
发布时间:2020-05-26 06:43:00





























最后,预祝各位考生考出好成绩,进入自己理想的商学院,实现自己的梦想!赵洪波第一部分GMAT阅读理论篇第一节GMAT阅读总论一 概述




GMAT机考阅读部分具有以下特点,提醒各位考生注意:(1)计算机屏幕左边的阅读文章一直出现在屏幕上,右边每次只出现一道题目,直到考生将阅读理解最后一道题目的答案提交后,阅读文章才会从屏幕上消失。(2)考试的题目是根据难易程度出题的,也就是说第一题答对了,第二题的难度会加大,当然题目的分数也会增加。反之亦然。所以,考试时考生的分数不是简单地答对一题得多少分,而是与考生所答题目的难易程度密切相关。考生答对题目个数越多,题目难度会越大,最后的得分也就越高。(3)阅读理解的文章和题目的定位在顺序上没有对应关系。因为考试时根据难易程度出题,所以第一题的定位不一定在文章第一段,第二题的定位也不一定在第一题的定位后面。(4)选择答案并确认后,考生才能继续回答下一个问题。(5)答案提交之后,不可以查看也不可以更改。(6)如果阅读文章出现黄色底纹,此处一定出题。二 考查内容



1. 理解单词和句子


2. 理解观点和概念之间的逻辑关系


3. 依据事实和陈述推论


4. 理解和应用数量概念


贴心提示:针对此部分更加详细的解析,请考生参考《GMAT阅读精讲精练——图解逻辑法》和《GMAT官方指南阅读解析——图解逻辑法》。三 备考策略

1. 不要指望能完全熟悉阅读理解文章中所有的材料。


2. 认真分析每篇文章,因为这些问题要求考生具体且详细地理解材料。


3. 关注关键词和短语,避免遗漏文章讨论的内容。






4. 认真阅读题目,确保明白题目所问的问题。


5. 认真阅读每个选项。


6. 根据文章的信息,选择最佳选项。


7. 谨记:在解答阅读理解题目时,成功的重要因素是理解,并非阅读速度。第二节GMAT阅读题型

GMAT阅读的题型分为客观题和主观题两大类,客观题包括细节题、取非题、举例作用题、排除题、加强题、削弱题、类比题、推论题和段落功能题;主观题包括主旨题和态度题。考生可以参考下面的图表了解题型:一 细节题






It is true that Switzerland’s urbanized cantons (political subdivisions) generally enacted women’s suffrage legislation earlier than did rural cantons. However, these cantons often shared other characteristics—similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties—that may help to explain this phenomenon.

The passage states which of the following about Switzerland’s urbanized cantons?

A. These cantons shared characteristics other than urbanization that may have contributed to their implementation of women’s suffrage.

B. These cantons tended to be more politically divided than were rural cantons.

C. These cantons shared with certain rural cantons characteristics such as similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties.

D. The populations of these cantons shared similar views because urbanization furthered the diffusion of ideas among them.

E. These cantons were comparable to the most highly urbanized states in the United States in their stance toward the implementation of women’s suffrage.

解析>>A. 正确。other than urbanization = similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties,have contributed to their implementation of women’s suffrage = may help to explain this phenomenon。B. 文章并没有讨论 urban cantons 和 rural cantons 谁 more politically divided。C. 文章并没有讨论 urban cantons 和 rural cantons 具有相似的语言背景和左翼党派(similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties)。D. 文章并没有讨论 urban cantons 具有相似的观点是因为 diffusion of ideas。E. most highly urbanized states 极端词汇。二 取非题


Their grounds were calculations that suggested that the time it takes a particle to tunnel through a barrier increases with the thickness of the barrier until tunneling time reaches a maximum; beyond that maximum, tunneling time stays the same regardless of barrier thickness. This would imply that once maximum tunneling time is reached, tunneling speed will increase without limit as barrier thickness increases.

