TOEFL Junior听力(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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TOEFL Junior听力

TOEFL Junior听力试读:


TOEFL Junior考试由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)研发推广,是“托福”家族新成员。TOEFL Junior考试是面向英语为非母语国家的11~15岁中学生的国际标准化语言测试,它提供的语言成绩不仅可以帮助考生申请美国中学,也可以成为考生进一步学习英语的指南。自2010年TOEFL Junior考试开始推广以来,已经有越来越多的美国中学了解和认可这项考试,并接受其成绩作为入学语言成绩。

TOEFL Junior考试于2011年10月正式进入中国,国内报考人数日益增多,考生对于考试相关信息和资料的需求亟待满足。我们以《TOEFL Junior考试官方指南》为指导,以北美优秀教辅书为参考,结合考生参加历次考试的反馈和教师的授课、教研经验编写了这套TOEFL Junior辅导书,包括《TOEFL Junior词汇精讲精练》、《TOEFL Junior语言形式与含义》、《TOEFL Junior听力》及《TOEFL Junior阅读》。作为国内最早的TOEFL Junior备考辅导书籍,这套图书具有相当的权威性和实用性,适合参加TOEFL Junior考试的所有考生使用。

本书为《TOEFL Junior听力》,主要由七个部分组成,分别为题型解析、通知说明类听力材料精讲、对话类听力材料精讲、学术讨论类听力材料精讲、模拟试题、听力原文及答案解析。

1. 第一章为题型解析,分别介绍了听力中的7种问题类型。包括针对每类题型的介绍、辨别方法、答题技巧、例题解析等。

2. 第二章为通知说明类听力材料精讲。通知说明类听力材料可以分为课堂说明、图书馆说明、校园公告等。本章节针对通知说明类中各个类型的听力材料,进行详细解析,并附上专项练习,以及练习中出现的重点词汇的讲解和听写练习。

3. 第三章为对话类听力材料精讲。对话类听力材料一般为同学或师生之间的对话,以校园生活为主题。本章同样针对不同类型的材料给出了详细说明,并附有练习。

4. 第四章为学术讨论类听力材料精讲。学术讨论类听力材料根据涉及科目不同,具体分为艺术、社会人文科学、自然科学,同样后面也包括详细说明和练习。

5. 第五章为模拟试题。本章为两套TOEFL Junior考试听力部分的模拟试题,供考生考前练习使用。

6. 第六章为听力原文。本章为书中所有练习和模拟试题的听力原文材料。

7. 第七章为答案解析。本章为书中所有练习和模拟试题的答案解析。


祝愿所有考生在本书的帮助下都能够顺利地通过TOEFL Junior考试。®TM Junior TestGeneral Introduction to TOEFL®TM JuniorTOEFL考试简介®

TOEFL Junior™考试是美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)专门针对11~15岁中学生研究设计的一项英语能力水平测试。考试旨在衡量中学生在校园学术生活和日常社会生活中的英语语言水平,能够反映学生在以英语为媒介的教学环境®™下的英语能力。TOEFL Junior考试不仅为准备出国留学的中学生提供了一项权威的语言证明,而且能够准确、全面地反映出所有考生前一阶段学习的进步状况,并且给后一阶段的继续学习提供最有参考价值的指导。®™

TOEFL Junior考试是一项精心设计的考试,它客观评估了学生的英语水平,并为教师和家长提供了关于学生英语水平和能力提高的有用信息。为了帮助学生(尤其是中学生)衡量自己的英语能力,®™TOEFL Junior的考试成绩可分别与美国中学生英语水平(Grade Levels in the United States)、蓝思阅读分级(Lexile Reader Measure)、欧洲语言共同框架(CEFR)三个可信赖的测评体系相对接,以衡量考生的英语能力。®

TOEFL Junior™考试共分为三部分:听力理解(Listening Comprehension)、语言形式与含义(Language Form and Meaning)与阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)。每部分对应42道单项选择题,共126题,每部分满分300分,总分为900分。考试时长为110分®TM钟。目前,TOEFL Junior考试采取的考试形式是笔纸考试(Paper-based test)。科目考试时间分数范围听力理解35分钟200~300语言形式与含义25分钟200~300阅读理解50分钟200~300总计110分钟600~900Listening Comprehension Overview听力理解概述®


听力理解分为三部分,分别为通知说明类(Talk and Announcement),对话类(Conversation)和学术讨论类(Academic Talk and Discussion),这三部分的听力材料都基于校园生活,只是侧重有所不同。通知说明类一般由教师、图书管理员、校长说明或发布一些课堂注意事项或校园规章制度;对话类主要为学生之间或师生之间关于校园生活问题的讨论;学术讨论类一般为针对初中所涉及某一学科的讲解或讨论。How to Use This Book如何使用本书

