的黑暗时代

At the end of the 5th Century BC,the Peloponnesian War drove the Greek into decline. It was also the turning point of the ancient Olympic Games from prosperity to decline. The war led to the economic depression and low social ethos. The sport lost its own meaning,and became the people's means of pursuing wealth gradually. The Olympic ideal was distorted.

In the 2nd Century BC,Rome conquered Greece and the ancient Olympic Games began to decline roundly. At the end of the 4th Century AD,Theodosius,the Roman emperor,declared the Christianity as the national religion,and outlawed the ancient Olympic Games. In 394,Theodosius banned all festivals that honored Olympic gods. Since then,the ancient Olympic Games disappeared.



Chapter 2 The Modern Olympic Games—Inheritance of Peace,Friendship,and Harmony 第二章 现代奥运会——传承和平,传递友谊,传播和谐

古希腊奥运会于公元394年被禁止,在沉睡了1000多年之后,终于于19世纪末期得到了恢复和发展。1883年,顾拜旦第一次提出举办类似古奥运会的比赛,把过去只限于希腊人参加的运动会扩大到世界范围。1894年6月16日,20个国家派代表在法国巴黎大学召开了第一届“重建国际奥林匹克运动会国际会议”。会议作出决定,将于1896年在希腊首都雅典举行第一届现代奥林匹克运动会,这就是现代奥运会的开始。现代奥运会沿用了“奥林匹克运动会”的名称,继承了每四年一个周期的传统,借用和发展了某些仪式,吸收了公平竞争、奋勇拼搏、身心和谐发展的古代传统思想。但现代奥运会并不是古代奥运会的延续和翻版,它是在资本主义背景下产生的新的社会文化现象。1. The father of the modern Olympics—Coubertin's story 现代奥运之父——顾拜旦的故事

Coubertin was a French educationalist and historian,the founder of the International Olympic Committee,and was considered the father of the modern Olympic Games. Born in a French aristocratic family,he became an academic and studied a broad range of topics,especially in notably education and history.

顾拜旦是法国教育家和历史学家,创办了国际奥委会,并被认为是现代奥运会之父。他出生在法国贵族家庭,后来成为一名学者,研究了广泛的主题,特别是在教育和历史领域造诣颇深。●The influence of the Head Master and the physician 校长和医生的影响

Thomas Arnold,the Head Master of Rugby School,had an important influence on Coubertin’s educational thought,but Dr. William Brookes affected his thinking in terms of sports competition to some extent. A trained physician,Brookes believed that the best way to prevent illness was to do physical exercise. In 1850,he had initiated a local sport competition that he referred to as “the Olympic class meetings”. Brookes created a National Olympian Association which aimed to encourage such local competition in cities across Britain. Brookes also maintained communication with the government and sporting advocates in Greece,seeking a revivial of the Olympic Games internationally under the auspices of the Greek government. Dr. Brookes organized a national Olympic Games in London,at Crystal Palace,in 1866 and this was the first Olympics to resemble an Olympic Games to be held outside of Greece. But while others had created Olympic contests within their countries,and broached the idea of international competition,it was Coubertin whose work would lead to the establishment of the International Olympic Committee and the organization of the first modern Olympic Games.

拉格比公学的托马斯·阿诺德校长对顾拜旦的教育思想产生了重大的影响,但威廉·布鲁克斯医生或多或少地影响到他的体育竞技思维。布鲁克斯是一个训练有素的医生,他认为,最好的办法是通过体育锻炼来预防疾病。1850年,他发起了一个当地的体育竞赛,称之为“奥林匹克班级会议”。布鲁克斯创立了国家奥林匹克协会,目的在于鼓励英国城市发扬这些本土竞技。布鲁克斯也保持着与希腊政府和体育倡导者们的沟通,寻求在希腊政府支持下的国际奥运会的复兴。1866年,布鲁克斯在水晶宫组织了一次伦敦奥运会,这是第一次在希腊之外的城市举行一次像样的奥运会。当时已经有人在自己的祖国缔造了奥林匹克竞技,并提出国际竞争的问题,该是顾拜旦成立国际奥委会并组织第一届现代奥运会的时候了。现代奥运之父——法国学者顾拜旦●The congress for the first modern Olympic Games 开会确定第一届奥运会事宜

The congress was held on 23 June 1894 at the Sorbonne in Paris. A Greek participant,Demetrius Vikelas,was appointed to head the commission on the Olympics,and would later become the first President of the International Olympic Committee. Along with Coubertin,Herbert of Britain's Amateur Athletic Association and W.M. Sloane of the United States helped lead the efforts of the commission. In its report,the commission proposed that Olympic Games would be held every four years and that the program for the Games would be one of modern rather than ancient sports. They also set the date and location for the first modern Olympic Games,the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens,Greece,and the second,the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris. Coubertin had originally opposed the choice of Greece,as he had concerned about the ability of a weakened Greek to host the competition,but was convinced by Vikelas to support the idea. The commission's proposals were accepted unanimously by the congress,and the modern Olympic movement was officially born.

1894年6月23日,在巴黎的索邦大学举行了重新举办奥运会的会议。希腊参会者德米特留斯·维凯拉斯被任命担任奥运会的主席,后来成为第一届国际奥委会主席。英国业余田径协会的赫伯特和美国的W.M.斯隆,也与顾拜旦一起担任了要职。在报告中指出,委员会建议奥运会每四年举行一次,计划将运动会打造成现代奥运会,而非古代奥运。他们还为第一届现代奥运会确定了日期和地址,1896年的第一届夏季奥运会在希腊的雅典举行,1900年的第二届奥运会在法国巴黎举办。顾拜旦原本反对选择希腊,因为他担心弱小的希腊国家无力举办,但后来被支持在希腊举办的维凯拉斯说服了。委员会的建议被大会一致通过,现代奥运会也因此正式问世了。2. The Winter Olympics—the sports on the ice and snow 冬运会——冰天雪地里的运动

The Winter Olympics is short for the Winter Olympic Games. It is a worldwide winter sports meeting hosted by the International Olympic Committee every 4 years. It is held in the iceworld,such as ice skating,snow-skiing,etc.

冬季奥林匹克运动会,简称为冬季奥运会。它是国际奥林匹克委员会每隔四年举行一届的世界性冬季项目运动会。它是在冰雪世界中举行的运动,如滑冰、滑雪等项目。●The general situation of the Winter Olympics 冬奥会的总体概况

The Winter Olympic Games is a sporting event. The first celebration of the Winter Olympics was held in Chamonix,France,in 1924. The original sports were alpine and cross-country skiing,figure skating,ice hockey,Nordic 最初的现代奥运会现场combined,ski jumping and speed skating. The Games were held every four years from 1924 until 1936 when they were interrupted by World War II. The Olympics resumed in 1948 and were celebrated every four years. The Winter and Summer Olympic Games were held in the same years until 1992,when the governing body for the Olympic Games,the International Olympic Committee (IOC),decided to place the Summer and Winter Games on separate four-year cycles in alternating even-numbered years.

The Winter Olympics have been hosted on three continents,but never in a country in the southern hemisphere. The United States has hosted the Games four times;France has been the host 1924年,运动员在第一届冬奥three times;Austria,Canada,Italy,会上宣誓Japan,Norway and Switzerland have hosted the Games twice. In 2014 Sochi will be the first Russian city to host the Winter Olympics. The IOC has selected Pyeongchang,South Korea,to host the 2018 Winter Olympics.


冬季奥运会已经在三大洲举办过,但从未在南半球的国家落户。美国已经举办过四次冬奥会;法国已经举办过三次;奥地利、加拿大、意大利、日本、挪威和瑞士都各自主办过两次。2014年,索契将是第一个主办冬季奥运会的俄罗斯城市。国际奥委会选定韩国的平昌,主办2018年冬季奥运会。●The evolution of the winter Olympics 冬奥会的演变

The Winter Games have evolved since their inception. Sports have been added and some of them,such as luge,short track speed skating and freestyle skiing,have earned a permanent spot on the Olympic programme. Others,such as speed skiing,bandy and skijoring,were demonstration sports but never incorporated as Olympic sports. The rise of television as a global medium for communication enhanced the profile of the Games. It created an income stream,via the sale of broadcast rights and advertising,which has become lucrative for the IOC. This allowed outside interests,such as television companies and corporate sponsors,to exert influence. The IOC has had to address several criticisms,internal scandals,the use of performance enhancing drugs by Winter Olympians,as well as a political boycott of the Winter Olympics.

