
发布时间:2020-05-24 19:56:50







Unit 1


Text I

1.suburb [5sQbE:b] n. a usually residential area or community outlying a city郊区

2.apply [E5plai] v. a) to request or seek assistance, employment, or admission提出申请:apply for a visa申请签证;b) to put to or adapt for a special use应用,把…应用于:She applies all her money to her mortgage.她将她所有的钱都用来付抵押贷款。c) to cause to work hard or with careful attention专心于:He applied himself to his new job.【扩展】application( n. 申请;应用)/ applicable( adj. 可应用的)/ applicant( n. 申请者)/ applied( adj. 应用的,实用的)

3.degree [dI5^ri:] n. a title given by a university学位:the degree of Master of Arts文学硕士学位

4.slim [slim] adj. a) small in quantity or amount微小的,微薄的:slim chances of success很小的成功机会;b) small in girth or thickness in proportion to height or length苗条的,修长的

5.summon [5sQmEn] v. to call together; convene召集;召唤:The general summoned all his officers.将军把所有的军官召集在一起。

6.interview [5intEvju:] n. a formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for the assessment of the qualifications of an applicant面试

7.awkward [5C:kwEd] adj. a) causing difficulty, embarrassment or inconvenience造成困难、尴尬或不便的:an awkward series of bends in the road路上一连串难走的弯;b) embarrassed尴尬的,难为情的:an awkward remark令人窘迫的评论

8.dreary [5driEri] adj. boring, dull单调乏味的:dreary tasks枯燥的任务

9.gabled [`^eIbld] adj. having one or more gables有山墙的:a gabled house有山墙的房子

10.sash-window框格窗,上下拉动的窗a window consisting of two frames that you open by sliding one up or down, behind or in front of the other

11.gravel [5^rAvEl] n. small stones, used to make a surface for paths, roads etc砂砾

12.evergreen [5evE^ri:n] adj. persist and remain green throughout the year常青的,常绿的:There is a small evergreen shrub on the hillside.山腰上有一小块常绿灌木丛。

13.shrub [FrQb] n. a small bush with several woody stems灌木

14.survive [sE5vaiv] v. to live or persist through从困境中活过来或挺过来:These plants that can survive frosts.这些植物能够历经寒霜而存活。

15.fume [fju:m] n. vapor, gas, or smoke, especially if irritating, harmful, or strong尤指有害、浓烈或难闻的气体或烟:She felt sick from breathing in paint fumes.她因吸入油漆气味而感到恶心。

16.rotund [rEu5tQnd] adj. rounded in figure; plump圆形的;胖乎乎的:a large rotund man一个又高又胖的人

17.moustache [mEs5tB:F] n. an unshaved growth of hair on the upper lip胡子

18.freckle [5frekl] n. small brown spots on someone’s skin, especially on their face雀斑,斑点

19.tweed [twi:d] n. cloth woven from threads of different colours, used mostly to make jackets, suits, and coats斜纹软呢,斜纹软呢服

20.ample [5Ampl] adj. of large or great size, amount, extent, or capacity尺寸、数量、范围或体积很大的:an ample living room宽敞的起居室;【扩展】amplify v. 放大;增强/amplifier n. 扩音器,放大器/amplitude n. 广阔;振幅

21.loop [lu:p] v. fasten or join sth with a loop or loops打环扣系住某物

22.disapproval [7disE5pru:vEl] n. the act of disapproving不赞成

23.colonel [5kE:nl] n. a high rank in the army, Marines, or the US air force上校

24.private [5praivit] adj. not available for public use, control, or participation私人的,私有的:a private party私人聚会; n. soldier of the lowest rank士兵

25.bootlace [`bU:tleIs] n. a shoelace鞋带

26.stale [steil] adj. having lost freshness, effervescence, or palatability变味的,不新鲜的:stale bread变味的面包

27.dingy [5dindVi] adj. darkened with smoke and grime; dirty or discolored暗黑的,褪色的:It was a street of dingy houses huddled together.这是一条挤满了破旧房子的街巷。

28.scar [skB:] v. to mark with a scar使有疤痕:His hands were badly scarred by the fire.他的手因为被火烧过而留下伤疤。

29.crumb [krQm] n. a very small piece broken from a baked item碎屑:Sweep up the crumbs, please.请把面包屑擦掉。

