
发布时间:2020-05-25 14:50:50








近几年来,中国大陆的“法律英语”(legal English)教育蓬勃发展。我国多数著名法律院系、部分外国语大学和综合型大学已经为高年级本科生和研究生(包括英语专业和法律专业等)开设了“法律英语”课程。一些有条件的学校对“法律英语”课程进行了细化,将其分为“法律英语视听说”、“法律英语阅读”、“法律英语写作”及“英汉—汉英法律翻译”等科目。与此同时,广大青年学生(特别是法科生和外语系的学生)意识到市场对双语法律人才的需求,学生们在求职时发现,很多涉外律师事务所、跨国企业、外资银行等机构在招聘人才时十分看重应聘者的法律文件翻译能力。基于此,不少大学生将更多的精力和时间投入到法律英语的学习当中。但如何学好和教好“法律英语”,这一直是萦绕在师生们心中的一个问题。















值得一提的是,在本教材的修订过程中,美国康涅狄格州大学法学院(University of Connecticut School of Law)法律博士(Juris Doctor)Thomas Petschauer先生校对了本书“


”全部课文中的英文材料(包括课文、习题和补充材料)。除了本书外,Petschauer先生还协助二位编者审校了另外一本关于法律英语阅读的教材。Petschauer先生理工科出身,本科毕业工作几年后,又改学法律。Petschauer先生性格直爽,古道热肠,颇有中国古代名士风范。此外,美国康涅狄格州大学法学院的助理教授Jessica Rubin女士也对本书的英文内容提出了不少宝贵的修改意见。对此,我们表示由衷的感谢。

我们将此修订版本定名为《法律英语阅读与翻译教程》(第2版)。此前,我们曾考虑使用“修订版”,而非“第2版”。在美国期间,我们经常能够看到已经修订了十几版、二十几版,甚至三十几版的著作和教科书,比如著名的Chitty on Contracts就在2015年11月出版了最新的第32版。佛家有言,“制心一处,无事不办”。我们亦希望本教材在不断的修订中,日臻完善,为中国的法律英语教育和研究贡献微薄之力。上编Lesson 1Law and Classifications of Law|第一课 法的概念及其分类Ⅰ.Text & Its Translation1.General Introduction

Law is a system of rules and guidelines,usually enforced through a set of institutions.It shapes politics,economy and society in numerous ways and serves as a social mediator of relations between people.Contract law regulates everything of life from buying a bus ticket to trading on financial derivatives markets.Property law defines rights and obligations related to the transfer and title of personal and real property.Trust law applies to assets held for investment and financial security,while tort law allows claims for compensation if a person's rights or property are injured.If the harm is criminalized in legislation,criminal law offers means by which the state can prosecute the perpetrator.Constitutional law provides a framework for the creation of law,the protection of human rights and the election of political representatives.Administrative law is used to review the decisions of government agencies,while international law governs affairs between sovereign states in activities ranging from trade to environmental regulation or military action.Writing in 350 BC,the Greek philosopher Aristotledeclared,“[t]he rule of law is better than the rule of any individual.”

Law raises important and complex issues concerning equality,fairness and justice.“In its majestic equality,”said the author Anatole Francein 1894,“the law forbids the rich and the poor alike to sleep under bridges,beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.”In a typical democracy,the central institutions for interpreting and creating law are the three main branches of government,namely an impartial judiciary,a democratic legislature,and an accountable executive.To implement and enforce the law and provide services to the public,a government's bureaucracy,the military and police are vital.While all these organs of the state are creatures created and bound by law,an independent legal profession and a vibrant civil society will support their progress.2.Classifications of Law

There are several different ways in which laws can be classified,depending on the criteria or characteristics.a.Substantive Law vs.Procedural Law

Substantive law explains what you can and cannot do.For example,the law states that you cannot murder another human being unless it was in self defense,you were under duress,or if you were druggedby another person.Unlike substantive law,procedural laws are just the steps that must take place when filing a lawsuit against another party.b.Public Law vs.Private Law

Law can be divided into two main branches:(1)public law and(2)private law.Public law is the body of law dealing with the relations between private individuals and the government,and with the structure and operation of the government itself,including constitutional law,criminal law,and administrative law.Private law is the body of law dealing with private persons and their property and relationships.c.Criminal Law vs.Civil Law

Criminal law or penal law defines breaches of duty to society at large.It is society,through government employees called prosecutors(such as district attorneys),that brings court action against violators.If you are found guilty of a crime such as theft,you will be punished by imprisonment or a fine.Civil law,as opposed to criminal law,is the branch of law dealing with disputes between individuals or organizations,in which compensation may be awarded to the victim.For instance,if a car crash victim claims damages against the driver for loss or injury sustained in an accident,this will be a civil law case.d.Common Law vs.Civil law