冬季奥运会自其成立以来,已经几经演变。运动项目增加了,某些项目如雪橇、短道速度滑冰、自由式滑雪,已经在冬奥会项目中占有一席之地。其他还有一些项目被列为表演项目,但未成为正式项目,其中包括速度滑雪、冰上曲棍球和滑雪板。作为全球性的交流媒介,电视的崛起大大提高了冬奥会的收益。电视的崛起还创造了一种以出售广播权和广告为形式的收入来源,对于奥委会来说,这种方式变得有利可图。这就让外来利益,如电视公司和赞助商,给奥委会施加影响。国际奥委会不得不处理一些内部丑闻,像冬奥会运动员服用兴奋剂事件以及对冬奥会的政治抵制等若干麻烦事。3. The Paralympic Games—And a dream lauching 残奥会——和梦一起飞残奥会之父——路德维格·古特曼爵士

The Paralympic Games were held for the first time in 1960. It was an international multi-sport event specifically for the disabled which was hosted by the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee.

残奥会始办于1960年,是由国际奥委会和国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会主办的、专为残疾人举行的世界大型综合性运动会。●Repair the wounds after the Second World War 修复“二战”后的创伤国际残奥委的标志

In 1948,Sir Ludwig Guttmann,determined to promote the rehabilitation of soldiers after World War II,organized a multi-sport event between several hospitals to coincide with the 1948 London Olympics. Guttmann's event,known then as the Stoke Mandeville Games,became an annual sports festival. Over the next twelve years,Guttmann and others continued their efforts to use sports as an avenue to healing. For the 1960 Olympic Games,in Rome,Guttmann brought 400 athletes to compete in the “Parallel Olympics”,which became known as the first Paralympics. Since then,the Paralympics have been held in every Olympic year. As of the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul,South Korea,the host city for the Olympics has also played host to the Paralympics. In 2001,the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) signed an agreement which guaranteed that host cities would be contracted to manage both the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The agreement came into effect at the Summer Games in Beijing 2008,and the Winter Games in Vancouver 2010. Chairman of the London organising committee,Lord Coe,said about the 2012 Summer Paralympics and Olympics in London,England that,“We want to change public attitudes towards disability,celebrate the excellence of Paralympic sport and to enshrine from the very outset that the two Games are an integrated whole.

1948年,路德维格·古特曼爵士决定,为了促进第二次世界大战后的士兵康复,在一些医院之间组织一种类似于1948年伦敦奥运会的综合运动会。古特曼组织的运动会,后来被称为世界轮椅运动会,成为一年一度的体育盛会。在接下来的12年中,古特曼和其他人继续努力利用体育作为一个康复的渠道。1960年罗马奥运会,古特曼带来了400名运动员参加“残运会”,那就是第一届残奥会。从此,每届奥运年都会举行残奥会。1988年夏季奥运会在韩国的汉城举行,这个城市也同样举办残奥会。2001年,国际奥委会(IOC)和国际残奥委员会(IPC)签署了一项协议,确保主办城市既举办奥运会,又举办残奥会。协议已经在2008年北京夏季奥运会和2010年温哥华冬季奥运会上生效了。关于2012年英国伦敦奥运会和残奥会,伦敦奥运筹委会主席科欧说:“我们要改变公众对残疾人的态度,庆祝卓越的残奥会运动,从一开始就主张将两场比赛合二为一。”●The great mission of the IPC 国际残奥委员会的伟大使命

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is an international nonprofit organisation and the global governing body for the Paralympic Movement. Founded on September 22,1989 in Dusseldorf,Germany,its mission is To Enable Paralympic Athletes to Achieve Sporting Excellence and Inspire and Excite the World.

The IPC has a democratic constitution and structure and is composed of representatives from 161 National Paralympic Committees (NPC's),four International Organizations of Sport for the Disabled (IOSD's) and five Regional Organizations. The IPC's headquarter is located in Bonn,Germany.1960罗马奥运会会徽:母狼游荡五环之上1960年残奥会开幕式

The IPC functions as an umbrella organization,representing several sports and disabilities,in contrast to other international sports organizations for athletes with a disability,which are predominantly limited to a single sport or disability.



作为一个庞大的组织,残奥会的功能是代表几项体育运动和几种残疾人士,与其他服务于残疾运动员的国际体育组织相比,主要区别在于其他的组织仅限于一项运动或残疾。4. The International Olympic Committee—The organizer of the Olympic Family 国际奥委会——奥林匹克大家庭的组织者

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was established in Paris in 1894. The first World War broke out in 1914. In order to avoid the flames of the war,the headquarters moved to Lausanne,the international cultural city,on April 10,1915.

国际奥林匹克委员会(简称国际奥委会),1894年成立,总部设在巴黎。1914年第一次世界大战爆发,为了避免战火的洗劫,1915年4月10日奥委会总部迁入国际文化城洛桑。●An non-governmental not-for-profit organisation 非政府非营利组织

In 1894,Coubertin convened the first international sports meeting. In the meeting,the revival of the Olympic Games was proposed and gained approval. Then the International Olympic Committee was established with Vikelas as its first president.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is an international non-governmental not-for-profit organisation. The Olympic games were re-created as an international tournament by Coubertin. He hoped to foster international communication and peace through the Olympic Games.Today its membership consists of 105 active members and 32 honorary members.

The IOC organizes the modern Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games. The first Summer Olympics organized by the International Olympic Committee were held in Athens,Greece,in 1896;the first Winter Olympics were in Chamonix,France,in 1924. The first Summer Youth Olympics were in Singapore in 2010 and the first Winter Youth Olympics were held in Innsbruck in 2012.

In 1896,the first modern Olympic Games was a great success. The Olympic spirit was born. The purpose of the Olympic spirit was to promoting spiritual development of mankind. It's intention was to exercise human personality,foster fine morality,and develop the ancient Greek ideal—beauty and health.




1896年,第一届现代奥运会获得极大的成功。奥林匹克精神诞生了。奥林匹克精神的目的在于促进人类的精神发展。它的意图是锻炼人的性格,培养人的道德,发展古希腊人的理想——美丽、健康。●The sacred duty of IOC 国际奥委会的神圣职责国际奥委会五环标志

The sacred duty of IOC was as follows:

Encourage and support the organization,development and coordination of sport and sports competitions;Ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games;Take action in order to strengthen the unity and to protect the independence of the Olympic Movement.

Act against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic Movement;Encourage and support the promotion of women in sport at all levels and in all structures with a view to implementing the principle of equality of men and women.

Lead the fight against doping in sporting;Encourage and support measures protecting the health of athletes;Oppose any political or commercial abuse of sport and athletes;Encourage and support the efforts of sports organizations and public authorities to provide for the social and professional future of athletes.

Encourage and support the development of sport for all;Encourage and support a responsible concern for environmental issues,to promote sustainable development in sport and to require that the Olympic Games are held accordingly;Promote a positive legacy from the Olympic Games to the host cities and host countries.

Encourage and support initiatives blending sport with culture and education;Encourage and support the activities of the International Olympic Academy (IOA) and other institutions which dedicate themselves to Olympic education.







