
发布时间:2020-05-29 13:22:14








®A Information on the TOEFL iBT®

1.The Format of the TOEFL iBT®

2.What Is New about the TOEFL iBT?®

(1) The TOEFL iBT is delivered through the Internet in secure test centers around the world at the same time.

(2) It tests all four language skills and is taken in the order of Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing, with a 10-minute break in the middle.

(3) The test is 4.0~4.5 hours long, and all of the four test sections will be completed in one day.

(4) Note taking is allowed throughout the entire test, including the Reading section. At the end of the test, all notes are collected and destroyed at the test center.

(5) Compared with the computer-based test (CBT) and paper-®based test (PBT), the TOEFL iBT has no Structure section. Grammar is tested indirectly on questions and tasks in each section.

(6) In the Listening section, one lecture may be spoken with a British or Australian accent.

(7) There are integrated tasks requiring test takers to combine more than one language skill in the Speaking and Writing sections.

(8) In the Speaking section, test takers wear headphones and speak into a microphone when they respond. The responses are recorded and transmitted to ETS's Online Scoring Network.

(9) In the Writing section, test takers must type their responses. Handwriting is not possible.

(10) Test scores will be reported online. Test takers can see their scores online 15 business days after the test and will also receive a copy of their score report by mail.B Information on the Reading Section®

The Reading section of the TOEFL iBT measures test takers' ability to understand university-level academic texts. This section has 3~5 passages, and the length of each passage is about 700 words. Some passages may have underlined words or phrases in shade. Test takers can click on them to see a definition or explanation. Test takers have to answer 12~14 questions per passage. 60~100 minutes are given to complete this section, including the time spent reading the passages and answering the questions.

1.Types of Reading Passages

(1) Exposition – Material that provides an explanation of a topic

(2) Argumentation – Material that presents a point of view about a topic and provides evidence to support it

(3) Historical narrative – An account of a past event or of a person's life, narrated or written by someone else

Basic Comprehension Questions

(1) Vocabulary (3~5 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you to identify the meanings of words and phrases in the reading passage.

(2) Reference (0~2 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you to identify the referential relationship between the words in the passage.

(3) Factual Information (3~6 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you to identify specific information that is explicitly stated in the passage.

(4) Negative Factual Information (0~2 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you to check what information is NOT mentioned in the passage.

(5) Sentence Simplification (0~1 question per set)

_ This type of question asks you to choose the sentence that best paraphrases the essential information in the highlighted sentence.

_ This is a new type of question introduced in the TOEFL® iBT.

Inference Questions

(6) Inference Questions (0~2 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you to identify an idea that is not explicitly stated in the passage.

(7) Rhetorical Purpose Questions (0~2 questions per set)

_ This type of question asks you why the author uses particular words, phrases, or sentences.

(8) Insert Text Questions (0~1 question per set)

_ This type of question provides an example sentence and asks you to decide where the best place for that sentence would be in the passage.

Reading to Learn Questions

(9) Prose Summary (1 question per set)

_ This type of question asks you to complete a summary chart with major ideas from the passage.

_ This question is worth up to 2 points, and partial credit is given.

_ This type of question does not occur with a Fill in a Table question in a same passage.®

_ This is a new type of question introduced in the TOEFL iBT.

(10) Fill in a Table (1 question per set)

_ This type of question asks you to identify and organize the major ideas of the passage into table categories.

_ This question is worth up to 3 points for tables with 5 correct answers and 4 points for tables with 7 correct answers. Partial credit is given.

_ This type of question does not occur with a Prose Summary question in one passage.®

_ This is a new type of question introduced in the TOEFL iBT.

