论语 大学 中庸:英汉对照(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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论语 大学 中庸:英汉对照

论语 大学 中庸:英汉对照试读:

版权信息书名:论语 大学 中庸:英汉对照作者:(春秋) 孔子(春秋) 曾参, (春秋) 孔伋,辜鸿铭排版:KingStar出版社:天津社会科学院出版社出版时间:2016-06-01ISBN:9787556302406本书由同人阁文化传媒(北京)有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —英译《论语》序





我们认为,正是这本蕴涵着孔子及其弟子一贯之道的言论集——阿诺德将称之为“生活评论”的一个非常小的圈子之内的馈赠——是一本给予了中国人智识和道德装备的书。在此,我们并不打算对这一装备的性质和价值发表评论,我们只是想借此表达这样一个愿望:即受过教育的有头脑的英国人,但愿在耐心地读过我们这本译书后,能引起对中国人现有成见的反思,不仅修正谬见,而且改变对于中国无论是个人、还是国际交往的态度。辜鸿铭于武昌湖广总督衙门1898年8月1日THE DISCOURSES AND AYINGS OF CONFUCIUS(THEANALECTS)论语学而第一1-1


Confucius remarked, "It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and, as you go on acquiring, to put into practice what you have acquired. A greater pleasure still it is when friends of congenial minds come from afar to seek you because of your attainments. But he is truly a wise and good man who feels no discomposure even when he is not noticed of men."【辜译】



A disciple of Confucius remarked, "A man who is a good son and a good citizen will seldom be found to be a man disposed to quarrel with those in authority over him; and men who are not disposed to quarrel with those in authority will never be found to disturb the peace and order of the State."

"A wise man devotes his attention to what is essential in the foundation of life. When the foundation is laid, wisdom will come. Now, to be a good son and a good citizen—do not these form the foundation of a moral life? "【辜译】1





Confucius remarked, "With plausible speech and fine manners will seldom be found moral character."【辜译】



A disciple of Confucius remarked, "I daily examine into my personal conduct on three points: —First, whether in carrying out the duties entrusted to me by others, I have not failed in conscientiousness; Secondly, whether in intercourse with friends, I have not failed in sincerity and trustworthiness: Thirdly, whether I have not failed to practice what 1 profess in my teaching."【辜译】①





Confucius remarked, "When directing the affairs of a great nation, a man must be serious in attention to business and faithful and punctual in his engagements. He must study economy in the public expenditure, and love the welfare of the people. He must employ the people at the proper time of the year."【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "A young man, when at home, should be a good son;when out in the world, a good citizen. He should be circumspect and truthful. He should be in sympathy with all men, but intimate with men of moral character. If he has time and opportunity to spare, after the performance of those duties, he should then employ them in literary pursuits."【辜译】



A disciple of Confucius remarked, "A man who can love worthiness in man as he loves beauty in woman; who in his duties to his parents is ready to do his utmost, and in the service of his prince is ready to give up his life; who in intercourse with friends is found trustworthy in what he says, —such a man, although men may say of him that he is an uneducated man, I must consider him to be really an educated man."【辜译】①



①子夏(前507-? ),姓卜名商,字子夏。尊称“卜子”或“卜子夏”。春秋末年晋国温地(今河南温县)人。孔门“十哲”之一,“七十二贤”之一。长于“文学”,曾为莒父宰。孔子死后,他在魏国宣传孔子的思想主张,对弘扬孔子学说起了关键作用。提出过“仕而优则学,学而优则仕”的思想,主张做官要先取信于民,然后才能使其效劳。李悝、吴起都是他的弟子,魏文侯也尊以为师。相传《诗》《春秋》等典籍均由他传授下来。1-8


Confucius remarked, "A wise man who is not serious will not inspire respect;what he learns will not remain permanent.

"Make conscientiousness and sincerity your first principles.

"Have no friends who are not as yourself.

"When you have bad habits do not hesitate to change them."【辜译】



A disciple of Confucius remarked, "By cultivating respect for the dead, and carrying the memory back to the distant past, * the moral feeling of the people will waken and grow in depth."(Co.gitavi dies antiquos et annos aternos in mente babui, —Psalm ixxvil, 5.)【辜译】



A man once asked a disciple of Confucius, saying, "How was it that whenever the Master came into a country he was always informed of the actual state and policy of its government? Did he seek for the information or was it given to him? "

"The Master, " replied the disciple, "was gracious, simple, earnest, modest and courteous; therefore he could obtain what information he wanted. The Master' s way of obtaining information—well, it was different from other people' s ways."【辜译】①②



