
发布时间:2020-05-25 18:29:47







第一章 无敌腹黑

1 We Close at Ten

“Waitress,”shouted the impatient diner,“do I have to sit here and starve all night? ”

“No, sir, we close at ten o’clock.”我们十点关门“服务员,”顾客不耐烦地喊道,“我必须整晚坐这儿挨饿吗?”“不,先生,我们十点关门。”2 Burglars Broke into the House

Poet: Burglars broke into my house last night.

Friend: Yes? What happened?

Poet: They searched through every room, then left a $10 bill on my bureau.盗贼来访



诗人:“他们翻遍了每个房间,然后在我的书桌上留下了一张10美元的钞票。”3 A Polite Horse

John: Tom, how was the horse‐riding yesterday?

Tom: Not so bad. But my horse was too polite.

John: Too polite?

Tom: Yes. When we came to a fence, he let me go first.有礼貌的马




汤姆:是的。当我们要跨栏时,它让我先过去了。4 Have the Money

“How did you plan your future?”

“I became the partner of a rich man. He had the money and I had the experience.”

“How did that help?”

“Now he has the experience and I have the money.”致富“你是如何计划未来的?”“我成为一个富人的合伙人。他有钱,我有经验。”“那如何发挥作用?”“现在他有经验,我有钱。”5 The Man Is Looking for It

A little boy came home with a five‐dollar bill and said he found it.

“Are you sure it was lost?”asked his mother.

“Sure,I’m sure,”said the little boy,“I saw the man looking for it. ”他正在找呢

一个小男孩拿着一张5美元的钞票回到家里,他说是捡到的。“你肯定这是别人丢的吗?”他妈妈问。“当然,我确定,”小男孩说,“我看见那个人正在找呢。”6 Egges

“How did you make your neighbor keep his hens in his own yard? ”

“One night I hid five eggs under a bush in my garden, and next day I let him see me gather them. I wasn’t bothered after that. ”鸡蛋“你是如何让邻居把他的母鸡关在自家院子的?”“一天夜里,我在花园的一簇灌木丛下藏了五只鸡蛋。第二天,我让他看到我把那些鸡蛋收了起来。从那以后,我就没被打搅过。”7 Kept Coming Back

At the insistence of a reporter, a wealthy man finally decided to reveal the secret of success.“I first became rich by selling homing pigeons. ”he explained.

“Really?”replied the amazed reporter,“How many did you start with?”

“Only one, ”the millionaire answered,“but he kept coming back.”总是飞回来

在一位记者的坚持下,一名富翁最终决定透露他成功的秘密。“我起先是以卖信鸽发家的。”他解释说。“真的吗?”记者惊讶地反问道,“一开始你有多少只?”“只有一只,”百万富翁回答说,“但它总是飞回来。”8 Good News and Bad News

An artist asked the gallery owner if anyone had shown interest in his paintings.

“I’ve got good news and bad news. ”he said,“The good news is that some guy inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after you died. When I told him it would, he bought all 12 of your paintings.”

“And the bad news?”

“The guy was your doctor.”好消息与坏消息

一位画家向美术馆老板打听是否有人对他的画感兴趣。“有好消息,也有坏消息。”他说,“好消息是有人询问你的作品在你死后会不会升值。我告诉他会的,他就把你的十二幅画全买走了。”“那坏消息呢?”“那家伙是你的医生。”9 You Should Be Replaced

A famous film director entered a restaurant.

After the meal, the owner asked him for advice,“If I change some of my cooks and their dishes still can’t attract more customers, what shall I do?”

The director thought for a minute and replied,“In our film studio, if we continue to lose audience with the changes of some actors, the director will get replaced. ”你应该被替换



导演想了一分钟,回答说:“在我们电影制片厂,如果更换一些演员仍失去观众,我们就更换导演。”10 How to Get a Seat by the Fire

Mr.Jack came to an inn on a very cold day, and could get no room near the fire.

He called to the hostler to fetch a peck of oysters, and give them to his horse.

“Will your horse eat oysters?”said the hostler.

“Try him.”said Mr. Jack.

Immediately the people ran to see this wonder, and Mr. Jack who alone remained in the room, chose the best seat by the fire and made himself comfortable.怎样在火炉旁找个好座位



顷刻间,人们都跑去看这一奇观,杰克先生则独自呆在屋里,他在火炉旁找了个最好的座位,舒舒服服地坐在那儿取暖了。11 It Hurts

Carl’s mother ran into the bedroom when she heard him scream and found his three‐year older sister pulling his hair. She gently released the little girl’s grip and said comfortingly to Carl,“There, there. She doesn’t mean to hurt you. She doesn’t know that hurts. ”

She was barely out of the room when the little girl screamed. Rush in a back in, she asked,“What happened?”

