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第1章 GMAT文本逻辑推理部分考试指南

2012年6月GMAT考试进行了重大改革,考试整体结构变化不大,主要体现在写作部分的调整和综合推理部分(Integrated Reasoning)的加入,写作部分的变动具体表现在取消了Issue写作,保留了Argument写作。

1.1 GMAT考试简介

GMAT,全称Graduate Management Admission Test(研究生管理科学入学考试),是由Graduate Management Admission Council(管理专业研究生入学考试委员会)主办,主要用来评估申请入学者是否适合在商业、经济、管理等专业的研究生阶段学习的标准化考试。由于其有效性和较高的可信度,GMAT成绩获得全球各大商学院的普遍认可,目前被广泛作为工商管理硕士的入学考试,该考试在中国的举办单位为中国国外考试协调处(CIECB)。

1.2 GMAT试卷结构

1997年最后一次笔试之后,GMAT在1998年改成了计算机化测试(Computer-Adaptive Test)。2012年6月改革后的GMAT考试包括四个部分:分析性写作(Analytical Writing Assessment)、综合推理(Integrated Reasoning)、定量推理(Quantitative)和文本逻辑推理(Verbal)。GMAT详细试卷结构如下:


1.3 GMAT文本逻辑推理部分命题分析和解题技巧

GMAT文本逻辑推理部分主要考查考生阅读、理解书面材料,对推理论据进行审视和改正书面材料以使其达到书面英语规范标准的能力。该部分共有41小题,均以选择题的形式出现,题目类型包括:批判性推理(Critical Reasoning)、阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)和句子改错(Sentence Correction)。需要注意文本逻辑推理部分要求考生掌握英语的基本知识,但并不考查英语高级词汇,阅读材料和试题也不需考生对讨论中的话题有详细的了解。




























1)Argument construction(论点构建)

关于论点构建的问题可能会要求考生识别the basic structure of an argument(论述的基本结构)、properly drawn conclusions(得到的正确结论)、underlying assumptions(文章所基于的假设)、well-supported explanatory hypotheses(论据充分的解释性猜测)、parallels between structurally similar arguments(结构相似论点的平行结构)。

2)Argument evaluation(论点评估)

论点评估问题会要求考生首先对既定论点进行分析,然后识别:factors that would strengthen or weaken the given argument(会起到加强或削弱既定论点作用的因素)、reasoning errors committed in making that argument(进行论述时所犯推理错误)和aspects of the method by which the argument proceeds(论述所用推理方法)。

3)Formulating and evaluating a plan of action(形成以及评价行动方案)

形成以及评价行动方案方面的问题要求考生识别:the relative appropriateness, effectiveness, or efficiency of different plans of action(不同行动方案的可行性、有效性或效率)、factors that would strengthen or weaken the prospects of success of a proposed plan of action(加强或削弱所拟行动方案成功可能的因素)和assumptions underlying a proposed plan of action(所拟行动方案基于的假设)。










GMAT句子改错题主要考查语法规则、词汇和逻辑表达三个方面的内容。其中语法规则方面常考前后一致、句子结构、谓语动词和非谓语动词形式、比较结构、平行结构和修饰语等。词汇方面主要与标准书面语使用、习惯搭配、词的位置、避免语义重复相关。逻辑表达方面主要要求表达简洁和逻辑合理。  对于GMAT句子改错题,正确选项应确保:结构对等;指代清楚;单复数一致;时态正确;符合逻辑;句子简洁且无歧义;句意完整;表达地道。  进行解答时,应注意寻找错误的顺序,即从明显和绝对错误再到相对错误;从基本结构错误到修饰成分错误;从语法错误到逻辑错误。总的来说就是从易到难地进行解答。对于比较复杂的句子,可通过对比选项来寻找解题突破口。此外,需要关注原句中没有划线的部分,通过协调划线部分和未划线部分来寻找答案。最后习惯搭配、逻辑搭配、形式对称和内容简洁也是应该注意的地方。

