(英汉对照注释版)老人与海 The Old Man and the Sea(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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(英汉对照注释版)老人与海 The Old Man and the Sea

(英汉对照注释版)老人与海 The Old Man and the Sea试读:

版权信息书名:(英汉对照注释版)老人与海 The Old Man and the Sea作者:厄尼斯特·米勒尔·海明威排版:Clementine出版社:星球地图出版社出版时间:2015-07-01ISBN:9787547121283本书由北京振宇锐智国际文化有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —

He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish the boy’s parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast. The sail was patched with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like the flag of permanent defeat.

The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck. The brown blotches of the benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks. The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert.

skiff [skɪf] n. 小型帆船;小艇;轻舟

Gulf Stream 墨西哥湾流(大西洋上规模最大的暖流,起源于墨西哥湾,经过佛罗里达海峡沿着美国的东部海域与加拿大纽芬兰省向北,最后跨越北大西洋通往北极海。)

salao 西班牙语,意为“倒霉的、不吉利的”。



coiled [kɒɪld] adj. 盘绕的;卷成圈的

gaff [gæf] n. (拉大鱼上岸用的)鱼钩,手钩,倒钩鱼叉

harpoon [hɑːˈpuːn] n. 鱼叉

sail [seɪl] n. 帆 ;篷;航行

furl [fɜːl] v. 卷收;收拢(其过去分词为furled)

mast [mɑːst] n. 桅杆;柱;橡树果实

patch [pætʃ] v. 打补丁;修补(其过去分词为patched)

flour sack 面粉袋

permanent [ˈpɜːm(ə)nənt] adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的

gaunt [gɔːnt] adj. 憔悴的;枯瘦的;荒凉的

Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.

“Santiago,” the boy said to him as they climbed the bank from where the skiff was hauled up. “I could go with you again. We’ve made some money.”

The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him.

“No,” the old man said. “You’re with a lucky boat. Stay with them.”

“But remember how you went eighty-seven days without fish and then we caught big ones every day for three weeks.”

blotch [blɒtʃ] n. 斑点;疙瘩(其复数形式为blotches)

benevolent [bɪˈnev(ə)l(ə)nt] adj. 良性的;仁慈的;慈善的;亲切的

tropic [ˈtrɒpɪk] adj. 热带的

cheek [tʃiːk] n. 面颊,脸颊(其复数形式为cheeks)

creased [kriːst] adj. 有皱纹的;有折痕的

cord [kɔːd] n. 绳索;束缚(其复数形式为cords)



erosion [ɪˈrəʊʒ(ə)n] n. 侵蚀,腐蚀(其复数形式为erosions)

cheerful [ˈtʃɪəfʊl; -f(ə)l] adj. 快乐的;愉快的;高兴的

undefeated [ʌndɪˈfɪtɪd] adj. 未被击败的

Santiago [sæntiːˈeɪɡəʊ] n. 圣地亚哥(位于古巴东部,是全国第二大城市和第二大海港。)

haul up 把……拖上来;迎风行驶;通信距离

“I remember,” the old man said. “I know you did not leave me because you doubted.”

“It was papa made me leave. I am a boy and I must obey him.”

“I know,” the old man said. “It is quite normal.”

“He hasn’t much faith.”

“No,” the old man said. “But we have. Haven’t we?”

“Yes,” the boy said. “Can I offer you a beer on the Terrace and then we’ll take the stuff home.”

“Why not?” the old man said. “Between fishermen.”

They sat on the Terrace and many of the fishermen made fun of the old man and he was not angry. Others, of the older fishermen, looked at him and were sad. But they did not show it and they spoke politely about the current and the depths they had drifted their lines at and the steady good weather and of what they had seen. The successful fishermen of that day were already in and had butchered their marlin out and carried them laid full length across two planks, with two men staggering at the end of each plank, to the fish house where they waited for the ice truck to carry them to the market in Havana. Those who had caught sharks had taken them to the shark factory on the other side of the cove where they were hoisted on a block and tackle, their livers removed, their fins cut off and their hides skinned out and their flesh cut into strips for salting.