“She knows now.”Carl replied.疼


她刚刚离开房间就听小女孩尖叫起来。她赶紧跑回去问:“发生什么事了?”“她现在知道了。”卡尔答道。12 Is He Really Ill

On a hot summer day an elderly gentleman faints in the street.A small crowd immediately gathers around him.

“Give the poor man a glass of whiskey. ”advises a woman.

“Give him a heart massage. ”says someone else.

“No, just give him some whiskey. ”insists the woman.“Call an ambulance. ”yells another person.

“A whiskey!”The man suddenly sits up and exclaims.“Shut up, everybody, and do as the kind lady says!”他真病了吗

在一个炎热的夏天,一个上了年纪的男子昏倒在街头,一群人马上围了上去。“给这个可怜的人一杯威士忌吧。”一位女士建议。“给他做一下心脏按摩。”另外一个人说。“不,还是给他一些威士忌。”那位女士坚持说。“还是叫一辆救护车吧。”有人喊起来。“一杯威士忌!”地上的那个人坐起来嚷道,“都闭上嘴,就照那位好心的太太说的去做!”13 Sharing on the Train

A Frenchman, an Englishman, an American, and a lawyer were sitting on a train.

The Frenchman offered everyone some of his baguette, then threw it out the window, saying,“Don’t worry, we have plenty of those where I come from.”

The Englishman offered everyone a Sandwich, then threw the rest out of the window, saying,“Don’t worry, we have plenty of those where I come from.”

Then the American threw the lawyer out of the window, saying...火车上的共享




然后美国人把律师扔出窗外,说……14 Letter from A Fool

Mr. Anthony entered Plymouth Church one Sunday and found several letters awaiting him. He opened one and found it contained the single word“fool”.Quietly and with becoming seriousness he announced to the congregation the fact in these word:

“I have known many an instance of a man writing a letter and forgetting to sign his name, but this is the only instance I have ever known of a man signing his name and forgetting to write the letter. ”傻瓜来信

一个星期天,安东尼先生上普利茅斯的教堂去,在那里有他的几封信。他打开其中一封,发现信中只写着“傻瓜”两个字。他平静而认真地把这件事告诉教友们,他这样说:“写信时忘了签名的人,我倒遇见过很多,但只签了名却忘了写信的人,我却是头一次遇到。”15 To Bury the Goldfish

Little Cathy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky‐faced youngster was doing, he politely asked,“What are you up to there, Cathy?”

“My goldfish died,”replied Cathy tearfully, without looking up,“and I've just buried him. ”

The neighbor was concerned,“That’s an big hole for a goldfish, isn’t it?”

Cathy patted down the last heap of earth and then replied.“That’s because he’s inside your cat. ”埋金鱼



凯西拍了拍最后一撮土回答说:“那是因为小金鱼在你们家那只猫的肚子里。”16 Perfect Project

My friend Debbie was enrolled in a flower‐arranging class. Although she enjoyed the course, Debbie was miffed when week after week the instructor criticized and redid her careful arrangements.

After the final lesson, though, Debbie came home triumphant.“The teacher didn’t lay a finger on my project tonight!”she announced to her husband.

“Congratulations!”her spouse replied,“It must have been perfect. ”

“It was,”Debbie said, smiling modestly,“I made it with thistles. ”完美设计


而上过最后一次课后,黛比得意洋洋地回到了家里。“老师今晚对我的设计一根指头也没动!”她对丈夫大声说道。“恭喜恭喜!”她的丈夫回答说,“那一定是非常完美。”“是这样,”黛比面带微笑谦虚地说,“我做的是带刺的。”17 Two Hundred Times

In the traffic court of a large mid‐western city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light. She explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her case in order that she might hasten on to her classes. A wild gleam came into the judge’s eye.“You are a school teacher, eh?”said he,“Madam, I shall realize my lifelong ambition. Sit down at that table and write‘I went through a red light’two hundred times. ”两百遍

在中西部一个大城市的交通法庭上,一位女士因开车闯红灯被带到法官面前受审。女士解释说自己是老师并请求法官快一点结案,自己还得赶回去上课。突然,法官的眼神流露出狂喜。“你是老师啊?”法官问,“这位女士,我可以实现毕生的抱负了。坐到那张桌子后面,把‘我闯了红灯’几个字写上两百遍。”18 Who on earth Lost

Jonathan likes gambling very much. Once he gambled with his boss, saying,“A mole is on your chest, if you don’t believe it. Let’s bet $500 on it. ”

The boss said seriously,“Give me your money. ”Saying that, he took off his clothes, as a matter of fact, nothing was on his chest. The boss got the money happily. He told one of his colleagues that he beat Jonathan in gambling.

