
发布时间:2020-05-28 05:27:09


作者:(英) 劳拉·费尔普斯,寂天语言工作室








本书特色chapter 01 Job Hunting 找工作chapter 23Part 1 Vocabulary 图解单词201❶advertisement [ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt] (n.) 广告❷opening [ˈoʊpənɪŋ] (n.) (职位)空缺❸full-time job 全职工作❹part-time job 兼职工作❺apply for 申请❻résumé [ˈrezəmeɪ] (n.) 简历❼work experience 工作经验❽portfolio [pɔːrtˈfoʊlioʊ] (n.) 作品集❾interview [ˈɪntərvjuː] (v.) (n.) 面试❿interviewer [ˈɪntərvjuːər] (n.) 面试官⓫interviewee [ˌɪntərvjuːˈiː] (n.) 面试者⓬position [pəˈzɪʃn] (n.) 职位⓭salary [ˈsæləri] (n.) 薪水⓮staff [stæf] (n.) (总称) 员工⓯teamwork [ˈtiːmwɜːrk] (n.) 团队合作Part 2 Conversations 会话练习

1 Do you have an opening for . . . ? 你们这里有……的职位空缺吗?202

Julie Do you have an opening for a part-time librarian?

Librarian Actually we’re advertising right now, but the job is full-time.

Julie Oh, that’s a shame. I have small children, so I can’t work long hours.

Librarian Well, maybe you could job-share.

Julie What do you mean?

Librarian You could apply to share the full-time job with someone else.

朱莉 请问你们这里有兼职图书管理员的职位空缺吗?

图书管理员 事实上,我们正要刊登招聘广告,但这个职位是全职的。

朱莉 噢,真可惜。我有小孩,所以无法长时间上班。

图书管理员 或许您可以找人分担职务。

朱莉 什么意思?

图书管理员 您可以申请和别人一起分担这份全职工作的工作时间。

2 Have you ever taught before? 你之前教过书吗?203

Paula I’m hoping to find a junior high school math teaching position.

Josh Have you ever taught before?换▪Do you have any experience?▪Have you done anything like this before?

Paula Yes, I taught seventh-grade math for three years.

Josh Fill out this form and I’ll let you know if anything turns up.

葆拉 我想找初中数学老师的教职。

乔希 你之前教过书吗?

葆拉 我教过3年七年级的数学。

乔希 把这张表填一下,有什么消息我会通知你的。

3 I’ve come about your advertisement for a . . . 我来应聘……204

Tim Good morning! What can I do for you?

Brenda Good morning. I’ve come about your advertisement for a secretary.

Tim Oh, yes. What’s your name, please?

Brenda Brenda Moore.

Tim How old are you?

Brenda Twenty-five.

Tim Good. Have you worked anywhere else?

Brenda Yes, I worked as a secretary at a computer company last year.

Tim Why are you interested in the job?换▪What interests you about the position?

Brenda I want a job with a prestigious company, and I need to work so I can continue my education.

Tim Right. Well, when can you start?

Brenda Anytime.

Tim How about next week?

Brenda That’s good for me!

蒂姆 早上好!请问您有什么事吗?

布伦达 早上好,我是来应聘的,我看到你们在招秘书。

蒂姆 哦,是的。请问你叫什么名字?

布伦达 布伦达·穆尔。

蒂姆 年龄呢?

布伦达 25岁。

蒂姆 好的,你在其他地方工作过吗?

布伦达 嗯,我去年在一家计算机公司当过秘书。

蒂姆 你为什么想做这份工作呢?

布伦达 贵公司声誉很高,而且我需要工作赚钱从而来继续我的学业。

蒂姆 很好。嗯,你什么时候可以开始工作呢?

布伦达 随时都可以。

蒂姆 下个礼拜怎么样?

布伦达 可以啊!Part 3 Useful Expressions 生活实用句

1― 寻找工作205

找工作 1 I’m looking for a job. 我正在找工作。

寻找兼职工作 2 Do you have any part-time openings? 有没有兼职的工作?

3 I’d like to find a part-time job on campus. 我想在学校做兼职。

寻找全职工作 4 Can you fix me up with a full-time job? 可以帮我安排一份全职的工作吗?▪短 fix someone up为(某人)安排

5 I was wondering whether you might need any full-time help. 我想知道你们是否需要全职员工。

工作类型 6 What sort of job did you have in mind? 你想做什么样的工作?▪惯 have in mind 想到

7 Does gardening appeal to you? 你对园艺工作感兴趣吗?▪短 appeal to 引起兴趣

8 I’m hoping to find something in a restaurant. 我想在餐馆找点事情做。

9 Are you interested in working as an intern? 你愿意当实习生吗?▪短 be interested in 对……有兴趣

10 I don’t want to be a dispatcher. 我不想当调度员。

11 Is it a permanent job you’re after? 你要找的是长期的工作吗?


求职渠道 12 I saw your advertisement online. 我在网上看到了你们的招聘广告。

13 I read your ad in the newspaper. 我在报纸上看到了你们的招聘广告。

14 I found your advertisement at the career center. 我在就业服务中心看到了你们的招聘广告。

15 I heard about the position at a job fair. 我在招聘会上听说了这个职位。

应聘工作 16 I’m very much interested in that position. I’d like to know if it’s still available. 我对那份工作很感兴趣,想知道这个岗位是否还有空缺。