The passage implies that if tunneling time reached no maximum in increasing with barrier thickness, then

A. tunneling speed would increase with barrier thickness

B. tunneling speed would decline with barrier thickness

C. tunneling speed would vary with barrier thickness

D. tunneling speed would not be expected to increase without limit

E. successful tunneling would occur even less frequently than it does

解析>>[文章] once maximum tunneling time is reached, tunneling speed will increase without limit as barrier thickness increases. 一旦穿越时间达到最大值,随着障碍物厚度的增加,粒子穿越的速度将会无限制地增加。[题干]如果没有达到最大穿越时间,随着厚度增加会发生什么?由题干和文章的内容可知,题干和文章表达的内容是相反的。所以,只需要将文章中粒子达到最大穿越时间的结果(速度将无限制增加)取非即可,即当粒子没有达到最大穿越时间时,随着障碍物厚度的增加,粒子的速度不需要无限制增加。A. 如果穿越时间没有达到最大值,随着障碍物厚度的增加,粒子穿越的速度可能增加、下降或保持不变。B. 参考分析。C. 如果穿越时间没有达到最大值,随着障碍物厚度的增加,粒子穿越的速度可能会变化,但文章中没有具体信息可以得出这么确定的一个结论。D. 正确。如果粒子穿越的时间没有达到最大值,粒子穿越的速度将不会无限制地增加。换句话说,粒子穿越厚的障碍物的速度可以和穿越薄的障碍物的速度一样,都会以较慢的速度和更长的时间穿越障碍物。E. 文章没有信息表明,随着障碍物厚度增加,粒子穿越障碍物的可能性和粒子穿越更长的时间有关系。三 举例作用题(1)典型问法:题干出现in order to或serve primarily to(2)解题方法:




先观察illustrate, give/provide an example of 开头的选项




Biologists have concluded that even though a diatom does not rely on the environment to keep time, environmental factors—including changes in the tide’s hydrostatic pressure, salinity, mechanical agitation, and temperature—can alter the period of its biological clock according to changes in the tidal cycle. In short, the relation between an organism’s biological clock and its environment is similar to that between a wristwatch and its owner: the owner cannot make the watch run faster or slower, but can reset the hands.

The author of the passage compares the relationship between an organism’s biological clock and its environment to the relation between a wristwatch and its owner most probably in order to

A. point out a fundamental difference between the function of biological clocks in organisms and the use of mechanical clocks by humans

B. illustrate the way in which the period of an organism’s biological clock can be altered by environmental factors

C. suggest that there are important similarities between the biological clock in organisms such as the commuter diatom and the biological clock in humans

D. support an argument regarding the methods used by certain organisms to counteract the influence of the environment on their biological clocks

E. question the accuracy of the biological clock in organisms such as the commuter diatom

解析>>题干出现了in order to,说明这道题是举例作用题,题干问引号内容的目的是什么?第一步,先定位例子;第二步,根据逻辑关系找例子的服务对象;第三步,将服务的对象进行同义改写。逻辑结构参考如下:A. fundamental difference 错误。B. 正确。强调环境因素可以改变生物钟的周期。C. important similarities错误。D. methods错误。E. question the accuracy错误。四 排除题(1)典型问题:题干出现EXCEPT(2)解题方法:定位文中3~6处并列成分

Behavior in the game did not appreciably depend on the players’ sex, age, or education. Nor did the amount of money involved play a significant role: for instance, in trials of the game that were conducted in Indonesia, the sum to be shared was as much as three times the subjects’ average monthly income, and still responders refused offers that they deemed too small.

