
发布时间:2020-05-27 17:08:03











限于水平,书中难免有欠缺和不妥之处,热情欢迎批评指正。编 者


1 a fifth time和the fifth time

◎ 不定冠词与序数词连用表示“再一次/个”;定冠词与序数词连用表示特指的“第几次/个”。

When I finished speaking,a fifth stood up. 我结束后,又一人开始发言。(前面已有四人发言)(不用the)She failed four times in the match,but she decided to try a fifth time. 她比赛中失败了四次,但是她决定再试一次。(即第五次)This is the fifth time that he has failed in the match. 这是他第五次在比赛中失败了。2 a great deal和a good deal

① a great/good deal可用作名词短语,意为“很多东西”(情况、事情等),在句中作主语或宾语。

② a great/good deal还可用作副词短语,修饰动词或形容词、副词比较级,在句中作状语,有时表示“非常,极其”。

He suffered a great deal in the past. 他过去曾受过很多苦。

It costs a great deal to live here. 在这儿居住花费很大。

He runs a good deal faster. 他跑得快得多。

This room is a great deal more comfortable. 这个房间舒适多了。3 a great many —— 表示“许多,大量”的一些短语

① a great many和a good many同义,意为“许多”,是many的强调形式,只能作定语,后跟复数可数名词。

I have been to the city a great many times. 我曾多次到过那个城市。

He has worked here for a good many years. 他在这里工作已经很多年了。

② a number of意为“许多,一些”,后跟复数可数名词。表示强调时,可以说a great/large/good number of或quite a number of。number还可用small,big修饰。a number of多用于肯定句,在疑问句或否定句中要用many。

Quite a number of students are on the sports ground. 操场上有许多学生。(不可说a quite number of)

A great/large/good number of people have come to the party. 许多人都来参加这个晚会。

③ 下面几个短语后可以跟不可数名词或复数可数名词:

plenty of money/books 许多钱/书

a large quantity of water/trees 大量的水/树

④ a great/good deal of一般修饰不可数名词,但偶尔也修饰可数名词。

There is a great deal of oxygen in the air. 空气中有大量氧气。

They have spent a great deal of money on the project. 他们在这项工程上花费了大量资金。

⑤ a great amount of,a large amount of和a small amount of后跟不可数名词,不可跟可数名词。

He spent a great amount of time reading these books. 他读这些书花了很多时间。

He sent her a small amount of money. 他给她寄了一小笔钱。4 a kind of,this kind of,many kinds of和a sort of

① kind作名词用时,表示种类,比较下面的结构:a kind of+单数名词(不加冠词)→一种this kind of+单数名词(不加冠词)→这种many kinds of+(不加冠词)→许多种different kinds of+(不加冠词)→不同种类

these kinds of+(不加冠词)→这些种类

all kinds of(不加冠词)→各种This is a new kind of pen.这是一种新型钢笔。This is a new kind of pens.I like that kind of apple.我喜欢那种苹果。I like that kind of an apple.He saw many kinds of machine.他见到了许多种机器。He saw many kinds of machines.He wants to buy different kinds of stamp.他想买不同种类的邮票。He wants to buy different kinds of stamps.She lent me three kinds of book.她借给我三种书。She lent me three kinds of books.He has read all kinds of story-book.他读过各种各样的故事书。He has read all kinds of story-books.比较This kind of book is worth reading. 这种书值得读。(一种)These kinds of books are worth reading. 这些种类的书值得读。(多种)What kind of book is it?它是什么种类的书?What kind of books are these?这些是什么种类的书?(注意,在what kind of结构中,kind一般不加s)

② many kinds of,different kinds of,these kinds of和all kinds of修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。

Many kinds of shoes are on show in the shop. 商店里展出了许多种类的鞋。

There are all kinds of trees along the lake. 沿湖有各种各样的树。

③ a kind of+名词结构中,形容词通常修饰kind,修饰名词的情况偶尔也有,但不自然。比较That is a strange kind of animal.那是一种奇怪的动物。That is a kind of strange animal.(不自然)提示据语言学家Quirk所著《综合英语语法》,下面两种说法均正确:一杯热咖啡a hot cup of coffeea cup of hot coffee一群忙忙碌碌的蜜蜂a busy swarm of beesa swarm of busy bees

④ sort也可表示“种类”,多用于口语,常可同kind换用。但sort多指大体相同的人或物,而kind多指在本质和特点上相同的人或物。

This sort/kind of shirt is cheaper. 这种衬衫便宜一些。提示在these sort of things,what sort of pens中,sort要用单数。What sort of pens do you want?你要哪种钢笔?What sorts of pens do you want?