Part Two The Brilliant Olympic Cities—Escort for the Holy Flame,and Change the World into the Sea of Love 第二部分 奥运之城——为圣火护航,让世界凝聚成爱的海洋


Chapter 1 1896 Summer Olympics—Back to Athens:the Revival of the Olympic Movement 第一章 1896年第一届雅典奥运会——重回雅典:奥林匹克运动的复兴

在古希腊时期,希腊曾是欧洲文明的摇篮,雅典则是这个摇篮的中心,也是重要的竞技场所之一。它特别重视文化教育,强调把智育、德育、体育、美育四者结合起来培育人才,创建了光辉灿烂的雅典文化。在距雅典西南约300公里的地方,有一块丘陵地带,这就是驰名世界的古代奥运会的发源地——奥林匹亚。在古代奥运会沉寂了1000多年后,第一届现代奥运会于1896年4月6~15日在希腊首都雅典隆重举行。东道主之所以将开幕式选在4月6日这一天,是为了纪念希腊反抗土耳其统治起义75周年。中国清王朝当时也曾收到参赛邀请函,但并未派出运动员参赛。首届奥运会冠军没有设立金牌,第一名得到一张奖状、一枚银牌和一个橄榄花环,第二名得到一张奖状、一枚铜牌和一个月桂花环,第三名一枚铜牌。1. The overall situation and characteristics 总体赛况与特色盘点

In 1896,Athens pioneered the first modern Olympic Games. There was originally neither emblem nor poster in the first Olympic Games. The cover of the report from the Athens organising committee to the International Olympic Committee was later used to represent the Olympic emblem. The magnificent acropolis,the goddess Athena with an olive branch in the hand,and the deep hoof prints,exuded a strong atmosphere of Ancient Greece.

1896年,雅典开创性地举办了第一届现代奥运会。原本首届奥运会既没有会徽也没有海报。雅典奥组委向国际奥委会提交的报告封面,后来被用来做本届奥运会的会徽—雄伟的雅典卫城,手执橄榄枝的雅典娜女神,深深的马蹄印,散发着浓厚的古希腊气息。●Programs and countries 比赛项目与参赛国家

The Kallimarmaro Stadium in Athens was the main stadium in the first Olympic Games. It was built up on the ruins of the ancient stadium in Athens. There were 9 sports and 43 events included:track and field,swimming,weightlifting,shooting,cycling,Greco-Roman wrestling,gymnastics,fencing and tennis. The rowing event was originally planed,but was not held. The host city did not set a 200 m running,which was only for once in the Olympic history.

There were 13 countries with 311 athletes invited to take part in the first Olympic Games. They were Australia,Bulgaria,Austria,the UK,Germany,Denmark,Hungary,the United States,and France,Chile,Sweden,Switzerland,and the host. According to the record,the International Olympic Committee sent out an invitation to the government of the Qing Dynasty of China,but the Qing Dynasty did not know what the Olympic Games were and paid no attention. The other Asian and African countries didn't get an invitation.


应邀参加首届奥运会的有澳大利亚、保加利亚、奥地利、英国、德国、丹麦、匈牙利、美国、法国、智利、瑞典、瑞士,加上东道主,共有13个国家的311名运动员参加。据记载,国际奥委会曾向中国清政府发了邀请,但当时的清王朝不知奥运会为何物,未予理睬。其他亚、非国家亦未能接受邀请前往参赛。●The ceremony and the Olympic Anthem 开幕式与奥林匹克圣歌

It was the first international Olympic Games held in the Modern era. Because Ancient Greece was the birthplace of the Olympic Games,Athens was perceived to be an appropriate choice to stage the inaugural modern Games. It was unanimously chosen as the host city during a congress organized by Coubertin. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was also instituted during this congress.

On April 6,the games of the First Olympiad were officially opened;it was Easter Monday for both the Western and Eastern Christian Churches and the anniversary of Greece’s independence. The Panathinaiko Stadium was filled with an estimated 80000 spectators,including King George I of Greece,his wife Olga,and their sons. Most of the competing athletes were aligned on the infield,grouped by nation. After a speech by the president of the organizing committee,Crown Prince Constantine,his father officially opened the Games:

“I declare the opening of the first international Olympic Games in Athens. Long live the Nation. Long live the Greek people.”

Afterwards,nine bands and 150 choir singers performed the Olympic Hymn,composed by Spyridon Samaras,with words by poet Kostis Palamas.

Immortal spirit of antiquity,

Father of the true,beautiful and good,

Descend,appear,and shed over us thy light

Upon this ground and under this sky

Which has first witnessed thy unperishable fame

Give life and animation to those noble games!

Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors

In the race and in the strife!

Create in our breasts,hearts of steel!

In thy light,plains,mountains and seas

Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple

To which all nations throng to adore thee,

Oh immortal spirit of antiquity!



随后,9个乐队和150个合唱团的歌手演绎了奥林匹克圣歌,圣歌由斯皮里东·萨马拉斯谱曲,诗人克斯狄斯·帕拉马斯作词:第一届雅典奥运会开幕式盛典“古代不朽之神,美丽、伟大而正直的圣洁之父。祈求降临尘世以彰显自己,让受人瞩目的英雄在这大地苍穹之中,作为你荣耀的见证。请照亮跑步、角力与投掷项目,这些全力以赴的崇高竞赛。把用橄榄枝编成的花冠颁赠给优胜者,塑造出钢铁般的躯干。溪谷、山岳、海洋与你相映生辉,犹如以色彩斑斓的岩石建成的神殿。这巨大的神殿,世界各地的人们都来膜拜,啊!永远不朽的古代之神。”希腊国王乔治一世在第一届雅典奥运会上致辞●Create the traditional prize-awarding ceremony 开创奥运会的传统发奖仪式

The first Olympic Games were launched on April 6,the same day of the opening ceremony.

James Connolly of America won in the tripple jump,with the result of 13.71m,and became the first champion in the modern Olympics. After his victory,the American National Anthem was played and the American flag was raised. It became the traditional prize-awarding ceremony in the Olympic Games.

The unique medal was designed in the first Olympic Games.On the positive of the medal was the face of Zeus. He carried a globe in the hand with the Goddess of Victory standing on it. The annotation was “Olympics” in Greek. On the reverse,there was the site of Acropolis,with the words “International Olympic Games in Athens in 1896” in Greek.



本届奥运会设计了独特的奖牌。奖牌正面是希腊神话中的主神宙斯的头像,宙斯的手上托着一个地球,球上立着胜利女神,图注为希腊语“奥林匹克”。奖牌背面为雅典卫城遗址,印有希腊文“1896年雅典国际奥林匹克运动会”字样。2. The moments of the heroes in each field 各领域英雄人物的精彩瞬间

The stories surrounding the events and personalities of these Games were chronicled in the 1984 NBC miniseries,The First Olympics:Athens,1896——starring David Ogden Stiers as William Milligan Sloane and Louis Jourdan as Coubertin.

1984年,美国NBC电视台围绕这场赛事的事件和人物,编排成故事,拍成电视连续剧《1896年第一届雅典奥运会》,主演大卫·奥登·斯蒂尔斯扮演威廉·米里根,路易斯·乔登扮演顾拜旦。●The warmest and most sensational marathon 最热烈、最轰动的马拉松比赛

In 490 BC,the Greek army defeated the Persian army at marathon valley. The messenger Pheidippides was ordered to take the victory news quickly back to the Athenian army. He ran a long way of 40 kilometers from Marathon to Athens. When he arrived and just said one sentence:“We are victorious!” Then he fell down and died.1896年奥运会奖牌正面——宙斯托着地球,地球上站着胜利女神

The French linguist Michel Brill was inspired by the heroic deeds,and he wrote to Coubertin,and suggested that there should be a marathon in the Olympic Games,and he would donate a “Brill Cup”,as the reward for champions.

The marathon in 1896 was along Pheidippides' route. There were only 135000 people in Athens,but there were more than 100000 audiences. When Spyridon Louis,the Greek runner ran into the stadium first,all the people were cheering. The Greek crown prince ran to the finishing point together with Louis. George I met the hero in person. The crowd strove to embrace him and put him up in the air constantly. The marathon became the climax of the first Olympic Games.1896年奖牌背面——雅典卫城遗址

After the games,he won the glorious title “Greek national hero”,but did not enjoy a high post with matched salary. He went back to his remote hometown,and worked as a rural postman. He led a poor life with his wife and sons and died in 1940. The Olympic rings logo was engraved on his grave for memory. He was known as the “Olympic spirit”.

Women were not allowed to compete at the 1896 Summer Olympics. One,named Stamata Revithi,the mother of a 17-month-old boy,ran the marathon course on April 11,the day after the men had run the official race.





