
发布时间:2020-05-27 10:21:03







Preface 卷首语

★Spring Quiet 春之静谧◎By Christina Georgina Rossetti译 / 辛献云 赏析 / 朱敏琦

Gone were but the Winter,

Come were but the Spring,

I would go to a covert

Where the birds sing;





Where in the whitethorn

Singetha thrush,

And a robin sings

In the holly-bush.





Full of fresh scents

Are the budding boughs

Arching high over

A cool green house;





Full of sweet scents,

And whispering air

Which sayeth softly:

"We spread no snare;




"Here dwell in safety,

Here dwell alone,

With a clear stream

And a mossystone.“这里宁静又安详,




"Here the sun shineth

Most shadily;

Here is heard an echo

Of the far sea,

Though far off it be."“这里阳光明媚,





赏 析

克里斯蒂娜·乔治娜·罗塞蒂(Christina Georgina Rossetti,1830~1894),英国维多利亚时代著名女诗人,在19世纪的英国文坛,只有伊丽莎白·巴雷特·布朗宁(Elizabeth Barrett Browning)可与她齐名。罗塞蒂最负盛名的代表作为寓言叙事诗《小妖精集市》(Goblin Market)。她的诗有一种哀婉动人的情调,清新纯净,富有女性的敏感和细腻。

这首《春之静谧》(Spring Quiet)就是罗塞蒂的典型清纯之作。全诗描绘了一幅冬去春来、大地回暖、万象更新的画面。绿树红花间,鸟鸣山更幽。风送花香,百转低回。结庐在河畔,看清泉石上流,听涛声耳旁荡,享一日好春光。诗中有画,画中有诗。读完令人不禁想起王维的《鸟鸣涧》,一样的寄情山水,一样的明净雅致,一样的云淡风轻。★

What's Hot特别推荐

★☆春来啦The Real Spring Had Come春来到◎By Leo Tolstoy译 / 祝莉丽“常恨春归无觅处,不觉转入此中来。”谁说春的痕迹无处可寻?那渐渐消融的冬雪、破土而出的嫩芽、渐暖的春日阳光,还有“竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知”和“几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥”的勃勃生机,无不都在向人们传递着同一个信息:春天真的来了!

Spring was slow in unfolding. For the last few weeks it had been steadily fine frostyweather. In the daytime it thawedin the sun, but at night there were even seven degrees of frost. There was such a frozen surface on the snow that they drove the wagons anywhere off the roads. Easter came in the snow. Then all of a sudden, on Easter Monday, a warm wind sprang up, storm-clouds swooped down, and for three days and three nights the warm, drivingrain fell in streams. On Thursday the wind dropped, and a thick grey fog brooded over the land as though hiding the mysteries of the transformations that were being wroughtin nature.


Behind the fog there was the flowing of water, the cracking and floating of ice, the swift rush of turbid, foaming torrents; and on the following Monday, in the evening, the fog parted, the storm-clouds split up into little curling crests of cloud, the sky cleared, and the real spring had come. In the morning the sun rose brilliant and quickly wore away the thin layer of ice that covered the water, and all the warm air was quiveringwith the steam that rose up from the quickenedearth. The old grass looked greener, and the young grass thrust up its tiny blades; the buds of the guelder roseand of the currantand the sticky birch-buds were swollen with sap, and an exploring bee was humming about the golden blossoms that studdedthe willow. Larks trilledunseen above the velvety green fields and the ice-covered stubble-land; peewitswailed over the low lands and marshes flooded by the pools; cranes and wild geese flew high across the sky uttering their spring calls. The cattle, bald in patches where the new hair had not grown yet, lowedin the pastures; the bow-leggedlambs friskedround their bleatingmothers. Nimblechildren ran about the drying paths, covered with the prints of bare feet. There was a merry chatter of peasant women over their linen at the pond, and the ring of axes in the yard, where the peasants were repairing ploughs and harrows. The real spring had come.

