
发布时间:2020-05-28 05:48:38








Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. From it, a magical flower bloomed that had the power to heal the sick and frail.

One day, an old woman named Mother Gothel was singing softly to herself during one of her walks along a craggy hillside. She looked down and discovered the Golden Flower.

Just as she was about to pluck the flower from the ground, she noticed that it was glowing. As she kept singing, Mother Gothel’s brittle voice became strong and clear. Her old bones didn’t seem to ache anymore. She looked at her shriveled hands and saw that all her wrinkles were gone. Suddenly, she was young again, and her eyes widened with selfish delight!

Right then and there, Mother Gothel decided to leave the flower where it was, so that she could continue to use its power. It was a secret she kept all to herself. For centuries, she lived contentedly, singing to the flower each day, making it glow with the magic that kept her young and beautiful. And because of her covetous protection of the flower, no one else benefited from the blossom’s healing gifts.

Over time, a small but happy kingdom flourished nearby. The beautiful kingdom was surrounded by sparkling blue water, its gentle waves dappled by sunlit skies, and the island itself was rich both in good fortune and in an easy harmony among its people. Though the people of the kingdom had heard the legend of the Golden Flower, no one had ever seen it. It was the stuff of stories told around fires on cold winter nights; the truth was, they had never really needed the flower.

The people of the kingdom had recently become especially joyful, as there was news that the Queen was to have a child. But all too soon, the kingdom’s happiness came to an abrupt end. Word spread that the Queen was gravely ill. There seemed to be nothing that could help her.

Or was there? Perhaps the Golden Flower was more than merely an old legend.

Willing to try anything to save her, the people launched a search throughout the kingdom and all the surrounding lands. They combed the hills and fields, mountains and valleys. They even crossed the clear blue water to explore the stark and rocky terrain on the opposite shore.

Mother Gothel, who had kept herself and the flower isolated from the people in the kingdom, was singing to the Golden Flower, as she did every day, when she spotted some strangers in the distance. They were searching every square inch of the land. My flower! Mother Gothel thought selfishly. They mustn’t find it. It belongs to me! But Mother Gothel was wrong. The magical flower did not belong to her. And there was nothing she could do to stop others from benefiting from its healing powers.

Mother Gothel began to panic. Quickly, she hid and watched as the strangers moved closer to the rocky ledge where the Golden Flower grew.

“We found it! We found it!” the strangers shouted at last.

Mother Gothel watched, horrified, as a palace guard uprooted the flower and carried it off. In a panic, she followed the strangers as they bore the precious flower to the castle. She stayed hidden, hoping to come up with a scheme to get the Golden Flower back.

But it was too late. The flower was made into a potion and fed to the ailing Queen. Its magic worked, and the Queen recovered! The King and all the people in the land rejoiced.

Soon afterward, the King and Queen stood on their royal balcony, holding the newborn Princess. She was a darling baby, with her mother’s emerald-green eyes, and curly golden hair that gleamed in the sunlight. The palace courtyard was filled with the cheers of the kingdom’s people as they saw their tiny princess for the first time.

But Mother Gothel, watching from the shadows, did not cheer. Without the magic of the Golden Flower, she was growing older by the day. Seething with anger, she waited.

As the day faded into night, the King and Queen launched a single glowing lantern into the night sky to celebrate their princess’s birth.

All their love and hopes for the Princess’s happiness were contained in the lantern. The crowd watched joyfully as the glowing lantern rose to the heavens.

But the King and Queen’s happiness was short-lived. For later that night, as the kingdom slept, a vengeful Mother Gothel crept into the royal nursery and approached the Princess’s cradle. Swiftly she thrust her hand toward the child — but suddenly stopped. The lovely golden curls of the infant entranced Mother Gothel. Compelled to gently stroke the baby’s hair, she quietly began to sing, as she had done so many times with the flower.

Most unexpectedly, the child’s hair began to glow! Mother Gothel watched in shock, then delight, as her withered old hand became young again. The healing power of the Golden Flower lived on in the golden hair of the little Princess!

Mother Gothel cut a piece of the Princess’s hair and gazed at it as it lay in her hand. Now she could take it with her and use it anytime she liked.

But that was not to be. Mother Gothel watched as the light hair in her hand turned dark brown. She looked at the back of the Princess’s neck. There was a short brown tuft where the golden hair had been cut. Mother Gothel was furious! She realized that the magic only worked if she sang and stroked the hair on the Princess’s head!

