
发布时间:2020-05-29 08:38:06





















本书从每个场景会话中精选出一些常用的重点单词和短语,让你在学习英语口语的同时轻松扩大词汇量。Chapter 1 交际应酬

问候别人1. Hello! 你好!



Hi!2. Good morning / afternoon / evening!早上 / 下午 / 晚上好!

3. How do you do? 你好!4. How are you? 你好吗?


How are things with you?

How are you doing?5. How is everything going? 一切都好吗?


How is everything?6. How are you doing these days? 近况如何?


How is it going?

How have you been recently?7. How is your life going on? 你过得怎样?


How is the world going?

How have you been?8. What's going on? 最近怎么样?


How are you getting along recently?

How are you getting on?9. Are you OK? 你还好吗?


Are you well?

Are you all right?10. What's up? 有什么新鲜事?


What's new?

Anything new?11. What have you been up to? 最近在忙什么?


What are you up to recently?

What are you doing these days?12. How is your business? 最近生意怎么样?


How is your business getting along?

How is your business doing?13. Long time no see. 好久不见。


It's been a long time.

We haven't met for ages.14. What a coincidence! 真巧啊!


What a coincidence to meet you here.

What a lucky chance to see you here!

回应别人的问候1. So far so good. 到目前还好。

2. I'm fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。3. Just so-so. 一般。

4. Pretty fair. And you? 相当不错。你呢?5. Couldn't be better. 好得不能再好了。

6. About the same. 差不多一样。7. I'm just a little tired. 我只是有点累。

8. I'm better now. Thank you for your concern.我感觉好多了,谢谢关心。9. Not bad. 还过得去。

10. Pretty well. 棒极了。11. Not too bad, thanks. 还不算太坏,谢谢。

12. Everything is fine. Thank you.一切都好,谢谢。13. Terrible. 难受极了。

和陌生人搭讪1. Haven't we met before? 我们之前没见过吧?

2. Have we ever met? 我们以前见过吗?3. You look like someone I know.你和我认识的一个人长得很像。

4. You look familiar. 你看起来很面熟。5. It's a nice day, isn't it? 天气真好,不是吗?


A lovely day, isn't it?

It's fine today, isn't it?6. Can I buy you a drink? 我能请你喝一杯吗?

简短对话练一练□ Dialogue□ 对话Arthur: Hello, Billy!亚瑟:你好,比利!Billy: Hello, Arthur!比利:你好,亚瑟!Arthur: How are you doing 亚瑟:你近来还好吗?recently?Billy: Oh! Not too bad. What 比利:哦!还行,你呢?about you?Arthur: I just feel a little tired.亚瑟:我只是有点儿累。Billy: Why?比利:怎么回事?Arthur: I have a lot of work to do 亚瑟:最近公司里的事情比较in the company recently.多。


plan [plæn] n. 计划,方案;设计图 whole [həul] adj. 全部的;完整的


介绍别人1. Jane, have you met Billy?简,你见过比利吗?

2. Do you know each other?你们两个认识吗?3. I'd like you to meet my friend Billy.我希望你来见见我的朋友比利。

4. John is the guy I was telling you about.约翰就是我和你说过的那个人。5. This is my brother, Thomas.这是我哥哥,托马斯。

6. I'd like to introduce you to my boss.我想把你介绍给我的老板。7. Have you two been introduced to each other?你们两个彼此介绍过了吗?

8. Tim, come and meet Mike.蒂姆,过来认识一下迈克。9. Come and say hi to my parents.来和我父母打个招呼吧。

10. Let me introduce our guest of honor, Mr. Morris.让我来介绍我们的贵宾,莫里斯先生。11. If you want to be introduced to the author, I think I can arrange it.如果你想认识那个作者,我想我可以安排。

介绍自己1. May I introduce myself?我可以介绍一下我自己吗?


Let me introduce myself.