His colleague got angry, saying,“Stop it. He gambled with me, he said he could make you take off your clothes in five minutes. And the price was $1000. ”到底谁输了


上司非常严肃地说:“把钱拿出来吧,你输了!”说着他脱下了衣服。他的身上真的什么也没有。上司得意地收了钱,然后他跟一位同事说他和乔纳森打赌赢了。同事非常丧气地说:“别提了,他刚才跟我打赌,他说他能在五分钟内让你脱下衣服,赌现金1 000块。”19 The Eager Beaver

Bill was a new employee at the insurance office, but in a short time all his fellow workers began to complain about him.

“He’s an eager beaver.”protested one worker,“He does so much work that it makes all of us look bad.”

“What’s he trying to do?”wailed another employee,“Get a promotion?”

Three weeks later Bill was called into the office of the personnel manager.

“Bill, you’re a good worker, but I have had news for you.”announced the manager,“We’ll have to lay you off.”

“Why? I don’t understand. I do more work than all the staff put together.”

“That’s the trouble.”

“The staff has nothing to worry about. I’m not going to take away their jobs.”

“I’m not worried about their jobs. I’m worried about mine.”工作狂


三周之后,比尔被人事经理叫到办公室。“比尔,你是一名好员工。但是,我有一个坏消息要告诉你,”经理对他说,“我们必须解雇你。”“为什么?我不明白,我做的工作比其他所有员工加起来做的都多。”“这正是问题所在。”“同事们不用担忧,我不会抢走他们的工作。”“我不担心你抢走他们的工作,我担心你抢走我的饭碗。”20 Two Soldiers

Two soldiers were in camp. The first one’s name was Cody, and the second one’s name was Dick.

Cody said,“Have you got a piece of paper and an envelope, Dick?”

Dick said,“Yes, I have. ”And he gave them to him.

Then Cody said,“Now I haven’t got a pen. ”

Dick gave him his, and Cody wrote his letter. Then he put it in the envelope and said,“Have you got a stamp, Dick?”Dick gave him one.

Then Dick got up and went to the door, so Cody said to him,“Are you going out?”

Dick said,“Yes, I am. ”And he opened the door.

Cody said,“Please put my letter in the box in the office, and...”He stopped.

“What do you want now?”Dick said to him.

Cody looked at the envelope of his letter and answered, “What’s your girlfriend’s address? ”两个士兵










科迪看着信封,回答道:“你女朋友的地址是什么?”21 Fishing with a Mirror

A man saw a fisherman standing in a lake with a mirror.

“Excuse me, ”he said,“but could you tell me what you’re doing?”

“I’m fishing. ”

“With a mirror?”the man asked.

“Sure~it’s a new invention. I’m going to make a fortune. ”

“Could you tell me how it works?”

“Okay, but it’ll cost you ten dollars. ”

The man was so curious that he handed the fisherman the money.“Now show me how it works.”he said.

“Well, ”the fisherman began,“you aim the mirror into the water, and when a fish goes by, you startle him with rays of light reflected from the mirror. The fish gets confused and then you grab him. ”

The man was shocked,“You can’t mean to tell me that’s how you fish. It’s ridiculous! How many have you caught?”

“You’re the sixth today!”replied the fisherman.用镜子钓鱼



这人大为震惊:“你该不会告诉我,你就是这样钓鱼的吧。真荒唐!你已经钓了多少条?”“今天你是第六条!”渔夫回答说。22 A Large Hole

There was a farmer who lived near a road.

It was not a busy road, but from time to time, cars passed the farm.

Near the farm gate, there was a large hole in the road. This hole was always full of water, and the drivers of the cars could not see how deep the hole was. They thought it was probably shallow. Then when they drove into the hole, they could not drive out because it was so deep.

The farmer did not spend much time working on his farm. He spent most of it watching the hole. When a car drove into it, he pulled the car out with his tractor and charged the driver a lot of money for doing this.

