
发布时间:2020-05-24 06:12:32







Preface to the English Language Edition

This English language edition of One Lesson One Exercise series is based on the latest Chinese edition of the Yi Ke Yi Lian series,a multiple award-winning bestseller,published by East China Normal University Press.Since it first appeared in the early 1990s,the Chinese edition of the Yi Ke Yi Lianseries has been regularly revised and used by millions of students in primary and secondary schools all over Shanghai and beyond.The awards it has won include,for example,an official listing by an authoritative organization of China's book industry in 2009 as one of the “300 Most Influential Books in the 30 Years since Reform and Opening Up”(1978-2008),and in 2015,the series was awarded the title of “Shanghai Famous Trademark” by the Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce for the third time,the only book(series)awarded the honour by the Administration.

To keep the originality and authenticity of the Chinese edition,the English language edition is essentially a direct translation of the Chinese edition,so the loss of meaning in translation is kept to a minimum.When it is not possible to have a direct translation,necessary adjustments or changes have been made.For example,in Chinese,a Deng Shi(e.g.2+3=5)is different from a Fang Cheng(e.g.2x-3=7);however in English,the word “equation” can apply to both a Deng Shi and a Fang Cheng.In this case,the questions in the Chinese edition were slightly changed when possible or deleted otherwise in this English language edition.When appropriate,a footnote has been added to remind the readers of the difference from the original Chinese edition.For readers' convenience,a Chinese-English mathematics glossary is also added at the end of each book in this English language edition.

Recognising the importance of doing adequate practice in the learning of mathematics,we have two main aims in publishing this English language edition.The first is for it to serve as a useful resource for school students,teachers and parents,not only in China but also in other countries,in their learning,teaching and tuition of mathematics using English as a medium.The second is to provide an important window for international readers,in particular mathematics teachers,mathematics education researchers and policy makers,to look through and thereby to understand better the content,pedagogy and assessment of Chinese mathematics teaching and learning in schools,as reflected in this series of learning resources.

It should be noted that the One Lesson One Exercise series was originally developed for the use of Shanghai school students to enhance their learning of mathematics,though more and more students outside Shanghai or even China have also used this series because of its reputation.Following the Shanghai school system,the series consists of 17 student practice books:one book for each semester for all the five primary grades(Grades 1 to 5)and the first three secondary grades(Grades 6 to 8),and one for the final secondary grade(Grade 9).

Many people have supported the translation and publication of this series,in various ways.I wish to record my special appreciation to Professor Tim ROWLAND and Mrs Judy ROWLAND of the United Kingdom,Dr Lionel PEREIRA-MENDOZA of Canada,and Professor Zalman USISKIN of the United States for the consultation work they generously offered for the series at different grade levels.My sincere gratitude also goes to Ms Ellen CHEN,Dr JIN Haiyue,Dr Jane LI,Dr LU Rugang,Mr NI Ming,Ms XU Huiping,Mr XU Jing and Dr ZHU Yan for their assistance at different stages.

Professor FAN Lianghuo

Series Editor

Chinese-English Mathematics Glossary for Grade 4(Second Semester)中英文数学词汇对照表(四年级第二学期)

5 round down and 6 round up 五舍六入

actual value(precise value)精确值,实际值

approximate 近似,近似的

approximate number 近似数

approximate value 近似值

decimal,decimal number 小数

decimal part 小数部分

decimal point 小数点

decimal with one decimal place 一位小数

decimal with three decimal places 三位小数

decimal with two decimal places 两位小数

decrease 减少

equality 相等,相等性

equality property of division 商不变性质

error 误差,错误

horizontal axis 横轴

hundredths place 百分位

improper fraction 假分数

increase 增加

line graph 折线统计图,折线图

mixed decimal(number)带小数

multifunction set square 多功能三角尺

parallel 平行,平行的

parallel line 平行线

perpendicular 垂直,垂直的

perpendicular foot(foot of the perpendicular)垂足

perpendicular line 垂线

perpendicular line segment 垂线段

place value 位值

place value chart 位值表

plane 平面

proper fraction 真分数

property of division 除法运算性质

property of operations 运算性质

property of subtraction 减法运算性质

pure decimal(number)纯小数

quantity 量

regular N-gon正N边形

regular octagon 正八边形

set square 三角尺

tenths place 十分位

thousandths place 千分位

unit of counting 计数单位

value place 数位

vertical axis 纵轴

whole number 整数

whole number part 整数部分Chapter 1Revising and improving1.1 Four operations(1)Basic questions

