常春藤英语 三级·上(常春藤英语系列)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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常春藤英语 三级·上(常春藤英语系列)

常春藤英语 三级·上(常春藤英语系列)试读:









本册题材广泛,涉及人文、地理、自然、科技、节日、人物等,例如,第22 课“The Cuddly Koala”用生动活泼的语言描写了考拉的外貌特征及生活习性;第29 课“Hurray! It’s raining!”记叙下雨天探索小树林的经历,并配有诗歌,语言清新自然;第44 课“Singing Sam”记叙一个天天唱歌给乘客带来快乐的公交车司机Sam,愉快的情绪充斥在文章的字里行间……这样的文章在本书中不胜枚举。


为方便教师教学和学生阅读,本书精选15 篇适合诵读的经典文章提供录音,读者可登录中国人民大学出版社外语分社网站www.crup.com.cn/wy 进行下载。


打开本书开启你的快乐阅读之旅吧!相信你会满载而归并登上更高的阅读等级!王树华于北京市八一中学2014年8月Lesson 1New Home

1、Emily pushed① a box across the floor. Her room was so empty! She didn’t like

it. Her old room had been pink. This one was just plain white.

2、Emily’s mom poked② her head in. “Do you need any help?”

3、“No, I’m okay, Mom. I’m going to unpack my books first.”

4、“That sounds good,” said Mom. “I’ll just make up your bed. Okay?”

5、“Thanks, Mom.” Emily put the biggest books on the bottom shelf. She put the

medium books on the middle shelf. She put the smallest books on the top shelf. It

took a long time because she stopped to read some of them along the way.

6、Emily stepped③ back. All of her books were in place. Her quilt④ was on her

bed. Everything looked just right.(147 words)


Ⅰ.How well did you read?

1.[Note the fact] At the beginning of the story, what does Emily think about her

new room?

A. She likes it very much.

B. She doesn’t like the color.

C. She thinks it’s too pink.

2.[Note the fact]What does Emily think of her room at the end of the story?

A. She thinks it is just right.

B. She thinks it’s better than the old one.

C. She wants to change to another room.

3.[Check the details] Emily did the following things in her new room except______.

A. making up her bed

B. reading books

C. putting books on the shelves

Ⅱ.Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or


1. I’m going to unpack my books first. (Para. 3)

A. 打包 B. 拆包 C. 书包

2. Emily put the biggest books on the bottom shelf. (Para. 5)

A. 底部 B. 中间 C. 顶部

3. All of her books were in place. (Para. 6)

A. 到处都是 B. 在地上 C. 在合适的位置

Ⅲ . Writing practice.

1. Have you ever moved to a new home?

2. What did you do to make it comfortab?

________________________________________________________________________________________Lesson 2Remembering the Zoo

1、“I wish I could sleep just like that big, old tiger,” said Charlie. They had had a great day at the zoo, but he sure was tired. He remembered the tigers and smiles though.

2、“He was lying in the dirt①,” said Julia, making a face②. “I would like to be up on a high branch. That’s where wise animals sleep.” She thought of the owls③ and smile.

3、Jake was still ready for action. “Not for me,” he spoke up. “I’m glad one of the tigers was awake. I wish I could climb rocks like he did.” Everyone nodded,thinking about the strong animal and how easily he had moved.

4、After a long time, Lisa had a question. “Mom?” she asked in a small voice④.

“Do you think I would look good in stripes⑤?”(151 words)


Ⅰ.How well did you read?

1. [Check the details] What did Charlie want to do according to paragraph one?

A. Smart. B. Hear. C. Rest.

2. [Give the reason] Why didn’t Julia care for the sleeping tiger?

A. It was lying in the dirt.

B. She was afraid of it.

C. She thought it was lazy.

3. [Check the details] According to the last paragraph, Lisa was ______to ask her question.

A. excited B. afraid C. glad

Ⅱ.Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1.I would like to be up on a high branch. That’s where wise animals sleep. (Para. 2)

A. silly B. clever C. ugly

2. Jake was still ready for action. (Para. 3)

A. 表演 B. 行动 C. 措施

Ⅲ.Writing practice.

1. Have you ever been to the zoo?

2. Which animal do you like best? Why?

__________________________________________________________Lesson 3Fitness for Life

1、How do you keep yourself healthy?