All of the following are expressly mentioned in the passage as factors that did not significantly affect players’ behavior EXCEPT the

A. players’ level of schooling

B. amount of money to be shared

C. ages of the players

D. players’ professions

E. genders of the players

解析>>A. schooling = education。B. amount of money to be shared = amount of money involved。C. ages of the players = players’ sex, age。D. 正确。文章没有谈到professions。E. genders of the players = players’ sex。五 加强题

加强题是阅读题目中难度较大的题目,题目要求加强一个观点。在GMAT考试中,阅读文章都是议论文,所以必然包含论点和论据。为了帮助考生利用应试技巧解答逻辑题中的加强题和削弱题,笔者用下面的方式表示议论文的特点:Argument = Conclusion + Premise。C(本书下面统一用C表示Conclusion)较为主观,而P(本书下面统一用斜体的P表示Premise)较为客观。例如句子She is confident because she is beautiful. 本句中She is confident是C,而because she is beautiful是P。在了解了C和P之后,下面讲解加强题的题型。(1)典型问法:Which of the following, if true, would most clearly support/strengthen the argument...?(2)题干特点:加强C(3)解题方法:




Unfortunately, because this approach fails to deal with the underlying causes of inflation, wage and price controls eventually collapse, the hitherto-repressed inflation resurfaces, and in the meantime, though the policy-makers succeed in avoiding a recession, a frozen structure of relative prices imposes distortions that do damage to the economy’s prospects for long-term growth.

Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the author’s conclusion about the use of wage and price controls?

A. Countries that repeatedly use wage and price controls tend to have lower long-term economic growth rates than do other countries.

B. Countries that have extremely high inflation frequently place very stringent controls on wages and prices in an attempt to decrease the inflation.

C. Some countries have found that the use of wage and price controls succeeds in decreasing inflation but also causes a recession.

D. Policymakers who advocate the use of wage and price controls believe that these controls will deal with the underlying causes of inflation.

E. Policymakers who advocate the use of wage and price controls are usually more concerned about long-term economic goals than about short-term economic goals.

解析>>题干要求加强Conclusion,即加强C:僵化的价格体系却会阻碍经济的长期发展。所以,要加强作者的观点,只要列举一个例子证明即可。A. 正确。经常使用工资和价格控制的国家有可能有更低的长期经济增长,lower long-term economic growth rates = imposes distortions。B. 有高通货膨胀的国家经常使用严格的工资和价格控制政策来降低通货膨胀,这并没有说明是否阻碍了这个国家长期的经济增长。C. 一些国家发现工资和价格控制策略可以成功地降低通货膨胀,同时也导致了经济萧条。无法说明是否阻碍了这个国家长期的经济增长。D. 提倡使用工资和价格控制通货膨胀的政策制定者认为这样的策略可以解决通货膨胀。believe并不是事实。E. 提倡使用工资和价格控制通胀的政策制定者通常更加关心长期的经济目标,这无法说明是否阻碍了这个国家长期的经济增长。六 削弱题(1)典型问法:Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine/weaken the argument...?(2)题干特点:削弱C(3)解题方法:


通过削弱P以达到削弱C (90%)


Moreover, Ziedonis and Hall found that as patenting activity at semiconductor firms increased in the 1980’s, the consensus among industry employees was that the average quality of their firms’ patents declined. Though patent quality is a difficult notion to measure, the number of times a patent is cited in the technical literature is a reasonable yardstick, and citations per semiconductor patent did decline during the 1980’s.

Which of the following, if true, would most clearly serve to weaken the author’s claim about what constitutes a reasonable yardstick for measuring patent quality?

A. It is more difficult to have an article accepted for publication in the technical literature of the semiconductor industry than it is in the technical literature of most other industries.

B. Many of the highest-quality semiconductor patents are cited numerous times in the technical literature.

C. It is difficult for someone not familiar with the technical literature to recognize what constitutes an innovative semiconductor patent.