⑤比较What kind of animal is it?这是什么动物?(问种类)What kind of an animal is it?这个动物怎样?(问优劣,特点等)提示“kind of a+单数名词”表示“怎样一种”。I don't know what kind of a man he is. 我不知道他是怎样一个人。What kind of a job are you going to take?你要做什么样的工作?He has some sort of an English accent. 他说话略带英国口音。

⑥ kind of和sort of可以用作状语,表示“有点”,修饰形容词、副词或动词。

He is kind of tired. 他有点累了。

I feel sort of worried about her. 我有点为她担心。

I sort of believe it. 我有点相信这件事。

⑦ a sort of和of a sort表示“可以说是……的人、物”,暗示名不符实。

He is a sort of professor. 他也算是个教授吧。(=a professor of a sort)5 a must和a need

① must和need均可用作名词。must作名词用时,意为“必需的东西,必要做的事”,总是同不定冠词a连用,只有单数形式,没有复数形式。

The book is a must for middle school students. 这本书是中学生的必读书。提示可以说:It is a must. 不可说:They are musts.

② need作名词用时,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。表示“某种需要,需要的东西,必要的东西”时,为不可数名词。

There's a great need of rain for crops. 庄稼急需雨水。

Food is one of our basic needs. 食物是我们的基本必需品之一。

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是至交。6 a room,many rooms和much room

◎ room可以用作可数名词和不可数名词。

① room作“房间,室,寓所”解时,为可数名词。

It is a large room. 那是一个大房间。

The house has seven rooms. 这幢房子有七个房间。

There is a double room upstairs. 楼上有一个双人房间。提示room可以构成多个复合词,如:classroom(教室),sitting-room(起居室),bathroom(洗澡间),dining-room(饭厅)等。

② room作“空间,余地,空位”解时,表示抽象意义,为不可数名词,可用much,a lot of修饰。

There's no room to move. 没有活动空间。

Is there room for me in the car?汽车里有我的座位吗?

The furniture takes up too much room. 家具占的地方太大。

Can you make room for another person?你能为另一人留下地方吗?比较There's plenty of room. 有很多空地方。There are plenty of rooms. 有很多房间。

③ 可表示具体意义和抽象意义的名词还有:hospital,church,school,market,table,prison等。Church begins at two in the afternoon. 下午两点开始做礼拜。We passed by the church in the afternoon. 我们下午路过教堂。She has gone to market. 她去买东西了。(=She has gone shopping.)I used to drive past the market. 我以前常开车经过那个市场。There will be no school tomorrow. 明天不上课。She left school in her teens. 她十几岁就辍学了。He went to the school to see the principle. 他去那所学校见校长。7 ability,capability,capacity,aptitude,talent,gift,faculty和genius

① ability主要指人的智力或体力,含有能够干好的意味,后常接to do sth.或in sth./for sth.。复数形式abilities表示“才能,专门技能”。

The Americans are celebrated for their inventive ability. 美国人以发明创造才能著称。

I do not doubt your ability to do the work. 我不怀疑你有从事这项工作的能力。

She is trying hard to improve her conversational abilities. 她在努力提高会话能力。

② capability的含义与ability相近,主要指人天生或潜在的“能力”,后接to do sth.,for sth.或of doing sth.。复数形式capabilities常表示“潜在的能力”。

