
发布时间:2020-05-26 00:02:48













Food ingredients in this book refer to materials that are needed and used when cooking food.China is a country with vast territory,complex terrain and various climates,and produces rich food resources.There is an old saying in China: “Food is what matters to the people”.Chinese people receive food as gift from nature so that lives descend,and the nation sustains.

The diet health preserving culture under the guidance of TCM theories is a bright pearl in Chinese history and culture.Tasted as food,functioned as medicine,and health is preserved.“Neijing·Suwen·Zangqifashilun” has a saying: “Five grains as the main food,five animals as the supplement,five fruits and five vegetables as the complement,take the food when their nature and flavor are compatible,so as to tonify the essence and qi.” The “Herb Saint” Sun Simiao in Tang Dynasty said: “Food can dispel evils and restore Zangfu,uplift spirit,so as to nourish blood and qi.It can be called a masterpiece if one can use food to relieve illness,calm the mood,and cure the disease.” He also said: “As a doctor,one should have an insight to the origin of the illness,know its symptoms,and treat it by food.If food therapy doesn’t work,then medication follows.”All above shows the importance of diet health preserving.We applied a National Nonprofit Industries Scientific Research Project—“A Systematic Collection of Chinese Food Ingredients on the Theories of Nature,Flavor,Meridian Entry,and Function”(Project code: 200807012),we compiled 600 food materials and selected 250 of them to be published as “Chinese Food Ingredients Study”.

With the deepening of China’s opening-up,international exchange has rapidly increased.Many foreigners come to China,and are deeply impressed by Chinese foods,which often grows their interests on Chinese food culture.Therefore,on the base of“Chinese Food Ingredients Study”,considering foreign people’s diet habits and their preference to Chinese foods,we selected 120 food ingredients to compile this book.The book mainly introduces the origin,collection/processing,flavor/properties,channels entered,function,indications,preparation/consumption,cautions/contraindications,and storage of each food ingredient,and we illustrated pictures to help reader to make reference.The book is written by a Chinese-English bilingual way to help reader to understand.We hope this book will have some positive influence on the diet of people both domestic and international,and make contribution to the spread of TCM diet health preserving culture to worldwide.

There might be something inappropriate in the book,so criticisms and corrections are warmly welcome.


Grains and Beans


Xiao Mai


为禾本科植物小麦Triticum aestivum L.的种仁。【采收加工或制法】





可盛放于密封容器内,置于阴凉、干燥、通风处。Xiao Mai


It is the kernel of Triticum aestivum L.of family Poaceae.【Collection/Processing】

Collect the ripe fruit in summer.Thresh the seed and dry in the sun or grind into powder.The kernel which is plump and complete with yellowish-brown color is of good quality.【Flavor/Properties】Slight cold in nature,sweet in taste and non-toxic.【Meridian Tropism】Heart,Spleen and Kidney.【Functions and Indications】

Nourish heart and tonify kidney,relieve heat and quench thirsty,invigorate spleen to check diarrhea,arrest sweating and relieve stranguria.It is suitable for all the people,especially those who have hysteria,dysphoria with smothery sensation,sweating due to debility,diabetes,diarrhea,acute mastitis,traumatic bleedings,stranguria,scalding,etc.【Preparation/Consumption】

The kernel can be used to cook soup,the powder to cook porridge,make steamed bun,bake pancake,make handmade noodles,or be used as the raw material for making biscuit,bread,instant noodles,beer and alcohol,etc.【Cautions/Contraindications】

The one who has dampness and heat in spleen or stomach,children with infantile indigestion due to food retention should take it with caution.As the saying goes:Wheat is better to be consumed after storage,while rice before storage.The folk people believe that the long-term preserved flour is better than the new-ground in quality.【Storage】

Preserved in air-tight container in cool,dry and well-ventilated place.


Yan Mai


为禾本科植物燕麦Avena fatua L.的种仁。【采收加工或制法】





置于阴凉、干燥、通风处,防蛀防潮。Yan Mai


The seed kernel of Avena fatua L.,in the family of Poaceae.【Collection/Processing】

Harvest mature fruit in summer,dry in the sun,and remove the peel and the shell for use.It is best to purchase the oats with full grain,smooth appearance and yellowish brown color.【Flavor/Properties】Sweet in flavor,neutral in nature,and non-toxic.【Meridian Tropism】Spleen and Large Intestine.【Functions and Indications】

Tonify deficiency,suppress sweating,and lubricate intestine.Weakness due to long-term illness,poor appetite,constipation,spontaneous perspiration,hidrosis and night sweat.【Preparation/Consumption】

It can be cooked congee,ground into powder to make steamed cake or to be fried,mixed in food with boiling water,or processed into various oat products.【Cautions/Contraindications】

Those with intestinal smooth or diarrhea should be cautious to take it.【Storage】

It should be put at shady,cool,dry and ventilate place,with moth proofing and moisture proofing.


