
发布时间:2020-05-27 02:47:23












To own a house in Washington Square is a sign of success in nineteenth-century New York, and Dr Austin Sloper is a successful man.He is also fashionable, interesting, amusing, and clever.

His daughter Catherine is none of those things.She is a good, simple girl, who loves and admires her father and always tries hard to please him, but she is a great disappointment to him.Dr Sloper does not expect any interest or excitement from Catherine.

But life in Washington Square does become rather exciting, after all.Romance arrives, in the shape of a handsome young man who comes to court Catherine.This pleases Catherine's foolish aunt, Mrs Penniman, very much; she thinks Morris Townsend is charming, and so of course does Catherine.Dr Sloper, however, looks at young Mr Townsend rather differently.The Doctor is a rich man, and is conscious that after his death Catherine will inherit a fortune of 30,000 dollars a year.He wonders why such a charming and handsome young man is courting his dull daughter……

1 Poor Catherine

In the first half of the nineteenth century there lived in New York a very successful doctor.His success was for two reasons.He was, without doubt, a good doctor, intelligent and honest, but he also knew how to please his patients.He gave long, careful explanations about the illness, and always gave them some medicine to take.Indeed, his patients were fond of saying that they had the best doctor in the country.

By the time he was fifty, Doctor Austin Sloper was quite a famous person in New York.His conversation was clever and amusing, and no fashionable party in the city was complete without him.

He was also lucky.In 1820, at the age of twenty-seven, he had married, for love, a very charming girl, who had a fortune of ten thousand dollars a year.For about five years Doctor Sloper was a very happy husband; he continued to work as a doctor and each year became more experienced and more successful.

Some of the experience, however, was very unwelcome.His first child, a little boy of great promise, died at three years of age.Neither the mother's love nor the father's medicine could save him.Two years later Mrs Sloper had a second child, a little girl.This disappointed the Doctor, who had wished for another son to take the place of the first, but there was worse news to come.A week after the child was born, the young mother fell ill, and before another week had passed, she was dead.

For a man whose profession was to keep people alive, Austin Sloper had certainly done badly in his own family, but the only person who blamed Doctor Sloper was Doctor Sloper himself.He felt that he had failed, and he carried this private blame for the rest of his life.

He still had his little girl, whom he named Catherine after her poor mother.She grew up a strong and healthy child, and her father knew that he would not lose her.

When the child was about ten years old, the Doctor invited his sister, Mrs Lavinia Penniman, to stay with him.He had two sisters and both of them had married early in life.The younger one, Mrs Almond, was the wife of a rich man and the mother of a large family.Elizabeth Almond was a comfortable, reasonable woman and Doctor Sloper preferred her to his sister Lavinia.However, Lavinia's husband had died at the age of thirty-three, leaving his wife without children or fortune, and so Doctor Sloper invited his sister to stay while she looked for rooms to rent.No one really knew if Mrs Penniman ever looked for rooms, but it is certain that she never found them.

After six months the Doctor accepted the fact that his sister was never going to leave.Mrs Penniman told everyone except her brother that she was Catherine's teacher.Doctor Sloper guessed that this was her explanation, and he found the idea laughable since he did not think his sister was very intelligent.In fact, he did not have a good opinion of women at all.The only woman he had ever admired had been his wife.

He was always extremely polite to Lavinia, but he had no interest in her opinions or conversation.He only spoke to her to inform her of his wishes for Catherine.

Once, when the girl was about twelve years old, he said to his sister, 'Try to make a clever woman out of her, Lavinia.I should like her to be a clever woman.'

Mrs Penniman looked at him.'My dear Austin,' she said, 'do you think it is better to be clever than to be good?'

'Good for what?' asked the Doctor.'You are good for nothing unless you are clever.Of course I wish Catherine to be good, but it will not make her a better person to be a fool.'

Mrs Penniman was a tall, thin, fair woman.She was romantic, and her brother knew that she loved little secrets and mysteries.

'When Catherine is about seventeen,' he said to himself, 'Lavinia will try and persuade her that some young man with a moustache is in love with her.It will be quite untrue.No young man, with or without a moustache, will ever be in love with Catherine.'