One day, the driver of a car said to him,“You must make a lot of money pulling cars out of this hole night and day. ”

“Oh,no,”the farmer said,“I don’t pull cars out of the hole at night but fill the hole with water.”大水坑





一天,一位汽车司机对他说:“你夜以继日把汽车往外拉,肯定赚了很多钱。”“噢,不,”农夫说,“我夜里不拉车,而是往这坑里灌水。”23 A Shoebox

A man asks a woman to marry him, but before she agrees, she tells him that she keeps a shoebox under the bed and she never wants him to look in it. He understands. He figures he doesn’t like people looking in his wallet, and agrees that he will never look in the shoebox.

Well, five years go by and they are happily married. The husband is home alone one day and curiosity gets the best of him. He opens the box and looks inside three eggs and $5000 in cash. He is clueless.

When his wife comes home he confesses to looking in the box.“Now you have to tell me what it means. ”he says.

“OK. ”she answers,“Every time I’ve had an affair on you, I put an egg in the box. ”

The man is flabbergasted. But then he thinks about it, and figures three affairs in five years isn’t too bad. He takes a deep breath and realizes he can deal with it.“So then what is the $5000?”he asks.

“Every time the box is full, I’ll sell them.”she answers.鞋盒




男子听了愣住,但后来他想了一想,五年中有三次外遇还不算太坏。他深吸了一口气接受了这个事实。“那五千元又代表什么呢?”男子又问。“每次累积到一打蛋,我就会拿去卖钱。”妻子回答道。24 NASA Mars Mission

NASA was interviewing professionals they were planning on sending to Mars. The touchy part was that only one guy could go and it would be a one way trip, that is to say the guy would never return to the Earth.

The interviewer asked the first applicant, an engineer, how much he wanted to be paid for going.

“One million dollars, ”the engineer answered,“and I want to donate it all to my almamater—Rice University. ”

The next applicant was a doctor, and the interviewer asked him the same question.

“Two millions dollars, ”the doctor said,“and I want to give a million to my family and leave the other million for the advancement of medical research. ”

The last applicant was a lawyer. When asked how much money he wanted, he whispered in the interviewer’s ear,“Three million dollars. ”

“Why so much more than the others? ”the interviewer asked.

The lawyer replied,“You give me three million, I’ll give you one million, I’ll keep a million, and we’ll send the engineer. ”国航局火星计划





律师回答:“你给我三百万美元,我会给你一百万,自己留一百万,然后我们把工程师派出去。”25 Two plus Two

An engineer, a physicist, and a lawyer were being interviewed for a position as chief executive officer of a large corporation.

The engineer was interviewed first, and was asked a long list of questions, ending with“How much is two plus two?”

The engineer excused himself, and made a series of measurements and calculations before returning to the board room and announced,“Four.”

The physicist was next interviewed, and was asked the same questions. Before answering the last question, he excused himself, made for the library, and did a great deal of research.After a consultation with the United States Bureau of Standards and many calculations, he also announced,“Four.”

The lawyer was interviewed last, and was asked the same questions. At the end of his interview, before answering the last question, he drew all the shades in the room, looked outside the door to see if anyone was there, checked the telephone for listening devices, and asked,“How much do you want it to be?”二加二





律师最后一位参加,他也被问了同样的问题。在面试结束的时候,回答最后一题之前,他检查了整个房间的角落,看看门外是否有人,检查电话是否有窃听器,然后问:“你希望答案是多少?”26 Drunk Superman

Two men are sitting at a bar, slowly sipping their drinks.

After a while, the first man approaches the other man, and sits next to him,“This place is great, isn’t it? ”He asks.

The second man, somewhat surprised at the stranger’s remark, replies,“Why do you say that? ”

The first man, in a low tone of voice, responds,“Follow me. ”The two of them walk over to a large window at the end of the room. The window faces out onto the street, twelve floors below.

“Here’s why. ”The first man throws open the window, and boldly steps out into thin air. But he remains aloft!

“The air is great here! ”he says,“It’s relaxing. ”

He floats back into the room. As his feet return to the bar‐room floor, he invites the second man to try it.

The second man, skeptical, peers out through the window‐down to the pavement twelve stories below. He looks to the other side, and finally up above, to see if there was anything holding the first man up.

Convinced that it was no trickery, the second man swallows, closes his eyes, and steps out into thin air. He promptly falls twelve stories to the pavement below.

The first man grins and returns to the bar. Looking rather irritated, the barkeeper comes over to the place where the man sits.