He has the capability of solving/to solve practical problems. 他有解决实际问题的能力。

It is quite beyond his capabilities. 这大大超过了他的能力范围。

He is a man of great capabilities and should be trained. 他是个很有潜力的人,应该加以培养。

She has great capabilities as a writer. 她极具作家潜质。

③ capacity指接受、理解能力,吸收、容纳能力,可用于人或物,后接for(doing)sth.或of sth.。

Her capacity for(learning)languages is negligible. 她学习语言的能力很差。

He has no capacity for improvement. 他是朽木不可雕。

The auditorium has a capacity of 800 people. 这个大礼堂可以容纳800人。

He has a mind of great capacity. 他理解力极强。

This book is within the capacity of young readers. 这本书少年读者可以理解。

④ aptitude表示“有天生的获得知识或技能的才能”,尤指学习方面的能力。

He shows some aptitude for languages. 他表现出学习语言的才能。

He has special aptitude for solving mathematical problems. 他有解决数学难题的特殊才能。

⑤ talent指特殊工作或活动中非凡的能力,被看成是天生就有的,后天可以加以发展或不予发展。

Her talent as actress was discovered and developed only after she met the famous director. 她当演员的天才只是在遇到这位知名导演之后才得以发现显露的。

⑥ gift也指先天的能力(ability)和素质(quality),这和talent差不多,但gift意味着源于上帝或大自然恩赐,命运中带来的,不一定具备创造能力(creative ability)和原创性(originality),能泛指任何一种个人的突出的能力。

An artist is the sort of artist he is,because he happens to possess certain gifts. 艺术家之所以是艺术家,是因为他碰巧具备了某种天赋。

⑦ faculty指特定的技能(skill or power),可以是先天就有,也可以是后天习得,虽不及其他几个词强烈,但是肯定意义比较确定,不用于夸张比喻。

A sensible person has the faculty to tell right from wrong. 神志正常的人都有鉴别是非的能力。

⑧ genius的意义最强,是天生的、给人印象特别的天才。

In the contemporary novel genius is hard to find,but talent is abundant. 在当代长篇小说中,虽然才华横溢随处可见,却是天才稀少,天涯难觅。8 able,capable和competent都可以表示“有能力的”,均可作定语或表语,但有区别

① able指人有足够的智慧或力量,聪明能干,也可表示人的体力或身体状况,常用于好事,作表语时后接to do sth.。

He is an able architect. 他是个很有才干的建筑师。

The patient was poorly able to sit up. 病人仅能勉强坐起来。

② capable表示做某事所必需的能力,侧重于有潜能或可能性,可指好事与坏事,语气比able弱,作表语时后接of(doing)sth.。

She is a very capable driver.她是个技术熟练的驾驶员。

He is most capable of leadership. 他极有领导才能。

She is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. 她完全能够照顾自己。

He's quite capable of neglecting his duty. 他很有可能玩忽职守。

That scoundrel is capable of anything. 那个恶棍什么坏事都干得出来。

③ competent着重具有胜任某项工作的技能或所需条件。

A competent typist is not necessarily a competent secretary. 合格的打字员不一定就是合格的秘书。9 aboard,abroad和board

① aboard意为“在公共汽车/船/火车/飞机上;上公共汽车/船/火车/飞机”,可作介词式副词。

They went there aboard the ship. 他们乘船去那里的。

It's time to go aboard. 上船/上车/登机时间到了。

Welcome aboard!欢迎乘坐本次航班/本次列车!

② abroad意为“到国外,去国外”,为副词,可以说from abroad(自国外),但“在国外”不可说成in abroad,“去国外”要说成go abroad。

He has returned from abroad. 他已从国外回来了。

They are still abroad. 他们仍在国外。

They have lived abroad for over ten years. 他们在国外已住了十多年了。

③ board用作动词时,亦表示“上船/车/飞机”,为及物动词。

I boarded the plane at 8:50 a.m. 我上午8点50分登机。10 abound with和abound in

◎ 都可以表示“富有……,有许多”,处所名词作主语时,可用abound with或abound in,但动物或事物名词作主语时,要用abound in。

The hill abounds with streams and waterfalls. 山里有许多溪流和瀑布。

This forest abounds with game. 这个森林里猎物很多。(也可用in)The lake abounds with fish.这湖里鱼很多。(也可用in)Fish abound with the lake.Fish abound in the lake.11 absent in和absent from

① absent in+地点名词表示“在/去某地”。

② absent from+地点名词表示“不在某地”。

She is absent in Nanjing. 她去南京了。(“她”不在这里,说话人不在南京)