Jing Mi







贮于干燥的有盖容器内,置于阴凉、干燥、通风处保存,以防虫蛀。Jing Mi

Polished Round-grained Rice【Origin】

It is the shelled seed of Oryza sativa L.of japonica rice of family Poaceae.【Collection/Processing】

Collect the ripe caryopsis in autumn.Pick up the rice and dry in the sun.Remove the rice hull for consumption.The rice which is complete,solid,plump without damage by worms,mildew and impurities is of good quality.【Flavor/Properties】Moderate in nature and sweet in taste.【Meridian Tropism】Lung,Spleen and Stomach.【Functions and Indications】

Invigorate spleen and harmonize stomach,tonify the middle energizer and invigorate qi,relieve polydipsia and diarrhea.It is suitable for all the people,especially for those who have deficiency of spleen and stomach,poor appetite and indigestion,lassitude and fatigue,vexation and thirsty,diarrhea and dysentery,etc.【Preparation/Consumption】

Cook soup or process as popcorn,etc.【Cautions/Contraindications】

It is unadvisable to put soda when cooking porridge because soda can ruin Vitamin B1 in the rice and result in beriberi.【Storage】

Preserved in a dry container with a cover in cool,dry and well-ventilated place to prevent from borer.


Huang Dou


为豆科植物大豆Glycine max(L.)Merr.的种皮黄色的种子。【采收加工或制法】





置阴凉干燥处,防潮防蛀。Huang Dou


It is the yellow seed of Glycine max(L.)Merr.of family Leguminosae.【Collection/Processing】

Collect the ripe fruit in autumn and take the seed to dry in the sun.【Flavor/Properties】Sweet in flavor and moderate in nature.【Meridian Tropism】Spleen,Stomach and Large Intestine.【Functions and Indications】

Invigorate spleen to promote water metabolism,remove stagnancy to relieve constipation,detoxicate and relieve swelling.Used for diarrhea due to stagnated food,poor appetite due to abdominal distention,edema due to spleen deficiency,carbuncle,etc.【Preparation/Consumption】

Cook,stir-fry,make soybean milk or toufu,or grind into powder to make cake,etc.【Cautions/Contraindications】

It should not be taken too much and the person who has gout should not take the bean.【Storage】

It should be preserved in cool and dry place and prevented from moisture and moth.


Lü Dou


为豆科植物绿豆 Phaseolusradiatus L.的种子。【采收加工或制法】





置于阴凉干燥处,防蛀。Lü Dou

Mung Bean【Origin】

It is the seed of Phaseolus radiatus L.of family Leguminosae.【Collection/Processing】

Collect the ripe seed in autumn and dry in the sun.【Flavor/Properties】Sweet in flavor and cool in nature.【Meridian Tropism】Heart,Liver and Stomach.【Functions and Indications】

Clear heat to detoxicate,promote water metabolism and relieve summer heat.Used for prevention of heatstroke,polydipsia due to summer heat,edema and oligurie,vomit and diarrhea due to cholera,itching skin due to rubella,carbuncles,medicine or food poisoning,etc.【Preparation/Consumption】

Decoct soup,cook,squeeze juice or grind into powder for consumption.【Cautions/Contraindications】

The one who has stomach cold should not take it.【Storage】

It should be preserved in cool and dry place and prevented from moth.


Hei Da Dou


为豆科大豆属植物大豆Glycine max(L.)Merr.的黑色种子。【采收加工或制法】秋季果实成熟时采收,晒干。【性味】味甘,性平。【归经】入肾、脾、心经。【功用】




置阴凉干燥处,防潮、防蛀。Hei Da Dou

Black Soybean【Origin】

It is the black seed of soybean plants of Glycine max(L.)Merr.in the family of Leguminosae.【Collection/Processing】

Collect the ripe seed in autumn and dry the seed in the sun.【Flavor/Properties】Sweet in flavor and moderate in nature.【Meridian Tropism】Kidney,Spleen and Heart.【Functions and Indications】

Tonify kidney and promote water metabolism,regulate the middle energizer and descend adverse qi,activate blood and expel wind,detoxicate and subside swelling.Used for lumbago due to kidney deficiency,edema and tumescence,jaundice and beriberi,spasm due to wind arthralgia,convulsion due to wind and trismus,carbuncles and poisonous sores,food poisoning,etc.【Preparation/Consumption】

Cook,stir-fry,grind into powder to make cake or make juice.【Cautions/Contraindications】

The one who has deficiency of spleen and stomach should take the soybean with caution.【Storage】

Preserved in cool and dry place and prevented from moisture and moth.