“You know, ”he says, disgusted,“you’re a real jerk when you’re drunk, Superman. ”喝醉的超人










第二章 萌倒童年

1 Mother and Son

Mommy: Denny, have you given the goldfish fresh water today?

Denny: No, they haven’t finished what I gave them yesterday.母与子


丹尼:没有,昨天我给它们的水还没喝完呢。2 Why Is He Crying

Mum: Why are you crying?

Henry: I cleaned the bird cage and the canary disappeared.

Mum: How did you clean it?

Henry: With a vacuum cleaner, mum.他为什么哭




享利:用吸尘器,妈妈。3 Is It a Good Way

“John, I hear you’ve been fighting with one of those boys next door and have given him a black eye. ”

“Yeah. You see, they are twins and I have to find some way to tell them apart. ”是好办法吗“约翰,听说你一直在和隔壁家的一个小男孩打架,还把他眼睛打黑了。”“对呀,他们是双胞胎,我想找个办法把他们区分开。”4 Why Is Your Face So Red

Mother: Jim, why is your face so red?

Jim: I was running up the street to stop a fight.

Mother: That's a very nice thing to do. Who was fighting?

Jim: Gaby and me.你的脸为什么那么红




吉姆:“加比和我。”5 A Clever Girl

After supper, father took his little daughter Iris to go out for a walk. Before they left, Iris said to her father,“Daddy, please take some chocolates with you in case I cry on the way. ”聪明的小女孩

晚饭后,爸爸带着小女儿艾丽丝出去散步。出门前,爱丽丝对爸爸说:“爸爸,请您带上些巧克力吧,以防我在路上哭闹。”6 A Good Box of Matches

Mother sent Jenny to the store across the street to buy a good box of matches.When Jenny came back mother asked her,“Did you buy a good box of matches?”

“Yes, mum.”Jenny replied,“I have tried them all.”一盒好火柴

妈妈让詹妮去马路对面的商店里买一盒好用的火柴。詹妮回来后,妈妈问:“你买的是好用的火柴吗?”“是的,妈妈。”詹妮回答,“我把它们都试过了。”7 It Was Fine This Morning

Denny’s father rushed out of the bathroom waving his shaving brush.

“This thing’s useless!”he complained,“I can’t shave with it. ”

“That’s funny. ”said Denny,“It was fine this morning when I washed my bike with it. ”今天早晨还好着呢

丹尼的爸爸挥动着手里的修面刷从浴室里冲了出来。“这个东西真是没用。”他埋怨说,“根本不能修脸。”“真有意思,”丹尼说,“我今天早晨用它刷我的自行车时它还好好的呢。”8 I Need His Football

Kevin knocked on the door of his friend’s house. When his friend’s mother answered, he asked,“Can Mickey come out to play?”

“No,”said the mother. “it’s too cold. ”

“Well, then,”said Kevin,“can his football come out to play?”我需要他的足球

凯文敲着他朋友家的门。当朋友的妈妈来开门时,他问:“米奇可以出来玩吗?”“不行,”那位妈妈说,“天气太冷了。”“噢,那么,”凯文说,“他的足球可以出来玩吗?”9 What do They Eat

Two little boys were watching the sparrows eating food at a bird table.

One of them asked,“I wonder what they eat when they can’t find food on the bird table.”

“They eat what they can find. ”replied the other.

“What happens when they can’t find anything?”

“Then they can eat something else.”吃什么


其中一个问:“我想知道它们在那上面找不着东西时吃什么呢?”“吃它们能找到的东西。”另一个答道。“要是它们什么也没有找到呢?”“那它们就吃别的食物呗。”10 A Boy with a Big Head

A boy cried to his mother,“All the children make fun of me. They say I have a big head. ”

“Don’t listen to them, ”his mother said,“you have a beautiful head. Now stop crying and go to the store to buy twenty pounds of potatoes. ”

“Where is the shopping bag?”

“I haven’t got one—use your hat. ”大头娃娃

一个小男孩对他妈妈哭诉:“所有的孩子都取笑我,他们说我有一个大脑袋。”“别听他们瞎说,”他妈妈说,“你有一个漂亮的脑袋。现在,别哭了,去商店买20磅土豆吧。”“购物袋呢?”“没有——就用你的帽子吧。”11 A Good Boy

Little Mike asked his mother for five cents.“What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?”asked the mother.

“I give it to a poor old woman.”he answered.

“You’re a good boy,”said the mother proudly.“Here are five cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?”

