
发布时间:2020-05-28 16:20:06







第一部分 历年真题及详解








23.D句意:露西的草莓比我的更新鲜。I和me都表示“我”。I是主语,一般位于句首。me是I的宾格形式,位于动词后。my和mine都表示“我的”。my是形容词性物主代词,用于名词前。mine 是名词性物主代词,相当于“my+名词”的意义,后不接其他词,用于句末。故答案为D项。






29.B句意:——我不喜欢阵雨或刮风的天气。——我也不喜欢。题目中的“也”指“也不喜欢”,表示否定意义时应使用“neither do I/me neither”。故答案为B项。A项意为“我也是”,但表示的是肯定意义。C项表强调,可译为“我的确如此”。D项表述错误。



31.A句意:圣诞前夕,麦卡里斯特一家人相聚在家里。下文提到“for the coming holiday”,由此可以看出是圣诞之前,故答案为A项before。

32.C句意:他们计划去巴黎度过即将来临的圣诞节并为此忙碌着。第一段中的“American film”提示这是一部美国电影,巴黎远在法国,所以要坐飞机去。故答案为C项fly。

33.D句意:当他去睡觉时,他特别生气以至于他希望所有人都走开。run in跑进;顺便来访。come out出现,结果是。fall down跌倒,倒塌。go away走开,离开。故答案为D项。




37.B句意:他回到家计划用一些有趣的方法抓住他们。下文“tries to stop them”提示凯文想抓住小偷,因此选择catch,故答案为B项。kill杀死。please使高兴。replace取代。

38.A句意:最终,警察来带走了两个小偷。“take away”意为“带走”,与“policeman”身份相符,故答案选择A项。根据上下文可知,凯文的爸妈还没有回来,故排除B。C、D两项未提及。




A【解题导读】本文主要介绍了著名喜剧演员Chris Rock的人生履历。

41.B细节理解题。由“tell jokes”定位到第二段。第二段最后两句提到他的笑话取材于的他的家庭,成长经历以及学习经历。只有B项“电影产业”未被提及。故答案为B项。

42.D细节理解题。由题干“comedy is more important”定位到第三段最后一句。文中明确指出:对他来说,喜剧比电影更重要。因为喜剧在引人发笑的同时,也可以引人思考。故答案为D项。

43.A细节理解题。由题干关键词“Everybody hates Chris”定位到最后一段。文中指出这是一个“TV show”。故答案为A项。


44.C细节理解题。由题干关键词babysitter可定位到A框。由“from 4 p.m.-6 p.m., Mon-Fri £40 a week”可知,工作时间为周一到周五,每天两小时。即每周工作共计10小时。而每周薪资40英镑。即每小时4英镑。答案为A项。

45.C细节理解题。由题干关键词newspaper可定位到B框。由“you must have your own bike”可以推测,送报纸需要用到自行车。故答案为C项。

46.B细节理解题。由题干关键词City Museum可定位到C框。由“we need French, Spanish or German speakers to work for us”可知,讲英语者不在招聘范围之内。故答案为B项。

47.D细节理解题。由题干关键词Munchies Cafe可定位到D框。由“Come in(8 a.m.-4 a.m.)”可知,工作时间为早上8点到下午6点,即晚上是休息时间。故答案为D项。



49.C推理判断题。由题干关键词save the woman’s life可定位到第四段。由“He recognized her at once and decided to do his best to save her life”可知,医生决定尽全力求助这个女人,是因为他认出这正是小时候帮助过他的那个人。故答案为C项。

50.A推理判断题。由账单上的“Paid in full with a glass of milk”可知,其实是医生自己承担了费用,来报答这位女士从前“一杯牛奶”的恩情。故答案为A项。



52.B推理判断题。此处it做形式主语,指代前文提到的一样东西或一件事。由“A new study...have found the answer, and it has to do with something named the cuddle chemical”可知,it指代的是前半句出现过的“answer”。故答案为B项。

53.A细节理解题。由题干关键词experiment可定位到第三段。由“In order to better understand how the cuddle chemical(also named oxytocin) worked between dogs and humans, Nagasawa and his team did an experiment”可知,实验目的是弄清催产素的工作原理。故答案为A项。