Allow me to introduce myself.2. My name is Andy Smith.我的名字叫安迪·史密斯。


I'm Andy Smith.

You can call me Andy Smith.3. I'm thirteen (years old). 我13岁了。


I'm thirteen-year-old.4. I'm a doctor. 我是一名医生。

5. I work in a hospital. 我在医院工作。6. I'm from the USA. 我来自美国。

7. I live in London now. 我现在住在伦敦。

很高兴认识你1. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。


Glad to meet you!

How nice to meet you!2. I'm delighted to make your acquaintance.认识你,我很高兴。

3. Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴认识你。4. I'm glad to have the opportunity to meet you here.能有机会在这儿见到你,我很高兴。

5. It is my pleasure and good fortune to know someone like you.能认识您这样的人是我的荣幸和福气。6. It's a privilege to know you.认识您是我的荣幸。


It's an honor to know you.7. I've been wanting to meet you for some time.这段时间以来我一直想见你。

简短对话练一练□ Dialogue□ 对话Judy:Hi, Anna. This is my good 朱迪:嗨,安娜。这是我的好friend Julia.朋友茱莉亚。Anna:Hi, Julia. My name is 安娜:你好,茱莉亚。我是安Anna. Nice to meet you.娜,很高兴认识你。Julia:Nice to meet you, too. 茱莉亚:很高兴认识你。朱迪Judy has told me that you play 对我说过,你的钢琴弹得很the piano perfectly.好。Anna:Just so so.安娜:还可以吧。Julia:Could you teach me to 茱莉亚:如果你有时间的话,play the piano when you are 能教我弹钢琴吗?free?Anna:No problem. I hope we 比安娜:没问题。希望我们也can be good friends, too.能成为好朋友。Anna:No problem. I hope we 茱莉亚:我们当然会的。can be good friends, too.Julia:Of course we can.欢迎来做客


play the piano 弹钢琴 perfectly ['pə:fiktli] adv. 完全地;无瑕疵地,完美地


邀请别人1. How about having dinner with me?和我一起吃晚饭好吗?


How about a dinner with me?2. What about having a dinner with my family?和我的家人一起吃晚饭怎么样?

3. We'd very much like to share the table with you.我们很想同你一起吃饭。4. Are you free this weekend?这个周末你有空吗?

5. Let's go out for a drink. 我们出去喝一杯吧。6. You must join us for supper.你一定要和我们一起吃晚饭。

7. Let's have dinner together.我们一起吃晚饭吧。8. Are you doing anything this afternoon?你今天下午有安排吗?


Do you have plans for this afternoon?9. Would you like to climb a mountain with us?你要和我们一起去爬山吗?

10. Are you busy this afternoon?今天下午你忙吗?11. We would like to invite you to the ceremony.我们想邀请你参加典礼。

12. Would you like to join our group outing this Friday?你想参加我们这周五的集体郊游吗?13. Do you feel like going to that new restaurant this evening?今晚你愿意去那个新开的饭店吃饭吗?

14. Will you be our guest?请你做我们的上宾好吗?15. I hope you can come. 我希望你能来。

16. May I make an appointment?我可以定一个时间见面吗?17. I should be honored if you are able to come to the banquet.我很荣幸地邀请你参加这个宴会。

18. I am wondering if you would like to come over for lunch tomorrow.我想知道你明天是否愿意过来共进午餐。19. We should be so pleased if you could come.如蒙光临,不胜荣幸。

20. Do you feel like going there?你愿意去那里吗?21. Shall we make a date to have lunch together?我们约个时间一起吃午饭好吗?

答复别人的邀请1. Sounds great! 那太好了!

2. No, nothing special.没有,没有什么特别的安排。3. Sorry, I'm tied up. 对不起,我另有安排。


Sorry, I have plans.

I would like to, but I have other plans.4. How about a rain check? 下次吧?

