
发布时间:2020-05-24 02:35:53
















谨以此书寄托我对曾经给我教诲和指导的已故著名摄影家、摄影评论家、清华大学美术学院教授韩子善先生的哀思!顾金辉AUTHOR’ S PREFACE

I love scenery photography,because I love the natural landscape of my country. Along with my exploration and practice,this feeling has thrnedinto to enthusiasm. I gradually aware of the inspiration what the nature and the scenery photography have given to me.

When I stand at the best photo shooting spot at dawn or dusk,or stagger in deep snow or on a muddy road to get to the shooting spot,or climb mountains with carrying heavy photography equipment,my heart was full of satisfaction and happiness. Meanwhile when people show great appreciation to my works,I feel satisfied and proud.

These true feelings belongs to all scenery photography fans. leave aide those perceptual feelings,scenery photography can also gire you deeper and a more rational understanding. When you nere enchanted by the beauty of the nature in front of you and decide to capture it; you will suddenly realize a sort of spiritual inspiration that the nature has granted at the moment,the apperception.

It is the moment,you speak to the nature,and your body and soul merged with the nature as one.

-- This is the magic of scenery photography.

When you do scenery photography,you need to observer and to make decisions. You try to think and to understand the nature when you observer it,thus once you decide to push the button to freeze what you hane seen at,you will understand something special. Therefore,I name this collection “View·Apperception” .

Most works in this album show the beauty of the nature,and my apperception may not be that profound and thorough,some is even farfetched. However the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom,there is no need to persist in agreement.

More and more beginners fall in love with scenery photography. And the publication of this album can be taken as my exploration in this field.

I strongly recommend all of scenery photography fans to read Mr. Yu Yuntian’s work “I think,and then I travel”. I’m sure you would be rewarded.

Last but not the least,this collection is dedicated to my instructor,famous photographer and photography critic,Professor Han ZiShan (deceased) from Tsinghua University Academy of Arts.Gu Jinhui大地 EARTH

Mountains,Canyons,river and plains… The magnificence of landscape and the uncanny workmanship of nature,all of these made people moved.

As time goes by,the earth always seek the eternity of life by its own ways.

Earth is beautiful and magnificent; it is also desolate and solemn. Sometimes it howls and sometimes it thinks. All these,tell us its mood.

I frareled on the earth and took photos of beautiful landscapes. I try to understand the life while record the beauty of the nature by camera.

The earth is a great mother,who took care of all living creatures.

What can we give back to the earth? Only make her happy with meticulous and selfless care.






我们中华儿女用什么孝敬大地母亲?唯有用细心的关怀、体贴和无私的反哺,不让她有一点伤,不令她流一滴泪——才能报答母亲的恩宠!吉林长白山Changbai Mountain,Jilin Province新疆天山Tian Shan Mountain,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆博尔塔拉Bortala,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆博尔塔拉Bortala,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆博尔塔拉Bortala,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆独山子Dushanzi,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆独山子Dushanzi,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆库车Kuqa County,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆库车Kuqa County,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region内蒙古坝上Bashang Grassland,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region河北坝上Bashang HeBei Province内蒙古克什克腾Hexigten County,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region内蒙古克什克腾Hexigten County,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region草原 Grassland

I have visited lots of famous grasslands in China,Bayinbuluke and Narat grassland in Xinjiang,Hulunbuir and Horqin grassland in Inner Monglia,as well as Bashang grassland connected Hebei Province and inner Monglia. Especially the Bashang grassland,I have been there in four different seasons,even more than once in same seasons. The wind,rain,sun and cold of the grassland,I have experienced them all. The most unforgettable experience is the two dangerous trips that nearly end up my photographic career.

Why grassland attracts me so much? Just by its beanty or what? People especially photographers,who have been at grassland,may have the same feeling as mine. The biggest attraction fd us is the generosity of grassland,which also made us want to stay there forever.

Grassland give birth to many lives,and it bears human’s trample. When it’s healthy,it benefit human beings; when it’s injured,it cme itself quletly and seill wishes us all for best.

When you run,yelling or deep breathe in the grassland,or close your eyes,listen to the wind blow and smell the fragrance,you will suddenly realize that there is nothing you can’t let it go or get over. Then,your soul is integrated into the grassland and deeply satisfied.




如果你在草原的怀抱里狂奔、呐喊或者深呼吸,或者闭目聆听她的风声、细闻她的芳香,你的心里会突生一种茅塞顿开的感觉,你会猛然醒悟到:这世上还有什么不可以释怀?还有什么不可以放开?与此同时,你还会感觉到自己的灵魂已融入草原,此生别无所求。内蒙古呼伦贝尔Hulunbuir,Inner Monglia Autonomous Region新疆巴音布鲁克Bayinbuluke Prairie,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆巴音布鲁克Bayinbuluke Prairie,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆巴音布鲁克Bayinbuluke Prairie,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆那拉提Narat Grassland,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆那拉提Narat Grassland,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region内蒙古科尔沁Horqin,Inner Monglia Autonomous Region内蒙古科尔沁Horqin,Inner Monglia Autonomous Region内蒙古科尔沁Horqin,Inner Monglia Autonomous Region内蒙古乌兰布统(坝上)Wulanbu Series Prairie (Bashang),Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region内蒙古乌兰布统(坝上)Wulanbu Series Prairie (Bashang),Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region内蒙古乌兰布统(坝上)Wulanbu Series Prairie (Bashang),Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region内蒙古乌兰布统(坝上)Wulanbu Series Prairie (Bashang),Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region沙漠 Desert

Speaking of desert,people always come to think of its vast and unlimited,and the dry,desolate,merciless wind as well as its damage,horror and burying. But I’d like to focus on the other side which can enlighten us.

When you stumble in the desert,you may realize the course is similar to our life. Where we will reach after experiencing rough times and hardships? Maybe we will arrive at the oasis that we dreamed of,or we need to keep walking but never get to the end. What you can do is change yonr attlude fonards,the reality and then you will embrace a free and happy life.

Looking back at your footprints in the desert,you may be lost in one thought:whether your life footprints are vivid or vague? If you take them as vivid,you will feel pleasant and keep moving forward. If you think they are vague,you will do a profound self-examination to encourage yomseif and urge yourself to look for the right direction.

I like desert for its positive side.




我喜欢沙漠,正是因为她的这一面。内蒙古库不齐(响沙湾)Xiangshawan Desert,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region内蒙古库不齐(响沙湾)Xiangshawan Desert,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region





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