54.A细节理解题。由题干关键词reach the highest可定位到第四段。由“Level were the highest in the humans and dogs that simply looked into each other’s eyes”可知,当人和狗对视时,体内催产素的水平最高。故答案为A项。




1.Some suggestions/advice on how to build (develop) a good (great) relationship with your (our)

parents./how to get along well with your parents.(本题为主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段可知,本文主要就如何巩固、改善和父母之间的关系给出了3条建议。故文章主旨为:Some suggestions on how to build a good relationship with your parents.)

2.你做得越多,事情就越容易。(“the more…, the more…”为固定句型,意为“越……,越……”。故此处应译为:你做得越多,事情就越容易。)

3.(1)keep the present relationship strong

(2)help a might-be-worse relationship get better(由第四段最后一句“Chatting with your parents every day not only keeps the present relationship strong, it also can help a might-be-worse relationship get better”可知,和父母聊天的作用主要有两点。首先是可以巩固现有的关系,其次是可以改善可能会恶化的关系。故两空应分别填入keep the present relationship strong和help a might-be-worse relationship get better。)

4.comes upon/appears/happens(根据上下文可知,最后一句表达的应该是:当父母感觉与你的日常生活紧密相连时,如果有什么重要的事情发生了,他们会在你身边帮助你。“发生”一般可译为“come upon/appear/happen”。符合此意皆可。注意主语为单数,故应填入单数第三人称形式,即

comes upon/appears/happens。)

5.We had a picnic together last month.(本题为开放性问答题。回答和父母一起做过的某件事即可。注意应使用一般过去时。)


1.The book was printed ten years ago.

主语“书(book)”和动词“印刷(print)”之间为被动关系,应使用被动语态,即“be+done”形式。时间状语为“十年前(ten years ago)”,故主句应使用一般过去时。应译作:The book was printed ten years ago。

2.(Eating) Too much salt is not good for our health.“吃太多盐”做句子主语,应译作动名词短语“Eating too much salt”。“对……有利/不利”应译作“be (not) good for…”。故可译为:Eating too much salt is not good for our health。

3.The children can’t wait to play football after school.“迫不及待做某事”可译为“cannot wait to do sth.”。“踢足球”应译为“play football”。注意表示进行某项运动时,名词前不需要加冠词。“放学后”一般译为“after school”。故答案为:The children can’t wait to play football after school。

4.It seems that he has already found his wallet.“It seems that…”为固定句型,意为“似乎……”,后接从句。“已经找到”强调到现在为止,已经完成了某件事,故应使用现在完成时,即“have+done”形式。故此处应译为:It seems that he has already found his wallet。




2.is called

句意:因此,他被大家叫做“骨头”。“he”和“call”之间为被动关系,应使用被动语态,即“be+done”形式。本段使用一般现在时,故此处应填入is called。




句意:一天,丹尼在电视上看男子马拉松。“男子马拉松”应译为“the men’s marathon”。故此处应填入man的复数所有格形式men’s。

5.to do

句意:孩子,每天做一点会比较好。本题考查固定句型“it is better to do sth.”,意为“做某事会更好”。故此处应填入不定式to do。


句意:从那时开始,他坚持每天早上在公园训练。本题考查固定短语“keep on doing”,意为“坚持做某事”。故此处应填入train的现在分词training。












句意:那一刻,他没有看到人群,也没有听到他们的欢呼。本题考查固定短语“hear sb. doing sth.”意为“听到某人正在做某事”,强调事情正在发生。故填入cheer的现在分词cheering。


Hi, Eric.Although it’s not worth worrying about what others think of you, it would be better to change the situation little by little for your own good.Firstof all,try to talk with your classmates or offer to help whenever they are in need.In addition, try to answer one easy question before everybody in classand believe me, it will turn out that speaking in the public is not that scary as you might imagine. Last but not least, it’s always a good idea to go out and have fun doing sports with your friends. As soon as you start, you will make a difference since sports is known as one of the most effective ways of developing an outgoing and positive character. If youmanage to accomplish all that have been mentioned above, you will be more confidentin no time.

