
发布时间:2020-05-25 18:17:54







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Low-carbon Lifestyle低碳生活

所谓“低碳生活”就是把生活作息时间中所耗用的能量尽量减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量。低碳生活,对于普通人来说是一种生活态度,同时也成为人们推进潮流的新方式。它给我们提出的是一个“愿不愿意和大家共同创造低碳生活”的问题。 但是我们应该积极提倡并去实践低碳生活,要注意节电、节气、熄灯一小时……从这些点滴做起。

What is low-carbon lifestyle


Low-carbon power comes from sources that produce fewer greenhouse gases than do traditional means of power generation. It includes zero carbon power generation sources, such as wind power, solar power, geothermal power and (except for fuel preparation) nuclear power, as well as sources with lower-level emissions such as natural gas and also technologies that prevent carbon dioxide from being emitted into the atmosphere, such as carbon capture and storage. These power-generation techniques emit significantly less carbon dioxide than a traditional fossil fuel power plant.

A Low-Carbon Economy (LCE) or Low-Fossil-Fuel Economy (LFFE) is an economy which has a minimal output of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the environment biosphere, but specifically refers to the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Recently, some scientific and public opinion has concluded that anthropogenic (human activity) caused GHG emissions are either causing climate change or making climate change worse. Those who have drawn this conclusion are concerned there will be negative impacts on humanity in the foreseeable future because of climate change. Globally implemented LCE’s therefore are proposed, by those who have drawn this conclusion, as a means to avoid catastrophic climate change, and as a precursor to the more advanced, zero-carbon society and renewable-energy economy.

A low-carbon fuel standard (LCFS) is a rule enacted to reduce carbon intensity in transportation fuels as compared to conventional petroleum fuels, such as gasoline and diesel. The most common low-carbon fuels are alternative fuels and cleaner fossil fuels, such as natural gas (CNG and LPG). The main purpose of a low-carbon fuel standard is to decrease carbon dioxide emissions associated to fuel-powered vehicles considering the entire life cycle (“well to wheels”), in order to reduce the carbon footprint of transportation.

低碳生活(low-carbon life style)可以理解为:减少二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)的排放,就是低能量(energy resources)、低消耗(consumption)、低开支(expenditure)的生活。“节能减排”(energy conservation and emission reduction),不仅是当今社会的流行语(catchword),更是关系到人类未来的战略选择(strategic choice)。提高“节能减排”意识,对自己的生活方式或消费习惯(consumption custom)进行简单易行的改变,一起减少全球温室气体(greenhouse gases)(主要减少二氧化碳)排放,意义十分重大。“低碳生活”节能环保,有利于减缓全球气候变暖和环境恶化的速度。减少二氧化碳排放,选择“低碳生活”,是每位公民应尽的责任。

Key words & Sentences


The so-called “low-carbon lifestyle” means to reduce the energy resources of our daily life as far as possible, and decrease the discharge of carbon dioxide.


Low-carbon lifestyle is an attitude towards life for ordinary people.


“Low-carbon lifestyle” is in favor of slowing down the global warming and environmental deterioration, which is imperative.“低碳生活”有利于减缓全球气候变暖和环境恶化的速度,势在必行。

Reducing the emission of carbon dioxide and choose “low-carbon lifestyle” is the responsibility of every civilians.


“Low-carbon lifestyle” is not the catchword of modern society, but relate to the strategic choice of future development of human beings.“低碳生活”不仅是当今社会的流行语,更是关系到人类未来的战略选择。

“Low-carbon lifestyle” makes our earth more beautiful.


“Low-carbon lifestyle” can be realized by collective consciousness and exchange consciousness.


In recent year, due to the all-out popularization of low-carbon lifestyle, many people in unban cities go out by bike even on foot rather than drive cars any more.


Planting trees is significant for low-carbon lifestyle, because the trees can be sand-proof and increase the water retaining capability of soil as well as improve the ecological environment.


Along with the development of technology, people are becoming richer and richer and there are more private cars in the street, which make people away from low-carbon lifestyle.