obey [ə(ʊ) ˈbeɪ] v. 服从,听从;按照……行动

the Terrace 露台酒吧

current [ˈkʌr(ə)nt] n.(水,气,电)流;趋势;潮流

drift [drɪft] v. 让(钓索或渔网)顺水漂流;漂泊(其过去分词为drifted)“我没忘,”老人说,“我清楚你离开我,并非缺乏信心。”“是爸爸让我离开的。我还是个孩子,必须听大人的话。”“我明白,”老人说,“这是人之常情。”“是他没有信心啊。”“是啊,”老人说,“可咱俩有。对吧?”“对,”男孩说,“我请你到露台酒吧去喝啤酒,然后一起把东西搬回家。”“那敢情好,”老人说,“都是捕鱼人,一起乐呵乐呵。”


steady [ˈstedɪ] adj. 稳定的;不变的;沉着的

butcher [ˈbʊtʃə] v. 屠宰,宰杀(其过去分词为butchered)

marlin [ˈmɑːlɪn] n. 马林鱼(旗鱼科鱼类的俗称,该科鱼类的上颔骨向前突出如枪头,其侧缘钝圆,广泛分布于热带与亚热带200米以内的上层水域。)

plank [plæŋk] n. 厚木板(其复数形式为planks)

When the wind was in the east a smell came across the harbour from the shark factory; but today there was only the faint edge of the odour because the wind had backed into the north and then dropped off and it was pleasant and sunny on the Terrace.

“Santiago,” the boy said.

“Yes,” the old man said. He was holding his glass and thinking of many years ago.

“Can I go out to get sardines for you for tomorrow?”

stagger [ˈstægə] v. 蹒跚(其ing形式为staggering)

truck [trʌk] n. 卡车;交易;手推车

Havana [həˈvænə] n. 哈瓦那(古巴首都)

cove [kəʊv] n.(湖、海等的)小湾;山凹;小峡谷

hoist [hɒɪst] v.(用绳索,起重机等)吊起(其过去分词为hoisted)

block and tackle 滑车组;滑轮组

liver [ˈlɪvə] n. 肝脏;生活者,居民(其复数形式为livers)

每当刮东风的时候,鲨鱼加工厂的腥气味会从海湾另一边飘过来 ;但是今天几乎闻不到那股味道,因为刮了南风,而后又停歇了。露台酒吧气氛怡人、阳光明媚。“圣地亚哥,”男孩说。“嗯,”老人应了一声。他正握着酒杯,回忆起尘封已久的往事。“要我去帮你弄点沙丁鱼来明天用吗?”

fin [fɪn] n. 鳍;鱼翅;鳍状物(其复数形式为fins)

hide [haɪd] n. 兽皮;躲藏(其复数形式为hides)

flesh [fleʃ] n. 肉;肉体

strip [strɪp] n. 带;条状;脱衣舞(其复数形式为strips)

harbor [ˈhɑːbə] n. 海港;避难所

faint [feɪnt] adj. 微弱的;模糊的;头晕的;[医] 衰弱的

odour [ˈəʊdə] n. 气味;声誉

“No. Go and play baseball. I can still row and Rogelio will throw the net.”

“I would like to go. If I cannot fish with you. I would like to serve in some way.”

“You bought me a beer,” the old man said. “You are already a man.”

“How old was I when you first took me in a boat?”

“Five and you nearly were killed when I brought the fish in too green and he nearly tore the boat to pieces. Can you remember?”

“I can remember the tail slapping and banging and the thwart breaking and the noise of the clubbing. I can remember you throwing me into the bow where the wet coiled lines were and feeling the whole boat shiver and the noise of you clubbing him like chopping a tree down and the sweet blood smell all over me.”

“Can you really remember that or did I just tell it to you?”

“I remember everything from when we first went together.”

baseball [ˈbeɪsbɔːl] n. 棒球;棒球运动

row [rəʊ] v. 划船;使……成排

Rogelio [人名]罗格利奥

net [net] n. 网;网络;净利;实价

tear [tɪə] v. 撕裂;撕掉,扯下(其过去式为tore)