There was only one thing to do. She would have to steal the baby ... and keep her hidden from the rest of the world forever.

前 言










高瑟妈妈开始不安。她很快躲了起来,看着那些陌生人走近布满石块的礁沿——金色花朵生长的地方。“我们找到它了!我们找到它了!” 最终,陌生人叫喊道。












Chapter 1

For many years the people of the kingdom searched and searched, but they never found their princess. No one knew that far away, hidden in a boxed-in valley, Mother Gothel was raising the child as her own. To prevent her from leaving, Mother Gothel kept the girl at the top of the tall tower they called home.

The beautiful valley provided stunning views for the little girl. A waterfall fell from the crest of the steep surrounding cliffs, plunging to a sparkling, winding stream below. The meadows were filled with flowers and lush greenery. Often rainbows rose from the water, glimmering and arching over the stone tower.

During the day, Mother Gothel would frequently go outside the tower to gather herbs and vegetables. On other occasions, the little girl watched as Mother Gothel went to the edge of the valley and slipped into a dark hole at the base of a rocky cliff, disappearing through a tunnel that led her beyond the places that the child could see.

The tunnel opened to a forest outside of the valley. Mother Gothel made sure that when she came and went through the tunnel, no one ever saw her. If anyone did see, they might find the hidden tower — and the Princess.

Mother Gothel adored Rapunzel. And the child loved Mother Gothel, too. After all, she was the only mother — the only person! — whom Rapunzel knew or remembered. Mother Gothel was there to feed and bathe the infant. She watched Rapunzel take her first steps. And she sang lullabies to the little girl as she stroked and brushed her hair every day. Rapunzel never knew the true love of her real parents.

Nearly four years passed before Rapunzel asked Mother Gothel, “Why can’t I go outside?”

Mother Gothel remained cautious in her response. She knew she had to make the little girl fearful so she would never stray from the safety of the tower.

“The outside world is a dangerous place filled with horrible, selfish people,” she replied. She did not want to lose Rapunzel. The child was a part of her now. She treasured Rapunzel as she would a prized rose or a precious jewel.

Mother Gothel lifted a section of Rapunzel’s hair. Rapunzel reached back and touched the small tuft on the nape of her neck. It was the only part of her hair that was dark and short.

“They wanted your gift for themselves,” Mother Gothel said, lying to Rapunzel as she gazed at the hair that she herself had cut. “So they cut a piece of your hair.”

“Yes, Mommy.” Rapunzel shivered a little. The outside world must be a terribly dangerous place.

But on the night of her fourth birthday, Rapunzel tiptoed over to the tower window. There in the night sky she saw thousands of sparkling lights drifting up beyond the ridge of the valley toward the stars.

The same thing happened on the night of her fifth birthday, and on her sixth and seventh birthdays. Rapunzel loved those floating lights. She even grew to believe that somehow they were meant for her.

Rapunzel didn’t know that each year, the King and Queen and all the people in the kingdom released thousands of glowing lanterns as beacons for their lost princess. They hoped that one day the lights would guide her home.

Years passed, and Rapunzel grew into a beautiful young woman with sparkling green eyes and golden hair that was nearly seventy feet long — seventy feet of hair that was used to make a swing so that she could swoop from the rafters in the tower, and that made brushes for her beloved paintings. And despite her lonely life spent inside the top of the tower, nothing could destroy Rapunzel’s spirit.

With her eighteenth birthday approaching, Rapunzel had decided that this birthday would be different. At least, she hoped so. But first she had to gather enough courage to ask Mother Gothel for the biggest favor she could grant. Mother Gothel had always told Rapunzel that someday, when she was old enough, when she was ready, she would be allowed to go outside. Outside! Rapunzel could only imagine outside — a place she barely glimpsed from her window, a place filled with creatures and plants and with sights, sounds, and smells she had never experienced!

Rapunzel nervously hoped that Mother Gothel would finally allow her to go out. She needed to find the source of those mysterious floating lights!

第 1 章








高瑟妈妈掀起乐佩的一部分头发。乐佩把手向后伸,摸到颈后的一小簇毛发。这是她唯一的一部分棕色短发。“他们想把你的天赋据为己有,” 高瑟妈妈看着她亲手剪掉的头发,对乐佩撒谎,“所以他们就把你的头发剪掉了一块。”“是的,妈妈。”乐佩微微地颤抖着。外面的世界一定非常危险。







Chapter 2

Opening the tower’s shutters, Rapunzel leaned out over the windowsill, breathing in the fresh morning air. It seemed to smell better out there than inside the tower, and the air always felt cooler and fresher at the window. From a potted strawberry plant next to her, a tiny green chameleon named Pascal came out to greet her. Pascal was Rapunzel’s only friend, and he looked up at her happily, blinking his big eyes. He could turn almost any color. Now, sensing her mood, he turned a bright yellow.