1896年夏季奥运会不允许女性参加。一位名叫斯坦玛塔·拉维瑟的女子在男子马拉松比赛结束的第二天,也就是4月11日,沿着相同的路线跑完了全程,而此时她的儿子才17个月大。●Fencing—the first Greek Olympic champion came into being 击剑——第一个希腊冠军诞生

The fencing events were held in the Zappeion,which,built with money Evangelos Zappas had given to revive the ancient Olympic Games,had never seen any athletic contests before. Unlike other sports in which only amateurs were allowed to take part at the Olympics,professionals were allowed to compete in fencing. These professionals were considered gentlemen athletes,just as the amateurs.

Four events were scheduled,but the épée event was canceled for unknown reasons. The foil event was won by a Frenchman,Eugène-Henri Gravelotte,who beat his countryman,Henri Callot,in the final. The other two events,the sabre and the masters foil,were won by Greek fencers. Leonidas Pyrgos,who won the latter event,became the first Greek Olympic champion in the modern era.1896年雅典奥运会,马拉松获胜者获得的奖杯


击剑比赛原计划分为四个项目,但重剑比赛不知何故被取消了。法国人尤金·亨利·格拉夫洛特在业余花剑比赛中获胜,在决赛中打败了他的同胞亨利·卡洛特。其他两项比赛,即佩剑和职业花剑比赛的冠军被希腊击剑师们夺得,其中职业花剑冠军列奥尼达斯·匹尔古斯成为希腊第一个现代奥运会冠军。●Shooting—two American brothers in the same event 射击——美国兄弟同台比拼

Held at a range at Kallithea,the shooting competition consisted of five events—two using a rifle and three with the pistol. The first event,the military rifle,was won by Pantelis Karasevdas,the only competitor to hit the target with all of his shots. The second event,for military pistols,was dominated by two American brothers:John and Sumner Paine became the first siblings to finish first and second in the same event. In order to avoid embarrassing their hosts,the brothers decided that only one of them would compete in the next pistol event,the free pistol. Sumner Paine won that event,thereby becoming the first relative of an Olympic champion to become Olympic champion himself.

Later,the Paine brothers did not compete in the pistol event,as the event judges determined that their weapons were not of the required caliber. In their absence,Ioannis Phrangoudis won. The final event,the free rifle,began on the same day. However,the event could not be completed due to darkness and was finalized the next morning.



Chapter 2 1900 Summer Olympics—More than 5 Months of Olympics in the New Century 第二章 1900年第二届巴黎奥运会——历时5个多月的新世纪奥运


世界名城巴黎,横跨塞纳河两岸,水陆交通方便,是举行国际比赛的理想地方。此次奥运会仅作为巴黎世界博览会的一部分,大会组织者别出心裁,将比赛场地按照博览会的工业类别分在16个区域进行,导致比赛日程松散,整个赛事于1900年5月14日至10月28日举行,持续了5个多月之久,史称“马拉松式的运动会”。1. The overall situation and ground-breaking feature 总体情况与开创性特色

The 1900 Olympic Games were closely linked to the World Expo,so the design of the medal was different from that in the 1894 Olympic Games. On the obverse,there was the goddess of victory holding a laurel wreath. The background was Paris and the monument of the World Expo. On the reverse,there was a winner on the podium,holding a laurel wreath. The background was the stadium and the Acropolis.

1900年巴黎奥运会与世博会紧密相连,因此奖牌的设计有别于1894年奥运会。奖牌正面为胜利女神双手托着月桂花冠,背景图案为巴黎景色和世界博览会纪念物。奖牌背面为一名奥运冠军站在领奖台上,手上握着月桂花冠,背景图案为体育场和雅典卫城。●The rough historical background 坎坷的历史背景

The first Olympic Games were so successful that the Greeks showed great enthusiasm. Some of the Greek influential persons thought that the Olympic Games were part of the Greek national culture,and it could only be held in Greece,and Athens should be the fixed address. If the Olympics Games moved to other countries,it would be a public plunder of the great and splendid Greek culture. However,as the president of the International Olympic Committee,Coubertin opposed it firmly. He said that the Olympic movement belonged to Greek and the whole world. He believed that the Games should be held in different countries to obtain internationality and vitality. Greece was finally persuaded,and Paris won the hosting of the second Olympic Games.

However,the French government paid much more interest in the Expo than the Olympic Games. Alfred Piccard,the mainly responsible person for the two meetings,was not interested in the sports and paid no attention to Coubertin's proposal at all. He spent most energy on the the Expo,and did not prepare carefully for the events,schedules or areas. Let alone the costly sports facilities. Coubertin was disappointed and wrote in his diary:“In the world,there is a place turning the cold shoulder on the Olympic Games. That is Paris.”1900年第二届巴黎奥运会纪念币

On May 14,1900,the second Olympic Games started. The organizers had not thought of the opening ceremony. Therefore,the scene was cold and cheerless. Nevertheless,the bustling Paris City,convenient transportation,and beautiful places of interest were very attractive.与第二届巴黎奥运会同期举办的世界博览会



1900年5月14日,第二届奥运会开始了。组织者根本就没想到要举行开幕式。所以,场面冷冷清清。尽管如此,巴黎繁华的城市、便利的交通、美丽的名胜古迹等仍十分具有吸引力。●Participating countries and characteristic sports 参赛国家与特色项目

The 1900 Summer Olympics,today officially known as the Games of the II Olympiad,was an international multi-sport event which was celebrated in Paris,France. No opening or closing ceremonies were held;competitions began on May 14 and ended on October 28. The Games were held as part of the 1900 World's Fair.

The number of participating countries increased from 13 to 22. There were 1330 athletes and many more audiences than the First Olympics. The host country sent out a great delegation of 884 athletes and occupied the first place. Belgium,Bohemian,Haiti,Spain,Italy,Canada,Cuba,Dutch,Norway and India took part in it for the first time.

1000 competitors took part in 19 different sports.Some unusual events were contested for the only time in the history of the Games including automobile and motorcycle racing,ballooning,cricket,croquet,Basque pelota,200m swimming obstacle race and synchronised swimming.

In fact,the Olympic Games became one part of the Expo,and a sports show for the exhibition to attract the audiences. Some players didn’t know they had been in the Olympic Games even when the sports were over.




实际上,本届运动会变成了博览会的一部分,成了展览会招揽观众的体育表演。有的项目比赛完了,个别选手甚至不知自己参加的是奥运会比赛。●Female contestants appeared in Olympics for the first time 女子首次出现在奥运会殿堂

It broke the tradition that only male competitors were allowed to take part in Olympic Games in the second Olympic Games,and 11 female contestants appeared for the first time. Although the female athletes failed to get official 1900年夏季奥运会门票recognition by the International Olympic Committee,but their join set an important precedent for the women into the world sports circle. Among them,Charlotte Cooper became the first female Olympic champion.

Charlotte Cooper was a tennis player born in Ealing,Middlesex,England where,as a young woman,she was a member of the Ealing Lawn Tennis Club. She won her first of five Wimbledon championships singles titles in 1895,wearing an ankle-length dress in accordance with proper Victorian attire. She won again the following year and for the third time in 1898. She won the tennis singles at the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris,France.

Mrs. Cooper remained active in competitive tennis and continued to play in championship events well into her 50s. Her husband became the president of the Lawn Tennis Association and their daughter,Gwen,played on Britain's Wightman Cup tennis team.



夏洛特·库珀一直活跃在竞争激烈的网球赛场上,直到50多岁还继续为锦标赛发挥着余热。后来,她的丈夫成为伊灵草地网球协会的主席,她的女儿格温成为英国怀特曼杯网球队的球员。2. The classic items,the elites and the wonderful tidbits 精品项目、精英人物与精彩花絮

The events had greatly changed,weight-lifting and wrestling were canceled,and archery,Equestrian,water polo,rowing,sailing,football,rugby and golf were added.

本届比赛项目有很大变化,取消了举重和摔跤比赛,新增加了射箭、马术、水球、赛艇、帆船、足球、橄榄球、高尔夫球等比赛项目。●Team sports and football match 集体项目和足球比赛

The team sports were included in the tournament. It was a great and gratifying breakthrough because the ancient Olympic Games were only between the individuals. Although some team events had been widely popular in Europe and the United States,they were not included in the first Olympic Games according to the ancient tradition of the Olympic Games,such as football.