1 Think carefully and fill in the brackets.


Xiao Qiao's method:




Xiao Dingding's method:




Please tell which of the two methods is correct and which is wrong.(Put a “√” or a “×” in each bracket).Give your reason.


2 First explain the order of operations in each calculation below and then work it out step by step.(1)75+25×6(2)(75+25)×6(3)50×3+45÷3(4)50×(3+45)÷3(5)960-78×12+18(6)(960-78)×(12+18)(7)(864-272)÷16+24×11(8)[(864-272)÷16+24]×11

3 Multiple choice questions.(1)Sixty million fifty-three thousand one hundred is written as().

A.6053100 B.6005310 C.60053010 D.60053100[1](2)In 55050,the value that the digit 5 in the leftmost place stands for is()times the value that the digit 5 in the rightmost place stands for.

A.1 B.10 C.100 D.1000(3)(1700-1300)÷25×4=().

A.4 B.32 C.40 D.64(4)The sum of 60 and 20 is divided by their difference.The number sentence is().



4 Fill in the brackets.(Use the “rounding off” method to find each approximate number)*(1)140001≈()thousand(2)850000007000≈()hundred million*(3)54203≈()thousand*(4)1096780≈()million(5)7661230505≈()hundred million(6)60456912340≈()hundred millionEnhancement and extension

5 Fill in the brackets first.Then complete the number sentences with mixed operations.(1)

Mixed number sentence:__________(2)

Mixed number sentence:__________

6 Fill in the □ with the same number in each number sentence to make it true.1.2 Four operations(2)Basic questions

1 Use simple and convenient ways to calculate.(1)282+142+158(2)(49+49+49+49)×250(3)125×32×25(4)(125+6)×8(5)420×78+220×42(6)97×68

2 Work these out step by step.(Calculate smartly if possible)(1)700÷25×(96+18×28)(2)(67×76+76×58)×8(3)50+35×(50-38)(4)96×10÷[(216+25×8)÷13]

3 True or false.(1)(22+25)×40=22+25×40.()(2)4×40×25=(4×25)×(40×25).()(3)In 125×47×8=125×8×47,the commutative law of multiplication is used.()(4)10,8,2 and 3 are used to form a mixed number sentence with the answer 24.This number sentence is 2×10+(8-3).()

4 Multiple choice questions.[2](1)Of the following numbers,the greatest is().

A.62090500 B.62009500 C.62095000 D.60209050(2)584919 rounded to the nearest ten thousand by using the “rounding off” method is().

A.50 ten thousands B.60 ten thousands

C.58 ten thousands D.59 ten thousands(3)Use a simple way to calculate:25×28=().

A.25×20×8 B.25×20+8 C.25×4×7 D.5×(5×28)(4)To calculate 444×25 smartly,the most suitable way is().





5 Write the number sentences and calculate.(1)What is 4 times a number that is 56 less than 420?(2)The sum of 52 and 48 is divided by the product of 4 and 25.What is the quotient?Enhancement and extension

6 Calculate the following questions smartly.(1)9999+999+99+9(2)333×999(3)20062006×2005-2006×20052005

7 Coloured flags are to be erected around the four sides of a square sports field with a coloured flag to be erected at each corner.To have 7 coloured flags on each side,how many coloured flags are to be prepared?1.3 Properties of whole number operations(1)Basic questions

1 Mental calculation.(1)79+3+6=(2)430-90-10=(3)17×2=(4)96-16-4=(5)80÷2×0=(6)151-(51+11)=

In which of the above mental calculation questions,did you use the property of subtraction operation to do the mental calculation?Please write the question number(s).