2.Question Formats

There are three question formats in the Reading section:

(1) Four-choice questions with a single answer in traditional multiple-choice format

(2) Four-choice questions with a single answer that ask test takers to insert a sentence where it fits best in a passage

(3) Reading to Learn questions with more than four choices and more than one answer

How to Use This Book


How to Master Skills for the TOEFL iBT Reading Intermediate is ®designed to be used either as a textbook for a TOEFL iBT reading preparation course or as a tool for individual learners who are ®preparing for the TOEFL test on their own. With a total of 10 units, this book is organized to prepare you for the test with a comprehensive understanding of the test and thorough analysis of every question type. Each unit consists of 6 parts and provides a step-by-step program that provides question-solving strategies and the development of test-taking abilities. At the back of the book is a practice test of the Reading ®section of the TOEFLiBT.1 Overview

This part is designed to prepare you for the type of question the unit covers. You will be given a full description of the question type and its application in the passage. You also will be given some useful tips as well as an illustrated introduction and sample.2 Skill & Drill

The purpose of this section is to ensure that you understand the new types of questions that are described in the overview. You will be given a chance to confirm your understanding in brief texts before starting on the practice exercises. You will read some simple passages and answer the questions of a particular type. This part will help you learn how to deal with each type of question on the Reading section of ®the TOEFL iBT.3 Practice with Long Passages

This section is the second of the practice exercises in each unit. Four long passages are provided, and a Time Limit is also given for reading each passage. You first read the passage within a Time Limit and then solve the question or questions of the type that is mainly dealt with in the unit. Important words are also listed to help increase your understanding. Besides, a graphic organizer is provided to help you grasp the overall organization of each passage and understand important points.4 Building Summary Skills

The purpose of this part is for you to understand the previous long passages thoroughly by completing the summaries of them. This will also help you enhance your ability of paraphrasing skills that are ®strongly recommended to those who are preparing for the TOEFL iBT test.5 Mini TOEFL iBT®

This part gives you a chance to experience an actual TOEFL iBT test in a shortened form. You will be given two passages with 6 ®questions each. The topics are similar to those on the actual TOEFL test, as are the questions.6 Vocabulary Review

This part offers you a chance to review some of the words you need to remember after finishing each unit. Vocabulary words for each unit are also provided at the back of the book to help you prepare for each unit.7 Actual Test

This part offers a full practice test that is modeled on the Reading ®section of the TOEFL iBT. This will familiarize you with the actual test ®format of the TOEFL iBT.PART 1Basic Comprehension

In this part, the reading comprehension questions include: vocabulary, reference, factual information, negative factual information, and sentence simplification. The learning objectives of these reading comprehension questions are to identify individual words, referential relations between the words in the passage, factual information, and essential sentences.Unit 1VocabularyOverview■ Introduction

Vocabulary questions ask you to identify the meanings of words and phrases in the passage, and you then choose a synonym from the answer choices. A word might have more than one meaning, but you should understand its contextual meaning and choose the answer choice closest in meaning to the word as it is used in the passage. There is no particular list of test words, so you need to increase your vocabulary as much as possible. Each passage has three to five vocabulary questions.■ Question Types

1.The word_____in the passage is closest in meaning to

2.The phrase_____in the passage is closest in meaning to

3.In stating that_____, the author means that

4.Based on the information in paragraph X, which of the following best explains the term_____?■ Useful Tips

● Keep in mind that the question is asking for the meaning as the word is used in the passage.

● Make the most of contextual clues, such as definition, synonym, antonym, example, and experience clues.

● Confirm that the word or phrase you have chosen still makes sense in the passageSample iBT Question

The word depict in the passage is closest in meaning to

A describe

B ignore

C admire

D criticizeMongol EmpireGenghis Kahn was a political ruler. He was also a military leader. He united the Mongol tribes and founded the largest empire in world history. Some historians depict Kahn as a bloodthirsty despot. But to modern-day Mongolians he is an icon. He is their hero.The Mongol Empire stretched over much of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. One distinct feature of the Mongol Empire was strict adherence to a legal code. These laws were called the Yassa Code. They established the empire as a meritocracy. In this form of government, a person advances based on ability, rather than wealth or family connections. Many modern countries still use a similar code.Correct Answer

Depict means to describe someone or something using words or pictures. So the correct Answeris (A).Skill & Drill®

The best way to deal with Vocabulary questions on the TOEFL iBT is to know as much vocabulary as possible. But when you come across an unknown word while reading, it helps to use contextual clues to guess the meaning of the word.

Definition Clues

Definition clues provide a formal definition or a simple restatement of the word. They usually follow signa words or phrases such as or, means, refers to, is, is called, is defined as or which is.