“She is the one who sells the candy.”好孩子

小麦克问妈妈要五分钱。“昨天给你的钱呢?”妈妈问道。“我给一个可怜的老太太了。”小麦克回答。“好孩子,”妈妈自豪地说,“再给你五分钱。但是为什么你对那个老太太这么感兴趣呢?”“她那儿卖糖。”12 Where Is the Father

Two sister were looking at some beautiful paintings.

“Look.”said the elder sister,“How nice these paintings are!”

“Yes,”said the younger,“but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father?”

The elder sister thought for a moment and then explained,

“Obviously he was painting the pictures. ”爸爸在哪儿


姐姐想了会儿,然后解释道:“很明显,他当时正在画这些画呗。”13 I Just Showed Him

A week before his birthday, Mrs. Rose bought her son Paul a new bicycle and hid it in the shed.

“Now Nacy,”she said to his sister,“don’t go telling Paul about his present. ”

The next day, Paul said to his mother,“I like the new bicycle, mum!”

Mrs. Nacy was furious with Nacy. “I thought I told you not to tell him. ”she said.

“I didn’t, ”said Nacy. “I showed him. ”我只是让他看了看



罗丝太太非常生气地对南茜说:“不是告诉你别跟他说这件事吗?”“我没有跟他说。”南茜说,“我只是让他看了看。”14 List Your Sins

Because the younger children at our parochial school often forget their sins when they entered our confessional, I suggested the teacher have our students make lists. The next week when one student came to the confession, I could hear him unfolding paper. The youngest began,“I lied to my parents, I disobeyed my mother, I fought with my brother and... ”There was a long pause. Then a small, angry voice said,“Hey, this isn’t my list!”列出你的过错

由于我们教区学校的孩子们在进入忏悔室的时候经常会忘掉自己的过错,我建议老师们让学生列个小条。第二周,当一个学生来到忏悔室的时候,我可以听见他打开纸条的声音。最小的孩子开始忏悔了:“我骗了我爸爸妈妈,我没听妈妈的话,我和哥哥打架了……”停了很长一段时间,我们听到他用很小却愤怒的声音:“嗨,这不是我的纸条!”15 God’s Creations

Grandpa and granddaugher were sitting talking when she asked,“Did God make you, Grandpa?”

“Yes, God made me.”the grandfather answered.

A few minutes later, the little girl asked him,“Did God make me too?”

“Yes, he did.”the old man answered.

For a few minutes, the little girl seemed to be studying her grandpa, as well as her own reflection in the mirror, while her grandfather wondered what was running through her mind.

At last she spoke up,“You know, Grandpa,”she said,“God’s doing a lot better job lately. ”上帝的创造




最后她说话了,“你知道吗,爷爷,”她说,“上帝最近的工作越做越好了。”16 Pregnant

I have always tried to be open and honest with my children whenever they came to me with questions, but seven‐year‐old Bobby caught me off guard one evening when he bounced in at dinner time and asked,“Mom, when you get married, does that make you pregnant?”

“No,”I answered,“getting married is not what make you pregnant.”

“Well,”he persisted,“how do you get pregnant then?”

Not wishing to get into such a serious discourse just before dinner, I ansewered,“Bobby, it’s a sort of a long story.”

With an impish look on his little face, he cocked his head and replied,“You don’t know, do you?”怀孕



他脸上流露出调皮的神情,歪着头说:“其实你也不知道,是吗?”17 Two Cents a Glass

A boy was selling lemonade from two bowls on the same stand.In front of one bowl was sign“Five cents a glass.”In front of the second bowl was a sign“Two cents a glass.”

An old gentleman stopped, looked at the signs, and bought a glass of lemonade at two cents. He smacked his lips and ordered another. When he had finished, he asked,“How do you expect to sell any lemonade at five when you offer such a good drink for two cents?”

“Well, mister, it’s this way,”said the boy.“The cat fell in that two cents bowl about fifteen minutes ago, so I thought I’d better sell it out fast before the news spread too far.”两分一杯


一个老绅士停下来,看了看两个标签,买了一杯两分钱的柠檬汁。他咂咂嘴唇又要了一杯。喝完后,他问道:“你怎么能奢望在两分钱一杯这么好喝的情况下卖出那些五分钱一杯的柠檬汁呢?”“哦,先生,是这样,”男孩说,“有只猫在一刻钟前掉进了盛着两分钱柠檬汁的那个盒里,所以我想在消息传开之前尽快把它卖完。”18 Little Rock Buys the Bread

Little Rock arrived at the bakery vivaciously and asked,“Boss, do you have 100 small breads?”

