
发布时间:2020-05-26 09:01:50








Ⅰ.  Explain the following terms in English (15)

1. acronyms【答案】Acronym is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily modified headword, e.g. NATO, UNESCO. Acronyms are a type of word formation process, and they are viewed as a subtype of blending. Acronyms are used most often to abbreviate names of organizations and long or frequently referenced terms. The armed forces and government agencies frequently employ acronyms. Business and industry also are prolific coiners of acronyms. The rapid advance of science and technology in recent centuries seems to be an underlying force driving the usage, as new inventions and concepts with multiword names create a demand for shorter, more manageable names. Besides, Acronym use has been further popularized by text messaging on mobile phones with Short Message Systems.

2. componential analysis【答案】Componential analysis, also called feature analysis or contrast analysis, is the analysis of words through structured sets of semantic features, which are given as “present”, “absent” or “indifferent with reference to feature”. The method thus departs from the principle of compositionality. Componential analysis is a method typical of structural semantics which analyzes the components of a word’s meaning. Thus, it reveals the culturally important features by which speakers of the language distinguish different words in a semantic field or domain. This is a highly valuable approach to learning another language and understanding a specific semantic domain of Ethnography.

3. overgeneralization【答案】Overgeneralization, also called hasty generalization, is an informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence—essentially making a rushed conclusion without considering all of the variables. In linguistics, overgeneralization is the application of a grammatical rule in cases where it doesn’t apply. The term overgeneralization is most often used in connection with language acquisition by children. For example, a young child may say “foots” instead of “feet,” overgeneralizing the morphological rule for making plural nouns. Overgeneralization is defined as the use of previously available strategies in new situations. In second language learning some of these strategies prove helpful in organizing the facts about the second language.

Ⅱ.  What are cross-associations in the second language acquisition? Illustrate the idea with examples from English or Chinese. (10)【答案】In second language acquisition, the first language study has served as a backcloth for perceiving and understanding new facts about second language learning. However, just as the term itself suggests, second language acquisition is different from first language acquisition and the second language learners generally fail to attain native—like competence. The language they produce, which is called interlanguage (IL) or learner language, tends to become fossilized at certain level. Besides, during the process of second language acquisition, learners always make some errors and errors are significant in telling the teacher what needs to be taught,in telling the researcher how learning proceeds and those errors are a means whereby learners test their hypotheses about the language to be learnt. There are two kinds of errors: interlingual errors which mainly result from cross. 1inguistic interference at different levels such as phonological,lexical,grammatical or discoursal etc. and intralingual errors which mainly result from faulty or partial leaning of the target language, independent of the native language. There are learning strategies-based errors, communication strategies-based errors,induced errors,and some compound and ambiguous errors. Cross-association is a kind of intralingual error. For example, in English we sometimes may come across words which are similar in meaning. Their spelling and pronunciation are also alike. The close association of the two often leads to confusion, such as the confusion of other/another, much/many, stalagmite/stalactite in learning English words. It may also occur at all levels of language from phonological to syntactic. For example: The coffee is too hot to drink. *The apricot is too sour to eat it.【答题思路】首先分析二语习得的特点以及与母语习得的差异,然后解释互相联想的含义,并结合英语中的具体例子进行阐释。

Ⅲ.  Do you agree upon the idea that women’s linguistic behavior is more indirect and, hence, more polite than men’s? Please illustrate your view with examples. (15)【答案】

(1) Language and gender is an interdisciplinary field of research that studies varieties of speech in terms of gender, gender relations, gendered practices, and sexuality and the studies of language and gender has been more and more an important part of sociolinguistics in recent decades because of the widely extended feminist movement around the world. It is assumed that men and women use language differently from each other and it has much to do with the social identity and some other cultural factors. There are some specific differences between the language use of men and women.

(2) The language of women is more standard than that of man. In the use of intonations: the female speakers tend to have a wider range in their intonation. And female speakers are heard to use the low-rise intonation with statements much more frequently than male speakers. In the use of certain lexical items, the word “girl” is commonly used by females to females as an address for, men would mainly use ladies. Besides, some adjectives of evaluation are used more frequently by females than by males, such as “nice”, “lovely”, “cute”, “fantastic” and also some intensifiers,such as “awfully”. In summary, female speech is less assertive and thus sounds to be more polite than male speech. Female speakers tend to use more often the question tag, such syntactic forms as “I’m afraid…”and “I’m not sure but...”.