Li Hua, China






16. Reading can make you become _____ expert and change your life.

A. a

B. an

C. /

D. the【答案】B【解析】句意:阅读可以让你成为一名专家,改变你的生活。本题考查冠词的用法。此处“专家”用来表示泛指意义,并且expert是可数名词的单数形式,单词第一个发音音素为元音音素,故用不定冠词an,B项正确。

17. A smile costs _____, but gives so much. So we should learn to smile.

A. something

B. anything

C. nothing

D. everything【答案】C【解析】句意:一个微笑不花费任何东西,却能够给予很多。因此,我们应该学会微笑。本题考查不定代词的用法。将选项一一代入,C项nothing(没有任何事物)符合逻辑,因此为正确答案。something某些东西。anything“任何东西”,常用于否定句和疑问句中。everything所有东西。

18. People _____ wait until the traffic light becomes green. That’s the traffic rule.

A. must

B. can

C. need

D. may【答案】A【解析】句意:人们必须等着,直到交通灯变绿。那是交通规则。本题考查情态动词的用法。交通规则是一项规定,人们必须遵守,因此空格中应填入A项must“必须”。can能够,可以。need需要。may可能,可以。

19. —What can I do for you?

—I hope I have a nice house _____ a big garden.

A. of

B. with

C. from

D. about【答案】B【解析】句意:——我能为您做些什么?——我想要一栋带有大花园的漂亮房子。本题考查介词的用法。B项with表示“带有,具有”,符合题意。of“属于……的”,表示所属关系。from来自……。about关于。

20. —I’m very sorry I am late. Too crowded in the street.

—_____. Better late than never.

A. It’s too bad.

B. You’d better not.

C. Take it easy.

D. It doesn’t matter.【答案】D【解析】句意:——非常对不起,我迟到了,交通太拥挤了。——没关系。晚到总比不到好。本题考查情景交际的用法。对于道歉的回答应该是“It doesn’t matter(没关系)”,D项符合题意。It’s too bad.意为“太糟糕了”。You’d better not.意为“你最好不要这样做”。Take it easy.意为“放轻松”。

21. —Have you seen the film Coming Home directed by Zhang Yimou?

—Not yet. I’m _____ seeing it. It’s said the film is great!

A. looking down on

B. looking out for

C. looking up to

D. looking forward to【答案】D【解析】句意:——你看过张艺谋导演的电影《归来》了吗?——还没呢,我很期待看一看。据说这部电影很棒!本题考查动词短语辨析。由句意可推知D项look forward to“盼望,期待”符合题意。look down on俯瞰;轻视。look out for当心,提防。look up to敬仰;抬头看。

22. —_____do you go to Weifang Theatre?

—Once a month.

A. How soon

B. How often

C. How much

D. How long【答案】B【解析】句意:——你多久去一次潍坊剧院?——一个月一次。本题考查疑问短语的辨析。由答语可知,对话是关于频率的询问,因此B项how often“多久一次”符合题意。how soon“多久以后”,一般用于将来时。how much“多少”,用于询问数量、价格等。how long“多久”,用于询问动作持续的时间。

23. Tommy couldn’t stop thinking about the boy _____ made him a fool in front of the whole   class.

A. whom

B. which

C. what

D. who【答案】D【解析】句意:Tommy忍不住想起了在全班同学面前让他出洋相的那个男孩。本题考查定语从句中关系代词的用法。句中先行词是the boy,因此关系代词指代人,又因关系代词在定语从句中作主语,因此需用who,D项符合题意。

24. It’s too cold outside today. You’d better _____ your jacket.

A. put on

B. put up

C. take off

D. take after【答案】A【解析】句意:今天外面太冷了,你最好穿上夹克衫。本题考查动词短语的辨析。由句意可知,A项put on“戴上;穿上”符合题意。put up张贴;举起。take off脱掉;起飞。take after长得像;仿效。

25. —What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one?