She is absent from Nanjing. 她现在不在南京。(“她”原来在南京,但现在不在,到外地去了;但说话人在南京)提示absent in 还有“不在……里面”的意思。The poem is absent in the book. 本书中没有这首诗。12 access和excess

① access入口,通路;接近/进入的机会;接近/进入权;享用机会,享用权。

The bathroom gives access to the corridor. 浴室通向走廊。

They have gained access to the port. 他们已获得进入那个港口的权利。

The only access to the temple is along a muddy path. 只有沿着一条泥泞的小路才能到达那个寺庙。

② excess n.过量,过剩;a.过早的,额外的。

An excess of supply over demand will ruin your business. 供大于求将毁掉你们的企业。

Never spend in excess of your income. 花钱切勿超过你的收入。

Excess sleep may be a sign of disturbance. 过度睡眠可能是某种失调的征兆。13 accomplish,complete和finish

① accomplish意为succeed in doing sth.,多用于书面语中,指圆满地完成任务,达到目的,常同purpose,aim,goal,journey,plan 等词搭配。

The new Five-Year-Plan may be accomplished ahead of time. 新的五年计划可以提前完成。

The task won't be accomplished by one generation. 这项任务并非一代人能够完成。

② complete比accomplish的含义更具体,含有把不足、缺少或未完成的东西补足完成的意思(make sth. whole or perfect),一般用于工程、建筑、著作的完成,常有“使……完整”的含义。

The hospital building will be completed in a month. 医院大楼将在1个月后完工。

I need one volume to complete my set of Shakespeare. 我只差一本就可以有全套莎士比亚的作品了。

③ finish表示reach or bring to an end,普通用语,指一个过程的最后完成。

He finished reading the book last night. 他昨晚读完了这本书。提示finish和complete 有时可通用,但finish 后可接名词或动名词,complete 后只可接名词;finish常指“读完,用完,吃完,结束”(强调reach an end);complete常指“完成(工作、工程),写完(著作)”(强调make sth. whole)。比较I have finished the novel.(=I have finished reading the novel. Now I can lend it to you.)我已经读完了这部小说。(读完,结束)I have completed the novel.(=I have finished writing the novel. =The novel has been written. It is now ready for publication.)我已经写完了这部小说。(完成,落笔)14 accomplishment,achievement,attainment,exploit和success

① accomplishment作可数名词时,意为“成就”;作不可数名词时,意为“完成,达到”;现代英语中多用来表示“才艺,修养”,常作可数名词。

The accomplishment of the task filled him with great satisfaction. 完成这项工作使他大为满意。

He is a man of accomplishments. 他是个多才多艺的人。

② achievement用得最广,可指抽象的“成就”或具体的“成绩”。

It did not lessen her sense of achievement. 这无损她的成就感。

It was an astonishing achievement. 这是一个惊人的成就。

③ attainment为书面用语,尤指学术上的“造诣”。

I appreciate your high talents and literary attainments. 我钦佩你的才华和文学造诣。

④ exploit指需要勇气和胆量才能取得的成就。

his exploits in the war 他的赫赫战功

perform exploits 立功,建立功勋

⑤ success指个人在事业和名利上的成就,强调得到满意的结果。

his immense success in making money 他致富有方,财源滚滚

their success in reducing inflation 他们在抑制通货膨胀方面的成绩15 according to和according as

① according to为介词短语,意为“根据,依据”,后跟名词,也可跟what引导的从句。

According to today's paper,a plane crashed somewhere in the south. 据今天的报纸讲,一架飞机在南方某处坠毁。

One's outgo should be controlled according to one's income. 应根据收入来计划支出。

Prices range from thirty dollars to ninety dollars according to quality and size. 根据不同的质量和尺寸,价格从三十美元到九十美元不等。

You choose according to what you want. 你要什么,就会选择什么。

② according as为连词,后接从句,意为“依照,随……而定”。

You may go or stay according as you decide. 去留随你决定。

Plants grow fast or slow according as the weather is hot or cold. 植物生长的快慢依天气的冷热而定。16 account,account for和on account of

① account作名词用时,通常表示四种含义。(1)表示“思考,考虑”,为不可数名词,相当于thought,consideration。

We should take into account the bad weather. 我们必须考虑到坏天气。=We should take the bad weather into account.(2)表示“利益,利润”,为不可数名词,相当于profit,advantage。