Water is an insufficient resources, and water saving is the way of low-carbon lifestyle.


The avocation of “low-carbon lifestyle” is responded by civilians and relative department.“低碳生活”的呼吁得到了市民以及有关部门的响应。

Why shall we pursue the “low-carbon lifestyle”?


Actually, there are many small tips for low-carbon lifestyle.


Now, increasingly more people are aware of the importance of “low-carbon lifestyle” and devote to “low-carbon lifestyle” actively.


Let’s Talk!


Gorge: Hi Nancy, you also came to listen the “energy and the sustainable development” report?


Nancy: Yes. What are your feelings about this report?


Gorge: I think I learn a lot. As known to all, with the development of society, a large of energy sources have been used, such as coal, petroleum, natural gas and so on. However, the quantity of energy source is limited. Unlimited usage of energy source results in energy crisis.


Nancy: Yes, you are right. Since the first “energy crisis” of 1973-1974, it has appeared several times. The economies of some petroleum-deficient developing countries have been devastated by energy crisis.


Gorge: The fossil energy resource, for example coal, is unlike sunlight. They’re not reproductive during human history. Once consumed, they’re gone forever. In addition, the high pollution produced by coal is also an issue that should be taken into consideration.


Nancy: So, obviously, solving the “energy crisis” and keep sustainable development make sense. Many schemes have been proposed for conserving present energy resources and developing new ones.


Gorge: Yes, I think developing new energy is imperative. Such as wind power solar energy, water power, nuclear fusion power, and hydrogen gas.


Nancy: Therefore, energy engineer is created and developed. The first goal of it is to determine the methods by which energy utilization is reduced but the output remains the same or even increases. The second goal is to determine which methods of using less energy are most effectively.


Gorge: So, we can live a low-carbon life. Low-carbon has become a high-frequency and fashionable word recently. Low-carbon life means a kind of lifestyle in which people do their best to reduce energy consumption and carbon greenhouse gas emissions.


Nancy: Yes, how can we live a low-carbon life? I think firstly, we should recognize that low-carbon life is not only a kind of lifestyle but also life attitude. Each of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions .Secondly we should develop good habits in our daily lives.


Gorge: Yes, we know that all motorized travel is carbon-intensive. Buses and trains are better than cars, but walking or cycling is best.


Nancy: Besides, we should enhance our professional knowledge.


Gorge: Yes. Now, let’s go back to prepare our studies.


Green Fashion绿色时尚


What is green life


Green lifestyle, also called sustainable living is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resource and his/her own resources. Practitioners of green lifestyle often attempt to reduce their carbon footprint by altering methods of transportation, energy consumption and diet. Proponents of green lifestyle aim to conduct their lives in manners that are consistent with sustainability, in natural balance and respectful of humanity’s symbiotic relationship with the Earth’s natural ecology and cycles. The practice and general philosophy of ecological living is highly interrelated with the overall principles of sustainable development.

Lester R. Brown, a prominent environmentalist and founder of the Worldwatch Institute and Earth Policy Institute, describes green lifestyle in the 21st century as “shifting to a renewable energy-based, reuse/recycle economy with a diversified transport system.”

Green lifestyle is fundamentally the application of sustainability to lifestyle choice and decisions. Sustainability itself is expressed as meeting present ecological, societal, and economical needs without compromising these factors for future generations. Green lifestyle can therefore be described as living within the innate carrying capacities defined by these factors.

Sustainable design and sustainable development are critical factors to Green lifestyle. Sustainable design encompasses the development of appropriate technology, which is a staple of green lifestyle practices. Sustainable development in turn is the use of these technologies in infrastructure. Sustainable architecture and agriculture are the most common examples of this practice.

There are a number of ways to reduce waste in sustainable living. One method is reducing paper waste, such as by taking action to cancel junk mail and move paper transactions to an online document. Another method to reduce waste is to buy in bulk, which reduces packaging materials. Preventing food waste is an alternative to organic waste compiling to create costly methane emissions. Food waste can be reintegrated into the environment through composting. Composting can be carried out at home or locally, with community composting. An additional example of how to reduce waste is being cognizant of not buying materials with limited use in excess, such as paint. Reduction aides in reducing the toxicity of waste if non-hazardous or less hazardous items are selected.