While the modern game of football started with the foundation of the Football Association of England in 1863,its roots extended to opposite end of the earth. The ancient Chinese,Greeks and Romans had played a similar game,long 参加第二届巴黎奥运会的法国足球队before the English kings tried to outlaw the violent sport in the 1300s and 1400s.

In 1900,football became one of the first team sports included in the Olympic Games. The first football (soccer) champions at the Olympics were the London amateurs of Upton Park F.C. A crowd of around 500 spectators saw them defeat their French rivals. Only British,American and Belgium participated in the football match in the second Olympic Games,but it was an international match. To some extent,it played a role in the establishment of the International Football Federation and the development of the world football.第一位奥运女冠军夏洛特·库珀



1900年,足球正式成为奥运会最早的集体项目之一。奥运会上的首批足球(英式足球)冠军是来自伦敦厄普顿公园球场上的一群业余选手。大约500名观众见证了他们打败法国对手的壮观场面。参加本届奥运会足球赛的虽然只有英国、法国、比利时三个国家,但它是第一次世界性的比赛,对后来国际足球联合会的成立和世界足球运动的发展,都起到了一定的作用。●Field events—Ewry won 3 gold medals on the same day 田赛——尤里一天中夺取三枚金牌

American domination was even greater in the field events than the track events with outstanding performances coming from Ray Ewry and Irving Baxter. Ewry started his Olympic career with a sweep of the three standing jumps whilst Baxter finished second to Ewry three times and won both the regular high jump and pole vault.

Ewry was born in Lafayette,Indiana,and contracted polio as a young boy. For a short while,he was in a wheelchair,and it was feared that he might become paralysed for life.

However,Ewry did his own exercises and overcame his illness. Ewry attended Purdue University,where he became a member of Sigma Nu Fraternity. After receiving a graduate degree in engineering at Purdue,he became a member of the New York Athletic Club. There,he specialised in now defunct events,the standing jumps:the standing high jump,the standing long jump and the standing triple jump.

Ewry proved to be the best standing jumper in the world. At his first Olympics,held in Paris (1900),he won gold medals in all three standing jumps. Incidentally,all three finals were held on the same day (July 16).




尤里成为世界上最棒的跳跃冠军。在1900年的巴黎第一次奥运会上,他在这三项立定跳跃比赛中赢得了三枚金牌。顺便说一句,这三项决赛在同一天举行(7月16日)。●Golf—America's first ever female Olympic champion 高尔夫——美国第一位奥运女冠军

Margaret Ives Abbott was the first American woman to take first place in an Olympic event;she won the women's golf tournament,consisting of nine holes,with a score of 47 on an October Tuesday in Paris at the 1900 Paris games. She was a student of art from Chicago at that time. These games were apparently so poorly organized that many competitors,including Abbott,did not realize that the events they entered were part of the Olympics. Historical research did not establish that the game was on the Olympic program until after her death,so she herself never knew it. Abbott had traveled to Paris to study art under Edgar Degas and Auguste Rodin. Her mother (a novelist and Chicago Tribune book reviewer),also competed in the event,making it the first (and still only) Olympic event in which a mother and daughter competed at the same time. Abbott had become America's first ever female Olympic champion. Later,Abbott married the American writer Finley Peter Dunne.

玛格丽特·艾夫斯·阿伯特是美国第一位参加奥运会的女运动员,在10月的一个星期二,以47分的成绩赢得了1900年奥运会的女子九洞高尔夫球赛冠军。她那时还是个来自芝加哥的艺术系学生。大赛组织涣散,以至于包括阿伯特在内的很多运动员都不知道这是奥运会的一部分。有历史考证,她一直到死都不知道自己参加了奥运会。阿伯特曾经前往巴黎跟埃德加·德加和奥古斯特·罗丹学习艺术,她的妈妈是一名小说家和《芝加哥论坛报》的书评人,也参加了此次奥运会,成为奥运史上唯一的一次母女同台比赛。阿伯特已经成为美国第一位奥运女冠军。后来,她与美国作家芬利·彼得·邓恩结为夫妇。●Rugby union and the first black gold medalist 橄榄球联盟和第一个黑人金牌得主

Three teams competed in the Rugby tournament. A French representative team defeated a team from the German city of Frankfurt and Moseley Wanderers from England. The Moseley team had played a full game of rugby in England the day before they made the journey to Paris. They arrived in the morning,played the match in the afternoon and were back in their home country by the next morning. The proposed game between the British and German sides was canceled and both are credited as silver medalists. The Franco-Haitian centre Constantin Henriquez de Zubiera become the first black gold medalist.


Chapter 3 1904 Summer Olympics—Cross the Oceans,and Come to America 第三章 1904年第三届圣路易斯奥运会——漂洋过海,来到美洲

来自大洋彼岸的美国人在雅典、巴黎两届奥运会上,都有过出色的表演。因此,巴黎奥运会后的第三届奥运会会址,国际奥委会当然优先考虑美国的某个城市。这也符合奥林匹克运动国际化的理想。美国北部工业重镇芝加哥和另一个城市圣路易斯为取得第三届奥运会的主办权展开了激烈的竞争。圣路易斯在人口、经济实力上都远逊于芝加哥。它之所以能从芝加哥人手中夺取胜利,主要是原定于1903年举办的庆祝圣路易斯建市一百周年纪念的世界博览会改在1904年。主办者想使博览会、运动会同时举行,互增光彩。令人遗憾的是,本届奥运会重复了上届奥运会的所有错误,此赛时间从1940年7月1日持续至11月23日,耗时5个半月,是奥运会史上又一次旷日持久的运动会。然而,在这届奥运会开闭幕式上,美国总统老罗斯福和国际奥委会主席顾拜旦因故未参加,二者同时缺席也是奥运会历史上唯一的一次。参赛国家仅有12个,是迄今奥运会参赛国家和地区最少的一届。1. The overall situations and characteristics 总体赛况与特色看点

The 1904 Olympic Games produced a total of 277 medals. The design of the medal was still in use. Finally,the United States won in the Olympics with 70 gold medals,75 silver medals,65 bronze medals. Cuba,the second,Germany,the third.

在本届奥运会上共产生277枚奖牌,并且奖牌仍沿用上届的设计。最终,美国以70枚金牌、75枚银牌、65枚铜牌问鼎本届奥运会,古巴第二,德国第三。●Roosevelt appointed the venue 老罗斯福总统钦点举办地

Chicago,the industrial city in the North America,launched a fierce competition with St. Louis,another city in the USA,for the hosting of the third Olympic Games.

The city of Chicago,Illinois,had won the original bid to host the 1904 Summer Olympics,but the organizers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis would not accept another international event in the same time frame.

The exposition organization began to plan for its own sports activities,informing the Chicago OCOG that its own international sports events intended to eclipse the Olympic Games unless they were moved to St. Louis.

In the case of each sticking to his own stand,it turned eventually to Theodore Roosevelt,the president of the United States for the time being. After knowing the situation and consulting the concerned opinions,Roosevelt tended to hold it in St. Louis. Coubertin gave in and awarded the games to St. Louis.

The organizers of St. Louis Olympics repeated the mistakes made in the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris. The competitions were reduced to a side-show of the World's Expo and were lost in the chaos of the culture exhibition which was more popular. David Francis,the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition,declined to invite anybody else to open the Games and did so himself in a scaled-down short and humdrum “ceremony” on July 1. The Games were so poorly run that,as a result,the Olympic movement almost came to an end.第三届圣路易斯奥运会海报1904年奥运会奖牌正反面





圣路易斯奥运会的组织者们重复了1900年巴黎奥运会的全部错误。赛事不断削弱,最后只得扮演世界博览会的一个小插曲,迷失在更受欢迎的文化展览会的嘈杂声中。路易斯安那博览会主席戴维·弗兰西斯,不想邀请任何其他人员参与开幕,7月1日那天,他独自一人举行了一个短小而单调的“仪式”。赛事效果很拙劣,所以,奥林匹克运动会也草草结束了。●The overall situation and the stain——“Anthropology Day” 大赛总况与污点——“人类学日”

Due to the expensive trip and the fighting terrorism,many European countries including France were not present. Only England,Germany,Greece,Norway,Austria,Hungary,Switzerland,the seven countries sent a total of only 41 people to participate in it,while some of the players were aliens or foreign students in the United States. Except for Europe,the other five teams were the United States,Canada,Cuba�Australia and South Africa.