Yi Yi Ren


为禾本科薏苡属植物薏苡Coix lacryma-jobi L.var.ma-yuen(Romanet)stapf.的成熟种仁。【采收加工或制法】




宜贮藏于密封容器中,置放于阴凉、干燥、通风处,常翻晒,以防蛀防潮。Yi Yi Ren

Coix Seed【Origin】

It is the ripe kernel of Coix lacryma-jobi L.var.ma-yuen(Romanet)stapf.of family Poaceae.【Collection/Processing】

The early maturing variety should be collected around Great Heat (12th solar term) while the late maturing variety around Frost's Descent (18th solar term).Collect the whole plant when the fruit is ripe,dry the plant and take the fruit with hard testa,remove the shell and testa by a rice mill and sieve the chaff crumbs to collect the kernel.Dry the kernel in the sun for consumption.The kernel which is complete and plump with white color and fresh odor is of good quality.【Flavor/Properties】Tasteless and sweet in taste,slightly cold in nature.【Meridian Tropism】Lung,Spleen,Stomach and Kidney.【Functions and Indications】

Invigorate spleen and tonify stomach,promote water metabolism to relieve edema,sooth tendon to relieve pain,clear heat and discharge pus.Used for deficiency of spleen and stomach,poor appetite,edema,asthma,stranguria,beriberi,diarrhea,leukorrhea,pain due to wind and heat,spasm of tendons,lung abscess,intestine abscess,plane warts,etc.【Preparation/Consumption】

Cook soup and porridge,stew thick soup,steam,make dishes,brew wine,boil sugar,grind into powder or process as subsidiary foodstuff.【Cautions/Contraindications】

The one who has spleen defi ciency with middle qi sinking,diffi cult bowel movement and the pregnant women should take it with caution.【Storage】

Preserved in air-tight container in cool,dry and well-ventilated place.Bask it in the sun to prevent from moth and moisture.




Bai Cai


为十字花科芸薹属植物大白菜Brassica pekinensis Rupr.的叶球。【采收加工或制法】





用保鲜膜密封后放于冰箱保存;有条件者可置于地窖内贮藏。Bai Cai

Chinese Cabbage【Origin】

The leaf ball of Brassica pekinensis Rupr.in the family of Cruciferae.【Collection/Processing】

Collected in autumn or winter,and ready for use after getting rid of the mud.Tips for purchase: it is advised to choose the one with tight leaf ball,fresh and tender,and no insect bites.【Flavor/Properties】Sweet in flavor and neutral in nature.【Meridian Tropism】Stomach,Bladder,Large Intestine and Small Intestine.【Functions and Indications】

Nourish the stomach and quench thirst,diuresis and descends qi.Recommended for those with spleen-stomach disharmony,food accumulation,heat strangury,constipation,erysipelas,laryngopathy,loss of voice,pachycosis,tracheitis,cough or mumps.【Preparation/Consumption】

It can be used for salad,stir-fried,made into soup,used as stuffing,pickled pickles ,or juiced into beverage.【Cautions/Contraindications】

Large quantity of consumption is not recommended for those with deficiency cold of the spleen and stomach or loose stool.【Storage】

Sealed up with freshness-keeping plastic film to be stored in refrigerator.It can also be stored in cellar.


Xiao Bai Cai


为十字花科芸薹属植物青菜Brassica chinensis L.的幼株。【采收加工或制法】





保鲜膜密封,放于冰箱冷藏,可保存1周。Xiao Bai Cai


The young plant of Brassica chinensis L.in the family of Cruciferae.【Collection/Processing】

It can be collected all year round,but those in winter is preferred.Tips for purchase: the one with green body and full leaf blades is better.【Flavor/Properties】Sweet in flavor and cool in nature.【Meridian Tropism】Lung,Stomach,Large Intestine and Small Intestine.【Functions and Indications】

Promote digestion and benefits intestine,promote saliva production to quench thirst,resolve phlegm to stop coughing.Recommended for those with spleen-stomach disharmony,food accumulation,constipation,difficulty in micturition,wasting thirst,feverish dysphoria,cough with lung heat,drunkness,or sores.【Preparation/Consumption】

It can be used for salad,stir-fried,boiled,pickled,or deep-fried,and it can also be used as side dishes for chafing dish,or squeezed to make juice.【Cautions/Contraindications】

Use caution for those who are prone to have diarrhea due to deficiency cold of the spleen.Those who are using Licorice Root,Large-headed Atractylodes Rhizome or Swordlike Atractylodes Rhizome must not use it.【Storage】

It can be stored in refrigerator for one week,sealed up with plastic wrap.