5. Yes, I have to work. 嗯,我得工作。6. I would love to. And when?非常愿意。什么时候?


当别人邀请你参加聚会或吃饭时,比较爽快的回答就是"I would love to."或者"I'd like to."。7. Thanks for asking, but I've already made plans.谢谢你的邀请,可是我有别的安排。

8. I appreciate your invitation. 感谢你的邀请。9. I would love to, but I have plans tonight.我很想去,不过,今晚我有安排。

10. I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。11. Let's do it another time. 另找时间吧。


Some other time.12. Could we plan it for another day?能找其他时间吗?

约定见面1. Where shall I meet you? 我们在哪儿见面?


Where shall we meet?2. We promised to meet at the church at 5:00, right?我们约好了5点在教堂见,对吧?

3. Shall I come to pick you up?要我开车去接你吗?4. Let's fix a time for meeting.让我们约个时间见面。

5. I was expecting him here at five.我和他约好了5点在这儿会面。6. I have arranged with him to meet at the restaurant.我和他约好在饭馆见面。

7. I've arranged for a car to pick them up at the station.我已安排了一辆车去车站接他们。8. I have arranged to meet her at ten o'clock.我定在10点钟见她。

9. Is it OK at 2:00 p.m.? 下午2点行吗?10. I have arranged that one of my staff will meet you at the airport.我已经安排好派一个职员到飞机场接你。

简短对话练一练□ Dialogue□ 对话Arthur:Hello, Tom! Do you have 亚瑟:你好,汤姆。你今晚有any plans for this evening?安排吗?Tom:Nothing special.汤姆:没有什么特别的安排。Arthur:What about having dinner 亚瑟:和我一起吃晚饭如何?with me?Tom:That's great. I would like to. 汤姆:好极了,我非常愿意。And when?什么时候?Arthur:Let's fix it at seven 亚瑟:我们定在7点钟,可以吗?o'clock, OK?Tom:No problem. Maybe I 汤姆:没问题。或许我应该早should come early to help you 点去,好帮你准备晚餐。prepare the dinner.Arthur:Don't worry. I will arrange 亚瑟:不用担心,我会安排好everything.一切的。Tom:All right. See you tonight.汤姆:那好吧,今晚见!Arthur:See you.亚瑟:再见!


invite [in'vait] v. 邀请 special ['speʃəl] adj. 特殊的,特别的

fix [fiks] v. 确定 tonight [tə'nait] adv. 今晚


与新邻居见面1. I am new. Please take care!我是新来的,请多关照!

2. Hi, are you new here?你好,你是新搬来的吗?3. In any case, glad to know you!不管如何,很高兴认识你。

4. I moved here last week. 我是上周搬来的。5. I'm John, your neighbor.我是约翰,你的邻居。

6. Let us extend a welcome to our new neighbors.让我们向新邻居们表示欢迎。7. I'm delighted to meet you. 很高兴认识你。


I'm glad to meet you.

I'm pleased to meet you.8. Hello! Welcome to our new flat.你好!欢迎来我们的新公寓。

9. I'm a stranger here. I don't know my way around.我初来乍到,对这里的路还不熟悉。10. Maybe we can help each other.或许我们可以相互照应。

11. You have got a very nice house here.你们的房子真漂亮。12. I like this new environment very much.我很喜欢这个新环境。

13. I just moved here from London.我刚从伦敦搬来。14. I don't know anyone here. I just moved in today.在这里我不认识任何人,我今天刚搬来。

15. I must adapt myself to the new environment.我必须使自己适应新环境。16. The surrounding is beautiful. 环境很美。

17. It always takes time to get used to a new place.总要花些时间来习惯新环境。18. To get used to new circumstances isn't too difficult for me.适应新环境对我来说并不太难。