第2章 GMAT阅读理解高分特训300题





◆Passage 1            文章结构:观点对比型

Protein synthesis begins when the gene encoding a protein is activated. The gene’s sequence of nucleotides is transcribed into a molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA), which reproduces the information contained in that sequence. Transported outside the nucleus to the cytoplasm, the mRNA is translated into the protein it encodes by an organelle known as a ribosome, which strings together amino acids in the order specified by the sequence of elements in the mRNA molecule. Since the amount of mRNA in a cell determines the amount of the corresponding protein, factors affecting the abundance of mRNA’s play a major part in the normal functioning of a cell by appropriately regulating protein synthesis. For example, an excess of certain proteins can cause cells to proliferate abnormally and become cancerous; a lack of the protein insulin results in diabetes.

Biologists once assumed that the variable rates at which cells synthesize different mRNA’s determine the quantities of mRNA’s and their corresponding proteins in a cell. However, recent investigations have shown that the concentrations of most mRNA’s correlate best, not with their synthesis rate, but rather with the equally variable rates at which cells degrade the different mRNA’s in their cytoplasm. If a cell degrades both a rapidly and a slowly synthesized mRNA slowly, both mRNA’s will accumulate to high levels.

An important example of this phenomenon is the development of red blood cells from their unspecialized parent cells in bone marrow. For red blood cells to accumulate sufficient concentrations of hemoglobin (which transports oxygen) to carry out their main function, the cells’ parent cells must simultaneously produce more of the constituent proteins of hemoglobin and less of most other proteins. To do this, the parent cells halt synthesis of non-hemoglobin mRNA’s in the nucleus and rapidly degrade copies of the non-hemoglobin mRNA’s remaining in the cytoplasm. Halting synthesis of mRNA alone would not affect the quantities of proteins synthesized by the mRNA’s still existing in the cytoplasm. Biologists now believe that most cells can regulate protein production most efficiently by varying both mRNA synthesis and degradation, as developing red cells do, rather than by just varying one or the other.

Questions 1-8 refer to the passage above.

1.The passage is primarily concerned with discussing the

(A) influence of mRNA concentrations on the development of red blood cells.

(B) role of the synthesis and degradation of mRNA in cell functioning.

(C) mechanism by which genes are transcribed into mRNA.

(D) differences in mRNA concentrations in cell nuclei and in the cytoplasm.  

(E) way in which mRNA synthesis contributes to the onset of diabetes.

2. The passage suggests that a biologist who held the view described in the first sentence of the second paragraph would most probably also have believed which of the following?

(A) The rate of degradation of specific mRNA’s has little effect on protein concentrations.

(B) The rate of degradation of specific mRNA’s should be studied intensively.

(C) The rates of synthesis and degradation for any given mRNA are normally equal.

(D) Different mRNA’s undergo degradation at widely varying rates.

(E) Most mRNA’s degrade very rapidly.

3. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the second and third paragraphs of the passage?

(A) The second paragraph presents arguments in support of a new theory and the third paragraph presents arguments against that same theory.

(B) The second paragraph describes a traditional view and the third paragraph describes the view that has replaced it on the basis of recent investigations.

(C) The third paragraph describes a specific case of a phenomenon that is described generally in the second paragraph.

(D) The third paragraph describes an investigation that was undertaken to resolve problems raised by phenomena described in the second paragraph.  

(E) Both paragraphs describe in detail specific examples of the phenomenon that is introduced in the first paragraph.

4. The accumulation of concentrations of hemoglobin in red blood cells is mentioned in the passage as an example of which of the following?

(A) The effectiveness of simultaneous variation of the rates of synthesis and degradation of mRNA.

(B) The role of the ribosome in enabling a parent cell to develop properly into a more specialized form.

(C) The importance of activating the genes for particular proteins at the correct moment.

(D) The abnormal proliferation of a protein that threatens to make the cell cancerous.

(E) The kind of evidence that biologists relied on for support of a view of mRNA synthesis that is now considered obsolete.

5. To begin to control a disease caused by a protein deficiency, the passage suggests that a promising experimental treatment would be to administer a drug that would reduce

(A) only the degradation rate for the mRNA of the protein involved.