tail [teɪl] n. 尾巴;踪迹;辫子“不要。去打棒球吧。我还能划得动船,罗格利奥会帮我撒网的。”“我很想去。即使不能陪你捕鱼,我多少想帮点忙。”“你已经请我喝了啤酒啊,”老人说,“你已经是个男子汉了。”“你第一次带我出海时我多大?”“五岁。当时我逮到的那条鱼太生猛,他差一点把船撞得粉碎,你也差一点送了小命儿。你还记得吗?”“我记得鱼尾巴砰砰地拍打船的声音,横坐板断裂的声音,还有棍子打鱼的声音。我记得你一把将我推向船头,那儿搁着一卷湿漉漉的钓索。当时我感到整条船都在摇晃,我听到你啪啪地用棍子打鱼,那声音像砍棵一样,周围都是甜腻的血腥味儿。”“你是真的记得,还是我后来告诉过你?”“打我们第一次出海到现在的每件事,我都记得清清楚楚。”

slap [slæp] v. 拍击;掌击(其ing形式为slapping)

bang [bæŋ] v. 重击;发巨响(其ing形式为banging)

thwart [θwɔːt] n.(船的)横坐板;划手座

club [klʌb] v. 用棍棒打;募集(其ing形式为clubbing)

bow [baʊ] n. 船首;弓;鞠躬

shiver [ˈʃɪvə] v.(船)颤动;颤抖

chop [tʃɒp] v. 砍(其ing形式为chopping)

The old man looked at him with his sunburned, confident loving eyes.

“If you were my boy I’d take you out and gamble,” he said. “But you are your father’s and your mother’s and you are in a lucky boat.”

“May I get the sardines? I know where I can get four baits too.”

“I have mine left from today. I put them in salt in the box.”

“Let me get four fresh ones.”

“One,” the old man said. His hope and his confidence had never gone. But now they were freshening as when the breeze rises.

“Two,” the boy said.

“Two,” the old man agreed. “You didn’t steal them?”

“I would,” the boy said. “But I bought these.”

“Thank you,” the old man said. He was too simple to wonder when he had attained humility. But he knew he had attained it and he knew it was not disgraceful and it carried no loss of true pride.

sunburned [ˈsʌnbɜːnd] adj. 日灼的;晒黑的

sardine [sɑːˈdiːn] n. 沙丁鱼(鲱科某些食用鱼类的统称,小者长二寸,大者尺许,常被用做深海垂钓的鱼饵。)(其复数形式为sardines)

老人看着他,那双饱受日晒的眼中充满了怜爱与坚定。“如果你是我的孩子,我准会带你出海再赌一把,” 他说,“但你是你父母的孩子,你搭的又是一条交好运的船。”“我去弄点沙丁鱼吧?我还知道哪里可以弄到四个鱼饵。”“今天我还剩下一些,我把它们放在盒子里用盐腌起来。”“让我去给你弄四个新鲜的吧。”“一个,”老人说。他的希望和信心从未消失过。而现在它们就像海风初起般再次强劲起来。“还是两个吧,”男孩说。“好,就两个,” 老人同意了,“你该不会是偷来的吧?”“我倒是想啊,”男孩说,“不过,这些是我买来的。”“谢谢你了,”老人说。他心性敦厚,倒不会去想自己什么时候变得如此谦卑。他心里清楚自己具有这种秉性,也知道这并不丢脸,也无损于真正的尊严。

bait [beɪt] n. 饵;诱饵(其复数形式为baits)

freshen [ˈfreʃ(ə)n] v. (风力)增强(其ing形式为freshening)

breeze [briːz] n. 微风;轻而易举的事;小风波

attain [əˈteɪn] v. 获得;达到(其过去分词为attained)

humility [hjʊˈmɪlɪtɪ] n. 谦卑,谦逊

disgraceful [dɪsˈgreɪsfʊl; -f(ə)l] adj. 丢脸的;不名誉的,可耻的

“Tomorrow is going to be a good day with this current,” he said.

“Where are you going?” the boy asked.

“Far out to come in when the wind shifts. I want to be out before it is light.”

“I’ll try to get him to work far out,” the boy said. “Then if you hook something truly big we can come to your aid.”

“He does not like to work too far out.”

“No,” the boy said. “But I will see something that he cannot see such as a bird working and get him to come out after dolphin.”

“Are his eyes that bad?”

“He is almost blind.”

“It is strange,” the old man said. “He never went turtling. That is what kills the eyes.”

“But you went turtling for years off the Mosquito Coast and your eyes are good.”

“I am a strange old man.”