Catherine was strong and healthy, but she did not have any of her mother's beauty or her father's cleverness—in fact, there was very little that was interesting about her at all.She was large and well built, with brown hair, a round face, and small, quiet eyes.The more generous friends of Doctor Sloper noticed that she was well behaved and polite; others thought she was just dull.But Catherine was not someone people spent much time talking about.

She was extremely fond of her father and very much afraid of him.She wanted to please him more than anything in the world, but although Doctor Sloper was usually kind to Catherine, he was very disappointed in her.He wanted to be proud of his daughter, but there was nothing to be proud of in poor Catherine.She was not elegant or pretty or charming like her mother.And by the age of eighteen Mrs Penniman had still not made her a clever woman.

Over the years, however, Doctor Sloper got used to his disappointment.'I expect nothing from her,' he said to himself.'If she gives me a surprise, I will be happy.If she doesn't, I shall not lose anything.'

At this time it did not seem possible that Catherine would ever surprise anyone.She was always very quiet, saying so little in conversation that she seemed almost stupid.But she was silent because she was shy, uncomfortably, painfully shy.In fact, she was a very gentle, sensitive girl.

Slowly Catherine realized that she was changing from a girl into a young lady.She began wearing expensive clothes in very bright colours—rather too bright for Doctor Sloper.When she was twenty, she bought a red and gold evening dress, and did not seem to realize that it made her look ten years older.Doctor Sloper preferred simple, elegant things, and it annoyed him to think that his child was both ugly and badly dressed, though he kept this opinion private.

It must be added that Catherine was expected to become a very rich woman.She had already inherited some money from her mother, but the Doctor had been making twenty thousand dollars a year by his profession and saving half of it.One day, this growing fortune would pass to Catherine.

In 1835 Doctor Sloper moved his family to a more fashionable address.He built himself a handsome, modern house in Washington Square, which was just around the corner from Fifth Avenue.Across the road from the house, in the centre of the square, was a pretty garden, which was open to everyone though few people ever used it.

Mrs Almond lived further out of the city in a house that was almost in the country.She had nine children, and Catherine went with Mrs Penniman to see her cousins every week.The little Almonds were now growing up; the boys had been sent off to college or to work in offices, while the girls looked for suitable husbands.

When Mrs Almond gave a party for her younger daughter Marian, who had become engaged to a promising young man, Catherine, naturally, was invited.At this time she was twenty-one years old, and Mrs Almond's party was the beginning of something very important.

quite a used to indicate that a person or thing is unusual. 异常的,出众的。

charming adj.delightful. 迷人的;可爱的。

of great promise likely to become very good. 大有希望的,前程远大的。

take the place of sb./sth. replace sb./sth. 代替某人或某事物。

private adj.not (to be) revealed to others; secret. 不公开的;秘密的。

have a good opinion of sb. think well of sb. 对某人有好感。

good for nothing completely useless and worthless. 无用的。

be in love (with sb.) feel affection and desire (for sb.). 热恋着(某人)。

elegant adj.tasteful and stylish in appearance or manner.(相貌或仪态)优雅的;文雅的;高雅的。

used to sth./doing sth. having learned to accept sth.; accustomed to sth.(对某事物)已适应,已习惯。

prefer v.choose sth.rather than sth.else; like sth.better. 宁可,更喜爱。

send sb.off send someone to another place. 送走。

engaged (to sb.) adj.(of a person or two people) having agreed to marry.(指一人或两人)已订婚的。























2 A handsome young man

Not long after the dancing had begun at the party, Marian Almond came up to introduce Catherine to a tall young man.She told Catherine that the young man very much wanted to meet her, and that he was a cousin of Arthur Townsend, the man she was engaged to.

Catherine always felt uncomfortable when meeting new people.The young man, Mr Morris Townsend, was very handsome, and when Marian went away, Catherine stood in front of him, not knowing what to say.But before she could get embarrassed, Mr Townsend began to talk to her with an easy smile.