19. So, we finally got new neighbors.哦,我们终于有新邻居了。

邀请邻居到家里做客1. Drop round sometime. 有空就顺便来坐坐。

2. Come round any evening. 晚上有空来串门。3. I hope you'll look in to see us now and then.希望你常常到我们这里来串门。

4. Drop across and have coffee sometime.有空来串门,一起喝咖啡。5. Why don't you drop round sometime?有空常来串门吧?

6. Thank you. I will. 谢谢,我会的。

简短对话练一练□ Dialogue□ 对话Arthur:Hello, are you new here?亚瑟:你好,你是新搬来的吗?Charlie:Yes, I moved here 查理:是的,我是昨天搬来yesterday.的。Arthur:I'm Arthur, your neighbor.亚瑟:我是亚瑟,你的邻居。Charlie:I'm Charlie. Nice to meet 查理:我是查理,很高兴认识you.你。Arthur:Nice to meet you, too.亚瑟:我也很高兴认识你。Charlie:Since we live in the same neighborhood, maybe we 查理:既然我们是邻居,或许can help each other from now 以后我们可以相互照应。on.Arthur:I think so. I hope you'll 亚瑟:是的!希望你常常到我drop in now and then.家来串门。Charlie:Thanks. I will.查理:谢谢你,我会的。


neighbor ['neibə] n. 邻居 now and then 时不时地

delighted [di'laitid] adj. 高兴的,快乐的


约定拜访时间1. When can I visit? 我什么时候能去拜访?

2. Do you mind if we call on you this evening?您介意今晚我们去拜访您吗?3. Permit me to call on you next Monday.请允许我下星期一去拜访你。

4. I will stop by to see you this afternoon.我今天下午会顺道去拜访你。5. You can call round at any time.你可以随时来串门。

6. Will it be all right to visit you tomorrow?我们明天去拜访您好吗?7. Is it convenient for me to visit you this evening?我今晚去拜访你方便吗?

8. Would you mind me visiting you this Sunday?你介意我这周日去拜访你吗?9. Could I come around next week?我下星期来拜访好吗?

10. When can I stop by?我什么时候可以去串门?

前去拜访1. Hello! Anyone home? 喂,有人吗?


Hello! Is anyone there?2. Welcome to my home! 欢迎来做客!

3. So nice of you to come here.你能来这里真是太好了。4. Please come in! 请进!

5. Have a seat please. 请坐。6. Thanks for inviting me. 谢谢你邀请我来。

7. Your house was decorated so beautiful.你的房子装修得很漂亮。8. I just dropped in to say hello.我只是顺便来和你打个招呼。

9. Please make yourself at home.别客气,像在自己家一样。10. I am expecting to meet you in my house.我一直盼着你来我家。

11. I stopped by just to pass the time of day.我来串门只是为了打发时间。12. To borrow your car is the purpose of my current visit.我来拜访的目的是想借用你的车。

13. I just drop in and have a chat with you.我只是顺便来看看,和你聊一聊。14. The purpose of my visiting is to borrow some money from you.我来是想向您借点钱。

15. I heard you got promoted, so I came here to congratulate you.我听说你升职了,所以来向你道贺。16. Would you like a cup of tea?你要喝杯茶吗?

17. I am paying you a visit at your apartment because I want to invite you to my party.我来你的公寓拜访是因为我想邀请你去参加派对。18. I am visiting you because I want to meet you before you go abroad.我来拜访你是因为我想在你出国之前见见你。

向主人告别1. I'd better be leaving now. 我得告辞了。


I must be going now.