浓雾之下有潺潺的流水,有逐渐坼裂的冰层,有漂浮水面的裂冰,水势较急的地方,浑浊的河水一路奔泻、泡沫翻飞。复活节过去一个星期后,周一傍晚,浓雾散去,朵朵乌云裂变为层层云峰,天空放晴,春天真的来了。清晨,旭日东升,灿烂的阳光很快就融化了覆盖在水面上的那一层薄冰。大地解冻复苏,水汽袅袅上升,腾腾水汽中温热的空气在微微地颤动。去年的小草看上去更绿了,今年的新草那细嫩的叶片也破土而出。雪球花和红醋栗新长出的花蕾还有桦树上粘呼呼的新芽一个个看上去饱满水灵。柳树已经开花,金黄色的花朵点缀其中,一只前来探路的蜜蜂正围着这满树黄花嗡嗡地打转。绿色的田野如天鹅绒一般柔软光滑,留茬地里却依旧冰雪覆盖。百灵鸟在天空中颤声歌唱,只闻其声,不见其影。田凫在“呜呜”地鸣叫,仿佛在为池塘水涨、漫过了洼地与沼泽而哀泣恸哭。大鹤与野雁从高空掠过,发出了春天的呼唤。牧场上,牛群在“哞哞”地叫着,因为身上有的地方新毛还未长出,所以看上去一片斑驳。小羊羔们虽然腿还伸不直,却仍然又蹦又跳,围在妈妈身边撒欢儿,而羊妈妈则开心地“咩咩”直叫。一群聪明可爱的孩子光着小脚丫在尚未全干的小路上跑来跑去,满地都是他们可爱的小脚印。池塘边浣衣的农妇们在快活地闲谈,院子里传出阵阵斧声,那是农夫们在修理犁耙。春天真的来了。10 Signs that Spring Has Sprung那些春天的信使◎By Annie Scott 译 / 阿诺

At last, spring is upon us! Even if you’re coopedup in a classroom, it’s still fun to appreciate the springinesshappening all around. Here are a few things to watch for as we head into the season of love, rebirth and much-needed warmth.


1. No jackets

1. 不用穿外套

This is a personal favorite of mine, especially since almost everyone in the city wears a boring black coat all winter. Suddenly, as spring arrives, the streets are filled with color and interesting outfits. Some people take the "oh my LORD, I don't have to wear a coat!!" a little too far, though. Watch for shivering.


2. Spring smells

2. 春天的味道

One of the first signs of summer is that freshly-cut grass smell. In spring, it's flowers. They're everywhere; floristsare starting to stock outside displays, men and women are carrying them around and if you're lucky enough to be near some nice landscaping, they're starting to bloom on their own. The other telltalescent? Barbecue. That meat-flavored smoke waftingthrough the air means it's time to hit the deck—and start grilling.


3. People walking slower

3. 人们放慢了脚步

There are two reasons that people walk slower in the spring. One is that they're not freezing, obviously. The other is that due to the not freezing, people are actually enjoying being outside again. They're literally smelling the roses. Spring is a time for strolling.


4. Birds

4. 鸟儿

You'll notice that you hear more than just the usual muffledpigeon sounds as you walk around outside. Birds start appearing everywhere in spring, and you may even catch a couple of randyones chasing after each other.


5. You drop five pounds

5. 体重少了五磅

Sometimes, we don't even notice it happening. We cravelighter foods when it's warmer, so without even realizing it, you may have just gone on a diet of sorts. Not only that, but the good feelings of being outdoors will encourage you to exercise more. Five pounds may just fall right off you.


6. Your body feels better

6. 身体更舒适了

Not only might you feel a bit lighter, but because you're not all tense from being cold, your muscles will be more relaxed all day, and then at the end of the day, too. Give yourself an extra flexibility and muscle relaxation boost by hitting a few yoga classes. Yoga feels great in the spring.


7. You get more done

7. 能做更多的事

The days are getting longer, and more hours of light means more hours of motivation. It's so easy to quit running errandswhen it gets dark out. Now, you can keep on with your day until 7 p.m. or so before the sun sets. Not only that, but the bright, warm light early in the morning gets you out of bed faster. This phenomenon is part of why we have "spring cleaning". We suddenly have time!


8. You hear music

8. 你能听到音乐

The good feeling of sunshine on your shoulders may bring songs into your head—or it may be that your local musicians are out on the street playing again. After relying on your iPod all winter, you can finally unplugand listen to the music of your environment.


9. Buds are budding; sprouts are sprouting ...

9. 发芽的发芽,抽枝的抽枝……

Keep an eye on that dormanttree outside your window. In fact, consider photographing it daily to make an album of its progress—it's fun. Also, a walk through the park through budding trees and other plants will remind you that this is the season of new beginnings and bolsteryour spirits. Get out there!


10. Love is in the air

10. 爱意盎然

Everyone is suddenly better looking, no? Their faces aren't scrunchedup from the cold; you can see what they're wearing; they've lost five pounds; the sad blues are receding; our circulation is on the rise and the sunshine has our bodies manufacturing vitamin D. All these can lead to some pretty lustythoughts about the people around you. Don't feel guilty; it's normal. Watch for the adorable PDAsas hands come out of pockets and lovers lollaround having picnics and making lovey-doveyfaces at each other.