'What a delightful party!What a charming house!What an interesting family!What a pretty girl your cousin is!'

Mr Townsend looked straight into Catherine's eyes.She answered nothing; she only listened, and looked at him.He went on to say many other things in the same comfortable and natural way.Catherine, though silent, was not embarrassed; it seemed right that such a handsome man should talk, and that she should simply look at him.

The music, which had been silent for a while, suddenly began again.He smiled and asked her to dance.Catherine gave no answer, she simply let him put his arm around her, and in a moment they were dancing around the room.When they paused, she felt that she was red, and then, for some moments, she stopped looking at him.

'Does dancing make you dizzy?' he asked, in a kind voice.

Catherine looked up at him.'Yes,' she murmured, though she did not know why; dancing had never made her dizzy.

'Then we will sit and talk,' said Mr Townsend.'I will find a good place to sit.'

He found a good place—a charming place; a little sofa in a corner that seemed meant for two persons.

' We will talk,' the young man had said; but he still did all the talking.Catherine sat with her eyes fixed on him, smiling, and thinking him very clever.She had never seen anyone so handsome before.

He told her that he was a distant cousin of Arthur Townsend, and Arthur had brought him to introduce him to the family.In fact, he was a stranger in New York—he had not been there for many years.He had been travelling around the world, living in many strange places, and had only come back a month or two before.New York was very pleasant, but he felt lonely.

'People forget you,' he said, smiling at Catherine.

It seemed to Catherine that no one who had seen him would ever forget him, but she kept this thought to herself.

They sat there for some time.He was very amusing, and Catherine had never heard anyone speak as well as he did—not even an actor in a theatre.And Mr Townsend was not like an actor; he seemed so sincere, so natural.

Then Marian Almond came pushing through the crowd of dancers.She gave a little cry, which made Catherine blush, when she saw the young people still together.She told Mr Townsend that her mother had been waiting for half an hour to introduce him to somebody.

'We shall meet again,' he said to Catherine, as he left her.

Her cousin took Catherine by the arm.'And what do you think of Morris?' she asked.

'Oh, nothing particular,' Catherine answered, hiding what she really felt for the first time in her life.

'Oh, I must tell him that!' cried Marian.'It will do him good.He's so terribly conceited.'

'Conceited?' said Catherine, staring at her cousin.

'So Arthur says, and Arthur knows about him.'

'Oh, don't tell him!' said Catherine.

'Don't tell him!I have told him that many times.'

Half an hour later Catherine saw her Aunt Penniman sitting by a window, with Morris Townsend—she already knew the name very well—standing in front of her.He was saying clever things, and Mrs Penniman was smiling.

Catherine moved away quickly; she did not want him to turn round and see her.But she was glad he was talking to Mrs Penniman because it seemed to keep him near to her.

In the carriage, as they drove home, Catherine was very quiet, and Doctor Sloper talked with his sister.

'Who was that young man you spent so much time with?' he asked.'He seemed very interested in you.'

'He was not interested in me,' said Mrs Penniman.'He talked to me about Catherine.'

'Oh, Aunt Penniman!' Catherine murmured.

'He is very handsome and very clever,' her aunt went on.'He spoke in a—in a very charming way.'

The Doctor smiled.'He is in love with Catherine, then?'

'Oh, father!' murmured the girl, thankful that it was dark in the carriage.

'I don't know that; but he admired her dress.'

Admiring just the dress, instead of the person, might not seem very enthusiastic, but Catherine did not think this.She was deeply pleased.

Her father looked, with a cool little smile, at her expensive red and gold dress.'You see,' he said, 'he thinks you have eighty thousand dollars a year.'

'I don't believe he thinks of that,' said Mrs Penniman; 'he is too fine a gentleman.'

'He must be extremely fine not to think of that!'

'Well, he is!' Catherine cried, before she knew it.

'I thought you had gone to sleep,' her father answered.'The hour has come!' he added to himself.'Lavinia is going to arrange a romance for Catherine.'

A few days after Mrs Almond's party, Morris Townsend and his cousin called at Washington Square.Catherine and her aunt were sitting together by the fire in the parlour.