“But are you strong enough now for a truly big fish?”

shift [ʃɪft] v. 转移;改变(其第三人称单数为shifts)

hook [hʊk] v. 钩住;引上钩

dolphin [ˈdɒlfɪn] n. 鲯鳅(中型海鱼,体延长,侧扁,似铡刀形。)“看海水的流向,明儿应该是个好日子,”他说。“你打算去哪儿?”男孩问。“往远海去,等风向转了再回来。我打算天没亮就出发。”“我想办法让我的船主也到远海去,”男孩说,“这样,如果你真的钓上了大家伙,我们也可以赶过去帮忙。”“他一般不喜欢到远海去捕鱼。”“是啊,”男孩说,“不过我能看见一些他看不到的东西,比如说飞鸟之类的。我可以哄他出海去追鲯鳅。”“他的眼神有那么差吗?”“简直像个瞎子。”“奇怪了,”老人说,“他又没捕过海龟,捕那家伙才叫伤眼睛呢。”“可是你在莫斯基托海岸捕了好多年海龟,你的眼睛依然很好啊。”“我是个怪老头儿。”“不过你现在还有足够的力气对付一条真正的大鱼吗?”

turtle [ˈtɜːt(ə)l] v. 捕龟(其ing形式为turtling)

Mosquito Coast 莫斯基托海岸(位于洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜沿岸的加勒比海水域。)

“I think so. And there are many tricks.”

“Let us take the stuff home,” the boy said. “So I can get the cast net and go after the sardines.”

They picked up the gear from the boat. The old man carried the mast on his shoulder and the boy carried the wooden box with the coiled, hard-braided brown lines, the gaff and the harpoon with its shaft. The box with the baits was under the stern of the skiff along with the club that was used to subdue the big fish when they were brought alongside. No one would steal from the old man but it was better to take the sail and the heavy lines home as the dew was bad for them and, though he was quite sure no local people would steal from him, the old man thought that a gaff and a harpoon were needless temptations to leave in a boat.

They walked up the road together to the old man’s shack and went in through its open door. The old man leaned the mast with its wrapped sail against the wall and the boy put the box and the other gear beside it. The mast was nearly as long as the one room of the shack. The shack was made of the tough bud-shields of the royal palm which are called guano and in it there was a bed, a table, one chair, and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal. On the brown walls of the flattened, overlapping leaves of the sturdy fibered guano there was a picture in color of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and another of the Virgin of Cobre. These were relics of his wife. Once there had been a tinted photograph of his wife on the wall but he had taken it down because it made him too lonely to see it and it was on the shelf in the corner under his clean shirt.

trick [trɪk] n. 窍门;诡计;恶作剧(其复数形式为tricks)

gear [gɪə] n. 帆具;齿轮;装置,工具;传动装置

braid [breɪd] v. 编织(其过去分词为braided)

shaft [ʃɑːft] n.(工具等的)柄,杆; 轴;箭杆

stern [stɜːn] n. 船尾;末端

subdue [səbˈdjuː] v. 征服;抑制;减轻

dew [ˈdjuː] n. 露水;珠,滴;清新“应该有吧。再说我还有很多绝招呢。”“我们把东西搬回家吧,”男孩说,“然后我拿拖网去捕些沙丁鱼。”



needless [ˈniːdlɪs] adj. 不必要的,不需要的;多余的

temptation [tem(p)ˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n. 引诱;诱惑物(其复数形式为temptations)

shack [ʃæk] n. 棚屋;小室

lean [liːn] v. 倚靠;倾斜(其过去式为leaned)

wrap [ræp] v. 包,裹住;缠绕;隐藏(其过去分词为wrapped)

“What do you have to eat?” the boy asked.

“A pot of yellow rice with fish. Do you want some?”

“No. I will eat at home. Do you want me to make the fire?”

“No. I will make it later on. Or I may eat the rice cold.”

royal palm 大王棕(又称大王椰子、棕榈树,棕榈科大王棕属,茎直立,乔木状,高10~20米。)

guano [ˈgwɑːnəʊ] 起源于西班牙语,意为“海鸟粪;鸟粪石”。

dirt floor (室内的)泥地面

charcoal [ˈtʃɑːkəʊl] n. 木炭;炭笔

flatten [ˈflæt(ə)n] v. 使……平坦;击败;摧毁(其过去分词为flattened)

overlap [əʊvəˈlæp] v. 与……重叠;与……同时发生(其ing形式为overlapping)

sturdy [ˈstɜːdɪ] adj. 坚实的;坚定的;强健的;健全的;勇敢的;坚强的,刚毅的“你有什么吃的吗?”“有锅鱼肉黄米饭。你要吃点吗?”“不了,我回家吃就好了。要我帮你生火吗?”“不用了。过一会儿我自己来生。或者我就吃冷饭算了。”

fibered [ˈfaɪbəd] adj. 有纤维的;纤维质的

Sacred Heart of Jesus 耶稣圣心图(耶稣圣心是著名的基督信仰敬礼,以耶稣的心露于外,绕以茨冠,并有伤痕,上有火焰,表示耶稣对世人之大爱,藉以呼吁世人赔补己罪,并彼此相爱。)