2 Fill in each blank with a number and each ○ with an operation symbol.(1)101-23-77=__________-(__________○77)(2)132-(32+21)=__________-__________○__________(3)277-11-__________=277-100(4)919-(__________○22)=__________-19-22(5)__________-__________-__________=a-(b○c)

3 Use simple and convenient ways to calculate.(1)800-246-154(2)416-(16+97)(3)546-(246+55)(4)5317-(180+317)(5)761-122-133-45(6)919-270-119

4 A bicycle factory plans to produce 1600 bicycles in the first quarter.It produced 520 bicycles in January and 480 bicycles in February.How many bicycles does it need to produce in March?(Use two methods to calculate.)Enhancement and extension

5 Use simple and convenient ways to calculate.(1)288-73-27+12(2)3156―(927―844)(3)483-(216+183)(4)775-167+215-233(5)(351-178)-(51-22)(6)6000-743-564-257-436(7)1000-1-2-3-4-5-…-20

6 Xiao Pang and Xiao Dingding were working on the same subtraction question.Xiao Pang's answer was 5618 and Xiao Dingding's answer was 38.Given that Xiao Pang's answer was correct,and the reason that Xiao Dingding got the wrong answer was that he wrote one more 0 at the end of the subtrahend,what are the minuend and subtrahend in this subtraction question?1.4 Properties of whole number operations(2)Basic questions

1 Fill in each blank with a number and each ○ with an operation symbol.(1)5100÷(17×25)=5100÷__________○__________(2)1000÷25÷4=1000÷(__________○__________)(3)128÷8÷2=__________÷(8○2)(4)34÷(__________×2)=34÷17○2

Think carefully.The above answers are based on a property of()operation.Using letters to express the property,it is:().

2 Use simple and convenient ways to calculate.(1)7000÷8÷125(2)3600÷(36×4)(3)850÷(17×2)(4)360÷18÷2(5)2000÷25÷4÷2(6)5400÷45

3 Multiple choice questions.(1)1240÷62÷2=().


C.(1240÷62)×2 D.1240×(62×2)(2)1800÷(25×6)=().

A.1800×25÷6 B.1800÷25×6

C.1800÷25÷6 D.1800×(25÷6)(3)9000÷125÷4÷2=().



4 240 pupils took part in a parade performance in school games.The teacher divided them equally into 12 teams and each team was further divided into two small groups.How many pupils were there in each group on average?(Use two methods to answer)

5 It is Tree-planting Day.Xiao Hong's class is grouped equally into 4 teams to plant trees.The class spent 240 yuan in total for purchasing saplings.Each team plants 6 saplings on average.How much does each sapling cost?Enhancement and extension

6 Calculate smartly.(1)540000÷125÷45÷8(2)(91×27×84×76)÷(9×7×19×13)1.5 Properties of whole number operations(3)Basic questions

1 Think carefully,calculate the answers,and fill in the spaces.


Observing the calculations above,we find when both the dividend and divisor are __________ or __________ by the same number(except zero),their __________ remains unchanged.It is the __________ property of division.Using letters to express this property,it is:__________.

2 Based on the equality property of division,work these out mentally and write down the answers.(1)480÷160=(2)3600÷900=(3)7800÷390=(4)5400÷600=(5)10000÷200=(6)91000÷700=

3 Use the equality property of division to fill in the spaces.(1)36000÷600=(36000÷100)÷(600○__________)=__________(2)7800÷260=780÷__________=__________÷130=__________○__________(3)One number is divided by another number.The dividend is divided by 3.To keep the quotient unchanged,the divisor should be divided by __________.(4)When one number is divided by another,the quotient is 21.If both the dividend and divisor are multiplied by 8,then the quotient is __________.(5)When one number is divided by another,the quotient is 25.If both the dividend and the divisor are multiplied by 10,then the quotient is __________.If the dividend remains unchanged and the divisor is multiplied by 5,the quotient is __________.