绿色生活(green lifestyle)指通过倡导居民使用绿色产品(green product),倡导民众参与绿色志愿服务(voluntary service),引导民众树立绿色增长、共建共享的理念,使绿色消费(green consumption)、绿色出行(green transport)、绿色居住(green livings)成为人们的自觉行动,让人们在充分享受绿色发展(green development)所带来的便利和舒适的同时,履行好应尽的可持续发展(sustainable development)责任的方法,实现广大人民按自然、环保(environmental protection)、节俭(economical)、健康的方式生活。

Key words & Sentences


We should advocate a Green Life and Sustainable Consumption among Women.


There is no denying the fact that more and more environment-friendly materials and clear energies will come into use in our daily life.


“We have a very special place in our heart.” says Lara Galinsky, a vice president of Echoing Green, “for young people, even in places like San Alfonso.”“绿色呼唤”的副主席莱拉・盖林斯基说:“我们每个人都想为生活在苦难中的孩子奉献上一份爱心,即使是那些生活在像桑阿方索这样地方的孩子们。”

Establishing production base of green food table-grape in Taihang Mountain can provide large amounts of safe and excellent green food table-grape, raise the living standard of the local peasants, and improve its ecological condition.


This paper introduces and analyzes three schools with different appearances and temperaments in Alps and points out that green architecture should not have skin characteristics just like a label, it may integrate natural conditions and design intentions to open out life and landscape in special spot and express green ideas with its own mode.


It furnishes the setting for many recreational events, from picnics in the outdoor living area of a home to the tough turf of a football field or the “carpet like” putting green of a golf course. All these things are horticulture.


At times, the moral conviction and worldview of the Green House appear as all-encompassing as a religious faith, and green House inmates live in the most environmentally “pious” way one could conceive of in the city.


That is to increase people’s awareness through TV media and the education of communities and schools, encourage them to take part in the activity of “transform trash into treasure and create a green homeland” so that the full utilization of solid reject can be put into practice in our daily life.


Fresh and clean our air, let our lives swing green ripples.


All theory, dear friend, is grey, but the precious tree of life is green.


Therefore how to achieve the Green Revolution’s goal in the course of the enterprise operation and in people’s daily life, in other words, how to actualize the Green Consumption and Green Marketing, has become a historical mission to keep up economic growth and civilization progress.


Let’s Talk!


Elisabeth: Do you know what the main feature the Sydney Olympics is, John?


Monica: Of course, I know.


Elisabeth: What?


Monica: Environmental protection.


Elisabeth: Do you know when IOC put forward the issue of environmental protection?


Monica: Sorry, I have no idea about it.


Elisabeth: Let me tell you. At that time in 1991, Sydney put forward the slogan “environmental protection”, thus, it won the bid.


Monica: What a nice memory! Oh, I know that Beijing and Sydney bid for the Olympic Games together.


Elisabeth: Yeah, Sydney had five strategies: save energy, save water, reduce trash, prevent pollution, and protect the environment. They tried to host a “Green Olympics”.


Monica: They have racked their brain.


Elisabeth: Yes. Even the torch and fuel are produced by using environmental protection techniques and materials.


Monica: Even so, there was still much pity left. The Green and Peace Organization called it at most a half green.


Elisabeth: That’s been quite good. It’s the beginning after all. I’m sure that it will be better and better.


Balance of Nature自然平衡


What is the balance of nature


The balance of nature refers to the theory that ecological systems are usually in a stable equilibrium (homeostasis), which is to say that a small change in some particular parameter (the size of a particular population, for example) will be corrected by some negative feedback that will bring the parameter back to its original “point of balance” with the rest of the system. It may apply where populations depend on each other, for example in predator/prey systems, or relationships between herbivores and their food source. It is also sometimes applied to the relationship between the Earth’s ecosystem, the composition of the atmosphere, and the world’s weather.