(B) only the synthesis rate for the mRNA of the protein involved.

(C) both the synthesis and degradation rates for the mRNA of the protein involved.

(D) the incidence of errors in the transcription of mRNA’s from genetic nucleotide sequences.

(E) the rate of activity of ribosomes in the cytoplasm of most cells.

6. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the current view on the relationship between the synthesis and the degradation of mRNA in regulating protein synthesis?

(A) Biologists have recently become convinced that the ribosome controls the rates of synthesis and degradation of mRNA.

(B) There is no consensus among biologists as to the significance of mRNA degradation in regulating protein synthesis.

(C) The concept of mRNA degradation is so new that most biologists still believe that the vital role in protein regulation belongs to mRNA synthesis.

(D) Degradation of mRNA is now considered to be the key process and mRNA synthesis is no longer believed to play a significant role.

(E) Degradation of mRNA is now considered to be as important as mRNA synthesis has been, and still is, believed to be.

7. According to the passage, which of the following can happen when protein synthesis is not appropriately regulated?

(A) Diabetes can result from errors that occur when the ribosomes translate mRNA into protein.

(B) Cancer can result from an excess of certain proteins and diabetes can result from an insulin deficiency.

(C) A deficiency of red blood cells can occur if bone marrow cells produce too much hemoglobin.

(D) Cancer can be caused by excessively rapid degradation of certain amino acids in the cytoplasm of cells.

(E) Excessive synthesis of one protein can trigger increased degradation of mRNA’s for other proteins and create severe protein imbalances.

8. The passage suggests that a biologist who detected high levels of two proteins in a certain type of cell would be likely to consider which of the following as a possible explanation?

(A) The rate of mRNA degradation for one of the proteins increases as this type of cell develops a more specialized function.

(B) The two proteins are most likely constituents of a complex substance supporting the cells’ specialized function.

(C) The cells are likely to proliferate abnormally and possibly become cancerous due to the levels of these proteins.

(D) The mRNA’s for both proteins are being degraded at a low rate in that type of cell.

(E) The mRNA’s for the two proteins are being synthesized at identical rates in that type of cell.


protein n. 蛋白质;朊

synthesis n. 综合,合成;综合体

encoding n. 编码

sequence n. 序列;顺序;续发事件

nucleus n. 核,核心;原子核

molecule n. 分子;微小颗粒,微粒

proliferate v. 增殖;扩散;激增

correlate v. 关联

degrade v. 贬低;使…降级;使…降解

accumulate v. 累积;积聚

simultaneously adv. 同时地

constituent adj. 构成的;选举的


1.B  解析主旨题。文章首先对于mRNA的功能进行了介绍,然后叙述了人体对于mRNA的控制机理:开始科学家们认为细胞通过控制各种mRNA的不同速率来控制mRNA的量,但是研究发现提出了不同的假设,最后作者提到现阶段科学家们比较倾向于另一种理论,即:most cells can regulate protein production most efficiently by varying both mRNA synthesis and degradation,所以B项mRNA合成和降解的作用,是本文的主题,故本题选B项。

2.A  解析推断题。第二段第一句中提到的科学家认为:细胞合成各种mRNA的不同速率影响了mRNA量的多少以及相应蛋白质的数量,他们没有认识到降解对于蛋白质浓度的影响,故A项是正确的。

3.C  解析第二段叙述了科学家们不同于原来的一种假设,即:大部分mRNA的浓度并不是和其合成速度,而是和降解其细胞质中mRNA的速度关系最密切,第三段以血红蛋白为例,对这一观点进行了证明,故C项是正确的。

4.A  解析最后一段中,作者提到了红细胞中血红蛋白的浓度,之后作者总结提到:红细胞中血红蛋白的浓度是mRNA的合成和降解同时变化的效果,故A项是正确的。

5.A  解析文章最后一句提到:蛋白质的量决定于其mRNA的合成和降解速率,所以如果要控制一种由蛋白质不足而引起的疾病,那么则要增加蛋白质的量,所以应该减少蛋白质中mRNA的降解速度,故A项是正确的。