4 True or false.(1)480÷80=(480×10)÷(80÷10).()(2)63÷9=(63+10)÷(9+10).()(3)91÷13=(91÷13)÷(13÷13).()(4)When both the dividend and divisor are multiplied by 4,the quotient should be multiplied by 16.()

5 Calculate smartly.(1)1200÷25(2)4000÷32(3)6000÷125(4)3600÷45(5)13000÷125÷8(6)1040÷2÷52Enhancement and extension

6 Think carefully and write down the answers.(1)Two numbers are added together.If one addend is increased by 20 and the other addend is also increased by 20,what is the change to the sum?(2)One number is subtracted from another number.The subtrahend is decreased by 10.To keep the difference unchanged,what should the change to the minuend be?(3)When one number is divided by another,the quotient is 48.If the dividend is multiplied by 10 and the divisor is divided by 10,then what is the quotient?(4)Two numbers are multiplied together.If one factor is multiplied by 10 and the other is divided by 10,is there a change in the product?1.6 Who can calculate smartly?(1)Basic questions

1 Use the column method to calculate.(Check the answers to the questions marked with “*”)(1)3200÷160=*(2)2820÷170=(3)6320÷90=*(4)63200÷900=

2 Based on 31÷7=4……3,fill in the brackets with the quotients and remainders.(1)310÷70=()……()(2)3100÷700=()……()(3)31000÷7000=()……()

3 Multiple choice questions.(1)4100÷700=().

A.Quotient 5 with remainder 6

B.Quotient 5 with remainder 600

C.Quotient 5 with remainder 60(2)One number is divided by another number.If the dividend is multiplied by 2 and the divisor is divided by 2,then the quotient is().

A.unchanged B.multiplied by 2 C.multiplied by 4(3)The reason that the following column calculation is incorrect is().

A.The format of alignment in the columns is incorrect.

B.After 0s in dividend and divisor are cancelled,the quotient should be written above 9.

C.The number of 0s cancelled in the dividend and the number of 0s cancelled in the divisor are not the same.

4 Calculate each question below,and in each bracket write down the law of operations or property of operations that is used.

5 A train is travelling from Place A to Place B at a speed of 125 kilometres per hour.The distance between Place A and Place B is 8000 kilometres.How many hours does it take the train to travel the whole journey?

6 A comic book has 120 pages.Xiao Ming read 16 pages each day for 3 days.How many more pages does he need to read to finish half of the book?Enhancement and extension

7 Using two different methods,calculate the questions below smartly.(1)8800×125(2)88000÷125

8 Based on the relation between the numbers in the number sentence 20×6-34÷2=103,fill in each □ with a number.

□÷□=□×□-□(□+□÷□)÷□=□1.7 Who can calculate smartly?(2)Basic questions

1 Use the equality property of division,and apply the column method to calculate each question below.(Check the answer to the question marked with “*”)(1)642300÷800=*(2)5000÷1700=

2 Write the reasons that the following equations of number sentences are true.(1)115+266+85+34=(115+85)+(266+34)()(2)6400÷125÷8=6400÷(125×8)()(3)547-83-17=547-(83+17)()(4)7800÷(40×39)=7800÷39÷40()

3 Work these out step by step.(Calculate smartly if possible)(1)1600+800÷20-40×7(2)125×71÷25(3)3000÷125÷2÷4(4)96000÷64(5)250×16×125(6)(352-128)-(52-28)(7)369×17+31×17-17(8)[(297-97)×450-3000]÷145

4 Write the number sentences and calculate.(1)Add 96 to the quotient of 608 divided by 76,and then multiply the sum by 27.What is the result?(2)After Number A is reduced by 10,it is 5 times Number B.Number A is 65.Find Number B.Enhancement and extension

5 Think carefully and fill in the brackets.(1)In a division sentence,if the dividend remains unchanged and the divisor is multiplied by 10,the quotient should be().(2)In 3600÷170=21……30,if both the dividend and divisor are divided by 10,the remainder will be().(3)In 700÷70=10,if the dividend is multiplied by 7 and the divisor is divided by 10,the quotient will be().