Common law is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals rather than through legislative statutes or executive branch action.Common law countries prosecute with the concept of “stare decisis”,which means that these countries such as the United States of America make decisions based on precedents.Because each judicial opinion serves as a precedentfor later decisions,as a result,common law is sometimes called judge-made law.Anglo-American law is rooted in the tradition of the common law.In 1881,Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes,Jr.wrote,“The life of the law has not been logic:It has been experience.”Common law developed as a response to the need to find solutions to the pressing issues of the time.Unlike common law,the principle of civil law is to provide all citizens with an accessible and written collection of the laws which apply to them and which judges must follow.Ⅰ.课文及译文1.概述“法”是指由一整套机构保证执行的规则体系。法以各种方式来勾画出政治、经济和社会的样子,是人际关系的社会调节器。合同法调整生活的方方面面,从公共汽车票的购买到金融衍生品市场上的交易,不一而足。财产法的内容则是与动产和不动产转让及所有权相关的权利与义务。信托法适用于用来投资和金融担保的资产;侵权法允许当事人在权利或财产受损时主张赔偿。









contract law合同法

property law 财产法

trust law 信托法

tort law 侵权法

constitutional law 宪法

criminal law刑法

administrative law 行政法

international law 国际法

financial derivatives market 金融衍生品市场

personal property动产

real property不动产

security 担保(复数形式多指“证券”)


substantive law 实体法

procedural law 程序法

public law 公法

private law 私法

criminal law 刑法

civil law 民法,大陆法

common law 普通法

self defense自我防卫


stare decisis 遵循先例;因循先例Ⅲ.SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT|Ⅲ.补充资料

The history of law is closely connected to the development of civilization.Ancient Egyptian law,dating as far back as 3000 BC,contained a civil code that was probably broken into twelve books.By the 22nd century BC,the ancient Sumerian(苏美尔人)ruler Ur-Nammuhad formulated the first law code.Around 1760 BC,King Hammurabifurther developed Babylonian law,by codifying and inscribing it in stone.Hammurabi placed several copies of his law code throughout the kingdom of Babylon as stelae(石柱),for the entire public to see;this became known as the Codex Hammurabi.The most intact copy of these stelae was discovered in the 19th century,and has since been fully transliterated and translated into various languages,including English,German,and French.

The Old Testamentdates back to 1280 BC and takes the form of moral imperatives for a good society.The small Greek city-state,thancient Athens,from about the 8century BC was the first society to be based on broad inclusion of its citizenry(市民),excluding women and the slave class.However,Athens had no legal science or single word for “law,”relying instead on the three-way distinction between divine law,human decreeand custom.Yet Ancient Greek law contained major constitutional innovations in the development of democracy.

Roman law was heavily influenced by Greek philosophy,but its detailed rules were developed by professional jurists and were highly sophisticated.Over the centuries between the rise and decline of the Roman Empire,law was adapted to cope with the changing social situations and underwent major codification under Justinian Ⅰ.Although codes were replaced by custom and case law during the thDark Ages,Roman law was rediscovered around the 11century when mediaeval legal scholars began to research Roman codes and adapt their concepts.