①陈亢(前511-? ),字子元,一字子禽,又名原亢。齐大夫陈子车弟。郑玄注《论语》说他是孔子的学生,名列第68位。但《史记·仲尼弟子列传》没有记载他,所以也有人说他不是孔子的学生。曾做过单父(山东单县南)宰,施德政,颇受好评。其兄死,反对家人殉葬。



Confucius remarked, "When a man' s father is living the son should have regard to what his father would have him do; when the father is dead, to what his father has done. A son who for three years after his father' s death does not in his own life change his father' s principles, may be said to be a good son."【辜译】



A disciple of Confucius remarked, "In the practice of art, * what is valuable is natural spontaneity. According to the rules of art held by the ancient kings it was this quality in a work of art which constituted its excellence; in great as well as in small things they were guided by this principle.

"But in being natural there is something not permitted. To know that it is necessary to be natural without restraining the impulse to be natural by the strict principle of art, —that is something not permitted.'

[Dr. Legge says of the Chinese word 术,which we have here translated "art, " that it is a word not easily rendered in another language. On the other hand, Mr. B. H. Chamberlain in his book Things Japanese,remarks that Japanese language(China and japan have the same written language) has no genuine native word for "art."

The English word "art, " if we mistake not, is used in various stndrdsenses to express: 1, a work of an; 2, the practice of art; 3, artificial as opposed to natural; 4th, the principle of an as opposed to the principle of nature; 5th, the strict principle of art, In this last sense of the use of the English word "art" lies, as Dr. Legge says of the Chinese word mentioned above, "the idea of what is proper"and fit,,in all relations of things.

For those who may be interested in the subject, we may here mention that the modem Japanese invention, bijutsu 美术(beautiful lenerdemain) for "art" is not a happy one. The proper term in Chinese for a work of art would be文物; for the practice of art,艺. In fact, the Japanese word Geisha 艺师 menas literally an artiste. As for the use of the term "art" in the sense of "artificial" as opposed to something "natural, " the philosopher Chuang Tz uses 人(human) and 天(divine).

Then "the principle of art, not taken by itself, but as opposed to the principle of nature, would be in Chinese 文 for "art" and 质 for "nature." Such a sentence as that of Goethe, for instance, "Art is called Art, because it is no Nature, " would be rendered into Chinese or Japanese thus:文之所以谓之文为非质也. Chinese art critics also speak of 化工 creative art and 画工 imitative art. Finally, we may as well add, the Chinese term for mechanical art or the practice of it is 技艺.]【辜译】







①理雅各(James Legge,1815-1897),英国近代著名汉学家,曾任香港英华书院校长,伦敦布道会传教士。他是第一位系统研究、翻译中国古代典籍的欧洲学者。1861-1886年,他花了25年时间,将《四书》《五经》等中国主要典籍全部译出,共计28卷。他与法国学者顾赛芬、德国学者卫礼贤并称汉籍欧译三大师,也是儒莲翻译奖第一位获得者。1-13


A disciple of Confucius remarked, "If you make promises within the bounds of what is right, you will be able to keep your word. If you confine earnestness within the bounds of judgment and good taste, you will keep out of discomfiture and insult. If you make friends of those with whom you ought to, you will be able to depend upon them."【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "A wise and good man, in matters of food, should never seek to indulge his appetite; in lodging, he should not be too solicitous of comfort. He should be diligent in business and careful in speech. He should seek for the company of men of virtue and learning, in order to proht by their lessons and example. In this way he may become a man of real culture."【辜译】



A disciple of Confucius said to him, "To be poor and yet not to be servile; to be rich and yet not to be proud, what do you say to that? "

"It is good, " replied Confucius, "but better still it is to be poor and yet contented; to be rich and yet know how to be courteous."

"I understand, " answered the disciple:

'We must cut, we must file, '

'Must chisel and must grind.'

"My friend, " replied Confucius, "now I can begin to speak of poetry to you. I see you understand how to apply the moral."【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "One should not be concerned not to be understood of men; one should be concerned not to understand men."【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "He who rules the people, depending upon the moral sentiment, is like the Pole-star, which keeps its place while all the other stars revolve round it."【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "The Book of Ballads, Songs and Psalms* contains three hundred pieces. The moral of them all may be summed up in one sentence: ' Have no evil thoughts.' "

(Now called the Canon of Poetry, one of the so-called five Classics, in the Bible of China.)【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "If in government you depend upon laws, and maintain order by enforcing those laws by punishments, you can also make the people keep away from wrongdoing, but they will lose the sense of shame for wrong-doing.If, on the other hand, in government you depend upon the moral sentiment, and maintain order by encouraging education and good manners, the people will have a sense of shame for wrong-doing and, moreover, will emulate what is good."【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "At fifteen I had made up my mind to give myself up to serious studies. At thirty I had formed my opinions and judgment. A forty I had no more doubts. At fifty I understood the truth in religion. At sixty I could understand whatever I heard without exertion. At seventy I could follow whatever my heart desired without transgressing the law."【辜译】



A noble of Court in Confucius' native State asked him what constituted the duty of a good son. Confucius answered, "Do not fail in what is required of you."