He found his account in doing the work. 他从做那项工作中受益。

She put her knowledge to good account. 她充分利用自己的知识。(3)表示“账,账目,账户”,为可数名词。

Her job is keeping accounts. 她的工作是记账。

He opened an account with the bank. 他在那家银行开了一个账户。(4)表示“叙述,报道(事件、人物)”,为可数名词。

She gave us an account of her life there. 她给我们讲述了她在那里的生活。

Please give us a full account of what happened last night. 请详细向我们说明昨晚发生的事情。

② account for为短语动词,意为“说明(原因),解释(理由)”,相当于explain,give the reason for。

He can't account for his absence. 他不能说明缺席的原因。

How do you account for your behaviour?你怎样解释你的行为?

③ on account of意为“因为,由于”,通常作状语,不作表语,相当于owing to,because of。

She can't come on account of the heavy rain. 由于天下大雨,她不能来了。

He failed on account of his carelessness. 他因为粗心失败了。17 accuse和charge均可表示“指控,指责,控告”,但有区别

① accuse为常用语,结构为:accuse sb.(of sth.)。accuse后不可接that 从句。

They accused him of corruption. 他们控告他贪污。

They accused the man of having broken his words. 他们指责那人不守信用。

He was wrongly accused. 他被诬告了。

② charge正式用语,常指按法律手续控告,也可用于非正式地指控某些违犯公认法规的事,结构为:charge sb. with sth.。charge后可接that 从句。

They charged him with neglecting his duty. 他们指责他失职。

The man was charged with murder. 那人被控谋杀罪。

They charged that the police had beaten the worker to death. 他们控告警察打死了那个工人。18 ache和pain

① ache vi. & n. 指身体局部较持久的疼痛,且常是隐痛,如耳痛、牙痛、胃痛、头痛等。ache与身体某部位可组成复合名词,如:headache,toothache等。ache后接疼痛的部位时,要在ache前加an,构成an ache in the stomach/one's head/a tooth/the ear 结构。

After climbing the mountain,he ached all over. 爬过山后,他浑身疼痛。

Her legs began to ache with cold. 她的腿冻得开始疼起来。

She is suffering from an earache. 她患耳痛。提示注意下面的结构:ache for 同情,渴望,想念ache+to v.渴望,想念My heart aches for her. 我十分想念她。The lonely girl aches for home. 这个孤独的小姑娘想家。She was aching to join in the game. 她渴望参加比赛。

② pain vi.,vt. & n. 指由于受伤或疾病而产生的疼痛,既可反映一般的疼痛,也可指突然的剧痛,有时指局部疼痛影响到全身,程度比ache重。pain可作不及物动词,也可作及物动词(ache只可作不及物动词)。pain还可引申指精神上的痛苦(ache则没有此意)。

The cut pained her. 伤口使她感到疼痛。

His face was drawn with pain. 他痛得面部肌肉都扭曲了。

She had a pain/an ache in the stomach. 她胃痛。

It pained her to hear that he was leaving. 听说他要走了,她感到很难过。(不用ache)19 across和through

① across和through都是介词。across表示“穿过”时,与动态动词连用。

She walked across the street in a hurry. 她匆忙穿过大街。

He can swim across the river. 他能游过那条河。

② across表示“在(街、河等)……另一边,横过”,与静态动词连用。

The school is across the river. 学校在河的对岸。

He lived across the lake. 他住在湖的对岸。

③ through可以表示时间,意为“在……中”,指一段时间;也可以表示地点,意为“通过,穿过”。

They talked through the night. 他们谈了一个通宵。

He was busy all through the weekend. 他整个周末都很忙。

He walked through the town. 他步行穿过这座小城。

The moonlight is coming in through the window. 月光从窗口照进来。

④ across和through虽然都可以表示“穿过”,但还是有区别的。across与on有关,表示动作在物体的表面进行,从一边到另一边。through与in有关,表示动作从物体中间穿过。比较He walked across the fields. 他从田野上走过。(在田野上)He walked through the forest. 他从森林中穿过。(在森林中)He ran across the bridge. 他跑过桥去。(从桥上)He ran through the town. 他跑着穿过这座小城。(横穿)