Healthful Lifestyle

2、Experts② agree a well-rounded healthful lifestyle is the best way to be healthy. You can’t just watch what you eat. You can’t just exercise. You have to eat well and exercise.

Eat Well

3、Choose wisely from among the four food groups. These groups are fruit and vegetables, bread, dairy③, and meat. Do not snack on sweet or salty foods between meals. Also, drink eight glasses of water a day.


4、Exercising regularly④ at least three times each week is the best plan. If that’s just not possible, at least be active. Use stairs instead of elevators⑤. Walk the last few blocks to school or work. Take a walk instead of watching television. Make healthy choices.(127 words)


Ⅰ.How well did you read?

1. [Give the reason] How should you keep healthy according to the passage?

A. Eat well. B. Exercise often. C. Both A and B.

2. [Note the details] Which of the following is not a way to be active?

A. Use stairs. B. Watch TV. C. Walk to school.

Ⅱ.Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. Experts agree a well-rounded healthful lifestyle is the best way to be healthy.

(Para. 2)

A. 圆形的 B. 全面的 C. 多才多艺的

2. Do not snack on sweet or salty foods between meals. (Para. 3)

A. 吃小吃 B. 零食 C. 节食

Ⅲ.Writing practice.

What kind of food do you usually eat? How often do you exercise?

__________________________________________________________Lesson 4Yard Sale Day

1、The day we had our yard sale is a day I’ll never forget. Early on that Saturday morning, we set everything out neatly on tables. People started coming. Some of them bought things, some didn’t.

2、All at once, the sky got very dark. Mom took one look and told Nathan and me to get into the garage②. A big whoosh of wind came. Over went the tables. Crash③went an old lamp. Within a few minutes, it was all over. We walked out of the garage, amazed by the huge mess.

3、I heard a door slam and looked up. Mr. Piper from down the street said it looked like we needed some help. Soon, a bunch of neighbors came to help. I don’t remember how much we sold, but we ended up having the nicest neighborhood gettogether ever! Maybe we should have a yard sale again next summer.(148 words)


Ⅰ.How well did you read?

1. [Note the facts] What’s the correct order of the following events?

a. People began coming to the sale.

b. Neighbors came to help.

c. The storm blew through.

d. The family set things out on tables.

A. dacb B. dcab C. adcb

2. [Draw a conclusion] What did the writer like best about the yard sale day?

A. The sale.

B. The storm.

C. The time spent with neighbors.

Ⅱ. Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. Early on that saturday morning, we set everything out neatly on tables.

(Para. 1)

A. 起程 B(. 日、月)沉没 C. 放置

2. We walked out of the garage, amazed by the huge mess. (Para. 2)

A. 混乱 B. 餐厅 C. 液体

3. I heard a door slam and looked up. (Para. 3)

A. 猛烈抨击 B. 砰然关上 C. 碰撞

4. Soon, a bunch of neighbors came to help. (Para. 3)

A. a group of B. a few C. a bit of

Ⅲ.Writing practice.

1. Have you ever had any unforgettable day?

2. What happened on that day?

__________________________________________________________Lesson 5What Is a City?

1、A city is made up of people. They live and work in the city. Some of them work to make sure① the city is a good place to live. They make rules for the people in the city. One rule might be, “Don’t throw trash in the street.” What rules does your city have?

2、Other people try to make sure there are things to do in a city. They run restaurants, movie theaters, and sports centers. The bigger a city is, the more things there are to do. What is there to do in your city?

3、If a city is going to be a nice place to live, the people who live there must agree to follow the city’s rules. They must also pay taxes②. Taxes pay for things such as cleaning the streets, running schools, and filling the public library with books. Is your city a nice place to live?(157 words)


Ⅰ.How well did you read?

1. [Grasp the main idea] The passage is mostly about ______.

A. what makes a city

B. how to live in a city

C. America’s largest city

2. [Evaluate the information] The passage is to ______.