大家都突然变漂亮了,不是吗?他们的脸不再冻得皱巴巴的,你能看到他们的穿戴,他们瘦了些,忧郁的情绪正在消退。我们的血液循环改善了,身体在阳光的照射下合成维生素D。所有这些因素都会让你对身边的人“不怀好意”。不用觉得有罪恶感,这很正常。留意人们那些可爱的亲昵举止——他们的手不用再揣在兜里取暖了;那些情侣们也懒散地坐在一起野餐,还互相扮着可爱的鬼脸。Things to Do During Spring Break小贴士之春假如何过◎By Alyssa Guzman 译 / 幸福四叶草“一年之计在于春”,既然春天这么重要,那要如何度过才能“不虚此春”呢?

Spring break signals the end of winter and gives students, parents and educators a week-long break from academia. There are many things to do during spring break. You can enjoy a trip to one of the top 10 spring break destinations. Or you can have a productive spring break by cleaning up around the house and beginning a new exercise routine. You can also plant some bulbs in your garden to usher inthe summer season with blooming flowers.


Head Outdoors


After months coopedup indoors because of cold weather, spring break is the perfect time to enjoy some time outdoors. Visit a local ski resort and go skiing and snowboarding. Or, do an outdoor project to prepare for the warmer weather. You might enjoy cleaning up the yard, planting bulbs or putting up a bird bath. Take a long walk and explore your surroundings to toneyour muscles for the coming summer months.


Stay Indoors


There are many indoor activities you can enjoy during spring break. Check out the various community centers in your area for things to do. Swim laps at the local indoor pool or arrange an evening of bowling or roller skating with friends. Buy tickets to a basketball or hockey game and cheer for your favorite team. Or, sign-up for a week-long class or volunteer activity in your community.


Experience the World


Plan a trip and enjoy your spring break away from home. Your travels don't have to take you far; learn about people, animals, science, art and history at a local museum, planetarium, aquarium, hall of fame or zoo.


Plan an Arts-and-Crafts Day


Use one of your spring break days to do arts and crafts activities. Pull out the construction paper, paint, markers, crayons, scissors and glue and make paper chainsor paper flowers. Or, use the time to organize printed photographs. Freshen up a room by placing a photograph in a new picture frame and decorating with it. Put together a scrapbook or start preparing your next photo holiday or greeting card.


See a Movie


With your afternoons free, spring break is the ideal time to head to your local movie theater and see an inexpensive showing of the latest blockbuster film. Use the dollars you saved on the ticket price to splurgeon a favorite treat from the concessionstand. Or, rent a few DVDs and enjoy your own film festival at home.


Game Tournament


Invite over some friends and host a game tournament. You can play a multi-player video game or traditional board or card game. If you invite enough people, break them up into teams and play a series of games at the same time. Give small prizes to the winners of each game.




Pull out the storage containers and trash bags for some spring cleaning. Go through clothes in your drawers and closets, and separate items you want to give to charity. Put away seasonal decorations from the winter. Get rid of clutterthat you no longer need. Store your boxes of seasonal clothes and decorations in a cool, dry place, and put your clothing donation in your car so you won't forget to take them to the charitable organization.




Begin a fitness regimento prepare for the summer season. Integrate high-intensity aerobic interval routines into your regular exercise program. Visit your local gym and use the strength machines to improve your muscle tone. Keep a slenderphysiqueby not consuming fried or salty foods.


Plan Your Summer Vacation


Make a list of the things you want to do during your summer vacation or of activities you wish you could have done during spring break. Include things you haven't done before as well as things you want to do with particular friends or family. Make plans to perform the activities you wrote down over the next few months, or coordinate an itineraryfor your summer vacation.


2011 News Reconstructed in Lego

乐高玩具 演绎 2011 大事记◎From guardian.co.uk 选编 / 夏之黎


Japan Tsunami


March 12th: Following the Tokyo earthquake and tsunami on March 11th, six reactors reportedly suffered meltdowns at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.


Royal Wedding


April 29th: Well-wishers, tourists and media gathered to watch the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's "first" kiss as a married couple following their wedding in Westminster Abbey.


Osama bin Laden Killed


May 1st: US president Barack Obama and his national security team were pictured watching the mission to kill Osama bin Laden as it unfolded (展现) in real time.


Phone-Hacking Scandal


July 19th: Rupert Murdoch's wife Wendi Deng blocked him from getting cream-pied during a government select committee hearing on phone- hacking.