(3) The reason for these differences in language use between male and female can be explained from the social role men and women are entitled and sometimes the cultural tradition in specific countries. We act out gender roles from a continuum of masculine and feminine characteristics; we are therefore gendered and we are involved in the process of our own gendering and the gendering of others throughout our lives. In many ways we are rehearsed into our gender roles, like being prepared for a part in a play: gender is something we do, not something we are. On the other hand, in some culture, women are not allowed to speak in front of others when her husband is speaking, which is a kind of cultural constraint on women in language use.【答题思路】首先解释语言和性别的关系,然后结合不同性别使用语言的差异并来分析造成这种差异的原因。

Ⅳ.  Cite examples from English and Chinese to show how the CP is violated in actual conversations, with reference to the concept of ‘conversational implicature’. (20)【答案】

(1) Quite often a speaker can mean much more than what is said and the hearer can understand the speaker’s meaning. Grice believes that there must be some mechanisms governing the production and comprehension of these utterances. He argues that there is a set of assumptions guiding the conduct of conversation. This is what he calls the Cooperative Principle. There are four maxims under this general principle: the maxim of quantity, quality, relation and manner.

(2) The use of terms “principle” and “maxim” does not mean that everybody will follow the CP and its maxims all the time. People do violate the maxims and tell lies and the violations of such maxims have given rise to the Conversational Implicature, which refers to what the speaker truly wants to imply through his speech. There are mainly three types of the conversational implicature. First, the speaker deliberately flouts a conversational maxim to convey an additional meaning not expressed literally. For instance, a speaker responds to the question “How did you like the guest lecturer?” with the following utterance: Well, I’m sure he was speaking English. If the speaker is assumed to be following the cooperative principle, in spite of flouting the maxim of relevance, then the utterance must have an additional non-literal meaning, such as: “The content of the lecturer’s speech was confusing.” Second, the speaker desires to fulfill two conflicting maxims resulting in his or her flouting one maxim to invoke the other. For instance, a speaker responds to the question “Where is John?” with the following utterance: He’s either in the cafeteria or in his office. In this case, the maxim of quantity and the maxim of quality are in conflict. A cooperative speaker does not want to be ambiguous but also does not want to give false information by giving a specific answer in spite of his uncertainty. By flouting the maxim of quantity, the speaker invokes the maxim of quality, leading to the implicature that the speaker does not have the evidence to give a specific location where he believes John is. Third, the speaker invokes a maxim as a basis for interpreting the utterance. In the following exchange: Do you know where I can get some gas? There’s a gas station around the corner. The second speaker invokes the maxim of relevance, resulting in the implicature that “the gas station is open and one can probably get gas there”.

(3) In Chinese, there are also some examples of blatantly violating the CP in order to express the conversational implicature. For example in the following dialogue: “—刚刚你去哪儿了? —就出去了一趟。” It is obviously that the second speaker violates the maxim of quantity and doesn’t answer the question by providing enough information, which may be explained by his unwillingness to tell the first speaker where he or she has been. Thus by apparently violating the CP, the speaker intend to tell something more than he or she really speaks to the hearer and he or she assumes that the hearer can work out the conversational implicature.【答题思路】首先介绍合作原则和会话含义的内容,然后结合英汉交际中的具体的例子来分析人们违背合作原则所产生的会话含义及其原因。英美文学部分

Ⅰ.  Match the writer’s name in the name column with the work in the right column. (15)【答案】1-5: HJKGF; 6-10: CBAED; 11-15: NIMLO

Ⅱ.  Multiple Choice: select from choices A, B, C, D of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement and write the letter on the answer sheet. (15)

1. Romanticism is a movement that marked a partial reaction in literature, philosophy, art, religion, and po1itics from the _____ of the preceding period.