D. There were more citations made per semiconductor patent in the technical literature in the 1970’s than in the 1980’s.

E. Low-quality patents tend to be discussed in the technical literature as frequently as high-quality patents.

解析>>Though patent quality is a difficult notion to measure, the number of times a patent is cited in the technical literature is a reasonable yardstick, and citations per semiconductor patent did decline during the 1980’s.作者的观点C:在科技文献中专利被引用的次数越多,专利的质量就越高。所以,要削弱作者的观点,只需要说专利质量的高低和专利在科技文献中引用的数量之间没有关系即可。A. 和其他行业比,半导体行业发表文章更加困难。这无法削弱专利质量和专利引用次数之间的关系。B. 很多高质量的专利在科技文献中被引用了很多次,某种程度上加强了作者的观点。many是模糊词汇。C. 人们对专利的熟悉程度不是判断专利质量高低的标准,无法削弱作者的观点。D. 和20世纪80年代相比,20世纪70年代时,专利在科技文献中有更多的引用,某种程度加强作者的观点。E. 正确。低质量的专利和高质量的专利在科技文献中被引用的频率是一样的,那么就说明专利质量的高低和专利在科技文献中引用的数量之间没有关系。七 类比题(1)典型问法:题干出现similar to, analogous to(2)解题方法:抓住本质

As a solution, they challenge the government’s assumption that a family’s income should depend primarily on wages and urge the government to provide generous wage supplements (child and housing allowances) to singleparents whose wages are low.

Which of the following is most clearly an example of the policy advocated by the policy analysts?

A. A government provides training to women who wish to move out of occupations in which women are concentrated.

B. A government supports research that analyzes the connection between wage inequality and poverty among single-parent families headed by women.

C. A government surveys wages annually to make certain that women and men in the same jobs receive the same pay.

D. A government analyzes jobs in terms of the education and responsibility they require and publishes a list of jobs that should be considered equivalent for wage purposes.

E. A government provides large rent subsidies to single parents whose wages are less than half the average worker’s wage.

解析>>本质是对低收入单亲家庭给予补助。A. 政府提供training,与对低收入单亲家庭给予补助的本质不符。B. 政府支持research,与对低收入单亲家庭给予补助的本质不符。C. 政府每年调查(survey)确保男性和女性同工同酬,与对低收入单亲家庭给予补助的本质不符。D. 政府分析工作(analyze jobs),与对低收入单亲家庭给予补助的本质不符。E. 正确。large rent subsidies对应于wage supplements,whose wages are less than half the average worker’s wage对应于whose wages are low。八 推论题

推论题要求考生推论出作者没有明确谈及但暗示的观点。推论题不同于细节题,细节题考查文章中直接被陈述的信息,而推论题则要求从文章直接陈述的信息中推论出某些观点或意义。作者以间接的方式提出自己的观点,也就是说作者实际上没有明确提出观点。推论题考查考生理解作者在文章某一部分文字中所隐含的意义的能力。这些题目所考查的意思或含义不会和文章无关,相反,均是作者间接提出的意义或具体暗示的含义。(1)典型问法:题干出现It can be inferred...(2)解题方法:





Seventeenth-century philosopher John Locke stated that as much as 99 percent of the value of any useful product can be attributed to “the effects of labor.” For Locke’s intellectual heirs it was only a short step to the “labor theory of value,” whose formulators held that 100 percent of the value of any product is generated by labor (the human work needed to produce goods) and that therefore the employer who appropriates any part of the product’s value as profit is practicing theft.

Although human effort is required to produce goods for the consumer market, effort is also invested in making capital goods (tools, machines, etc.), which are used to facilitate the production of consumer goods. In modern economies about one-third of the total output of consumer goods is attributable to the use of capital goods. Approximately two-thirds of the income derived from this total output is paid out to workers as wages and salaries, the remaining third serving as compensation to the owners of the capital goods. Moreover, part of this remaining third is received by workers who are shareholders, pension beneficiaries, and the like. The labor theory of value systematically disregards the productive contribution of capital goods—a failing for which Locke must bear part of the blame.

Which of the following arguments would a proponent of the labor theory of value, as it is presented in the first paragraph, be most likely to use in response to the statement that “The labor theory of value systematically disregards the productive contribution of capital goods”?