⑤ from…to和from…through都可以表示“从……至”,但在from…to中,to后的时间是否算在内,不明确,而在from…through中,through后的时间肯定计算在内。比较这家博物馆从周一至周五开放。The museum is open from Monday to Friday.(周五是否开放,不明确)The museum is open from Monday through Friday.(周五开放无疑)20 act,action,deed和activity

① act用作名词时,意为“行为,动作”,指一时的简单行为或动作,或一个人的具体行为,也可表示“法令,法案,(剧中的)幕”。

It's an act of kindness to help a blind man across the street. 帮助盲人过街是善良行为。

He was caught in the very act of stealing. 他在偷东西时被捉住了。

Acts,not words,are what we need. 我们需要的是行动而不是空谈。

Running away is an act of cowardice. 逃跑是怯懦的行为。

a play of five acts 一个5幕剧   pass an act 通过一项法令提示在下列短语中要用act:in the very act当场act of kindness善行act of madness疯狂行为

② action通常指抽象的行为或动作,需要长期的、反复的行为才能完成的事,强调动作完成的过程,可作可数名词或不可数名词。

People will judge you by your action,not by your promise. 人们将凭你的行为来评判你,而不是凭你的承诺。

Her heroic action/act was long remembered. 她的英勇行为长久地留在人们的记忆里。

The time has come for action. 行动的时间到了。

Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于言辞。提示在下列短语中要用action:take action采取行动the action of the tide潮汐的作用the action of medicine 药物的作用

③ deed指的是难度大而崇高的行为或行动,总带有理智的判断或责任心,较庄重。

To help the poor is a good deed. 帮助穷人是件好事。

His brave deeds inspired all of us. 他的勇敢行为激励了我们大家。

The better the day,the better the deed. 日子愈吉利,干事愈如意。提示在下列短语中要用deed:do heroic deeds做出英勇业绩achieve new deeds of merit立新功

④ activity表示所参加的具体“活动”,所组织的具体“活动”,所做的“事情”,为可数名词。

social activities 社会活动

political activities 政治活动

outdoor activities 户外活动

practical activity 实践活动

mental activity 精神活动21 act as和act for

① act as表示“充当,担任”,指代为行使他人的事务,而不是任命为某职,这时,其后的名词前不加冠词。

Mr. Johnson will act as manager till I return. 约翰逊先生将代行经理之职,直到我回来。(manager前不加冠词)

Miss Green acted as director while he was ill. 他生病期间,格林小姐代理主任之职。(director前不加冠词)提示act as还可表示“(在戏剧、电影中)扮演”。She acted as a musician in the play. 她在这个剧中扮演一位音乐家。

② act for表示“代理”,指完全代替某人的职位或事务。

She will act for the headmaster in his absence. 校长外出期间,将由她代理。

I acted for him in this matter. 我在这件事情上代理他。22 actual和present

① actual意为“实际的,确实的”,指确实存在的而不是想象中的事物,有时可以指非物质形态的东西。

Can you give me the actual figures?你能给我实际数字吗?

The actual situation is worse than you think. 实际情况比你想的要糟。

It was an actual event in history. 那是历史上的一个真实事件。

② present意为“当前的,现今的;出席的”。

The present government is highly effective. 现政府效率很高。

He was present at the meeting. 他出席了那次会议。23 adapt,adjust,accommodate和gear

① adapt指作较大的改变以适应新的环境或情况,也表示“改编,改写”。

We should adapt our thinking to the new conditions. 我们应使自己的思想适应新的情况。

The play is adapted from a novel. 这个剧本是由小说改编的。

② adjust侧重指作较小的改动或移动,或指在整体中调整各部分之间的关系,使之一致。

The body adjusts itself to changes of temperature. 身体能够自行调节以适应温度的变化。

③ accommodate常指以妥协或迁就做出对人对己有利的调整。

He had to accommodate his steps to hers. 他只好调整自己的步调与她的保持一致。

④ gear侧重指“使适合”,对某事物加以调节以适合某种需要,达到某种水平或标准。

Industry must be geared to wartime needs. 工业必须调整以适应战时需要。24 adequate,enough,ample,abundant,sufficient和plentiful