A. Realism

B. Modernism

C. Colonialism

D. Neoclassicism【答案】D【解析】本题考查浪漫主义的背景。18世纪末至19世纪30年代的欧洲,革命和战争频仍,动乱不已。政治中的黑暗,社会的不平等,使人们感到法国大革命后确立的资本主义制度远不如启蒙思想家描绘的那样美好。社会各阶层,特别是知识分子,对启蒙思想家设想的“理性王国”深感失望,努力寻找新的精神寄托。这种社会情绪反映在文学创作领域,就产生了浪漫主义文学。所以浪漫主义是对之前古典主义的反抗。

2. Being a period of the great flowering of American literature, Romanticism is also called “_____”.

A. The Enlightenment Movement

B. the American Renaissance

C. The Restoration of Romance

D. the Intellectual Movement【答案】B【解析】本题考查美国浪漫主义。美国浪漫主义是美国文学繁荣发展的上升期,因此又被称为美国文学的“文艺复兴时期”。

3. In the following authors, _____ work reflected the shift in American literature from the rationalism of the 18th century to the sentimental romanticism of the 19th century.

A. Washington Irving’s

B. Mark Twain’s

C. O. Henry’s

D. William Faulkner’s【答案】A【解析】本题考查美国感伤浪漫主义的代表作家。欧文的作品标志着美国文学进入感伤浪漫主义时期。

4. In the following statements, _____ is NOT the feature of Transcendentalism?

A. emphasized the power of knowledge

B. believed that the permanent reality was the spiritual one

C. took nature as symbolic of spirit of God

D. placed spirit first and matter second【答案】A【解析】本题考查超验主义的特点。超验主义的核心观点是主张人能超越感觉和理性而直接认识真理,强调直觉的重要性,而非知识的重要性。超验主义的主要思想观点有三。首先,超验主义者强调精神,或超灵。其二,超验主义者强调个人的重要性。其三,超验主义者以全新的目光看待自然,认为自然界是超灵或上帝的象征。

5. The two greatest advocates of the Transcendentalism movement were_____.

A. Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville

B. Walt Whitman and Robert Frost

C. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau

D. Mark Twain and O. Henry【答案】C【解析】本题考查超验主义的代表作家。艾默生和梭罗是美国超验主义的代表作家,他们的主要作品有《自然》和《瓦尔登湖》都是超验主义的体现。

6. _____ is NOT written by Henry, David Thoreau.

A. The Maine Woods

B. The Catcher in the Rye

C. Cape Cod

D. Civil Disobedience【答案】B【解析】本题考查梭罗的作品。《缅因森林》《科德角》和《论公民的不服从权利》都是索罗的作品。《麦田里的守望者》是塞林格的作品。

7. Realism as a movement in American literature ranged from 1865 to 1914, and was a partial reaction to much of the earlier _____ tradition.

A. old and medieval

B. neoclassical

C. modem

D. romantic and sentimental【答案】D【解析】本题考查美国现实主义文学的背景。美国现实主义时期的美国文学是美国精神的表现,尤其是美国小说。现实主义是对浪漫主义的一种反动。正视现实,不尚空想。现实主义文学又为现代主义文学铺平了道路。

8. Along with realistic movement, another important literary tendency that began to develop out of it is _____.

A. the school of modernism

B. the school of renaissance

C. the school of naturalism

D. the school of romanticism【答案】C【解析】本题考查自然主义文学的背景。自然主义文学伴随着现实主义产生,主要受达尔文的进化论的影响。

9. “The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.” the two-line poem is titled _____.

A. “In a Station of the Metro”

B. “Faces in the Crowd”

C. “To Petals”

D. “The Grave of Love”【答案】A【解析】本题考查庞德的经典意象小诗《在一个地铁车站》。

10. Black fiction began to attract critical attention and African-Americans started to question their identity as a group and as an individual during _____.

A. the romantic period

B. the realistic period

C. the revolutionary period

D. the postwar period【答案】D【解析】本题考查美国黑人文学的产生背景。20世纪60年代对于美国来说是个动荡的年代,是美国黑人政治觉醒的时代。黑人已经意识到他们和白人在任何方面都应该是平等的,包括政治权利。60年代也是黑人文学迅猛发展的时代。

11. “If winter comes, can spring be far behind!” is an epigrammatic line by _____.