I have to leave now.2. Drop by sometime. 有空来串门。

3. Thanks so much for inviting us today.十分感谢您今天邀请我们。4. Well, come again whenever you're free.好吧,有空再来。

简短对话练一练□ Dialogue□ 对话Arthur:Come in, please!亚瑟:请进!Jack:Hi, Arthur. I just drop in 杰克:嗨,亚瑟。我只是顺便and want to have a chat with 来看看,想和你聊一聊。you.Arthur:Oh, it's so nice of you to 亚瑟:哦,你能来这里真是太come here. Have a seat. Just 好了。坐吧,别客气,像在自make yourself at home.己家一样。Jack: OK. Wow! Your house is 杰克:好的。哇,你的房间真so beautiful.漂亮!Arthur: Thank you. My wife 亚瑟:谢谢。我太太知道了一would be very happy to hear this.定会很高兴。Jack:She must have done a lot 杰克:她一定在这上面花了不of work on it.少功夫。Arthur:You bet.亚瑟:的确是这样。


drop in 顺便拜访 have a chat with 与……闲谈

make yourself at home 像在自己家一样,请自便 bet [bet] v. 打赌;确信无疑

decorate ['dekəreit] v. 装饰;布置;装修


邀请客人参加1. I'm going to throw a party for Sandy; would you come?我想为珊蒂办个派对,你要来吗?

2. Would you like to come to our fancy dress party?你愿意来参加我们的化装舞会吗?3. I wish someone would invite me to a costume party.我希望有人邀请我参加化装晚会。

4. I'd like to invite you to a party.我想邀请你参加派对。5. Perhaps you'd like to come to the party on weekend.或许你愿意来参加周末的聚会。

6. We are having a spree tonight. Do you feel inclined to join us?我们今晚要玩个通宵。你有意参加吗?7. It's a pity that you can't come to the party.你不能来参加这次聚会,真可惜。

8. Have you been invited to their party?他们邀请你去参加聚会了吗?9. He wants to invite all of his friends to his birthday party.他想邀请所有的朋友来参加他的生日聚会。

10. We're to have a small to-do, and we'd really be happy if you can come.我们打算热闹一下,真心希望你能参加。11. We are organizing an informal party, and we'd like you to come.我们计划组织一个非正式的聚会,想请你参加。

12. I'd have liked to go, but I wasn't invited.我倒是很想去,但我没接到邀请。13. I'd like nothing better than to go to the party with you.我很想和你一起参加派对。

14. We'll be having a small party, and I'd like to ask if you could come.我们准备办个小聚会,我想问一下你能否参加。

在派对上1. Let's have a carnival!我们一起来狂欢吧!

2. He's really the life of the party.他真是这个派对的灵魂人物。3. There were more than 30 people at Kate's birthday party.有30多个人参加了凯特的生日派对。

4. The revelries went on all night.狂欢活动通宵达旦。5. I really enjoyed tonight's party.我真的很喜欢今晚的聚会。

6. I have been drinking so much wine!我已经喝了很多酒了!7. Wish you a happy birthday! 祝你生日快乐!

8. Sleep-over parties are the best!通宵派对是最棒的了!9. This party was boring before Jeff got here.在杰夫来之前,这个派对很无聊。

10. They were drinking and reveling all night.他们整晚都在饮酒作乐。11. However, everyone is happy at the party because there's plenty of beer.不过,因为啤酒很多,所以派对上的每个人都很高兴。

12. We got stinking drunk last night at the party.我们在昨晚的聚会上喝得酩酊大醉。13. Don't forget to make a wish. 别忘了许愿。

14. Let's have a spree.让我们痛痛快快地玩吧。15. How can we enliven our party?我们怎样才能使聚会热闹起来?

16. The party was very lively, and everybody had a great time.聚会很热闹,每个人都过得很愉快。17. Once the party started, we began to raise the roof.派对一开始,我们就尽情狂欢,好像要把屋顶都掀了。

简短对话练一练□ Dialogue□ 对话Billy:Hi, Arthur, nice to meet you 比利:你好,亚瑟,很高兴在here.这儿见到你。Arthur:Me too. The party is so 亚瑟:我也是,这个派对真热lively, and there are so many 闹,来了这么多人。people here.Billy:Yeah, the music is noisy, 比利:是啊,音乐声真吵,我and I hate the rock songs.讨厌这种摇滚乐。Arthur: How about a drink?亚瑟:要不我们去喝一杯吧?Billy: Good, let's take the seats 比利:好主意,我们去坐门口near the door.那张桌 子吧。亚瑟:好的,那里不会这么Arthur: OK, it won't be so noisy.吵。Billy: Let's go.比利:走吧!