Boss answered,“I’m sorry really that I haven’t so many breads. ”

“Like this...”Little Rock walked dejectedly.

The second day, Little Rock arrived at the bakery vivaciously,“Do you have 100 small breads?”

Boss answered,“Sorry. I haven’t so many bread. ”

“Like this... ”Little Rock dejectedly walked.

The third day, Little Rock arrived at the bakery vivaciously,“Do you have 100 small breads?”

Boss said happily,“OK, OK, today we had 100 small breads!”

Little Rock pulls out money,“That’s great, I buy three!”小洛克买面包







小洛克一点点掏出钱来说道:“太好了,我要买三个!”19 The New Baby

Mr. and Mrs. John had a six‐year‐old boy named tom. Now Mrs. John was expecting another child.

Tom had seen babies in other people’s houses and had not liked them very much, so he was not delighted about the news that there was soon going to be one in his house, too.

One evening Mr. and Mrs. John were making plans for the baby’s arriva arrival.“This house won’t be big enough for us all when the baby comes. ”

Tom came into the room just then and said,“What are you talking about?”“We were saying that we’ll have to move to another house now, because the new baby’s coming. ”his mother answered.

“It’s no use. ”said Tom hopelessly,“He’ll follow us there. ”新宝宝




汤姆恰好在这个时候走进来,他问:“你们在说什么?”他的母亲回答说:“我们在说我们得搬家了,因为小宝宝就要来了。“那有什么用?”汤姆绝望地说,“他会跟我们到那儿去的。”20 An Artist’s Daughter

An artist had a small daughter, sometimes he painted woman without any clothes on, and he and his wife always tried to keep the small girl out when he was doing this.“She is too young to understand.”they said.

But one day, when the artist was painting a woman without clothes on, he forgot to lock the door, and the little girl suddenly ran into the room. Her mother ran up the stairs after her, but when she got to the top, the little girl was already in the room and looking at the woman. Both her parents waited for her to speak.

For a few seconds the little girl said nothing, but then she ran to her mother and said angrily,“Why do you let her go about without shoes on while you don’t let me?”画家的女儿



过了一阵子,这个小女孩也没说什么,但是随后她跑到她妈妈面前生气地说:“为什么她能不穿鞋和袜子就到处乱走我却不能?”21 Lucky Mother

A young mother believed that it was very wrong to waste any food when there were so many hungry people in the world. One evening, she was giving her small daughter her tea before putting her to bed. First she gave her a slice of fresh brown bread and butter, but the child said that she did not want it like that. She asked for some jam on her bread as well.

Her mother looked at her for a few seconds and then said,“When l was a small girl like you, Kelly, I was always given either bread and butter, or bread and jam, but never bread with butter and jam. ”

Kelly looked at her mother for a few moments with pity in her eyes and then said to her kindly,“Aren’t you pleased that you’ve come to live with us now?”幸运的母亲



凯莉看了母亲一会儿,眼中露出怜悯的神情,然后她柔声说:“您现在能跟我们生活在一起难道不感到高兴吗?”22 Why Does It Rain on the Road Too

A small boy and his father were having a walk in the country when it suddenly began to rain very hard. They did not have their umbrellas with them, and there was nowhere to hide from the rain, so they were soon very wet, and the small boy did not feel very happy.

For a long time while they were walking home through the rain, the boy was thinking. Then at last he turned to his father and said to him,“Why does it rain, father? It isn’t very nice, is it?”

“No, it isn’t very nice, but it’s very useful, Tom,”answered his father,“It rains to make the fruit and the vegetables grow for us, and to make the grass grow for the cows and sheep. ”

Tom thought about this for a few seconds, and then he said,“Then, why does it rain on the road too, father?”雨为什么也要下在路上呢



汤姆想了几秒钟,然后他说道:“那么爸爸,雨为什么也要下在路上呢?”23 She Wants to Keep Them

A busy mother asked her young son to take his baby sister out into the garden and look after her for half an hour while she was doing some work in the house.

The boy took the baby out, and they seemed to be playing quite happily when suddenly the mother heard the baby begin to cry, so she shouted to her son,“Bert, what’s he matter with Iris? Why’s she crying?”

“Because she wants my marbles. ”answered Bert.

“Well, let her play with a few of them if it will stop her crying,”said the mother patiently,“I must finish this work, and she’d be in my way in here. ”

“But she wants to keep them!”answered Bert.