—I hope it will _____ like a book.

A. taste

B. sound

C. look

D. smell【答案】C【解析】句意:——如果有人让你建一所科学博物馆的话,它会是什么样子呢?——我希望它看起来像一本书。本题考查系动词的辨析。由句意可知C项look“看起来”符合逻辑。taste尝起来。sound听起来。smell闻起来。

26. —Excuse me, could I take this seat?

—Sorry, _____.

A. it’s taken

B. take it

C. here you are

D. never mind【答案】A【解析】句意:——打扰了,我能坐在这个座位上吗?——抱歉,这个位置已经有人坐了。本题考查情景交际的用法。由答语可知,A项it’s taken“这个位置已经有人坐了”符合题意。take it意为“拿走吧”。here you are意为“给你”。never mind意为“没关系”。

27. —Are Betty and Lingling still living in Beijing?

—No, they _____ to Qingdao.

A. will move

B. are moved

C. have just moved

D. move【答案】C【解析】句意:——Betty和Lingling还住在北京吗?——不,她们刚搬到了青岛。本题考查动词的时态和语态。由句意可知,在对话发生时,Betty和Lingling搬家的动作已经完成,因此需用现在完成时态;又因主语they与谓语动词move之间存在主动关系,因此需用主动语态,因此C项have just moved符合题意。

28. _____ I know, more and more people in the world are learning Chinese.

A. As well as

B. As often as

C. As soon as

D. As far as【答案】D【解析】句意:据我所知,世界上越来越多的人在学习汉语。本题考查固定搭配的用法。由句意可知,D项as far as“据……,和……一样远”符合题意。as well as除……之外;也。as often as每当,和……一样频繁。as soon as一……就……。

29. If it _____ rain tomorrow, we’ll go hiking.

A. won’t

B. doesn’t

C. don’t

D. didn’t【答案】B【解析】句意:如果明天不下雨,我们就会去徒步旅行。本题考查动词时态以及主谓一致的用法。在if引导的条件状语从句中,若主句用一般将来时,那么从句用一般现在时表示将来,又因为从句的主语为第三人称it,因此谓语动词需用第三人称单数形式,故B项doesn’t符合题意。

30. There are so many foggy days these days. We all want to know _____.

A. how can we do to prevent it

B. how we can do to prevent it

C. what we can do to prevent it

D. what can we do to prevent it【答案】C【解析】句意:最近这么多雾霾天。我们都想知道能做些什么来防止这种天气。本题考查宾语从句的用法。复合句中,宾语从句需使用陈述语序;又因为引导词在从句中作动词do的宾语,how作为疑问副词,表示方式,不能作宾语,因此应用what,故C项what we can do to prevent it符合题意。


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。  Rich or poor, young or old, we all have problems. We can easily become unhappy  31  we solve our problems.  32   about our problems can affect how we do things at school or at home. So how do we deal with our problems?  Most of us have probably been angry  33   our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn’t like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometimes, people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendships may  34  .  When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Have you ever seen young children playing together? But they fight very soon, and decide not to talk to each other. However, this usually doesn’t  35   for long. They become good friends again. This is an important  36 for us: we can solve a problem by learning to forget.  Many students often complain about school. They might feel they have too much work to do sometimes, or think the rules are too  37  . We must learn how to change these “problems” into “challenges (挑战)”. As young adults, it is our duty  38   our best to deal with each challenge with the help of our teachers.  By comparing yourself to other people, you will find your problems are not so  39  . Think about Stephen Hawking, for example, a very clever scientist. He can’t walk or even speak, but he regards his many physical problems as up important. Now he is known  40   a great scientist in the world. We are probably quite healthy and smart. Let’s not worry about our problems. Let’s face the challenges instead.