noisy ['nɔizi] adj. 喧闹的,嘈杂的,吵闹的 rock [rɔk] n. 岩石;摇滚乐;困境


赠送礼物1. This was given to me as a birthday gift.这是给我的生日礼物。

2. I gave my mother a present.我送给妈妈一份礼物。3. What can I get for him as a birthday present?我给他送什么生日礼物呢?

4. They presented him with a bunch of flowers.他们送给他一束鲜花。5. This is for you.这是送给你的。


Here's a gift for you.6. This book is intended for you.这本书是送给你的。

7. What do you want for your birthday?想要什么生日礼物?8. Each child brought a little present for the mother.每个孩子都给母亲带来了一件小礼物。

9. She often gave his neighbor's kids little presents.她常常送些小礼物给邻居的孩子。10. I gave her a shawl as a Christmas gift.我送给她一条披肩作为圣诞礼物。

11. I am sure your dad will like the gift.我相信你爸爸会喜欢这份礼物的。12. He gave his daughter a piggy bank.他送给女儿一只猪形储蓄罐。

13. I want to present everyone with a gift.我想给在座的各位赠送一份礼物。14. Guests always give gifts at the reception.客人一般在宴会上赠送礼物。

15. We send gifts to each other on important festivals.在重要的节日,我们互赠礼物。16. We exchange greetings and gifts.我们相互问候并交换礼物。

17. We showered gifts to her.我们纷纷向她赠送礼物。18. When I gave her the present she turned up her nose at it.我送礼给她时,她对我的礼物不屑一顾。

19. Who did you give the present to?你把礼物送给了谁?

收到礼物1. Thank you for your generous gift.感谢你丰厚的礼物。

2. She has got lots of birthday gifts.她收到了许多生日礼物。3. The watch was a gift from my mother.这块手表是母亲给我的礼物。

4. The children unwrapped their Christmas presents with delight.孩子们高兴地把圣诞礼物拆开。5. His colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs.他的同事赠给他一套高尔夫球杆。

6. That was the gift that Ramona gave me.这是雷蒙娜送给我的礼物。7. They gave us the flower basket as a wedding present.他们给我们送花篮作为结婚礼物。

8. His favorite birthday present is a model car.他最喜欢的生日礼物是一辆模型汽车。9. This is the best present I've ever received.这是我所收到的最好礼品。

10. The table was heaped with presents.桌上放满了礼物。11. Thank you for the pleasure your wedding gift brought.感谢你的结婚礼品给我们带来的欢乐。

12. Your gift is of great value.你的礼物很有价值。13. He decided not to accept the gifts.他决定不接受那些礼物。

14. Receiving my gift, my mother was very happy.母亲收到我的礼物后,非常高兴。

简短对话练一练□ Dialogue□ 对话Julia:Arthur, what are you 茱莉亚:亚瑟,你在想什么呢?thinking about?Arthur:Oh, you know, tomorrow 亚瑟:哦,你知道,明天是维is Vicky's birthday. I am thinking 姬的生日。我正在想送什么生what gift to give her.日礼物给她。Julia:That's easy. A girl at her 茱莉亚:那容易。像她这个年age must like beautiful 纪的女孩一定喜欢漂亮的饰decorations. How about a hair 品,送个发卡怎么样?pin?Arthur: It's not a good idea. 亚瑟:这主意不好,维姬是短Vicky has short hair.头发。Julia: Well, what about a 茱莉亚:那么,胸针如何?brooch?Arthur:Only adult women like 亚瑟:只有成年女子才喜欢胸that.针。Julia:Maybe you should ask her 茱莉亚:也许你应该问问她想what she wants for her birthday.要什么样的生日礼物。亚瑟:好吧,我只能这么做Arthur:OK. That's what I can do.了。


decoration [ˌdekə'reiʃən] n. 装饰品 hair pin 发卡

brooch [bru:tʃ] n. 胸针

怎一个谢字了得1. Thank you.谢谢!