30.mantelpiece [5mAnt(E)lpi:s] n. a wooden or stone shelf which is the top part of a frame surrounding a fireplace壁炉架,壁炉的前饰

31.cellar [5selE] n. a room under a house or other building, often used for storing things地窖,地下室

32.proceed [prE5si:d] vi. a) to begin and continue ( some course of action)进行,开始行动:Now that our plans are settled, let us proceed (to do it). 既然计划已制定,我们开始实施吧。b) started to go forward or onward, especially after an interruption继续下去:He paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded with his questions.他停下来看了看笔记,然后继续提问。c) to move in a particular direction向…进发:后常接介词或副词to/towards/into等【搭配】proceed from sth.源于某物;proceed against sb.起诉某人。另外,应注意不要将其和precede( v. 领先于)相混淆

33.bloodshot [5blQdFRt] adj. (of an eye) reddened as a result of locally congested blood vessels; inflamed充血的,布满血丝的:If the eyes are severely strained, they become bloodshot.如果眼睛过于疲劳就会充血。

34.vital [5vaitl] adj. urgently needed; absolutely necessary至关重要的:This matter is of vital importance to us. 这件事对我们来说至关重要。【扩展】vitalize /5vaItElaIz/ v. 赋予生命力 /vitality /vai5tAliti/ n. 生命力,活力

35.mumble [5mQmbl] v. to utter indistinctly by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth:咕哝:mumbled an insincere apology含糊地说出无诚意的道歉

36.grunt [^rQnt] v. to utter a sound similar to a grunt发哼声:He grunted as the bullet hit him.子弹击中他时他疼得哼出声来。

37.singularly [5sIN^jJlElI] adv. a) noticeably显而易见地:It’s a singularly foolish plan.这显然是个愚蠢的计划。b) strangely, peculiarly, in an unusual way异乎寻常地:Is he mad? He’s certainly behaving singularly.他疯了吗?他行为肯定不正常。

38.appall [E5pC:l] vt. to fill with consternation or dismay使惊恐,使惊骇:They were appalled by the reports of the nuclear war.他们被核战争的报道吓坏了。

39.dismay [dis5mei] v. to destroy the courage or resolution of by exciting dread or apprehension使惊恐,使丧气:The thought that she might fail the history test dismayed her.想到历史可能考不及格时,她很沮丧。

33.incompetent [in5kCmpitEnt] adj. not having or showing the necessary skills to do sth successfully不胜任的,不称职的

40.tramp [trAmp] v. a) to walk with heavy or noisy steps重踏步行走,跺着脚行走:We could hear him tramping about upstairs.我们可以听见他在楼上噔噔地走来走去。b) to travel across (an area) on foot, esp. for a long distance and often wearily步行经过(一地区)(尤指长途且疲惫不堪):tramp over the moors徒步越过高沼地

41.crocodile [5krCkEdail] n. a) long line of schoolchildren walking in pairs两人一排,成纵列行进的学童;b)鳄鱼

42.diffident [5difidEnt] adj. lacking or marked by a lack of self-confidence; shy and timid缺乏自信的,羞怯的和胆小的:He has a politely diffident manner.他的态度是客气中带有羞怯。

43.protest [prE5test] v. to object to, especially in a formal statement对…提出异议,反对:He protested the decision made by the committee. 他抗议委员会做出的决议。

44.constitute [5kCnstitju:t] vt. to be the elements or parts of; compose构成,组成:Twelve months constitute a year.12个月为一年。【扩展】constitution n. 构成方式,构造;宪法,章程

45.ultimate [5Qltimit] adj. being last in a series, process, or progression最终的,最后的

Text II

1.random [5rAndEm] adj. happening or chosen without any definite plan, aim, or pattern任意的;胡乱的,随机的:The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across the Midwest.这项调查使用的是对中西部地区2000人的随机取样。【搭配】at random 胡乱地;随便地;任意地;random sampling 随机抽样;随意采样

2.signal [5si^nl] n. a sound or an action that you make in order to give information to someone or tell them to do something 信号;vt. to make a sound or an action in order to give information or tell someone to do something标志;用信号通知;表示:He seemed to be signaling important shifts in U.S. government policy. 他似乎在表示美国政府的政策将会有些重大变化【搭配】signal to (打手势或发声音) 向…示意;发信号

3.victim [5viktim] n. someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered受害人,牺牲者:He was a victim of racial prejudice. 他是种族偏见的一个牺牲品。【搭配】fall victim to 成为…的牺牲品;成为…的受害者