6.E  解析推断题。文章最后一句提到:mRNA的合成与降解同时起着重要作用,所以可知E项是正确的。

7.B  解析细节题。第一段最后一句提到:某种蛋白质过多将导致细胞异常增殖以致产生癌变;缺乏蛋白质胰岛素会产生糖尿病,所以可知B项是正确的。

8.D  解析文章第二段最后一句话中提到:如果一细胞慢速降解分别快速和慢速合成的mRNA,两种mRNA都会积累为一很高的浓度,所以可以推测如果一细胞中两种蛋白质的含量都很高,那么两种蛋白质的mRNA的降解过程速率低,故本题应选D项。

◆Passage 2            文章结构:观点对比型

Until recently most astronomers believed that the space between the galaxies in our universe was a near perfect vacuum. This orthodox view of the universe is now being challenged by astronomers who believe that a heavy “rain” of gas is falling into many galaxies from the supposedly empty space around them. The gas apparently condenses into a collection of small stars, each a little larger than the planet Jupiter. These stars vastly outnumber the other stars in a given galaxy. The amount of “intergalactic rainfall” into some of these galaxies has been enough to double their mass in the time since they formed. Scientists have begun to suspect that this intergalactic gas is probably a mixture of gases left over from the “big bang” when the galaxies were formed and gas was forced out of galaxies by supernova explosions.

It is well known that when gas is cooled at a constant pressure its volume decreases. Thus, the physicist Fabian reasoned that as intergalactic gas cools, the cooler gas shrinks inward toward the center of the galaxy. Meanwhile its place is taken by hotter intergalactic gas from farther out on the edge of the galaxy, which cools as it is compressed and flows into the galaxy. The net result is a continuous flow of gas, starting as hot gases in inter galactic space and ending as a drizzle of cool gas called a “cooling flow,” falling into the central galaxy.

A fairly heretical idea in the 1970’s, the cooling-flow theory gained support when Fabian observed a cluster of galaxies in the constellation Perseus and found the central galaxy, NGC 1275, to be a strange-looking object with irregular, thin strands of gas radiating from it. According to previous speculation, these strands were gases that had been blown out by an explosion in the galaxy. Fabian, however, disagreed. Because the strands of gas radiating from NGC 1275 are visible in optical photographs, Fabian suggested that such strands consisted not of gas blown out of the galaxy but of cooling flows of gas streaming inward. He noted that the wavelengths of the radiation emitted by a gas would changes as the gas cooled, so that as the gas flowed into the galaxy and became cooler, it would emit not x-rays, but visible light, like that which was captured in the photographs. Fabian’s hypothesis was supported by Canizares’ determination in 1982 that most of the gas in the Perseus cluster was at a temperature of 80 million degrees Kelvin, whereas the gas immediately surrounding NGC 1275 (the subject of the photographs) was at one-tenth this temperature.

Questions 1-7 refer to the passage above.

1.The primary purpose of the passage is to  

(A) illustrate a hypothesis about the origin of galaxies.

(B) provide evidence to dispute an accepted theory about the evolution of galaxies.

(C) summarize the state of and prospects for research in intergalactic astronomy.

(D) report new data on the origins of intergalactic gas.

(E) reconcile opposing views on the formation of intergalactic gas.

2. The author uses the phrase “orthodox view of the universe” (sentence 2) to refer to the belief that

(A) the space between the galaxies is devoid of matter.

(B) the space between galaxies is occupied by stars that cannot be detected by optical photographs.

(C) galaxies have decreased in mass by half since their formation.

(D) galaxies contain stars, each the size of Jupiter, which form clusters.

(E) galaxies are being penetrated by gas forced out of other galaxies by supernova explosions.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that, if Fabian is correct, gas in the peripheral regions of a galaxy cluster

(A) streams outward into intergalactic space.

(B) is hotter than gas in the central regions of the galaxy.

(C) is composed primarily of gas left over from the big bang.

(D) results in the creation of unusually large stars.

(E) expands to increase the size of the galaxy.