Afterwards, as a disciple was driving him in his carriage, Confucius told the disciple, saying, "My Lord M—asked me what constituted the duty of a good son, and I answered, ' Do not fail in what is required of you."'

"What did you mean by that? " asked the disciple.

"I meant, " replied Confucius, "when his parents are living, a good son should do his duties to them according to the usage prescribed by propriety; when they are dead, he should bury them and honour their memory according to the rites prescribed by propriety."【辜译】①


后来,当孔子的一位学生(樊迟)给孔子驾车时,孔子告诉这个学生说:“天呀!他竟然问我一个孝子应该做什么!我回答说:‘做好自己该做的事情。' ”



①孟懿子(? -前481),鲁国大夫,三桓之一,孟孙氏第九代宗主,姓仲孙,名何忌。孟僖子之子,南宫敬叔之兄。谥号“懿”。其父临终前要他向孔子学礼。

②樊迟(前515-? ),姓樊名须,字子迟,春秋末鲁国人(一说齐国人)。曾和冉求一起帮助季康子进行革新。孔子“七十二贤”之一,继承孔子兴办私学。颇有重农思想,因曾向孔子问“学稼”而遭训斥。2-6


A son of the noble mentioned above put the same question to Confucius as his father did. Confucius answered, "Think how anxious your parents are when you are sick, and you will know your duty towards them."【辜译】①





A disciple of Confucius asked him the same question as the above. Confucius answered, "The duty for a good son nowadays means only to be able to support his parents. But you also keep your dogs and horse alive. If there is no feeling of love and respect, where is the difference? "【辜译】①



①子游(前506-? ),姓言名偃,字子游,亦称“言游”、“叔氏”,春秋末吴国人,与子夏、子张齐名,孔子的著名弟子,“孔门十哲”之一。2-8


Another disciple asked the same question. Confucius answered, "The difficulty is with the expression of your look. That merely when anything is to be done the young people do it, and when there is food and wine the old folk are allowed to enjoy it, —do you think that is the whole duty of a good son? "【辜译】



Confucius, speaking o f a favourite disciple whose name was Yen Hui, *remarked, "I have talked with him for one whole day, during which he has never once raised one single objection to what I have said, as if he were dull of understanding. But when he has retired, on examining into his life and conversation I find he has been able to profit by what I have said to him. No—he is not a man dull of understanding."

(The St. John of the Confucian gospel, —a pure, heroic, ideal character, the disciple whom the Master loved. As the name of this disciple occurs very frequently throughout the book, we here depart from our rule of eliminating all Chinese proper names, and shall hereafter always introduce him by name.)【辜译】





Confucius remarked, "You look at how a man acts; consider his motives; find out his tastes. How can a man hide himself; how can he hide himself from you? "【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "If a man will constantly go over what he has acquired and keep continually adding to it new acquirements, he may become a teacher of men."【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "A wise man will not make himself into a mere machine fit only to do one kind of work."【辜译】



A disciple enquired what constituted a wise and good man. Confucius answered, "A wise and good man is one who acts before speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions."【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "A wise man is impartial, not neutral. A fool is neutral but not impartial."【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "Study without thinking is labour lost. Thinking without study is perilous."【辜译】



Confucius remarked, "To give oneself up to the study of metaphysical theories—that is very injurious indeed."【辜译】



Confucius said to a disciple, "Shall I teach you what is understanding? To know what it is that you know, and to know what is that you do not know, —that is understanding."【辜译】①





A disciple was studying with a view to preferment. Confucius said to him,"Read and learn everything, but suspend your judgment on anything of which you are in doubt; for the rest, be careful in what you say: in that way you will give few occasions for men to criticize what you say. Mix with the world and see everything, but keep away and do not meddle with anything which may bring you into trouble;for the rest, be careful in what you do: in that way you will have few occasions for self-reproach."

"Now if in your conversation you give few occasions for men to criticise you, and in your conduct you have few occasions for self-reproach, you cannot help getting preferment, even if you would."





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