
发布时间:2020-05-24 11:49:42









本系列分为五个级别,词汇量从350词至1000词逐级扩大,“如何使用本书”和“如何提高英语阅读水平”提供了概括性的指导。另外,本系列还针对不同的故事内容设计了“你读懂了多少”(Comprehension Quiz),帮助你检测阅读理解的效果。“阅读准备”(Before You Read)以图文并茂的形式让读者对生词形成一定的感性认识,并在文中给出更详尽的注释。书后附有译文,帮助你更好地理解故事。本系列还配有精美的插图和“背景知识”(Understanding the Story),让你的阅读更加多姿多彩。







❶ 原汁原味的作品


❷ 重点词汇(Key Words)


❸ 一点通(One Point Lesson)

语法讲解简单明了。Turandot图兰朵Before You Read


Calaf 卡拉夫

My name is Calaf. I was born the Prince of Tartary. I am an old man now, but when I was young I experienced a great challenge. I lost a friend, but I changed the life of a very special person. Do you like riddles? I do.

我叫卡拉夫,是鞑靼国的王子。如今我已年老,但年轻时我曾经历过一次巨大的挑战。我失去了一个朋友,但是却改变了一个非常特别的人的一生。你喜欢猜谜吗?我喜欢。Princess Turandot 图兰朵公主

I am Princess Turandot. Many men ask for my hand, but I refuse to marry them. I think it is important to honor our ancestors, don't you? If you wish to marry me, you must be very clever or else you will pay the price!

我是图兰朵公主。有很多男人向我求婚,我都拒绝了。我认为为祖先带来荣耀至关重要,不是么?想要娶我么?看你够不够聪明了,否则你将为此付出代价!King Timur 铁木尔国王

My name is King Timur. I lost my country in war and my sight while fleeing. I am searching for my son, Calaf. We were separated after the war. Luckily I have Liu, my servant, to guide me. What would I do without her?

我是(鞑靼国的)铁木尔国王。我们输了战争,国家沦丧,我又在逃亡中失明了。战争结束后,儿子卡拉夫和我失散了,目前我正在找他。幸好有侍女柳儿一直领着我。真不知道没有她我怎么办呢?Liu 柳儿

My name is Liu. I am King Timur's servant. After the war I took care of the King. It is my duty to look after the King and his family. I am very fond of Calaf, and I hope we can find him soon.


第1章 冰霜公主

CHAPTER 1 The Ice Princesss

My life has been full of adventure. Now that I am very old, telling stories is all I can do. My name is Calaf. I was born the Prince of Tartary.

After a very long and terrible war, my father, King Timur, and I were forced to escape from my country. I didn't know what happened to my father but now I was in Peking.

I would never forget the evening I arrived in this great city. Many people had gathered in the square in front of the Imperial Palace. It was really amazing. There must have been thousands of people there. I thought that something very exciting was to occur, so I asked, "What's happening?" One person in the crowd replied, "A man will be killed soon. He had come to try to marry Princess Turandot. He had to solve the Princess' riddles first before he could marry her, but he failed. Now they will cut off his head."

"Who is Princess Turandot?" I asked.

"She is the Emperor's daughter," said a woman standing next to me. "She is extremely beautiful. So many princes come from different countries to marry her. But she doesn't want to marry any of them. She is a cold woman. Some say that her heart is made from stone. To make it difficult for any man to marry her, she has said that she will only marry the man who can solve the three riddles she gives them. If they fail, well,... you can see what we are waiting for..."

Suddenly, a man dressed in palace robes appeared. He called out, "The Prince of Persia has failed to answer the Princess' riddles. He will die when the moon appears this evening."

As I was listening to this, there was a loud sound behind me. I turned around and saw an old man lying on the ground. A woman yelled out, "Look. They just threw the poor blind man on the ground."

I rushed over and helped the man to his feet. I was shocked. The old man was my own father, King Timur.

"Father!" I cried out. "You are here in Peking. I have been looking for you everywhere."

I looked up and saw another person standing by. It was Liu. She was a very faithful servant and friend to my father. "Liu! You are here too."

"She has been wonderful," said my father. "She has been my eyes ever since I couldn't see and has given me so much help. If she had not been with me, I would have been dead."

Liu was looking down at her feet.

"Liu! I'm most grateful to you for looking after my father. You didn't have to do this. Why have you given so much to me and my family?" I asked her.

"A long time ago in the palace, you used to smile at me," she said but her words were interrupted by a loud gong.