Virgin of Cobre 科布雷圣母图(科布雷是圣地亚哥附近的小镇,传说在17世纪初,圣母曾在小镇显灵,后来当地人建造神庙供奉圣母,并称为科布雷圣母。)

relic [ˈrelɪk] n. 遗物;遗迹;废墟;纪念物(其复数形式为relics)

tinted [ˈtɪntɪd] adj.带色彩的;着色的

pot [pɒt] n. 锅;壶;盆;罐

“May I take the cast net?”

“Of course.”

There was no cast net and the boy remembered when they had sold it. But they went through this fiction every day. There was no pot of yellow rice and fish and the boy knew this too.

“Eighty-five is a lucky number,” the old man said. “How would you like to see me bring one in that dressed out over a thousand pounds?”

“I’ll get the cast net and go for sardines. Will you sit in the sun in the doorway?”

“Yes. I have yesterday’s paper and I will read the baseball.”

The boy did not know whether yesterday’s paper was a fiction too. But the old man brought it out from under the bed.

“Perico gave it to me at the bodega,” he explained.

“I’ll be back when I have the sardines. I’ll keep yours and mine together on ice and we can share them in the morning. When I come back you can tell me about the baseball.”

“The Yankees cannot lose.”

fiction [ˈfɪkʃ(ə)n] n. 虚构,编造;小说;谎言

doorway [ˈdɔːweɪ] n. 门口;途径“我能把拖网拿走吗?”“当然可以。”



Perico [人名] 佩里科

bodega [bəˈdeɪgə] 起源于西班牙语,(尤指讲西班牙语的国家中卖酒的)小杂货店。

Yankees 扬基队(隶属美国联盟的棒球队,其主场位于美国纽约的布朗斯区,至今已有100多年历史,该队在40次美国职业棒球大联盟联赛中获得27次冠军。)

“But I fear the Indians of Cleveland.”

“Have faith in the Yankees my son. Think of the great DiMaggio.”

“I fear both the Tigers of Detroit and the Indians of Cleveland.”

“Be careful or you will fear even the Reds of Cincinnati and the White Sax of Chicago.”

“You study it and tell me when I come back.”

“Do you think we should buy a terminal of the lottery with an eighty-five? Tomorrow is the eighty-fifth day.”

“We can do that,” the boy said. “But what about the eighty-seven of your great record?”

“It could not happen twice. Do you think you can find an eighty-five?”

“I can order one.”

“One sheet. That’s two dollars and a half. Who can we borrow that from?”

“That’s easy. I can always borrow two dollars and a half.”

Indians of Cleveland 克利夫兰印第安人队(隶属美国联盟的棒球队,其主场位于俄亥俄州的克里夫兰。)

DiMaggio [人名] 狄马乔(全名为约瑟夫•保罗•狄马乔,是美国前职业棒球选手,曾三次获选年度最有价值球员。作为纽约扬基队的中场外野手,他被公认为棒球有史以来最优秀的全面型球员。生于1914年,卒于1999年。)“可是克利夫兰印第安人队也不弱啊。”“相信扬基队吧,孩子。别忘了那了不起的狄马乔。”“但是底特律老虎队和克利夫兰印第安人队的实力也很强啊。”“有点信心吧孩子,要不然你连辛辛那提红人队和芝加哥白短袜队都要担心啦。”“你好好研究研究,等我回来给我讲讲。”“你觉得我们该去买张尾数是八十五的彩票吗?明天就是第八十五天了。”“可以啊,”男孩说,“但是八十七如何?那可是你伟大的纪录。”“这种事不会再发生了。你能弄到一张尾数是八十五的彩票吗?”“我可以去订一张。”“一张就好。需要两块半。我们向谁去借呢?”“这个简单。两块半我还是能借到的。”