A. The productive contributions of workers and capital goods cannot be compared because the productive life span of capital goods is longer than that of workers.

B. The author’s analysis of the distribution of income is misleading because only a small percentage of workers are also shareholders.

C. Capital goods are valuable only insofar as they contribute directly to the production of consumer goods.

D. The productive contribution of capital goods must be discounted because capital goods require maintenance.

E. The productive contribution of capital goods must be attributed to labor because capital goods are themselves products of labor.

解析>>第一段:proponent of the labor theory of value认为任何商品100%的价值是由劳动创造的,所有的价值都应该归因于劳动者。第二段:根据...disregards the productive contribution of capital goods可知,作者认为任何商品产生的价值是由human work和capital goods共同创造的。由此可知,proponent of the labor theory of value为了进一步加强自己的观点,会将capital goods也归因于human work。A. 即使因为capital goods的生产寿命长于工人的生产寿命,导致capital goods和工人的生产贡献无法被比较,这也不能支持或加强labor theory of value支持者的观点。B. 即使很少的一部分工人是股东,导致作者对收入分配的分析具有误导性,但这也不能支持或加强labor theory of value支持者的观点。另外,从逻辑上分析,本篇文章是作者写的,如果作者的分析是misleading的,那么谁的分析会是正确的呢?提醒考生注意:逻辑上错误的选项一定不是正确答案。C. 如果承认capital goods是有价值的,这是对labor theory of value支持者的观点的削弱。D. 即使capital goods因为需要维修,导致其生产贡献被忽视,但这并不能否定capital goods也在整个的生产过程中创造价值。E. 正确。如果把capital goods的生产贡献归因于labor,也就是说任何商品的价值都是由labor创造的。九 段落功能题(1)典型问法:The function of the paragraph is to...

The purpose of the second paragraph is to...(2)解题方法:段首句+段尾句


To compete effectively in international markets, a nation’s businesses must sustain investment in intangible as well as physical assets. Although an enormous pool of investment capital exists in the United States, the country’s capital investment practices put United States companies at a competitive disadvantage.

United States capital investment practices, shaped by sporadic and unpredictable changes in tax policy and high federal budget deficits, encourage both underinvestment and overinvestment. For example, United States companies invest at a low rate in internal development projects, such as improving supplier relations, which do not offer immediate profit, and systematically invest at a high rate in external projects, such as corporate takeovers, that yield immediate profit. Also, United States companies make too few linkages among different forms of investments. Such linkages are important because physical assets, such as factories, may not reach their potential level of productivity unless companies make parallel investments in intangible assets such as employee training and product redesign. In general, unlike Japanese and German investment practices, which focus on companies’ long-term interests, United States investment practices favor those forms of investment for which financial returns are most readily available. By making minimal investments in intangible assets, United States companies reduce their chances for future competitiveness.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the second paragraph?

A. To propose a solution to the problem introduced in the first paragraph

B. To provide support for an argument presented in the first paragraph

C. To provide data to refute an assertion made in the first paragraph

D. To discuss the sources of investment capital mentioned in the first paragraph

E. To discuss the competitiveness of international markets alluded to in the first paragraph

解析>>当题干问The function/purpose of the second paragraph is to方法:P2首句+ P1尾句(本书下面统一用P表示Paragraph)第一段:提出结论,即美国具有大量的投资资本,但美国资本投资的做法却使美国处于竞争的劣势。第二段:分析原因。综上,第二段的目的是给出具体的理由,解释第一段尾句的观点。A. 第二段并没有给出具体的解决方案。B. 正确。第二段给出了两点原因来解释第一段的结论。C. 第二段是对第一段的解释,并不是反驳。D. 第二段并没有讨论第一段谈到的投资资本的来源问题。E. 第二段并没有讨论国际市场的竞争力。十 主旨题