Many men entered the square. They carried a large stone to the middle of the square. The stone was for the executioner to sharpen his ax on.

"Cut off his head when the moon appears!" people shouted. I was quite shocked by the people. It seemed they enjoyed watching people die.

"These people are like animals," I thought. "How can this Princess Turandot kill so many men. She really is a cold-hearted woman."

Everyone continued calling for the death of the poor man, but they became very quiet when the Princess appeared.

The Princess was wearing a long white robe. From a distance, it looked like ice. She had beautiful black hair, which was so long that it almost reached the floor. Her face was perfect and her lips were red like roses. She opened those beautiful lips and ordered, "Guards! Take him away to cut off his head!"

The poor prince was dragged away to his death. It was such a terrible night but I could not think of the poor man anymore. It was like a spell had been cast on me. All I could think of was the Princess. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I was filled with desire and love for her. For a moment, my heart even stopped beating!

Then, I did something which would change my life forever. I said in a very loud voice, "I have come here to make the Princess my bride. I will solve her riddles and she will marry me."

"No, no! They will cut your head off. I can't bear to think of that," Liu cried.

"This means I will lose you again. Please don't do this," Father begged me. But I didn't listen to them. I walked toward a very large gong in the square. Anyone who wanted to marry the Princess had to hit the gong three times.

As I walked up to the gong, three men raced in front of me and stopped me. One said, "I am Ping, the Grand Chancellor." The second said, "I am Pong, the Chief Cook." The third said, "I am Pang, the Marshal."

"Do not do this!" they all cried out.

Pang said, "Look in the sky! Can't you see the ghosts of the dead flying around this great city? They are the men who died for the Princess' love."

Ping said, "There are so many pretty women. Go and find another pretty girl."

I just said, "No!" and walked past them. I struck the gong three times.

The whole crowd watched me hit the gong and then I could hear them whisper, "He will never solve the riddles." The three men were also talking among themselves. "There have already been thirteen deaths this year. This city is filled with blood."

Even though everyone thought I would die, I would not change my mind. I wanted to marry the Princess. Soon, two guards came out and took me inside the Palace.

After a few moments, a group of wise men walked in with large documents. I guessed they contained the Princess' riddles. After the wise men, came some other men. They were carrying red and white lanterns. Red was for a wedding and white was for a funeral. Finally, the Emperor appeared. He did not look like a happy man.

He looked at me and said, "Please do not do this. Don't try to answer my daughter's riddles. You can leave now before she comes."

"No," I replied. "I will try to answer."

The Emperor asked me twice more, and I answered each time, "Let me try."KEY WORDS

adventure n. 冒险

be forced to 被迫

escape from 从……逃脱

happen v. 发生

square n. 广场

imperial palace 皇宫

amazing adj. 令人惊诧的

occur v. 发生

crowd n. 人群

solve v. 解答

emperor n. 皇帝

extremely adv. 非常

be made from 用……造

dress in 穿着

robe n. 长袍

call out 大声说

Persia 波斯

loud adj. 大声的

turn around 转身

yell out 大声叫

rush over 冲过去

help...to one's feet 扶起某人

look up 抬起头

stand by 站在旁边

faithful adj. 忠实的

grateful adj. 感激的

use to 过去常常

interrupt v. 打断

gong n. 铜锣

executioner n. 刽子手

sharpen v. 磨快

ax n. 斧头

cold-hearted adj. 铁石心肠的

continue v. 继续

call for 要求

from a distance 在远处

guard n. 卫兵

drag away 拉走

spell n. 咒语

cast on 施(咒语)

desire n. 愿望

beat v. 心脏跳动


bear v. 忍受


mean v. 意味着


race v. 疾走

Grand Chancellor 宰相

Chief Cook 首席厨师

Marshal n. 元帅

ghost n. 鬼魂

past prep. 越过

strike v. 敲响


whisper v. 低声说

mind n. 想法

wise man 智者

document n. 文件

contain v. 包含

lantern n. 灯笼

wedding n. 婚礼

funeral n. 葬礼

twice adv. 两次One Point Lesson

I have been looking for you everywhere.



e. g. I have been traveling since last summer.

去年夏天以来,我一直在旅行。CHAPTER 1第1章Comprehension Quiz你读懂了多少A 选择正确的答案。

❶ If your friend is _______, you can trust him.

(a) faithful

(b) kind

(c) generous

(d) hardworking

❷ If you _______ something, it means you strongly want to have it.

(a) like

(b) desire

(c) hate

(d) miss

❸ On the wedding day, the _______ wears a white dress.