Gan Lan


为十字花科芸薹属植物结球甘蓝Brassica oleracea L.var.capitata L.的球茎、叶。【采收加工或制法】





放于阴凉、通风处或冰箱冷藏保鲜;亦可放地窖内贮藏。Gan Lan


The corm and leaf of Brassica oleracea L.var.capitata L.of Brassica genus in the family of Cruciferae.【Collection/Processing】

It can be collected all year round.The one planted in spring and harvested in summer is called summer kohlrabi,and the one planted in summer and harvested in autumn is called autumn kohlrabi.Tips for purchase: it is advised to choose the one with integrated shape,moderate size,no insect bites,and bright green color.【Flavor/Properties】Sweet in flavor and neutral in nature.【Meridian Tropism】Stomach and Kidney.【Functions and Indications】

Expel heat to alleviate pain,invigorate the stomach and kidney.Recommended for those with gastric or duodenal ulcer,deficiency of kidney-qi,joints detriment,insomnia,dizziness and tinnitus,amnesia,or senile dementia.【Preparation/Consumption】

Make salad,stir-fried,made into soup,used as side dishes for chafing dish,or pickled.【Cautions/Contraindications】

Highly recommended for those with gastric ulcer or cholecystitis.Use with caution for those with deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach or diarrhea.【Storage】

Stored in shady and ventilated area or cold-stored in refrigerator to keep freshness.It can also be stored in cellars.


Huang Gua


为葫芦科植物黄瓜Cucumis sativus L.的果实。【采收加工或制法】





放阴凉处保存。Huang Gua


It is the fruit of Cucumis sativus L.of family Cucurbitaceae.【Collection/Processing】

Collect the fruit in summer and take the fresh form.【Flavor/Properties】Sweet in flavor,cool in nature and non-toxic.【Meridian Tropism】Lung,Spleen and Stomach.【Functions and Indications】

Clear heat and promote urination,detoxicate and relieve sore throat.Used for thirst due to febrile disease,sore throat,scanty urine in dark color,scalding.【Preparation/Consumption】

Take the fresh fruit,or pickle,stir-fry,squeeze juice.【Cautions/Contraindications】

The one who has deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach should take it with caution.【Storage】

Preserved in cool place.


Fan Qie


为茄科植物番茄Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.的果实。【采收加工或制法】





放阴凉干燥处保存。Fan Qie


It is the fruit of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.of family Solanaceae.【Collection/Processing】

Collect the ripe fruit in summer and autumn,clean the fruit for fresh use.【Flavor/Properties】Sweet and sour in flavor,slightly cold in nature.【Meridian Tropism】Liver,Lung and Stomach.【Functions and Indications】

Clear heat and detoxicate,generate saliva to quench thirst,nourish blood and sooth liver,invigorate stomach and promote digestion.Used for dry throat or parched tongue,vexation and bitter taste,poor appetite,blurred vision,gum bleeding,dizziness,bedsore,etc.【Preparation/Consumption】

Make soup,cook porridge,stir-fry,consume the fresh fruit,squeeze juice or make ketchup.Mash the fruit for external use.【Cautions/Contraindications】

It is contraindicated for the person who has loose stool.【Storage】

Preserved in cool and dry place.


Hu Luo Bo


为伞形科植物胡萝卜Daucus carota L.var.sativa Hoffm.的根。【采收加工或制法】



生 食 、 炒 食 、 煮粥、捣汁等。【食宜食忌】


放阴凉处保存。Hu Luo Bo

Carrot,Daucus Carota【Origin】

The root of Daucus carota L.var.sativa Hoffm.in the Family of Apiaceae.【Collection/Processing】

Collected the root in winter,and cooked after it has been cleaned and the stem,leaves,rootlets have been removed.【Flavor/Properties】Sweet and slightly acrid in flavor and moderate in nature.【Meridian Tropism】Lung and Spleen.【Functions and Indications】

Strengthen spleen to soothe the middle,nourish liver to improve visual acuity,resolve phlegm to stop coughing,and clears away heat and toxic materials.Used to resolve food accumulation due to spleen asthenia,anorexia due to gastric distention,diarrhea due to dysentery,night blindness and dim eyesight,shortness of breath due to coughing,measles and chickenpox.【Preparation/Consumption】

It can be eaten raw or be fried,boiled into porridge,or made into juice.【Cautions/Contraindications】

Consumption of high quantities is not recommended.【Storage】





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