背景:2011年7月,英国销量最高、有着168年历史的周末小报《世界新闻报》(News of the World)陷入有史以来最大的窃听丑闻风波,被迫关停,该报所属新闻集团总裁、传媒大亨默多克接受调查。听证会上,一男子手持装有剃须泡沫的盘子袭向默多克,其妻邓文迪飞扑上前,以身相护。

Top Talk


June 7th: Barack Obama appears with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, as they played down (对……轻描淡写) the prospect of a double-dip recession (经济衰退).


Occupy Wall Street


September 17th: Protesters camped out in Zuccotti Park in New York as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement, sparking copycat (盲目模仿者) demonstrations (游行示威) across the globe. In November 2011, a police officer pepper spraying students at a protest in California sparked a series of online memes (通过复制或模仿传播).


Steve Jobs Dies


October 5th: Tributes (颂辞) were paid across the web to Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, who died aged 56.


Gaddafi Overthrown


October 7th: Fighting continues in Libya between anti-Gaddafi forces and loyalists as the rebels mount (发动) a massive attack on Gaddafi's forces in Sirte.


Entertainment 娱乐频道

★☆碟影重重The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part I)——梦还在继续◎ 文 / 持梦菲

从最后一缕《暮色》(Twilight)中捕捉情窦初开的懵懂,直到在凤凰城丛林覆盖的山巅沉沉睡去;在《新月》(Moonlight)初上时体味生离死别的纠缠,直到在沃尔泰拉城的日照里找回前世的约定;只是《月食》(Eclipse)突现,乌云暗涌,西雅图的激战正酣;《破晓》(Breaking Dawn)之前,梦还在继续。

与斯蒂芬妮·梅尔(Stephenie Meyer)创作该系列小说前所做的吸血鬼之梦相比而言,被搬上银幕的吸血鬼传说更显梦幻唯美。在大多数粉丝眼中,这几部电影的价值不在于如何诠释现实中爱情与婚姻的价值,而在于满足了他们对唯美爱情的终极幻想,让他们体验了一次穿越时空的返璞归真。在苍白的现实中,谁不曾幻想过自己的王子迷人如Edward,忠贞如Jacob?又有谁不希望与自己的爱人生死与共直至地老天荒?



从相识、相知、相爱到相守,途中经历了几多波折、重重险阻,Bella和Edward终于要步入婚姻的殿堂了。在第19个生日到来之前,Bella一定要嫁给Edward。对她来说,在永远17岁的爱人面前慢慢变老无疑是一场灾难,因此她接受了Edward的求婚,唯一的要求就是婚后她也要变成吸血鬼。这种想法在Rosalie (Cullen家族的成员,Edward的姐姐)看来是对生命的轻视和亵渎,因为她深知吸血鬼那种没有灵魂、没有温度、无尽空虚的人生充满了怎样的痛苦与煎熬。但Bella并不是心血来潮想要体验吸血鬼人生,而是想与自己的爱人携手一生。是爱让她变得无所畏惧。在婚礼前一晚,Edward向Bella讲述了自己初为吸血鬼时控制不住嗜血本性杀害人类的痛苦经历。

Edward: A few years after Carlisle (Edward的养父) created me, I rebelled against him. I resented (怨恨) him for curbing (限制) my appetite. So for a while I went off on my own. I wanted to know how it felt to hunt, to taste human blood. [回忆过去的杀人经历] All the men I've killed were monsters. And so was I.

Bella: Edward, they were all murderers. You've probably saved more lives than you've took.

Edward: Bella, that's what I've told myself. But they were all human beings. I looked into their eyes as they died and saw who I was, and what I was capable of.

Bella: And what I'll be capable of. Why are you telling me this tonight? Do you really think this would change my mind about you?

Edward: I just wondered if it would change your mind about yourself and whom you'll want to see in the mirror a year from now.

Bella: I know I can do this. Let me tell you why. Because you did. You should give yourself some credit (赞扬) for that. Hopefully a year from now, I'll look in the mirror and see someone like you, someone capable of courage, sacrifice, and love.


Edward: It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare (使裸露) your soul to. They'll accept you for what you are. I've been waiting what seems like a very long time to get beyond what I am. With Bella, I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast (敬酒) to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough, but let's start with "forever".




Seth (狼人): Jake (Jacob的昵称), you really think you could kill Bella if she comes back as a vampire?

Leah (狼人): No. He would make one of us do it, then hold a grudge (怨恨) against ...

Jacob: Shut up, Leah.

Leah: Would you just get over it? It's not like you imprinted1 on her.

Seth: [看着不远处因烙印而在一起的狼人情侣] At least they seem happy.

Embry (狼人): Yeah. Some people are just lucky, I guess.

Jacob: Lucky? None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is their genes tell them they're happy about it.





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