31. A. unless   B. if    C. when   D. as

32. A. Worry   B. Worrying C. Worried   D. Worries

33. A. of B. to   C. with   D. in

34. A. lose   B. be lost C. keep   D. be kept

35. A. last   B. do   C. produce   D. make

36. A. program    B. tool C. class   D. lesson

37. A. kind B. strict   C. weak   D. free

38. A. to try    B. to have    C. to put    D. to keep

39. A. terrible B. pleasant   C. painless   D. useful

40. A. about    B. for   C. with   D. as【答案与解析】

31.A  空格前讲“We can easily become unhappy(我们很容易变得不高兴)”,空格后讲“we solve our problems(我们解决了自己的问题)”,后者的否定是前者成立的条件,A项unless意为“除非”,相当于if not,符合题意。if“如果”,表示条件。when“当”,表示时间。as“由于;像”,表示原因或者对比。

32.B  根据句子结构可知,句中缺少主语,选项中只有B项Worrying为动名词结构,可做主语,因此B项符合题意。Worry为动词原形,不能做主语。Worried为动词的过去式,不能做主语。Worries为动词的第三人称单数形式,不能在句中做主语。

33.C  本题考查固定搭配。be angry with sb.表示“生某人的气”,将其代入文中,符合句意,因此本题答案为C项with。

34.B  上文讲“Sometimes, people can stay angry for years about a small problem(有时候,人们可能会因为一件小事而愤怒很多年)”,由此可推知,随着时间的流逝,亲密的友谊可能就会失去。因为主语friendship与动词lose之间存在被动关系,因此应用被动结构,故B项be lost符合文意。

35.A  上文讲小孩子们一起玩耍时很容易打架、互相不说话,下文讲他们很快就又变成了好朋友,由此可推知,他们互相不说话的这种状态持续不了很久,A项last“持续”符合文意。do做。produce生产。make制造。

36.D  这句话是对上文的总结。上文讲大人们有时候因为小事生很长时间的气,而小孩子却很快就会和好,再次成为好朋友,下文讲“we can solve a problem by learning to forget(我们可以通过学会遗忘来解决问题)”,空格中是对这句话的描述,可推知这句话是根据前文总结的教训,因此D项lesson“教训”符合文意。program节目。tool工具。class班级。

37.B  上文讲学生们经常对学校产生抱怨,接着对此进行进一步描述:他们觉得作业太多,由此可推知,学生们可能会抱怨的是学校规定太严格,因此B项strict“严格的”符合行文逻辑。kind善良的。weak虚弱的。free自由的,免费的。

38.A  本题考查固定搭配的用法。it is one’s duty to do表示“做……是某人的责任”,try one’s best to do表示“尽某人最大努力做……”,因此A项符合题意,这句话意思是“在老师的帮助下,尽最大的努力应对每个挑战是我们的责任。

39.A  由句意可知,空格中单词用来形容与别人的困难相比,自身的困难如何,下文以无法行走、说话,却取得伟大成就的科学家霍金为例,可知与其相比,我们自身的问题并不算太糟糕,因此A项terrible“糟糕的”符合文意。pleasant令人愉快的。painless无痛的。useful有用的。

40.D  本题考查固定搭配的用法。本句句意是“现在他作为一名伟大的科学家闻名于世”。D项as代入文中,be known as表示“作为……而闻名”符合文意。be known for意思是“因为……而闻名”,其后一般接取得的成就。



A  April is World Book and Copyright Day (世界图书日). The Day is celebrated by a growing number of people in the world and has made them discover, and make the best use of books. Books are windows onto different cultures and tools for dialogue.  Do you like reading books? Which would you prefer? E-books (电子图书) or printed books?  In recent years, more and more people like e-books rather than printed books. But there are still many people who enjoy printed books. That depends on the people’s reading habits and where they read them. For example, when parents read to their children and people share books with others, most people will choose printed books.  There is a survey. When some 16-year-old students are asked which they would choose when they want to get a book quickly, when they read while traveling, and when they read in bed, here is their choice. Please read the figure (图表) and try to get some information.

41. _____ of the students who are surveyed like printed books when they read in bed.