There were 625 athletes in total,among which the United States accounted for 533 people,with a total of 8 female athletes. Since the foreign players were less than 100 people,the participants of some events such as boxing,freestyle wrestling,archery,tennis,water polo,were almost all from America. No wonder that someone called the 1904 Olympic Games as the American Games.

The Olympic Games did not include equestrian,sailing,cycling,shooting games,but added boxing,hockey and other sports,and restored wrestling,weightlifting in the first Olympic Games. Woman only took part in an archery tournament Basketball Exhibition Game was held for the first time in this Olympics.

The greatest failure in this Olympic Games was the “Anthropology Day” that the Organizing Committee held,allowing players to play Africa dwarf,Philippines,American Indians,and to climb poles and play mud fights. The racial discrimination caused the people's strong dissatisfaction. It was not only the stain that St. Louis left in the Olympic history,but also violated the Olympic spirit and hit the development of Olympic movement.




本届奥运会最大的失败是组织委员会搞的一个“人类学日”,让运动员扮演非洲矮人、菲律宾莫洛人、美国印第安人,进行爬杆、打泥巴仗等类比赛。这种种族歧视的活动,引起人们的强烈不满,它不仅是圣路易斯留在奥运会史上的污点,而且违反了奥林匹克精神,打击了奥林匹克运动的发展。●The classic moment of sports stars 体坛明星的经典瞬间

One of the most remarkable athletes was the American gymnast George Eyser,who won six medals even though his left leg was made of wood. Frank Kugler won four medals in freestyle 运动员扮演非洲矮人、莫洛人、wrestling,weightlifting and tug of war,印第安人进行比赛making him the only competitor to win a medal in three different sports at the same Olympic Games. Chicago runner James Lightbody won the steeplechase and the 800 m and then set a world record in the 1500 m. Harry Hillman won both the 200 m and 400 m hurdles and also the flat 400 m. Sprinter Archie Hahn was champion in the 60 m,100 m and 200 m. In this last race,he set an Olympic record in 21.6,a record that stood for 28 years. In the discus,after American Martin Sheridan had thrown exactly the same distance as his compatriot,Ralph Rose (39.28 m),the judges gave them both an extra throw to decide the winner. Sheridan won the decider and claimed the gold medal. Ray Ewry again won all three standing jumps.

The team representing Great Britain was awarded a total of two medals,both won by Irish athletes. The top non-USA athlete was Emil Rausch of Germany,who won three swimming events. Zoltan Halmay of Hungary and Charles Daniels of the United States each won two swimming gold medals. Galt Football Club from Canada won the gold medal in football.


大不列颠英国代表团总共赢得了两枚奖牌,都是爱尔兰的选手获得的。非美国运动员中表现最杰出的是德国运动员埃米尔·劳施,他荣获三项游泳项目金牌。匈牙利的佐尔坦·冯哈尔迈和美国的查尔斯·丹尼尔斯分别夺得两枚游泳金牌。来自加拿大的高特足球俱乐部赢得了足球比赛金奖。2. The bizarre events in Marathon 马拉松赛中的离奇事件

The marathon was the most bizarre event of the Games. A few strange things happened in the long journey.

马拉松是本届奥运会中最离奇的事件。在这漫漫长路中,发生了几件奇怪的事件。●Frederick's practical joke 弗雷德里克的哄骗行为

It was run in brutally hot weather,over dusty roads,with horses and automobiles clearing the way and creating dust clouds. The first to arrive at the finish line was Frederick,who actually was just trotting back to the finish line to retrieve his clothes,after dropping out after nine miles. When the officials thought he had won the race,he played along with his practical joke until he was found out shortly after the medal ceremony and was banned for a year by the AAU for this stunt,later winning the 1905 Boston Marathon.获胜后的希克斯(中)和友人的合影

那是个酷暑难耐的夏天,道路上人来人往,车水马龙,尘土飞扬。第一个到达终点线的人是弗雷德里克,其实只是小跑回到终点线去找回他的衣服,就落下了9英里路。当裁判员们以为他赢得了比赛的时候,不久却发现他的谎骗行为,因此美国田联对他作出惩处,取消他的参赛资格,后来,他在1905年的波士顿马拉松赛中荣获冠军。●The doping event of Thomas Hicks 托马斯·希克斯兴奋剂事件

Thomas Hicks (a Briton running for the United States) was the first to cross the finish-line legally,after having received several doses of strychnine sulfate mixed with brandy from his trainers. He was supported by his trainers when he crossed the finish,but is still considered the winner. Hicks had to be carried off the track,and possibly would have died in the stadium,had he not been treated by several doctors.

托马斯·希克斯(英国人,代表美国赛跑)是第一个越过马拉松终点线的。其实他是在教练给他服用了掺杂少许剂量的白兰地的少许剂量马钱子碱硫酸盐后才跑这么快的。当他越过终点线的时候,他的教练助了他一臂之力,但他仍然是比赛的赢家。假如希克斯没有接受医生的治疗,也许会被迫抬出跑道,还可能会死在球场上。●The amazing postman 了不起的邮递员

A Cuban postman named Felix Carbajal joined the marathon,arriving at the last minute. He had to run in street clothes that he cut around the legs to make them look like shorts. He stopped off in an orchard en route to have a snack on some apples,which turned out to be rotten. The rotten apples caused him to have to lie down and take a nap. Despite falling ill to apples,he finished in fourth place.


Chapter 4 1908 Summer Olympics—The Representatives of the five Continents were gathered firstly in London—the Fog City 第四章 1908年第四届伦敦奥运会——五大洲代表首聚雾都伦敦

1906年,原定举办第四届奥运会的罗马,因意大利政府财政困难,无力兴建体育场馆而宣布放弃主办权。国际奥委会不得不临时与英国政府合作,将奥运会易地在伦敦举办。英国首都伦敦,冬日浓雾弥漫,故有“雾都”之称。这座有着2000多年历史的世界名城,它既是英国政治、金融的中心,又是文化古都,在体育方面,伦敦还是户外运动、现代体育的主要发源地。第四届奥运会于1908年8月27日至10月29日在伦敦举行,是五洲运动员代表的第一次聚会。这届奥运会首次规定,开幕式上各代表团应服装统一,在本国国旗引导下列队入场,并规定,旗手通过英国国王爱德华七世观礼台前时,要将旗帜下垂,以示致敬。1. A brief summary of the Games 赛事总体情况阅览

London,the British capital,is called “the fog city”. The world-famous city is a main birthplace for outdoor sports and modern education. The fourth Olympic Games were held in London from April 27 to October 29,in 1908. It was the first time for the representatives of the five continents to be gathered together.

英国首都伦敦,有“雾都”之称。这座世界名城是户外运动、现代体育的主要发源地。第四届奥运会于1908年4月27日至10月29日在伦敦举行,是五洲代表的第一次聚会。●The representatives of the five continents were gathered together 五大洲代表欢聚一堂

The basic situation of the current total of 22 participating countries,athletes 2035,of whom 36 were women,men,1999,the total number of the previous three combined,the host sent the largest group of players,up to 710 people,followed by France,220,Sweden 156,ranking the first three,the first entries are Iceland,New Zealand,Russia,Turkey and Finland .1900,Asia,India had an athlete along with the British team took part in the Paris Olympic Games,the U.S. and Europe,Asia,and Oceania when the games are represented,but the lack of African countries in 1904,Africa and Europe,Oceania,the United States are represented,but absent in Asia. This Turkish team meeting,the representatives of the Olympic Games for the first time Intercontinental gathering of Olympic increasingly international historic significance of this total.