本书由七章组成,分别为题型解析(Question Types)、通知说明类(Talk and Announcement)听力材料精讲、对话类(Conversation)听力材料精讲、学术讨论类(Academic Talk and Discussion)听力材料精讲、模拟试题(Practice Test)、听力原文(Scripts)和答案解析(Answers and Explanation)。● 第一章为题型解析(Question Types),介绍了听力中会出现的7

种问题类型:主旨题(Main Idea)、目的题(Purpose)、推断


节题(Detail)、修辞结构题(Rhetorical Structure)。每种题型

都包括题型介绍、辨别方法、答题技巧、例题解析以及题目自测。● 第二章为通知说明类(Talk and Announcement)听力材料精

讲。根据说话者的不同,通知说明类又具体分为课堂说明(Talk on Class)、图书馆说明(Talk in Library)、校园公告(Campus Announcement)及其他通知说明类型。本章针对通知


的专项练习(Practice Set),以及对练习中出现的重点词汇(Vocabulary)的讲解和提高听力能力的听写练习(Dictation

Practice)。● 第三章为对话类(Conversation)听力材料精讲。对话类听力材



析,并附有对话类专项练习(Practice Set),以及对练习中出现

的重点词汇(Vocabulary)的讲解和提高听力能力的听写练习(Dictation Practice)。● 第四章为学术讨论类(Academic Talk and Discussion)听力材料

精讲。学术讨论类听力材料根据涉及的科目不同,具体分为艺术(Art)、社会人文科学(Social Science)、自然科学(Natural


类专项练习(Practice Set),以及对练习中出现的重点词汇(Vocabulary)的讲解和提高听力能力的听写练习(Dictation

Practice)。®● 第五章为模拟试题(Practice Test)。本章为两套TOEFL Junior

™ Test听力部分的模拟试题,供考生考前练习使用。● 第六章为听力原文(Scripts)。本章为书中所有练习和模拟试题

的听力原文材料。● 第七章为答案解析(Answers and Explanations)。本章为书中所

有练习和模拟试题的答案及详细的解析。Chapter 01 Question Types问题类型1.1主旨题(Main Idea)


What does the teacher want the student to do?

What does the teacher ask the student to do?

What is the teacher reminding the students to do?

What is the main topic of the conversation?答题要旨● 考生需要在听录音的过程中迅速判断材料中的关键词,然后根据


关的干扰项。● 听力材料中的说话者习惯开门见山,先说明自己的意图,并且有


主旨,考生则需要自己归纳概括。● 考生拿到考题后,应该迅速浏览题目,判断问题类型。内容主旨


力材料的选项。● 在听力录音播放过程中,考生应该记下关键词。根据手中的笔记,

选择与主题最为接近的选项。SampleOn the recording, you will hear:Narrator Listen to a teacher making an announcement at the beginning of the class.Man Before today's class, I'd like to mention an interesting television program that will be shown on October 10th. It is about the brain. It's a new public television show produced in New York city. The program will make research into the function of human brains. Some interesting topics that will be discussed are memories and dreams. I think the program will be very helpful with the work we are doing in class on the brain. So I hope you can watch it after class. Remember, It's on October 10th.Narrator What does the teacher ask the students to do?In your test book, you will read:What does the teacher ask the students to do?(A) Watch a television show about human brains(B) Make a survey of television(C) Discuss the functions of brains(D) Develop a good memoryAnswer AExplanation

考生通过听力材料可知,课前老师向学生推荐一个电视节目并提到该节目的主要内容及播放时间。考生可根据“I hope you can watch it after class”判断答案是选项A。原文指出该节目对人脑功能做出细致的研究和讨论,所以选项B、C犯了偷换概念的错误,故排除。选项D中的memory一词具有迷惑性,原文虽明确提到,但选项D的表述违背原文意思,故排除。1.2目的题(Purpose)


What is the purpose of the talk?

What is the purpose of the announcement?