● Psychoanalysts refer to the venting of aggressive impulses as “catharsis.”

Synonym Clues

To help show the meaning of an unknown word, writers sometimes use a familiar word with a similar meaning or a synonym.

● A condenser is a heat exchanger in which steam or vapor loses heat and returns to liquid form.

Antonym Clues

An antonym clue provides a word with an opposite meaning to the unknown word. It is useful to look at signal words or phrases like but, however, in contrast, on the other hand, though, while, whereas, and some...; others...

● Adult humans generally need about seven or eight hours of sleep while infants need twice as much.

Example Clues

Example clues provide examples of the unknown word. The clue is often introduced by signal words such as include, for example, for instance, such as, and like.

● Portraits are interesting because of the way an artist expresses a human emotion, such as fear, sadness, happiness, or love.

Experience/Description Clues

Experience/Description clues rely on your experience and common knowledge to understand an unknown word. Many times, the text provides one or more descriptions of the unknown word. You need to use your logic and reasoning skills.

● John F. Kennedy was a very charismatic president. People were attracted to his charm and enthusiasm.The BakaThe Baka are a nomadic group living in the rain forests of Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, and the Central African Republic. They have an average height of 1.5m and are considered to be pygmies. However, they do not like this term and prefer to be called by their tribal name, the Baka.The Baka are a hunter-gatherer people. They make temporary camps of huts. These huts are made of tree branches and are covered with large leaves. The men use poisoned arrows and spears to hunt animals in the forest. The women gather fruits and nuts. They also practice beekeeping and tend to the children. The group governs itself communally and makes all decisions by consensus.

1.The word nomadic in the passage is closest in meaning to

A settled

B traveling

C dangerous

D cheerfulBacteriaBacteria are the most common of all living things. They live in soil and water. They also live in other living things. In general, most bacteria are extremely small and invisible to the human eye. But giant bacteria may grow past 0.5mm in size. They have cell walls like plant and fungal cells. Many bacteria move by using flapping limbs called flagellaBacteria can be both useful and harmful to humans and animals. Some bacteria cause terrible diseases such as cholera and leprosy. But the presence of bacteria in human intestines is good because they prevent the growth of harmful microbes. They do this by breaking them down.

2.The word presence in the passage is closest in meaning to

A growth

B existence

C bearing

D attendanceDroughtA drought is an abnormally long spell of dry weather. It is a time when there is not enough water to support farming, urban, or environmental needs. It usually refers to an extended period of below-normal rainfall. But it can be caused by anything that reduces the amount of water circulation.Humans cannot control the weather. So the causes that lead to drought cannot be stopped.The most common causes are lack of water and hot temperatures. Many scientists believe many recent droughts happened because of global warming. They claim that if we can reduce the damage done to the ozone layer, there will be fewer droughts.

3.The word spell in the passage is closest in meaning to

A charm

B zone

C signal

D periodMetaphorA metaphor is a part of language that is a direct comparison between two unrelated things. The metaphor describes a first subject as being equal to the second subject in some way. There are many types of metaphors, such as mixed, active, and dead. A mixed metaphor combines two commonly used metaphors, to create a nonsensical image. An example of this is, “He stepped up to the plate and grabbed the bull by the horns.” An active metaphor is not part of daily language, such as, “You are my sun.” A dead metaphor is used to describe a metaphorical cliché, such as “to break the ice.”

4.The word cliché in the passage is closest in meaning to

A indirect expression

B novel expression

C overused expression

D old-fashioned expressionQueen Elizabeth IQueen Elizabeth I ruled England and Ireland. She sat on the throne from 1558 to 1603.She was also considered the Queen of France, but she had no power there. She was the fifth and final monarch of the Tudor Dynasty. Elizabeth was called the Virgin Queen because she never married.The time of Elizabeth’s reign is called the Elizabethan Era. Many great accomplishments took place under her reign. Shakespeare wrote his plays. Sir Francis Drake circled the globe. The English colonized North America. Shortly after her death, the American colony of Virginia was established. It was named in honor of the Virgin Queen.