每篇文章是一个统一的整体——也就是说,每个句子和每个段落都用来支持和扩展一个中心思想(main idea)或中心要点(central point)。有时文章本身会表明中心思想,有时则需要考生根据文章的整个结构或发展得出文章的中心思想。考生需要做到:




During the nineteenth century, occupational information about women that was provided by the United States census—a population count conducted each decade—became more detailed and precise in response to social changes. Through 1840, simple enumeration by household mirrored a home-based agricultural economy and hierarchical social order: the head of the household (presumed male or absent) was specified by name, whereas other household members were only indicated by the total number of persons counted in various categories, including occupational categories. Like farms, most enterprises were family-run, so that the census measured economic activity as an attribute of the entire household, rather than of individuals.

The 1850 census, partly responding to antislavery and women’s rights movements, initiated the collection of specific information about each individual in a household. Not until 1870 was occupational information analyzed by gender: the census superintendent reported 1.8 million women employed outside the home in “gainful and reputable occupations.” In addition, he arbitrarily attributed to each family one woman “keeping house.” Overlap between the two groups was not calculated until 1890, when the rapid entry of women into the paid labor force and social issues arising from industrialization were causing women’s advocates and women statisticians to press for more thorough and accurate accounting of women’s occupations and wages.

The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. explain and critique the methods used by early statisticians

B. compare and contrast a historical situation with a current-day one

C. describe and explain a historical change

D. discuss historical opposition to an established institution

E. trace the origin of a contemporary controversy

解析>>第一段:首句谈到19世纪针对社会变化,对女性职业统计的信息越来越具体和准确。然后谈到1840年统计的情况。第二段:谈论了1850、1870、1890年统计的状况。所以,文章是总分结构,第一段首句是主题句Topic Sentence。方法一:主题句同义改写A. critique the methods文章没有谈到。B. current-day是21世纪,文章谈论的是19世纪。C. 正确。historical change = social changes。D. historical opposition文章没有谈到。E. 根据文章argument的特点,trace在选项出现时是错误的。trace the origin文章没有谈到。方法二:文章结构P1: 19th = TS 1840(本书下面统一用TS表示主题句Topic Sentence)P2: 1850...1870...1890根据选项特征,C选项里的historical changes包含了1840、1850、1870和1890年统计的变化。十一 态度题

写作态度的题目考查考生对文章的表达方式和作者为表达观点选词的看法。这类题目要求考生能够根据作者对一个观点、事实或情况所使用的词汇推断出作者的态度。题目或许要求考生选出一个单词,比如critical, questioning, objective或enthusiastic,从而准确地描述对文章的看法。


However, it is important to note that other factors, such as volcanic particulates or variations in the amount of sunlight received by the Earth, could potentially have affected the climate. The advantage of the Milankovitch theory is that it is test able: changes in the Earth’s orbit can be calculated and dated by applying Newton’s laws of gravity to progressively earlier configurations of the bodies in the solar system. Yet the lack of information about other possible factors affecting global climate does not make them unimportant.

The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the Milankovitch theory?

A. It is the only possible explanation for the ice ages.

B. It is too limited to provide a plausible explanation for the ice ages, despite recent research findings.

C. It cannot be ESTed and confirmed until further research on volcanic activity is done.

D. It is one plausible explanation, though not the only one, for the ice ages.

E. It is not a plausible explanation for the ice ages, although it has opened up promising possibilities for future research.

解析>>题干问作者对Milankovitch理论的态度。由此可以定位:The advantage of Milankovitch theory is that it is testable. 所以,作者对Milankovitch理论的态度是正评价,故负评价的选项可以排除。A. 是对冰川时代的唯一解释,文章信息表明还有其他因素可以解释冰川时代。B. too limited to provide a plausible explanation负评价。C. cannot be tested负评价。D. 正确。根据it is important to note that other factors可知,还有其他因素会影响气候,所以Milankovitch并不是对冰川年代的唯一解释。E. not a plausible explanation负评价。第二部分阅读实践篇原文+题目TEST 1Exercise 1【文章分析】

P1: Political historians...Women’s historians...instead...