There are 24 major items,for the first time have included hockey,jet skiing,and some strange unusual items,such as heat Jie ball,which is a method similar to the old play tennis ball. The competition at the Olympic Games on life not long after had only included in the Seventh General Assembly also included in figure skating for the first time the competition is conducted in the artificial ice rink. Women to participate in the project only tennis,archery and figure skating. London Olympic Games total of 27 track and field project,creating a record 16 Olympic Games,of which 5 is higher than the world's best performance was in the renovation project has also been the opening ceremony.1908年第三届伦敦奥运会海报


本届共设有24个大项,首次列入的有曲棍球、水上摩托和一些奇异的项目,如热杰球,这是一种古老的类似网球打法的球。这项比赛在奥运会上寿命很短,以后只在第七届列入过。本次运动会首次列入了冬运会项目。尽管落后于其他项目好几个月,还是如期举行了4场花样滑冰比赛。比赛是在人工冰场进行的。女子参加的项目只有网球、射箭和花样滑冰。本届田径赛共27个项目,创16项奥运会纪录,其中有5项高于当时的世界最佳成绩。并且此次奥运会在开幕式上也有所翻新。●The goverment didn't spend money to construct the White City Stadium 白城体育场工程没花政府一毛钱

In 1906,the International Olympic Committee got to know that Rome had no conditions to held the forth Olympic Games. In the following 2 years,the International Olympic Committee had to seek the help of London. After an evaluation,London agreed to host the Olympic Games in 1908,and immediately set up a preparatory committee,and began to construct White City Stadium. The stadium was completed within 10 months,without spending any government's money. The main funds came from the Exposition held jointly by the U.K. and France. The stadium was just nearby the site of the Exposition. In addition to the cinder track,there contained a playground inside,and a swimming pool of 100 meters long and 15 meters wide. There were also a free car runway of 666.66 meters outside the track for athletic running. It was a multifunctional stadium that can hold 70000 people and set four functions as one. The stadium was the only one and the special one in the history of the Olympic Games.

1906年,国际奥委会得知罗马没有条件举办奥运会。在剩下两年时间的情况下,国际奥委会只有求助伦敦,经过评估之后,伦敦答应让奥运会在1908年如期举行,并随即成立筹备委员会,兴建白城体育场。这座体育场在10个月之内兴建完成,不花政府一毛钱。兴建白城体育场的经费主要是来自英法联合举办的博览会,而体育场位置就在博览会会址旁边。体育场除了煤渣跑道之外,另外在内围也包含体操场,还有一座长100米、宽15米的游泳池,及田径跑道外围一座周长666.66米的自由车跑道。这是一座可以容纳7万人的集合四种功能于一体的综合体育场。白城体育场在历届奥运会中,是唯一的也是非常特别的一座。●The new rules and regulations 新的规章制度

The 1908 Olympic Games first announced the Winning TAB of each country. It had a positive impact on the national statistics and calculation of the formal scores. In addition,there were many groundbreaking new regulations.

The distance from the start of the marathon to the finish at the stadium was setted in the 1908 Olympics. The original distance of 25 miles was changed to 26 miles,so the marathon could start at 第四届奥运会主场馆:伦敦白城Windsor Castle. It changed again at the 体育场request of Princess Mary,and the start would be under the window of the Royal Nursery. To ensure that the race would finish in the front of the King,the finish line was moved by British officials at the request of shot-putters. As a result of these changes,the marathon covered a distance of 26 miles 385 yards,which became the standard length since the 1924 Summer Olympics.1908年伦敦奥运会金牌正面

The 1908 Olympics also prompted the establishment of the standard rules for the games,and and provided that the judges should be selected from different countries rather than only from the host country. One reason was that the US winner was accused of interfering with the British runner in the 400-meter run. Part of the problem was the different definition of interference under British and US rules. The race was rerun,but the Americans refused to participate. The British runner,Wyndham Halswelle,won by running around the track on his own,because three of the four original runners had been American,the only walkover in Olympic history.



本届奥运会也促进了运动会标准规则的设立,并且确定了不单从主办国,还从其他不同国家选取裁判的制度。其中一个原因是,在400米赛跑中,美国冠军被指控干扰了英国选手。英国与美国在有关干扰定义的部分问题上存在分歧。比赛重新开始,但是美国人拒绝参加。因为四名选手中有三名选手是美国人,所以英国选手温德姆·霍斯韦尔只能与自己赛跑,从而轻而易举拿下冠军。2. The boring chaotic events 令人头疼的混乱事件

The games were surrounded by controversy. On the opening day,following the practice introduced at the Intercalated Games of 1906,teams paraded behind national flags. However,the arrangement caused a lot of complications.

本届奥运会争议重重。开幕式那天,为了顺延1906年运动会的实践,入场队伍就跟在国旗的后面。然而,这项安排造成了一连串的混乱。●Boycott—defiance of the British monarchy 抵制事件——反对英国君主制度

The fourth Olympic Games were opened on April,27. It was a foggy and rainy day. The King,the Queen and the IOC officials attended the meeting. The Olympic Games defined for the first time that the delegations must wear uniforms in the opening ceremony and parade behind their national flags,and that flag bearers must dip the flag to Edward VII of the United Kingdom in the royal box.

Since Finland was part of the Russian Empire,the Finnish team was expected to march under the Russian rather than Finnish flag,so many chose to march without a flag at all. The Swedish flag had not been displayed above the stadium,so the members of the Swedish team decided not to take part in the ceremony.

The flag of the United States had also not been 参赛国手执国旗参加1908年奥displayed 运会开幕式英国皇室出席1908年奥运会开幕式above the stadium before the opening. The United States' flag bearer,Ralph Rose,refused to dip the flag to Edward VII of the United Kingdom in the royal box,“felt compelled to restore the importance of the monarchy.” However,the flag was later dipped in the collective greeting of the royal family. Martin Sheridan,Irish American Athletic Club member and American team captain,is apocryphally believed to have supported Rose by explaining “This flag dips to no earthly king.” It is claimed that his statement exemplified both American and Irish defiance of the British monarchy. However,research has shown that this quotation by Sheridan was first reported in 1952,some 24 years after his death.



开幕式上也没有出现美国国旗。美国旗手拉尔夫·罗斯,拒绝垂下国旗向英国皇室的爱德华七世致敬,因为他“感觉是在被迫恢复君主制的重要性”。然而,后来在集体迎接皇室成员的时候美国旗帜还是下垂了。有人杜撰说,爱尔兰美国体育俱乐部成员兼美国队的队长马丁·谢里丹支持罗斯的行为,他解释说:“这是一面不会像任何世俗国王致敬的旗帜。”据称,他的声明体现了美国和爱尔兰都反抗英国君主制度。然而,研究表明,谢里丹的这句话是在他死后24年的1952年报道出来的。3. Event anecdotes and best heroes 赛事趣闻和英雄

A judge from the host country recites the Olympic creed,which appears on the scoreboard during the Opening Ceremony:

“The most important thing in the Olympic games is not to win but to take part,just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph,but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered,but to have fought well.”

Baron de Coubertin adopted this creed after hearing it from the bishop of central Pennsylvania,when he spoke at a service for Olympic athletes during the 1908 London Games.


顾拜旦在听到宾夕法尼亚州的主教为1908年的伦敦奥运会运动员说这句话以后而将它采纳作为奥运会的信条。●Let's enumerate medals and champions 列数奖牌与冠军

The 1908 Games featured athletes representing 22 National Olympic Committees. Finland,Turkey,and New Zealand (as part of the team from Australasia) made their first appearance at the Olympic Games. The fact that the 1908年奥运会上最老的奥运会United Kingdom competed as a single 冠军奥斯卡·斯旺(中)team,was upsetting to some Irish competitors,who felt that Ireland should compete on its own,despite being part of the UK at the time. Fearing an Irish boycott,the authorities changed the name of the team to Great Britain/Ireland,and in two sports,field hockey and polo,Ireland participated as a separate country,winning silver medals in both. Irish athletes in the United States were not affected by this controversy,and many Irish born athletes competed for the U.S. Olympic team as members of the Irish American Athletic Club. Members of the Irish American Athletic Club won ten of the U.S. Olympic team’s total 23 gold medals,or as many as the nations of France,Germany and Italy combined.艺术家、神射手沃尔特·怀南斯

Oscar Swahn from Sweden,who won the gold medal for running deer shooting,became the oldest Olympic champion of all time,and set another age record by being 72 years and 279 days old during his triumph at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp,Belgium.

American John Taylor was a member of the winning medley relay team,making him the first African-American athlete to win an Olympic gold medal. Tragically,Taylor died on December 2,1908,after his return to the United States,much regretted by all who met him.