Tigers of Detroit 底特律老虎队(隶属美国联盟的棒球队,其主场位于密歇根州的底特律。)

Reds of Cincinnati 辛辛那提红人队(隶属国家联盟的棒球队,其主场位于俄亥俄州的辛辛那提。)

White Sax of Chicago 芝加哥白短袜队(隶属美国联盟的棒球队,其主场位于伊利诺州的芝加哥。)

terminal [ˈtɜːmɪn(ə)l]  n. 末端;终点;极限

lottery [ˈlɒt(ə)rɪ] n. 彩票;碰运气的事,难算计的事

sheet [ʃiːt] n. 纸张;船脚索;薄板;床单

“I think perhaps I can too. But I try not to borrow. First you borrow. Then you beg.”

“Keep warm old man,” the boy said. “Remember we are in September.”

“The month when the great fish come,” the old man said. “Anyone can be a fisherman in May.”

“I go now for the sardines,” the boy said.

When the boy came back the old man was asleep in the chair and the sun was down. The boy took the old army blanket off the bed and spread it over the back of the chair and over the old man’s shoulders. They were strange shoulders, still powerful although very old, and the neck was still strong too and the creases did not show so much when the old man was asleep and his head fallen forward. His shirt had been patched so many times that it was like the sail and the patches were faded to many different shades by the sun. The old man’s head was very old though and with his eyes closed there was no life in his face. The newspaper lay across his knees and the weight of his arm held it there in the evening breeze. He was barefooted.

The boy left him there and when he came back the old man was still asleep.

blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt] n. 毛毯,毯子;覆盖层

crease [kriːs] n. 皱纹;折痕;折缝(其复数形式为creases)“我觉得或许我也能借到。不过我尽量不借钱。今儿借钱,明儿就该要饭咯。”“穿得暖和点,老爷子,”男孩说,“别忘了,现在已经是九月天了。”“正是大鱼出现的月份,”老人说,“要是在五月,人人都能当渔夫。”“我现在去捞沙丁鱼,”男孩说。



fade [feɪd] v. 褪色;凋谢;逐渐消失(其过去分词为faded)

shade [ʃeɪd] n.(色泽的)明暗,深浅;树荫;阴影(其复数形式为shades)

barefooted [beəˈfʊtɪd] adj. 赤脚的,光着脚的(等于barefoot)

“Wake up old man,” the boy said and put his hand on one of the old man’s knees.

The old man opened his eyes and for a moment he was coming back from a long way away. Then he smiled.

“What have you got?” he asked.

“Supper,” said the boy. “We’re going to have supper.”

“I’m not very hungry.”

“Come on and eat. You can’t fish and not eat.”

“I have,” the old man said getting up and taking the newspaper and folding it. Then he started to fold the blanket.

“Keep the blanket around you,” the boy said. “You’ll not fish without eating while I’m alive.”

“Then live a long time and take care of yourself,” the old man said. “What are we eating?”

“Black beans and rice, fried bananas, and some stew.”

The boy had brought them in a two-decker metal container from the Terrace. The two sets of knives and forks and spoons were in his pocket with a paper napkin wrapped around each set.

“Who gave this to you?”

fold [fəʊld] v. 折叠;合拢(其ing形式为folding)

fried [fraɪd] adj. 油炸的,油煎的;喝醉了的

stew [stjuː] n. 炖,炖汤;烦恼“醒醒,老爷子,” 男孩说。他将一只手抚在老人的膝盖上。



decker [ˈdekə] n. [用以构成复合词]有……层面的床(或地面、车辆等东西);有……层甲板的船只

container [kənˈteɪnə] n. 盒;箱;罐;桶;坛子;集装箱;容器

fork [fɔːk] n. 叉;餐叉;耙(其复数形式为forks)

napkin [ˈnæpkɪn] n. 餐巾;餐巾纸;尿布

“Martin. The owner.”

“I must thank him.”

“I thanked him already,” the boy said. “You don’t need to thank him.”

“I’ll give him the belly meat of a big fish,” the old man said. “Has he done this for us more than once?”

“I think so.”

“I must give him something more than the belly meat then. He is very thoughtful for us.”

“He sent two beers.”

“I like the beer in cans best.”

“I know. But this is in bottles, Hatuey beer, and I take back the bottles.”





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