Arthur Townsend sat and talked to Catherine, while his companion sat next to Mrs Penniman.Catherine, usually so easy to please, tonight found Arthur rather uninteresting.She kept looking over at the other side of the room, where Morris Townsend was deep in conversation with her aunt.Every few minutes he looked over at Catherine and smiled, and she wished that she was sitting nearer to him.

Arthur seemed to notice that Catherine was interested in his companion.'My cousin asked me to bring him,' he explained.'He seemed to want very much to come.I told him I wanted to ask you first, but he said that Mrs Penniman had invited him.'

'We are very glad to see him,' said Catherine.She wished to talk more about him, but she did not know what to say.'I never saw him before,' she went on.

Arthur Townsend stared.'But he told me he talked with you for over half an hour the other night.'

'I mean before the other night.That was the first time.'

'Oh, he has been away from New York—he has been all round the world.'

'My aunt likes him very much,' said Catherine.

'Most people like him—he's so brilliant—though I know some people who say my cousin is too clever.'

Catherine listened with extreme interest.If Morris Townsend had a fault, it would naturally be that one, she thought.After a moment she asked, 'Now that he has come back, will he stay here always?'

'If he can find something to do,' said Arthur.'He's looking around for some kind of employment or business, but he can't find anything.'

'I am very sorry,' said Catherine.

'Oh, he doesn't mind,' Arthur said.'He isn't in a hurry.'

Catherine thought about this, then asked, 'Won't his father take him into his business—his office?'

'He hasn't got a father—he has only got a sister,' said Arthur Townsend.And he looked across at his cousin and began to laugh.'Morris, we're talking about you.'

Morris Townsend paused in his conversation with Mrs Penniman, and stared, with a little smile.Then he stood up.

'I'm afraid I was not talking about you,' he said to Catherine's companion.'Though I can't pretend that Miss Sloper's name did not enter our conversation.'

Catherine thought that this was a wonderfully clever thing to say, but she was embarrassed by it, and she also got up.Morris Townsend stood looking at her and smiling; he put out his hand to say goodbye.He was going, and though he had not said anything to Catherine, she was still glad that she had seen him.

'I will tell her what you have said—when you go!' said Mrs Penniman with a little laugh.

Catherine blushed—she felt they were almost laughing at her.What in the world had this beautiful young man said? She saw that he was looking at her kindly.

'I have not talked with you,' he said, 'and that was what I came for.But it will be a good reason for coming another time.I am not afraid of what your aunt will say when I go.'

After the two young men had left, Catherine, who was still blushing, gave Mrs Penniman a serious look.

'What did you say you would tell me?' she asked.

Mrs Penniman smiled and nodded a little.'It's a great secret, my dear child, but he is coming here to court you!'

Catherine was serious still.'Is that what he told you?'

'He didn't say so exactly, but he left me to guess it.I'm good at guessing.' Mrs Penniman gave her niece a soft little kiss.'You must be very nice to him.'

Catherine stared—she was amazed.'I don't understand you,' she said.'He doesn't know me.'

'Oh yes, he does.He knows you more than you think.I have told him all about you.'

'Oh, Aunt Penniman!' said Catherine in a frightened voice.'He is a stranger—we don't know him.'

'My dear Catherine, you know very well that you admire him.'

'Oh, Aunt Penniman!' said Catherine again.Perhaps she did admire him—though this did not seem to her a thing to talk about.But she could not believe that this brilliant stranger wished to court her; only a romantic woman like her aunt would believe that.