P2: However...underestimated...For example...According to...mid-1850’s...【逻辑简图】【经典回顾】According to Whig propaganda, women who turned out at the party’s rallies gathered information that enabled them to mold party-loyal families, reminded men of moral values that transcended party loyalty, and conferred moral standing on the party.【题目解析】【文章翻译】战前(内战前)政治史和女性历史两个领域使用不同的资源,关注不同的事件。政治历史学家,研究投票记录、报纸和政治家的著作等资源,关注1840年代一个新的“美国政治民族”的出现,由于女性既不是选民,也不是政客,她们很少被讨论。与此同时,女性历史学家对党派政治不感兴趣,而是利用私人文件、法律记录(比如遗嘱)以及女性协会记录来解释妇女的家庭生活、道德改革及女权运动的出现。然而,大多数历史学家都低估了妇女在战前时期的政治效忠的程度和意义。例如,在1840年代的总统大选中,弗吉尼亚州辉格党邀请女性集会和演讲,努力赢得了弗吉尼亚州妇女的效忠。据辉格党的宣传,妇女在党的集会中收集信息,使她们能够塑造出效忠党的家庭,提醒男人道德价值观超越党派忠诚,树立政党道德声誉。作为回应,弗吉尼亚州的民主党也开始对妇女作出类似的呼吁。到1850年代中期,妇女参与党派政治活动变得普遍,这种妇女参政的意识形态被民主党效仿。Exercise 2【文章分析】

P1: numerical effect...obvious...fewer...however...reduce genetic diversity...most evident...Indeed...Although...

P2: also alter genetic structure. Low...crucial...Yet high...problematic...for example...

P3: reason to suspect...increase...result in...【逻辑简图】【经典回顾】Low levels of straying are crucial, since the process provides a source of novel genes and a mechanism by which a location can be repopulated should the fish there disappear.【题目解析】【文章翻译】在过去的150年里,人类活动包括采矿、放牧、采伐、农业以及娱乐和城市发展已导致大片的鲑鱼栖息地消失。数量上的变化是明显的:腐化地的鲑鱼比纯净地的少许多;然而,栖息地丧失还可能降低基因多样性。在鲑鱼全部灭绝的情况下,其表现最为明显。确实,大多数分析家认为,一些环境的恶化是导致很多鲑鱼种群灭绝的罪魁祸首。尽管一些河流重新有鱼栖息,但是原始族群的独特基因已经失去。一个地方受到大规模扰乱可能会改变邻近地区物种的基因结构,尽管那些地区是未被污染的。为何?虽然鲑鱼有强烈的返巢本能,可以回到出生的河流,但仍有一部分鱼(很少超过15%)从海里归来会迷路,在附近溪流产卵。低迷路率是重要的,因为这个过程提供一种新基因资源和一种机制,当一个地方的鱼消失了,可以重新繁殖。但高迷路率是有问题的,因为迷路的鱼和现有的鱼杂交,到了某个程度,现有(基因)的当地适应性就会被冲淡。环境条件稳定时,迷路率相对低,但当溪流受到严重扰乱时,迷路率会大大提升。例如,1980年圣海伦斯火山爆发,往哥伦比亚河的若干支流倾入泥浆碎块。接下来几年,海洋归来的硬头鳟(鲑科的一种)被迫寻找另外的溪流产卵。结果,它们的迷路率从原先的16%升到40%以上。虽然没人量化过人类扰乱造成的迷路率的变化,但我们没理由怀疑其后果和圣海伦斯火山喷发造成的后果有本质的区别。从被破坏地转移到纯净地的迷路率的急剧上升导致大量的基因流动,从而降低后代的整体适应性。Exercise 3【文章分析】

P1: Recently...Some hypothesize...However...rather than...a consequence of...