A. Keats

B. Blake

C. Wordsworth

D. Shelley【答案】D【解析】本题考查雪莱的经典诗句。“冬天来了春天还会远吗”出自雪莱的《西风颂》。

12. The early poems of Pound and Eliot and Yeats’s matured poetry marked the rise of “_____”.

A. romantic poetry

B. modem poetry

C. realistic poetry

D. classical poetry【答案】B【解析】本题考查现代主义诗歌的兴起。庞德,艾略特和济慈的诗歌预示着现代诗歌的逐渐兴起。

13. Modernist writers such as Virginia Woolf concentrated all their efforts on digging into the human_____.

A. mind

B. consciousness

C. sense

D. sensibility【答案】B【解析】本题考查现代主义文学的特征。弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫的作品属于现代意识流,更多的关注人的意识。

14. Ulysses by _____ gives an account of man’s life during one day in Dublin.

A. Dorothy Richardson

B. George Bernard Shaw

C. James Joyce

D.T.S. Eliot【答案】C【解析】本题考查《尤利西斯》的作者。长篇小说《尤利西斯》是爱尔兰作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯的作品,通过描述一天内发生的单一事件向人们展示了一幅人类社会的缩影,通过对一个人一天日常生活和精神变化的细致刻画揭示了人类社会的悲与喜,英雄与懦夫的共存以及宏伟与沉闷的同现,是意识流的代表作品。

15. _____ is the leading figure of the English romantic poetry, the focal poetic voice of the period in British literature.

A. William Wordsworth

B. William Butler Yeats

C. Jane Austen

D. Walt Whitman【答案】A【解析】本题考查英国浪漫主义的先驱和代表人物。华兹华斯的诗歌理论动摇了英国古典主义诗学的统治,有力地推动了英国诗歌的革新和浪漫主义运动的发展。其和柯勒律治合作发表的《抒情歌谣集》宣告了浪漫主义新诗的诞生。

Ⅲ.  Read the following statements and write T for true and F for false. (15)

1. Estella is one of the characters in Thomas Hardy’s masterpiece Great Expectations.【答案】F【解析】本题考查《远大前程》。《远大前程》是狄更斯的作品,艾丝黛拉是该作品中的一个角色。因此该表述有误。

2. Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base.【答案】T【解析】本题考查现代主义的理论基础。现代主义以非理性哲学和精神分析原理作为理论基础。因此该表述正确。

3. Born of the same cultural heritage, the American writers shared some common features with the French Romanticists.【答案】F【解析】本题考查美国浪漫主义文学的特征。美国浪漫主义作家与英国浪漫主义作家继承相同的文学传统,在文学创作上具有相似之处。因此该表述有误。

4. The realistic spirit seemed particularly suited to American democracy.【答案】F【解析】本题考查浪漫主义文学的相关知识。浪漫主义文学所倡导的个人主义和对个人的关注是美国民主的主要体现。因此该表述有误。

5. The phase of New England Transcendentalism is the summit of American Romanticism.【答案】T【解析】本题考查美国超验主义文学。超验主义文学时期是美国浪漫主义文学的顶峰时期,这一时期美国文学逐渐发展出自己的文学创作理论和主张。因此该表述正确。

6. To the transcendentalists such as Hawthorne and Melville, man is divine in nature and therefore forever perfectible.【答案】F【解析】本题考查美国浪漫主义文学的代表作家。霍桑和麦尔维尔属于浪漫主义作家,而非超验主义文学作家。因此该表述有误。

7. Whitman wrote the poem “O! Captain! My Captain! ” in memory of Thomas Jefferson.【答案】F【解析】本题考查惠特曼的诗歌《啊,船长!我的船长!》。这书诗歌旨在怀念美国总统林肯而非杰斐逊。因此该表述有误。

8. “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” remains Edgar Allan Poe’s most recognized and influential contribution to American literature.【答案】F【解析】本题考查作品与作家对应。《瑞普·凡·温克尔》和《睡谷传奇》是欧文的代表作。因此该表述有误。

9. American realists were chiefly concerned with the commonplaces of middle-class life.【答案】F【解析】本题考查美国现实主义文学。美国现实主义文学作家关注的主要是中产阶级和下层阶级的日常生活。因此该表述有误。

10. For its early colonial years American literature reflected the settlement and growth of the American colonies largely through novels.【答案】F【解析】本题考查美国早期文学的主要形式。美国早期文学的主要形式有日记,游记,信件,日志随笔,布道和历史。因此该表述有误。