What is the speaker's purpose?答题要旨● 在听录音时,需要注意说话者的关键词,并提取出主题大意,但




图。● 切忌断章取义,否则容易混淆选项。SampleOn the recording, you will hear:Narrator Listen to a teacher talking to a class.Woman Now I'd like to talk to you about the final exam. The exam will be held next Thursday, the last day of the exam week. Remember to bring along two or three pencils. Unlike the mid-term, this test will include both multiple-choice questions and writing parts. I'll be in my office all day on Tuesday next week. If you run into any problems, please feel free to stop in.Narrator What is the purpose of the announcement?In your test book, you will read:What is the purpose of the announcement?(A) To emphasize something about the final exam(B) To inform students about mid-term exam rules(C) To ask students to come into his office(D) To tell students that the final exam was cancelledAnswer AExplanation

听力材料的内容主要是关于老师向学生讲解的考前注意事项。对于目的题考生需从材料开头去找答案,因为说话者往往会在开头表明此次讲话的主要目的。从开头句“Now I'd like to tell you about the final exam.”考生可把答案锁定在选项A和选项D中。而原文并未提到考试取消一事,所以排除选项D。正确答案为选项A。1.3推断题(Inference)


What does the teacher imply about...?

What does the speaker suggest...?

What can be inferred about...?答题要旨● 这类题目主要考查考生的合理推断能力,考生应根据文章中出现



正确答案是原文的改写或转述。● 考生需要注意,要根据听力材料合理推理,不要天马行空。SampleOn the recording, you will hear:Narrator Listen to a conversation between two students.Girl Hi, there! You look stressed out today. What happened?Boy Yeah, I have been trying to study for my math final. But It's a little hard for me to go through all of these questions, because I had missed three classes this term.Girl Do you need any help? I could help you to go over these materials.Boy Well, I appreciate that. I know you are tied up all day long. I just want to ask if I can borrow your notes.Girl Of course, I will bring them to you tomorrow morning.Boy I feel a lot better now about my finals. Thank you so much.Narrator What can be inferred about the conversation?In your test book, you will read:What can be inferred about the conversation?(A) The boy offers help to the girl.(B) The girl thinks the exam is a little difficult.(C) The girl will give her notes to the boy.(D) The boy can't attend the final exam.Answer CExplanation

听力材料的内容主要是关于两个学生讨论期末考试的复习问题。男生由于错过了三节课,所以复习过程中遇到了一些困难。女生主动提供自己的课堂笔记帮助男生复习。选项A与听力材料内容相反,故排除。选项B主语错误,原文是男生认为考试有些难度而非女生。选项D未提到。根据“I will bring them to you tomorrow morning.”可判断答案为选项C。1.4预测题(Prediction)


What will the students probably do next?

What will the teacher probably do next?答题要旨● 预测题主要考查考生对说话者下一步行动的判断。考生可以根据


听力材料中出现。● 这类题目的难度较低,只要抓住关键词句,就能够轻松得出答案。SampleOn the recording, you will hear:Narrator Listen to a tour guide talking to students.Man Attention, please. Our bus is approaching Art Museum. Before we arrive there, we'll have our lunch in a garden restaurant overlooking a small park that has a very interesting history. This park has a famous tree, and legend has it that General George Washington took command of the continental in 1775 under its very branches.Narrator What will the students probably do next?In your test book, you will read:What will the students probably do next?(A) Visit the museum(B) Plant a tree(C) Attend a history class(D) Have lunchAnswer DExplanation

通过听录音,考生可以听到“we'll have our lunch”这句话,由此得出答案为选项D。所以做预测题的关键是抓住表示将来时的句子。选项A干扰性较大,题干询问学生接下来要做什么,虽在开头出现了museum,但不能断定学生接下来就一定去博物馆。选项B和C的内容与原文不符。1.5语气题(Prosody)


What does the girl mean when she says, “...”?

What does the speaker imply when he says, “...”?

How does the boy feel when he says “...”?答题要旨● 语气题考查考生对某一句话的隐含意义,或对说话人立场、态度

的理解程度。● 这类题目的答案不会在听力材料中直接出现,甚至会与说话者的



SampleOn the recording, you will hear:NarratorListen to part of the conversation between a librarian and a student.Boy I want to check out a book about my art class. Its name is Wonderful Art World.Librarian Sorry, the book that you want to check out is out of stock.Boy Out of stock? But I reserved it on the Internet three days ago.Librarian Please wait, I will check it on the computer. Oh, there isn't any information about your reservation.Narrator How does the boy probably feel when he says, “out of stock?”In your test book, you will read:How does the boy probably feel when he says, “out of stock?”(A) Excited(B) Nervous(C) Weird(D) HappyAnswer C


本关于美术课上用的书,但是管理员的回答是“the out

of stock”,学生感到非常奇怪,因为这本书是学生三天前已从网

上预订的。故当学生听到管理员说“out of stock”时,学生感到



细节题要求考生听懂并记住听力段落中的一些细节或事实。考生要做到迅速判断,排除错误选项;把全部内容联系起来,排除干扰选项。答题要旨○ 细节题需要考生注意听清内容。在听录音前考生应尽快阅读题干,