4.conservative [kEn5sE:vEtiv] adj. not liking changes or new ideas保守的,传统的:People tend to be more liberal when they’re young and more conservative as they get older. 人们在年轻时常常更开放,年纪越大就越保守。 n. someone who does not like changes in politics, ideas, or fashion保守派,守旧派

5.spy[spai] n. someone whose job is to find out secret information about another country, organization, or group间谍,密探; vi. secretly collect information about an enemy country or an organization you are competing against侦察;当间谍【搭配】spy on 暗中监视;侦查;spy out the land 侦察地形;查看情况,观察形势(或情况);spy out 秘密监视

6.prospective [prEs5pektiv] adj. likely to happen预期的,可能发生的:The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.这篇报道应该可以对其他可能的购买者起到警告作用。

7.groom [^rum, ^ru:m] n. a bridegroom新郎;vt. to take care of your own appearance by keeping your hair and clothes clean and tidy修饰,打扮:Keep yourself well groomed.把你自己打扮得整洁些。

8.odor [5EudE] n. a smell, especially an unpleasant one气味:I smelled the odor of money. 我闻到了一股铜臭气。【拓展】 adj. odorless 没有气味的;odorous 香的;有气味的;难闻的

9.stain [stein] vt. a)to accidentally make a mark on something玷污;败坏;His sheet was stained with blood running from his nose.他的床单沾满了他的鼻血。b) to change the color of something染,给…着色; n. a mark that is difficult to remove污点,瑕疵【拓展】 adj. stainless 不锈的;纯洁的;无瑕疵的;stained 玷污的;著色的;stainable 可染色的

10.sloppy [5slCpi] adj. a) not done carefully or thoroughly 草率的,粗心的:He has little patience for sloppy work from colleagues.他无法忍耐同事们马虎的工作。b) sloppy clothes are loose-fitting, untidy, or dirty肥大的,不整洁的

11.slouch [slautF] vi. to stand, sit, or walk with a slouch无精打采地坐; 无精打采地站:Try not to slouch when you are sitting down.你坐下时尽量不要无精打采。【拓展】slouchy 懒散的;没精打采的

12.wander [5wCndE] v. to walk slowly across or around an area徘徊;漫步:When he got bored he wandered around the fair. 烦闷时,他便在集市上四处闲逛。【搭配】wander off 漫步;漫游;离群走散;wander about 徘徊;流浪;漫步;wander from 离题

13.cement [si5ment] n. a grey powder made from lime and clay that becomes hard when it is mixed with water and allowed to dry, and that is used in building水泥 vt. to make a relationship between people, countries, or organizations firm and strong加强,巩固:Nothing cements a friendship between countries so much as trade. 没有任何东西能比贸易更能巩固国家间的友谊了。

14.launch [lC:ntF, lB:ntF] vt. a) to start something, usually sth big or important发起,发动;b) to send a weapon or spacecraft into the sky or into space发射 n. when a new product, book etc is made available or made known发行【搭配】launch on 开始;着手;launch into 进入,投入;launch pad发射台

15.trait [treit] n. a particular quality in someone’s character特征,特点:The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality traits showing up early in childhood.这项研究发现一些酗酒者早在孩童时就表现出明显的个性特征。

16.match [mAtF] n. a) an organize sports event between two teams or people比赛;b) a good combination of things or people 相匹配的人或物。 vt. to be suitable for a particular person, thing, or situation和…匹配,和…相应:It can take time and effort to match buyers and sellers. 匹配买主和卖主可能需要花费一些时间和精力。【搭配】match with 使……相匹配;well matched 相称,相配;league match 联赛;no match for 无法对抗

17.justify [5dVQstifai] vt. to give an acceptable explanation for something that other people think is unreasonable证替…辩护;明…是正当的:No argument can justify a war. 没有任何理由能证明一个战争有理【拓展】just 公正的,合理的;正直的,正义的; justified 有正当理由的;合乎情理的;justifiable 可辩解的,可证明为正当的; n. justification 理由;辩护

18.scale [skeil] n. the size or level of something, or the amount that something is happening规模,等级:However, he underestimates the scale of the problem. 然而,他却低估了问题的严重性。 vt. to climb to the top of something that is high and difficult to climb攀爬【搭配】large scale adj. 大规模的;大型的;on a large scale 大规模地;production scale 生产规模;full scale 全尺寸;原大的