embarrassed adj.feeling self-conscious awkward or ashamed. 不自然的,扭捏的,尴尬的,害羞的。

easy adj.(attrib.) not stiff or embarrassed.(作定语)自如的;不拘束的。

fix one's eyes on sb./sth. look at someone or sth.carefully. 凝视着(某人或某物)。

keep sth.to oneself not tell other people about sth. 不把某事告诉别人。

blush v.become red in the face (because of sth.).(因某事物)脸红。

particular adj.(attrib.) more than usual, special, exceptional.(作定语)特殊的;特别的。

conceited adj.full of conceit. 极其自负的。

admire v.regard sb./sth.with respect, pleasure, satisfaction, etc. 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕。

enthusiastic adj.full of enthusiasm. 热情的;热心的。

parlour n.(formerly) sitting-room in a private house, esp.one where people may receive visitors or talk privately.(旧时)起居室,客厅,会客室。

companion n.person or animal that goes with, or spends much time with another.(相伴的)人或动物;同伴;伙伴。

in a hurry eager; impatient. 急切;赶紧。

court v.(dated) (of a man) try to win the affections of (a woman), with a view to marriage.(旧)(指男子)向(女子)献殷勤;向(女子)求爱或求婚。

frightened adj.in a state of fear; afraid; scared. 恐惧的;害怕的;受惊的。
































3 Who is Morris Townsend?

Half an hour after the two young men had left, Doctor Sloper came into the parlour.

'Mr Morris Townsend has just been here, Austin,' Mrs Penniman told her brother.'What a pity you missed him.'

'Who in the world is Mr Morris Townsend?'

'The gentleman at Elizabeth's party who liked Catherine so much,' said Mrs Penniman.

'Oh, his name is Morris Townsend, is it?' the Doctor said.He looked at Catherine.'And did he come here to ask you to marry him?'

'Oh, father!' murmured Catherine, turning away.

'I hope he won't do that without your permission,' said Mrs Penniman.

'My dear, he seems to have yours,' her brother answered.'The next time he comes, you should call me.He might like to see me.'

Morris Townsend came again five days later, but Doctor Sloper was not at home at the time.Catherine was with her aunt when a servant announced the young man's name.Mrs Penniman sent her niece into the parlour alone.

'This time it's for you—for you only,' she said.

So Catherine saw Mr Townsend alone, sitting with him in the front parlour, for more than an hour.He seemed more at home this time—making himself very comfortable and looking around with interest at the room and the furniture.His talk was light, easy and friendly.'Tell me about yourself,' he said to her, with his charming smile.

Catherine had very little to tell, but she told him of her love of music and the theatre, and how she did not really enjoy reading.Morris Townsend agreed with her that books were boring—he had been to places that people had written about, and they were not at all as they had been described.He had also seen all the famous actors in London and Paris, but the actors were always like the writers they were never true to real life.He liked everything to be natural.Suddenly he stopped, looking at Catherine with his smile.

'That's what I like you for; you are so natural,' he said.'You see I am natural myself.'

He went on to talk about his great love of music and singing.'I sing a little myself,' he added; 'some day I will show you.Not today, but some other time.'

And then he got up to go.He had perhaps talked more about himself than about Catherine, but the truth was that Catherine had not noticed.She was thinking only that 'some other time' had a delightful sound.It seemed to suggest many more meetings in the future.

Catherine felt it was her duty to tell her father that Mr Morris Townsend had called again—though it made her feel ashamed and uncomfortable.She announced the fact very suddenly, as soon as the Doctor came into the house, and then immediately tried to leave the room.Her father stopped her just as she reached the door.

'Well, my dear, did he ask you to marry him today?' the Doctor said.

Catherine had no answer ready.She wanted to be amused, as her father was amused, but she also wanted to be a little sharp, so that he would not ask the question again.She did not like it—it made her unhappy.

'Perhaps he will do it next time,' she said, with a little laugh; and she quickly got out of the room.

The Doctor stood staring.He wondered whether his daughter was serious, and decided to find out more about this handsome young man.The next time he saw his sister Elizabeth, he asked her about Morris Townsend.

'Lavinia has already been to ask me about him,' Mrs Almond said.

'What did you tell her?' the Doctor asked.

'What I tell you—that I know very little of him.'

'How disappointing for Lavinia,' said the Doctor.'She would like him to have some romantic secret in his past.I hear that he is a distant cousin of Arthur Townsend.'

'Yes, though it seems that there are Townsends and Townsends—some rather better than others.Arthur's mother knows very little about him; only some story that he has been 'wild' in the past.I know his sister a little.Her name is Mrs Montgomery; she is a widow, with five children and not much money.'