P2: not suggest...fixed...concluded...In short...However...for example...【逻辑简图】【经典回顾】A commuter diatom has an unusually accurate biological clock, a consequence of the unrelenting environmental pressures to which it is subjected; any diatoms that do not burrow before the tide arrives are washed away.【题目解析】【文章翻译】近期,生物学家对直菱板藻硅藻表现出的和潮汐关联的周期行为感兴趣。这种藻是显微可见的金棕色藻,栖于潮水冲刷的海岸线(潮间带)。有时被称为“通勤者”的这类硅藻在高潮时挖坑,在日间低潮时出洞。在潮水上升淹没沙之前它又再挖洞。一些科学家假设,通勤者硅藻知道退潮是因为它们感知环境变化,如潮汐运动导致的温度变化或压力变化。但是,当在实验室稳定的环境下观察硅藻,它们在数周内仍表现周期行为,继续挖洞。这表明通勤者硅藻并非依赖环境信号来记录时间,而是拥有一个内在的生物钟,让它们预计环境的周期变化。残酷的环境压力造就了通勤者硅藻异常准确的生物钟,在潮汐来临之前所有没有挖洞的硅藻都会被冲走。这并不是说生物钟周期一成不变。生物学家指出,虽然硅藻不靠环境定时间,但是环境因素——包括潮水静水压力、盐度、机械搅动及温度——能让硅藻按照潮汐周期的变化改变生物钟周期。简而言之,有机体的生物钟与环境的关系就像腕表和它的主人的关系:主人不能让表走快或走慢,但可以重置指针。但是这种关系在潮间带生活的居民如通勤者硅藻中是复杂的,因为这些有机体受到太阳日周期和潮汐周期等的影响,有时在单独行为中同时表现这两种周期,例如通勤者硅藻只在日间低潮时出现。Exercise 4【文章分析】

P1: “indirect” purchase...favor “supplier partnerships”...two variables to evaluate...four possible situations

P2: type 1, 2, 3, 4【逻辑简图】【经典回顾】With “indirect” purchases (such as computers, advertising, and legal services), which are not directly related to production, corporations often favor “supplier partnerships” (arrangements in which the purchaser forgoes the right to pursue alternative suppliers), which can inappropriately shelter suppliers from rigorous competitive scrutiny that might afford the purchaser economic leverage.【题目解析】【文章翻译】在企业采购里,竞争力审查通常只限于与最终产品有直接关联的物品供应商。对于“非直接”购买(如电脑、广告、法律服务),产品不与生产直接挂钩,企业常偏好“供应商伙伴关系”(购买者放弃寻找替代供应商的权利),这可能会不适当地使供应商逃过严格的竞争力审查,从而令购买者的经济优势丧失。有两个独立变量——替代品可用性和更换供应商的便利性——可让公司用来评估是否让间接采购供应商接受竞争力审查。具体有以下四种情况。第一种情况,替代品多,更换容易。可能的话,通过频繁竞标公开寻找替代品效果最好。第二种情况,替代品多,更换困难——如员工福利供应商——重要的是经常性地检验市场并用检验结果保证现在的供应商做出让步。替代品仍会对现有的供应商产生一定威胁,尽管换供应商的能力有限。第三种情况,替代品少,更换容易,这就造成了一种威胁,公司可利用该威胁与现在的供应商谈判使其让步。第四种情况,替代品少,更换困难,伙伴关系可能就无法避免了。TEST 2原文+题目Exercise 1【文章分析】

P1: ALH84001...generally agree...PAH

P2: Skepticism...however...For example...However...contrary to...skeptic’s strongest argument, however...Yet...【逻辑简图】【经典回顾】However, McKay’s team has demon stated that the concentration of PAH’s increases as one looks deeper into ALH84001, contrary to what one would expect from terrestrial contamination.【题目解析】





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