Thanks.2. That's very nice of you.你人真好!


That's very kind of you.

How kind of you.3. I can't thank you enough.我无法表达对你的感谢。


I can hardly thank you enough for your kindness.

I have no words to thank you.

I can't express how grateful I am.4. Thank you so much.非常感谢!


Thanks a lot.

I'm extremely grateful to you.5. Thanks for your kindness.谢谢你的好意。


I appreciate your kindness.6. I owe you one.我欠你一份人情。

7. I appreciate it.我很感激。8. Many thanks for your support.多谢你的支持。


Your support is greatly appreciated.9. Thanks for everything you have done for me.感谢你为我做的一切。


Thanks for all you've done.

Thank you for all of your kindness.10. Thank you for the help.谢谢你的帮助。


Thank you for helping me.

I appreciate your help.

I'm thankful for your help.11. Thank you anyway.不论怎么说都要谢谢你。

12. Your help was greatly appreciated.非常感谢你的帮助。13. Our grateful thanks are due to you.我们衷心感谢你。

14. We welcome the opportunity to express our gratitude.我们希望能有机会表示谢意。15. You've been very helpful.你帮了我大忙了。


You've been a big / great help.16. I'm much obliged. 万分感谢。


Thanks a million.17. Thanks are due to all those who have worked so hard for so many days.感谢这么多天以来辛苦工作的每一个人。

18. We owe you a debt of gratitude for your help.承蒙帮助,感恩不尽。19. She felt an immense gratitude to Wilson.她对威尔逊无比感激。

20. Thanks a lot for giving us such an opportunity!非常感谢你给我们提供这样一次机会!21. Please convey my gratitude to her.请向她转达我的谢意。

22. Here I would like to thank you on behalf of my team members!在此我代表我的小组成员向你们致谢!

答复别人1. Don't mention it. 别客气。


You're welcome.

My pleasure.

2. There's no need to thank me; it's my pleasure.不必谢我,我乐意效劳。

简短对话练一练□ Dialogue□ 对话Arthur:Hello, Billy. How do you 亚瑟:你好,比利。你觉得昨like the dinner of yesterday?天的晚餐怎么样?Billy:Very good. That may be 比利:非常好。那可能是我吃the most delicious food I have 过的最好吃的食物。ever had.亚瑟:你能这样说,真是太好Arthur:It's nice of you to say so.了。Billy:I really appreciate you for 比利:我真的很感激你邀请了having invited me.我。Arthur:Don't mention it. You 亚瑟:别这么说。咱们是好朋know, we're good friends.友嘛。Billy:Anyway, I owe you one. 比利:不论怎么说,我欠你个Are you free tonight?人情。你今晚有空吗?Arthur:Yes. Why?亚瑟:有啊,怎么了?Billy:I want to invite you to enjoy 比利:我想邀请你尝尝我的手the food I cook.艺。Arthur:That's great. I'd love to.亚瑟:太好了,我很乐意去。


appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit] v. 感激 anyway ['eniwei] adv. 不管怎样,无论如何


矛盾不断1. They have had several disagreements with their neighbors.他们与邻居发生过好几次争吵。

2. He has many domestic troubles.他有许多家庭纠纷。3. We had a difference of opinion over who had won.我们在是谁获胜的问题上有不同意见。

4. John often comes into conflict with his boss.约翰经常和他的老板发生争执。5. The couple were always sparring.这对夫妻总是拌嘴。

6. We don't usually see eye to eye on many things.我们在许多事情上意见不和。7. My brothers are always arguing.我的兄弟们总是争论不休。





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