A. make you laugh

B. give information

C. describe a place

Ⅱ.Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. A city is made up of people. They live and work in the city. (Para. 1)

A. 由……组成 B. 被……编造 C. 被……弥补

2. They run restaurants, movie theaters, and sports centers. (Para. 2)

A. 跑步 B. 经营 C. 运行

3. If a city is going to be a nice place to live, the people who live there must agree to follow the city’s rules. (Para. 3)

A. 跟随 B. 听懂 C. 遵守

Ⅲ . Writing practice.

What is your city made up of? What can people do in your city?

__________________________________________________________Lesson 6What Is an Art Museum?

1、Art comes in all sizes and shapes①. It might be pretty, or it might be unusual②.

If you look for it, you can see art all around you. It might be a building, a picture on a poster③, or a shape in the sand.

2、A place where people take care of art so that other people can see it is called an art museum. Some museums take care of art that is very old. Old art helps us learn about the people who made it long, long ago.

3、Some museums take care of new art. New art helps us see the world in different ways. It might make us ask questions, or it might make us laugh.

4、Most big cities have art museums. Some are big and famous. Others are small and not famous. All of them take good care of their art, though, so that people can see it and learn about it.(154 words)


Ⅰ . How well did you read?

1. [Check the details] What can you learn from old art?

A. The old people.

B. The people who made it long ago.

C. The new art.

2. [Check the details] What can new art help us do?

A. It can only make us ask questions.

B. It can only make us laugh.

C. It can help us see the world in different ways.

Ⅱ . Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. It might be pretty, or it might be unusual. (Para. 1)

A. 可能 B. 力量 C. 一定

2. All of them take good care of their art, though, so that people can see it and learn about it. (Para. 4)

A. 通过 B. 然而 C. 想法

Ⅲ . Writing practice.

Tell in your own words what an art museum is.

__________________________________________________________Lesson 7Game Night

1、Friday night is family game night at the Turners’ house. Each week, a different family member chooses① the game. This week, it was Cody’s turn to choose. He chose his favorite board game, as always.

2、It was thundering outside, but no one minded. They were having a good time with their game. About halfway through, just as Cody was about to② make a big move, everything stopped. The lights went out!

3、Everyone was silent for a few moments, then they all started talking at once.

Mom felt her way to a drawer and got some candles. Dad felt his way to the fireplace for some matches.

4、Cody made his big move, by candlelight, and went on to win the game.

Everybody thought this made the game even more fun. In fact, they plan to play by candlelight next week, too.(143 words)


Ⅰ . How well did you read?

1. [Check the details] What was the weather like on Friday night?

A. It was snowing.

B. It might rain.

C. It was a starry night.

2. [Check the details] What made the game even more fun?

A. The fact that they played by candlelight.

B. The fact that it was thundering outside.

C. The fact that Cody won the game.

Ⅱ . Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. This week, it was Cody’s turn to choose. (Para. 1)A. 转弯 B. 机会 C. 翻转

2. The lights went out! (Para. 2)

A. 破碎 B. 出门 C. 熄灭

3. Everyone was silent for a few moments, then they all started talking at once.

(Para. 3)

A. quiet B. sleepy C. noisy

4. Mom felt her way to a drawer and got some candles. (Para. 3)

A. 感觉 B. 触摸 C. 摸索

Ⅲ . Writing practice.

Do you like board games? What kind of board games do you play?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Lesson 8A Pleasant Tale

1、The king had made a law②. The people in the town had to be pleasant to the princess③. Each day, the princess stood on the castle④ wall so everyone could be pleasant to her. Each day, a few people looked up pleasantly. No one waved or smiled. This made the princess sad and mad.

2、One day, she noticed a market girl in the marketplace. The market girl waved and everyone she met waved back to her. They smiled. They looked pleasant. The princess had the girl brought to the castle.

3、“Why do people wave and smile at you? Why are they pleasant?” demanded the princess.

4、The market girl thought this was a silly question. “Perhaps⑤ it is because I wave and smile at them,” she said pleasantly.

5、The next day, the princess stood on the castle wall and waved. She even smiled. Down in the marketplace, the market girl waved and smiled back. This made the princess happy.(161 words)


Ⅰ . How well did you read?

1. [Give the reason] Why did the princess stood on the castle wall?

A. Because she wanted to see the places far away.

B. Because she wanted to wave to the people in town.

C. Because she wanted the people to be pleasant to her.

2. [Grasp the main idea] What lesson did the princess learn from the market girl?