42. According to the passage, most people would choose e-books for _____.

A. traveling

B. reading to the children

C. sharing with others

D. Both B and C

43. From the passage we can learn that _____.

A. more and more people are studying how to read books effectively (有效地)

B. it’s not a good habit for people to read e-books

C. according to the figure, most of the surveyed students like printed books

D. the survey was made by some students【答案与解析】

41.D  细节理解题。题目问的是“调查的学生中在床上阅读时喜欢纸质书的比例是多少”,柱状图中最后一部分表示的是“Reading books in bed(在床上读书)”。其中黑色部分表示的是阅读“printed books(纸质书)”的学生比例,图上显示这一比例是43%,因此本题答案是D项。

42.A  细节理解题。题目问的是“根据文章,大部分人选择电子书的情况是什么”,柱状图中白色部分代表的是阅读“E-books(电子书)”的学生比例,图中第二部分表示,“Reading books while traveling(旅游的时候阅读)”时,大部分的学生愿意选择电子书,因此A项正确。

43.A  推理判断题。由文章第二段和第三段可知,现在许多人都根据自身阅读习惯和阅读地点,阅读目的来选择阅读书籍的种类,这意味着阅读效率变得更高,由此可推知现在越来越多的人都在学习如何有效地阅读,A项正确。B项意思是“阅读电子书不是一个好习惯”,文中没有提及。C项意思是“根据图表,大部分学生喜欢纸质书”,与事实相反。D项意思是“这项调查由学生实施”,文中没有提及。

B  Feng Huan was born in a far village in Tonggu County, East China’s Jiangxi Province. She is 13 years old, but she is only as tall as a six-year-old girl. She is an unlucky child. Born with an illness, she can’t walk as others. Family elders once tried to abandon (遗弃) her because of her poor health, but her mother managed to take her baby back. She named the child Feng Huan, which means happiness, hoping her daughter would grow up to lead a happy life in the future.  The illness brought so much pain to Feng Huan over the years. Her legs have become deformed as she has been unable to walk since she was born. She could hardly walk or go to the toilet without help. What’s worse, her illness is getting worse and worse, which puts pressure on one of her kidneys (肾脏). Her mother has taken her to Shanghai for treatment, and her parents have done everything they could to treat her illness.  Thanks to great love from her mother, Feng Huan is able to go to school as other children. She says she loves attending school because she can learn many things there and chat with her classmates. After she goes home on her mother’s back from school, she does her homework with her favorite doll by her side. She takes the doll everywhere with her, even when she sleeps.  Luckily, when her story is reported, many kind-hearted people have lent helping hands.  Feng Huan is now recovering after corrective surgery (矫正手术) on her legs in Shenzhen, South China’s Guangdong Province. Perhaps we are able to see a healthy girl soon!

44. Feng Huan got ill when _____.

A. she was 13 years old

B. she was 6 years old

C. she was born

D. she went to school

45. How does Feng Huan come home from school?

A. By herself

B. On her mother’s back

C. With some kind-hearted people’s help

D. With the help of her classmates

46. What does the underlined word “recovering” mean in Chinese in the last paragraph?

A. 改正

B. 保护

C. 爱护

D. 康复

47. What do you think the writer wants to tell us by writing this passage?

A. What a poor girl!

B. Mother’s love makes her daughter strong

C. Illness is terrible

D. How to keep fit【答案与解析】

44.C  细节理解题。题目问的是Feng Huan生病的时间,由第一段第四句“Born with an illness, she can’t walk as others(她生来带病,无法像其他人那样走路)”可知,C项she was born(她出生时)正确。

45.B  细节理解题。题目问的是Feng Huan放学回家的方式,由第三段倒数第二句“she goes home on her mother’s back from school(她妈妈背着她放学回家)”可知,B项On her mother’s back“在她妈妈的背上”符合题意。

46.D  词义猜测题。划线单词出现在文中最后一段的第一句中。由下文中的“after corrective surgery on her legs(在腿上做完矫正手术以后)”和“Perhaps we are able to see a healthy girl soon(也许我们很快就能看到一个健康的女孩了)”可以判断,recovering的意思是“康复”,D项符合题意。

47.B  主旨大意题。第一段讲述Feng Huan出生时险遭遗弃,母亲护她快乐成长;第二段描述了Feng Huan深受病痛折磨,而母亲不





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