(a) bestman

(b) bridegroom

(c) husband

(d) brideB 选择适当的词填空。

fail  interrupt  arrive  force  whisper  solve

❶ To speak in a very quiet voice: __________

❷ To make someone do something against his / her will: __________

❸ To reach one's destination: __________

❹ To find the answer to something: __________

❺ To be unsuccessful at something: __________

❻ To break in on someone's speech or action: __________C 选择正确的答案。

❶ Why did Calaf come to Peking?

(a) To marry the Princess Turandot.

(b) Because of the war in his country.

(c) Because he liked adventures very much.

❷ Why do the people call Turandot the ice princess?

(a) Because she looks like ice in her white robe.

(b) Because she is a cold-hearted woman.

(c) Because everybody hated her.D 根据故事内容判断正误,正确的选T,错误的选F。

❶ Anyone, who wanted to marry the princess Turandot, had to solve her riddles first.


❷ Liu came to Peking with the King Timur to meet Calaf.


❸ Calaf fell in love with Turandot when he first saw her.


❹ Ping, Pong, and Pang all believed that Calaf could solve the riddles.


❺ If you want to challenge the princess' riddles, you should call her name loudly three times.

T F答案

A ❶ (a)

❷ (b)

❸ (d)

B ❶ whisper

❷ force

❸ arrive

❹ solve

❺ fail

❻ interrupt

C ❶ (b)

❷ (b)

D ❶ T

❷ F

❸ T

❹ F

❺ FUnderstanding the Story背景知识The Forbidden City紫禁城

The Peking described in the opera Turandot does not exist anymore. Giacomo Puccini, the Italian composer of this opera, never visited China. Instead, he was inspired by Marco Polo's travels.

Marco Polo journeyed to China around 800 years ago and wrote about a fantastic walled city on a hill in the center of the Chinese capital of Peking. This was the Forbidden City. It was named this because only royalty and their servants could enter the gates. When Princess Turandot speaks to the public, she comes to the main gate.

In Marco Polo's time, Peking's streets were wide and straight. He wrote that the city looked like a checkerboard, with neat square blocks of old mansions and fine inns.

These days, the walls and buildings of the Forbidden City still stand, but the gates are wide open to tourists from all over the world. Turandot and all Chinese royalty may be gone, but the city they lived in still stands.

歌剧《图兰朵》中描述的北京城已经不存在了。本剧作者——意大利人吉亚卡摩·普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)从未到过中国。他受到马可·波罗游记的启发而创作了该剧。




第2章 三个谜语

CHAPTER 2 Three Riddles

A few moments later, the Princess appeared. She was very beautiful and elegant. She stood like a tall white candle. She started to speak and I felt my heart leap out from my chest.

"I am taking revenge for the death of my ancestor, Princess Lou Ling. A thousand years ago, a foreign king came to her in this place, ravished and murdered her. To honor her memory, I have vowed to never allow any man to touch me. There are three riddles for you but only one death," she said.

I replied, "There are three riddles but only one life."

She began to ask me the first riddle.

"What is the phantom born every night that dies in the dawn but lives in the hearts of humans?"

I thought carefully about the question and answered,"Hope."

She looked very uncomfortable after I answered but she continued to ask the second riddle.

"What warms like a fire, boils in a fever, becomes cold in death, but glows like a sunset and flies into passion in victory?"

Once more, I thought carefully about the question and answered, "Blood."

Now Turandot looked at me in anger. Her eyes looked as cold as ice. She asked the final question.

"What is the ice that sets you on fire? What consumes you and yet freezes even harder?"

The crowd in the square stood silent and listened. This time I thought even longer about the question.

"Turandot," I said at last. Finally, I said, "Turandot. You are like ice but my passion for you burns inside me. You are what consumes my thoughts and feelings."

The wise men standing in the square in that magnificent palace shook their heads in amazement. I had answered the three riddles correctly. Turandot looked stunned for a few moments.

Then, she threw herself at her father's feet and begged, "Please do not make me marry him. Please father!"

But her father replied, "He has answered all of the questions correctly. We promised that whoever answers the questions correctly, will marry you. You must!"

Turandot now stood and turned to look at me.

"Do you really want a wife who marries you unwillingly?" she asked.

"No, I do not," I replied. "So, if you can find out my name before dawn tomorrow, I will not force you to marry me and I will die happily at your hands."

This pleased Turandot very much. She smiled in her own evil way and said, "Wonderful. No one will sleep tonight until I learn your name. Tomorrow, you will lose your head. I will give a reward to the person who finds out your name."