Pascal knew, as always, exactly what was best for Rapunzel. She wanted to go outside! Pascal skittered over the windowsill and gestured for her to come out of the tower with him. But Rapunzel shook her head. She couldn’t go out.

She needed Mother Gothel’s permission. Pascal slumped a bit.

“Oh, come on, Pascal,” she said cheerfully to the little chameleon as she motioned to him to come back inside the tower. “It’s not that bad.”

She used her golden hair to pull a lever. Thick wooden shutters that covered the windows over her head at the tower’s peak burst open. The tower was flooded with sunlight, glittering specks of dust filling the air. Their day was about to begin — the day she would ask Mother Gothel to take her to see the sparkling lights!

The tower made a small living space — it was tall but narrow. On the main level, there was a small kitchen, along with a living room that had a giant fireplace. The window through which Mother Gothel entered and exited the tower was off to one side. Mother Gothel slept in a bedroom on this cozy level of the tower.

Up a set of winding wooden stairs was a small loft where Rapunzel slept. Here she also had a box of paints, a guitar, and a little bed for Pascal.

Rapunzel kept herself busy every day. But today Pascal felt her excitement as she rushed through her chores, cleaning, sweeping, dusting the furniture, waxing the floors made of thick golden wood and shining stone, and washing her single, pale purple dress. Then she sat down to play her guitar. She was self-taught, of course, but the melodies that floated from the strings were beautiful.

She had a few puzzles that she put together and took apart regularly. When she started feeling a bit pent up, she often turned to her darts. She had quite good aim and placed her targets in every nook and cranny to challenge herself with increasing levels of difficulty. Someday she might just create a dart that could fly across the valley and hit one of the far walls of the cliffs. But that day was a long way off. In the meantime, Rapunzel also loved to read! She had exactly three books, all completely memorized — one on culinary arts, which helped her with her cooking, one about geology; and the third about botany. Her favorite was the botany book. It had the best colors and explained about things that grew outside!

Pascal tried to be patient as Rapunzel did the same things over and over again, but sometimes he couldn’t help rolling his eyes. It was boring! — especially when she had to brush her hair for hours on end.

This morning, when she was finally done with all her chores, her guitar, her puzzles and books, her hair ... Rapunzel smiled at Pascal. As usual, she had saved the best for last: painting! It was her passion. The tower’s walls were covered with her art. Tossing a length of golden hair over one of the rafters, she hoisted herself up toward her favorite mural.

But today, as she pulled back the red curtain that covered the painting, she looked at it differently. The image was a replica of the view from her window — a night scene showing the glowing lights rising into the sky.

Pulling out her paints, she spotted a small blank space that she wanted to fill. When she finished, she had added a small picture of herself ready to enter the forest beyond the tunnel — to see the world outside her little valley.

Suddenly, Rapunzel heard her mother’s voice. “Rapunzel!” Mother Gothel called from outside the tower. “Rapunzel! Let down your hair!”

Rapunzel gasped. The moment had finally arrived! She took a deep breath and turned to Pascal, who gave her a brave little smile.

第 2 章







乐佩让自己的每一天都很忙碌。但是今天,当她匆匆做完杂事,扫地清理,掸去家具上的灰尘,为厚实的金色木材和闪亮的石头制成的地板打蜡,洗涤她仅有的那件淡紫色连衣裙的时候,帕斯考觉察出她的兴奋之情。然后,她坐下来弹吉他。她的吉他弹奏当然是自学的,但从琴弦飘出的旋律 很美。



这天早上,当乐佩终于完成了所有的杂务,弹完吉他,完成拼图和阅读,梳好头发的时候……她冲着帕斯考微笑。像往常一样,她把最好的留到最后: 绘画!这是她的激情所在。高塔的墙壁上都是她的艺术作品。她将一段金色长发投掷向一根椽木,向喜欢的壁画飞荡过去。



突然,乐佩听到了母亲的声音。“乐佩!” 高瑟妈妈从高塔外喊道。“乐佩!把你的头发放下来!”






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