11. Realistic writers built their plots and characters around people’s ordinary, everyday lives.【答案】T【解析】本题考查美国现实主义文学的特征。美国现实主义文学的情节和人物取自人们的日常生活。因此该表述正确。

12. Arthur Miller combined realistic characters and a social agenda while writing modem comedy, most notably in The Death of a Salesman.【答案】F【解析】本题考查米勒的作品特征。米勒的作品是现代悲剧而非喜剧。因此该表述有误。

13. The later part of the Victorian Period witnessed the rise of British Empire and the decay of Victorian values.【答案】F【解析】本题考查维多利亚时期的社会背景。维多利亚时期晚期见证了大英帝国的衰败和维多利亚时期价值观的衰落。因此该表述有误。

14. Modernism is, in many aspects, a reaction against realism.【答案】T【解析】本题考查现代主义的背景。现代主义是对现实主义的一种反抗和回应。因此该表述正确。

15. Imagination is defined by the Romantics as a dynamic, active power that creates all art.【答案】T【解析】本题考查浪漫主义文学中的想象。想象被浪漫主义文学作家视为创造了所有艺术的动态的活跃的力量。因此该表述正确。

Ⅵ.  Answer the following questions. (15)

1. Discuss the theme of E Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby.【答案】The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic twentieth-century story of Jay Gatsby’s quest for Daisy Buchanan, examines and critiques Gatsby’s particular vision of the 1920’s American Dream. The Great Gatsby, through the story of Gatsby, expresses that there’s no such thing as the American Dream or the up-from-the-bootstraps self-made man. You are who you’re born, and attempting to change your social class just leads to tragedy. It’s a pretty grim picture of American society and life to those who lived through World War I. In The Great Gatsby, the American Dream is supposed to stand for independence and the ability to make something of one’s self with hard work, but it ends up being more about materialism and selfish pursuit of pleasure. No amount of hard work can change where Gatsby came from, and old money knows it. Merit and hard work aren’t enough, and so the American Dream collapses【答题思路】本题考查《了不起的盖茨比》这部小说的主题。从小说主人公的悲剧命运可以看出美国梦的虚幻和破灭。

2. Discuss the feature of modernism in British literature.th【答案】The 20 century had witnessed the decline of the British Empire. These great political, economic and military upheavals had a powerful impact upon the cultural life in Britain. Modernism in English literature prevailed during at that time, which was a movement of experiments in new technique in writing. In the field of poetry, the style transformed from the original Realism to Imagism. The imagist poetry is a kind of vers libre (i.e. free verse) shaking off the conventional meters and emphasizing on the use of common speech, new rhythms thand clear images. While modernist poetry arose as a break with 19-century Romanticism, modernist fiction represented a trend drifting thaway from the tradition of 19-cetury Realism. Modernist fiction puts emphasis on the description of the characters’ psychological activities, and so has sometimes been called modern psychological fiction. Under the influence of Freud’s theory of psychological analysis, another school adopted the “stream of consciousness” method of novel writing. The striking feature of these novelists is their giving precedence to the depiction of the characters’ mental and emotional reactions to external events, rather than the events themselves. In English literature, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are the two best-known novelists of the “stream of consciousness” school.【答题思路】本题考查英国现代主义文学的特点,可以从诗歌,小说的创作主张来进行分析。

3. Read the following poem and answer the questions below.


①Who wrote the poem ?

②What might the woods, little horse and dark symbolize ?

③What’s the theme of this poem?【答案】

①This poem was written by Robert Frost.

②(a) As we all know that the woods are usually linked with myth, the unknown world, and the utmost tranquility. Thus in this poem, the poet takes the woods as the eternal life, the bliss, that is to say, the Heaven. He is fed up with the routine duties and wants to rest forever. The woods happen to provide an ideal place. (b)The snow is cold and the evening dark, all of which indicate that the poet is depressed inside. His subconscious wants him to stop, but his “little horse” with the inspiring bells, which is actually a symbol of vitality, urges him to go. (c) The evening is dark and cold which is a demonstration of the poet’s internal world: he is despaired and what to give up everything and to sleep forever, that is, to die.

③“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” like many of Frost’s poems, explores the theme of the individual caught between nature and civilization. The speaker’s location on the border between civilization and wilderness echoes a common theme throughout





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