The Gaia hypothesis suggests that the Earth and its ecology may act as co-ordinate systems in order to maintain the balance of nature.

The concept has been criticized in recent times as being a pseudoscientific fallacy. It was first put into question when a substantial number of studies showed that predator/prey populations display a continuing state of disturbance and fluctuation rather than constancy and balance. It has been proposed by some scientists that ecological communities of plants and animals are inherently unstable, due to substantial idiosyncratic differences in behavior among communities and individuals in them. An aggressive, dominant wolf for example can greatly increase the chances of a pack in securing food, just as the death of a pack leader can lead to the pack’s mass starvation. It is reasoned that any apparent equilibrium is illusory because external factors (such as variations in weather patterns, fires, hurricanes or disease) seldom allow ecological communities to stabilize. Dr. George L. Jacobson Jr., a paleoecologist at the University of Maine stated that according to ancient rock sediments; “there is almost no circumstance one can find where something isn’t changing the system. It’s never allowed to ‘stabilize’, so we might as well not expect ‘balance’ to exist.”

In addition, some populations show chaotic behavior, where the sizes of populations change in a way that may appear random, but is in fact obeying deterministic laws based only on the relationship between a population and its food source. An example of this was shown in an eight year study on small Baltic Sea creatures such as plankton, which were isolated from the rest of the ocean. Each member of the food web was shown to take turns multiplying and declining, even though the scientists kept the outside conditions constant. An article in Journal Nature stated; “Advanced mathematical techniques proved the indisputable presence of chaos in this food web... short-term prediction is possible, but long-term prediction is not.”

Research into climate change has revealed a number of positive feedback mechanisms that could accelerate any global warming rather than reduce it. These include increased water vapor in the atmosphere (acting as a greenhouse gas); release of Carbon dioxide and methane from melting permafrost; and the decreased ability of warmed oceans to hold carbon dioxide. It is unclear whether negative feedback effects may counter these mechanisms.

Although some conservationist organizations argue that human activity is incompatible with a balanced ecosystem, there are numerous examples in history showing that several modern day habitats originate from human activity: some of Latin America’s rain forests owe their existence to humans planting and transplanting them, while the abundance of grazing animals in the Serengeti plain of Africa is thought by some ecologists to be partly due to human-set fires that created savanna habitats.

自然生态系统(natural ecosystem)具有维持自身相对平衡(relative balance)的能力。这种自动调节能力的大小与生态系统的成分(composition)、结构有关。不过,一个生态系统的自动调节能力(self-regulation capability)无论怎样强,也总有一定的限度,如果外来的干扰超过了这个限度,生态平衡就会遭到破坏。破坏自然生态平衡的因素,有自然因素(natural factor)和人为因素(human factor)两类。

自然因素主要指自然界发生的异常变化,或自然界本来就存在的对于人类和生物有害的因素,例如火山爆发(volcanic explosion)、山崩海啸(landslide and tsunami)、水旱灾害(flood and drought)、地震(earthquake)、台风(typhoon)和流行病(epidemic disease)等。人为因素主要指由于人类的活动,造成环境污染(environmental pollution)和自然环境(natural environment)被破坏。

Key words & Sentences


The soil contains materials to keep the natural balance of the area.


Forces that can disturb this natural Balance are selection, mutation, gene flow, and natural selection. Certain gene-controlled traits are selected for or against by the partners involved.


People often upset the natural balance by killing off many of the animals and destroying the lands.


Every animal has its place in the balance of nature.


In the process, we must be careful about upsetting the balance of nature.


Did Walter equate the balance of nature with God?


It is, he says, part of a world wide reaction against technology and an urge to find a better balance with nature.


For one thing, law should be forced and observed to keep the balance of the nature by controlling commercial fishing.


Man may destroy the balance of nature, but from time to time, nature takes a terrible revenge for it.


Efforts are being intensified to prevent or control hazards caused by mice, insects and poisonous weeds, and to maintain the natural ecological balance of the grassland by utilizing scientific means, and artificial and biological technologies.


We should be careful of alteration of the nature in order to





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