In medieval England,royal courts developed a body of precedent which later became the common law.A Europe-wide Law Merchantwas formed so that merchants could trade with common standards of practice rather than with the many splintered facets of local laws.The Law Merchant,a precursor to modern commercial law,emphasized the freedom to contract and alienabilityof property.As nationalism grew in the 18th and 19th centuries,the Law Merchant was incorporated into countries' local law under new civil codes.The Napoleonic and German Codes became the most influential.In contrast to English common law,which consists of enormous tomes of case law,codes in small books are easy to export and easy for judges to apply.However,today there are signs that civil and common law are converging.EU law is codified in treaties,but develops through the precedent laid down by the European Court of Justice.Ⅳ.EXERCISES|Ⅳ.练习1.Answer the following questions.(1)What is your understanding of the definition of law?(2)What is distinction between public law and private law?(3)What is the primary distinction between common law and civil law?(4)What is the difference between civil law and criminal law?2.Translate the following terms into English.(1)遵循先例(2)刑法(3)金融衍生品市场(4)宪法(5)行政法(6)人定法(7)商人法3.Translate the following terms into Chinese.(1)administrative agency(2)judicial decision(3)reasonable care(4)common law(5)contract law(6)commercial law(7)corporate law4.Choose the proper terms to complete the following definitions.Criminal law Civil law Public law Constitution Reasonable care(1)__________ is the body of law defining offenses against the community at large,regulating how suspects are investigated,charged,and tried,and establishing punishments for convicted offenders.(2)__________ is the fundamental and organic law of a country or state that establishes the institutions and apparatus of government,defines the scope of governmental sovereign powers,and guarantee individal civil rights and civil liberties.(3)__________ is the degree of care that a person of ordinary intelligence and prudence would exercise under the circumstances.(4)__________ is concerned with the rights and duties of individuals,organizations,and associations(such as companies,trade unions,and charities),as opposed to criminal law.(5)A__________ is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed.5.Complete the table with words in proper forms and complete the sentences below with words from the table.The first one has been done for you.Verb(1)The__________ is the body which has the function of making law;normally it is the Parliament or Congress.(2)It is quite a lengthy process to__________ to the European Community.(3)European__________ on Human Rights is one of the most notable International human rights instruments.(4)In 1787,the Constitutional Convention__________ to amend the Articles of Confederation to give the national government the power to address the country's commercial problems.(5)Federal form of government is one in which the states form a union and the sovereign power is divided between a central governing__________ and the member states.6.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1)Law consists of enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society.(2)The term “common law”is also used to distinguish one segment of Anglo-American law from another part called “equity.”Today the terms refer to different sets of legal doctrines.(3)When one person,organization,corporation,or branch of government sues another to obtain a remedy for a supposed injury,the case is a civil case,leading to a possible remedy in money damages or an order to do or not to do a certain act.(4)Public law defines a person's rights and obligations in relation to government.Public law also describes the various divisions of government and their powers.(5)Most nations have a written constitution.A major exception is Great Britain.The British constitution is unwritten.(6)The most obvious distinction between civil law and common law systems is that the civil law system is a codified system,whereas the common law is not created by means of legislation but is based mainly on case law.(7)Tort law defines a host of duties people owe to each other.One of the most common is the duty to exercise reasonable carewith regard to others.Failure to do so is the tort of negligence.Lesson 2Legal Systems:Common Law and Civil Law|第二课 普通法系与大陆法系Ⅰ.Text & Its Translation

Every independent country has its own legal system.The systems vary according to each country's social traditions and form of government.But most systems can be classed as either(1)a common-law systemor(2)a civil-law system.The United States,Canada,Great Britain,and other English-speaking countries have a common-law system.Most other countries have a civil-law system.Many countries combine features of both systems.A general distinction can be made between civil law jurisdictions,which codify their laws,and common law systems,where judge made law is not consolidated.1.Common-law System

The common-law system prevails in England,the United States,and other countries colonized by England.It is distinct from the civil-law system,which predominates in Europe and in areas colonized by France and Spain.The common-law system is used in all the states of the United States except Louisiana,where French Civil Law combined with English Criminal Law to form a hybrid system.The common-law system is also used in Canada,except in the Province of Quebec,where the French civil-law system prevails.

Anglo-American common law evolved chiefly from three English Crown courts of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries:the Court of Exchequer,the Court of King's Bench,and the Court of Common Pleas.These courts eventually assumed jurisdiction over disputes previously decided by local or manorial courts,such as baronial,admiral's(maritime),guild,and forest courts.Courts of Equity,which were instituted to provide relief to litigants in cases where common-law relief was unavailable,also merged with common-law courts.This consolidation of jurisdiction over most legal disputes into several courts was the framework for the modern Anglo-American judicial system.

Common-law courts base their decisions on prior judicial pronouncements rather than on legislative enactments.Common-law judges rely on their predecessors' decisions of actual controversies,rather than on abstract codes or texts,to guide them in applying the law.Common-law judges find the grounds for their decisions in law reports,which contain decisions of past controversies.Under the doctrine of Under a common-law system,disputes are settled through an adversarial exchange of arguments and evidence.Both parties produce their evidencesor arguments before a neutral fact finder,either a judge or a jury.The judge or jury evaluates the evidence,applies the appropriate law to the cases,and renders a judgment or verdict in favor of one of the parties.Following the decision,either party may appeal the decision to a higher court.Appellate courts in a common-law system may review only findings of law,not determinations of fact.

The lawmaking role of legislatures in common law countries has increased greatly during the 1900's.For example,the United States Congress has made major changes in American contract and property law.The changes have dealt,for example,with such matters as labor-management relations,workers' wages and hours,health,safety,and environmental protection.Nevertheless,common-law countries have kept the basic feature of the English legal system,which is the power of judges to make laws.In addition,constitutional lawin these countries continues the common-law tradition of defending the people's rights and liberties.2.Civil-law System

Civil-law systems are based mainly on statutes.The majority of





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