“No, she doesn’t!”the mother said,“She’s only a baby. She’s too young to understand anything like that. ”

“But I know that she wants to keep them.”answered Bert,“She’s already swallowed two of them!”她想占有它们


男孩带着小妹妹出去了,他们似乎玩得十分高兴,这时,母亲突然听到婴儿的哭声,于是她大声向儿子问道:“伯特,艾丽丝怎么了?她为什么哭啊?”“因为她想要我的弹珠。”伯特回答道。“哦,只要能让她不哭,就给她几颗玩吧。”母亲耐心地说道,“我得把事情干完,如果她在这里的话会妨碍我的。”“但她想占有它们!”伯特回答。“不,她不会的!”母亲说,“她太小了还不懂那种事情。”“可我知道她想占有它们。”伯特回答,“她都已经把两颗给吞下去了!”24 Whose Baby Is It

Carol and Susan were great friends. They were in the same class at school, and they often visited each other’s homes at weekends.

When they were both eight years old, Carol’s mother had a baby. Carol was overjoyed to have a little sister and was always talking about her to Susan, who had no brothers or sisters.

At first Susan was interested in the new baby, but after some time she began to get rather discontented with Carol’s continual talking about it. She felt a little jealous.

One morning when the two girls were in the school playground, Carol said to Susan cheerfully,“Do you know, Sue, my baby sister gained nearly two hundred grams in weight this week. ”

“That’s not very nuch.”answered Susan,“I know a baby that gains five kilograms a day.”

“Oh, that can’t be true!”answered Carol scornfully. “Whose baby is it?”

“An elephant’s. ”said Susan.谁的宝宝




一天早上,两个女孩在操场上的时候,卡罗尔高兴地对苏珊说,“你知道么,苏,我的小妹妹这一周体重长了将近两百克。”“这不是很了不起嘛。”苏珊回答,“我知道一个小宝宝一天长了五千克。”“噢,这不可能!”卡罗尔轻蔑地说,“那是谁的孩子?”“大象的。”苏珊回答。25 Jesus Is in the Bathroom

A Sunday school teacher of preschoolers was concerned that his students might be confused about Jesus Christ because of the Christmas season emphasis on His birth. He wanted to make sure they understood that the birth of Jesus occurred a long time ago, that he grew up, etc. So he asked his class,“Where is Jesus today?”

Steven raised his hand and said,“He’s in Heaven. ”

Mary was called on and answered,“He’s in my heart. ”

little Bill, waving his hand furiously, blurted out,“I know! I know! He is in our bathroom.”

The whole class got very quiet, looked at the teacher, and waited for a response. The teacher was completely at a loss for a very long second. He finally gathered his wits and asked little Bill how he knew this.

And little Bill said,“Well...every morning, my father gets up, bangs on the bathroom door, and yells,‘Jesus Christ! Are you still in there?’”耶稣在卫生间里






小比尔说:“哦,每天早晨,爸爸起床都一边敲卫生间的门,一边喊道:‘上帝啊!你还在里面吗?’”26 Big TroubIe

A couple had two little boys aged seven and nine, who were excessively mischievous. They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew that if any mischief occurred in their town, their sons would get the blame.

The boys’mother heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in disciplining children, so she asked if he would speak with her boys. The clergyman agreed, and asked to see them individually. So, the mother sent her seven‐year‐old boy first in the morning, with the older one to see the clergyman in the afternoon.

The clergyman, a huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him sternly,“Where is God?”

Again, the boy made no attempt to answer. So the clergyman raised his voice some more and shook his finger in the boy’s face and bellowed,“Where is God?”

The boy screamed and bolted from the room. He ran directly home and dove into his closet. slamming the door behind him. When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked,“What happened?”

The younger brother, gasping for breath, replied,“We are in big trouble this time! God is missing and they think we did it!”麻烦大了







第三章 名人趣谈

1 Before the Foundering

Once on a voyage, Duke Wellington encountered a storm in a boat on the verge of sinking. The captain hurried to Wellington’s cabin saying,“We’ll be doomed. ”

Wellington wanted to go to bed, so he said,“Okay, I don’t need to take off my shoes. ”沉船之前


威灵顿正想上床睡觉,于是说道:“那好,我就用不着脱鞋了。”2 Hat

Andersen led a very simple life. He always wore the same old hat whenever he went out.

Once someone in the street laughed at him,“What’s that on your head? Can it be called a hat? ”





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