案。○ 一旦发现漏掉重要细节,需从全文角度出发,排除完全没有在段

落中出现的关键词选项。SampleOn the recording, you will hear:Narrator Listen to part of a talk in Science class.Woman Everyone, how do you like to eat potatoes? Can you imagine life without French fries? Potatoes are very popular today. They are the fourth most important crop in the world, after wheat, rice and corn. But in the past, potatoes were not always popular. People in Europe started to eat them only 200 years ago! Germans eat potato salad, and the United States has the baked potato. And of course, the French invented French fries. Now French fries are popular all over the world.Narrator When did people start to eat potatoes in Europe?In your test book, you will read:When did people start to eat potatoes in Europe?(A) 200 years ago(B) 300 years ago(C) 400 years ago(D) 500 years agoAnswer AExplanation

听力材料阐述了土豆在不同国家的食用方法及薯条的来历。考生通过听力材料中的关键句“People in Europe started to eat them only 200 years ago!”可判定答案为选项A。对于数字细节题,考生在听录音时,要注意抓住数字对应的事件。1.7修辞结构题(Rhetorical Structure)


Why does...mention...?

Why about...?答题要旨○ 修辞结构题考查考生对材料中各种观点间关系的理解能力。这些


整合有效信息,理清各信息间的逻辑关系,以推断出正确答案。SampleOn the recording, you will hear:Narrator Listen to part of a talk in a social studies class.Man Today I'd like to introduce you Hetty Robinson, the world's most unusual millionaire, who was born in 1834. When her parents died, she was thirty years old. They left her $10 million. She was very good at business and soon made more money. Hetty was famous as the richest woman in the United States, but she was also famous because she was very stingy. For example, on her twenty-first birthday, she refused to light the candles on her birthday cake because she did not want to waste them.Narrator Why does the teacher mention Hetty Robinson's twenty-first birthday?In your test book, you will read:Why does the teacher mention Hetty Robinson's twenty-first birthday?(A) To explain that why Hetty Robinson is so rich(B) To illustrate that Hetty Robinson is very stingy(C) To indicate Hetty Robinson's age(D) To explain that when Robinson became famousAnswer BExplanation

本题大意为介绍一位特别的百万富翁Hetty Robinson,她以美国最富有的女人著称,但在生活中却十分小气。考生根根据关键语句“but she was also famous because she was very stingy. For example, on her twenty-first birthday, she refused to light the candles on her birthday cake because she did not want to waste them.”判断本题答案是选项B。老师提到Hetty Robinson 21岁生日时,为了省钱不舍得点蜡烛,这从侧面证明了Hetty Robinson的过度节俭。Chapter 02 Talk and Announcement通知说明

听力的第一部分为通知说明类听力材料,为“一对一”形式,即一段话对应一个问题。每段听力材料时长约1分钟,大概5~10句话,仅读一遍。根据不同的说话者,通知说明类听力材料又可具体分为:课堂说明(Talk on Class)、图书馆说明(Talk in Library)、校园公告(Campus Announcement)。2.1课堂说明(Talk on Class)



课堂说明类材料一般简单明了、目的明确,所以一般会对应主旨题、目的题,但也会让考生根据老师所讲的内容推测下一步,因此也会对应预测题和推断题。Sample 1On the recording, you will hear:Narrator Listen to an art teacher talking to a class.Man Today we are going to begin our lesson on water painting. Because we are going to work with pigment and water, which can get pretty messy. I'm going to stop you all about 5 minutes before class ends. Then you can start cleaning up your work stations and put away your supplies. OK, everyone, let's get started with mixing your yellow and blue pigment to get the color of green.Narrator What will the students do next?In your test book, you will read:What will the students do next?(A) Begin to paint(B) Mix the pigment and water(C) Clean up work stations(D) Get the color greenAnswer DExplanation

本题为预测题,大意为艺术老师这节课要教大家水彩画,提醒大家保持洁净。考生根据“Let's get started with mixing your yellow and blue pigment to get the color of green”可知接下来同学们要用黄色和蓝色调出绿色,故答案为选项D。Sample 2On the recording, you will hear:Narrator Listen to a history teacher speaking to his class.Man In order to understand a little more about the life of a great scientist, Albert Einstein, we are going to watch a short video about him. During the video, I want you to take notes and think about what we have learned so far. Afterward we will have a discussion about Einstein's life. Please keep quiet and don't disturb others during the watching.Narrator What is the purpose of the talk?In your test book, you will read:What is the purpose of the talk?(A) To talk about the life of Einstein(B) To prepare the students to watch a video(C) To remind the students to turn in their paper(D) To form discussion groupsAnswer BExplanation