That night, no one in the city could sleep. I waited in the palace garden for the sun to rise. Ping, Pong, and Pang came to see me. Again they begged, "The Princess will find out your name. Just please leave in peace before she kills you."

Suddenly, I heard a noise inside the courtyard. I rushed in to see some guards dragging my father and Liu into the courtyard.

One of the guards said, "These people spoke to him yesterday. They know who he is."

I shouted out, "No, they don't. Until yesterday, they were complete strangers to me."

As soon as Turandot arrived, the guards started beating my father.

Liu cried out, "Please do not hurt him. He is only an old man. Only I can tell you what you want to know."

I tried to run to Liu to stop her from speaking but some guards stopped me.

Turandot ordered, "Take her and torture her until she tells you his name."

"I will never tell you," Liu screamed. "I will die before I tell you his name."

I was so stunned by Liu's devotion to my father and myself, and even Turandot asked her, "Why do you care so much about him? Why are you so willing to sacrifice yourself for this man?"

Liu answered, "Love gives me courage. Your heart is made of ice but it will be warmed by the love he can give."

Liu jumped forward and grabbed one of the guard's daggers and stabbed herself in the heart. No one could have stopped Liu because it all happened so quickly. She fell to the ground in front of my feet and died.

I felt such emotion for poor Liu. She had given her life to save mine. I became very angry now. I turned to Turandot and said, "You are the Princess of Death. Wherever you go, death follows you."

Turandot looked at me and said, "No. I am the Daughter of Heaven and my spirit flies in the heavens, far above yours."

"Perhaps your spirit may but you are on this earth with me. So you are no better than the rest of us."

I walked toward her. I took her in my arms and placed my lips on hers. At first she struggled like a wild animal but the warmth of my kiss finally reached her frozen heart. She broke down into tears.

"The love in my kiss has warmed your heart. You will no longer be the Ice Princess," I told her.

"As soon as I saw you I knew that you would make my life difficult," the Princess said. "Go. I do not want to know your name. It can stay a mystery."

I replied, "I am the victor now and I do not care whether I live or die. My name is Calaf, Prince of Tartary."

Later, after the sun had risen, the King sat on his throne. Turandot and I were standing together in front of him.

The Emperor spoke to Turandot first. "Turandot. Have you discovered the name of this man?"

"Yes, I have, Father. His name is Love," she replied.

Then, she smiled in a way no one had ever seen before. The smile was not of hate or evil but of love.

Ping, Pong, and Pang nodded approvingly and the Emperor looked happy. Turandot became my wife and we have lived very happily for many years. It is wonderful to grow old with the person you love.KEY WORDS

elegant adj. 优雅的

leap out 蹦出来

chest n. 胸口

take revenge 报仇

ravish v. 冒犯,侮辱

murder v. 杀害

honor one's memory 为纪念某人

vow v. 发誓

allow v. 允许

phantom n. 幻影,幻觉

dawn n. 黎明

uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的

warm v. 变热

boil v. 煮沸,激动

fever n. 发热,兴奋

glow v. 发光,发热

fly into 突发

passion n. 激情,热情

set on fire 点燃

consume v. 消耗,使着迷

freeze v. 结冰


magnificent adj. 宏伟的

shake one's head 摇头

correctly adv. 正确地

stunned adj. 瞠目结舌的

throw oneself at 扑向

whoever pron. 任何人

unwillingly adv. 不情愿地

die at one's hands 死在某人手上

please v. 使高兴

evil adj. 邪恶的

learn v. 得知

reward n. 报酬

courtyard n. 院子

complete adj. 完全的

hurt v. 伤害


torture v. 拷问,折磨

scream v. 尖叫

devotion n. 热爱

care about 关心

be willing to 愿意

sacrifice v. 牺牲

courage n. 勇气

be made of 由……组成

forward adv. 向前地

grab v. 夺

dagger n. 短刀

stab v. 刺

emotion n. 情感,感情

save v. 挽救

spirit n. 精神,灵魂

earth n. 尘世

no better than 不比……强

rest n. 其余,其他

struggle v. 挣扎

warmth n. 温暖

frozen adj. 冰冷的

break down into tears 潸然泪下

no longer 不再

as soon as 一……就

mystery n. 秘密

victor n. 胜利者

throne n. 宝座

hate n. 仇恨

nod v. 点头

approvingly adv. 赞许地CHAPTER 2第2章Comprehension Quiz你读懂了多少A 下面的话分别是谁说的?TurandotCalafLiu





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