17 I understand you have an opening for a sales manager position. 我知道贵公司业务经理的职位现在有个空缺。

18 I’ve come about your advertisement for a secretary. 我是来应聘的,我看到你们在招秘书。

19 I’d like to apply for this job at the computer center. 我想应聘计算机中心的工作。

20 I’m very interested in the position. 我对这份工作很感兴趣。


提供简历 21 Here’s my résumé. Thank you. 这是我的简历,谢谢。

索要简历 22 Do you have a résumé with you? 你带简历了吗?

询问工作经验 23 Do you have any experience? 你有工作经验吗?

24 Have you done anything like this before? 你以前有做过类似的工作吗?

25Have you ever taught before? 你之前教过书吗?Yes, I taught high school English for five years. 教过,我教过5年高中英语。

26Have you worked anywhere else? 你在其他地方工作过吗?Yes, I worked as an engineer at a computer company last year. 嗯,我去年在一家计算机公司当过工程师。

27 Please tell me about your work experience. 请介绍一下你的工作经历。

作品集 28 Do you have a portfolio? 你有作品集吗?

为何应聘本职位 29Why are you interested in the job? 你为什么对这份工作感兴趣呢?I want to work for a prestigious company. 因为贵公司声望很高。

30What interests you about the position? 这个职位哪里吸引你呢?I’d like to develop my skills. 可以培养我的技能。

31Why did you apply for this job? 你为什么应聘这份工作?I’ve done similar work before, and I think I could do it well. 我以前做过类似的工作,应该可以胜任。

询问优点 32 What are your strengths? 你的优点是什么?

33 What can you bring to the job? 你能为这份工作带来什么?

询问缺点 34 Do you have any weaknesses? 你觉得自己有什么缺点?

35 Which areas do you feel you need to work on? 你认为自己有哪些方面需要提升呢?

询问计算机技能 36 Tell me about your computer skills. 介绍一下你会哪些计算机技能。

询问兴趣 37 What are your interests? 你的兴趣是什么?

询问对未来的展望 38 Where do you see yourself in five years? 你对自己5年后的定位是什么?

39 What are your long-term career goals? 你在工作上的长期目标是什么?

询问是否有问题 40 Do you have any questions about the position? 关于这个职位你有什么问题吗?

工作需求 41 What would be expected of me? 请问公司对我有哪些期望?

42 What would I have to do? 请问我的工作内容是什么?

询问薪资 43 What’s the salary? 工资是多少呢?

44 Do you offer a salary increase/pay raise after the probationary period? 试用期过后会调薪吗?

询问福利 45 What are the benefits? 公司提供哪些福利呢?

46 Do you provide health insurance? 公司提供医疗保险吗?

47 Is there a pension scheme? 公司有养老金制度吗?

48 How many days’ paid vacation will I get? 我会有几天带薪假?

49 Is there a bonus scheme? 公司有分红制度吗?

填表格 50 Please fill out this form. 请填写这张表格。

51 Fill out this form and I’ll let you know if anything turns up. 把这张表格填一下,有什么消息我会通知你。▪短 turn up (机会)突然出现

有职位空缺将另行通知 52 We’ll be in touch if we find/have anything for you. 如果合适的话,我们会跟您联系。▪短 be (get) in touch 和……联系

53 We’ll get in touch with you if another opening comes up. 如果有其他职位空缺的话,我们会跟您联系。

职位已有人被录用 54 I’m sorry, but the position has just been filled. 对不起,这个职位已经有人被录用了。chapter 02 At Work 在上班chapter 24Part 1 Vocabulary 图解单词208❶workplace [ˈwɜːrkpleɪs] (n.) 工作场所❷greet [ɡriːt] (v.) 问候❸make small talk 闲谈❹newcomer [ˈnuːkʌmər] (n.) 新员工❺supervisor [ˈsuːpərvaɪzər] (n.) 主管;管理者❻colleague [ˈkɑːliːɡ] (n.) 同事❼meeting [ˈmiːtɪŋ] (n.) 会议❽training [ˈtreɪnɪŋ] (n.) 培训❾take time off 休假❿take sick leave 请病假Part 2 Conversations 会话练习

1 Hi. I’m . . . , the new . . . 嗨!我是……,新来的……209

Karen Rick, do you have a minute? I want to introduce you to someone.

Rick Oh, hi, Karen. Yeah, sure.

Debra Hi. I’m Debra, the new receptionist. Nice to meet you.换▪Pleased to meet you.

Karen Debra just started yesterday.

Rick Welcome, Debra! I’m pleased to meet you. If you need anything, just ask.

Debra Thanks a lot. I appreciate that.

卡伦 里克,你有时间吗?我想给你介绍个人。

里克 哦,卡伦,你好。当然可以。

德布拉 你好,我是新来的接待员,德布拉。很高兴认识你。





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