本题为目的题,大意为历史老师为了配合教学,将要为大家播放关于爱因斯坦生平的影片。考生可根据开头第一句话“In order to understand a little more about the life of a great scientist, Albert Einstein, we are going to watch a short video about him.”得出答案为选项B。Sample 3On the recording, you will hear:Narrator Listen to a science teacher speaking to her students.Woman Our school will hold a science fair next month. You should be prepared for a science project. Instead of working on a project all by yourself, you can form a group of 3 to 4 students, who are interested in the same topic. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to stop by my office. I'd love to help all of you to solve your problems.Narrator What does the teacher mainly talk about?In your test book, you will read:What does the teacher mainly talk about?(A) Inform the students to participate a science fair(B) Tell the students to form a group(C) Tell the students to come to her office(D) Show the students some information about a science projectAnswer AExplanation

本题为主旨题,大意为老师通知大家参加学校举办的科技博览会。考生可根据第一句话“Our school will hold a science fair next month. You should be prepared a science project for that.”得出答案为选项A。2.1 Practice Set

1. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To tell the students who should take the course

(B) To introduce the materials for the course

(C) To introduce the course to the students

(D) To introduce the assignments of the course

2. What will the students do next?

(A) Learn the web-design techniques

(B) Find an interesting theme for the web

(C) Form a group

(D) Start to design a website

3. What does the teacher ask the students to do?

(A) Prepare a piece of favorite music

(B) Prepare a favorite poem

(C) Prepare a favorite drama

(D) Prepare a favorite dance

4. What is the main idea of the talk?

(A) Remind the students to stay safe

(B) Tell the parents to keep their children safe

(C) Wish the students a happy holiday

(D) Inform the students Christmas is coming

5. What can be inferred from the two questions?

(A) This lesson is mainly about the popular music in America.

(B) This lesson is mainly about the music in general.

(C) This lesson is mainly about American society.

(D) This lesson is mainly about music styles.

6. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To tell the students to keep safe

(B) To show the students the chemical materials

(C) To inform the students the rules in the lab

(D) To describe how to operate in the lab

7. What did the speaker talk about last class?

(A) The formation of snow

(B) The formation of ice crystal

(C) The formation of rain

(D) Differences between rain and snow

8. According to the speaker, why did “Rocket scientist” come into the expression?

(A) Rocket scientists know everything.

(B) Rocket scientists are hard to become.

(C) Rocket scientists are smart.

(D) Rocket scientists work hard.

9. What does the teacher ask the students to do?

(A) Drive a time machine

(B) Write down something interesting

(C) Travel to the past

(D) Travel to somewhere far away

10. What are the students going to do?

(A) Open their eyes

(B) Learn something about Beethoven

(C) Discuss his passion

(D) Listen to some music2.1 Dictation Practice

1. Listen to an art teacher talking to a class.

This _______________ is perfect for both _______________ and the _______________. In this course, students will explore a variety of _______________ using a wide range of materials. Talks, _______________ and sketchbook assignments will enhance ongoing projects. That's all for introduction. Let's begin our first lesson.

2. Listen to a teacher talking in a computer science class.

We have talked about the _______________ of planning, designing and managing effective _______________ using _______________ last class. The first thing to do is to form a group of 4 to 5 students, then find _______________ for your web, and start to design your group website. Now Let's start with finding your _______________.

3. Listen to a teacher making an announcement in a literature class.

_______________. Next week we will talk about poetry, the special genre with beautiful rhythm in literature. I hope everyone can _______________ and share _______________ with all your classmates. First, read your poem aloud, and then talk about it for another 2 minutes. So _______________ and don't be _______________.

4. Listen to a teacher talking to the class.

Since _______________, your winter vacation is coming soon. _______________ when you are out of school. Don't go anywhere dangerous, without your parents don't go out alone at night, and _______________ to check the _______________ in your home. Last but not least, _______________ and hope you all have a wonderful vacation.

5. Listen to a music teacher talking to a class.

At the end of this lesson, I will leave two questions for you. The first is “What is the history of _______________?” and the other is “How do _______________ American popular music _______________ reflect trends in American society?” _______________ your own thinking about these two questions, and _______________ next week.

6. Listen to a chemistry teacher talking to a class.

Hello, everyone. Since this is your first time in the lab, I'd like all of you to _______________ to the ________________. The first rule in the lab is to _______________. There are many _______________





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