4. The author of the passage probably mentions Canizares’ determination in order to

(A) clarify an ambiguity in Fabian’s research findings.

(B) illustrate a generalization about the temperature of gas in a galaxy cluster.

(C) introduce a new argument in support of the orthodox view of galaxies.

(D) provide support for Fabian’ s assertions about the Perseus galaxies.

(E) provide an alternate point of view concerning the movement of gas within a galaxy cluster.D

5. According to the passage, Fabian believes that gas flowing into a central galaxy has which of the following characteristics?

(A) It is one-tenth hotter than it was in the outer regions of the galaxy cluster.

(B) It emits radiation with wavelengths that change as the gas moves toward the center of the galaxy.

(C) The total amount of radiation emitted diminishes as the gas cools.

(D) It loses 90 percent of its energy as it moves to the center of the galaxy.

(E) It condenses at a rate much slower than the rate of decrease in temperature as the gas flows inward.

6. According to the passage, Fabian’s theory makes use of which of the following principles?

(A) Gas emanating from an explosion will be hotter the more distant it is from the origin.

(B) The wavelength of radiation emitted by a gas as it cools remains constant.

(C) If pressure remains constant, the volume of a gas will decrease as it is cooled.

(D) The volume of a gas will increase as the pressure increases.

(E) As gas cools, its density decreases.

7. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of Fabian’s theory?

(A) It did not receive approval until Canizares’ work was published.

(B) It was not widely accepted in the 1970’s.

(C) It did not receive support initially because technology was not available to confirm its tenets.

(D) It supports earlier speculation that intergalactic gas was largely the result of explosions outside the galaxy.

(E) It was widely challenged until x-ray evidence of gas temperatures in NGC 1275 had been presented.


galaxy n. 银河;星系;银河系

vacuum n. 真空;空间;真空吸尘器

orthodox adj. 正统的;传统的;惯常的outnumber v. 数目超过;比…多

intergalactic adj. 星系间的;银河间的

drizzle n. 细雨,毛毛雨

heretical adj. 异端的;异教的

cluster n. 群;簇;丛

constellation n. 星座;星群

hypothesis n. 假设


1.B  解析主旨题。文章开始处叙述了星系演变的传统观点,之后对另一种观点进行了介绍。所以可知B项是正确的。

2.A  解析细节题。由第一段第二句“this”一词可知,“正统观点”指文章首句的内容:that the space between the galaxies in our universe was a near perfect vacuum,所以应选A项。

3.B  解析推断题。由第二段最后一句可知,如果Fabian的观点是正确的,那么最终结果是形成了气体流,由星系间热气体开始,以被称作“冷流”的冷气体向星系中心流动结束,所以我们可以推断星系中心的气体的温度要低于星系周围区域的气体,故B项正确。

4.D  解析文章最后一句提到:Fabian的假设在1982年被Canizare的测定所证实,所以可知作者提到Canizare的实验是为了支持Fabian的观点,故D项是正确的。

5.B  解析细节题。第三段第七行中,作者提到:(Fabian) noted that the wavelengths of the radiation emitted by a gas would changes as the gas cooled,故B项是正确的。A项中提到的是Canizare的观测结果,不能任意推广,故不正确。

6.C  解析第二段首句“It is well known that when gas is cooled at a constant pressure its volume decreases”即为Fabian的理论前提,他的假设都是以这一原理为基础推导的,故本题选C项。

7.B  解析细节题。第三段首句提到:A fairly heretical idea in the 1970’s, the cooling-flow theory gained support when…,所以可知Fabian的理论在70年代时并未被广泛接受,故本题应选B项。

◆Passage 3            文章结构:现象解释型

Homeostasis, an animal’s maintenance of certain internal variables within an acceptable range, particularly in extreme physical environments, has long interested biologists. The desert rat and the camel in the most water-deprived environments, and marine vertebrates in an all-water environment, encounter the same regulatory problem: maintaining adequate internal fluid balance. 

For desert rats and camels, the problem is conservation of water in an environment where standing water is nonexistent, temperature is





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