Text I












Text II

















Text I

1.I saw in a local newspaper a teaching post advertised at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived:该句较长,理解时要理顺句子结构。句子主干部分是“I saw a teaching post advertised”,介词in引出的部分是状语,后面at引出的部分充当teaching post的定语,对其进行具体解说。

2.…my chances of landing the job were slim:句中land用作动词,意为“获得某物(尤指经激烈竞争)。” 例:land a good job获得一份好工作,land a big contract获得大项目的合同等。slim有“纤细的,苗条的”和“小的,不够大的”之意,此处取后者之意,例:slim prospects of success成功的可能性不大。

3.…summon me to Croydon for an interview:summon意为“召唤某人”,常用于summon sb. to (do) sth.结构中,例:The shareholders were summoned to a general meeting.已召集了股东开全体大会。

4.a ten-minute bus ride:该词组意为“坐十分钟公共汽车的路程”。ten-minute是表示时间数量的符合形容词,由数词+单数名词构成。该短语也可替换作a ten minutes’ bus ride。

5.It was clearly the headmaster himself that opened the door:该句是强调句型,去掉it was, that后,句子结构仍然完整。例:It was in the street that I met him yesterday.昨天我是在街上遇见了他。

6.He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval, as a colonel might look at a private whose shoelaces were undone:句中,air意为“态度,外貌”,作此意时,air为可数名词。例:smile with a triumphant air带着胜利神情的微笑。private是名词,意为“士兵,列兵”。private也可作形容词,意为“个人的,私人的”。例:a private room私人房间。

7.His study, judging by the crumbs on the carpet, was also his dining room:句中judging by引导的部分作插入语,不考虑主动被动语态。具类似用法的短语还有judging from,generally speaking,taking … into consideration等。

8.…not attaching too much importance to them:短语attach importance to sth.意为“非常重视,认为…很重要”。例:attach importance to students’ right brain development重视对学生右脑开发。

9.The school, he said, consisted of one class of twenty-four boys, ranging in age from seven to thirteen.:consist of由…组成,应注意这一短语无被动语态,另一常用短语consist in意为“由于、存在于”,例:The charm of Paris does not consist only in its beauty.巴黎的魅力并不仅在于它的美丽。range from...to...或range between...and...结构表示“在…范围内变动”,range over...涉及,包括,例:Our conversation ranged over many subjects.我们的交谈涉及很多学科。

10.The teaching set-up appalled me:句中set-up是复合名词,意为“组织结构”。例:I’ve only been here for a couple of weeks and I don’t really know the set-up.我才刚来俩星期,还不大了解这里的组织结构。appall意为“使某人惊骇或沮丧”,例:We were appalled at the prospect of having to miss our holiday.我们为失去这一假日而感到大失所望。

11.It was not so much having to tramp…that I minded, but the fact that…:该句理解时要注意两点,一是not so much...but结构,意为“不是…,而是”,此外还应注意该句整体结构是it’s … that构成的强调句型。

12.This was the last straw:the last straw指的是“(事情、任务、行动等)使人终于不胜负荷的最后的量”。该短语来自谚语it is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back:骆驼素以其忍耐力著称,可以许多天不吃不喝,驮着重物在一望无际的沙漠中行走。但凡事都有个限度,骆驼的负载能力也是如此,即使它能背负很重的东西,但一旦到了极限,那怕再加一根稻草也可以把它压垮。

Text II

1.The job interview is often regarded as a confusing, humiliating, and nerve-racking experience. be regarded as意为“被认为是;被当作是”,相同短语有:be taken as ;be known as。nerve-racking 意为“令人心烦的,伤脑筋的,绞尽脑汁的”,亦作 nerve-wracking。experience在这里意为“经历”,是可数名词;作“经验”讲,是不可数名词。

2.The name of the game is standing out of the crowd--in a positive way. stand out意为“突出,显眼”。例如:Every tree, wall and fence stood out against dazzling white fields. 每棵树、每堵墙、每道篱笆在白得耀眼的田野的映衬下都很显眼。

3.The thumbs-down decision was often made in less than forty-five seconds. thumbs-down意为“反对,不赞成”。例如:Most people in this country turn thumbs down on gambling. 这个国家的大多数人都反对赌博。相对应的就是thumbs-up:赞成,同意。