'What is his profession?' asked the Doctor.

'He hasn't got any; he is looking for something.I believe he was once in the Navy.'

'Once? What is his age?'

'More than thirty, I think.Arthur told me that he inherited a little money—which is perhaps why he left the Navy—and that he spent it all in a few years.He travelled all over the world, lived in foreign countries, amused himself.He has recently come back to America, and he told Arthur that he now wants to start his life seriously.'

'Is he serious about Catherine, then?'

'I don't see why you are surprised,' said Mrs Almond.'It seems to me that you have never been fair to Catherine.You must remember that she will one day have thirty thousand dollars a year.'

The Doctor looked at his sister for a moment.'I see that you remember it.'

Mrs Almond blushed.'I don't mean that is the only good thing about her; I simply mean that it is important.You seem to think that nobody will ever want to marry her.'

'Why should I think differently, Elizabeth?' the Doctor said.'How many young men have come courting Catherine, even with her expected fortune? None—which is why Lavinia is so charmed that there is now a lover in the house.It is the first time.'

'I think young men are rather afraid of Catherine,' said the Doctor's wiser sister.'She seems older than they are—she is so large, and she dresses so richly.An older, more experienced man would recognize all the good things in her character, and would find her delightful.'

'And Mr Townsend? What are his reasons for courting Catherine? Is he sincere in liking her?'

'It is very possible that he is sincere.Lavinia is sure of it.'

Doctor Sloper thought for a moment.'If he does not work, what are his means?'

'I have no idea.He lives with his sister and her children on Second Avenue.'

'A widow, with five children? Do you mean he lives upon her?'

Mrs Almond looked at her brother a little impatiently.'Why not ask Mrs Montgomery yourself?' she said.

'Perhaps I will,' said the Doctor.*  *  *

Doctor Sloper was more amused than annoyed by the idea of Mr Townsend courting his daughter.He was quite willing to believe the best of the young man.And if he was a sincere, honest man, it did not matter if he was poor, since Catherine had no need of a rich husband.

'The next time he comes,' he told Mrs Penniman, 'you must invite him to dinner.'

Mrs Penniman was happy to pass on her brother's invitation, which Morris Townsend accepted, and the dinner was arranged.Two or three other people were invited as well, and although Doctor Sloper talked very little to the young man during the meal, he watched him carefully.At the end of the meal, when the ladies had gone up to the parlour, leaving the men to their drinking, the Doctor gave him some wine and asked him several questions.Morris Townsend was happy to talk, and the Doctor sat quietly, watching his bright, handsome face.

'He is clever, a good talker, and very self-confident,' Catherine's father thought.'And he dresses very well.But I don't think I like him.'

The Doctor, however, kept his thoughts to himself.

Later, when the men joined the ladies in the parlour, Morris Townsend went over to Catherine, who was standing before the fire in her red evening dress.

'Your father doesn't like me,' said the young man.

'I don't see how you know,' said Catherine, blushing.

'I can feel these things.You ask him and you will see.'

'I would rather not ask him, if there is any danger of his saying what you think.'

Morris gave her a sad little smile.'So you will allow him to say things against me, and not tell him he is wrong?'

'I never argue with him,' said Catherine.'And he won't say anything against you.He doesn't know you enough.'

Morris Townsend gave a loud laugh, and Catherine began to blush again.

'I shall never talk about you,' she said.

'That is very well; but I would prefer you to say that it doesn't matter what your father thinks.'

'But it would matter!I couldn't say that!' the girl cried.

He stared at her, smiling a little, and just for a moment there was an impatient look in those fine eyes.But he spoke softly and sadly.'Then I must try to make him like me.'*  *  *

The next time the Doctor visited Mrs Almond, he told her that he had now met Morris Townsend.

'He is certainly a fine-looking young man,' he said.

'But what do you think of him, as a father?' Mrs Almond asked.'Lavinia tells me that Catherine is in love.'

'Well, she must stop being in love.He is not a gentleman.He is extremely charming, and completely insincere.'