① adequate着重符合一个客观要求或标准,可指数量上足够,质量上适当。

The pay was adequate for me. 所得报酬够我用的。

For the use of beginners,the book is adequate. 对初学者来说,这本书够用了。

② enough是常用词,指足以满足某种目的或愿望,enough在表示数量时可同adequate和sufficient换用,但enough不表示质量。enough可用作后置定语。

They have enough/adequate computers for students to practice on. 他们有足够的计算机让学生上机训练。

There was enough/sufficient food for a month. 有够一个月用的食物。

We have got men enough. 我们有足够的人手。

③ ample指“充足而有余的”,指时间、商品等。

This leaves her ample time to prepare three meals a day. 这使她有充足的时间一天做三顿饭。

④ abundant指就某个方面来说“丰富的,丰裕的(rich in sth.)”。

They had an abundant fruit harvest last year. 他们去年水果大丰收。

The trees are abundant in fruit. 树上果实累累。

Rice is abundant in the river valleys. 河谷里盛产稻米。

⑤ sufficient指为特定目的和需要提供足够的数量(as much as one needs)。

He is earning sufficient money to support a family of five. 他的收入足以养活五口之家。

They have got sufficient food and water for an 8-day journey. 他们已准备好够8天旅行用的食物和水。

⑥ plentiful程度大于ample,当然更大于enough、adequate和sufficient。

南泥湾精神使陕北能做到ample food and clothing(丰衣足食),现在的小康生活该是plentiful food and clothing(充足的衣食)了,而正在实现abundant food and clothing(丰富的衣食)。25 admit,confess和acknowledge

① admit常含被迫或不情愿之意,指因外部压力或受到良心谴责等而承认原想否认的事。

He admitted his guilt to the police. 他向警方认了罪。

② confess表示“认罪,认错”,常指承认自己的罪行、过错或隐私等,侧重“坦白”之意。

He confessed that he was guilty/taking part in a plot to free the prisoner/to the priest before he died. 他承认自己有罪/坦白参与放走那个囚犯的密谋/在死前向神父忏悔。

③ acknowledge为普通用词,侧重指公开承认事实,某事的存在或某事的真实性。

He gladly acknowledged himself in the wrong. 他欣然认错。26 advantage,benefit,interest和profit

① advantage意为“有利条件,优点,优势”,指竞争或物质上赢得的好处,或应付困难的条件或时机。

Her connections gave her an advantage over the others. 她的关系户使她比别人更具优势。

He took advantage of the fine weather to sun his clothes. 他趁天气晴好把衣服晒了。

It would be to our advantage to continue the training course. 把培训继续办下去对我们有好处。

② benefit是常用词,指人们得到的物质、精神方面的任何好处。

The book is of much benefit to me. 这本书对我大有益处。

She got a lot of benefit from their friendship. 她从他们的友谊中获益良多。

③ interest用单数形式,指“利息,利润,兴趣”,表示“利益”时,多用复数形式。

The interest on the loan is five percent. 这项贷款的利息是百分之五。

The interests of our firm are closely bound up with those of yours. 我们两家公司的利益息息相关。

④ profit着重指物质、金钱方面获得的利益或好处,表示“赢利,收益,利润”,也指其他方面的“益处,得益”。

She made a profit of 10,000 dollars on the villa. 她出售这幢别墅获利10000美元。

The school is not operated for profit. 这所学校不是为赢利而办的。

The book can be read with profit as well as pleasure. 读这本书既可娱乐又可获益。27 adventure和venture

① adventure n.冒险经历,惊险活动;奇遇;冒险,惊险。

He's a man full of adventure. 他是个充满冒险精神的人。

The old man told us of his adventures in the mountains. 老人告诉我们他在山里的冒险经历。

② venture n.冒险事业,冒险活动,投机活动,商业冒险v.冒险,拿……冒险;用……进行投机;敢于说出,大胆表示。

He's ready for any venture. 他准备冒任何风险。

They're planning a joint venture with a foreign company. 他们计划跟一家外国公司合办一个合资企业。

I venture to say that men will live on the moon. 我敢说人们将在月球上生活。





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