6 Xiao Dingding's family has a collection of books as follows:there are 12 fewer comic books than science books,twice as many storybooks as comic books,and 8 more learning resource books than storybooks.There are 24 learning resource books.How many science books are there?

7 Calculate smartly.

8888×9999÷66661.8 Solving problems 1(1)Basic questions

1 Think carefully and fill in the blanks.

Pupils in the senior grades participated in military training activities during the summer holidays.There were 320 participants from Grade 4 and 280 participants from Grade 5.One instructor was assigned for every 20 pupils.How many instructors were assigned altogether for Grades 4 and 5?(1)320÷20=16(instructors),find:__________(2)280÷20=14(instructors),find:__________(3)16+14=30(instructors),find:__________(4)These three steps above were used to answer this question.Now can you try to use one step to answer it?

2 Based on the tree diagrams,write the number sentences and then calculate.

3 Xiao Pang and Xiao Dingding had a 100-metre running race.Xiao Dingding took 20 seconds to finish the run while Xiao Pang took 25 seconds.What were the speeds of Xiao Pang and Xiao Dingding,respectively?How many more metres did Xiao Dingding run than Xiao Pang per second?(Draw a tree diagram)

4 A fruit store has 516 kilograms of apples and 372 kilograms of pears.If the weight of the fruit in each box is 12 kilograms,then how many more boxes of apples than pears does the store have?(Use two methods to find the answer)

5 Some young pioneers took part in a tree planting activity.The first team planted 96 trees altogether,4 trees per person on average.The second team planted 84 trees altogether,6 trees per person on average.How many young pioneers took part in this tree planting activity?Enhancement and extension

6 Xiao Qiao was reading a storybook.She read 63 pages for the first 3 days,and had 483 pages more to read.At this rate,how many days would Xiao Qiao need in total to finish the whole book?(Use two methods to answer)

7 A wholesale fruit market originally had 58 kilograms of Hami melons,and then another 2 tonnes and 300 kilograms were delivered.After selling for one day,650 kilograms were left.How many kilograms of Hami melons did the wholesale fruit market sell on the day?

8 Five numbers are put in order.The mean of the first 3 numbers is 21 and the mean of the last 3 numbers is 23.The mean of the 5 numbers is 22.Find the third number.1.9 Solving problems 1(2)Basic questions

1 For each question,use line segments to draw a diagram,write the number sentence,and then calculate the answer.(1)Number A is 100,and Number B is 4 times Number A.What is Number B?(2)Number A is 100,and Number A is 4 times Number B.What is Number B?(3)Number A is 100,and Number B is 4 more than 4 times Number A.What is Number B?(4)Number A is 100,and Number A is 4 more than 4 times Number B.What is Number B?

2 Mum bought 14 apples.The number of mangoes she bought was 6 fewer than twice the number of apples.How many mangoes did mum buy?

3 Dad cut a piece of iron wire into two pieces.The length of the second piece was 32 centimetres less than 5 times the length of the first piece.The length of the second piece was 168 centimetres.How many centim-etres was the length of the first piece?What was the length of the original iron wire?

4 On Tree-planting Day,pupils in Grade 5 planted 30 trees,12 fewer than twice the number of trees Grade 4 planted.How many trees did the pupils in Grade 4 plant?

5 Pupils made paper cranes.They made 120 paper cranes each day and in 4 days made 12 more than half of the number required.How many paper cranes did the pupils need to make in total?Enhancement and extension

6 In our country,there are five famous mountains known as the “Five Great Mountains”.Among the “Five Great Mountains”,the East Great Mountain,Tai Shan,is 1545 metres high;the West Great Mountain,Hua Shan,is 2155 metres high;the South Great Mountain,Heng Shan,is 1290 metres high;and the North Great Mountain,Heng Shan,is 2016 metres high.The height of the North Great Mountain,Heng Shan,is 968 metres less than twice the height of the Central Great Mountain,Song Shan.What is the height of Song Shan?

7 Based on the question asked,add a suitable condition,write the number sentence and then calculate.(1)Xiao Pang bought 28 pencils,and __________.How many pencils did Xiao Ya buy?





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