5.In stating that Sir Francis Drake circled the globe, the author means that he

A drew a map

B measured a model globe

C traveled around the world

D ran in a circleThe ParameciumThe paramecium is an organism which is also known as a slipper because it has the shape of a slipper. Paramecia represent a group of single-celled organisms called the ciliate group. This is because their bodies are covered with cilia, which are thin tail-like limbs. Their constant motion allows the paramecium to move. The cell has a deep oral groove. This is a kind of mouth that is also filled with cilia. The mouth is used to expel water. Paramecia are commonly found in freshwater areas, especially in scum. They are attracted by acidic conditions.

6.The word expel in the passage is closest in meaning to

A push out

B pull in

C take in

D throw awayPractice with Long PassagesA Read the following passage, and answer the questions.Monarchy in Europe Time Limit: 3 min.A monarchy is a form of government where a single ruler is the head of state. It is one of the oldest forms of government in the world. Monarchs are usually kings or queens. But they can also be a chief, an emperor, or called by another name. In some countries, such as Japan, the monarch is merely symbolic. They are figureheads with no real power. In other countries, the monarch wields considerable power. There are currently 29 sovereign monarchies around the world.Hereditary monarchy is the most common style of succession. This form is used by most of the world’s monarchies. In this case, all of the kings and queens come from the same family. A family that rules for a span of time is called a dynasty. The crown is passed down from one member to another member of the family. The hereditary system has the advantages of stability, continuity, and predictability. Family affection and loyalty are also stabilizing factors.Over the centuries, most European countries were ruled by monarchs. The United Kingdom, Denmark, and Norway still have constitutional monarchies. In a constitutional monarchy a king or queen reigns but must obey the constitutional laws of the nation. This form of government severely limits the monarch’s power.In the 17th century, England became a constitutional monarchy. King Charles I signed an agreement. He had to go through the English Parliament to exact new taxes and laws or to start wars. Immediately after signing the agreement, the king ignored it. He tried to rule with absolute power. He was beheaded for treason. The new era of constitutional monarchy had begun.The Russian Empire was an absolute monarchy in Europe. The first ruler was Peter I. He was a member of the Romanov family. He became tsar in 1682.“Tsar” is the Russian word for “emperor.” The Romanov family ruled this empire until the February Revolution of 1917.In this year, the Russian people revolted. The reigning tsar, Nicholas II was forced to give up his throne. By 1918, Nicholas II and his family were shot before a firing squad.

General Comprehension

1.According to the passage, hereditary monarchy is

A a form of absolute monarchy

B a figurehead positio

C the most common style of succession

D also called a tsar

2.According to paragraph 4, all of the following are true about King harles I EXCEPT:

A He signed an agreement that limited his power.

B He tried to rule with absolute power.

C He was loved by the people he ruled over.

D He was beheaded for treason.

On the TOEFL Test

3.The word considerable in the passage is closest in meaning to

A normal

B extensive

C thoughtful

D slight

4.The word exact in the passage is closest in meaning to

A approve of

B demand

C raise

D correctB Read the following passage, and answer the questions.A lternative Energy Sources Time Limit: 2 min. 40 sec.Fossil fuels are the cause of many problems. They create terrible pollution which leads to global warming. Many wars are fought to control oil and gas fields. Fossil fuels are also nonrenewable resources. They will be exhausted some day. Societies around the world suffer when fuel shortages occur.Can solar power completely replace fossil fuels? Solar power is clean, safe, and inexpensive. But the idea of replacing fossil fuels with solar power alone is totally unrealistic. Current solar cell technology is not advanced enough. Solar cells are not dependable. They are useless in cloudy and rainy weather as well as at night. A lso, they take up too much space. Then they fail to produce sufficient amounts of power.The soft energy path is a good alternative to fossil fuel reliance. The soft energy path is an energy conservation plan. It is an alternative to the hard energy path. Hard energy is defined as harmful and nonrenewable. Fossil fuels and nuclear power are included. On the other hand, soft energy is defined as renewable and environmentally safe energy. Solar and wind power are soft energy. Biofuel and geothermal energy are also included.There are many proponents of the soft energy path. They believe the solution lies in new energy production methods. The first step is to practice careful conservation in our use of hard energy technologies. Then, many new soft energy sources will be phased into use as soft energy technology improves.





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