A. If she is pleasant, others will be pleasant.

B. The people are afraid of the princess.

C. The people are not polite.

Ⅱ . Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. “Why do people wave and smile at you? Why are they pleasant?” demanded the princess. (Para. 3)

A. 质问 B. 需求 C. 震惊

2. The market girl thought this was a silly question. (Para. 4)A. easy B. foolish C. difficult

Ⅲ . Writing practice.

Tell the story in your own words according to the questions below.

1. What did the king do? Why?

2. Why did the princess stand on the castle wall?

3. Did anyone wave or smile to her?

4. How did she feel?

5. What did she ask the market girl?

6. What did she learn from the market girl?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Lesson 9Ant and Grasshopper

1、Ant hurried back and forth. Each time he went, he carried another small piece of food back to his nest②. I have to fill the nest, I have to fill the nest, he panted to himself as he worked.

2、Grasshopper watched. He thought Ant was silly. “Come watch the bugs③ skate on the pond,” he called to Ant.

3、Ant didn’t even stop. “Oh, no, I can’t. I must get more food for winter. I have to fill the nest.”

4、“So it went all summer. Grasshopper called out every day, and Ant answered the same.

5、When the leaves had all fallen off the trees, a sharp④ wind began to blow. Ant crawled safely into his nest. Grasshopper had nowhere to go.

6、In spring, when fresh green buds⑤ came on the trees, Ant came out of his nest.

Grasshopper was nowhere to be found.(151 words)


Ⅰ . How well did you read?

1. [Check the details] What was Ant doing all summer?

A. Ant was talking to Grasshopper.

B. Ant was getting food for winter.

C. Ant was watching the bugs stake on the pond.

2. [Grasp the main idea] What does the story tell us?

A. Now or never.

B. Actions speak louder than words.

C. Save for a rainy day.

Ⅱ . Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. Ant hurried back and forth. (Para. 1)

A. 来回地 B. 等等 C. 慢慢地

2. I have to fill the nest, I have to fill the nest, he panted to himself as he worked.

(Para. 1)

A. 裤子 B. 喘气 C. 拍打

3. Ant crawled safely into his nest. Grasshopper had nowhere to go. (Para. 5)A. 懦夫 B. 吼叫 C. 爬行

Ⅲ . Writing practice.

Retell the story in your own words according to the questions below.

1. What was Ant doing all summer?

2. What did Grasshopper do?

3. What happened to Ant and Grasshopper in winter?

4. What happened in spring?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Lesson 10Wilson Bentley (1865—1931)

1、You’ve heard the saying that “no two snowflakes① are alike.” How does anyone know this? We know because of the life and work of a quiet Vermont farmer who loved snow.

2、As a boy, Wilson Bentley was interested in many things. One thing he likes to do was look at objects② under a microscope③. He had the idea of looking at snowflakes, and he discovered how beautiful they were, and how different.

3、As Bentley got older, he wanted to show this beauty to others. He figured out a way to take a picture through a microscope. During the next 45 years, he took pictures of more than 5,000 snowflakes. Though he never made much money,“Snowflake” Bentley was always happy to share the beauty and the mystery④ of snowflakes with others.(137 words)


Ⅰ . How well did you read?

1. [Note the fact] What did Bentley do when he wasn’t looking at snowflakes?

A. He was a scientist.

B. He was a teacher.

C. He was a farmer.

2. [Check the details] How did Bentley get a good look at snowflakes?

A. He looked at them through a camera.

B. He looked at them through a microscope.

C. He looked at them through glasses.

Ⅱ . Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. You’ve heard the saying that “no two snowflakes are alike.” (Para. 1)

A. 相似 B. 喜欢 C. 比如

2. As a boy, Wilson Bentley was interested in many things. (Para. 2)

A. 有利益的 B. 感兴趣的 C. 熟知的3. He had the idea of looking at snowflakes, and he discovered how beautiful they were, and how different. (Para. 2)

A. 覆盖 B. 寻找 C. 发现

4. He figured out a way to take a picture through a microscope. (Para. 3)

A. 想出 B. 算出 C. 塑身

Ⅲ . Writing practice.

What challenges might Bentley have met while trying to take pictures of snowflakes?






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