美国人约翰·泰勒是混合泳接力冠军团的成员之一,他是第一个奥运夺冠的非洲裔美国运动员。不幸的是,泰勒在返回美国之后于1908年12月2日去世,很多之前见他的人都对他感到惋惜。●Walter Winans,an excellent shot and artist 优秀射手兼艺术家沃尔特·怀南斯

The shooting sport had been in an unstable state before the Second World War. It often changed both in types and members. There were no events in the last Olympic Games but 15 events in the current Olympic Games. The host obtained the best result,with 6 champions,the United States was the 2nd,with 3 champions.

Walter Winans was an excellent American marksman,horse breeder,sculptor,and painter who participated in the 1908 and 1912 Summer Olympics. He won two medals for shooting:a gold in 1908 and a silver in 1912. He also won a gold medal for his sculpture An American Trotter at Stockholm in 1912. In addition,Winans wrote ten books.



Chapter 5 1912 Summer Olympics—The First Official World Records in the Olympic History 第五章 1912年斯德哥尔摩第五届奥运会——奥运史上第一批正式世界纪录


1912年5月5日,瑞典国王古斯塔夫五世宣布第五届奥运会开幕。来自28个国家共2408名运动员,其中女子48名参加了本次奥运会,首次参赛的国家有埃及、卢森堡、葡萄牙、叙利亚和日本。大会首次举行了隆重的开幕式仪式,并从次形成传统。而且首次举行艺术比赛,内容有对体育运动和奥运会为题材的建筑、色彩画、雕塑、音乐和文学作品。顾拜旦的名著《体育颂》获金质奖章。在闭幕式上,主办方别出心裁地举办了特别发奖仪式。1. The brief introduction of the Games 大赛盛况简述

Stockholm was the only bid for the games,and was selected in 1909. It was the only time for the Olympics to be held in Sweden. The design of the poster concentrated the athletes' yearning of the Olympic movement:A team of vigorous Olympic athletes were waving their national flags toward the Olympic venues.

1909年,斯德哥尔摩作为奥运会的唯一申办城市被成功入选。那是奥运会有史以来唯一一次在瑞典举行。本届奥运会的海报图案浓缩了运动员对奥林匹克运动的向往之情:一队身形矫健的奥运选手,挥动着各自国家旗帜奔向奥林匹克赛场的情景。●Many years of applications and preparations 多年的申办与筹备工作

The fifth Olympic Games were scheduled to be hosted in Berlin,Germany. In May,1909,the International Olympic Committee held the twelfth plenary sessions in Berlin. During the period,the president of the German Olympic Committee died suddenly and German gave up the right of hosting Olympics. Sweden was a one of the countries with the earlier modern sports. In 1894,Sweden expressed the hope of hosting the Olympic Games to the newly founded International Olympic Committee. However,the previous sites had been selected. When Berlin gave up,Sweden accepted the responsibility of hosting the 1912 Olympics with pleasure,and selected Stockholm,the capital as the host city.

Since then,Sweden began to prepare for the Olympics,and took it as the great event concerning about the national honor. They constructed the “Korolev Stadium”,although it can only accommodate more than 37000 viewers,and had a much smaller scale,compared to St. Louis,London Olympic Stadium,but it had complete and advanced facilities. The full length of the runway was 380.33m,closely to the length of today’s standard runway. It was the first time for the athletes to match in the standard runway in the Olympic history. The electric timekeeping device and the terminal photographic equipment were firstly installed and the time precision was accurate to 0.1 seconds.科罗列夫运动场1912年瑞典斯德哥尔摩第五届奥运会海报


从那以后,瑞典即着手筹办奥运会,并把它作为关系国家荣辱的大事来抓。于是,他们兴建了科罗列夫运动场,尽管它只能容纳37000多名观众,比起圣路易、伦敦奥运会主运动场的规模要小得多,但设施完备先进。跑道全长380.33米,接近今日标准跑道长度,这也是奥运会开办以来,运动员第一次在较标准的跑道上竞赛。场内试验性地安装了电动计时器和终点摄影设备,时间精确到0.1秒。2. The embarrassing moments and glory moments 尴尬瞬间和荣耀时刻●The winners of the honor and medals 荣誉与奖牌得主

This was the last Olympics where “private entries” were allowed (i.e. not part of a country's officially selected team). Arnold Jackson was one such,winning the 1500m by 0.1 second. He was aged 21 at the time. No one younger has ever won this event.

Swedish marksman Oscar Swahn became the oldest Olympic gold medalist (up to that time),at the age of 64,in the deer-shooting event.

The U.S. Olympic Team included 14 members of the Irish American Athletic Club,including gold medalists George Bonhag,Abel Kiviat,Pat McDonald and Mel Sheppard.

Ewart Douglas won his first two gold medals for Great Britain in rowing. He has widely been considered Britain's greatest rower prior to Steve Redgrave.

A Greco-Roman Wrestling bout between Martin Klein and Alfred Asikainen lasted 11 hours and forty minutes—the world's longest wrestling match. After Klein finally took the victory,he was too tired to compete in the final. Thus Johansson,the other wrestler to make the final-three to determine the medals.





一场古典式摔跤比赛在马丁·克莱因和艾尔弗雷德·阿西卡宁之间展开,历时11小时40分钟——世界上最长久的摔跤比赛。最后克莱因获胜,但他太累了,没有坚持到决赛。因此,另一个摔跤选手约翰逊一直坚持到最后3场比赛结束,并获得了奖牌。●The sports career of Jim Thorpe 吉姆·索普的运动生涯

Jim Thorpe was an American athlete of mixed ancestry (Caucasian and Native American). Considered one of the most versatile athletes of modern sports,he won Olympic gold medals for the 1912 pentathlon and decathlon,played American football (collegiate and professional),and also played 多才多艺的运动员吉姆·索普professional baseball and basketball. He lost his Olympic titles after it was found he was paid for playing two seasons of semi-professional baseball before competing in the Olympics,thus violating the amateurism rules. In 1983,30 years after his death,the International Olympic Committee (IOC) restored his Olympic medals.第五届奥运会奖牌正反面

Thorpe grew up in Oklahoma. He played as part of several All-American Indian teams throughout his career,and “barnstormed” as a professional basketball player with a team composed entirely of American Indians.

He played professional sports until age 41,the end of his sports career coinciding with the start of the Great Depression. Thorpe struggled to earn a living after that,working several odd jobs. Thorpe suffered from alcoholism,and lived his last years in failing health and poverty.

In a poll of sports fans conducted by ABC Sports,Thorpe was voted the Greatest Athlete of the Twentieth Century out of 15 other athletes including Muhammad Ali,Babe Ruth,Jesse Owens,Jack Nicklaus and Michael Jordan.





Chapter 6 1920 Summer Olympics—The First Peace Doves in the Olympic History 第六章 1920年安特卫普第七届奥运会——奥运史上第一批和平鸽


第七届奥运会第一次升起了由顾拜旦1913年设计的奥林匹克会旗。随后,一群象征和平的鸽子腾空而起,在场地上空盘旋飞翔,这也是奥运史上第一批和平鸽。此外,为了悼念在第一次世界大战中阵亡的协约国将士,在运动场上第一次点燃了象征胜利和光明的火焰,与后来的奥林匹克圣火不同的是,火种不是取自奥林匹亚,也未进行火炬传递。1. The historic background and peculiarity of the games 历史背景与大赛特质●The background of the games 大赛背景

The 1920 Summer Olympics,officially known as the Games of the VII Olympiad,were an international multi-sport event in Antwerp,Belgium. Though the majority of events took place in Belgium,there was a single sailing event which took place in Dutch waters and as such,the games were officially in both countries.

The 1916 Summer Olympics,to be held in Berlin,capital of the German Empire,were canceled due to the war. The aftermath of the war and the Paris Peace Conference,1919 affected the Olympic Games not only due to new states being created,but also by sanctions against the nations that lost the war and were blamed for starting it.

Budapest had initially been selected to host the Games over Amsterdam and Lyon,but as the Austro-Hungarian Empire had been a German ally in the First World War,the Games were transferred to Antwerp in April 1919. Hungary,Germany,Austria,Bulgaria and Turkey were also banned from competing in the Games.






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