4.Your goal is to look as though you would fit in with that group of people. fit in with意为“适合,与…一致”。例如:I’ll try to fit my arrangement in with yours. 我将努力使我的安排与你的一致。fit的其他相关短语为:fit for sth 使胜任某事,使适应(或适合)某事;keep fit 保持(身体)健康;fit into适合;符合;a fit of 阵发;突发一阵

5.What will earn you points is rising promptly and walking briskly toward the interviewer. What在这里作连接代词,引导主语从句。例如:What you said just now is very important. 你刚才说的很重要。earn your points 在这里意为“加分”,不能按照字面意思“获得你的分数”去理解,要结合语境。

6.Only in this way are you going to be prepared. 这句话是个倒装句,副词only置于句首,强调方式状语、条件状语、地点状语、时间状语等状语时,主句要进行部分倒装。例如:Only in a big city was it possible to buy new wheelchairs. 只有在大城市里才能买到新轮椅。 需注意的是,如果放于句首的only所修饰的不是状语时,该句不用倒装。例如:Only John can save me. 只有约翰能够救我。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。部分倒装的一般情况总结如下:1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。2)as / though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前 (形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词提前)。例如:Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.  尽管他十分努力,他似乎仍不能做好这份工作。3) 在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。例如:Were I you, I would try it again.

7.You’ll come across as more believable if you admit a flaw. come across as意为“给人的印象是…;看上去好像是…”。例如:The interview is basically an interaction between two people, so how you come across as a person is of upmost importance. 面试是两个人之间的相互作用,所以在面试中给人留下你是个怎样一个人的印象是至关重要的。flaw意为“瑕疵,缺点”,和课文中的weakness是同义词。

8.For instance, admit that you are a workaholic or a perfectionist. workaholic意为“工作狂”。例如:Eighteen percent of 30-year-olds claim they are workaholics. 18%的30岁的人声称他们是工作狂。workaholic一词中,词缀 aholic 意为:沉迷于…的人;嗜…的人。例如:shopaholic购物狂

9....if you give voice to those feelings in an interview... give voice to意为“表达;发泄”。voice 单独用时,可作动词表示“表达;吐露”之意。例如:Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans. 些科学家已经表示,担心这种疾病可能会传染给人类。

10.Even if you’re dying to know how much the job pays...be dying to意为“渴望,迫不及待”。例如:H will be dying to know what it means. 他急于知道你说的是什么意思。表示同样意思的短语有:die for ;long for;be eager to。



A. Guessing the meanings of words:









B. Looking up words in a dictionary:

1.inconvenient and uncomfortable

2.sad; low in spirits

3.gloomy; cheerless

4.make a short, deep, rough sound (like a pig), showing dissatisfaction

5.very necessary

6.shock deeply; fill with fear


8.greatest; extreme


Answers for reference:

1.They are very large windows, so large that they look like peopled wide-open eyes.

2.They (the four evergreen shrubs) did their best to remain alive in spite of the dust and smoke from a main road with heavy traffic.

3.He was short and stout. He grew a moustache which was pale reddish yellow in colour. His forehead was covered with freckles. And he was almost bald.

4.It was a narrow, dim (unlighted) hall which had an offensive odour of dried-up cabbage. The walls, once painted in cream colour, had darkened to the colour of margarine and in a few places were marked with ink stains. Silence prevailed in the hall.

5.Perhaps he liked to have a drop too much.

6.It was a class of twenty-four boys who were from seven to thirteen years of age.

7.Because he had little self-confidence as he was young and it was the first time he had had an interview. Besides, perhaps he was not used to asking about money matters.

8.The phrase “the last straw”, comes from the saying “It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back”. What the saying means is that “straw is very light in weight, but if you increase the burden on the camel’s back straw by straw, eventually you will put on his back one straw too many, and that last straw will break his back”. When used figuratively, “the last straw” means “an addition to a set of troubles which makes them unbearable”. Here in the text, the writer regards his having to work under a woman as an additional source of annoyance which would make the job all the more intolerable.

9.His impression was unfavourable. To the writer, the headmaster was a short, stout, freckle foreheaded, bald man, with a big unpleasant paunch. As the headmaster was not as neatly dressed as a gentleman was supposed to be, he gave the impression of having always worn the same suit. Probably he was badly off. He received the young man with a look of surprised disapproval and during the whole interview he assumed an air of condescension, which was quite





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