'You have decided very quickly,' said Mrs Almond.

'Not at all.I have been studying people for a lifetime, and am now quite able to make a judgement in a single evening.'

'Very possibly you are right.But the thing is for Catherine to see it.'

'I will give her a pair of glasses!' said the Doctor.

what a pity (that)…… 真遗憾。

turn away leave; go away. 离开,走开。

at home at one's ease, as if in one's own home.(像在自己家里一样)自在,无拘束。

true to sth. being or acting as one would expect from sth. 符合某事物的;忠实地反映某事物的。

sharp adj.(derog.) intended or intending to criticize, injure, etc.; harsh; severe.(贬)蓄意批评、中伤等的;尖刻的;严厉的。

wild adj.out of control, undisciplined. 不守规矩的;失去控制的。

the Navy warships of a specific country with their crews and the organization that administers them. 海军部队。

be sure of not doubt or seem to doubt what one believes, knows, etc. 无疑;确信;自信;有把握。

means n.money; wealth; resources. 金钱;财富;财源。

live upon depend on sth./sb.for a financial source. 靠某种经济来源生活。

pass sth.on (to sb.) hand or give sth.(to sb.else), esp.after receiving or using it oneself. 将某物传、交、给(某人)(尤指自己收到或用过之后)。

would rather…… (than) (usu.shortened to 'd rather) prefer to.(通常略作'd rather)宁愿;宁可;较喜欢。

against prep.in opposition to (sb./sth.). 反对;违反;与……相反。

argue with sb.(about/over sth.) express an opposite opinion; exchange angry words; quarrel. 争论;争辩;争吵。














阿尔蒙德夫人有点儿不耐烦地看着她哥哥。“你为什么不自己去问问蒙哥马利夫人呢?”她说。“也许我会去的。”医生说。*  *  *







他凝视着她,微微一笑,那双好看的眼睛里闪过一丝不耐烦的神情。不过他说话时声音温柔而悲伤:“那我只好想法让他喜欢我了。”*  *  *


4 Morris Townsend looks for a position

If it were true that Catherine was in love, she was certainly very quiet about it.She had told Morris Townsend that she would not mention him to her father, and so she said nothing about Morris's continued visits.It was only polite, of course, for Morris to visit after the dinner at Washington Square, and only natural for him to continue visiting.

These visits had quickly become the most important thing in Catherine's life.She was very happy.She did not yet know what the future would bring, and she was too modest to expect anything.She was just grateful for the present—the sound of his voice, the words he spoke to her, the expression of his face.

Doctor Sloper suspected Morris Townsend's visits, and noticed how quiet Catherine had become.

'What is going on in this house?' he asked his sister.

'Going on, Austin?' said Mrs Penniman.

'Why haven't you told me that Mr Morris Townsend is coming to the house four or five times a week? I am away all day, and I see nothing.'

Mrs Penniman thought for a moment.'Dear Austin,' she said at last, 'I cannot tell a secret.'

'Whose secret? Catherine's? Mr Townsend's? If it is his, I think it is extremely foolish of you to have secrets with young men.You don't know where they will lead you.'

'I don't know what you mean,' said Mrs Penniman.'I take a great interest in Mr Townsend; I don't hide that.But that is all.'

'It is quite enough.And what do you find so interesting about Mr Townsend? His good looks?'

'His misfortunes, Austin.I cannot tell you his story, but he would tell it to you himself, if he thought you would listen to him kindly.'

The Doctor gave a laugh.'I shall ask him very kindly to leave Catherine alone.'

'Catherine probably says kinder things to him than that!'

'Has she said that she loved him?—do you mean that?'

Mrs Penniman stared at the floor.'She doesn't talk to me about him.I think she is very happy; that is all I can say.'

'Townsend wants to marry her—is that what you mean?'

'He admires Catherine greatly,' said Mrs Penniman.'And he says the most charming things about her.'

'And these misfortunes that you refuse to tell me about—did they make him poor?'

'It is a long story,' said Mrs Penniman, 'and all I can say is that he has been wild in the past.But he has paid for it.'





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